Sample Memo To Employees
Sample Memo To Employees
Sample Memo To Employees
[specify distribution]
[CEO or senior management official]
Subject: Computer Software and U.S. Copyright Law
The purpose of this memorandum is to remind you of [name of organization]'s policy concerning the illegal copying and
use of commercial software. Unlicensed duplication or unauthorized use of any software program is illegal and can
expose you and the company to civil and criminal liability under the copyright law.
To ensure that you do not violate the software publisher's copyright, you should not copy any program installed on your
computer for any purpose without permission from [insert name of responsible manager or department]. Likewise,
you should not install any program onto your computer without such permission or clear verification that the company
owns a license to cover that installation. Finally, you should not download unauthorized software from the Internet.
The company will not tolerate any employee making unauthorized copies of software.
The company will not tolerate any employee downloading or uploading unauthorized software from the Internet.
Any employee found copying software illegally is subject to termination from the company.
Any employee illegally copying software to give to any third party, including clients and customers, is also
subject to termination.
If you want to use software licensed by the company at home, you must consult with [insert name of manager]
in order to make sure such use is permitted by the publishers license.
This policy will be strictly enforced to make sure that you and the company are not exposed to serious legal
[Insert name of manager] will be visiting your department over the next week to inventory the software installations on
your computers and to ascertain that the company owns licenses for each copy of a software product. If unlicensed
copies are found, they will be deleted, and if necessary, replaced with licensed copies. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if you have any questions.
It's that time of year again. As you all know, Christmas is our busiest season of the year. Every year it is a struggle for management
and supervisors to find the time and energy to organize a staff Christmas party. This year, we have decided to postpone the Christmas
party until after our busy season.
Party Details
We apologize that the celebration will have to wait until the new year, but we guarantee that it will be worth the wait. Anyone
interested in volunteering to help out with the event is encouraged to call Lucy, our events coordinator. Lucy's cell phone number is
222-3098. Please contact Lucy outside of business hours regarding this matter.
Thank you.
Sample Letter
Memorandum on Sales Departments Participation at FIABCI World Congress
DATE : 18 June 2010
TO : Mr. Lim Meng Wee
FROM : Mr. Victor Wong
SUBJECT : FIABCI World Congress
The FIABCI (Federacion Internationale Administrateurs de Bien Conselis Immobilieres) is staging the FIABCI World Congress on
July 19-23, 2010 in Beijing, China. Kindly inform every member of the sales force to mark the date, since we have signed up as one of
the participating firms. I would appreciate it if you would encourage everyone to go, and provide me with the names of those who will
be attending no later than the 30th of June. We will, of course, pay the entrance fees for all those attending.
In connection with said event, please handle the following:
Set up reception table with brochures at the Congress venue
Coordinate with advertising agency and reserve for advertising space in two major daily newspapers; include an advertorial about
our company participation at the National Advertising Congress
Order new banners and pop-up displays for the aforementioned event
If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to call me up or bring it up at the next management meeting
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Sample Letter
April 10, 2010
Nelson and Sons
Washington, D.C.
Janet Andrews
Logistics Department
Dear Ms. Andrews,
To begin, we would like to stress that in general we are satisfied with your performance in fulfilling your duties in the workplace.
However, in the interest of making workflow in the office more efficient, we would like to offer to you the following advice.
We have noticed that when you are working, you place your pens and pencils too far to the right of your desk, such that you have to
move your chair whenever you have to get a writing instrument. Perhaps you could save some time and work more efficiently by
rearranging your desk such that the things you need at hand will be easier to reach.
We hope that you understand that this letter does not represent a reprimand in any way, nor is it a criticism of you, but is merely
offered both for your benefit and that of the office.
Respectfully yours,
Randolph Stafford
Personnel Manager, Nelson and Sons
Sample Memorandum
To: All Employees
Fr: The Executive Director
Re: Company X Branding
Many of you have been involved in our most recent campaign to create a new, fresh, and modern logo for our organization that reflects
the direction that we are taking in the next 10 years. We are looking forward to taking this giant leap with you as we venture forward
into the future of Company X!
As part of the new direction that the company is taking, we are also bidding farewell to our previous company name, Company X. We
have launched several successful and ground breaking projects as Company X, but alongside our effort to move forward is to move
away from our traditional brand, and giving way to the modern and innovative products of Company Y!
Effective 01 July 2010, we shall transition to the name Company Y. You will be briefed by Human Resources and your immediate
superiors as to the department-level changes that need to be immediately implemented.
Also, all employees are invited to join the launch of Company Y on at . Let us join hands and be together as we move forward to our
companys success!