SAnaa EL-Banna's Thesis July 18th
SAnaa EL-Banna's Thesis July 18th
SAnaa EL-Banna's Thesis July 18th
Sanaa El-Banna
To my dear parents
This dissertation would not have been possible without the support, guidance and
help of several individuals who contributed their valuable insights during the preparation
and completion of this work.
First and foremost, I deeply am grateful to my mentor and thesis advisor Dr.Heba
Raouf, whose sincerity, inspiration and guidance enabled me hurdling various obstacles in
the completion this research. Her exceptional academic intuition has made her a recurrent
oasis of ideas and passions that exceptionally inspire my mind and enrich my progress as a
student, researcher and academician. I owe her more than she knows.
I also thankfully acknowledge the effort of my outstanding thesis readers, Prof.
Elnur and Dr.EL-Sherif. Their suggestions, comments, and remarks have prompted and
nurtured my intellectual maturity and contributed to the refinement of several drafts of this
My thanks extend to the interviewees and contacts whose contribution,
understanding and willingness to help made this research possible. I hope their assistance
extend to the development of this work in the upcoming months.
In addition, I gratefully thank Dr.Laila El-Baradie, the supervisor of of Our Next
Generation Scholarship, Ola Taliawy, the assistant secretary of the program and Dina
Hosni, the student advisor of the Political Science department, for help, patience, and extent
support throughout my academic progress.
Words fail me to express appreciation to my outstanding parents, especially my
mother whose prayers and smile, despite serious illnesses, turned my worries into hopeful
dreams. I also am deeply grateful to sheihk Mohammed Saed, friends and acquaintances
whose dedication, support and persistent confidence in me has taken an enormous load off
my shoulders. I owe you a lot!
3.1. Introduction.. 57
3.2. The National Movement for Change-Kefaya.. 60
3.3. The 6th of April Movement..62
3.4. We Are All Khaled Saed page (WAKS) .67
3.5. The Egyptian Current Party .77
3.6. The Salafyo Costa movement ..84
3.7. The Ultras Ahlway (AU-07) Football Community..... 89
Chapter IV: the Ideological and Organizational Characteristics of the New Political
Generation. 119
4.3. Conclusion. 133
Chapter V: Analysis and Conclusions137-172
5.1. Assembling Concepts into Standpoints .137
5.2. Cultural Activism and Political Imagination..155
5.3 Generational Relationships: Collaboration and Conflict 161
5.4. Conclusion: Upgrading Authoritarianism.. 164
This dissertation explores the political culture of the new political generation in Egypt
after 25th January 2011. It aims at examining the reasons behind generational conflicts on the
new political landscape. It defines political generation as a group of people who have been
subject to common social and political () influences and circumstances1that shape their
political values, attitudes, and signify their sharing of an essential destiny 2 . Hence,
generations are defined in terms of political culture, rather than age groups. The study
examines six suggestive cases: The National Movement for ChangeKefaya, the 6th of
April, the We Are All Khaled Saed, the Egyptian Current Party, the Salafyo Costa movement
and Ultras Ahlawy football community. Through examining formative experiences,
ideological composition and organizational forms, values, symbols, strategies, and interrelationships, I aim at resolving one research problem: The significant variation within the
political culture of the new generation deepens conflicts both within the emergent Generation
and with the Muslim Brotherhood on various ideological issues and political strategies.
Also, it stimulates ideological transformation and threatens to upgrade political
In order to develop a 'grounded'3, knowledge of the subject, the study, first, examines
reasons behind the MBs failure to co-opt the new generation both before and after the 25th
January. Secondly, It examines the formative socio-political experiences of each generational
unit. Thirdly, I report the interview findings on ideological and organizational manifestations
and, finally, I analyze the results in order to understand the reasons behind generational
conflicts and how they might lead into upgrading Mubaraks authoritarianism.
