Analysis & Simulation Lab Manual

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AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Ex. No: 1

Stress Analysis of a Plate with a Circular hole

Problem: A rectangular plate of size 0.5 x 0.25 m with negligible thickness with
a circular hole of diameter 0.125 located at the centre is propped at its end. A force
of 500 N and 250 N is applied on the plate as shown in the figure below. The plate
is made of C 35 steel having youngs modulus 2.060E5, specific weight of 0.0784
N/cc and Poissons ratio 0.3. Determine the maximum deflection and stress
created in the plate and plot the results.

1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference
3. Select the unit system
4. Select the element type
5. Specify the material properties
6. Create a rectangle and circle for the given dimensions
7. Subtract the circle from the rectangle
8. Mesh the geometry
9. Save the database
10. Specify the boundary conditions
11. Solve
12. Plot the deflection and stress diagram
13. Determine the maximum deflection and stress values
Step1: Title specification

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Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual


Change title Specify the title name OK.

Step 2: Set preference

ANSYS Main menu

Preference Check the structural type OK

Step 3: Unit system selection

Preprocessor Material props

Select units Check the SI system of units OK
ANSYS Main menu

Material library

Step 4: Element selection

Element type Add/Edit/Delete

Add Select the Plane 82 element OK Close the element type window.
ANSYS Main menu


Step 5: Material property specification

Preprocessor Material props Isotropic

Specify the material number Specify the youngs modulus, density and
Poissons ratio in the isotropic material property window OK



Step 6: Creation of Geometry

Rectangle creation:
a. Create key points
b. Connect with lines
c. Create the rectangular plane
a. Key point creation
ANSYS Main menu

Preprocessor Create Key


In active CS
In the key point coordinate window specify the key point
number, and x, y & z coordinates value for one corner of the rectangle.
Similarly create the other three key points.

b. Connect with lines

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Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Preprocessor Create Lines Straight

lines Pick the key point 1 & 2 , 2 & 3, 3 &4 and 4& 1 OK
ANSYS Main menu

c. Rectangle creation
ANSYS Main menu

Preprocessor Create Areas


By lines Select the four lines created in the previous step.

Circle creation

Preprocessor Create Circle Solid

Specify the circle centre and its radius OK.
ANSYS Main menu


Step 7: Subtraction of circle from rectangle:

Preprocessor Operate Subtract Areas

Select the rectangle OK Select the circle OK.
ANSYS Main menu

Step 8: Meshing of Geometry.

Preprocessor Mesh tool In the mesh tool click

the Global set Specify the element edge length OK Mesh Select
the area to be meshed OK
ANSYS Main menu

Step 9: Save the database as .db

Step 10: Boundary conditions specification:
a. Applying constraints

Solution Apply Displacement On Nodes

Select the nodes OK Specify All DOF OK.
ANSYS Main menu

b. Applying forces

Solution Apply Force/Moment On Key

point Select the topmost right corner key point OK Specify the
direction of force and magnitude of force OK
ANSYS Main menu

Similarly apply another force at the lowermost right corner with the given force

AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Step 11 Solve the domain:

ANSYS Main menu

Solution Solve Current LS.

Save the data base

Step 12: Retrieval of Stress and Deflection plots

General postprocessorLast set Plot

Select the vonmisses stress OK capture the stress plot image
ANSYS Main menu


Similarly capture the Deflection plot

Deflection and stress determined in the Plate with a hole for the given
boundary conditions are ______________________.

AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Ex. No: 2

Stress Analysis of Rectangular L Bracket

Problem: Analyze the stress in the rectangular L bracket shown in the figure. The
L bracket is made of Cast Iron having youngs modulus 1.000E5 N/mm2,
poissons ratio 0.23 and specific weight 0.072N/cc. A pressure load of 500 N/m2
is applied as shown.

