Installed Base Blog
Installed Base Blog
Installed Base Blog
Create a Sales Order for a non-serialized item with quantity more than 1-> Ship it -> Multiple IB
records created
The System Profile 'CSI: Auto-split Instances During Instantiation' is used to auto split
instances with multiple quantity to 1 per instance at time of instance creation.
Check using query:
SELECT segment1, organization_id, comms_nl_trackable_flag
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment1 = '&your_item_number';
2. Validate Shipment
Does your Order Management shipment go through the inventory interface for a shippable item?
Although your order line is closed, the inventory interface (kicked off from ship confirm trip stop
interface) may not complete. Only after the inventory interface
is completed will the transaction be sent to the Installed Base interface.
Check from form
INVENTORY -> Transactions -> Material Transactions
Pick up your shipping organization
Query by Source = Sales Order, Source Id = Sales Order Number
You will see your Order Issue transaction here if your inventory interface is completed.
Write down transaction_id for use in upcoming steps.
Check using query:
SELECT transaction_id
FROM mtl_material_transactions
WHERE trx_source_line_id = &order_line_id
AND transaction_type_id = 33;
If you don't see your transaction, please check why the transaction is pending in the inventory
interface process.
Check from form:
INVENTORY (R) > Transactions >Transaction Open Interface
INVENTORY (R) >Transactions > Pending Transactions
Check using query:
SELECT process_flag, error_code, error_explanation
FROM mtl_transactions_interface
WHERE trx_source_line_id = &order_line_id
AND transaction_type_id = 33;
x_return_status =>l_return_status);
4. Check SFM
Is the SFM Event Manager Queue Service up and running?
If your message is published to SFM and your SFM Event Manager Queue Service is up and
running, the transaction will go to Install Base unless the message failed
when being processed.
Check from form to make sure SFM is running
SFM System Administrator(R) > Administration > Queue Console > Services
You should see your SFM Event Manager Queue Service has 1 in both Actual and Target. If not,
your SFM is not up and running.
Check using query to make sure message is not failed
SELECT msg_code, msg_status, msg_creation_date, body_text
FROM xnp_msgs
WHERE dbms_lob.instr(body_text, 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ID') <> 0
AND dbms_lob.instr(body_text, '&transaction_id') <> 0
(&transaction_id is the one you get from step 2)
5. Transaction in SFM
Did the transaction go through SFM sucessfully?
If your SFM is up and running, but the transaction has failed in SFM.
Query results returned from step 4 will have a msg_status = 'FAILED' or 'REJECT'.
To reprocess an individual erred message, go to your Notification Inbox:
Use SFM System Administrator Responsibility:
Nav: Operations -> Notifications
- Click on 'View Details'
- Review and resolve the error
- Click on 'Respond'
- Select Action 'Retry Messages'
- Click OK
The message should now disappear from your Notification Inbox and will have a status of
'READY'. These messages will be re-queued to be processed by the SFM Event Manager Queue
To reprocess all failed messages, you can run the concurrent program
Use SFM System Administrator Responsibility:
Nav: Concurrent -> Run Requests > XDP Resubmit Failed Messages
If the message still fails after resubmition, report to Oracle Support with the detailed error
message in body_text column from step 4 query
6. Transaction error in Installed Base Interface
If the transaction goes through SFM without a problem, and you still do not
see the Item Instance updated in Install Base, check if the transaction erred in
the Transactions Error Processing form.
Check from form:
Oracle Installed Base Admin(R) > Transaction errors Re-processing
Check using query:
SELECT processed_flag, error_text
FROM csi_txn_errors
WHERE inv_material_transaction_id = &transaction_id
(&transaction_id is the one you get from step 2)
7. Check Invalid CSI objects
If you have any errors in step 6 and 7, check if you have any invalid 'CSI' objects.
If yes, recompile them and resubmit the error transaction.
Mark error transactions to be processed by setting Process Flag and Submit the program,
Resubmit Interface Process concurrent program with 'Selected' as parameter.
This error occurs usually after applying any CSI related patch that affects CSI forms.
Below solutions shows the process to resubmit such error transactions.
1. Recompile any invalid objects
select object_name, object_type
from all_objects
where status = 'INVALID'
and object_name like 'CSI%'
and owner = 'APPS';
Restart SFM
3. Using the Transactions Error Processing form in the Install Base Administrator
responsibility, check Process Flag against the transactions that need to be resubmitted.
Remember the transaction_id of these transactions.
Submit the Resubmit Interface Process concurrent program with Selected as parameter.
This would ensure it runs only for the transactions that have the process flag checked.
5. Re-query the transactions using the transaction_ids captured earlier.
Query in attached file can be used to identify which of the flags are not set as expected during
Below are the source location to correct setup where ever required.
cs_transaction_types_vl cttv:
Field Service Dispatcher -> Service Request -> Setup -> Charges -> Service Activities and
Billing Types
cs_txn_billing_types ctbt:
Field Service Dispatcher -> Service Request -> Setup -> Charges -> Service Activities and
Billing Types
cs_bus_process_txns cbpt:
Field Service Dispatcher -> Service Request -> Setup -> Charges -> Service Business Process
cs_business_processes cbp:
Field Service Dispatcher -> Service Request -> Setup -> Charges -> Service Business Process
csi_txn_sub_types ctst:
Oracle Install Base Admin -> Setups -> Transaction Types
csi_txn_types ctt:
Oracle Install Base Admin -> Setups -> Source Transaction Types
Oracle Install Base Admin -> Setups -> Instance Statuses
number. The combo of number/modifier has to be unique, so if you use the combo you know you
get 1 contract.
SELECT kl.line_number, ks.NAME, i.segment1
FROM okc_k_headers_b kh,
okc_k_lines_b kl,
okc_k_items ki,
okc_line_styles_v ks,
csi_item_instances c,
mtl_system_items_b i
WHERE kh.contract_number_modifier IS NULL
AND kh.ID = kl.dnz_chr_id
AND kh.ID = ki.dnz_chr_id
AND kl.ID = ki.cle_id
AND kl.lse_id = ks.ID
AND ki.jtot_object1_code IN ('OKX_CUSTPROD')
AND c.last_vld_organization_id = i.organization_id
AND TO_NUMBER(ki.object1_id1) = c.instance_id
AND c.inventory_item_id = i.inventory_item_id
Is it possible to default the Bill To and Ship To addresses from Installed Base record instead of
from Customer?
Answer is Yes
In 11i the application does not allow users to default Bill To and Ship To addresses from Installed
Also, for addresses belonging to Related Parties, the Relationship between Parties have to
established in the Contact Center > Relationships tab first.
The ability to default the Bill To and Ship To address from Installed Base has been added in
12.1.2 (Enhancement Request (ER) BUG:5585944 CSXSRISR BILL TO AND SHIP TO
Additional code has been added to handle that functionality and there is also a new profile called
'Service: Default Bill To and Ship To Address Options' with the following options:
- Default from Customer
- Default from Installed Base
Complete Install Parameters setup as per Oracle Installed Base Implementation Guide and
If the HZ_PARTIES table contains multiple records with the same party name each will have a
unique party number so the 1 to 1 relationship is from party number and not party name. The
user must uniquely identify the party so the party number MUST be supplied as well as the party
name - the error will then not occur.
The error can be worked around by ensuring that the csi_i_party_interface table is
populated with party_name AND party_number and not just party_name