02/08/2015 St. Michael's

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The Defender

the weekly parish bulletin of the Catholic community of

St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
For even more parish info, visit the parish website at

Phone: (804) 527-1037

4491 Spring!ield Road Glen Allen, Virginia 23060

Our Mission:
To be the presence of Christ...
In Welcoming
In Service
In Worship
In Compassion
In Faith Sharing
In Fellowship
To be the Light of the World!
Sunday Eucharist
Saturday at 5:00 pm,
Sunday at 7:45 am, 9:15 am, 11:15 am & 5:00 pm
Daily Masses:Monday & Thursday at 12:15pm, Wednesday at 8:30am
Holy Days: Consult the bulletin or www.saint-mikes.org.
Saturday at 3:30 4:30 pm or by appointment
Communion to the Sick
Please notify the parish oce when a parishioner is ill.
Arrangements will be made for home or hospital visitation.
Celebrations are held at Sunday liturgies ve weekends a year,
at Baptism ceremonies ve Saturdays a year, and by appointment.
Contact Karen Neme# at the church oce.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Arrangements made with the Pastor or Deacon. Please contact
the parish oce at least six months prior to wedding date.
Anointing of the Sick
Those who are ill, facing surgery or enduring a
chronic illness are invited to contact the oce to make
arrangements to celebrate this sacrament. Communal anointing
services are held through the year (announced in the bulletin).
Those considering a life of service as a priest, deacon
or religious may contact the Diocesan Oce for Vocations
at (804) 359-5661.

Fax (804) 527-1039


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


I just got my report from the diocese on the annual
appeal results for St. Michael. I am proud that, with very
li$le pressure from the pulpit, you have responded to that
appeal and have passed the goal set for us by the diocese
AGAIN!!! We have never failed to reach our goal! Thank you
for that. Together with our brothers and sisters across the
diocese we are making a real dierence in the lives of many
people, many of whom we would not reach acting alone as a
If you have been looking at The Catholic Virginian,
you may be aware that about 40% of the parishes in the
diocese took part in a diocesan capital campaign this year in
place of the appeal. Next year we (and all the remaining
parishes in the diocese) will be taking part in that campaign
instead of the annual appeal. This is a much broader
campaign that seeks, primarily, to establish funds that will
endow activities within our diocese into the future (such as
endowing a fund to provide nancial aid to those wanting
to a$end our catholic schools).
I encourage you to follow the campaign in
The Catholic Virginian. We will certainly be hearing more
about this in the future, but meanwhile I want to thank you
again for your support of the Diocesan Annual Appeal.
Peace and Love,
Fr. Dan

Thank you for bringing in your
bags filled with groceries.
We appreciate your generosity.
If you are an envelope user, please pick up
your boxed set in the Commons this weekend
after all Masses. The parish saved over
$4,000 by NOT sending them in the mail.
We invite parishioners to sign up
for WeShare - we would save even more!


We invite all who worship with us to become
formal members of the St. Michael Village
by registering as parishioners.
Membership has its benets! And it also helps
our ministries and sta plan to meet the needs
of the community. To become a member of the
parish, please a$end an Orientation Meeting to
receive information about our parish community,
ministry opportunities, and registration forms.
Orientation meetings are held twice monthly.
For more information, call the oce, 527-1037.


Tuesday, February 10, 7 PM
Sunday, February 22, after 11:15 AM Mass

Deadline for spoken announcements is
Please submit requests to
admin@saint-mikes.org or 527-1037, ext. 14.


We welcome all St. Michael ministries,
parishioners, and members of the community at
large to submit notices to the parish bulletin via
e-mail to bulletin@saint-mikes.org by
MONDAY at 10 AM.
Priority is given to St. Michael ministries and
parishioners. As always, the parish administration
retains the right to edit or refuse submissions.
As good stewards of our environment and oce
resources, the parish administration works to
reduce the number of printed yers in the
bulletin and reserves the right to redesign info
in yers to t within the allo$ed bulletin space.
Flyers should be e-mailed as Word, Publisher, or
PowerPoint les to bulletin@saint-mikes.org by
MONDAY at 10 AM.
Hard copy yers should NOT be submi$ed.