1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference
3. Select the unit system
4. Select the element type
5. Specify the material properties
6. Create the geometry.
7. Subtract the circle from the L shaped bracket
8. Mesh the geometry
9. Save the database
10. Specify the boundary conditions
11. Solve
12. Plot the deflection and stress diagram
13. Determine the maximum deflection and stress values

AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Deflection and stress determined in the Plate with a hole for the given
boundary conditions are ______________________.

Ex. No: 3

Stress Analysis of a Axis-symmetric


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Problem: A long thick-walled pipe is rigidly supported at its ends between two
walls. Determine the maximum deflection in the pipe due to gravity loading.
Determine the maximum tensile stress at the outer surface of the pipe at Y =
4.1666 in.

1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference
3. Select the unit system
4. Select the element type
5. Specify the material properties
6. Create the geometry.
7. Divide the lines
8. Mesh the geometry
9. Save the database
10. Specify the boundary conditions
11. Solve
12. Plot the deflection and stress diagram
13. Determine the maximum deflection and stress values
Step 1 and 2 follow the same procedure as in the exercise 1 and 2.
Step 3:
Specify the unit system as BIN.
Step 4: Select axis symmetric harmonic element as PLANE 25.
Step 5: Follow the same procedure to specify the material property as in the
exercise 1.
Step 6: Creation of Geometry:

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Since the geometry given in the problem is axis symmetry, the model
shown below is enough to draw.
Creation of key points
Key point 1 at x = 0.5 and y = 0.
Key point 2 at x = 0.5 and y = 100
Generate two additional key points in the x direction.

Copy Key points Pick the KP 1 and 2

OK specify the number of copies as 2 and x offset as 1.

Step 7 : Divide the lines:
Create a line joining the key point 1 and 2.
Divide the line in to 12 divisions.

Meshing Size cntrls Lines Picked lines

Select the line OK Specify the number of divisions as 12 and spacing

ratio as 1.
Similarly create lines L2 between KP 2 and 3 and divide the line in to 1 division.
Line L3 between KP 3 and 4 and divide in to 12 divisions and finally create L4
between 3 and 4 and divide in to 1 division.
Create the area with in the four lines.
Step 8: Mesh the geometry as mapped quadrilateral mesh.
Step 9: Save the database.

Step 10: Applying boundary conditions

Analysis assumption:

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The loading g, which is constant in magnitude and direction around the
circumference of the pipe, is applied as the sum of two harmonically varying
loads. Each load has one wave around the circumference and is 90 out of phase
with the other.

Main menu Solution Load Apply

structuralinertiaGravity Specify gravity value as 386 and -386 in

x and z coordinate respectively.

Ansys Main menu

Solution load step opts Other For Harmonic

specify the number of harmonic wave as 1 and check the symmetric
Constraint the nodes at y = 0 in all DOF
Constraint the nodes at y=100 in Y DOF.
Step 11: Solve the problem
Save the Database.
Plot the deflection and stress diagram
Determine the maximum deflection and stress values
Deflection and stress determined in the given axis symmetric component
are ______________________.

AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Ex.No: 4

Deflection Analysis on T shaped Cantilever


Problem: Find the maximum deflection in an un symmetric T beam subjected to

uniform bending Mz, with dimensions and geometric properties as shown below.

1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference
3. Select the unit system
4. Select the element type as BEAM 54
5. Specify the real constant:
Main menu Preprocessor Real constant Add Select the element OK
Specify the following in the Real constant window:
Cross sectional area
Moment of Inertial about Z
Distance from CG to top Y surf
Distance from CG to bottom surf
6. Specify the material properties
7. Create the geometry.
Node creation:


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Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Main menu

Preprocessor Create Node In

active CS

Specify the coordinate value for the node 1 and 2.