W. Klecka. Political Generation and Political Behavior (PhD diss., University of Illinois, 1970), 28.
Marvin Rintala. A Generation in Politics: A Definition. The Review of Politics. 25 no. 4, (1963):516-
James Spradley. Participant Observation. (New YorkHolt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980) 10.
This research provides future studies with elementary background on the situation, its
main actors, their inter-relationships and possible means of resolving their conflicts. I use two
integrative methods of qualitative research: ethnographic semi-structured interviews with
members of the new political generation and participation as observer. Data culled from
primary and secondary sources is analyzed through conceptual analysis tool to examine the
undergoing transformation and possible means to resolve the conflict.
The study concludes that there are four intertwined lines through which generational
conflicts evolved: a) problems either withered away or got replaced by new problems, b) a
change and/or loss of leadership, mobilizable resources and sympathy, c) the rise of
unexpected generational cooperation, and d) one generation topple or liquidate the other.
1.1 Background
In theory, the resignation of ex-president Mubarak on February 11th signified the
beginning of an interim period under the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). By
refusing to open gunfire on civilians, the SCAF was widely perceived as the protector of the
January 25th Revolution and the sole representative of national sovereignty. It was generally
compared to the Tunisian Army that stood against the ex-president Zein EL-Abedin Ben Ali.
On such basis, the SCAF enjoyed massive support as implied in one of the most widespread
chants 'the army and the nation are one hand'.
After more than a year since the 25th January Revolution, the trials of Mubarak and
his chief officials ended up with rebuttable rulings: (dismissal) of the charges of ordering
the killing of peaceful protestors,in the case of Al-Adly chief executives, and sentencing
Mubarak and Al-Adly a life-long imprisonment in proto-Turah4 . Despite the SCAFs
promises that violations of human rights would stop after the Revolution, many incidents
starting with Atfih (March 4th), Muqattam (March 8th), Abu Qurqas, (April 19th), Imbaba
(May 7th), Israeli embassy (September 12th), Maspero (October 9th), Mohammed Mahmoud
(November 19-27), Al-Qasr El-Einy and Ministerial Council
(December 15th-23ed),
Abbasiya Square (May 4th , 2012), scrutinize the brutality of the SCAF-backed Military
Police and Central Security Forces that out-weighted the former Interior Ministers crimes
during the 18-day Revolution. During 2011, a total number of 2286 deaths, 7811 injuries of
these 324 eye injuries (personal communication with Tahrir field-doctors), 27 virginity tests
on female protestors, and around 11,879 detention caseof these 7080 were tried before
A sarcastic name of Egypts most luxurious prison where some former NDP members, ex-ministers, business
military tribunals between the period from January 28- August 29, 2011 5 indicate the
SCAF's indifference of and/or actual involvement into the brutal crackdowns on protestors.
It failed to undertake meaningful changes to protect civil rights and freedoms. Moreover, it
enabled an active operation of Mubaraks deep state structuresInterior Ministry, securityintelligence agencies, and corrupt Business networks that recently provided two candidates
for the presidential elections.
The SCAF has followed progressive steps to deepen the divide between the sociopolitical forces over a number of ideological, religious and generational lines. These steps
included: a) spreading inflammatory information about youth movements over state-run and
private TV and radio channels, b) enabling armies of out-of-uniform officers and thugs to
deepen socio-political frictions: e.g., Muslim-Christian tensions in Imbaba (7th May) and
Maspero (9th October), c) enabling select political groups to access power centres and
ministerial resourcesthe Muslim Brotherhoods Freedom and Justice Party, dependent on
their success in placating(and dividing)the masses6 and d) distorting the public image of
the Tahrir protestors, that justified the massacre and detention of revolutionary activists.