Church Matters
Communal Anointing
after the 5:00 PM Mass
on Saturday, February 14

Mass Intentions
Sat. Feb. 7, 5:00 pm
Sun. Feb. 8, 7:45 am
Sun. Feb. 8, 9:15 am
Sun. Feb. 8, 11:15 am
Sun. Feb. 8, 5:00 pm

Julie Tran
Ed Ropelewski V
Vinnie Migliore V
Carol Shumate V
. . . For the People

Mon. Feb. 9, 12:15 pm Evelyn Lorraine Healey V

Wed. Feb. 11, 8:30 am Cass Murrary V
Thurs. Feb. 12, 12:15 pm Tony Arduini V
Sat. Feb. 14, 5:00 pm
Sun. Feb. 15, 7:45 am
Sun. Feb. 15, 9:15 am
Sun. Feb. 15, 11:15 am
Sun. Feb. 15, 5:00 pm

Faith Formation

Vally Fernandes V
Eleanor Cox V
Evelyn Esposito V
. . . For the People

Catechist of the Week

Our Core Team Member of the Week is Carl Baab. In his second
year helping with youth ministry, Carl is working with the
EDGE youth this year. He is married with three small children
and a large extended family. Carl works in the banking industry
and lists volunteering with the church and gaming as his
interests outside of work. When asked about his favorite saint,
Carl answered, any of the Thomases, who used their minds.
His favorite musical artist is Tom Pe$y. A favorite vacation
destination for Carl is Myrtle Beach, and a dream destination for
a vacation would be Rome! When asked, what inspires you?
Carl says, I love my wife Jessica. Thank you, Carl, for stepping
out of your busy life to nd time to work in the faith formation
ministry with our youth. God bless you and guide you!

You have almost a week to think about how to celebrate
Valentine's Day. (Luckily, it's before Lent so chocolate is
a possibility.) Better yet, choose one favor a day to
surprise your beloved with.
Your love is a daily act, not just one day a year.

February is Black History Month. No matter what our
skin color, religion, or economic status we need to learn
to get along with people who are different from us.
As a family, learn about a race different from your own
this month.

QUESTION for the upcoming WEEK:

For even more parish information,

visit the parish website at
www.saint-mikes.org by scanning
this QR code.

V - Deceased

The Gospel for next week, February 15, the 6th Sunday in Ordinary
Time, is Mark 1:40-45 (healing of a leper). As you read the Scriptures
this week, you may want to think about the following questions:
Adults: Would you have the courage to tell others to do
as you do in order to be a Christian? Why or why not?
Children: What can you do this week to be an example to others?
From Heritage of Faith, by Jo Rotunno

Initiation Ministries
The Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA) is a ministry for those
who are not baptized or who have
been baptized in another faith
tradition and wish to enter the Catholic Church.
urging you to learn more about the Catholic faith?
Do you nd yourself coming to St. Michael for Mass and
wanting to be more involved in the community?
Do you long for a deeper relationship with God?
For more information,
contact Bill Flaherty at rcia@saint-mikes.org

To have your child baptized at
St. Michael:
the family must be registered
members of the parish
parents must a!end preparation
It is recommended that you contact the Baptism
Coordinator, Karen Neme", early so godparents and
family can plan to a#end. To register for the parish,
please a#end a newcomers orientation meeting on the
second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM or the fourth
Sunday of the month after the 11:15 AM Mass.

VBS date for next summer has been set!

Mark your calendars for July 13-17, 2015.
We have openings on our coordinating team (its
more fun to work on the planning together with For further information,
your friends or soon-to-be friends!) and need lots PLEASE CONTACT Karen Neme! at 527-1037 x 49 or
of adults and teens to make our week a success! karenneme!@hotmail.com
For more info contact,
Upcoming Dates:
Sue Miyashita at suemiyashita@gmail.com or
February 14
Baptism Service - 10am
Tricia Blair at blair913@comcast.net.
April 6
Baptism Class
Theme for next VBS? Everest!
April 18/19
Baptisms during all liturgies

Financial Report
The financial reports are published monthly.
Note the following second collection occurring within the next month:
Li!le Sisters of the Poor
February 15, 2015
Health Wagon - Appalachia
February 22, 2015
Building Fund
March 1, 2015
Catholic Relief Services
March 15, 2015

Introducing Online Giving!

Our parish now
uses an Online Giving system
called WeShare.

Bereavement Support Group Meetings

Spring 2015 Session
DATES: February 24 April 14
8 Consecutive Tuesdays

This will allow you to make your donations without writing a

check each week. You can set up a recurring weekly or monthly
payment, allocate dierent amounts for our dierent collections,
and view complete, accurate nancial records at any time. It saves
all of us time and is a win-win for our parish!
Those who wish to continue to use our traditional methods of
oering, including envelopes and autodraft, may do so. However,
we ask that you prayerfully consider Online Giving. If you would
like to enroll, please visit h"ps:/saintmikes.weshareonline.org.
If you have any questions about the program or about se!ing up
your account, don't hesitate to call our parish oce (804-527-1037).

