Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Adjustment Policies: I. Chapter Outline
Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Adjustment Policies: I. Chapter Outline
Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Adjustment Policies: I. Chapter Outline
Open-Economy Macroeconomics:
Adjustment Policies
Since Keynes published The General Theory in 1936, it has been widely accepted that the
two fundamental propositions of a full employment policy are a) that incomes and
employment depend on the level of spending; and b) that there is no automatic mechanism to
keep spending near its full employment level, without conscious action by economic and
financial authorities. But the balance of payments equally depends on the level of spending.
Must it be only a happy chance if the 'internal balance' and 'external balance' levels of
spending coincide?
T.W. Swan, "Longer Run Problems of the Balance of Payments",
AEA Readings in International Economics, Irwin, 1968.
I. Chapter Outline
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Internal and External Balance with Expenditure-Changing and
Expenditure- Switching Policies
18.3 Equilibrium in the Goods Market, in the Money Market, and in the
Balance of Payments
18.4 Fiscal and Monetary Policies for Internal and External Balance with
Fixed Exchange Rates
18.4a Fiscal and Monetary Policies from External Balance and
18.4b Fiscal and Monetary Policies from External Deficit and Unemployment
18.4c Fiscal and Monetary Policies with Elastic Capital Flows
18.4d Fiscal and Monetary Policies with Perfect Capital Mobility
18.5 The IS-LM-BP Model with Flexible Exchange Rates
18.5a The IS-LM-BP Model with Flexible Exchange Rates and Imperfect
Capital Mobility
18.5b IS-LM-BP Model with Flexible Exchange Rates and Perfect Capital
18.6 Policy Mix and Price Changes
18.6a Policy Mix and Internal and External Balance
18.6b Evaluation of the Policy Mix with Price Changes
18.6c Policy Mix in the Real World
Figure 18.1
Region II
Region I
Region III
Region IV
The EE line in Fig. 18.1 represents external balance. To see why it is upward
sloping, start at point F, which is assumed to be a point of external balance, and
imagine an increase in expenditures to point G. An increase in expenditures will
increase income and through the marginal propensity to import, will also increase
imports, producing a balance-of-payments deficit at point G. (We are still assuming
that the balance of payments is made up of only exports and imports.) In order to
eliminate the deficit and restore external balance, R will have to increase from point
G to point H (a depreciation of the dollar) in order to increase exports and reduce
imports. Thus, for external balance to be maintained, an increase in domestic
expenditures must be matched by a devaluation of the dollar. Note that any point to
the right of EE indicates an external deficit, and any point to the left indicates an
external surplus.
The line YY indicates internal balance, or full employment with no inflation.
For simplicity, it is assumed that inflation only occurs if output is above full
employment. If point J is one point of full employment, then a decrease in R to point
K will, by increasing imports and decreasing exports (switching demand towards
foreign goods), cause unemployment. In order to restore full employment, domestic
expenditures must be increased from point K to point L. Note that any point to the
left of YY indicates unemployment and any point to the right of YY indicates
Any point in Fig. 18.1 not on the EE and YY lines can be classified as a point
that produces inflation or unemployment, and surplus or deficit. The four possible
regions in Fig. 18.1 are labeled regions I, II, III and IV. Region I, for example, is
above the EE line and below the YY line so all points in Region I will produce
unemployment and a surplus.
There is only one point, point F, in Fig.18.1 where there is both internal and
external balance. Any other point will require an expenditure-changing and/or an
expenditureswitching policy to achieve simultaneous internal and external balance.
Consider point C. Point C is on the EE line, but below the YY line, so there is
external balance, but unemployment. In order to achieve point F, note that both
types of policies are necessary. If just fiscal policy is used to increase expenditure to
lower unemployment, then the increased income will cause more imports, producing
an external deficit. The expenditureincreasing policy must be accompanied by a
devaluation of the domestic currency (an increase in R) in order to achieve internal
and external balance.
Similarly, point H produces internal balance, but an external deficit. If the
external deficit is addressed with a devaluation, then the resulting increase in
expenditures on domestic goods will produce inflation. The devaluation must be
accompanied by a reduction in domestic expenditures; fiscal and or monetary policy
must be contractionary.
An interesting case is one like point H'. This case is interesting because
intuition suggests that unemployment be addressed by domestic expansion, but
that's not what the Swan Diagram suggests. At H' there is a deficit and
unemployment. Notice that the size of the devaluation necessary to produce
external balance increases domestic spending by enough to be inflationary.
