Causes Rothman

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American Journal of Epidemiology

Copyright 1995 by The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
AH rights reserved

Vol. 141, No. 2

Printed In U.S-A.



Journal of Epidemiology
1976 by The Juhru Hnpkiiu Univtnity School of Hym'ene and Public Health

VOL. 104


NO. 6

Reviews and Commentary


The conceptual framework for causes

presented here is intended neither as a
review nor an expansion of knowledge, but
rather as a viewpoint which bridges the gap
between metaphysical notions of cause and
basic epidemiologic parameters. The focus,
then, is neither metaphysics nor epidemiology, but the gulf between them. In the
same spirit as recent discussion on these
pages about definitions of basic epidemiologic terms such as rate (1), common
agreement on the conceptual interrelationship of causes may facilitate communication about causes of illness.
A strong motivation for presenting this
scheme is the often-heard confusion of two
important but distinct epidemiologic
issues: confounding and effect modification. These two properties of variables
have different areas of relevance (2). The
confounding property is not an intrinsic
characteristic of any variable. Confounding,
defined as distortion in an effect measure
introduced by an extraneous variate, occurs only in the context of a particular
study, und the same variable which confounds in one study may not confound the
same association in another study setting.
Department or Epidemiology, Harvard School of
Public Health. 677 Huntington Avenue. Boston, MA

In fact, the principles of good study design

may call for preventing a potentially confounding variable from being confounding
for example, by matching in the selection
of subjects. On the other hand, effect modification, defined as differing values of the
effect measure at different levels of another
variate, is an inherent characteristic of the
relationship between two causes of an
illness (effect). This relationship is not
governed by the particulars of any study; it
is an unalterable fact of nature. To be sure,
the magnitude of effect modification depends on the scale of measurement of the
effectfor example, a risk ratio which is
constant over age generally implies a risk
difference which changes with age. But it
has been proposed that the risk difference
scale is the appropriate scale for assessing
effect modification, other scales representing metameters of the risk difference which
distort to varying degrees the assessment of
effect modification (3). Effect modifiers
may or may nut be confounders in a given
study, or they may confound in some
studies but not in others. Conversely, confounders may or may not be effect modifiers. The following discussion presents a
scheme for the interrelationship of causes
which may provide a useful way for thinking about effect modification as a description of nature.



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A cause is an act or event or a state of

nature which initiates or permits, alone or
in conjunction with other causes, a
sequence of events resulting in an effect. A
cause which inevitably produces the effect
is sufficient. The inevitability of disease
after a sufficient cause calls for qualification: disease usually requires time to
become manifest, and during this gestation, while disease may no longer be preventable, it might be fortuitously cured, or
death might intervene.
Common usage makes no distinction between that constellation of phenomena
which constitutes a sufficient cause and the
components of the constellation which are
likewise referred to as "causes". Another
qualification for sufficient causes is restriction to the minimum number of required
component causes; this implies that the
lack of any component cause renders the
remaining component causes insufficient.
Thus, measles virus is referred to as the
cause of measles, whereas a sufficient
cause for contracting measles involves
lack of immunity to measles virus and
possibly other factors in addition to exposure to measles virus. The term cause,
then, does not specify whether the reference is to a sufficient cause or to a component of a sufficient cause.
Most causes that are of interest in the
health field are components of sufficient
causes, but are not sufficient in themselves. Drinking contaminated water is not
sufficient to produce cholera, and smoking
is not sufficient to produce lung cancer, but
both of these are components of sufficient
causes. Identification of all the components of a given sufficient cause is unnecessary for prevention, in that blocking the
causal role of but one component of a
sufficient cause renders the joint action of
the other components insufficient, and prevents the effect. Even without being able to
identify the other components of the sufficient cause for lung cancer, of which smoking is ont component, it is possible to