TIMES: Morning Session:

Evening Session:

Building Opening/Closing.
If you live close to St. Michael, this might be
the ministry for you! Additional people are
needed to open the church in the morning
and lock it up at night. This requires a
commitment of one or two mornings or
evenings every two weeks. If you are
interested, please contact Mark Gill, the
coordinator of this ministry.
His email is mojogill@msn.com.

Hi, my name is Alex Phillips,

and I am working on my
Girl Scout Silver Award.
I am collecting books for
Elementary School.

10:00 AM 11:30 AM
6:30 PM 8:00 PM

Facilitator: Pat Baskind, LSCW,

Bereavement Coordinator
Registration is required.
Join now:
Pat Baskind, 304-0169 or pabaskind@gmail.com
Deacon Dave Nemetz, 527-1037 ext. 19 or

Haiti Corner
Sponsors now have the opportunity to send a
letter to their Haitian child. You can deposit
your letter in the box in the Commons area labeled "Letters to
Haiti." As usual, the mail should be no larger than a business
letter and may only contain small enclosures. Family pictures or
pictures colored by children are some suggestions that work well,
but you can choose anything that means something to you.
Please include your name and the Haitian child's name on the
outside of the envelope.
The website www.translate.google.com is a user-friendly site
that will translate the document from English to French at the
touch of a button. The letters will be taken by the group leaving
in February. Final date for dropping off mail is February 18th
(Ash Wednesday).
We thank you all for your generous support of this program that
has such an impact on the children of Dos Palais.

Come HOME!
Weve Missed You!!

The children there often don't

have their own books. I am
lucky to have my own books,
so I want them to have the
chance to experience the joy of reading their own books, too.
I believe books can take a child to a be!er place even if their
situation isn't so great.
I would appreciate gently used or new books for ages 5 to 10.

There is a collection box in the Commons. Thank you!


If you have been thinking

about becoming more active in
the Church again after a time
away, there is no be!er time to
come back than now!
LANDINGS is an eight-week program that oers a safe
place to land, a place for listening and for being heard, a
place for asking questions and for reconnecting with the
faith as an adult. We begin the program at St. Michael the
week of April 13. If you are interested, please contact Ken
Feldt at (804)514-6149 or cchome@saint-mikes.org for more
information. We look forward to hearing from you!!

Where do the ashes that we use on

Ash Wednesday come from?

This year we will make our own ashes from last years palms.
Please bring your palms the dry, cracked, dusty palms from last yearto church to be burned.

DEADLINE - Sunday, February 15

Ash Wednesday is February 18

Appalachian Twinning Ministry
ATM will sponsor its annual bake sale after all Masses the weekend of
February 21/22. Proceeds go to the Holy Family Parish Backpack Food Program,
which provides weekend meals and snacks for elementary-aged children.
WE NEED YOU to BAKE and DONATE! Bring your savory morsels when you
come to Mass and go home with a tasty treat.
Suggested items: cakes, pies, cookies, muns, breads, brownies, fudge, donuts.
Please bag smaller items, such as brownies and cookies.


St. Michaels very own gifted baker, Kathe Henke (Kathes Dream Desserts)
will bake a delectable dessert of choice for the lucky winner!
The next ATM meeting will be at 7 PM in Room 101 on Tuesday, February 10.

Adoration of the Blessed
will be held from
9AM to 7 PM in the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel on
Wednesday, February 11.
The general intention of our adoration is
to pray for an Increase in Vocations to the
priesthood and religious life,
especially in the Richmond diocese.
All are welcome to spend time in the chapel
with the Blessed Sacrament to pray for your
own private intentions as well as for
vocations. Those who have signed up for a
specic hour of adoration are asked to be
faithful to their commitment. Benediction
will be at 6:45 PM in the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Fr. Dan encourages parishioners to
accept the Vocations Cross for those
who cannot be present at Mass,
i.e. Military, home-bound, nursing home
residents, students, etc.
Both will be recognized in
the Defender.