By enabling weak and ineffective political rivals to lead the parliament, the SCAF
succeeded in criminalizing direct practice of civil and political rightsespecially protests
and strikes, digital opposition and transnational civil activismwhile threatening the
parliament of eminent dissolve. Thus, it skillfully consolidated a state of safe presence by
co-opting the MB into its strategic interests. Meanwhile, it divided competitive secular forces
around the effectiveness of an MB led parliament under the Ganzoury government that
Hesham Mubarak Center for Law. Diaries Under Military Rule. September, 2011). Retrieved from:
Ellen Lust-Okar. Divided They Rule: The Management and Manipulation of Political Opposition. Comparative
sucked the country into successive gasoline and electricity crisis. By discrediting the MB
before the public opinion and instigating political fragmentation, the SCAF secured a 48.3
percentage of electoral vote to the Mubaraks former prime minister, Ahmad Shafiq, who ran
for presidential elections against Mohamed Morsi, the MB candidate.
The contending actors on the current socio-political landscape are tabulated as
the Viewpoint
Means of change
on change
The MB
of change
direct contestation
This study acknowledges the role of the SCAF in leading the counter-revolution,
through deepening the divides among the socio-political forces. Nevertheless, it upholds that
a significant distinction of the new generations political culture deepens political conflicts
and enables counter-revolutionary forces to retain political and socio-economic influence.
The growing frustration among the new political generation renders its main channel
of political expression spontaneous and anomic protestsboth hazardous and costly7. In
addition, it further contests the parliaments legitimacy while the latters majority
delegitimizes protests and strikes, this time on religious bases e.g., the fatwa prohibiting
popular strike on 11th February 2012.
In fact, the generational conflict reflects a dynamic situation of socio-political
transformation. The ideological structures fragment under revolutionary political, social and
economic activism. The MB has divided into three political parties besides the official FJP:
the Justice, the Development, and the Egyptian Stream parties. Similarly, the Salafi Light
party is expected to fragment as the Salafi movement in general demonstrates new variations,
e.g., Salafyo Costa. To put it in a broader frame, an entire generation has grown out of
Mubaraks straightjacket structures and challenged the pre-set codes, checks and balances
and hierarchical stratification of political opposition in Egypt. The emergent generation
locates itself on common and overlapping areas in-between the structured ideologies and
aspires to mobilize public support via loosely structured platformsnetworks, groups, and
If the divide between the electoral institutions and the streetrepresented by the new
political generation continues, the 25th January Revolution will have only contributed to
upgrading (political) authoritarianism8. This tendency is indicated through the SCAFs
policies that include: a) managing political contestation9 by expanding political/electoral
arenas, b) appropriating civil societies 10 and (c) capturing the benefits of selective
Ibid, 161
Steven Heydemann. Upgrading Authoritarianism in the Arab World. Analysis Paper. The Saban Centre at
Ibid, 5
economic reforms 11 by, possibly, re-nationalizing public sector enterprises that were
previously under the military control, securing Safe Survival of deep state structures and
rallying national resources in support of pro-Mubarak presidential candidates.
To reverse this tendency, generational conflicts should be either mitigated or,
possibly, resolved. To this end, this dissertation provides an early attempt to identify the
emergent political generation in terms of the varied positions it occupies vis a vis the
Egyptian society, state, and the agency-structure continuum. In this way, it aims at exploring
the reasons behind generational conflicts and providing future studies with preliminary
information on the subject. The following section identifies where this research stands
regarding previous and, possibly, undergoing studies on the subject area.
1.2. Review of the Literature
At the subject level, a number of studies instruct the use of a) generational and intergenerational conflict theories in the study of various movements, and b) the study of the role
of youth in the Egyptian Revolution.
Additional studies are reviewed in more detail as they provide both substantive and
methodological assistance to my study. These are: Wards work on ideology and
generations12 and Quirings work13 on intra-generational relationships.
In her study of ideology and generations, Ward concludes that the literature on
generations has overlooked the 'self-constructing qualities of generational perspectives, the
variability within the cohort, the impact of different segments of the cohort on one another,
and the impact of the new generation on the old' 14 . The generational theory literature,
D. Ward. Ideology and Generations: An Intergenerational Restudy of Robert Lanes' Political Ideology.
Brett Quiring. Intergenerational conflict within the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party, 19671971.