Am J Epidemiol

Vol. 141, No. 2, 1995

prevent those cases of lung cancer which

would result from that sufficient cause by
removing smoking from the constellation of
A specific effect may result from a variety of different sufficient causes. The different constellations of component causes
which produce the effect may or may not
have common elements. If there exists a
component cause which is a member of
every sufficient cause, such a component is
termed a necessary cause. Necessary
causes are often identifiable as part of the
definition of effect. For example, the possession of a vermiform appendix is necessary for appendicitis, and infection with
the tubercle bacillus is a necessary cause
for tuberculosis. Though sometimes devoid
of useful significance, a necessary cause
can be a useful component cause to identify. Whereas many different component
causes have been identified for several
types of cancer, the hope exists for identification of a final common pathway representing a necessary cause for cancer of all
Figure 1 is a schematic illustration of the
causal components of a disease. The disease (effect) has three sufficient causal
complexes, each having five component
causes. In this scheme "A" is a necessary
cause, since it appears as a member of each
sufficient cause. On the other hand, the
component causes "B", "C" and "F",
which each appear in more than one sufficient cause, are not necessary causes,
because they fail to appear in all three
sufficient causes.

Causal research of disease focuses on

components of sufficient causes, whether
necessary or not. The public health importance of a component cause of disease in a
particular population is determined by the
fraction of the disease (the effect) which
results from the sufficient causes(s) to
which the component cause belongs. The
epidemiologic parameter etiologic fraction



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FIGURE 1. Conceptual scheme for the causes of a hypothetical disease.

(4) (population attributable risk) measures

this dimension of a cause-effect relationship. Each component of a sufficient cause
has, as its etiologic fraction, the fraction of
disease attributable to that sufficient cause
(plus the fraction attributable to any other
sufficient causes which contain the same
component). Consider, for example, the
causes schematically represented in figure
1. If Sufficient Cause I accounts for 50 per
cent of a disease, Sufficient Cause II30 per
cent, and Sufficient Cause III 20 per cent,
the etiologic fractions for each of the component causes are: A, 100 per cent; B, 80
per cent; C, 70 per cent; D, 50 per cent; E,
50 per cent; F, 50 per cent; G, 30 per cent;
H, 30 per cent; I, 20 per cent; and J, 20 per
cent. (The example would have to be
modified slightly if there were individuals
with more than one sufficient cause
because for these people blocking one sufficient cause would not prevent disease.)
This example illustrates that the sum of
etiologic fractions of a set of factors is not
limited above by unity, as is observed with
alcohol and tobacco as etiologic agents for
mouth cancer, each having an etiologic
fraction greater than 50 per cent.

applied to an individual. For an individual,

risk for disease properly defined takes on
only two values: zero and unity. The application of some intermediate value for risk
to an individual is only a means of estimating the individual's risk by the mean risk of
many other presumably similar individuals. The actual risk for an individual is a
matter of whether or not a sufficient cause
has been or will be formed, whereas the
mean risk for a group indicates the proportion of individuals for whom sufficient
causes are formed. An individual's risk can
be viewed as a probability statement about
the likelihood of a sufficient cause for
disease existing within the appropriate
time frame.

The model proposed also illustrates how

characterization of risk factors as "strong"
or "weak" has no universal basis. A component cause which requires, to complete the
sufficient cause, other components with
low prevalence is thereby a "weak" (component) cause. The presence of such a
component cause modifies the probability
of the outcome only slightly, from zero- to
an average value just slightly greater than
zero, reflecting the rarity of the compleThe notion of a risk as a continuous mentary component causes. On the other
measure obscures the concept of risk as hand, a component cause which requires,

Am J Epidemiol

Vol. 141, No. 2, 1995

Historical Paper



to complete the sufficient cause, other

components which are nearly ubiquitous is
a "strong" (component) cause. Inepidemiologic terms, a weak cause confers only a
small increment in disease risk, whereas a
strong cause will increase disease risk substantially.
Thus the strength of a causal risk factor
depends on the prevalence of the complementary component causes in the same
sufficient cause. But this prevalence is
often a matter of custom, circumstance or
chance, and is not a scientifically generalizable characteristic. Consider the following simplified example (5): in a society
where most people eat high phenylalanine
diets, inheritance of the (rare) gene for
PKU would appear to be a "strong" risk
factor for phenylketonuric mental retardation, and phenylalanine in the diet would
appear to be a weak risk factor. In another
society, however, in which the gene for
PKU is very common and few people eat
high phenylalanine diets, inheritance of the
gene would be a weak risk factor and phenylalanine in the diet would be a strong risk
factor. Thus, the strength of a causal risk
factor, as it might be measured by the
"risk ratio" (relative risk) parameter, is
dependent on the distribution in the population of-the other causal factors in the
same sufficient cause. The term strength
of a causal risk factor retains some meaning
as a description of the public health importance of a factor. However, the common
epidemiologic parlance about strength oi
causal risk factors is devoid of meaning in
the biologic description of disease etiology.