Those accepting the

Vocations Cross
for the month of February:
Mary Ellen Hazel

RESALE SHOP -- shop, volunteer and donate with a

purpose for the Li!le Sisters of the Poor
Do you love rummage sales? If the answer is yes, then you should consider
volunteering at Thrifty Sisters. Thrifty Sisters is a thrift store whose purpose is
to raise money for the Li!le Sisters of the Poor. Located at 8911 Pa!erson Ave,
the shop opened in December 2012 and has been a great success.
More volunteers are always needed to help run the store that is open Tuesday
through Saturday from 10 AM to 4 PM. In addition, donations are always
needed, especially furniture and decorative items. Please contact our Executive
Director, Beverly Binns, at 658-4153 for information about how to volunteer and
donate. Of course, we also need shoppers, so please stop in!
For more information visit www.thriftysistersrva.org

Toni Schmiegelow
John & Bobbie Coccaro, with
Andrew and Gigliana
Bob and Peg Anderson
Garth, Lisa, and Emma Callaghan

Sports Equipment Drive

New 2 U Sports
(a REAP social enterprise)
is re-launching in March of 2015,
and we need your help.
Kindly donate gently-used or new
sports equipment. All items will be used to
provide job training and employment for
people with disabilities.
Equipment will be sold or donated to families in the
community - giving many children their rst opportunity
to participate in organized sports. For more info, contact
Karen Hannon (527-1037 x 29 or khannon@saint-mikes.org)

Womens Prison Ministry

Our sincere thanks for taking the time during
your busy Christmas holiday to remember the
women at VCCW with your gift cards, stamps,
toiletries, calendars, and Christmas cards. You have no idea
how much your thoughtfulness is appreciated by these
women; many forgo!en by or turned out of their families.
We continue to need toiletries, religious articles, greeting
cards, stamps, and note pads.
God bless you for your generosity.
Peggy and Paul Spera

Heads Up!

St. Elizabeth Corner

Mass times:
Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM
Sunday morning at 9:00 AM
Reconciliation by appointment

Appalachian Twinning Ministry

Next meeting is at 7 PM on Tuesday,
February 10, in Room 101.

Respect Life Rosary Ministry will meet on

February 10 at 7 PM in the Blessed Sacrament
Chapel to pray for prisoners. For more info,
contact Ann Niermeyer at 359-5661 ext. 252 or


A special thank you to the ladies who make the

wonderful shawls . . . for their time and yarn.
We receive many kind comments. These are
gifts of love and healing made by dedicated
and faith-lled hands. Next meeting, Monday,
February 16, at 11:00 AM. For more information
or to receive a shawl, contact Juanita Walker
(741-1613) or contact the Pastoral Care Oce
(527-1037), and we will provide one.

Youre Invited!
All former St. Joseph parishioners and families are invited to
St. Elizabeth Church on Sunday, February 22, to celebrate as we
dedicate our statue of St. Joseph in memory of the first Catholic
Church for blacks in the South. Mass will be celebrated at 9 AM,
followed by our dedication and a brief concert by our Gospel
Choir. St. Elizabeth is located at 2712 2nd Avenue, Richmond.
For more information please call 804-329-4599 or email

Have you ever wondered

how you might

Rosary Making Ministry

deepen your relationship with God,

listen more a$entively to Gods stirrings
within you,
be open to the grace-lled moments in
the ordinary experiences of everyday life.

We meet every rst Sunday of the month

from 12:30-2:20 PM in the Room 207. Training
materials provided. Upcoming date: March 1.
Young at Heart meets the
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month
at 9:30 AM in Room 206.
Next meetings: Feb. 17 & March 3.
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Please join us on Tuesday, February 17,
at 6:30 PM in Room 207. We will have
beverages, and, if you would like to share
a treat, please bring one. Please call
Lori Forbes at 437-1521 with any question.

Rosary Prayers Group

All are welcome! We pray the rosary on the
3rd Friday of every month at 6:30 PM in the
Conference Room. Upcoming date: Feb. 20.
For more info, contact Deirdre Del Giudice at
pimpernel20 @verizon.net.


Please join us on Friday, February 27, from
6:30 - 9:30 PM in Room 207. Enter at parish oce
entrance. Bring your friends and your supplies for a
creative night out. Contact Andrea Rawluk at 967-0678
or waarawluk@verizon.net if you need additional info.

Meetings at Noon
Every Wednesday!

If so, St. Michaels Pastoral Care Ministry is

sponsoring the opportunity for individual and
condential spiritual direction guided by
Sr. Ann Daniel Belmonte, Dominican Sister of Hope.
For 31 years, Sister Ann served as a Pastoral Associate
and facilitated many parish ministries.
Meeting Place: St. Michael
Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays (daytime and early
evening appointments)
Cost: $25/1 hr. session (scholarships may be available
upon request from the Pastoral Care Ministry)
To arrange for a meeting or to receive further
information call Sister Ann at 804-360-7481.