Ward, 516
concludes Ward, could be classified into five categories. These include: (a) Social
revolutionsrepresented by Mannheim, Pinder, Mead and Friedenberg, (b) progressive
continuity: change is limited to 'further expansion of the already existing tendencies'
represented by Feuer and Adelson15, (c) generational relationships as means of solidarity
represented by Campbell, Douvan and Adelson, and Walsh, and finally (d) Wards mutual
regulations perspective into generational relationships that focuses on social change as the
main factor affecting the process rather than the outcome of generational relationships. Ward
raps up her argument as follows: If 'feedback loops' are intact, progressive continuity
between generations is possible; by contrast, if severed, then social revolution is more
probable16. This work provides a background of my explorative study of generational
conflict that manifest one or more of these perspectives of the generational theory.
Secondly, the study by Quiring examines the influence of young activists in the New
Democratic Party (NDP) of Saskatchewan. The youth, in her study, demonstrated two main
attitudes: conservative incorporation into the partys traditional structure, and the new-left
extra parliamentarians who followed a confrontational policy to realize fundamental change
in both the party structure and their society17. This work provides an example of conservative
and revolutionary generational units that compete over various platforms and resources for
public activism a case represented in the new generation in Egypt, whose units both contest
the traditional orthodox structures and, nevertheless, need their platforms to realize political
Also, my research represents a continuation to the mounting studies of the Egyptian
revolution and the Arab spring18. A broad and necessary description of the role of youth in
Ward, 517
Ward, 518
See for instance, Asef Bayat. "The Post-Islamist Revolutions." Foreign Affairs. 26 Apr. 2011. Web. 4 June
the 25th Revolution is offered in El-Sharnouby19 work on youth and the 25th of January
revolution, in which she explains how the perception of youth has changed from being a
source of hope in times of Abdul-Nasser into a burden on the countrys national resources
since the 1970s. On this regard, her work aligns with Al-Shakrys emphasis on the perception
of youth as indulging into political apathy, illicit sexual activities and a failure to
acknowledge the social and economic realities of everyday life20. To El-Sharnouby, the
revolution proved the youths capability of changing the status quo and merited their
national responsibility. Nevertheless, it has changedonly temporarily the exclusionary
perceptions of, and practices towards, the youth. The lack of political experience, their
dependence on family income and the growing tendency towards stability, all discredited
young candidates in their bid for parliamentary seats in 2011.
El-Shernoubys thesis provides substantive as well as methodological platform for my
work. Her use of Mannheims generational theory oscillates interchangeably between its two
meaningsage-groups and cohorts; she points out to the determinants of intra-generational
Bremer. Leadership and Collective Action in Egypts Popular Committees: Emergence of Authentic Civic Activism in
the Absence of the State, International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, 13 no. 4 (2011). Retrieved from; Roula Khalaf. A generation at last in ferment: The Arab
youth have defied clichs and clampdowns to fracture an adamantine order. Financial Times. Web. December 24, 2011.
Retrieved from:, Ann Lesch. Egypts Spring:
Causes of the Revolution Middle East Policy, 18 no. 3, (2011): 35-48; Angela Joya. The Egyptian revolution: crisis of
neoliberalism and the potential for democratic politics. Review of African Political Economy, 38, no. 129 (2011), 367386; Solava Ibrahim. A Tale of Two Egypts: contrasting state-reported macro-trends with micro-voices of the poor.
Third World Quarterly, 32 no.7, (2011) 1347-1368. Retrieved from;
Janet Powers. A Review of Generation in Waiting: The Unfulfilled Promise of Young People in the Middle East,
Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 23 no. 4, (2011): 572-575. Retrieved from:
D. El-Sharnouby. Youth and the 25th Revolution in Egypt: Agents of Change and its Multiple Meanings. (MA
diss., The American University in Cairo, 2011)
Omnia El Shakry. Youth As Peril and Promise: The Emergence of Adolescent Psychology in Postwar Egypt.