Synergy, also termed effect modification

or positive interaction, may be defined as
the relationship between factors which exhibit a joint effect that exceeds the sum of
the separate effects, with the effects measured on an appropriate scale (3,6). Synergy implies that two component causes
are member-, of the same sufficient cause.
Neither of two such causal components of a

Am J Epidemiol

Vol. 141, No. 2, 1995

sufficient cause can have any effect (as

part of that sufficient cause) without the
presence of the other causal component.
Two such causes, and, indeed, all the
components of a given sufficient cause, are
mutually synergistic. Thus, inheritance of
the PKU gene and phenylalanine in the diet
are synergistic in producing phenylketonuric mental retardation. If two causes are
components of different sufficient causes
for the same effect, and are not mutual
members of any other sufficient cause for
that effect, they will exhibit no synergy and
are thus considered independent in the
biologic (not statistical) sense. If two components of a sufficient cause have no effect outside that sufficient cause, they will
exhibit complete synergy, in the sense that
no increase in risk can occur from either
factor unless both factors are present. It is
commonly observed that causes seem to
have leas than complete synergy with other
causes, because some increase in the probability for the effect is observed even when
the causes occur in the absence of complementary, synergistic causes. This pattern
results from such causes being members of
more than one sufficient cause. Synergy
results from component causes being mutual members of a sufficient cause, but the
component causes each may also be members of other sufficient causes with different complements, thereby also having
independent effects and making the overall interrelationship of two causes one ol
incomplete synergy. Thus, two factors
may be mutual members of a sufficient
cause, and each may separately be a member of another sufficient cause. Each factor
in the absence of the other has an effect
through one sufficient cause, but together
they have an effect through three sufficient
causes, displaying incomplete synergy.
Necessary causes are at least partially
synergistic with all other causes of the
same effect, inasmuch as a necessary cause
is a member of every sufficient cause.
Figure 1 suggests many synergistic relationships. For example, "D" and "E" are



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completely synergistic with each other and

each is partially synergistic with "A", " B "
and "C". Partial synergy exists between
" B " and "C"their effect is dependent on
their joint presence in one sufficient cause,
but each also has independent effects in
another sufficient cause. The extent to
which two factors are synergistic depends,
like the strength of a causal risk factor, on
the distribution of other factors in a particular population. Consider synergy between
factors " B " and " F " in figure 1. This
synergy results from both factors' presence
in Sufficient Cause II, although " B " exerts
a separate effect in Sufficient Cause I, and
"F" in Sufficient Cause III. In a population
where factor " H " were absent, " B " and
" F " would exert their effects only through
Sufficient Causes I and III, because the
absence of " H " would eliminate any disease from Sufficient Cause II. Thus, " B "
and " F " would be completely independent.
In another population in which factor "C"
were absent, all disease would result from
Sufficient Cause II, and " B " and " F " would
be fully synergistic.

part of causal chains which lead to an

element being included in a sufficient
cause; the joint action of the components of
a sufficient cause could be considered an
effect with its own constellations of sufficient causes. Alternatively, the different
"pies" in figure 1 might be constructed as a
sequence of causal events, with branching
pathways representing those segments of
pies which differ, necessary causes being
common to all pathways, etc. The possibilities for adapting this framework to virtually any complicated causal relationship
reinforce its utility as an intuitive base for
causal thinking.

