Toxicology Notes
Toxicology Notes
Toxicology Notes
May 2007
This material is intended for educational use only by practicing health care workers or
students and faculty in a health care field.
The scope of toxicology widened tremendously during the last
few years.
The authors would like to thank the Carter Center for the
initiation &continuous financial support in the preparation of
this lecture note.
We like to extend our thanks to Hawassa university
pharmacology & medical laboratory department heads Dr.
Sintayehu Abebe & Ato Dawit Yidegu respectively, for their
encouragement during the preparation.
The valuable comments made during intra &inter-institutional
review meetings by Hawassa & different university lecturers in
the department of pharmacology &medical laboratory
strengthened the lecture note. On top of that, comments made
by national reviewers [Prof. Eyasu Mekonon (AAU) & Ato
Estifanos Kebede (Jimma University)] further empower the
integrity of the teaching material.
We like to thank also our secretory W/o Tadelech Beriso for
her dedication in writing the drafts.
At last our gratitude also extends to those who provided
support &comments on various drafts during the preparation.
Preface ................................................................................... i
AAS- Atomic absorption spectroscopy
ABGs- Arterial blood gas analysis
ALA- D- Delta amino levulinate dehydratase
BUN- Blood urea &nitrogen
CBC- Complete blood count
CNS- Central nervous system
CO- Carbon monoxide
DDT Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane
EPP- Erythrocyte proto porphyrine
GC- Gas chromatography
GC-MS- Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry
GIT- Gastrointestinal tract
HCl- Hydrochloric acid
HPLC- High performance liquid chromatography
NaOH- Sodium hydroxide
nm- nano meter
NMR- Nuclear magnetic resonance
PH- Power of hydrogen
PT- Prothrombin time
PTT- Partial prothrombin time
t1/2 - Half-life
TLC- Thin layer chromatography
UV- Ultraviolet
Vd- Volume of distribution
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the student will be able to:
1. Understand the history of toxicology, &epidemiology of
2. Define different terminologies used in toxicology.
3. Understand the basic classification of toxicology.
4. Describe toxicokinetics & toxicodynamics.
5. Describe the potential causes of toxicity
6. Understand the environmental consideration of
7. Describe poison prevention & control strategies.
During the past decades industrialization and agricultural
development, paralleled with increased health care have changed
life in various ways.
has grown. So toxicology has a very important role to play in modern
society & consequently it is now growing rapidly as a new subject.
This short chapter presents an overview of the broad topic of
1. What is toxicology?
It has got another dimension: the social, the moral & legal
aspects of exposure of populations to chemicals of unknown
or uncertain hazard.
Paracelsus (1493 AD), viewed a poison in the body would
be cured by a similar poison but the dosage is very
important. Paracelsus summarized his concept in the
following famous phrase All substances are poisons; there
is none that is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a
poison from a remedy
Orifila (1787-1853 AD), Spanish physician who contributed
to forensic toxicology by devising means of detecting
poisonous substances. From then on toxicology began in a
more scientific manner & began to include the study of the
mechanism of action of poisons.
The 20th century- toxicology has now become much more
than the use of poisons. There are marked improvements in
toxicological diagnosis (that ranges from screening to
confirmatory tests), & management (production of antidote
for them).
2. Epidemiology
The following toxicological data are derived from American
association of poison control center. So it is mostly a
description of the epidemiology of unintentional poisoning. It
is very difficult to find the primary data of poisoning in our
country because most of the screening & confirmatory tests
are not done routinely in our set up. Additionally, we dont
have well organized poison control center.
Today, poisoning (both accidental and intentional), is a
significant contributor to mortality and morbidity. It has been
estimated that 7% of all emergency room visits are the result
of toxic exposures.
and prescription drugs, cosmetics, and solvents comprise
the most frequent human toxic exposures. Young children
and elderly are most likely to be accidentally exposed to
drugs or household chemicals at home. During adolescence
and young adulthood the exposures are more likely to be
intentional, either through suicide attempts or
experimentation with drugs or alcohol. More than 72.4% of
all poison exposures occur in children and adolescents less
than 17 years of age.
B) Presence of mixtures
Humans normally come in contact with several (or many)
different chemicals concurrently or sequentially. The resulting
biologic effect of combined exposure to several agents can be
characterized as synergistic, additive, Potentiation &
Synergism-when the effect of two chemicals is greater than the
effect of individual chemicals e .g carbontetrachloride + alcohol=
more toxic to the liver than the sum of the individual drugs
Additive effect- when the total pharmacological action of two or
more chemicals taken together is equivalent to the summation of
their individual pharmacological action.
Potentiation effect - the capacity of a chemical to increase the
effect of another chemical without having the effect e .g
Disulfiram at non-toxic doses potentiate the toxicity of alcohol &
used in the treatment of alcohol abuse.
Antagonism -is the phenomenon of opposing actions of two
chemicals on the same system e .g paracetamol causes serious
liver damage when given with alcohol or barbiturates, both of
which induce drug metabolizing enzymes.
4. Basic classification of toxicology
Toxicology is broadly divided into different classes depending on
research methodology, socio-medical & organ/specific effects.
I. Based on research methodology
A. Descriptive toxicology
Descriptive toxicology deals with toxicity tests on chemicals
exposed to human beings and environment as a whole.
B. Mechanistic toxicology
Mechanistic toxicology deals with the mechanism of toxic effects
of chemicals on living organisms. This is important for rational
treatment of the manifestations of toxicity (e.g. organophosphate
poisoning reversed by oximes) ,prediction of risks (e.g.
organophosphate poisoning leads to accumulation of
a c e t y l c h o l i n ea c t i v a t e m u s c a r i n i c a n d n i c o t i n i c
receptorsrespiratory failure) & facilitation of search for safer
drugs (e.g. Instead of organophosphates, drugs which reversibly
bind to cholinesterase would be preferable in therapeutics)
C. Regulatory toxicology
Regulatory toxicology studies whether the chemical substances
has low risk to be used in living systems
E .g - Food and drug administration regulates drugs, food,
cosmetics medical devices &supplies in USA.
Agricultural workers may be exposed to harmful
amounts of pesticides
B) Environmental toxicology
Environmental toxicology deals with the potentially deleterious
impact of chemicals, present as pollutants of the environment, to
living organisms. Ecotoxicology has evolved as an extension of
environmental toxicology. It is concerned with the toxic effects of
chemical and physical agents on living organisms, especially in
populations and communities with defined ecosystems.
C) Clinical toxicology
Clinical toxicology deals with diagnosis and treatment of the
normal diseases or effects
5. Respiratory toxicology etc.
5. Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics
A. Toxicokinetics
Absorption is the process by which the chemical enters the
body. It depends on the route of administration, dissociation
(to become ionized), dissolution (ability of solid dosage form to
become soluble), concentration, blood flow to the site, and the
area of the absorptive site.
The common sites of absorption (routes of exposure) are
Therefore, a portion of the chemical fails to reach the systemic
circulation in original form after oral administration
ii) Distribution
Distribution-is defined as the apparent volume into which a
substance is distributed.
First pass effect is the biotransformation of some chemicals
by the liver during the initial pass from the portal circulation after
oral administration.
Half life (t ) is the time required to reduce the blood
concentration of the chemical to half.
IV) Excretion
Excretion is the final means of chemical elimination, either as
metabolites or unchanged parent chemical. Excretion through
the lungs is the major route for gaseous substances; and in the
case of non-volatile water soluble drugs, the kidneys are the
most important routes of excretion.
