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Br. J. Sp. Med; Vol 24, No.

Physiotherapy treatment modalities

Interferential current therapy

G. C. Goats, PhD, MCSP
Department of Physiotherapy, The Queen's College, Glasgow

Therapists often use transcutaneous electrical stimulation to treat their patients. They can select
alternating current of various frequencies or direct
current applied continuously or as a train of pulses.
Each type of current has both advantages and
disadvantages when used therapeutically.
Direct current and low-frequency alternating currents (> 1 kHz) encounter a high electrical resistance
in the outer layers of the skin. This makes the
treatment of deep structures painful because a large
transcutaneous current must flow so that adequate
current passes deeply. Alternating currents of
medium (>lkHz to <lOkHz) or high frequency
(>lOkHz) meet little resistance (due to a marked
reduction in the effects of skin capacitance upon
current flow) and penetrate the tissues easily,
although such currents generally oscillate too rapidly
to stimulate the tissues directly A
These difficulties were overcome in the early 1950s
with the development of interferential current therapy. The equipment produces two alternating currents
of slightly differing medium frequency and is used
widely to induce analgesia, elicit muscle contraction,
modify the activity of the autonomic system, promote
healing, and reduce oedema5.
Use of interference effects in therapy
When two or more sinusoidal currents alternate at
the same frequency, rising and falling at exactly the
same time, they are said to be in phase. Waves
become out of phase when they are a half wavelength
out of step and the rising segment of one coincides
with the falling segment of the other. Waves in phase
interfere constructively to produce a resultant wave
with an amplitude greater than that of either of the
originals. Waves out of phase interact in a similar way
but interfere destructively to cancel each other out
(Figure 1).
Interference also occurs between waves of slightly
differing frequency. As one wave peak 'catches up'
with the other, constructive interference causes an
increase in the amplitude of the resultant wave,

which declines subsequently as the waves again drift

out of phase and interfere destructively. The rate at
which the amplitude of the resultant rises and falls is
equal to the difference in frequency present between
the two original waves and is called a 'beat
frequency'. This process is an example of amplitude


Interferential current therapy exploits this principle

of interference to maximize the current permeating
the tissues whilst reducing to a minimum unwanted
stimulation of cutaneous nerves.
The principal components of an interferential unit,
illustrated in Figure 2, are a pair of signal generators,
the output of one oscillating at the fixed frequency of
4000 Hz whilst the other is variable in frequency
between 4000 and 4250 Hz. These signals are then
amplified to a therapeutically useful intensity. The

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1990 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd




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4000 Hz current



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Address for correspondence: G. C. Goats PhD, MCSP, Department

of Physiotherapy, The Queen's College, 1 Park Drive, Glasgow G3



|(4050-4000 Hz) =

50S Hz resultant


Figure 1. Amplitude modulation of alternating currents by


Br. J. Sports Med., Vol 24, No. 2 87

Interferential current therapy: C. G. Goats

laterally from its direct path to interact with the

adjacent current. This region of maximal therapeutic
effect is usually static and situated deep within the


Figure 2. An interferential therapy unit with vacuum and

flexible carbon rubber electrodes

variable-frequency oscillator can sweep automatically

between one pre-set frequency and another, thus
producing a range of beat frequencies that yield
several therapeutic effects, all of which may be
obtained with a single application4.
Two pairs of electrodes, conveying separately the
amplified output of the oscillators, are aligned on the
skin so that the currents flowing between each pair
intersect and interfere within the structure to be
treated. A resultant current of low frequency is
generated that alternates at 0-250 Hz. The precise
frequency will depend upon the difference that exists
between the frequencies of the original currents. The
beat frequency current flows maximally in the region
of maximum interference that develops along diagonals extending at 450 to the direct paths between
the two sets of electrodes (Figure 3). A snowflakeshaped field is created because one current flows
Circuit 1 unmodulated