The model also provides a conceptual

framework for the understanding of latent
period, the time interval between the
action of a (component) cause and the
manifestation of disease. When a component cause "acts" or occurs, the other
components needed to complete a sufficient cause may not be on hand. If the
component cause of interest has a longlasting "effect", as time passes the other
complementary components may add their
An example of incomplete synergy would "effects" and gradually complete the suffibe the mixture of independent and interac- cient cause. At the point in time at which
tive effects that alcohol consumption and the sufficient cause is completed, the dissmoking have on risk of mouth and phar- ease process is set in motion, though usuynx cancer (7). Evidence suggests that ally not yet manifest. The latent period is
either of these factors will increase cancer the interval during which a sufficient cause
risk in the absence of the other, but the accumulates plus the time it takes for the
combined effect of both exceeds the sum of disease to become manifest. Early recognithe individual effects. This would suggest tion could theoretically reduce the latent
at least three different causal complexes, period to coincide with the interval during
one involving alcohol but not smoking, one which the sufficient cause accumulates.
involving smoking but not alcohol, and one
For some diseases, such as rabies, virtuinvolving both. (Some scientists have ally the entire period from internalizing the
argued that alcohol in the absence of smok- viral agent to the occurrence of symptoms
ing has no effect, which leads to a model represents time during which the
with two sufficient causes, one with smok- becomes manifest, because "internalizing"
ing but not alcohol, and another with both the viral agent is effectively a sufficient
smoking and alcohol.)
cause (a qualification would be that interventive treatment during the "incubation"
period might prevent clinical manifestaThe conceptual scheme in figure 1 could tion). On the other hand, the larger part of
be modified u> permit greater complexity. the 10-20-year latent period for the develAntagonistic causes might be included as a opment of vaginal cancer after in utero

Am J Epidemiol

Vol. 141, No. 2, 1995

Historical Paper



exposure to diethylstilbesterol probably

represents accumulation of a sufficient
cause (which might ordinarily be completed at menarcht or during adolescence)
with only a few years for the disease to become manifest after the sufficient cause
is complete. The term incubation period
has often been applied to the period between the accumulation of a sufficient
cause and the time at which disease becomes manifest. Because reversal of disease may be possible during the preclinical development, as in the example of
rabies treatment, or catalysts may act to
shorten the incubation period of diseases
which might otherwise fester in a preclinical state interminably (growth enhancers
for neoplasms are an example), it might be
better to view the latent period as solely
the accumulation of a sufficient cause,
components of which might include developmental catalysts and/or the lack of interventive treatment.
Chronic exposures make it more difficult
to quantify, and, indeed, to conceptualize
latent period; different doses of an exposure accumulated over time may give rise
to different risks. Such situations may be
viewed as reflecting a set of different sufficient causes, each with a different dose of
the exposure as a component cause. Small
doses would presumably require a more
complex set of complementary component
causes to complete the sufficient cause
than large doses. This extension of the
causal model accommodates the description of dose-response relationships, and
provides a basis for the common finding
that for many carcinogens the dose is related directly to risk and inversely to latent

Am J Epidemiol

Vol. 141, No. 2, 1995

This presentation does not treat the

subtle issues which arise in arriving at a
workable definition of disease. Such issues
obviously pertain to a full consideration of
causes, inasmuch as disease definition may
be based on experiential criteria (8), but
these considerations go beyond the scope of
this paper.
It might be argued that the scheme
presented here is superficial because the
occurrence of disease in any individual
involves a collection of component causes
which constitute a sufficient cause that is
unique, by its complexity. Individually
unique sufficient causes, however, would
detract equally from all generalized causal
models. Furthermore, despite individual
distinctions it seems likely that there
would be broad similarities in the components of sufficient causes for different individuals.

1. Elandt-Johnson RC: Definition of rates: Sonic

remarks on their use and misuse. Am J Epidemiol
102:267-271, 1975
2. Miettinen OS: Confounding and effect modification. Am J Epidemiol 100:350-363, 1974
3. Rothman KJ: Synergy and antagonism in causeeffect relationships. Am J Epidemiol 99:385-:i88.
4. Miettinen OS: Proportion of disease caused or
prevented by a given exposure, trait, or intervention. Am J Epidemiol 99:325-332, 1974
5. MacMahon B: Gene-envirnnment interaction in
human disease. J Psychiat Re8 6(supp l):393-40-J.
6. Rothman KJ: Estimation of synergy and antagonism. Am J Epidemiol 103:506-511, 1976
7. Rothman KJ. Keller AZ: The effect of joint exposure to alcohol and tobacco on risk of cancer of the
mouth and pharynx. J. Chronic Dis 25:711-71(>.
8. MacMahon B, Pugh TF. Epidemiology. Principles
and Methods. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1970


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