B. Toxicodynamics
Toxicodynamics is the mechanism of action of a toxic chemical
to the body (what chemicals do to the body). The targets for the
toxicodynamic actions of toxic chemicals are
Membrane receptors
Intracellular receptors
Ion channel
DNA damage
parameters that are derived from the dose response
relationships are
Median lethal dose (LD50) is the dose which is expected to kill
50% of the population in the particular group.
Median effective dose (ED50) is the dose that produces a
desired response in 50% of the test population when
pharmacological effects are plotted against dosage.
Median toxic dose (TD50) is the dose which is expected to
bring toxic effect in 50% of the population in the particular group.
50 .........................................................
Fig. Comparison of dose response curves for efficacy (A), toxicity
(B), & lethality (C). The effective,toxic, &lethal dosage for 50% of the
population in the groupcan be estimated as shown.
Common effects of chemicals to cause symptoms
Chemicals can cause symptoms through the following mechanisms
a.Interfere with the transport or tissue utilization of oxygen
(carbon monoxide, cyanide), resulting in hypoxia or a
decrease in an essential substrate such as glucose
b. Depress or stimulate the CNS, producing coma (sedativehypnotics) or convulsions (Sympathomimetics such as
cocaine, amphetamines)
c. Affect the autonomic nervous system, producing cholinergic
action (organophosphate insecticide)
d. Affect the lungs by aspiration (hydrocarbon)
e.Affect the heart and vasculature producing myocardial
dysfunction, dysrrhythmias (antiarrhythmic agents) and
hypertension or hypotension
f. Produce local damage (caustics and corrosives)
g. Delayed effects on the liver (acetaminophen) or kidneys
(heavy metals.
6. Potential sources of toxicities
The potential causes of toxicities include
active botanical substances may be higher. Adverse
effects have been documented for a variety of botanical
7. Environmental considerations
Certain chemical and physical characteristics are known to be
important for estimating the potential hazard involved for
environmental toxicants.
accumulate. Lipophilic substances tend to accumulate in body
fat, resulting in tissue residues. When the toxicant is
incorporated in to the food chain, biomagnification occurs as one
species feed upon others and concentrates the chemical. The
pollutants that have the widest environmental impact are poorly
degradable & relatively mobile in air, water and soil, exhibits
bioaccumulation; and also exhibits biomagnification.
In ecotoxicology there are three interacting components; the
toxicant, the environment and the organisms (community,
population or ecosystem).
8. Poison prevention &control strategies
a) Keep all household poisons separate from food.
b) Keep all products in their original containers
c) Always read all labels carefully before using the product
d) Never give or take any medication in the dark
e) Dispose all products in a safe and proper manner
1. Define toxicology & the terms used in toxicology.
2. Discuss the epidemiologic aspects of toxicology.
3. Discuss the basic classifications of toxicology.
4. Explain what toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics deals with.
5. Write some of the important environmental considerations in
6. List some of the potential sources of toxicity.
7. Mention poisoning prevention & control strategies.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the student will be able to:
1. Understand diagnosis of poisoning by history, physical
examination and different investigations
2. Understand the basic principles of management of
The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidelines for evaluating
the severity of an exposure to a potentially toxic substance, clues to
the identity of the offending substance (its clinical effects on vital
functions, its odor, and its effect on the skin), and, most importantly,
how to manage the severely intoxicated victim initially. The trained
analyst can play a useful role in the management of victims
poisoned with drugs or other chemicals. However, optimal analytical
performance is only possible when the clinical aspects of the
diagnosis and treatment of such victims are understood. The analyst
must therefore have a basic knowledge of emergency medicine and
intensive care, and must be able to communicate with clinicians. In
addition, a good understanding of pharmacology and toxicology and
some knowledge of active elimination procedures and the use of
antidotes are desirable. This chapter aims to provide some of the
basic information required in the general approach of poisoned
General approach to a poisoned victim
Diagnosis of poisoning may be difficult. The victim may either
be unconscious or may not admit self-poisoning. Therefore, a
suspicious mind is required. When acute poisoning is suspected,
the clinician needs to ask a number of questions in order to
establish a diagnosis (history of present illness). In the case of
an unconscious (comatose) victim, the circumstances in which
the victim was found and whether any tablet, bottles or other
containers (scene residues) were present can be important. If
the victim is awake, he or she should be questioned about the
presence of poisons in the home or workplace. The victim's past
medical history (including drugs prescribed and any psychiatric
illness), occupation and hobbies may also be relevant, since
they may indicate possible access to specific poisons.
Physical examination of the victim may indicate
The poison or class of poison involved.
if a number of poisons with different actions have been
absorbed. Moreover, many drugs have similar effects on
the body, while some clinical features may be the result
of secondary effects such as anoxia. Thus, if a victim is
admitted with depressed respiration and pin-point pupils,
this strongly suggests poisoning with an opioid.
Diagnoses other than poisoning must also be considered.
For example, coma can be caused by a cerebrovascular
accident, uncontrolled diabetes infections as well as
poisoning. The availability of the results of urgent
biochemical and hematological tests is obviously
important in these circumstances.
Finally, poisoning with certain compounds may be
b) Toxicological studies
c) Electrocardiogram
d) X-ray findings
Principles of management of poisoning
The initial management of a patient with altered mental status
follows the follow the same approach regardless of the poison
involved. The airway should be checked, breathing &circulation
should be assessed. Then symptomatic &supportive measures are
taken. After this, one can begin in a more detailed evaluation to
make a specific diagnosis. Therefore, in principle, during poisoning,
one should treat the victim first followed by treating the poison itself.
General measures
1. Supportive measures
The first priority is to establish & maintain vital functions.
Subsequently, most victims can be treated successfully
using supportive care alone.
M a i n t a i n a i r w a y, a d e q u a t e v e n t i l a t i o n &
oxygenation, provide tracheal intubation if required
- The absorption of any
- Specific therapeutic procedures, such as antidotal and
active elimination therapy are sometimes indicated. The
results of either a qualitative or a quantitative toxicological
analysis may be required before some treatments are
commenced because they are not without risk to the victim.
In general, specific therapy is only started when the nature
and/or the amount of the poison(s) involved are known.
Antidotes or protective agents are only available for a limited
number of poisons. In summery there are four main methods
of enhancing elimination of the poison from the systemic
1. Repeated oral activated charcoal;
2. Forced diuresis with alteration of urine pH;
3. Peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis; and
4. Haemoperfusion.
Some antidotes &protective agents used to treat acute
Methylene blue
1. What are the common ways used for diagnosing poisoned
2. Write the basic principles of management of poisoning
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the student will able to:
1. Mention the basic necessary information for clinical
toxicology laboratory
2. Explain the role of clinical toxicology laboratory
3. Describe steps in undertaking analytic toxicological
4. Discuss about collection, transportation, storage,
characteristics, physical examination &analytical tests of
laboratory specimens.
5. Describe about
Clinical toxicology involves the detection and treatment of
poisonings caused by a wide variety of substances, including
household and industrial products, animal poisons and venoms,
environmental agents, pharmaceuticals, and illegal drugs. The
toxicology laboratory must provide appropriate testing in three
general areas: Identification of agents responsible for acute
or chronic poisoning; Detection of drugs of abuse; and
therapeutic drug monitoring. Increasingly sophisticated
analytic methods are available to accomplish these tasks, but it
is imperative that they be used judiciously. The numbers of
compounds for which true emergency laboratory results are
needed to guide therapy are still relatively few.
For most
A wide
any of the thousands of potential drugs or toxins that may be
present in a sample.
Ideally, a diagnosis of
Drug monitoring
Close communication between clinical and laboratory personnel is
Knowledge of the
screening procedure for a victim with a depressed level of
consciousness is entirely different from conscious victim.