Element creation:

Preprocessor Create Elements Through

nodes Pick the node 1 and 2 OK.
Main menu

Note: In the geometry is created with node and filled with elements, then
there is no need to mesh the geometry.
8. Save the database
9. Specify the boundary conditions
a. Constraint all the DOF at the Node 1
b. Specify the moment about z at the node 2 as 100,000 in- lb
10. Solve
11. Plot the deflection contour.
The maximum deflection determined in the T cantilever beam is


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Ex.No: 5

Natural Frequency of a Spring mass system

Problem: An instrument of weight W is set on a rubber mount system having a

stiffness k. Determine its natural frequency of vibration f.

Analysis assumptions and Modeling notes

The spring length is arbitrarily selected. One master degree of freedom is chosen
at the mass in the spring length direction. The weight of the lumped mass element
is divided by gravity in order to obtain the mass.
Mass = W/g = 2.5/386 = 0.006477 lb-sec2/in.
1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference
3. Select the unit system as BIN
4. Select the element type as a. COMBIN 14 and b. MASS 21.


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COMBIN14 Element is used for spring and MASS 21 is used as
load acting on the spring.
For the COMBIN 14 element choose the option and specify Use
2/3D DOF opt for K2 and 2-D longitudinal for K3.
Similarly for the MASS 21 element specify parallel to global for
K2 and 2-D w/o rot iner for K3.

Preprocessor Real constant Add Select the

element OK Specify the following in the Real constant window:

5. Main menu

Real constant specification

Specify the real constant as 48 (spring stiffness) for element 1 and
0.006477(load) as mass for element 2.
6. Specify the material properties
7. Create the geometry
8. Node creation:
9. Main menu

Preprocessor Create Node In

active CS

Specify the coordinate value for the node 1 and 2.

10. Element creation
Create spring element

11. Main menu

attributes choose the element and real constant number Element through

Pick the node 1 and 2
Create mass element:


12. Main menu

attributes choose the element and real constant number Element through

Pick the node 2 OK.

13. Save the database

14. Select the analysis type
Main menu

Solution Analysis type New analysis Modal

Solution Analysis type Analysis option check
the reduced option specify 1 for the number of modes to extract
check the Expand mode shapes OK OK.

15. Main menu


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

Master Degree of Freedom specification

solution Master DOFs Define Pick the node

OK Choose the Uy OK.

16. Main menu

Apply constraints:
Apply constraints at node 1 in both directions and at node 2 in x direction
17. Solve.
18. Main menu

General postprocessor Result summary.

Result: Natural frequency determined for the above spring mass system is ______.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Ex.No: 6

Eigen Frequency modes of a Spring mass


Compute the Eigen frequency modes of a spring mass system given below:

F=None applied for modal analysis

Result: The Eigen modes values are______________


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Ex.No: 7

Harmonic response of a Two mass spring


Problem: Determine the response amplitude and phase angle for each mass of the
system shown below when excited by a harmonic force (F1sint) acting on mass

Step 1:

1. Choose menu path Utility Menu

Change Title.
2. Type the text "Harmonic Response of Two-Mass-Spring System" and click
on OK.
3. Select the preference as structural.
Step 2: Define the Element Types


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1. Choose menu path Main Menu

Preprocessor Element Type

2. Click on Add. The Library of Element Types dialog box appears.
3. Scroll down the list on the left to "Combination" and select it.
4. Click once on "Spring-damper 14" in the list on the right.
5. Click on Apply.
6. Scroll up the list on the left to "Structural Mass" and select it.
7. Click once on "3D mass 21" in the list on the right.
8. Click on OK. The Library of Element Types dialog box closes.
9. Click on Close in the Element Types dialog box.
Step 3: Define the Real Constants

1. Choose menu path Main Menu

Real Constants.
2. Click on Add. The Element Type for Real Constants dialog box appears.
3. Click once on Type 1 to highlight it.
4. Click on OK. The Real Constants for COMBIN14 dialog box appears.
5. Enter 200 for the spring constant (K) and 0.1 for the damping coefficient
(CV1). Click on OK.
6. Repeat steps 2-4 for Type 2, MASS21.
7. Enter .5 for mass in X direction and click on OK.
8. Click on Close to close the Real Constants dialog box.
Step 4: Create the Nodes

ModelingCreate Nodes In Active CS.