This is the 70th year of the

West End Mens Church Softball League.
Festivities are planned for 4/11/2015 at Westhampton School.
The St. Michaels Mens Softball Team, who plays in this
league, is looking for some players.
Any male over 16 is welcomed. Its one night a week.
We play other churches in the area.
If you think you may be interested, call Butch Holmes
at 804-360-4416 or email at
The St. Michael Toastmasters Club
welcomes visitors and prospective members
interested in improving their public-speaking
and leadership skills.
They meet in Room 207 at 6:30 PM
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.
More information and signup is available atwww.Meetup.com
under the Career Prospectors & JAM calendar.

This Week at St. Michael

Parish Community Life

On Friday, February 27,
join us and see the performance
"The Rock & Roll Jubilee!" at the
Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen.
We will have a Potluck Dinner in the
Parish Hall at 4:30PM. (Note: Please remember
that it will be Lent. NO MEAT.) Car-pooling, and
group seating at the show that starts at 7PM. Tickets: $23.
Tickets available online at
www.saint-mikes.org and in the parish office.



Our 4th Annual Lenten Lunch and Speaker Series will
begin on Feb. 24. Again this year, we hope to provide
some delicious soups with YOUR help! To nd out the
details and to volunteer your culinary skills to our cause,
please log on to this website:
Venture Crew 736 cordially invites you to our

Valentines Date Night Babysitting Service!

Saturday, February 14, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
at St. Michael Church
Open to children 5-12 years of age!
There will be games, and snacks for entertainment.
Hosted By: Venture Crew 736 along with adult leaders!
Contact Info: Mr. Mike Wilson (Advisor):1609wilson@comcast.net
Emma Wilson (President): Emmwilson14@gmail.com
Donations accepted !
For Sale: Westhampton Cemetery,
4 plots. Desirable location with easy
access. Selling at a discount, below current value. Call 672-2434.
Townhouse For Rent - 3BR, 3.5 BA, 2,800 sf., close to St. Mikes!
End unit. Built in 2007. Great schools and parks nearby. Nice
neighbors. Rent is $1,630/month and includes trash removal
(twice a week), lawn care, and snow removal. Deck and huge
basement. Available in March. Will give discount to fellow
parishioners. Please email sayangmayang@hotmail.com or call
703-217-9855. 1st2nd


For Sale: Solid walnut E.A.Clore drop-leaf table in excellent

condition. Handcrafted Early American furniture. Selling at
2/3 value. Email wwkoon%@verizon.net or call 804-270-3905.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

All Masses - Coffee & Donuts/Fellowship
7:45 AM, 9:15 AM, 11:15 AM & 5:00 PM Liturgy
9:15 & 11:15 AM Preschool/Kindergarten Faith Formation
10:00 AM SCRIP Meeting
1:00 PM Middle School Retreat at St. Mary
6:00 PM Conrmation Life Night #3
Monday, February 9, 2015
12:00 PM AA Meeting
12:15 PM Daily Mass
7:00 PM Catechist Coee and Dessert Night
Quilting Group
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
6:30 PM EDGE Core Team Meeting
St. Michael Toastmasters Club
7:00 PM ATM Team Meeting
Newcomers Orientation
Rosary For Life
Womens CRHP Formation
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
8:30 AM Daily Mass
12:00 PM JAM
4:15 & 6:00 PM Elementary Faith Formation Classes
5:30 PM Archangel Childrens Choir
6:30 PM TLT Meeting
6:45 PM Benediction
7:30 PM Adult Choir
Thursday, February 12, 2015
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
12:00 PM Womens AA Meeting
12:15 PM Daily Mass
4:15 & 6:00 PM Elementary Faith Formation Classes
6:00 PM Ash MakingHigh School Teens
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
Quest Small Group
7:30 PM Mens CRHP Formation
Venture Crew
Friday, February 13, 2015
6:30 PM Baptism Rehearsal
7:00 PM St. Michael Charismatic Prayer Group
Saturday, February 14, 2015
10:00 AM Baptism Service
3:30 PM Reconciliation
5:00 PM Liturgy
6:00 PM Valentines Babysi%ing - Venture Crew
Sunday, February 15, 2015
All Masses - Coffee & Donuts/Fellowship
7:45 AM, 9:15 AM, 11:15 AM & 5:00 PM Liturgy
3:00 PM EDGE
6:00 PM Life Teen

Virginia Fly-Fishing Retreat for Men with Cancer

May 11-13, 2015
Graves Mountain Lodge & Rose River Farm in Syria, VA
REEL RECOVERY is a national non-profit organization that conducts fly-fishing retreats
for men recovering from cancer.
Our mission is to help men in the recovery process by sharing with them the healing powers of the sport of fly-fishing,
while providing a safe, supportive environment.
Retreats are offered at no cost to the participants and are led by professional facilitators and expert fly-fishing instructors.
Reel Recovery provides all meals, lodging, and fly-fishing equipment, and no previous fishing experience is required.