E. Location of the victim
Location of the victim to the clinical laboratory determines the
type of the test that is going to be done (e. g depending on its
III. Steps in undertaking an analytical toxicological
The analysis dealings with a case of poisoning are usually divided
into pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases
Pre-analytical phase
Obtain details of current admission, including any
circumstantial evidence of
Analytical phase
Post-analytical phase
Interpret the results and discuss them with the clinician
looking after the victim.
Perform additional analyses, if indicated, on the original
samples or on further samples from the victim.
IV. Laboratory specimens
Before starting an analysis it is important to obtain as much
information about the victim as possible (medical, social and
occupational history, treatment given, and the results of laboratory
or other investigations). It is also important to be aware of the time
that elapsed between ingestion or exposure and the collection of
specimens, since this may influence the interpretation of results.
No single specimen type is universally appropriate for identification
of toxic agents. The selection of specimen type is based on both
the toxicokinetics of the suspected agent and laboratory
For the
A. Specimen collection
Urine is useful for screening tests as it is often available in large
volumes and usually contains higher concentrations of drugs or
other poisons than blood. The presence of metabolites may
metals. The
poisoning episode.
Blood (plasma or serum) is normally reserved for quantitative
assays but for some poisons, such as carbon monoxide,
the victim dies) then any specimen remaining should be kept
(preferably at -20C) until investigation of the incident has been
C. Specimen examination
High concentrations of some drugs or metabolites can impart
characteristic colors to urine. Treatment given for poisoning may
color urine (E.g. Deferoxamine in iron poisoning color urine red or
methylene blue given in treatment of nitrate poisoning may color
urine blue). Strong-smelling poisons such as methylsalicylate can
sometimes recognized in urine since they are excreted in part
unchanged. Turbidity may be due to underlying pathology (blood,
microorganisms, casts, epithelial cells), or carbonates, phosphates
or urates (in amorphous or microcrystalline forms). Such findings
should not be ignored, even though they may not be related to the
Stomach contents and scene residues
Some characteristic smells can be associated with particular
poisons (e. g alcohol). Very low or very high pH may indicate
ingestion of acid or alkali, while a green/blue color suggests the
presence of
a polarizing
V. Apparatus, reference compounds & reagents
A. Apparatus
Analytical toxicology services can be provided in clinical
biochemistry laboratories that serve a local hospital or accident
and emergency unit. In addition to basic laboratory equipment,
some specialized apparatus, such as that for thin-layer
chromatography, ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry and
microdiffusion, is needed. A continuous mains electricity supply is
not essential. No reference has been made to the use of more
complex techniques, such as gas-liquid and high-performance
liquid chromatography, atomic absorption spectrophotometry or
immunoassays, even if simple methods are not available for
particular compounds. Although such techniques are more
selective and sensitive than many simple methods, there are a
number of factors, in addition to operator expertise, that have to be
considered before they can be used in individual laboratories.
The standards of quality (purity or cleanliness) of laboratory
reagents and glassware and of consumable items such as
solvents and gases needs to be considerably higher than for the
tests described in this manual if reliable results are to be obtained.
Additional complications, which may not be apparent when
instrument purchase is contemplated, include the need to ensure a
regular supply of essential consumables (gas chromatographic
septa, injection syringes, chromatography columns, solvent filters,
chart or integrator paper, recorder ink or fibre-tip pens) and spare
or additional parts (detector lamps, injection loops, column packing
materials). The instruments must be properly maintained (see
annex II).
Some drug-testing techniques are now available in kit form. For
example, there are standardized thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
drug screening systems. Similarly, immunoassay kits are relatively
simple to use, although problems can arise in practice, especially
in the interpretation of results. Moreover, they are aimed primarily
at the therapeutic drug monitoring and drug abuse testing markets
and, as such, have limited direct application in clinical toxicology.
Many clinical laboratory tests can be helpful in the diagnosis of
acute poisoning and in assessing prognosis. More specialized
tests may be appropriate depending on the clinical condition of the
victim, the circumstantial
medical history.
A. Biochemical tests
Blood glucose:
Determination of blood glucose is essential to know those toxic
substances that affect blood glucose biotransformation. A toxicant
that causes hypoglycemia includes insulin, iron, acetyl salicylic
acid & so on.
Hyperglycemia is a less common complication of poisoning than
hypoglycemia, but has been reported after over dosage with
acetylsalicylic acid, salbutamol and theophylline.
Electrolytes, blood gases and pH
Toxic substances or their metabolites, which inhibit key steps in
intermediary biotransformation, are likely to cause metabolic
acidosis owing to the accumulation of organic acids, notably
Measurement of the serum or plasma anion gap can be helpful.
The anion gap is usually calculated as the difference between
the sum of sodium & potassium concentration and the sum of the
chloride and bicarbonate concentrations ((Na++k+) + (Cl- + HCO3).
It is normally about 10mmol/l.
If arterial blood gas measurement is performed, direct
measurement of oxygen saturation with a CO-oximeter allows
detection of methemoglobin, resulting from intoxication with
various oxidizing drugs or Carbon monoxide-hemoglobin
Plasma enzymes
The plasma activities of liver enzymes, such as aspartate
aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase may increase rapidly
after absorption of toxic doses of substances that can cause liver
necrosis, notably paracetamol, carbon tetrachloride, and copper
Cholinesterase activity
Plasma cholinesterase is a useful indicator of exposure to
organophosphorus compounds or carbamates, and a normal
plasma cholinesterase activity effectively excludes acute poisoning
by these compounds.
The diagnosis can sometimes be assisted by detection of a poison
or metabolite in a body fluid, but the simplest method available is
relatively insensitive.
Measurement of serum osmolality
The normal osmolality of plasma (280-295mOsm/Kg) is largely
accounted by sodium, urea &glucose. However, large increases in
plasma osmolality may follow the absorption of osmotically active
poisons (especially methanol, ethanol, or propan-2-ol) in relatively
large amounts. Together with the standard chemistry panel, serum
osmolality allows identification of an osmolal gap, which may
indicate intoxication with ethanol or other alcohols.
Osmolal gap can be calculated:
Osmolsl gap (Osmolarity) = 2(Na+) + Glucose 18 + BUN 2.8
B. Hematological tests
Hematocrit (Erythrocyte volume fraction)
Acute or acute-on-chronic over dosage with iron salts,
acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, and other non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs may cause gastrointestinal bleeding leading to
Anaemia may also result from chronic exposure to toxins that
interfere with haem synthesis, such as lead.
Leukocyte count
Increases in the leukocyte (white blood cell) count often occur
obtained as soon as possible after admission. Even then, blood
carboxyhemoglobin concentrations tend to correlate poorly with
clinical features of toxicity.
1. What is the basic information necessary for clinical
toxicology laboratory?
2. What are the roles of clinical toxicology laboratory?
3. Mention the steps that are necessary to undertake analytic
toxicological investigations.
4. Describe specimen collection, transportation, storage,
characteristics & physical examination used in clinical
toxicology laboratory.
5. Describe apparatus, reference compounds & reagents used
in clinical toxicology laboratory.
6. Describe the routine laboratory tests used in clinical
toxicology laboratory.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the student will able to:
1. Define the methods used in practical aspects of
analytical toxicology
2. Understand the common toxicology laboratory
Methods for particular toxicologic tests or panels are a well
established part of routine laboratory tests, and information about
them is available on request. In order to interpret toxicology results
properly, the laboratory technician should have a rudimentary
familiarity with the analytic methods employed. Several methods
exist, varying in sensitivity, specificity, assay time, and cost. The
choice depends on the size and budget of the institution, the types of
victims served the proximity to more elaborate toxicology facilities,
and other factors. This chapter focuses on the practical aspects of
analytical toxicology.