1. Choose menu path Main Menu

2. Enter 1 for node number.

3. Enter 0, 0, 0 for the X, Y, and Z coordinates, respectively.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
4. Click on Apply.
5. Enter 4 for node number.
6. Enter 1, 0, 0 for the X, Y, and Z coordinates, respectively.
7. Click on OK.

8. Choose menu path Utility Menu

Numbering Controls dialog box appears.

Numbering. The Plot

9. Click once on "Node numbers" to turn node numbers on.

10. Click on OK.

ModelingCreate Nodes Fill between Nds. A picking menu

11. Choose menu path Main Menu


12. In the ANSYS Graphics window, click once on nodes 1 and 4 (on the left
and right sides of the screen). A small box appears around each node.
13. Click on OK on the picking menu. The Create Nodes Between 2 Nodes
dialog box appears.
14. Click on OK to accept the default of 2 nodes to fill. Nodes 2 and 3 appear
in the graphics window.
Step 5: Create the Spring Elements
1. Choose menu path Main Menu

Preprocessor Modeling

Auto Numbered- Thru Nodes. A picking
menu appears.
2. In the graphics window, click once on nodes 1 and 2.
3. Click on Apply. A line appears between the selected nodes.
4. Click once on nodes 2 and 3.
5. Click on Apply. A line appears between the selected nodes.
6. Click once on nodes 3 and 4.
7. Click on OK. A line appears between the selected nodes.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Step 6: Create the Mass Elements
1. Choose menu path Main Menu

Preprocessor Modeling

Elem Attributes.
2. Enter 2 for element type number.
3. Enter 2 for real constant set number and click on OK.

Preprocessor Modeling
Create Elements Auto Numbered Thru Nodes. A picking

4. Choose menu path Main Menu

menu appears.

5. In the graphics window, click once on node 2.

6. Click on Apply.
7. Click once on node 3 and click on OK.
Step 7: Specify the Analysis Type, MDOF, and Load Step Specifications:

1. Choose menu path Main Menu

2. Click once on "Harmonic" and click on OK.
3. Choose menu path Main Menu

Analysis Type New

Solution Analysis Options.

4. Click once on "Full" to select the solution method.

5. Click once on "Amplitud + phase" to select the DOF printout format and
click on OK.
6. Click OK in the Full Harmonic Analysis dialog box.
7. Choose menu path Main Menu
Output Ctrls

Solution Load Step Opts

Solu Printout.

8. Click on "Last substep" to set the print frequency and click on OK.
9. Choose menu path Main Menu

Solution Load Step Opts

Freq & Substeps.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

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10. Enter 0 and 7.5 for the harmonic frequency range.
11. Enter 30 for the number of substeps.
12. Click once on "Stepped" to specify stepped boundary conditions.
13. Click on OK.
Step 8: Define Loads and Boundary Conditions

Solution LoadsApply
StructuralDisplacementOn Nodes. A picking menu appears.

1. Choose menu path Main Menu

2. Click on Pick All. The Apply U, ROT on Nodes dialog box appears.
3. In the scroll box for DOFs to be constrained, click once on "UY" to
highlight it (make sure no other selections are highlighted).
4. Click on OK.

Solution LoadsApply
StructuralDisplacement On Nodes. A picking menu appears.

5. Choose menu path Main Menu

6. In the graphics window, click once on nodes 1 and 4.

7. Click on OK. The Apply U, ROT on Nodes dialog box appears.
8. In the scroll box for DOFs to be constrained, click once on "UX" to
highlight it and click once on "UY" to de-select it.
9. Click on OK.

