Changeling The Lost Fan Contract

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Contracts of Vitae

pass out from bashing damage or bleed from lethal. A

dead changeling's body doesn't rot and crumble to ash,
Long ago these Contracts were formed between a as a dead Vampire's would, although in such a situation,
ghoul dragged through the hedges and the concept of
the stealth no longer matters.
Vitae--that stolen lifesblood of the vampires--itself. It
Exceptional Success: The benefits last a number of
allows Lost within Kindred society to better disguise
nights equal to the Changeling's Wyrd, and the
themselves to mingle and infiltrate.
Changeling is treated as having a Blood Potency of +1.
Drawback: Can only be used between Dusk and
Dawn. In addition, each of the later three clauses
requires glamoured vitae created with the second clause.
This glamoured vitae is mostly used to activate the
Vampires are creatures powered by stolen
powers of those clauses, or to trick vampire society into lifeblood. Through the power of the Wyrd, the
believing the Changeling is one of them. While the
Changeling may create a pale imitation of that mystical
Catch can mitigate the use of Glamour, for the final
substance. With this power, the Changeling's own blood
three dots, it can't mitigate the use of false vitae.
is Glamoured into appearing like Vitae. While a
Affinity: Darklings and Fairest
Changeling is limited in how much of this trick vitae
they can produce in a single night, they may hold a total
number of points equal to their Stamina plus their Wyrd.
Cost: 2 Glamour and 1 bashing per point of Vitae
With this first clause a changeling begins to
created (+1 Willpower, optional)
masquerade within Vampire society, and appears to be
Dice Pool: Stamina + Wyrd
one of the Kindred. This clause gives only the
Catch: The Changeling has drank blood equal to
impression of being one of the Damned, but it serves to 1L's worth of damage in the last 24 hours.
throw off suspicions. Further clauses mimic more of the
Dramatic Failure: The Changeling's blood
Kindred's unique physiology.
burns, and they suffer 1L, and -2 in penalties for the
Cost: 1 Glamour
remainder of the night from the pain.
Dice Pool: Subterfuge + Wyrd
Failure: Nothing happens, the changeling can
Catch: The Changeling will be using the contract attempt the contract again at -1.
to fool people who already think her a vampire, perhaps
Success: For the rest of the night, the Changeling
because of previous uses of this Contract
can spend two points of Glamour to create a single point
Dramatic Failure: Everyone knows that the
of Vitae. This requires an Instant action as the
Changeling is not what they say
changeling focuses converting one supernatural fuel into
Failure: No effect
a copy of another, and at Wyrd 1, a Changeling may
Success: The Changeling fools others into
need to take an additional instant action to convert the
thinking that they are one of the Kindred:
first point of glamour and then the second. The
The Changeling appears to be a Vampire using Changeling may use this Vitae in the same way that a
the Blush of Life.
Vampire or Ghoul could: Each point of Vitae can be
Their Aura appears to be that of a vampire's.
used to increase physical Attribute by one for a turn,
The roll to sense the Changeling's Aura must
and a point can be spent to heal two points of Bashing
beat their successes on the activation roll to
damage, and one point to heal one lethal. In addition, the
notice the Changeling's true nature, though it Changeling can give this Vitae if she is bled by a
still appears to be that of a vampire as well.
vampire. It is tainted by insanity, but not as much as a
To Mage Sight and other abilities that detect
Changeling's normal blood. As if the Changeling was on
life, the Changeling appears dead.
hallucinogenics as opposed to the madness of the Wyrd
The Changeling triggers Predator's Taint as a (mechanically, anyone who drinks the glamoured vitae
experiences mild hallucinations, and suffers -1 to
Vampire with Blood Potency equal to the
Defense and all rolls for one scene, no matter how much
Changeling's Wyrd.
is imbibed). By spending a point of Willpower, the
The changeling's reflection and image in
Changeling's false Vitae can even cause Vinculum.
photographs is blurred.
One useful aspect of this ability is that it allows a
Nothing actually changes, but it appears to change, and
that's often enough. As such, the Changeling herself isn't Changeling to essentially 'store up' glamour to use more
able to recognize vampires, and doesn't suffer Predator's in a single turn than their Wyrd would allow.
No more vitae per night can be created than the
Taint herself. In addition, she isn't actually dead, and can

Trick of the Stolen Blood ()

Blush of Unlife ()

Changeling's Wyrd score. Any vitae left unspent at

sunrise is vomited up.
Exceptional Success: The Changeling has no
limits on the Vitae they can create in a single night, and
it will remain in their body during the day (though it
cannot be spent) for a number of sunrises equal to the
Changeling's Wyrd.

Spread The False Curse ()