International Journal of Middle East Studies. 43, (2011) p. 591.
conflicts: class, gender, religion and age21which indicate a use of generation as a cohort
while describing youth initiation of 25th January Revolution as one face on parent-children
inter-generational conflict.
Nevertheless, EL-Shernoubys work provides a valuable source of the revolutionary
generations experiences. Having participated in some of their initiatives/movements, she
explains a number of the generations characteristics: lack of mobilization and organization
skills, anger towards structured ideologies, hybridity, etc.22. Taking EL-Shernoubys work as
a starting point, my thesis provides two lines of continuation. First, I treat the 25th January
political generation as a cohort that intersects with various age groups, ideological currents
and socio-organizational forms. Secondly, I explore the main characteristics of the
generational units in a way to understand their inter-relationships and reasons behind conflict
with the older generation.
1.3. Research Problem, Questions and Objectives
The significant variation within the political culture of the new generation deepens
generational conflicts on various ideological issues and political strategies, stimulates
ideological transformation and threatens to upgrade political authoritarianism.
Having analyzed the scene, the examination of this problem requires a study of the
existing ideological map and political structures represented in the following table:
Highly Structured
The MB
Salafiyo Costa
El-Sharnouby, 67
ibid. 70-3.
Post ideological23
The Ultras-Ahlawy
The study follows a line of inquiry towards one main question: What are the
ideological, organizational, and cultural characteristics of the new political generation? In
doing so, the study investigates the following sub-questions:
1. Why did the MB fail in co-opting the new political generation both before and
after the 25th of January?
2. What are the formative socio-political experiences that of various new
generational units?
This study takes up as its mission to realize the following objectives:
1. Explore the characteristics of the new political generation their interrelations and areas where their viewpoints meet and diverge.
2. Explore the following patterns of linkages that outline the study:
Ideological and socio-organizational dys-functioning failure to co-opt the 25th
January generation
Formative socio-political experiencethe emergence of a new political culture
Diffusion and generational conflict- upgrading political authoritarianism
3. provide future studies with elementary background on the situation, its
main actors, their inter-relationships and possible means of resolving their conflicts.
1.4. The Theoretical Framework
For the purpose of this research, the generational theory is recognized as the most
suitable approach to the nature and motives of the ongoing transformation in Egypt. It
provides higher recognition to the role of human agency without indulging into the sociopsychological tradition of studies of collective action. This research will couple conceptual
analyses to the ideological and organizational characteristics of the new political generations
The idea of generational conflict has received considerable attention in founding
Western literature. Plato, for instance, recognized generational strife as one force for social
change, while Aristotle realized that, sometimes, political revolutions arise in response to
conflict between fathers and sons24. In modern times, literature on the concept dates back to
the 1860s with Diltheys volumes on culture and historical sciences 25 . His famous
contribution to generational studies is the definition of generation as signification for the
relation of contemporaneity of individuals (i.e) those who matured concurrently26. In the
1920s and 1930s, studies of generations provided a number of useful definitions that attribute
the concept to kinship, cohort, life stage, and historical period27. The concepts various
connotations where exhausted in studies of social anthropology, demography and/or
Nevertheless, it was only with Manhheims instructive piece, the Problem of
Generations 29 , that a systematic and developed theory of generations started to gain
M. Braungart and R. Braungart. Life-Course and Generational Politics. Annual Review of Sociology. 12 1(986)
206. Internet. Retrieved from:
P. HUG. Dilthey, Wilhelm. New Catholic Encyclopedia. Gale. (2003). Internet. Retrieved from: (Accessed on March 01, 2012)
Cited in Jacob Owensby. Dilthey and the Narrative of History. (USACornell University press, 1994), 131
Ibid, 126-7
Ibid, 276
ibid, 281
ibid, 282
ibid, 285
he states " the sociological phenomenon of generations is ultimately based on the biological
rhythm of birth and death. However, he recognizes the fact that sociological and historical
factors contest the deterministic sequential ordering of generations on, e.g., thirty-year
Mannhiem, while according the waves of generation, emphasizes that particular
historical experiences may define a generational unit vis a vis other groups in the same
actual/biological generation. Formative historical experiences are reflected on integrative
attitudes and formative principles that join similarly located individuals as well as spatially
separated ones who may never come into personal contact at all37. Thus, spatial closure and
contemporaneity are of only potential significance; when similarly located contemporaries
participate in a common destiny (.), ideas, () concepts, () a generation as an actuality
is constituted38. Mannheim emphasizes that within such a community with shared intereststhe actual generation, different and even antagonistic generational units may arise,
demonstrating different identit(ies) of responses, certain affinity(ies) in the way in which all
move with, and are formed by their own experiences39. Such a parallelism in responses
reinforces binding ties and personal connections between members of the same unit
regardless of their age and spatial differences40.