Solution LoadsApply
Structural Force/ Moment On Nodes. A picking menu

10. Choose menu path Main Menu


11. In the graphics window, click once on node 2.

12. Click on OK. The Apply F/M on Nodes dialog box appears.
13. In the scroll box for direction of force/moment, click once on "FX."
14. Enter 200 for the real part of force/moment and click on OK.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Step 9: Solve the Model

1. Choose menu path Main Menu

Current LS.
2. Review the information in the status window and click on Close.
3. Click on OK on the Solve Current Load Step dialog box to begin the
4. When the solution is finished, a dialog box stating "Solution is done!"
appears. Click on Close.
Step 10: Review the Results
For this sample, you will review the time-history results of nodes 2 and 3.

1. Choose menu path Main Menu

TimeHist Postpro
Variables. The Defined Time-History Variables dialog box appears.
2. Click on Add. The Add Time-History Variable dialog box appears.
3. Click on OK to accept the default of Nodal DOF result. The Define Nodal
Data dialog box appears.
4. Enter 2 for reference number of variable.
5. Enter 2 for node number.
6. Enter 2UX for the user-specified label.
7. In the scroll box on the right, click once on "Translation UX" to highlight
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on Add in the Defined Time-History Variables dialog box. The Add
Time-History Variable dialog box appears.
10. Click on OK to accept the default of Nodal DOF result. The Define Nodal
Data dialog box appears.
11. Enter 3 for reference number of variable.
12. Enter 3 for node number.
13. Enter 3UX for the user-specified label.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
14. In the scroll box on the right, click once on "Translation UX" to highlight
15. Click on OK and click close.

16. Choose menu path Utility Menu

The Graph Controls dialog box appears.

Style Graphs.

17. In the scroll box for type of grid, scroll to "X and Y lines" to select it.
18. Click on OK.

19. Choose menu path Main Menu

TimeHist Postpro
Variables. The Graph Time-History Variables dialog box appears. Your
graph should look like this:
20. Enter 2 for 1st variable to graph.
21. Enter 3 for 2nd variable to graph.
22. Click on OK. A graph appears in the graphic window.
Step 11: Exit ANSYS
1. In the ANSYS Toolbar, click on Quit.
2. Choose the save option you want and click on OK.
Result: The maximum amplitude is obtained in the frequencies ___________

Temperature Distribution in a short cylinder

(Conductive heat transfer)

Problem: A short solid cylinder is subjected to the surface temperatures shown.

Determine the temperature distribution with in the cylinder.


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual

14. Specify title for the analysis.
15. Set preference as Thermal
16. Select the unit system as BFT
17. Select the element type SOLID 87
18. Specify the material properties
19. Creation of geometry (partial cylinder)

Preprocessor Create Volumes Cylinder

Partial cylinder Specify the following values:
Main menu

Wx = 0
Wy = 0
Rad1 = 0.5
Theta1 = 45 (assumption)
Depth = 0.5
20. Mesh the geometry
21. Save the database
22. Specify the boundary conditions


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23. Solve
24. Plot the Temperature distribution.
25. Determine the temperature at the centre line.
Result: The temperature at the centre line is determined as __________

Ex.No: 9

Heat conduction across a chimney

(conductive and convective heat transfer)

Problem: Determine the temperature distribution and the rate of heat flow q per
foot of height for a tall chimney whose cross section is shown below. Assume that


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
the inside gas temperature is Tg, the inside convective coefficient is hi, the
surrounding air temperature is Ta and the outside convective coefficient is ho.

1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference as Thermal
3. Select the unit system as BFT
4. Select the element type PLANE55
5. Specify the material properties
6. Creation of geometry
a. Create a square of size a.
b. Create a square of size b
c. Subtract the square of size b from the square of size a.
7. Mesh the geometry
8. Save the database
9. Specify the boundary conditions
10. Solve


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11. Plot the Temperature distribution.
12. Determine the temperature at the centre line.
Result: The temperature at the centre line is determined as __________

Ex.No: 10

Heat conduction across the Fin

Problem: Determine the temperature distribution and the rate of heat flow if the
fine base temperature is 1500c and the fins are exposed to the atmospheric air at


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Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
30 degree C having transfer coefficient of 50 W/m2K. The base material is copper
and fin material is aluminum.