Screening methods
in the face of strong clinical suspicions to the contrary may occur
due to a number of reasons.
a. Toxins clinically suspected and in fact present in a
victim are not tested for. Thus a seemingly negative
toxicology screen result is misleading.
If laboratory
as important as the analytic procedure itself in order to rule out the
possibility of specimen tampering or substitution.
B. Common analytical toxicology laboratory techniques
I. Spot tests
Spot tests are rapid, easily performed, non-instrumental qualitative
procedures. They are the most rudimentary toxicology tests, &
generally performed on urine specimens. In the test procedure, the
sample (that is suspected for having a particular toxic chemical)
will react with a chemical or chemicals set as a solution, or coated
on a strip & the result of the reaction expressed by a color
formation detected visually or colorometrically.
Spot tests are available for a number of compounds, including
salicylate, acetaminophen, carbonmonoxide, halogenated
hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. The tests are rapid and
convenient; however sensitivity and specificity are generally poor
and accurate quantification is virtually impossible. Because of
improvements in other technologies, spot tests are now largely
replaced by rapid immuno- assays that may perform at the pointof-care or in the central laboratories.
II. Ultraviolet & visible spectrophotometry
Many toxins have characteristic absorption spectra, but they must
be extracted from body fluids in order to measure these spectra. A
number of the quantitative methods employ ultraviolet (UV)
(200-400 nm) or visible (400-800 nm) spectrophotometry. The
major problem encountered with this technique is interference, and
some form of sample purification, such as solvent extraction or
microdiffusion, is usually employed. For some drugs (e.g.,
barbiturates, benzodiazepines and theophylline) the method offers
reasonable sensitivity and specificity, but it is much less powerful
and versatile than chromatographic method.
Immunoassays are diagnostic techniques used for the detection of
antigen and antibody. Depending on the immunoassay techniques
that are employed for the specific test, either antigen or antibody
may be detected from the samples based on their reaction with their
specific antibody or antigen respectively.
Many types of immunoassay configuration can be devised. Those
not involving radioactivity or separation steps (homogeneous
immunoassays) can be automated on routine clinical chemistry
instruments, making them convenient for laboratories of all sizes.
Immunoassay techniques used to screening specimens for
chemicals include: Enzyme-Multiplied immunoassay (EMIA),
Florescence polarization Immunoassay (FPIA), Cloned enzyme
donor Immunoassay (CEDIA), and Radio Immunoassay (RIA).
Immunoassays can be made highly sensitive and quite specific, but
their specificity is never absolute. Molecules with a similar structure
generally cross-react to some degree, and occasionally substances
interfere with the assay in some other fashion.
Immunoassays also have the drawback that each analyte must be
individually assayed using an available antibody reagent.
Nevertheless, some of the more modern, discrete analyzers can
readily perform multiple homogenous immunoassays with minimal
operator intervention, so a panel of commonly abused drugs (e.g.,
barbiturates, cocaine, opiates, cannabinoids, amphetamines,
benzodiazepines) can be readily tested.
Immunoassay techniques have also been modified for on-site
testing in the emergency department and other out victim settings.
These tests are known as drug dipsticks; and they utilize paper
strips impregnated with drug-specific antibody. The specimen is
applied to the paper, and reagents produce a color development.
Chromatography is a powerful technique for separating substances
based on slight differences in chemical properties. In this method,
components to be separated are distributed between two phases; as
stationary and mobile phases.
Chromatographic procedure involve a sample to be introduced in a
flowing stream of gas or liquid (mobile phase) that pass through a
bed, layer, or column containing a stationary phase (made from
solid, or gel or a liquid). As the mobile phase carries the sample pass
the stationary phase, the solutes with lesser affinity remain in the
mobile phase & travel faster & separate from those that have great
affinity for it. Different chemicals have different characteristic mobility
in a particular chromatographic system, allowing fairly confident
In contrast to immunoassays, small chemical changes (e.g., addition
or removal of a methyl group), commonly cause substantial changes
in chromatographic mobility. Thus the parent drug can usually be
distinguished from its metabolites.
Types of chromatographic techniques
a. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
TLC has been widely used for urine toxicology. It does
not require special equipment, is suitable for analysis of
large batches of samples, is available in commercial kit
form, and allows use of various color reagents in
addition to chromatographic mobilities to aid in chemical
identification. TLC, however, is too slow and
cumbersome to be readily applied to emergency
toxicology, and it is generally not quantitative.
Gas chromatography
GC is the technique of choice for volatile agents
(ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, ethylene glycol). Use
of open tubes (capillaries) allows rapid, high-resolution
separations. Many detection methods can be applied,
some with high sensitivity; and definitive drug
identification is possible by coupling the GC with mass
HPLC, which was developed more recently than
GC, is a more natural technique for the analysis of
nonvolatile compounds. Modern columns perform
highly efficient separations, although resolution is
not as good as that of GC. Detection is usually by
ultraviolet spectrophotometry, which in its most
sophisticated form permits spectral scanning of
each eluting peak to aid in identification.
spectroscopic techniques, including atomic absorption, plasma
emission, neutron activation, and x-ray fluorescence.
1. What is the test methods used in practical aspects of
analytical toxicology?
2. Explain the common analytical toxicology techniques.
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter the student will be able to: 50
1. Understand industrial toxicants like lead, insecticides,
rodenticides, cyanide& hydrocarbons with their
toxicological laboratory investigations.
2. Describe medical poisoning caused by acetaminophen,
salicylates & barbiturates with their toxicological
laboratory investigations.
3. Explain the environmental toxins like carbon monoxide,
& food born toxins with their toxicological laboratory
4. Understand the common drugs of abuse like alcohol,
nicotine, & opioids with their toxicological laboratory
5. Describe animal intoxications like snakebite with their
laboratory investigation.
The rapid industrialization and successful green revolution have
introduced a large variety of chemicals into our environment. The
species and varieties of environmental chemicals are as many as we
can visualize.
Industrial toxicants
respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.
absorbed through the skin Absorption via the GIT varies with the
nature of the lead compound, but in general, adults absorb about
10% of the ingested amount while young children absorb closer to
50%. The daily lead consumption is about 300g. It is unsafe if
consumed at a concentration greater than 0.5 mg/day for 3 months
or more. Once absorbed from the respiratory or GIT, lead is bound
to erythrocytes and widely distributed initially to soft tissues, then
to the subperiosteal surface of bone and bone matrix. It has a halflife of 2-3weeks in blood and 15 years in bone. More than 90% of
the lead that is eliminated appears in the urine.
Lead exerts multi systemic toxic effects through at least three
mechanisms by;
ALA Dehydratase
Coproporphynogen oxidase
Ferrochelase +iron
Fig. Lead interference with the biosynthesis of heme
The sign and symptoms of lead poisoning may include anorexia,
apathy, behavioral changes, persistent vomiting, convulsions (acute
poisoning) & ataxia, wrist & ankle drop, chronic nephritis (chronic
Laboratory findings
A. Complete blood count
commonly utilized method. Levels below the toxic range do
not rule out toxicity because 90% of lead is stored in bone.
Unexpectedly high lead levels may be due to contamination
of the blood specimen with lead prior to laboratory analysis.
Sample must be taken with lead free needle and containers.
c) Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin (EPP)
EPP often referred free erythrocyte Protoporphyrin (FEP).