For more information, contact Reel Recovery at info@reelrecovery.org or call 800-699-4490.


Annual Lenten Fish Fry

Knightly News

From St. Michael/

Joseph P. Solari
Council #11172

Ed Golden, Grand Knight


Greg Pitrone, Deputy Grand Knight

Bill Carroll, Financial Secretary
Tony Miller, Membership Director

This year, Fried Cod or Baked Tilapia!

Adults - $10
Children (ages 6 12) - $7
Children (under 6) - Free
Family - $35 (Mom, Dad & the kids)
Tickets on sale after all Masses beginning February 7.
Takeout available !
Come for dinner and stay for Stations of the Cross.

Around the Diocese

Knights Calendar
Monday, February 9
Knights Meeting: Dinner 6:15 PM, Meeting 7:15 PM
Shrove Tuesday, February 17
Pancake Supper, 5-7 PM
Friday, February 20
Lenten Fish Fry, 5-7 PM
Tuesday, February 24
1st and 2nd Degree, 7 PM
Friday, March 6
Lenten Fish Fry, 5-7 PM
Monday, March 9
Knights Meeting: Dinner 6:15 PM, Meeting 7:15 PM
Friday, March 20
Lenten Fish Fry, 5-7 PM

On Fridays, Feb. 20, March 6 & 20

5-7 pm in the Parish Hall

The Interfaith Council of

Greater Richmond invites
everyone to the annual
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Award Ceremony on Thursday, February
12, at River Road Baptist Church, 8000 River Road (corner of River
and Ridge Roads). The ceremony will be from 7 PM to 8 PM in the
Sanctuary. ICGR will recognize high school seniors from the
Richmond area for their many accomplishments and award several
scholarships. There is no charge for this program. For information
contact Virginia Hudert, 804 273 9640 or vnhudert@aol.com. 1st2nd
Cursillo is 3-day retreat that is fully sanctioned by the Catholic
Church and the Diocese of Richmond. The retreats are put on by lay
Catholics with the assistance of ordained priests and deacons.
Anyone in good standing with the church is eligible to a!end.
Contact the Central Virginia Coordinating Commi!ee at 804-5303546. The next Cursillo mens weekend in the Central Virginia area
is scheduled for Feb 19-22 at the Shalom House. The next Cursillo
womens weekend is scheduled for May 28-31 at the Shalom House.
Rachels Vineyard RetreatWeekend for Healing After Abortion
These weekends are a beautiful opportunity for any person who has
struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of an abortion. The
weekend will help your soul nd a voice and transform the pain of
the past into love, hope, and peace! Back-to-back retreats are being
oered in the Diocese: March 13-15 in Williamsburg, VA, contact
Linda Riva at 757-887-3144 or lindajr2@yahoo.com; and March 20-22
in Richmond, contact Maggie Carlson at 804-432-2589 or Marty
Montgomery-Jenning at 804-704-0429 or RV4hope@gmail.com. 1st

Art of Marriage - St. Edward -Epiphany School

The Catholic Diocese of Richmond, in collaboration with First Things First and FamilyLife, will oer
The Art of Marriage. Your marriage is a true art form, created by God. The Art of Marriage will include:
expert teaching
engaging stories
real-life testimonies
man-on-the-street interviews
humorous vigne!es

Get to the heart of Gods design for your marriage!