1. Specify title for the analysis
2. Set preference as Thermal
3.Select the unit system as SI
4.Select the element type SOLID 87 for base material
5.Specify the material properties for base material
6.Select the same element type SOLID 87 for fin material
7. Specify the material properties for fin material
8. Create volumes by dimensions for base of 3X5.9X1 m
9. Create volumes by dimensions for single fin of width 3m, length 4 m and
thickness 0.3m
10. Preprocessor Modeling-copy volumes select the volume to be copied
next the following window appears
11. Enter number of copies as 3 and offset value as 2

AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
12. Next glue the new completed fin assembly to the base by using
Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Glue Volumes. Choose
the base and click once on the fin assembly and click OK.
13. Mesh the areas by picking all the areas with smart size option with value 1.
14. Apply thermal load of convection boundary of 50 W/m2K and 283 K on
the fin surfaces by clicking on loop apply CONVEC on AREAS window
and select one by one fin surfaces and click ok. Apply the values.
15. Similarly apply the temperature on base as 1773K.
16. Solve
17. Postprocessor-Plot the Temperature distribution.

Result: The temperature distribution plot is attached.

Ex.No: 11

Thermal stress in a Long cylinder


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
A long thick walled cylinder is maintained at a temperature Ti on the inner surface
and To on the outer surface. Determine the temperature distribution through the
wall thickness. Also determine the axial stress and the tangential stress at the inner
and outer surfaces.

Note: This problem is a coupled field analysis. First the thermal analysis is
performed and later structural analysis is carried out.
Thermal analysis
1. Specify title for the analysis.
2. Set preference as Thermal and structural
3. Select the unit system as BIN
4. Select the element type PLANE55
5. Specify the material properties
6. Create the geometry as represented in the above figure
7. Mesh the geometry
8. Save the database
9. Specify the boundary conditions
10. Solve


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Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
11. Plot the Temperature distribution.
Structural analysis
12. Switch the element type:

Preprocessor Element Switch

Structural to Thermal OK




13. Apply structural boundary conditions. (Constraint the DOF at the suitable
14. Plot the stress and deflection plot.
Result: 1.Temperature distribution plot in long cylinder is attached
2.Deformed shape is attached

Ex.No: 12

Laminar flow analysis in a 2-D duct by CFD


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
Model the air flow inside the 2-D duct by CFD analysis. The geometric properties
and fluid properties are given the table.

Dimensions & Properties

Inlet length

4 in

Inlet height

1 in

Transition length

2 in

Outlet height

2.5 in

Initial outlet length

4 in

Inlet velocity

1 in/sec*

Outlet pressure

0 psi

Result: The velocity distribution plot over entire length of duct is


LAB - Viva Questions

1. Define element and node?
2. List the steps in FEA?
3. What are the different types of elements used in FEA?

AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
4. What are the different types of stresses and strain in an object?
5. Write the equilibrium equation?
6. Write the [L] Matrix for a 3D problem?
7. Define Minimum potential energy approach?
8. List different software uses FEA as tool?
9. What are the different weighted residual methods?
10. List the advantages of FEA?
11. How is minimum number of degrees of freedom per node determined in an
element? Give am example.
12. Distinguish between essential and non-essential boundary conditions.
13. Express the constitutive matrix for a plane strain condition.
14. Give the compact representation of shape function for a four-node
quadrilateral element.
15. How are in an isoparametric element the constant strain and rigid body
conditions met?
16. What is static condensation? State any of its applications.
17. Name different types of dynamic analysis. Give one application for each.
18. Distinguish between consistent mass matrix and lumped mass matrix.
19. Express the governing equation for heat conduction in a solid body in
cylindrical coordinate system.
20. State two applications where fluid structure interaction is involved.
21. List four advantages of finite element analysis.
22. Explain the following terms clearly: Nodes, Primary nodes, Secondary
nodes and internal nodes.
23. Define shape function and write its properties.
24. What are the higher order elements? Where are they preferred?
25. State the isoparametric concept in finite element analysis.
26. What is Gaussian quadrature integration technique?
27. Write lumped and consistent mass matrices for an axial element.
28. Write one example for explicit and implicit methods for numerical


