Systematic Analysis of Induction Coil Failures
Systematic Analysis of Induction Coil Failures
Systematic Analysis of Induction Coil Failures
Systematic analysis of
induction coil failures
This multipart column presents portions of an in-depth analysis of induction
coil failures. The study was initiated by Inductoheats Aftermarket Department
and was conducted over a period of several years by the companys R&D staff.
The information presented in this series will give readers an understanding
of a broad spectrum of interrelated factors and phenomena that can help them
identify the potential causes of a particular induction coil failure.
Parts 14 appeared in the August, September/October, and November/
December 2005 issues, and the January/February 2006 issue.
Iron-based or ferrite-based
powder materials
Homogeneous properties
Curie point
Electrical resistivity
Thermal conductivity
Resistance to corrosion
50 Hz to 30 kHz
1 to 800 kHz+
Localized overheating
Ability to withstand
high-temperature radiation and
thermal convection
duces eddy current losses, which reduces the materials temperature increase. High thermal conductivity
helps extend service life by reducing
the probability of local overheating
caused by heat radiation from the
workpiece and/or a high-density
magnetic flux.
Ferrite and powders: Pure ferrites
and ferrite- and iron-based powder
materials are often used in induction
Ferrites are dense ceramics made by
mixing iron oxide (FeO) with oxides
or carbonates of one or more other
metals such as nickel, zinc, or magnesium. In relatively weak magnetic
fields, ferrites have very high magnetic
permeabilities (r = 2000+). The main
drawback to ferrites is their brittleness.
Other disadvantages: a low saturation
flux density, low Curie point (~430F
[220C]), poor machinability, and low
thermal shock resistance.
Iron-based or ferrite-based powder
materials have lower magnetic permeability but better machinability. Examples of these materials include Fluxtrol
and Ferrotron (Fluxtrol Inc., Auburn
Hills, Mich., and
AlphaFlux and AlphaForm (Alpha 1
Fig. 4 Laminations are particularly sensitive to aggressive environments such as quenchants. Rusting and degradation result.
Direction of
Piston pin
Axis of symmetry
quent hysteresis loss. And if the individual laminations are not firmly
clamped together, they could start to
vibrate, resulting in mechanical
damage, copper marks, and eventual
failure of the coil or process.
On the plus side, laminations are
relatively inexpensive and can withstand high temperatures at low frequencies better than other materials.
Another advantage is that laminations
have the highest magnetic permeability (in strong magnetic fields) and
saturation flux density (1.4 to 1.9 T)
among flux concentrator materials.
This means that laminations are better
able to retain their magnetic proper-
Piston pin
Fig. 6 Magnetic field distribution in the scan hardening system sketched in Fig. 5. The sharp
corner of the flux concentrator experiences the maximum flux density. This area is a prime candidate for saturation. In addition, it will be heated by thermal radiation and convection from the
surface of the hot workpiece.
Piston pin
Fig. 7 Magnetic field distribution with an improved flux concentrator design (compare with
Fig. 6). Modifications included special coil profiling and elimination of sharp corners in areas
where the magnetic flux density is high.
ally positioned in areas of high magnetic flux density, where electromagnetic forces can be substantial.1 Over
time, these forces can cause the concentrator to loosen and unexpectedly
shift or move out of position.1,7
Another possible cause of concentrator loosening is unstable temperature conditions. During the processing
cycle, the concentrator can be heated
to 480F (250C), followed by cooling
during quenching to ambient temperature. In typical hardening applications, this repeated heating and
cooling is accompanied by expansion
and contraction, respectively, of the
volume of the concentrator, which can
cause it to loosen and move. Movement of the flux concentrator can
cause variations in heating and hardening patterns.
An unexpected change in the hardening pattern can be very serious. In
the automotive industry, for example,
this can result in the recall of many
It may be possible
to avoid overheating
of corners and
end-faces by
designing a flux
system that
uses more than
one material.
1. Handbook of Induction Heating, by V.
Rudnev, D. Loveless, R. Cook, and M.
Black: Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2003,
800 p.
2. Magnetic Flux Concentrators: Myths,
Realities, and Profits, by V. Rudnev and
R. Cook: Metal Heat Treating, March/April
3. Keeping Your Temper With Magnetic
Flux Concentrators, by V. Rudnev, R.
Cook, and D. Loveless: Modern Applications
News, November 1995.
4. An Objective Assessment of Magnetic
Flux Concentrators, by V. Rudnev: Heat
Treating Progress, Vol. 4, No. 6, November/December 2004, p. 1923.
5. Failure Analysis of Induction Coils,
by V. Rudnev, Proceedings of the ASM
Heat Treating Society Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 2628, 2005.
6. Systematic Analysis of Induction Coil
Failures, Part 4, Coil Copper Electromagnetic Edge Effect, by V. Rudnev: Heat
Treating Progress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January/February 2006, p. 2728.
7. Electromagnetic Forces in Induction
Heating, by V. Rudnev: Heat Treating
Progress, Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2005, p. 2528.