Resultant current
100% amplitude

Static fields are used to treat small, well defined

lesions but may miss sites of more diffuse damage.
This difficulty is overcome by scanning the region of
maximum interference systematically through the
tissues. A voltage (and hence a current) applied to
one of the pairs of electrodes, varying rhythmically in
intensity with respect to the other, will influence an
area that expands and recedes regularly. This causes
the region of maximum interference to pan through
the tissue2. Most interferential units offer this as an
automated facility, although all such automatic
functions have a manual over-ride.
Some units allow for both currents to be applied in
one circuit using a single pair of electrodes. Interference current will affect all the tissues between the
electrodes and allow poorly localized lesions to be
treated adequately. This area of maximum interference is, however, dispersed widely, thus reducing
the therapeutic effect. The behaviour of interference
currents in fluid media is considered in greater detail
Some manufacturers offer equipment that can also
operate at a base frequency of 2kHz. The interference
currents so generated are of similar frequency to
those produced by the interaction of currents
alternating at 4 kHz, although clinical practice suggests that the lower base frequency is able to
stimulate muscles more effectively'.
Recent advances in electronic design enable manufacturers to supply units that generate threedimensional, or stereodynamic interference fields.
Three currents of slightly differing medium frequency are applied via three separate electrode pairs.
These interact to affect a greater volume of tissue than
is possible with the more common twin-current

quadripolar application .
Techniques, contraindications and safety

Figure 3. Pattern of interference current and degree of

interference produced during a quadripolar application
(by permission of Ehraf-Nonius, Delft, The Netherlands,
see ref. 1)
88 Br. J. Sports

Med., Vol 24, No. 2

The area of skin to be treated is cleaned with soap and

water to reduce linear electrical resistance (reactance
arising from capacitance is unchanged) and the
electrodes are fixed to the skin with tape. Some
apparatus is supplied with electrodes that are held in
place by suction cups evacuated using a vacuum
pump. This facility is useful when treating regions
such as the trunk where it is difficult to strap an
electrode. The electrodes are orientated so that the
two currents intersect within the target structure.
Alternatively, the therapist may wear one electrode
of each pair as a glove and vary the site of maximum
interference during the treatment. Some units incorporate four electrodes into a single small applicator,
thus facilitating the effective treatment if superficial
and localized lesions.
The intensity of the current is increased gradually
until the patient reports that a further rise would
cause discomfort. Cutaneous nerves accommodate
rapidly to this stimulus and after a few seconds a
larger current can be applied. This procedure is

Interferential current therapy: C. G. Goats

repeated until no further accommodation is

observed. Most patients tolerate interferential therapy well. Further explanation of the practical aspects
of treatment are available in various authoritative

texts2'4'5' 8-10

Contraindications are few, although the prudent

would not treat patients presenting with very acute
inflammation, fever, tumour, thrombosis, those who
are pregnant, have a marked aversion to this type of
therapy, or persons wearing a cardiac pacemaker.
Concern that interferential therapy might promote
the aggregation of platelets and induce thrombosis
appears unfounded 1.
This apparatus should not be used within five
metres of an operational short-wave diathermy unit
because the cables may act as antennae and conduct a
dangerous quantity of RF energy to the patient2.