Date: February 13, 2015 (7 PM - 9 PM); Saturday February 14, 2015 (9 AM - 4 PM)
Address: St. Edward- Epiphany School, 10701 W. Huguenot Road, Richmond
Cost: $50 per couple
Includes: notebooks for each person, snacks and lunch on Saturday
Special Instructions: The event will take place in the Cafeteria in St. Edward-Epiphany School. Please enter the building
through the rear entrance at the double doors. Then go downstairs to the Cafeteria. Parking is in the back of the school.
Registration: h!p://www.rs!hingsrichmond.org/event-registration/?ee=45

Reminder...When adding people to our prayer list, please ask them ahead of time if this is alright with them.
Not everyone wants their name announced and we wish to respect their privacy. To add or remove someone on this list,
please contact Karen Bowens at 527-1037 ext. 15.Thank you.
Let us pray also for those parishioners with ongoing health concerns: Doris Altorelli, Roy Ambler, Fr. Dan Brady, Patrick
Bruckhart, Michael Che!le, Ed Chew, Pat Cocondora, Angela DAlessandro, Kathy Duke, Cathy Eagan, Paige Ford, Sean
Grin, Deborah Hart-Bowley, Tom Kaczmarek, Je Kelleher, Tracy Lynch, Miriam Motley, Doc Moss, Bernard OConnor,
Joan Pardue, Jonathan Pilch, Charlo!e Pi!man, Susan Pinckard, Jacqueline Roe, Shannan Sarju, Billy Smiley, Alvina Spi$er,
Je Stapleton, Lowell Thomas, Barbara Tubach, Betsy Williams, Karen Wilson
Please also pray for these members of the St. Michael extended family: Chris Woods, JC Farmer, (Diane Woods), Aidan &
Liam Strickland (Anthony & Rosanna Falco), Mary Sue Gaborik (Robin Zachwieja), Thomas Bayer (Teddy Bayer), Ollie
Harvey II & III, Frances Falcobramo, Carolyn Williams,Tripp Rhame (Angela DAlessandro), Maeve Kravi$ (Kelly Bolvari),
Geneva Whitley (Veronica Lowenhagen), Debbie Wilkerson (Kathryn DeStazio), Randy Frank (Pam Miller), Dan Doyle
(Bobbie Bonwell), Patricia Kelsey (Liz Wiznerowicz), Jane Lindamood (Lucille Lindamood), Miles Ulrich (Colleen Naughton),
Doug Taylor (Nile Strohman), Ann Watlington (Diane Versfelt), Mike Abel (Peggy Kelly), Roberta Stecker, Amanda Lanzio!i
(Barbara Kessler), John McGuckin (Peggy Lomba), Paul Stu!s, Tiany Meyer (Brigi!e Sicat), Msgr. Bill Pi!, Mary Ann Hill,
Anne King (Alex George), Paul Caron (Michelle Rockecharlie), Maggie Quinlan (Ann-Marie Trepp),Tina Gatbunton (Charley
& Mary West), Michael Jordan (Elaine Peters), Lore!a Lynch (Laureen Hyman), Jackie Stevens (Nita Grignol), Jackson Dunn,
Bill Wethington (Cathy Danner), Bryan Kessler (Kess Kessler), Mike & Eileen Hally (Tony Hally), Robin Kreutler (Mary
Kapelewski), Judy Barta (Mary Cormier), Maree Barre!, John Chickey, (Marie Chickey), Callen Tyson (Suzanne Hess),
Carroll & Gus Baechle, Benjamin Wynn (Larry Gidley), Mary Lisa Leches, Nancy Linn (Eileen Allin), John Paul Moore (Jay &
Kathy Moore), Fr. Dan Klem (Susan Polen), Victoria Veronica Warren (Joanne Vinci), Juanita Brown (Stephanie Brown),
Anne Dawson (John Dawson), Melina Lagios (Lani & Rey Vasquez), Jack Zachwieja (Chris Zachwieja), Larry Schroeder (Jim
& Tricia Jones), Rashelle Wilson (Kathy Judson), Eleanor Brooks (Joan Brennan)
We remember those who have preceded us to the Father: Bob Yenney, Vinny Migliore, Tammy Cooper, Ed Ropelewski,
Carol Shumate
Please pray for those in our military who are serving here or overseas: Brian Ada!o, Charles Barber, Jr.,
Robert Barber, Mark Bartholf, Chris Baudin, Steve Belmer, Maria Biank, Richard Bogin, Joe Hart-Bowley,
Richard Bumstead, Steven Burleigh, T. Patrick Carroll, Jr., Patrick Cleary, Dan Cleaves, Frans Coe$ee,
Christine Coe$ee, Kevin Corcoran, Anthony Cushman, Joshua Daniel, Chris Dowd, Adam R. Dutcher, Ronnie
Earle, Eddie Ernst, Daniel Estrada, Dennis P. Flanagan, Bob Fleischman, Heather Fonseco, Roberto Fonseco,
Tyler Ford, Billy Foy, Mark Gleibe, Robert Gordon, Austin Hedrick, Zack Hedrick, Paul Inoa, Michael Jalbert,
Daniel Jones, Rob Jones, Althea Coe$ee Kuhns, Cameron Leiker, Anne Lewis, Joseph Mackey, Bre! Mara, Jason Mara,
Lacie Martin, James P. McGuire, Irwin Migno!, Nick Montisano, Michael Morton, Kristopher Mowery, Richard Munoz,
Thomas Murphy, Jared Nichols, Patrick Ober, Michael Olsen, Brandon Patenaude, Michael Phares, Alan M. Quinn, Patrick
Rankin, Robert Ruark, Manuel Sanchez, John Saunders, Allan Schmidt, Dan Seay, Joshua Schemerhorn, Chris Singleton,
Chris Storms, Rick Szymanski, Charles Tomlinson, Jason Vergne, Brian Weber, Brian Wilson and Kevin Wirth

