MN5010HS Design Guidelines: ROM ROM
MN5010HS Design Guidelines: ROM ROM
MN5010HS Design Guidelines: ROM ROM
Design Guidelines
1. Introduction
This document contains important technical information, design notes and helpful hints to assist the
designer in achieving first time success in bringing up a design using the MN5010HS GPS Receiver
module. It contains design examples and suggestions on a wide variety of topics, including power
supply connections and bypassing, RF interface design, shielding and filtering requirements,
antenna considerations and other important subjects.
Internal TCXO calibration data is lost, lengthening the time for a cold start.
Current ephemeris data is lost, requiring download of the latest ephemeris data.
The current time is lost, eliminating the possibility of a hot start or warm start.
Any user commanded configuration options (such as port speed and protocol) are lost
and the receiver will default to the configuration as defined by the OPT1 and OPT2 pins.
Curent almanac data is lost and the receiver will revert to the factory almanac..
Patch RAM contents (if used) are lost and will require a new download.
Design Guidelines
To place the receiver into hibernate state (all internal power supplies other than RTC/SRAM off) from
the full power operate state, pulse the On-Off control high for a minimum of 100 microseconds. To
return the receiver to full power operate state from the hibernate state, pulse the On-Off control high
for a minimum of 100 microseconds. The Power OnOff pulse must not occur more than once per
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Design Guidelines
transistor or integrated circuit. Do not connect this line to either a pull-up resistor or a device that can
drive the nMR line high. The nMR line is a connection into an open collector bus with 1.2 volt logic
levels. Driving this line high, or pulling it high to a voltage greater than 1.2 volts can permanently
damage the device. The nMR line must be held low a minimum of 30msec for the reset to be
properly recognized.
Holding the nMR line low does not place the receiver into a low power state and should not be used
for this purpose.
Pulling the nMR line low and releasing it will take the receiver out of hibernate state.
3. Default Configuration
The MN5010HS OPT1 and OPT2 input pins change the default behavior of the receiver upon power
up. Note these signals do not have internal pull-up or pull-down resistors. It is important to either pull
up the input to 1.8 volts or pull it down to ground and not leave the lines floating.
NMEA 4800 BPS, GGA, GSA, GSV(5 sec), RMC, VTG, SBAS Off,
Static Filter Off, Internal DR Off, Track Smoothing On
Extended Ephemeris is not available.
SiRF Binary 57600 BPS
NMEA 57600 BPS, GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, EE SiRF Proprietary
Static Filter On, Internal DR On (15 second timeout), Track Smoothing On.
Extended Ephemeris is available. Note - the receiver powers up in
hibernate state for this configuration.
Table 1 - OPT Pin Description
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Design Guidelines
5. Navigation Indication Pin
Pin 20 of the MN5010HS is the NAV pin, and outputs a signal that pulses high for 100 milliseconds
every second whenever the MN5010HS is in navigation. When the receiver drops out of navigation,
the NAV signal is continuously low. This signal is a 1.8 volt CMOS I/O logic level.
6. 1PPS Pin
The 1PPS signal is available on pin 9, and pulses high for 1 microsecond at a 1 second rate. It is
valid during 3D navigation. The 1PPS signal can vary by up to 200 nanoseconds and trails the UTC
1 second epoch by 450 nanoseconds.
7. Reserved Pin
Pin 4 of the MN5010HS is reserved for factory use. It should be grounded through a zero resistor.
8. RF Interface
8.1. RF Input
The MN5010HS GPS Receiver Module accepts a standard L1 GPS C/A code signal (from a passive
or active antenna) on the RF Input pad of the module. If a passive antenna is desired, no additional
circuitry is required.
8.2. Passive Antenna
A passive antenna can be directly connected to the ANT input of the MN5010HS. Assuming the
antenna is well tuned for the ground plane it would sit on and any plastics that would enclose it,
matching of the antenna to the MN5010HS would not be required. However, good practice suggests
that footprints for a PI matching network would be prudent if space permits.
The ANT input to the MN5010HS directly feeds an LNA. If high levels of RF interference are
expected in the end product, the addition of a pre-select SAW or ceramic filter may be required to
provide good performance.
