Education Act of 1982
Education Act of 1982
Education Act of 1982
Establishment of Schools
Section 25. Establishment of Schools - All schools shall be established in
accordance with law. The establishment of new national schools and the
conversion of existing schools from elementary to national secondary or
tertiary schools shall be by law: Provided, That any private school proposed
to be established must incorporate as an non-stock educational corporation
in accordance with the provisions of the Corporation Code of the Philippines.
This requirement to incorporate may be waived in the case of familyadministered pre-school institutions.
Internal Organization of Schools
Section 37. Special Education Fund - The proceeds of the Special Education
Fund accruing to local governments shall be used exclusively for the
purposes enumerated in Section 1 of Republic Act No. 5447, and in
accordance with rules and regulations issued by the Ministry of Education,
Culture and Sports and the Ministry of the Budget. Said proceeds shall be
considered a local fund and shall be subject to Presidential Decrees No. 477,
Presidential Decree No. 1375 and other applicable local budget laws and
Section 38. Tuition and other School Fees - Secondary and post-secondary
schools may charge tuition and other school fees, in order to improve
facilities or to accommodate more students.
Section 39. Income from other Sources - Government-supported
educational institution may receive grants, legacies, donations and gifts for
purposes allowed by existing laws.
Furthermore, income generated from production activities and from auxiliary
enterprises may be retained and used for schools concerned in accordance
with rules and regulations jointly issued consistently with pertinent
appropriation and budgetary laws by the Ministry of the Budget, the Ministry
of Education, Culture and Sports and the Commission on Audit.
Section 40. Funding of Private Schools - Private schools may be funded from
their capital investment or equity contributions, tuition fees and other school
charges, grants, loans, subsidies, passive investment income and income
from other sources.
Section 41. Government Assistance - The government, in recognition of
their complementary role in the educational system, may provide aid to the
programs of private schools in the form of grants or scholarships, or loans
from government financial institutions: Provided, That such programs meet
certain defined educational requirements and standards and contribute to
the attainment of national development goals.
Section 42. Tuition and Other Fees - Each private school shall determine its
rate of tuition and other school fees or charges. The rates and charges
adopted by schools pursuant to this provision shall be collectible, and their
application or use authorized, subject to rules and regulations promulgated
by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Section 43. Income from Other Sources - Any private school duly recognized
by the government, may receive any grant and legacy, donation, gift,
bequest or devise from any individual, institution, corporation, foundation,
trust of philanthropic organization, or research institution or organization as
may be authorized by law.
Furthermore, private schools are authorized to engage in any auxiliary
enterprise to generate income primarily to finance their educational
operations and/or to reduce the need to increase students' fees.
Section 44. Institutional Funds - The proceeds from tuition fees and other
school charges, as well as other income of schools, shall be treated as
institutional funds. Schools may pool their institutional funds, in whole or in
the government, shall be considered exempt from tax if the total proceeds of
the sale are reinvested in a new or existing duly established school, college,
or university located in the dispersal site, within one (1) year from the date
of such sale, transfer or disposition; otherwise, all taxes due on the gains
realized from the transaction shall immediately become due and payable.
Section 50. Conversion to Educational Foundations - An educational
institution may convert itself into a non-stock, non-profit educational
foundation, in accordance with the implementing rules to be issued jointly by
the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Finance.
In the case of stock corporations, if for any reason its corporate existence as
an educational institution ceases and is not renewed, all its net assets after
liquidation of the liabilities and other obligations may be conveyed and
transferred to any non-profit educational institution or successor non-profit
educational institution or to be used in such manner as in the judgment of
said court will best accomplish the general purposes for which the dissolved
organization was organized, or to the State.
Section 51. Government Assistance to Students - The government shall
provide financial assistance to financially disadvantaged and deserving
students. Such assistance may be in the form of State scholarships, grantsin-aid, assistance from the Educational Loan Fund, or subsidized tuition rates
in State colleges and universities.
All the above and similar assistance programs shall provide for reserve
quotas for financially needed but academically qualified students from the
national cultural communities.
Section 52. Grant of Scholarship Pursuant to Existing Laws - Educational
institutions shall be encouraged to grant scholarships to students pursuant to
the provisions of existing laws and such scholarship measures as may
hereafter be provided for by law.
Section 53. Assistance from the Private Sector - The private sector,
especially educational institutions, business and industry, shall be
encouraged to grant financial assistance to students, especially those
undertaking research in the fields of science and technology or in such
projects as may be necessary within the context of national development.
Section 54. Declaration of Policy - The administration of the education
system and, pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution, the supervision
and regulation of educational institutions are hereby vested in the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sports, without prejudice to the provisions of the
charter of any state college and university.
Section 55. Organization - The Ministry shall be headed by the Minister of
Education, Culture and Sports who shall be assisted by one or more Deputy
The organization of the Ministry shall consist of (a) the Ministry Proper
composed of the immediate Office of the Minister, and the Services of the
Ministry, (b) the Board of Higher Education, which is hereby established, (c)
the Bureau of Elementary Education, the Bureau of Secondary Education, the
Bureau of Higher Education, the Bureau of Technical and Vocational
Education, and the Bureau of Continuing Education, which are hereby
established, (d) Regional offices and field offices, (e) the National Scholarship
Center and such other agencies as are now or may be established pursuant
to law, and (f) the cultural agencies, namely: the National Library, the
National Historical Institute, the National Museum, and the Institute of
National Language. Such of the above offices as are created or authorized to
be established under this provision, shall be organized and staffed and shall
function, subject to the approval of the President, upon recommendation of
the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports in consultation with the
Presidential Commission on Reorganization.
Section 56. The National Board of Education is hereby abolished, and its
appropriations, personnel, records, and equipment are hereby transferred to
the Office of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports.
Section 57. Functions and Powers of the Ministry - The Ministry shall:
1. Formulate general education objectives and policies, and adopt longrange educational plans;
Section 67. Functions - A regional office shall:
1. Formulate the regional plan of education based on the national plan
of the Ministry taking into account the specific needs and special
traditions of the region;
2. Implement education laws, policies, plans, programs, rules and
regulations of the Ministry or agency in the regional area;
3. Provide economical, efficient and effective education services to the
people in the area.
Section 68. Penalty Clause - Any person upon conviction for an act in
violation of Section 28, Chapter 3, Title III above, shall be punished with a
fine of not less than two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) nor more than ten
thousand pesos (P10,000.00) or imprisonment for a maximum period of two
(2) years, or both, in the discretion of the court.
If the act is committed by a school corporation, the school head together
with the person or persons responsible for the offense or violation shall be
equally liable.
Section 69. Administrative Sanction - The Minister of Education, Culture and
Sports may prescribe and impose such administrative sanction as he may
deem reasonable and appropriate in the implementing rules and regulations
promulgated pursuant to this Act for any of the following causes:
1. Mismanagement of school operations;
2. Gross inefficiency of the teaching or non-teaching personnel;
3. Fraud or deceit committed in connection with the application for
Ministry permit or recognition;