Most historians accept Mannheims theory of the social generation that represents a
particular identity of location and embraces related age-groups that experience similar
socio-historical processes41. Sometimes Mannheims and Ortega y Gassets42 conception of
ibid, 290
ibid, 304-6
ibid, 306.
Ibid, 307.
Alan Spitzer. The Historical Problem of Generations. The American Historical Review. 78, no. 5 (1973), 1354.
Internet. Retrieved from: (Accessed: 19/02/2012 10:57)
generation are referred to as cohorts, to differentiate its meaning from the familial
connotation of generation. However, successive literature on generation by Heberle, 1951,
Eisenstadt, 1956, Rintala 1968, and Esler, 198443 has generally retained a qualifier that
indicates shared socio-historical experiences by adding social or political adjectives to
My dissertation adopts Mannheims theory in two ways. Firstly, I emphasize that
socio-political experiences are reflected into a common political culturebelieves, expressive
symbols and valuesthat results into a distinctive political imagination of authority, state and
society. Secondly, I utilize the term political generation, defined as a group of people who
have been subject to common social and political () influences and circumstances44 that
shape their political values, attitudes, and signify their sharing of an essential destiny45. As
political generations overlap across time intervals that host major events wars, revolutions,
etc. their political values, symbols and believes contend and converge across various age
groups and, thus, provide basis for ideological transformation.
For the purpose of this study, political Generation is defined with particular
characteristics that describe contentious political cultures within and between present
generation; thus, it transcends time, age, and location barriers while being shaped, partially,
by common structures historical, economic and socio-political experiences.
For the purpose of this research, political culture refers to the political knowledge,
beliefs, emotions, and values of a people, that is interwoven in their daily practices and
reflect in its various paradigms the contentious relationships between Generation(s)46. The
Cited in Spitzer,1354
Klecka, 8
Rintala, 516-7
Political Culture. Encyclopedia of U.S Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral behavior. (Thousand Oaks, Sage
concept emerged out of structural behaviorist approaches to social sciences with the work of
Almond and Verba The Civic Culture47. Almond and Verba provided a highly generalized
concept of political culture that measure attitudes, believes and values through survey and
questionnaires. This bared little reverence to the cultural differences between Western,
mainly the U.S, and non-Western countries. Later refinement to the concept adopted a
dynamic reading of the events and situations as reflective of changing, usually contentious,
political values, believes and attitudes among elite and non-elite classes48. Various contours
of the concept began to gain prominence with the work of Elkins in 1979, where he relates
political culture to dispositions and mind-sets. Values, believes, and symbols are parts of
the political culture of contentious generations that deploy different dimension of power, and
hold different perception of the political, the banal state, and the socio-organization of
collective activism.
This leads us to the various forms of inter-generational conflict that may occur on
basis of distinctive membership, experiences, values, structure, challenges and destiny49. In
his study of youth generations in the 1960s, Braungart50 develops the Generational Unit
Model to determine the influence of socio-historical factors on generational behavior. In his
words The generational unit model predicts that chronological age alone will not determine
generational behavior, but exposure to select historical, social, and cultural factors in
combination with a new psychological consciousness and common destiny will explain
Almond, Gabriel and Verba, Sidney. The civic culture : political attitudes and democracy in five nations. ( NJ :
Michael Holt, review of The Transformation of Political Culture: Massachusetts Parties, 1790s-1840s, by Ronald P.