One of the more potent aspects of the Kindred's

vitae is the ability to make a ghoul. A thrall in service of
the vampire. In her Masquerade, the changeling may
need to create ghouls to keep up the appearance of being
one of them. This power allows such a thing. Ideally, the
ghoul in question will either be in the third stage of the
Vinculum caused by the use of Trick of the Stolen
While a Changeling might keep up the ruse by
Blood, or at the very least someone loyal to the
appearing dead or healing injuries with vitae, all of the
Changeling, perhaps a devotee.
Kindred need to feed. This clause allows a changeling to
Cost: 3 Glamour, 2 Glamoured Vitae (from the
mimic that action. Much like Trick of the Stolen Blood, Trick of the Stolen Blood) and 1 Willpower
the Changeling can hold a maximum amount of this
Dice Pool: Subterfuge + Wyrd versus Resolve, if
glamoured vitae equal to their Stamina + Wyrd, and any resisted
unspent vitae fades at sunrise.
Catch: The Changeling drinks all but the last
Cost: 2 Glamour and 1 Glamoured Vitae (from
health box from the intended ghoul, forcing them to
the above Clause), though this clause allows a
spend the glamoured vitae they recieve
Changeling to regain it
Dramatic Failure: The blood that would be used
Dice Pool: Stamina + Wyrd
boils, dealing 2L to the intended Ghoul, and the
Catch: The Changeling has eaten mortal food
within the last hour, sprinkled with 1B's worth of blood.
Failure: The Changeling wastes the false vitae
Dramatic Failure: The Changeling's teeth bleed, and the intended mortal drinks blood.
dealing a point of bashing damage every ten minutes,
Success: The Changeling creates a ghoul, or at
and the the character herself suffers from The Kiss, and least, she seems to. In actuality, she creates a special
must make a Resolve + Composure roll to act.
enscorcelled mortal who acts like a ghoul. The target of
Failure: Nothing happens, but the Glamoured
this clause gains the following template:
Vitae is lost. A Changeling attempting to keep up their
They appear to be a Ghoul to supernatural
mask might threaten her disguise if they aren't able to
senses; successes beyond those on the activation
regain their Glamoured Vitae pool.
roll reveal something fae about the ghoul, but
Success: For the scene, the false vampire can
nothing more.
conceal her identity with fangs and her touch is capable
The false ghoul can hold a number of Vitae equal
of inflicting something akin to The Kiss. Any character
to their Stamina, but can only accept the
bitten is drained of blood as if the Changeling were a
glamoured vitae of the Changeling.
vampire. They lose health box to Lethal damage every
The character is enscorcelled so long as they are
turn, and the Changeling gains one point of the
glamoured vitae created by Trick of the Stolen Blood, or
So long as they act as a ghoul, the character has
heals an equivalent amount of damage. The target of
access to three dots of Contracts that the
Liar's Kiss needs to roll more successes than were
Changeling knows.
gained on the activation roll to break free of it. In
When activating contracts, the ghoul is treated as
addition, the effect continues for a scene, and the bitten
if they have one dot of Wyrd. Only being able to
character suffers as if they took a mild hallucinogenic
spend one glamour per turn, they rely on
substance, suffering -1 to all dice pools, and -1 to
Catches, though they can spend the glamour over
Defense and Composure. The Liar's Kiss can even be
multiple turns if they need to.
used against 'other' Kindred.
Spend glamoured vitae in much the same way a
If a character seeks to resist the Wyrd-kiss, they
normal ghoul would, to heal damage or increase
roll Resolve + Composure (at the penalty) to pull away
dice pools on physical rolls.
from the overwhelming sensation. This effects Kindred
Each point of glamoured vitae is equal to two
as well as mortals; the Wyrd is an imperfect disguise.
Exceptional Success: As above, but the
An Enscorcelled Ghoul character who remains as such
hallucinogenic effect is major (-3 to all dice, and -3 to
consistently--requiring a 'feeding' every week, as
both Defense and Composure).
opposed to each month--may purchase some changeling

The Liar's Kiss ()

specific merits at the storyteller's discretion. A

consistently Enscorcelled Ghoul might increase his
connection to the Wyrd by learning new Contracts, or
have their own Hollow away from the lies and treachery
of Kindred society.
Exceptional Success: The false ghoul gains an additional
Contract dot, and is treated as having the same Wyrd as
the Changeling for purposes of activating contracts and
spending glamour. The ghoul also gains the benefit of a
Seeming Blessing, but not a Kith. The Changeling can
spend an additional point of Willpower a turn before the
activation to ensure the fool's ghoul gains the benefit of
a Seeming even if the roll isn't Exceptional.

Dramatic Failure: The Vitae rejects the

Changeling's tainted blood, and she suffers 2 Aggravated
damage, and she cannot use Contracts of Blood until the
sun sets again.
Failure: The Changeling may attempt to
reactivate the Contract at -2. If circumstances permit.
The Clarity loss does not happen.
Success: The Changeling is able to, in a way,
perform the Amaranth. The Changeling can bite into one
of the Kindred using Liar's Kiss and completely drain
them, destroying the damned soul and taking a portion
of it into their power. The Changeling gains a dot of
Skill or Attribute that the Vampire possessed that was
higher than the Changeling's. This comes at a heavy
price, though: The Changeling gains the black bands that
mark a Kindred as a diablerist, and additionally they
One of the most terrifying aspects of the vitae is suffer from Sanguinary Animism for a number of nights
the terrifying ability of amaranth, the ability of one
equal to the victim's Blood Potency. They also risk
Kindred to devour the heartsblood of another. With this becoming addicted to the Diablerie.
dark clause, the changeling is able to perform a ritual
Exceptional Success: The Wyrd transforms the
similar to the diablerie, gaining power from their victim strength of the Damned's blood. Along with the other
at the cost of Clarity.
affects, the Changeling gains one dot in a contract
Cost: 3 Glamour, 1 Vitae, 1 Willpower, 1 point
relevant to the Kindred. A Ventrue or Daeva might grant
of Clarity
a Fairest affinity Contract, while a vampire of the
Dice Pool: Stamina + Wyrd versus Composure + Barakumin might grant Contracts of Shade and Spirit.
Blood Potency
The next purchase of Wyrd the Changeling makes is at
Catch: The target knows the Changeling isn't a
half cost.
vampire, and has drank from her blood.

The Undying Flower ()

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