System Losses

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System Losses

System Losses:
Losses in the radar reduce the S/N at the receiver output. Losses which can
be calculated include the antenna beam shape loss, the collapsing loss and
the plumbing loss. Losses which cannot be calculated readily include those
due to field degradation, operator fatigue and lack of operator motivation.
Note: loss has a value greater than unity - Loss = [Gain]-1
1) Plumbing Loss

Loss in transmission lines between the transmitter and antenna and between antenna and

Note from the Fig 2.28 that, at low frequencies, the transmission lines introduce little loss. At
high frequencies the attenuation is significant

Additional loss occurs at connectors (0.5 dB), bends (0.1dB) and at rotary joints (0.4 dB)

Note: If a line is used for both transmission and reception, its loss is added

The duplexer typically adds 1.5 dB insertion loss. In general, the greater the isolation required,

2) Beam Shape Loss

The train of pulses returned from the target to a scanning radar are modulated in amplitude by the
shape of the antenna beam.
A beam shape loss accounts for the fact that the maximum gain is used in the radar equation
rather than a gain which changes from pulse to pulse. (This approach is approximate since it does
not address Pd for each pulse separately).
Let the one way power pattern be approximated by a Gaussian shape

Here B is the half power beam width

nB is the number of pulses received within B and if n is the number of
pulses integrated, then the beam shape loss (relative to a radar that
integrated n pulses with equal gain) is

Example integrating 11 pulses gives L (beam shape) = 1.66 dB

Note: the beam shape loss above was for a beam shaped in one plane only (i.e. fan beam or
pencil beam where the target passes through the centre of the beam).
If the target passe through any other part of the beam the maximum signal will not correspond to
the signal from the beam centre.
When many pulses are integrated per beamwidth, the scanning loss is taken as 1.6 dB for a fan
beam scanning in one coordinate, and as 3.2 dB when two coordinate scanning is used.
When the antenna scans so rapidly that the gain on transmission is not the same as the gain on
reception, an additional scanning loss is added.
Additional loss for phased array search using a step scanning pencil beam
since not all regions of space are illuminated by the same value of antenna
3) Limiting Loss
Limiting in radar can lower the Pd. This is not a desirable effect and is due to a limited dynamic
range. Limiting can be due to pulse compression processing and intensity modulation of CRT
(such as PPI).
Limiting results in a loss of onlya fraction of a dB for large numbers of pulses integrated
providing the limiting ratio (ratio of video limit level to RMS noise level) is greater than 2.
For small SNR in bandpass limiters, the reduction of SNR of a sine wave in narrowband
Gaussian noise is /4 (approx 1 dB).
If the spectrum of the input noise is shaped correctly, this loss can be made
4) Collapsing Loss
If the radar integrates additional noise samples along with the wanted signal +noise pulses, the
added noise causes degradation called the collapsing g loss. This occurs on displays which
collapse range information (C scope which displays El vs Az).
In some 3D radars (range, Az, El) that displayoutputs at all Elevations on one PPI (range, Az)
display, the collapsing of the 3D information into 2 D display results in loss.
Can also occur when the output of a high resolution radar is displayed on a device which is of
coarser resolution than the radar.

Marcum has shown that for a square law detector, the integration of m noise
pulses, along with n signal + noise pulses with SNR per pulse (S/N)n, is
equivalent to the integration of m+n signal-to-noise pulses each with SNR of

The collapsing loss then is the ratio of the integration loss Li for m+n pulses
to the integration loss for n pulses

Example: 10 signal pulses are integrated with 30 noise pulses Required Pd = 0.9, nf = 108
From Fig 2.8b. Li (40) = 3.5 dB, Li (10) = 1.7 dB
Therefore Li (m,n) = 1.8 dB
Collapsing loss for a linear detector can be much greater than for a square law detector.
Fig 2.29 shows the comparison of loss for each detector
5) Nonideal Equipment
Transmitter power - the power varies from tube to tube (for same type), and
with age for a specific tube. Power is also not uniform over the operating
band. Hence Pt may be other than the design value. To allow for this, a loss
factor of about 2 dB can be used.

Receiver noise figure: the NF will vary over the band, hence if the best NF is used in the radar
equation, a loss factor must account for its poorer value elsewhere in the band.
Matched filter: if the receiver is not the exact matched filter fro the transmitted waveform, a
loss of SNR will occur (typically 1 dB).
Threshold level: due to the exponential relationship between Tfa and VT a
slight change in VT can cause significant change to Tfa hence, VT is set
slightly higher than calculated to give good Tfa in the event of circuit drifts.
This is equivalent to a loss.

6) Operator Loss
A distracted, tired, overloaded, poorly trained operator will perform less efficiently. The operator
efficiency factor (empirical) is where Pd is the single scan probability of detection.
Note: operator loss is not relevant to systems where automatic detection is

7) Field Degradation

When a radar is operated under field conditions, the performance deteriorates even more than
can be accounted for in the above losses.
Factors which cause field degradation are:
poor training
weak tubes
water in the transmission lines
incorrect mixer crystal current
deterioration in the receiver NF
poor TR tube recovery
loose cable connections
Radars should be designed with BIST (built - in system test) and BITE (built - in test equipment)
to aid in performance monitoring. A preventative maintenance plan should be used.
BITE parameters to be monitored are
Transmitted power Pt
NF of receiver
Transmitter pulse shape
Recovery time of TR tube
With no other information available, 3 dB is assumed for field degradation
8) Other Loss Factors
MTI radars introduce additional loss. The MTI discrimination technique results in complete loss
of sensitivity for certain target values (blind speeds).
In a radar with overlapping range gates, the gates may be wider than optimum for practical
The additional noise introduced bynonoptimum gate width leads to degradation performance.
Straddling loss accounts for loss in SNR for targets not at the centre of a
range gate, or at the centre of a filter in a multiple bank processor

9) Propagation Effects
The radar equation assumes free space propagation. The earths surface and atmosphere have a
significant effect on radar performance.

The effects fall into three categories:

refraction by the earths atmosphere
lobe structure caused by interference between the direct wave and the ground reflected
For most microwave radars, attenuation through the normal atmosphere or through precipitation
is not significant. However reflection from rain (clutter) is a limiting factor in radar performance
in adverse weather.
The deceasing density of atmosphere with altitude results in bending (refraction) of the
electromagnetic wave. This normally increases the line of sight. the refraction can also be
accounted for by assuming the earth to have a larger radius than actual. A typical earth radius
is 4/3 actual radius.
At times atmospheric conditions create ducting (or super refraction) and increases the radar
range considerably. It is not necessarily desirable since it cannot be counted on. Also it de grades
MTI performance by extending the range at which ground clutter is seen.
The presence of the earth also breaks the antenna elevation pattern into many lobes. this arises
since the direct and reflected waves interfere at the target either destructively or constructively to
produce nulls or lobes. This results in non uniform illumination.

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