Holyrood Schedule A 2014 20241
Holyrood Schedule A 2014 20241
Holyrood Schedule A 2014 20241
Schedule A
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ACCESS means a way used or intended to be used by vehicles, pedestrians or animals in
order to go from a street to adjacent or nearby land or to go from that land to the street.
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT means a separate dwelling unit constructed within and
subsidiary to the main use. The main use shall not be a single dwelling, double dwelling,
row dwelling, and apartment building.
ACCESSORY USE means a use that is subsidiary to a permitted or discretionary use and
that is customarily expected to occur with the permitted or discretionary use.
ACT unless the context indicates otherwise, means the Urban and Rural Planning Act,
AGRICULTURE means horticulture, fruit growing, grain growing, crop growing, seed
growing, dairy farming, bee keeping, the breeding or keeping of animals for food, skins, or
fur, the use of land, meadow land, market gardens and nursery grounds and the use of
land for woodlands where that use is ancillary to the farming of the land. Agriculture
includes primary processing of onsite products.
AMUSEMENT USE means the use of land or buildings equipped for the playing of
electronic, mechanical, or other games and amusements including electronic games,
pinball games and slot machine arcades and billiard and pool halls.
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ANTENNA means a system that involves the transmission or receiving of data through
radio waves, air monitoring, weather collection devices or other sources, typically
forming part of a mast or tower which may be several hundred metres tall, either guyed
or freestanding. Small monitoring structures are typically located near the base.
APARTMENT BUILDING means a building containing three or more dwelling units, but
does not include a row dwelling or a single dwelling with a subsidiary apartment.
APPLICANT means a person who has applied to Council for approval to carry out
APEAL BOARD means the appropriate Appeal Board established under the Act.
ARTERIAL STREET means the streets in the Planning Area constituting the main traffic
arteries of the area and defined as arterial streets or highways in the Municipal Plan or
on the Zoning Map.
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BACKLOT means a lot characterized by the location of the residential lot generally at
the rear of another residential lot, or otherwise separated from the public street which
provides access, and by a narrower area extending from the rear residential lot to the
public street.
BED AND BREAKFAST means a detached dwelling occupied by the property owner or
the bed and breakfast host as a primary residence in which overnight accommodation
and a breakfast meal are offered to registered guests for a fee.
BOARDING HOUSE means a dwelling in which at least 2 rooms are regularly rented to
persons other than the immediate family of the owner or tenant.
BUFFER means a berm, row of trees or shrubs, hedge, fence, or distance separation
that provides a barrier between incompatible sites, uses or districts.
a structure, erection, excavation, alteration or improvement placed on, over or
under land, or attached, anchored or moored to land; mobile structures, vehicles
and marine vessels adapted or constructed for residential, commercial, industrial
and other similar uses;
a part of and fixtures on buildings referred to in (a) and (b), and
an excavation of land whether or not that excavation is associated with the intended
or actual construction of a building or thing referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (c).
BUILDING HEIGHT means the vertical distance, in metres, from established grade to the:
highest point of the roof surface of a flat roof;
deck line of a mansard roof; and
mean height level between the eave and ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof.
In any case, a Building Height shall not include mechanical structures, smokestacks,
steeples, and purely ornamental structures above a roof.
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BUILDING LINE means a line established by the Council that runs parallel to the street
line and is set at the closest point to a street that a building may be placed. A corner lot
is deemed to have a building line setback on both the primary and flanking streets.
CHILD CARE FACILITY means a building or part of a building in which services and care
are regularly provided to children, but does not include a school as defined by the Schools
CORNER LOT means a lot deemed to have street frontages on both a primary and a
flanking (secondary) street.
CORNER LOT SIGHT TRIANGLE means a corner lot, a fence, sign, hedge, shrub,
bush or tree or any other structure or vegetation shall not be erected or permitted to
grow to a height greater than 1 metre above grade of the streets that abut the lot within
the triangular area included within the street lines for a distance of 6 metres from the
point of intersection.
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DISCRETIONARY USE means a use that is listed within the discretionary use classes
established in the use zone tables of the Councils Development Regulations.
DOUBLE DWELLING means one building containing two dwelling units, placed one
above the other, side by side, or joined by a carport with separate lot areas dedicated to
each unit, but does not include a single dwelling containing a subsidiary apartment.
DRIVEWAY means a private road for vehicles that connects a house, garage, or other
building with a public road.
DWELLING UNIT means a self-contained unit consisting of one or more habitable rooms
used or designed as the living quarters for one or more persons.
ESTABLISHED BUILDING LINE means the average distance from the street line of
existing buildings in any block where more than half the frontage has been built upon in
the past.
