Harley Davidson conducted a brand audit to understand its positioning, strengths, and weaknesses. It aimed to determine customer preferences and evaluate its offerings. Harley Davidson is a leader in the global motorcycle industry and saw a 20% increase in retail sales in 2012. It has a very loyal customer base known as the Harley experience. However, its typical customer is older than 35 and it has struggled to appeal to younger riders, particularly in Europe, which is one of its major weaknesses. Harley Davidson prides itself on listening to customer feedback and building a diverse community of enthusiasts around its brand with an emphasis on lifestyle.
Harley Davidson conducted a brand audit to understand its positioning, strengths, and weaknesses. It aimed to determine customer preferences and evaluate its offerings. Harley Davidson is a leader in the global motorcycle industry and saw a 20% increase in retail sales in 2012. It has a very loyal customer base known as the Harley experience. However, its typical customer is older than 35 and it has struggled to appeal to younger riders, particularly in Europe, which is one of its major weaknesses. Harley Davidson prides itself on listening to customer feedback and building a diverse community of enthusiasts around its brand with an emphasis on lifestyle.
Harley Davidson conducted a brand audit to understand its positioning, strengths, and weaknesses. It aimed to determine customer preferences and evaluate its offerings. Harley Davidson is a leader in the global motorcycle industry and saw a 20% increase in retail sales in 2012. It has a very loyal customer base known as the Harley experience. However, its typical customer is older than 35 and it has struggled to appeal to younger riders, particularly in Europe, which is one of its major weaknesses. Harley Davidson prides itself on listening to customer feedback and building a diverse community of enthusiasts around its brand with an emphasis on lifestyle.
Harley Davidson conducted a brand audit to understand its positioning, strengths, and weaknesses. It aimed to determine customer preferences and evaluate its offerings. Harley Davidson is a leader in the global motorcycle industry and saw a 20% increase in retail sales in 2012. It has a very loyal customer base known as the Harley experience. However, its typical customer is older than 35 and it has struggled to appeal to younger riders, particularly in Europe, which is one of its major weaknesses. Harley Davidson prides itself on listening to customer feedback and building a diverse community of enthusiasts around its brand with an emphasis on lifestyle.
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Brand audit objectives, scope, and approach
Objective of Brand Audit
Determine the positioning of Harley Davidson
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of brand Harley Davidson Understanding customer preferences and the offering of Harley Davidson
Global Motorcycle Industry (Background about the industries)
The world motorcycle industry was worth $63.5 billion in 2010, having recorded no yearly growth for the four preceding years, reports MarketLine. Market growth is expected to accelerate to a yearly rate of 6% between 2010 and 2015, to reach almost $85 billion. Overall, the motorcycle market is characterized by a high degree of fragmentation. The revenue of the global motorcycle manufacturing sector was $74 billion in 2011. The industrys is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 12% between 2011 and 2016. The manufacturing side of the motorcycle industry is expected to generate more than $130 billion before the end of 2016. Major players currently operating in the global motorcycle market include Harley Davison, BMW, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, Hero Honda Motors, Yamaha, Triumph, Kawasaki, Bajaj Auto and MBK. Background about Harley Davidson Vison: Making real dreams caused by worldwide roads by offering our customers exceptionnal sensations. We nurture their passion for freedom so that they can express their mind. Mission: Providing bikes and all the world around through a faithful community About Harley Davidson Harley-Davidson is the leader in the global motorcycle industry, and saw motorcycle retail sales increase 20% in the first quarter of 2012 year-onyear, with US growth reaching closer to 26%. The company is increasing its full-year shipment guidance, expecting to ship between 245,000 to 250,000 motorcycles in 2012 to dealers and distributors throughout the world. This increased shipment guidance is prompted by consumer demand, and a limited production capacity for additional motorcycles in
2012. Harley-Davidson predicted it would ship 79,000 to 84,000
motorcycles in the second quarter of 2012. Harley-Davidson is one of the strongest brands in the world with a very high level of brand recall. Originally created to avoid bankruptcy, the Harley-Davidson community today counts more than 1 million members worldwide. (FOURNIER, Susan and Lee, Lara, 2009). Customers are not only buying a motorcycle, they are buying the Harley-experience. The typical HD-consumer is in its late 40s or older(baby boomers). CONSUMER ANALYSES CONSUMER PROFILE ALL BRANDS Which consumers are buying motorcycles differs strongly from brand to brand. From a global perspective however, there are some notable similarities between motorcycle buyers all over the world. Different market reports from different countries mainly show the same figures according to gender and age.Most motorcycle owners are men but the amount of women riding a motorcycle has been growing in the past 15 years. Women now account for 21.3% of motorcycle drivers(DATAMONITOR, 2011b). The biggest group of motorcycle drivers can be found in the group older than 35. The percentage of drivers under 19 is also very high but this is because of the inclusion of scooters in the statistics. These are very popular among this category and account for a great part of the motorcycle sales in this market. Theres a big difference between continents in the use of motorcycles. While motorcycles in developed areas like Western Europe are mainly used for leisure and personal transportation, they are mainly used as working tools in Latin America. (FROST & SULLIVAN). This has an effect on the type of motorcycles that are bought in different countries.
According to Scott (SCOTT, Missy, 2008), the typical Harley-Davidson rider in the USA is somewhere between 30 and 40 years old and has an average household income of $ 84.300. Nearly two-thirds of Harley-buyers have studied at least one year after high-school and 30% of buyers have a college degree. In its annual report, Harley-Davidson says the following about its consumers: were number one in U.S. heavyweight market share across a broad swath of outreach customers. We are the leader among young adults ages 1834. Were number one with women. Number one with Hispanic riders. Number one among African-Americans. (HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC., 2010)
This consumer profile is however limited to the American market. In
developing countries, Harley-Davidsons consumer profile is different for education and income. In India for example, the typical Harley-Davidson buyer belongs to a higher class, is highly-educated and has one of the highest average incomes in India. The reason for this is the high price for the Harley bikes in these countries. (HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY, 2011) Even countries with similar cultures as the US show significant differences. For example, Harley-Davidson has a very low market share and is not very popular in In the European market amongst young people. This is one of the major weaknesses of Harley-Davidson. The company focuses too much on the US market and is not really following consumer trends in other markets. Harley-Davidson has been able to dominate it's marketing environment by placing high value on its customer's feedback and economic status. Taking this as well as the external marketing environment with high importance has kept Harley-Davidson relevant and a strong force in the motorcycle industry. Harley-Davidson has been able to build a community of enthusiasts around its brand that includes members from very diverse groups, and with almost no advertising. Harley Davidson prides itself on the attention and feedback it takes from its consumers. Recently switching it's whole marketing scheme to a method known as "Crowdsourcing" which solely relies on customer feedback to decide its direction of marketing. Harley-Davidson's marketing mix consists of people who enjoy to ride motorcycles and the lifestyle that accompanies that. There is also the people who don't ride motorcycles but enjoy wearing the gear and HarleyDavidson logo which brings in revenue for the company in high volume like their bikes do. Harley-Davidson also created the V-Rod muscle motorcycle to appeal to its younger market, a single model to compete with Japanese and American muscle bikes. This has proved to be effective targeting the young generation even using a Victoria's Secret model for the ad campaign. Harley-Davidson's marketing when it come's to distribution is stated clearly on its website "Harley-Davidson's dealer's are the company's lifeline to our customers, with a wide variety of product offerings, dealer's provide knowledge, service, and information to riders out on the road."