Physiological and therapeutic effects of

interferential currents
The current flowing between each pair of electrodes
is insufficient to stimulate nerve and musde directly
until amplitude is modulated by interference. Interferential therapy thus reduces the stimulation of
cutaneous sensory nerves near the electrodes whilst
promoting the effect upon deep tissues.
The physiological effect of an amplitudemodulated suprathreshold current depends upon
frequency. Neurons exhibit a maximum rate at which
action potentials are conducted and this is a function
of the degree of myelination and the diameter of the
axon. Repetitive stimulation at any frequency up to
its maximum (1 kHz for a large motor neuron) will
cause action potentials to flow in the axon at the same
rate. As the rate of stimulation increases above this
value, successive stimuli fall within the relative, and
eventually the absolute refractory period of the
preceding action potential. A larger than normal flow
of current is necessary to stimulate a refractory
neuronal membrane and thus the sensitivity of the
nerve decreases. This effect is termed Wedensky
inhibition. Prolonged stimulation at a supramaxial
frequency will eventually cause the axon to cease
conducting. Accommodation of the neuron is responsible for this effect, caused by an increased threshold
and synaptic fatigue'. Some sources report that
these effects occur in large neurons stimulated at
frequencies as low as 40 Hz'3. Small or unmyelinated
neurons have - a slower conduction velocity and
longer refractory period than large neurons and will
show a stimulus-induced block to conduction at a
lower frequency.

Stimulation of muscle
A neurone showing the reduced sensitivity associated with Wedensky inhibition will also have a rate
of firing independent of the frequency of the applied
stimulus. This rate is dictated instead by the duration
of the refractory period. Known as the Gildemeister
effect, rapid stimulation of a motor nerve with large
although comfortable interferential currents will
result in an asynchronous depolarization of indi-

vidual motor units. This mimics the pattern observed

during a normal voluntary contraction. Traditional
low-frequency neuromuscular stimulation tends to
recruit only the large axon motor neurons, which
have a lower threshold than small fibres, and
innervate muscle fibres that fatigue readily. This
pattern of discharge is synchronous and unlike a
normal contraction.
Motor excitation using interferential currents is
considered by many to represent an advance over the
other low-frequency methods of stimulation. The
optimum frequency of stimulation for most voluntary
muscle appears to be 40-80Hz5 14, whilst visceral
muscle, supplied by the autonomic nervous system,
is stimulated optimally at 10-50 Hz'5.
Interferential therapy can produce a torque in the
quadriceps femoris greater than 50 per cent of that
achieved during a maximal voluntary contraction'6.
This performance certainly equals that of the other
methods of electrical muscle stimulation14. A favourable clinical outcome was also reported in the
treatment of muscular paralysis arising from degeneration of the facial nerve' and radial epicondylitis'8.
Control of pain
The analgesic effect of interferential therapy can be
explained in part by Wednesky inhibition of Type C
nociceptive fibres, although other mechanisms are
certainly involved. 'Pain gate' theory, proposed by
Malzack and Wall'9 and much modified subsequently20 remains central to this explanation. Briefly, this
theory proposes that action potentials travelling in
large-diameter myelinated afferent nerves from
cutaneous receptors compete for access to the central
ascending sensory tracts in the dorsal horn of the
spinal cord with those of small-diameter unmyelinated sensory fibres carrying pain information. Activity in the large fibres takes precedence over that in
small fibres, 'closing the gate' to pain information
entering the central nervous system and preventing it
from reaching a conscious level. Pain is thus reduced.
Large-diameter myelinated fibres are stimulated
optimally at 100 Hz5 2' and clinical experience indicates that interferential therapy at this frequency
reduces pain markedly, especially when applied to
acupuncture points. Pain will also reduce as motor
stimulation increases the circulation of body fluid and
promotes an efflux of pain-inducing chemicals from
the site of damage.
Another system that helps to reduce pain is the
'descending pain suppression mechanism', which is
mediated by the endogenous opiates. Nociceptive.
information that enters the spinal cord travels to the
thalamus and will interact in the mid-brain with
many structures. The raphe nuclei are amongst the
most important of these, and increased activity in
fibres descending from the raphe nuclei to the spinal
segment at which the pain information entered will
release inhibitory neurotransmitters that block further conductions. Interferential current with a
frequency of 15 Hz affects these fibres maximally5'2'.
A beat frequency varying rhythmically within a
narrow range about this optimum value avoids the
problem of accommodation to the stimulus"4' 5. Pain
Br. J. Sports Med., Vol 24, No. 2 89