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FAMILY CHILD CARE USE means a building or part of a building in which services and
activities are regularly provided for up to six (6) children as defined in the Child Care
Services Act, but do not include a school as defined by the Schools Act.
FLOODWAY means the inner portion of a flood risk area where the risk of flood is
greatest, on average once in twenty years and where the flood depths and water
velocities are greatest.
FLOODWAY FRINGE means the outer portion of a flood risk area, between the
floodway and the outer boundary of the flood risk area, where the risk of flooding is
lower, on average once in one hundred years, and flood waters are shallower and
FLOOR AREA means the total area of all floors of a building measured to the outside face
of exterior walls.
FORESTRY means the use of land for the purpose of forest and woodland management
including the felling, cutting, trimming and thinning of forest or woodland for the extraction
of timber, and includes reforestation and silviculture.
FRONTAGE means the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the
building line.
FRONT YARD DEPTH means the distance between the front lot line of a lot and the
front wall of the main building on the lot.
GENERAL GARAGE means land or buildings used for the repair, maintenance and
storage of motor vehicles and may include the sale of petroleum products.
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GENERAL INDUSTRY means the use of land or buildings for the purpose of storing,
assembling, altering, repairing, manufacturing, fabricating, preparing, processing, testing,
salvaging, breaking up, demolishing, or treating any article, commodity or substance, and
Industry shall be construed accordingly.
GROUP CHILD CARE USE means a building or part of a building in which services and
activities are regularly provided for seven (7) or more children as defined in the Child Care
Services Act, but do not include a school as defined by the Schools Act.
GROUP HOME means a dwelling unit accommodating not more than 6 persons, exclusive
of staff, in a home-like setting where staff provide care and supervision. This definition
includes, but is not limited to, the facilities called Transition House and Foster Home.
INDEPENDANT SENIORS LIVING means residences that are offered for sale or rent to
people in the 55+ age group. Residences may have any number of units. They may be
a multi-unit complex or individual apartment style residences with one or two bedrooms
in a cottage, or duplex style buildings.
HAZARDOUS INDUSTRY means the use of land or buildings for industrial purposes
involving the use of materials or processes, which because of their inherent characteristics
constitute a special fire, explosion, radiation or other hazard.
HOME OCCUPATION means a secondary use of a dwelling unit or its accessory building
by at least one of the residents of such dwelling unit to conduct a gainful occupation or
business activity, and subsidiary to a residential use. Home based Business shall have
the same meaning.
HOME OFFICE means a secondary use of a dwelling unit by at least one of the residents
of such dwelling unit to conduct a gainful occupation or business activity with such
occupation or business activity being restricted to office uses which do not involve
visitation by clients, customers, or the general public to the site, nor the employment of
non-residents, and subsidiary to a residential use.
HOSPITALITY HOME means a dwelling unit in which at least 1 room is regularly rented,
and includes the uses commonly referred to as Bed and Breakfast, and Boarding
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LANDSCAPE PLAN means a two dimensional scaled concept plan showing the land or
lot boundaries which would include proposed development of the land by using turf, plants,
shrubs, trees, retaining walls and fences for aesthetic or practical purposes. A Landscape
Plan may include, but not limited to, the arrangement or modifying land features, such as
tree retention or planting, garden edging or retaining, planting, screening, fencing or
earthwork (alteration or drainage).
LIGHT INDUSTRY means the use of land or buildings for industrial use that can be carried
out without hazard or intrusion and without detriment to the amenity of the surrounding
area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, grit, soot, ash, dust, glare or
LOCAL STREET means a street designed primarily to provide access to adjoining land
and which is not designated as a collector street or arterial street in the Municipal Plan,
or on the Zoning Map.
LOT means a plot, tract or parcel of land that can be considered as a unit of land for a
particular use or building.
LOT AREA means the total horizontal area within the lines of a lot.
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LOT LINE, FLANKING means a lot line which abuts the street on a corner lot.
MINERAL WORKING means land or buildings used for the working, stockpiling or
extraction of rock, mineral, peat or aggregate material, and will include a quarry.
MINI HOME means a factory produced single dwelling complying with the National
Building Code and having the appearance of a mobile home.
MOBILE HOME means a transportable factory-built single family dwelling unit, which
complies with space standards substantially equal to those laid down in Part IX of the
National Building Code of Canada and is in accordance with the construction standards
laid down by the Canadian Standards Association and all other applicable provincial and
municipal regulations, and which is designed to be transported on its own wheels and
chassis to a lot, and subsequently supported on its own wheels, jacks, or posts or a
permanent foundation; and connected to exterior public utilities approved by the Authority,
namely, piped water, piped sewer, electricity and telephone, in order for such mobile home
unit to be suitable for year round term occupancy.