Protoporphyrin accumulates as a result of the lead inhibition
of the enzyme ferrochelases, which binds to porphyrin,
forming hemoglobin. EPP is regarded as the foremost test
for chronic lead poisoning. EPP performed in conjunction
with blood lead levels to obtain more accurate picture. EPP
is the most widely utilized screening test. A finger stick
specimen can be used with a fluorometer to perform the
D) Delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity (ALA-D)
Lead decreases the activity of ALA-D, which is present in the
erythrocytes. It is more sensitive than Protoporphyrin levels.
E) Urinary ALA and coproporphyrin III
Urinary levels of ALA are increased owing to lead inhibiting the
enzyme ALA-D. Lead inhibition of the enzyme
coproporphyrinogen oxidase has been proposed as a cause for
increased coproporphyrin.
F) Calcium disodium versenate (CaNa2-EDTA) provocation test
CaNa2-EDTA administered to evaluate the chelatable lead store.
Spot 50 l of acidified solution on to phase-separating filterpaper and add 50 l of sodium rhodizonate solution.
Lead salts give a purple colour in this test. However, the test is not
specific: barium salts give a brown colour and a number of other
metals also give coloured complexes.
Lead, 2 mg/l
Quantitative tests
Whole blood that represents calibrators, controls, or victim
specimens is mixed with ammonium phosphate and Triton X-100 to
prepare it for graphite furnace atomic absorption analysis. The final
step of analysis causes vaporization of lead, which absorbs energy
at the 283.2nm light emitted from a hollow cathode lamp.
Absorbance of energy at this wavelength is specific for lead and
proportional to its concentration. Exposure of the specimen to high
chloride concentration is to be avoided, because the chloride salt of
lead is volatile at the charring temperatures used in atomic
absorption analysis (Annex II).
5. Record the absorbance peak area generated by each
specimen. Repeat the analysis at an appropriate dilution for
any specimen with an absorbance greater than that of the
high concentration calibrator
1. Subtract the blank absorbance peak area from each
specimen absorbance peak area.
2. Perform a best-fit regression analysis of the calibrator
concentrations versus the respective absorbance peak area
to define the calibration curve.
Symptomatic management
Hydrocarbon comprises a broad group of organic compounds
that contain hydrogen & carbon atoms only. Most, but not all, are
derived from petroleum distillation. Hydrocarbons are found
alone or incombination with others in a wide variety of
commercial products ubiquitous around the home or work place.
Lighter fluid, paint thinners, &removers, some furniture polishes,
cleaning agents, solvents, various automotive products &
ordinary fuels are common examples. These agents were the
most frequently involved substances in human exposures,
accounting for almost 5% of all poisoning .The overall mortality
rate for accidental ingestion of these agents is difficult to
estimate but may approach 0.5%. Modes of toxicity vary with
age. Most cases involve accidental imbibing by young children.
Abuse by inhalation is generally seen in male adolescents &
young adults. The most common substances reported in toxic
ingestions are gasoline, kerosene, mineral seal oil preparations,
&lighter fluid. Most victims who are exposed to hydrocarbon
develop pulmonary symptoms due to aspiration pneumonitis. It
is clear that non-pulmonary manifestations like CNS toxicity, GI
signs, and cutaneous signs are distinctly uncommon.
Specific tests
Qualitative test
1. sodium hydroxide solution(20%,w/v, aqueous)
2. Pyridine
3. Positive control (dissolve 500mg chloral hydrate in 100ml of
1. Take 1ml of the urine sample in a test tube
2. Add 1ml of 20% NaOH & 1ml of pyridine
3. Heat in a boiling water bath for 1 minute
4. A pink red color in the pyridine layer indicates the presence
of hydrocarbon.
Pesticides are any substance or mixture of substances intended
for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.
Pesticide can be divided into several groups, such as
insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides & herbicides. This part will
give attention to the most frequent pesticide poisoning.
1) Insecticides
Organophosphates & carbamates are the most frequently used
insecticides world wide. These compounds cause 80% of the
reported toxic exposure to insecticides.
Organophosphurus insecticides
These agents are utilized to combat a large variety of pests.
Some of these agents are used in human and veterinary
medicine as local or systemic antiparasitics or in circumstances
in which prolonged inhibition of cholinesterase is indicated. The
compounds are absorbed by the skin as well as by the
respiratory and GITs. Biotransformation is rapid. In mammals as
well as insects, the major effect of these agents is inhibition of
acetyl cholinesterase. The signs and symptoms that characterize
acute intoxication are due to inhibition of this enzyme resulting in
accumulation of acetylcholine (diarrhea, urination, miosis,
bradycardia, lacrimations &salivation)
Laboratory analysis
1. Serum electrolytes (e.g. Hypokalemia, hyperglycemia),
Blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, CBC (e.g. leukocytosis
secondary to increased catecholamine release from the
adrenal medulla), urinalysis (e .g Proteinuria and
glycosuria ), amylase level (elevated due to pancreatic
injury), plasma and RBC cholinesterase levels
2. Toxic specific findings
Specific tests
Qualitative test
Stomach contents, scene residues.
1. Sodium bicarbonate (solid).
2. Cyclohexane:acetone:chloroform (70:25:5).
3. Acetone:tetraethylenepentamine (9:1).
4. 4-(p-Nitrobenzyl) pyridine (20 g/l) in acetone:
tetraethylenepentamine (9:1).
Allow to stand for 5 minutes, take off the upper, ether layer and
re-extract with a second 5-ml portion of methyl tertiary-butyl
The compounds of interest give purple spots on a pale brown
Organophosphorus pesticide, 5 mg/l
Confirmatory test
Confirmatory test for organophosphorus pesticide is cholinesterase
activity test.
Plasma or serum
Cholinesterase activity monograph
Qualitative test
Plasma or serum
Reagents (see annex I-number 7)
1. Dithiobisnitrobenzoate reagent. .
2. Aqueous acetylthiocholine iodide solution.
3. Aqueous pralidoxime chloride solution.
The presence of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor is indicated if the
yellow colour in the control tube is deeper than in the test tube. If the
colour in the tube containing pralidoxime is similar to that in the
control tube, this provides further confirmation that an inhibitor of
acetylcholinesterase is present in the sample. Inhibitors of
acetylcholinesterase, such as many carbamate pesticides, also give
a positive result in this test
GI decontamination
Dermal decontamination
Symptomatic treatment
Carbamate pesticides
Produce a milder form of toxicity, similar to that produced by
organophosphate compounds. These compounds inactivate
acetylcholinesterase leading to excessive accumulation of
acetylcholine. The important differences distinguishing
carbamates from organophosphate toxicity are
Qualitative test
Stomach contents, scene residues.
1. Aqueous hydrochloric acid (2 mol/l)
2. Furfuraldehyde solution (100 ml/l) in methanol, freshly prepared.
3. Concentrated hydrochloric acid (relative density 1.18).
1. Acidify 1 ml of sample with 0.5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and
extract with 4 ml of chloroform on a rotary mixer for 5 minutes.
2. Centrifuge for 5 minutes, discard the upper, aqueous layer and
filter the chloroform extract through phase-separating filter-paper
into a clean tube.
Carbamates give a black spot. Non-pesticide carbamates can
interfere in this test.
Carbamate, 100 mg/l
GI decontamination
2. Rodenticides
Rodenticides are used to control rodent population.
Anticoagulant preparations, currently the most widely used
rodenticides, are safer, although consequential human
poisonings do occur.
Laboratory analysis
General tests
Toxin-specific tests
Cyanide has
ii) Toxin specific tests
1. A spot test is a quick bedside test that can qualitatively
detect the presence of cyanide using gastric aspirate.