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PastorFR. DANIEL BRADY frdan@saint-mikes.org

Administrative Ministries

Parochial VicarFR. JAMES ARSENAULT jarsenault@saint-mikes.org

Administrative Assistant to the PastorKAREN BOWENS kbowens@saint-mikes.org

Finance CouncilJoe Kapelewski joekapp01@gmail.com

Parish CouncilWill Langley Will.Langley5424@gmail.com



Liturgical Ministries


Director of Business AdministrationDEACON ANDREW FERGUSON admin@saint-mikes.org
Admin. Assistant/Front DeskVERONICA LOWENHAGEN vlowenhagen@saint-mikes.org
Parish AccountantKAREN AMES kames@saint-mikes.org
Admin. Assistant/RecordsLANI VASQUEZ lvasquez@saint-mikes.org

Art & EnvironmentVACANT

Ministers of the EucharistKirby Montgomery kvmontgomery@aol.com
Ministers of the WordDave Roberts dwrobert@verizon.net
Ministers of HospitalityRocky Altimore raltimore@comcast.net

Pastoral Care Ministries

BereavementFuneral Meals: Tim Nelligan timjnell@comcast.net
Support Groups: Pat Baskind pabaskind@gmail.com
Card Ministry - Light WritersAndrea Rawluk waarawluk@verizon.net, 967-0678

Admin. Assistant/Special ProjectsCHRISTINA BURNS cburns@saint-mikes.org

Director of MusicTOM KACZMAREK tkaczmarek@saint-mikes.org
Minister of MusicJENNY IVENS jivens@saint-mikes.org

Faith Formation
DirectorPAT MUNDY pmundy@saint-mikes.org
Elementary Religious EducationPATTI KAMPER pkamper@saint-mikes.org
EDGE CoordinatorLAURA STAPLETON lstapleton@saint-mikes.org
Youth AdvocateMIKE HORVATH mhorvath@saint-mikes.org
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)BILL FLAHERTY rcia@saint-mikes.org
Family-centered Intergenerational Religious Ed. (F.I.R.E.)LIZ KORNACKI re@saint-mikes.org

Crump Manor Pauline and Art Casavant - bewisest@verizon.net

Financial PeaceSarah Greesonbach sjgreesonbach@gmail.com
Henrico Doctors ParhamRuss Wisler rwisler@embarqmail.com.
HomeboundSheila Malle!e mimamall@aol.com
Jobs Assistance (JAM)Ed Landry Ed.Landry@verizon.net
MealsPat Omberg ppa!ie@me.com
Our Lady of HopeKathy OConnor ktmcroe@verizon.net
Rosary Making Maddy Ricca 364-3932
Prayer Shawl MinistryJuanita Walker si!ejw@aol.com
We Are Family MinistryWill Langley wearefamily.stmikes@gmail.com

Faith Formation Ministries

BaptismKAREN NEMETZ karenneme"@hotmail.com

Administrative AssistantJOY DAWSON jdawson@saint-mikes.org

Vocations MinistryAl & Carol Merolla almerolla@msn.com

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) - Ken Feldt kenfeldt@comcast.net
Christine Jaeger cjaeger98@gmail.com

Pastoral Care
Pastoral AssociateDEACON DAVID NEMETZ dneme"@saint-mikes.org
Administrative AssistantLANI VASQUEZ lvasquez@saint-mikes.org

Parish Life Ministries

Coordinator of Parish Life CommunityJO ROHR jrohr@saint-mikes.org
Nursery CoordinatorUrsula Ardy ardyum@verizon.net
Village VarsityMary Ellen Hazel mehazel1@comcast.net
Young at HeartPat Young 672-2434

Human Concerns
Human Concerns CoordinatorKAREN HANNON khannon@saint-mikes.org


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