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MUNICIPAL PLAN means a plan adopted by the Council as a Municipal Plan pursuant
to the Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000.
NON-CONFORMING USE means a legally existing use that is not listed as a permitted
use or discretionary use for the use zone in which it is located or which does not meet the
development standards for that use zone.
PERMIT TO DEVELOP means the general term referring to all permits or licenses
approved by Council and shall include all conditions, agreements or provisions attached
PERMITTED USE means a use that is listed within the permitted use classes set out in
the use zone tables of these Development Regulations.
PLANNING AREA means a regional planning area and a municipal planning area
established under section 6 and 11 of the Act. For the purpose and context of these
regulations, the Planning Area shall mean the area within the municipal boundaries of the
Town of Holyrood.
PRIMARY STREET means the street on which a development fronts and is referenced in
the civic address.
PRIVATE ROAD (SHARED DRIVEWAY) means a roadway within private property that
is privately owned, maintained and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those
having express or implied permission from the owner, but not other persons. Their main
function is to provide access to the private land. Most private roads are not designed to
the same standards as public streets. Municipal services are not available to the
buildings or dwellings on private streets.
PROHIBITED USE means a use that is not listed in a use zone within the permitted use
classes or discretionary use classes or a use that Council specifies as not permitted within
a use zone.
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PUBLIC STREET means a main road or thoroughfare owned and maintained by the
Authority, such as a provincial highway or local street, available to the public for pedestrian
use or vehicular transportation.
REAR YARD DEPTH means the mean distance between the rear lot line and the rear of
the main building on the lot.
ROW DWELLING means three or more dwelling units at ground level in one building,
each unit separated vertically from the others.
SCREENING means a fence, berm, trees, hedge, wall or building used to separate
areas or functions which detract from the appearance of the streetscape and the view
from the surrounding areas.
SERVICE STATION means a building, including gas pumps, used for the sale of
petroleum products, and may include general merchandise, minor automotive repairs, and
washing of vehicles.
SERVICE STREET means a street constructed parallel to or close to another street for
the purpose of limiting direct access to that street.
SHOP means a building or part thereof used for retail trade wherein the primary
purpose is the selling or offering for sale of goods, wares or merchandise by retail or the
selling or offering for sale of retail services but does not include an establishment
wherein the primary purpose is the serving of meals or refreshments, an amusement
use, a general garage, or a service station.
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SHOPPING CENTRE means a group of retail stores with integrated parking which is
planned, developed and designed as a unit containing a minimum of 5 retail
SIDEYARD WIDTH means the distance between a side lot line and the nearest side wall
of a building on the lot.
SIGN means a word, letter, model, placard, board, device or representation, whether
illuminated or not, in the nature of or employed wholly or in part for the purpose of
advertisement, announcement, or direction and excludes those things employed wholly as
a memorial, advertisements or local government, utilities and boarding or similar structures
used for the display of advertisements.
SINGLE DWELLING means one building containing a single dwelling unit for the use of
one family, placed on its own lot, and can include a subsidiary apartment.
SITE PERMIT means a permit issued by the Town of Holyrood for any earth
disturbance or other earthwork including, but not limited to, clearing and grubbing,
grading, excavations, embankments, land development, road maintenance, and the
moving, depositing, stockpiling or storing of soil, rock, or earth materials.
STREET means a street, road, highway or other way designed for the passage of vehicles
and pedestrians, and which is accessible by fire department and other emergency
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SUBDIVISION means the dividing of land, whether in single or joint ownership, into 2 or
more pieces (including lots), for the purpose of development.
USE ZONE or ZONE means an area of land including buildings and water designated on
the zoning map to which the uses, standards and conditions of a particular use zone table
VARIANCE means a departure, to a maximum of 10% from the yard, area, lot coverage,
setback, size, height, frontage, or any other numeric requirement of the applicable use
zone table of the Councils regulations.
YARD, REAR means the distance between the rear lot line and the rear wall of the
main building on a lot.
YARD, SIDE means the distance between the side lot line and the nearest side wall of a
building on the lot.
YARD, FRONT means the distance between the front lot line of a lot and the front wall
of the main building on the lot.
YARD, FLANKING means the side yard of a corner lot which side yard extends from
the front yard to the rear yard between the flanking lot line and the nearest main wall of
any main building or structure
YARD, ABUTTING means the yard of an abutting lot which shares a lot line of subject
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ZONING MAP means the map or maps attached to and forming part of the Town of
Holyrood Development Regulations.
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