2. The specific cyanide level is the gold standard test and
should be done even though the results may not be readily
A blue colour indicates the presence of cyanide.
Cyanide, 10 mg/l
Quantitative assays
Heparinized whole blood (0.1-1.0 ml),
N.B .The samples can be stored at 4C for 1-2 days if the analysis
is delayed for any reason. (Cyanide in blood is less stable if stored
at room temperature or at -20C.)
p-Nitrobenzaldehyde/ o-dinitrobenzene method
1. Aqueous sodium hydroxide (0.5 mol/l).
2. Aqueous sulfuric acid (3.6 mol/l).
Aqueous potassium cyanide (10 mg/l, i.e., cyanide ion concentration,
4 mg/l)
Seal each well using silicone grease and carefully mix the
components of the outer wells.
The red coloration obtained with cyanide-containing solutions is
stable for about 15 minutes. Measure the absorbance of the
solutions from cells 2 and 3 at 560 nm against the purified water
blank (cell 1). Assess the cyanide ion concentration in the sample by
comparison with the reading obtained from the standard.
Cyanide, 0.5 mg/l
Symptomatic management
Toxin specific measures
Nitrite-thiosulfate, hydroxycobalamin
Drugs are biologically active molecules used in the treatment,
prevention & diagnosis of disease. However, drugs have made & will
continue to make a major contribution to human health, we must
accept the risks attached to these benefit.
The basic mechanisms for the toxicities arising from drugs are
1. Mix 1 mL of specimen (victim or control urine, water blank)
and 1 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Heat at 1000C
for 10 min.
2. Cool and add 100 L of the above solution to 10 mL of ocresol reagent and then 2 mL of ammonium hydroxide, 4
Acetaminophen is hydrolyzed to p-aminophenol, which reacts with ocresol and ammonium hydroxide to form an indophenol blue
Quantitative tests
Acetaminophen and 3-acetamidophenol, added as an internal
standard, are extracted from serum and analyzed by reverse-phase
HPLC with an octadecylsilane bonded-phase column. The peak
height absorbance ratio for acetaminophen relative to the internal
standard is determined at 254 nm (annex II).
Reagents (see annex I)
Phosphate buffer.
1. Pipette 100 L of each calibrator, control, and victims serum
into properly labeled 13 x 100-mm glass tubes.
2. Add 100 L of working internal standard solution and 100 L
of phosphate buffer (0.225 mol/L, pH 7.4). Mix.
3. Add 3mL of ethyl acetate. Mix in a Vortex mixer for 15 s.
4. Centrifuge all tubes at 1000 x g for 5 min.
5. Transfer the organic (top) layer to labeled 12 x 75-mm glass
tubes and evaporate under a stream of dry air at 50 0C.
6. Reconstitute the contents of each tube with 100 L of the
mobile phase and inject 10 to 20 L into the HPLC
Determine the peak height (or peak area) ratios of acetaminophen
relative to the internal standard. Calculate the concentration of
acetaminophen in the unknown by comparing its peak height ratio
versus acetaminophen concentration response for the calibrator.
GI decontamination
Antidote (acetylcysteine)
B. Aspirin (salicylate)
Acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin, is still one of
the most widely used minor analgesics. Salicylate poisoning is a
much less common cause of childhood poisoning deaths since
the introduction of child-resistant container and the reduced use
of baby aspirin. Salicylates, however still accounts for numerous
suicidal and accidental poisonings. Salicylate Poisoning can also
result from chronic over medication; this occurs most commonly
in elderly victims using salicylates for chronic pain because of
impaired biotransformation, excretion & others. Salicylic acid is
then metabolized by conjugation. These conjugation steps are
saturable so the half life of aspirin increases significantly with
only small increase in the number of tablets. The first sign of
salicylate toxicity is often hyperventilation and respiratory
alkalosis due to medullary stimulation.
Metabolic acidosis
salicylamide in urine, stomach contents or scene residues,
first boil 1 ml of sample with 1 ml of aqueous hydrochloric
acid (0.1 mol/l) for 10 minutes, & cool (filter if necessary),
and then neutralize with 1 ml of aqueous sodium
hydroxide (0.1 mol/l).
A strong violet color indicates the presence of salicylates. Azide
preservatives react strongly in this test, and weak false positives can
be given by urine specimens containing high concentrations of
ketone bodies.
This test is sensitive and will detect therapeutic dosage with salicylic
acid, acetylsalicylic acid, 4-aminosalicylic acid, methyl salicylate and
Salicylate, 10 mg/l
Quantitative assay
Plasma or serum (1 ml)
Trinder's reagent
Aqueous solutions containing salicylic acid at concentrations of 0,
200, 400 and 800 mg/l. Store at 4C when not in use.
1. Add 5 ml of Trinder's reagent to 1 ml of sample or standard.
2. Vortex-mix for 30 seconds and centrifuge for 5 minutes.
plasma blank
Calculate the plasma salicylate concentration from the graph
obtained on analysis of the salicylate standards. Some salicylate
metabolites interfere, but plasma concentrations of these
compounds are usually low. Oxalates, for example, from fluoride/
oxalate blood tubes, also interfere in this test.
Salicylate, 50 mg/l
GI decontamination
Facilitating diuresis
Symptomatic management
C) Barbiturates
Barbiturates belong to a class of sedative-hypnotic drugs with
abuse potential & a recognized withdrawal syndrome. Toxic
manifestations of barbiturates vary with the amount of ingestion,
type of drug and time elapsed since ingestion. Lower doses of
short acting barbiturates (E.g. pentobarbital) than the long-acting
barbiturates (e.g. Phenobarbital) generally cause toxicity, but
fatalities are more common with the latter. Mild intoxication
resembles that of alcohol intoxication. Moderate intoxication is
characterized by greater depression of mental status and severe
intoxication causes coma.
Laboratory analysis
1. Plasma barbiturate (e.g. Phenobarbital) levels are helpful for
making a diagnosis but of little value when predicting the
severity of the over dose.
2.As with alcohol, chronic abusers of Phenobarbital may have
elevated serum levels with little CNS depression.
Specific laboratory tests
Quantitative assay
Whole blood, plasma or serum (5 ml)
Reagents (see annex I)
1. Borate buffer, pH 8.4.
2. Aqueous hydrochloric acid (2 mol/l)
3. Concentrated sulfuric acid (relative density 1.83).
4. Concentrated ammonium hydroxide (relative density 0.88).
5. Sodium sulfate/charcoal mixture.
Standards (see annex I)
Solutions containing barbital at concentrations of 5, 10, 25 and 50
mg/l in blank human plasma
1. Add 5 ml of sample, 2 ml of hydrochloric acid and 60 ml of
diethyl ether to a 250-ml separating funnel.
2. Lubricate (with purified water) and insert the funnel and shake
gently for 2 minutes.
3. After standing for 5 minutes, and then discard the lower
aqueous phase, add the diethyl ether extract to 10 ml of
borate buffer in a second separating funnel and mix for 1
4. Allow to stand for 5 minutes and again discard the lower,
aqueous phase through the funnel tap.
5. Wash round the funnel with 5 ml of purified water; allow
standing for 5 minutes and again discarding the lower,
aqueous phase through the funnel tap.
6. Add about 4 g of sodium sulfate/charcoal mixture to the ether
extract in the funnel, shake to disperse, and filter the extract
through phase-separating filter-paper into a 150-ml conical
7. Add a further 20 ml of diethyl ether to the separating funnel,
shake and add to the extract in the flask through the filter
8. Evaporate the extract to dryness on a water-bath at 40C
under a stream of compressed air or nitrogen.