Domestic expenditures must be lowered in order to achieve internal-external
The Swan Diagram helps us understand how devaluation and expenditurechanging and switching policies can be used to achieve internal-external balance. If
policy makers, however, are reluctant to change the exchange rate, either because
they have committed to a fixed exchange rate system, or they fear the costs of
changing the exchange rate, then the above analysis suggests that both internal
and external balance may be impossible to achieve.
The Mundell-Fleming model, however, addresses how both internal
balance and external balance can be achieved with just expenditure-switching
policies. The conclusions of the Mundell-Fleming model can be developed using ISLM-BP analysis. It will be assumed that the student is reasonably familiar with IS-LM
analysis, so only the BP line of the analysis will be summarized. See Salvatore,
including the Appendices to Chapter 18, for a review of the IS curve, the LM curve
and the BP curve.
In the Mundell-Fleming model, external balance is determined not only by
imports and exports, but also by capital flows. The BP line shows the combinations
of income (Y) and the interest rate (i) for which there is external balance. Suppose
an economy is in internal balance at point A in Fig. 18.2. If Y increases, moving
horizontally to the right of point A, then there will be an external deficit due to the
increase in imports that will accompany the increase in Y. In order to restore
external balance at this higher level of income, the interest rate will have to increase
in order to attract enough financial capital to make up for the increased imports.
Thus, although there are indeed more outflows associated with the higher imports at
point D than at point A, there are more financial inflows. Points below and to the
right of the BP line entail higher Y, and so higher imports, or a lower interest rate, so
points below the BP line will produce an external deficit. Points above the line will
produce an external surplus.
Although the intent of the Mundell-Fleming model is to determine how
simultaneous internal and external balance can be achieved with fixed exchange
rates, it can incorporate the effects of devaluation (or depreciation). If there is a
depreciation of the domestic currency, then what was formerly external balance will
now be a surplus. External balance could now be achieved with higher income or
lower interest rates. That is, devaluation (or depreciation) will cause the BP line to
shift down, as shown in Fig. 18.2.
Figure 18.2
external surplus
external deficit
infinitesimally small increases in the interest rate are all that is necessary to attract
the requisite amount of financial capital, and the BP curve will be flat. From another
perspective, a flat BP curve means that countries cannot charge an interest rate
different than the rest of the world because it will set off financial flows that will
equate it to the rest of the world. Equality of interest rates throughout the world is
the law of one price applied to interest rates. If interest rates are higher in the United
Kingdom than in the United States, then funds will flow to the United Kingdom,
lowering the interest rate until it equals the U.S. interest rate.
Figure 18.3
Now take the same initial situation as in Fig. 18.3, but assume a very flat BP
curve. This is shown in Fig. 18.4. In order to reach full employment and external
balance, the IS, LM, and BP curves have to intersect at point G, which requires both
expansionary fiscal policy (shifting the IS curve to the right) and expansionary
monetary policy (shifting the LM curve to the right.)
Figure 18.4
If there is perfect capital mobility, then we get the interesting result that in a
fixed exchange rate system, monetary policy, by itself, becomes completely
ineffective. The case of perfect capital mobility is shown in Fig. 18.5. Equilibrium is
assumed to be initially at point J, at which there is external balance but
Figure 18.5
With floating exchange rates and perfect capital mobility, the role of fiscal
and monetary policy reverses. In a floating exchange rate system, fiscal policy
becomes ineffective and monetary policy becomes effective. If we start, as above,
with external balance and unemployment, then expansionary fiscal policy will shift
the IS curve to the right so that the IS and LM curves intersect above the flat BP
line. (Draw this.) The equilibrium interest rate is now above the flat BP line, causing
financial inflows, which will cause an appreciation of the exchange rate. An
appreciated exchange rate will cause exports to decrease and imports to increase,
which are reductions in spending on domestic goods. This decreased spending
shifts the IS curve back until the interest rate reaches the flat BP line, which is at the
original equilibrium. Essentially, increased government spending (or lower taxes)
causes decreased exports and increased imports by the same total amount, leaving
total spending unchanged.
Monetary policy, though, is effective with floating exchange rates. An
increase in the money supply shifts the LM curve to the right, producing an
intersection with the IS curve at an interest rate below the flat BP line. The low
interest rate produces capital outflows and a depreciation of the domestic currency.