Interferential current therapy: C. G. Goats

will initially intensify as this mechanism is activated

by transcutaneous stimulation of Type A6 and C
fibres, although the analgesia induced subsequently
appears more enduring than that achieved by
recruiting the 'pain gate' system.
Interferential therapy is often applied clinically to
control pain2'5'21 but few rigorous studies are
reported that justify this use. Taylor et al.23 noted that
jaw pain was not controlled adequately by interferential therapy, although pain induced deliberately by
immersion of a limb in iced water was rated as less
severe, compared to the experience of the controls,
by subjects treated previously with interferential
current at 100Hz (Goats et al. 1989 unpublished
findings). Pain arising from sprained joints was
reduced markedly by a 15 minute application of
interferential therapy at a frequency varying between
0 and 100 Hz24 and classical migraine responded well
to treatment at 90-10 Hz for 10 minutes applied to
the zygomatic arch25.
The placebo effect is a potent factor in the use of an
interferential therapy unit.
Autonomic effects and the control of incontinence
Type A6 and C fibres, and those of the autonomic
nervous system, are generally small and poorly
myelinated. Clinical evidence suggests that these
small neurons of the peripheral nervous system fail to
conduct when stimulated at frequencies exceeding 40
and 15Hz respectively2l. When extrapolated to the
autonomic nervous system, this behaviour can be
exploited therapeutically5'26 by using the stimulus of
an interferential current to reproduce by non-invasive
means the vasodilatation caused by chemical sympathectomy in peripheral vascular disease and reflex
sympathetic dystrophy27 28. There is some disagreement regarding the precise frequency at which this
inhibitory response occurs
Several authors report confidently that lowfrequency currents can also be used to stimulate the
autonomic system selectively"5'30 31*
Interferential therapy can benefit patients with
both stress and urge incontinence although the
causes of each differ. Stress incontinence results from
an incompetent urethral sphincter mechanism, whilst
urge incontinence arises from a disinhibition of the
detrusor muscle. Patients showing stress incontinence, urge incontinence, or both, and treated with
interferential therapy at 0-10 Hz for 15 minutes on
three days per week reported decreased frequency of
micturition32. Extensive studies conducted by
Laycock and Green'5 were designed to identify
precisely the optimum frequency of stimulation, and
position of the electrodes, for the treatment of
incontinence. Drawing upon results obtained using
animals33, they concluded that stress incontinence
should be treated at 10-50 Hz for 15 minutes. Initially
such stimulation should cause the external urethral
sphincter to close by a direct action upon the slowly
conducting pelvic sympathetic nerves. An additional
treatment at the higher frequency excites maximally
the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve (which has
a conduction velocity that lies in the slow to medium
range, depending upon the twitch speed of the
90 Br. J. Sports

Med., Vol 24, No. 2

muscle fibre that it innervates) and hence recruits all

elements of levator ani.
Urge incontinence is treated at 5-10 Hz for 30
minutes, the lower rate of stimulation representing
an attempt to excit small afferent fibres in the pudenal
nerve that have a slow conduction velocity. This will
produce reflex inhibition of detrusor following
contraction of the slow twitch pelvic floor muscles. A
clinical evaluation of these regimes is not yet
available. Other workers have failed to identify a role
for interferential therapy in the treatment of anorectal


Control of circulation and reducing oedema

Several studies investigate changes in the rate of
blood flow following transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation. Stimulation applied to the dorsal roots or
spinal segment of origin of a peripheral nerve causes
peripheral vasodilatation in the structures innervated
by it31. Sufferers from Raynaud's syndrome treated
for eight minutes at 90-10OHz in the region of the
stellate ganglion in the neck showed a doubling of
pulse volume in the digital vessels26. NikolovaTroeva3 demonstrated a similarly marked symptomatic improvement in patients with endarteritis
obliterans who failed to respond to chemical sympathectomy or medication. Supporting these findings
is a report that those with a peripheral vascular
disease benefit from interferential therapy at
0-10OHz for 10 minutes36, although recent investigations cast doubt on the reproducibility of these

effects30 37.