9. Add 5.0 ml of purified water to the dry extract in the flask, swirl
gently and allow to stand for 5 minutes.
1) To perform a quantitative measurement, measure the
difference between absorbance at pH 10 and at pH 2,
construct a calibration graph by analysis of the standard
barbiturate solutions, and calculate the barbiturate
concentration in the sample.
Alternatively, use the following formula:
((absorbance at pH 10) - (absorbance at pH 2)) Dilution
factor (if any) 25 = barbiturate (mg/l)
2) Sample volumes of less than 5 ml may be used, but there
will be a corresponding loss of sensitivity unless "micro"volume fused silica spectrophotometer cells are available.
Barbiturate, 2 mg/l
GI decontamination
Alkalinization of urine
metabolized to carbon dioxide. Victims with mild to moderate CO
poisoning often complain of headache, dizziness and nausea
and vomiting.
A pink tint in comparison with the colour obtained from a normal
blood specimen suggests the presence of carboxyhaemoglobin.
Cyanide may give a similar tint, but acute cyanide poisoning is
generally much less common than carbon monoxide poisoning.
HbCO, 20%
Quantitative assay
Specimen:whole blood treated with heparin, edetic acid or fluoride/
1. Aqueous ammonium hydroxide (1 ml/l).
2. Sodium dithionite (solid, stored in a desiccator).
3. A supply of pure carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide/nitrogen.
4. A supply of oxygen or compressed air.
remove all bound carbon monoxide (to give 0% HbCO). Again,
take care to minimize frothing.
The percentage carboxyhemoglobin saturation (% HbCO can be
calculated from the equation:
(A540/A579solution x) - (A540/A579solution z)
%HbCO =
(A540/A579solution y) - (A540/A579solution z)
Approximate normal values are:
(A540/A579 solution y) = 1.5, corresponding to 100% HbCO
(A540/A579 solution z) = 1.1, corresponding to 0% HbCO.
Note that the hemoglobin content of blood varies from person to
person, and thus the volume of diluents used may need to be
altered. A dilution giving a maximum absorbance of about 1
absorbance unit at 540 nm is ideal.
N.B - It is important to use sodium dithionite that has been freshly
obtained or stored in a sealed container in desiccators, since
this compound is inactivated by prolonged contact with moist air.
- This method is unreliable in the presence of other pigments such
as methaemoglobin
100% oxygen
Fecal leucocytes are absent in the presence of foodborne toxin induced illness
- Cholera dark field microscopic examination of freshstool or stool culture on specialized selective culture
media can be diagnostic.
- Food borne-botulism: stool, serum, vomits, gastric
contents and suspected food should be collected to
examine for spores or toxin.
- Hemorrhagic colitis caused by enterohemorrhagic E. coli
can be detected by latex agglutination test.
The term `drug abuse` connotes social disapproval. Any use of a
drug for non-medical purposes, usually for altering consciousness
but also for body building is known as abuse of drug. Psychological
dependence (drug seeking behavior in which the individual uses the
drug repetitively for personal satisfaction), physiologic dependence
(withdrawal of the drug produces symptoms & signs), &tolerance
(necessitating large doses of the drug to achieve the same
response) are the main features of drugs of abuse. Some of the
common drugs of abuse are discussed here.
a. Alcohols
Alcohol, primarily in the form of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), has
occupied an important place in the history of human kind for at
least 8000 years. Young children, chronic alcoholics or suicidal
persons may ingest toxic quantities of one or several of the
alcohols. Whether intentional or accidental, alcohol ingestions
remain one of the more common, yet potentially devastating,
poisonings commonly encountered in the emergency
department. Ethanol is mildly polar and readily penetrates cell
membrane. Approximately 25% of ingested ethanol is absorbed
unaltered from the stomach and the rest from the small intestine.
Distribution is rapid and wide. Over 90% of alcohol consumed is
oxidized in the liver; much of the remainder is excreted through
the lungs and in the urine. Alcohol is a central nervous system
At high blood
Solutions containing ethanol concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0
g/l prepared in heparinized whole blood to which 10 g/l sodium
fluoride has been added. These solutions are stable for up to 1
month if stored at 4C in well-sealed containers.
Construct a calibration graph of absorbance against blood ethanol
concentration by analysis of the standard ethanol solutions and
calculate the concentration of ethanol in the sample.
N. B -If the specimen contains an ethanol concentration of more than
4.0 g/l, the analysis should be repeated using a dilution (1:1 or
1:3) of the sample in blank plasma. Methanol does not
interfere, but propan-2-ol and some higher alcohols will reduce
NAD under the conditions used in this assay.
- In all cases where the analysis may be delayed, it is
important to add 10 g/l sodium fluoride to the specimen to
inhibit microbial biotransformation.
Ethanol, 0.5 g/l
Symptomatic management
Gastric lavage
b. Nicotine toxicity
Nicotine is one of the most widely abused chemical and now
considered to be one of the most addicting substances. It is the
principal pharmacologically active component of tobacco in
which poisoning may occur in accidental ingestions of tobacco
products (especially by children), use of nicotine-containing
gums, and industrial exposure to tobacco products, contact with
some pesticides and so on.
Nicotine has both stimulant and depressant action. Nicotine is
readily absorbed through intact skin as well as through mucus
membranes and the respiratory tract. It is metabolized by the
liver and excreted by the kidney. Victims can complain of
nausea, emesis, excessive salivation, and diarrhea at low
Laboratory analysis
General test
CBC (polymorph nuclear leukocytosis), electrolytes, BUN,
creatinine, arterial blood-gas analysis, liver function tests, urine
analysis (Glycosuria)
Toxin specific tests
C. Opioids
Opioids comprise a broad spectrum of substances that include
opiate alkaloids (e .g morphine &codeine), synthetic opioids (e .g
pethidine) & semi synthetic opioids (e .g heroin). They exert their
effect acting on opiate receptors located within the CNS resulting
in analgesia & euphoria. Opioids are used to treat cough,
diarrhea, dyspnea (congestive heart failure), and sometimes
anxiety as well as pain. The most commonly abused drugs in
this group are heroin, and morphine. Tolerance and dependence
of opioids develop with chronic use. The classic triad for opioid
poisoning is miosis, coma and respiratory depression.
Laboratory analysis
General tests
Arterial blood gas analysis (ABGs), CBC, electrolytes,
BUN, creatinine and blood glucose measurements in
victims with abnormal vital signs or mental status.
Toxic-specific tests
Quantitative opioid blood levels are not clinically useful.
Qualitative analysis (screening) of the urine by thin-layer
chromatography can detect some but not all opioids.
Gas chromatography and enzyme-linked immunoassays
or radioimmunoassay are more sensitive for detecting
specific agents. Confirming the presence of a specific
opioid is not necessary when the history and response
to antidote (naloxone) are consistent with a generic
diagnosis of opioid poisoning.
Specific laboratory tests
Qualitative test
The Quick Screen One-Step Rapid Opiates Test technology (screen
test for Morphine, Heroin, Codeine, &opium) incorporates a
chromatographic absorbent device in which the drug or drug
metabolites in the sample compete with an opiates derivative
immobilized on a porous membrane for limited antibody sites. This
is the preferred method for qualitative assay.
In the assay procedure, urine mixes with labeled antibody-dye
conjugate and migrates through test device.
are below 2000 ng/ml (the detection cutoff sensitivity of the test)
unbound antibody-dye conjugate binds to immobilized antigen
conjugate in the Test Zone (T), producing a pink-rose colored band
that indicates a negative result. Conversely, when opiates levels are
above the detection limit, antibody-dye conjugate binds to the free
drug, forming an antigen-antibody-dye complex.