The currency depreciation increases exports and decreases imports, shifting the IS
curve to the right until it intersects the LM curve on the flat BP line, which is at a
higher level of output. An increased money supply works not by the usual
mechanism of lowering interest rates, but by changing the currency value, which
stimulates exports and discourages imports.
There is an interesting analysis that suggests that monetary policy should be
directed towards external balance problems and that fiscal policy should be directed
towards internal balance problems. This is Mundell's principle of effective market
classification, in which a policy should be directed at that target on which it has the
most effect. The key to understanding why monetary policy should be used for
external balance problems is recognizing that monetary policy will have a greater
effect on the external balance than will fiscal policy.
The Salvatore text presents Mundells principle of effective market
classification graphically; it will be summarized here intuitively. If fiscal policy is
expansionary, then it will increase domestic income and imports, causing an
external deficit. If, on the other hand, monetary policy is expansionary, increasing
domestic income by the same amount as in the expansionary fiscal case, then
imports will also increase. But expansionary monetary policy works by reducing
interest rates, so in addition to increasing imports, there will be capital outflows.
Thus, expansionary monetary policy will cause a greater external deficit than an
equivalent fiscal policy, as measured by the effect on income. Similarly,
contractionary monetary policy will cause a greater external surplus than will fiscal
policy. If policy is directed towards that goal (internal balance versus external
balance) on which it has the larger effect, then monetary policy should be used for
external balance problems, leaving fiscal policy to be used for internal balance
There are a number of problems with this analysis, including the assumption
that fiscal policy has little effect on interest rates (or that monetary policy is always
used to offset the effect of fiscal policy on interest rates), as well as the fact that
nations often have more than two objectives. Additional objectives include price
stability and adequate long-run growth, so fiscal and monetary policy would have to
be supplemented by other policies such as exchange rate changes and direct
controls, the latter being summarized in the Salvatore text.
III. Questions
1. a) Suppose that a nation has an external surplus and inflation. Is it necessarily
the case that expenditures should be reduced, along with the appropriate
expenditure-switching policy, in order to reach internal and external balance? Along
with your explanation, demonstrate your answer with the Swan Diagram. (Assume
throughout this question that the Marshall-Lerner condition is met.)
b) Suppose a nation has a deficit and inflation. Is it necessarily the case that
expenditures should be reduced, along with the appropriate expenditure-switching
policy, in order to reach internal and external balance? Along with your explanation,
demonstrate your answer with the Swan Diagram.
c) Is it possible to for a nation to eliminate a deficit and inflation with just an
expenditure-switching policy? Along with your explanation, demonstrate your
answer with the Swan Diagram.
2. Suppose that the Marshall-Lerner condition is not met, i.e., a deprecation (or
devaluation) of a currency actually causes a larger deficit. Draw the EE and YY
schedules of the Swan Diagram.
3. Assuming perfect capital mobility and fixed exchange rates, use IS-LM-BP
analysis to determine the effect of the following changes on a nation's
i) interest rate
ii) domestic income
iii) trade balance (the trade balance is only part of external balance when
there are capital flows)
a) An increase in foreign incomes, leading to greater imports by foreigners
b) An increase in a nation's budget deficit
c) The central bank conducts open market purchases designed to increase the
money supply
4. Assuming perfect capital mobility and a floating exchange rate, use IS-LM-BP
analysis to determine the effect of each of the following (a-c) on a nation's
i) Interest rate
ii) Domestic income
iii) Trade balance
iv) Exchange rate
a) An increase in foreign incomes, leading to greater imports by foreigners
b) An increase in a nation's budget deficit
c) The central bank conducts open market purchases designed to increase the
money supply
b) What policy should the small nation pursue to restore full employment?
9. a) Using the IB-EB lines developed in the Salvatore text (but not in the above
Summary and Review), explain why the IB line is steeper than the EB line. Here's a
way to proceed: Begin at the intersection of IB and EB and then increase
government spending. Now, will interest rates have to be increased more or less to
reach internal balance versus external balance? Whichever balance requires the
greater increase in interest rates has the steeper line.
b) What do the IB-EB lines look like if international flows of capital are not
responsive to interest rate changes?
c) Assume external surplus and inflation. Using the IB-EB model, show and explain
what would happen if policy makers begin by decreasing the money supply,
followed by increasing government spending.
10. Explain how IS-LM-BP analysis differs from that used in effective market
classification? (Hint: Consider how fiscal policy is treated in the two models.)