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29. Write the governing differential equation for a two dimensional heat
transfer problem.
30. The definitions for translation and rotation of fluids are not quite the same
as for rigid bodies. Justify the statement.
31. What is a boundary value problem? Give an example.
32. State the properties of shape functions.
33. What are higher order elements?
34. List few dimensional field problems.
35. What is an isoparametric element?
36. What is meant by plane strain problem?
37. How do axisymmetric problems differ from two dimensional problems?
38. What are h and p elements?
39. Write down the governing differential equation for longitudinal vibration.
40. What are the properties of stiffiness matrices?
41. What is the basic difference between bar and beam elements?
42. State the use of shape functions.
43. How is a quadratic triangular element different from linear triangular
44. Define the term static condensation.
45. What is lumped mass matrix?
46. Give the advantage and limitation of ritz vectors
47. State any two non-linear problems in finite element analysis
48. Explain the analogies between structural, heat transfer and fluid
49. What are the limitations of ID elements?
50. What is the need for adopting penalty approach?
51. Distinguish between CST and LST elements.
52. What are serendipity elements?
53. Give the compact representation of shape functions of a four-node
quadrilateral element.


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54. Sketch a quadratic strain brick element.
55. Specify the mass matrix for a truss element having four degreed of
56. State the required condition for solving dynamic problems as specified by
characteristic polynomial method.
57. Sketch a differential element depicting two dimensional conduction with
surface convection.
58. Define the stream function for a one dimensional incompressible flow.
59. define aspect ratio. State its significance
60. Classify boundary conditions. Give examples.
61. State the conditions to be satisfied in order to use axisymmetric elements.
62. Sketch a quadratic strain tetrahedran element.
63. What is meant by isoparametric formulation?
64. What is meant by static condensation? State its significance.
65. What is called finite element semidiscretization? Give an example.
66. What are some differences between implicit and explicit methods of
numerical integration?
67. Define element capacitance matrix for unsteady state heat transfer
68. Define the stream function for a two dimensional incompressible flow.
69. What are the situations that demand the use of finite element method for
engineering analysis?
70. State the characteristics of stiffness matri.
71. What is CST element? Why is it called so?
72. Why are super parametric elements not much used in engineering element?
73. Express the interpolation function corresponding to node 4 of a cubic
triangular element.
74. What is static condensation?
75. What is mean by coordinate transformation?
76. What are the properties of axis symmetry elements?


AAMEC- Mechanical Engineering Department

Computer aided simulation and analysis laboratory manual
77. Compare the principle of virtual force and the principle of virtual
78. Specify any two applications of FEA in fluid mechanics.
79. What do you understand by discretization of domain?
80. What role did the computer play in the use of the finite element method?
81. Distinguish between local global coordinate system.
82. Define transformation mapping.
83. Write down the consistent mass matrix for a bar element.
84. Clearly explain about the classification of direct integration techniques.
85. A burner is heating a spot on a two dimensional body. How do you attempt
to model this?
86. What is the effect of mesh size on the accuracy of solution?
87. Explain variational methods of formulation of boundary value problem.
88. What is area co-ordinate used in FEM?
89. What are gauss propositions to derive the gauss qudrature?
90. What are the plane stress and strain conditions represented in solid
91. With an example explain the element and global stiffness matrix.
92. Write strain displacement relations for 3D strain conditions.
93. Write the displacement functions for a second order triangular element.
94. What are the salient features of a shape function?
95. Compare the beam and bar elements used in FEM.
96. Explain the principle of stationery potential energy.


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