The complex
specimen. To confirm negative results, a complete reaction time
of 8-10 minutes is required. Do not interpret results after 15
Positive: One pink rose band appears in the control zone and no
band appears in the test zone. A positive result indicates the
opiates level is 2000ng/ml or higher in the test urine sample.
Negative: One band appears in the test zone and other band
appears in the control zone. A negative result indicates that the
opiates level is below the detection sensitivity of 2000ng/ml.
N.B. any line, no matter how faint appearing in the test area confirms
a negative test.
Invalid: If there are no distinct color bands visible in both the test
zone and the control zone or if there is a visible band in the test
zone but not in the control zone, then the test is invalid. In the
instant, retesting of the specimen is recommended.
V. Natural toxicants
Natural substances are also still occasionally featured in accidental
poisoning cases, when compared to poisoning by others. Many
plants & animals produce toxic substances for both defense &
offensive purposes. Natural toxins may feature in poisoning via
containing in food, by accidental ingestions of poisonous plants or
animals & by stinging & biting. Natural toxins are of diverse structure
& mode of action, & there are far too many categories to cover in this
short topic. So we like to give an overview on it.
a. Animal toxins
Animal toxins comprise a diverse range of structures & modes of
action. A simple & well known example is formic acid which is
found in ants. Animal toxins are often mixtures of complex
proteins. Most of us suffer from animal toxins at some time in our
lives. However, in some countries death & illness due to animal
poisons represents a significant proportion of cases.
Snake venom
Snake bite is one of the most common forms of poisoning by
natural toxins world wide. The snake venom is a complex
mixture of compounds. The enzymatic components of snake
venom cause local and sometimes systemic effects, and the
non-enzymatic components provide lethality. Absorption of
snake venom is variable but most rapid through the blood
met with little success. A radioimmunoassay was developed
for this purpose, but it has never become a practical
methodology and is useful only as a research tool.
Antivenoms (definitive)
b) Plant toxins
Many species of plants contain toxic chemicals. There are many
well known plant toxins ranging from the irritant formic acid
found in nettles to more poisonous compounds such as atropine
(atropa belladonna). The concentration of toxic chemicals is
variable among the same species & different species. Major
toxic effects are on the skin (e. g allergic dermatitis), GIT (e. g
gastroenteritis), cardiovascular
(E .g arrhythmia)
1. What are industrial toxicants? What types of general
laboratory diagnostic techniques are used?
2. What are medical toxicants? What kinds of laboratory
techniques are used to identify them?
3. What are environmental toxicants? What kinds of laboratory
techniques are used to identify them?
4. What are drugs of abuse? Discuss the laboratory techniques
used to identify ethanol.
5. 5. What are animal & plant toxicants?
Contaminant - An impurity.
Emesis- Vomiting.
from opium.
other procedures requiring efficient mixing of relatively
small quantities of material (up to about 10 ml total
Xenobiotic- Compound foreign to the biotransformation of
an organism.
1. Peter Viccellio, MD, Hand book of Medical Toxicology, First
edition, 1993
2. B. Widdop, F.A. & de Wolff,
Preparation of reagents
1. Reagents for lead qualitative tests
a. Sodium tartrate buffer, pH 2.8.
Sodium bitartate.19 g
Tartaric acid15 g
Purified water.1000ml
b. Aqueous sodium rhodizonate solution (10 g/l).
2. Reagents preparation for quantitative tests of lead using AAS
a. Nitric acid- Sub-boiling redistilled ultra pure concentrated
nitric acid is required to prepare the reagents.
b. Diluent- The diluent (and matrix modifier) is 10.0 mL/L Triton
X-100 and 2.0-g/L ammonium dihydrogen phosphate in
0.2% nitric acid.
10, 20, 40, and 60 g/dL, which are used to calibrate the
instrument as described below.
d. Controls- The control material is a commercial whole blood
C. Concentrated sulfuric acid (relative density 1.83).
B. Ammonium hydroxid, 4 mol /L - Dilute 284 mL of
concentrated ammonium hydroxide to 1 L with deionized
water. Solution will be stable for 1 year at room temperature.
C. Concentrated hydrochloric acid.
8. Reagents preparations for quantitative test of Acetaminophen
A. Acetaminophen stock reference solution, 1000 mg/L Dissolve 100 mg of acetaminophen in 20 mL of methanol
and then dilute to 100mL with deionized water. Solution is
stable for at least 6 months when stored refrigerated.
B. Calibrator - Dilute the acetaminophen stock reference
solution with deionized water to provide working calibrators
of 20 and 100 g/mL. Calibrators are stable for 2 months
when stored refrigerated.
C. 3-Acetamidophenol stock internal standard, 1000 mg/L Dissolve 100 mg of 3-acetamidophenol in 20 mL of methanol
and dilute to 100 mL with deionized water. Solution is stable
for 6 months when stored refrigerated.
D. 3-Acetaminophen working internal standard, 50 mg/ml.
Dilute 5 mL of the stock internal standard to 100 mL with
deionized water. Solution is stable for 2 months when stored
E. Phosphate buffer, 0.225 mol/L, pH 7.4 - Mix 80.4 mL of
disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) solution (30.6 g/
L) with 19.6 mL of potassium dihydrogen phosphate
(KH2PO4) solution (31.9 g/L). Adjust to pH 7.4, if necessary,
with the appropriate phosphate solution. Solution is stable
for 2 months when stored at room temperature.
F. Mobile phase: sodium acetate buffer/acetonitrile (92/8) by
volume) - Add 80 mL of acetonitrile to a 1-L volumetric flask
and dilute to volume with 0.01 mol/L sodium acetate buffer,
pH 4.0. Filter through a 0.5-m pore-size filter and degas by
applying gentile vacuum
9. Reagents for quantitative test of ethanol.
A. Semicarbazide reagent.
Tetrasodium pyrophosphate dehydrated .10 g.
Semicarbazide hydrochloride2.5 g
Glycine..0.5 g
Distilled water250 ml
Sodium hydroxide (2 mol/l) .10ml
Dilute the solution by Distilled water up to 300ml
B. Aqueous nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) This
solution is stable for 2-3 months at 4C, but can be
decomposed by vigorous agitation.
C. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) suspension.
Ammonium sulfate..45.5 g
Tetra sodium pyrophosphate (dehydrated). 3 g
Distilled water 100 ml
Crystalline yeast ADH.2.5 g
Adjust pH to 7.3 with either aqueous hydrochloric acid or
sodium hydroxide (both1 mol/l) this solution is stable for 2-3
months at 4C.
D. Aqueous perchloric acid
Perchloric acid (700 ml/l) ..2.9 ml
Distilled water 100ml
1. Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer for quantitative
analysis of Lead
A good-quality graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectrometer is required for analysis. The graphite furnace
requires a Lvov platform to give optimal sensitivity and
accuracy. Zeemans background correction is useful to
reduce the effect of background to a minimum.
2. Supplies for spectrophotometer for quantitative analysis of
acetaminophen concentrations of 0 to 200 or 200 to 500-g/
mL, respectively. The pump flow rate is 1.5 ml/min.
4. Summary of basic equipment required for toxicological
PH meter
Example of an analytical toxicology request form
Date or admission :
Drugs prescribed or
used in treatment
Hospital address for report:
claimed or suspected
(if possible with the
Age/Date of birth:
suspected dose)
Reference no:
Sample type
Other(give details)