Interferential therapy at a frequency of 10OHz is

recommended for the reduction of acute oedema.
Such stimulation will activate the musculoskeletal
pump and inhibit sympathetic activity, thus assisting
the drainage of fluid from the affected area.
Interferential currents also appear to have a direct
effect upon the cell membrane and reduce the escape
of intracellular fluid5.
Chronic oedema is treated optimally using a
two-stage application. Initially the current is applied
at 100 Hz to promote vasodilation. This is followed by
a treatment at 1OHz which activates the musculoskeletal pump to remove fluid that has returned to
the venous and lymph channels.
Evidence supporting the use of interferential
therapy in the control of oedema appears mainly
anecdotal, although in most textbooks this still
appears as an indication4'5' 10.
Effects upon cell metabolism and the healing
In addition to those effects described above, the
electrical stimulation of tissue appears to exert other,
more subtle, influences. Treatment with interferential
current alters the intracellular concentration of
enzymes and other molecules that are important in
many metabolic processes. The literature contains
reports of changes in the titre of cyclic adenosine

monophosphate 8, acetylcholine esterase, alkaline

phosphatase39, and lysosomal enzymes4o. Such

observations may help to explain the effects of

Interferential current therapy: C. G. Goats

interferential therapy that are as yet understood

poorly, such as the acceleration of bone healing1 and
the repair of nerves39, tendons and laments, , and
improved regeneration of the liver. Further consideration of this topic is beyond the scope of the
present work and the interested reader is referred

continues to clarify the precise characteristics of the

current required to treat these various types of lesion
successfully, interferential therapy will continue to
grow in importance as a versatile and effective
approach to therapy.


The use of electric currents to promote the healing

of bone currently enjoys considerable interest. An
extensive literature attends this topic and again the
interested reader is referred to recent reviews for
further information''. Interferential therapy is still
little used in this capacity, although good results are
claimed in the treatment of acute fractures of the tibia
and fibula at 20 Hz for 20 minutes on five days per
week49. The same author reports a beneficial effect,
on the basis of empirical observations, in cases of
delayed or non-healing. Interferential therapy at
20 Hz for 20 minutes improved the union of
mandibular fractures49, and at 100 Hz for 20 minutes
accelerated the resolution of Sudeck's atrophy and
pseudoarthrosis'. The rate of callus formation and
subsequent mineralization resulting from fractures
induced experimentally in the radius and ulna was
more rapid in animals treated with interferential




Therapy in neurological impairment

Spasticity resulting from a cerebrovascular accident
was suppressed by the stimulation of groups of
muscles antagonistic to those in spasm. This was
achieved using an interferential current alternating at
50 Hz, and although the spasticity returned after one
hour, useful progress in rehabilitation was possible
during this period52. Chronic electrical stimulation
for eight hours daily at 10 Hz helped to reverse
neuropathic changes caused by diabetes in rats, and
may indicate a method by which vulnerable nerves
might be protected53.



Interferential current therapy is used widely to
stimulate tissues that lie deep within the body. The
effects can be local or more general depending upon
the configuration of the current applied to the skin.
Unlike other methods of low-frequency electrical
stimulation, these currents encounter a low electrical
resistance and can thus penetrate deeply without
causing undue discomfort.
Several physiological effects clearly occur during
interferential current therapy, although reliable clinical studies seeking to evaluate the claimed therapeutic benefits are reported infrequently.
Research suggests that interferential therapy can
effectively stimulate voluntary muscle, promote
peripheral blood flow, and accelerate bone healing.
Empirical observations support a case for using this
technique to reduce pain and control incontinence.
Interferential therapy would seem to represent a
valuable adjunct to the medical and physiotherapy
management of the pathologies seen frequently by
those specializing in sports medicine. As research








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