The rejection characteristics of the pre-select filter can be determined by measuring the out of band
signal levels and using the values from the jamming curve of the MN5010HS as shown in the data
8.3. Active Antenna
If an active antenna is required, then suitable means for powering the active antenna must be
provided external to the MN5010HS GPS Receiver Module. The RF input is isolated from DC levels
to a maximum of 15 VDC. In addition, depending upon the amplifier gain of the active antenna (not
to be confused with antenna gain) and cable loss, an RF attenuator may need to be inserted in front
of the MN5010HS to attenuate the output of the active antenna. Generally, an excess gain greater
than 14 dB will need to be attenuated to bring the total gain in front of the MN5010HS down to 14
dB. Operating with higher gain is possible, but may result in somewhat degraded performance in
interference rejection.
If tolerance to high levels of RF interference are required in the end product, the active antenna can
be selected to have both a pre-select and post-select filter to attenuate the unwanted interference.
Micro Modular Technologies Pte. Ltd.
No. 3, Ubi Avenue 3, #03-02 Crocodile House 408857 Singapore
Tel: 65-6745-8832 Fax: 65-6293-0661 Email:
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Design Guidelines
8.4. LO Leakage
The MN5010HS has an internal LO at 1571.424MHz that can appear at the ANT pad of the device.
While this level is quite low (approximately 80 dBm), it is high enough that it could interfere with
another GPS receiver in the vicinity. This is not a problem in normal operation, but during test and
evaluation, several receivers could be operating simultaneously from a common antenna or other
signal source. In this case, care must be taken to provide proper isolation between the receivers.
8.5. Spurious Signals
Due to the size of the MN5010HS module and the tight IC geometries used internally, the
MN5010HS does generate a fair amount of digital noise. Since this is all based upon the internal
reference frequency of 16.369 MHz, it is synchronous within the receiver and does not impact
receiver operation. However, some signals may interfere with external circuitry. It may be necessary
to shield the GPS module and related circuitry from other receivers in the end product. If spurious
emission (other than LO leakage) from the GPS antenna are an issue, then either an active antenna
or a pre-select SAW filter between the ANT pad of the MN5010HS and the passive antenna can be
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Design Guidelines
A second case occurs in the collocated transmitter. The power amplifier has both a gain and a noise
figure. If we take an example of a power amp noise figure of 15 dB and 30 dB of gain, this would
mean that the power amp radiates broadband noise approximately 45 dB above thermal noise. This
means the power amp alone could present a noise source in the GPS band of -129 dBm. While this
would easily meet any regulatory emissions requirements, it would render the GPS receiver
inoperative. In this case, a suitable filter must be placed on the output of the power amplifier of the
collocated transmitter, not the GPS receiver, to avoid this case.
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Design Guidelines
Patch Antennas
Patch antennas are typically square or round ceramic elements with metallic plating on both sides,
the top being the antenna element and the bottom being the ground plane.
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Design Guidelines
Helix Antennas
Helix antennas are usually spirally wound onto a tubular ceramic piece (see Figure 4). For best
performance, the helix antenna needs to be vertical with respect to the surface of the earth. Helix
antennas do not require a ground plane, but may work better with one.
Chip Antennas
Chip antennas are the smallest type available for GPS and are quite popular in small handhelds.
However, chip antennas are linearly polarized making them more receptive to multipath signals
which would degrade the accuracy of the computed position in some cases. Chip antennas also
have very specific ground plane requirements. The antenna vendor can provide assistance in this
area and can possibly tune the chip for a specific application.
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Design Guidelines
11. Notices
All reference and informational documents (including marketing information, specifications, reference
designs, etc.) are provided for information only and are subject to change without notice. Reasonable
efforts have been made in the preparation of these documents to assure their accuracy, however
Micro Modular Technologies Pte. Ltd. assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this,
or any document, or from the use of the information contained herein. Micro Modular Technologies
Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to make changes in the product design and specifications as needed and
without notification to its users. Please check our website for the most current documentation. All
information contained herein is the property of Micro Modular Technologies Pte Ltd. and may not be
copied or reproduced, other than for your information, without prior written consent.
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