Formisano. The Journal of American History. 70, No. 2 (1983) 405-6. Internet. Retrieved from: (Accessed March 2012).
R. Braungart. The Sociology of Generations and Student Politics: A Comparison of the Functionalist and
Ibid, 46
ibid, 50
R. Braungart, Historical Generation and Generation Units: A Global Pattern of Youth Movements. Journal of
Political and Military Sociology. 12 (1984), 114.
Ibid, 114-5.
ibid, 115-6
Although intra-generational competition and conflict may occur along left and right
alignments, the new generation in general shares a heightened sense of collectiveness and
consciousness. Their competition is on the definition and control of the reality. The
challenge of modern societies is not to inhibit or destroy the creative impulse of the new
generation, but to move it () to a more rational political forum where competition over
ideas and resources can be addressed and negotiated peacefully57 that is, to empower their
participation in public policies, executive and legislative processes.
Generational conflicts may evolve through four intertwined lines: a) problems either
withered away or got replaced by new problems, b) a change and/or loss of leadership,
mobilizable resources and sympathy, c) the rise of unexpected generational cooperation, and
d) one generation topple or liquidate the other.
In conclusion, the theoretical leanings of my research are eclectic. While revolutions,
protests, strikes and alike forms of political participation are forms of collective action, the
distinctive experiences, ideological leanings, values, believes, symbolsin short political
culturesresult into diverse political imagination that guide concerted forms of action and
chart the dividing lines between contending generations. Hence, the literature on
Generational conflict, political culture and ideological transformation instruct this study.
1.5. Methodology
The craftsmanship58 of qualitative research involves the studied use and collection
of empirical materialcase study; personal experience; introspection; life story; interview;
artifact; ()that describe routine and problematic moments and meaning59. The study has
integrally depended on most of these sources in a way to study groups as social units rather
ibid, 133.
C. Wright, Mills. On Intellectual Craftsmanship. The Sociological Imagination. (UK Oxford University Press,
Norman, Denzin, and Yvonna, Lincoln. The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research. In Handbook of
Qualitative Research Norman, edited by Denzin, N. and Yvonna, L. (USA, Sage Publications, 2005), 3.
than individuals60. This approach enabled the study of the meaning, the context, the structure
and the processes of concerted forms of action. As one of its variants, case studies are
considered the most common form of qualitative research in social sciences61, since they
provide in-depth understanding of deviant, typical, or critical cases.
In doing so, the study have employed ethnographic tools to explore the characteristics
of the new political generation. Ethnography was used in terms of "motivated actions of
people (that) reflect (their) background and experiences of the world"62 such as protesting,
forming political parties, blogging and creating media products. Such information were
sought through participation as observer63 in various protests and strikes between the period
from September 2011-April 2012, and focus group in-depth interviewing that allows
participants to 'own' and 'take over' the interviewing space64. This also enabled accessing the
collectively shared, local and every-day knowledge of socio-political actors.
The choice of six generational units was based on the expected level of differentiation
they provide to the emergent political generation, despite the fact that while collecting data,
new generational unit where emerginge.g., Hazemoun Salafi group and Sayha Ikhwaniyya
(A MB Scream). The focus group interviews were possible in certain casesthe UA, the
Salafiyo Costa, WAKS and the EC. In other caseKefaya and 6th of April only one
participant provided the information on the group, due to over-occupation with group-related
responsibilities. To avoid discrepant information, observation, personal communication and
secondary resources were sought for detailed comprehension of the cases. The interviews
C. Hakim. Research Design: Strategies and Choices in the Design of Social Research. (Allen & Unwin, 1987). 32.
Cited in M. Hammersley and P/ Atkinson. Ethnography: Principles in Practice. (UK, Routledge, 1995), 104.
G. Kemberelis and G. Dimitriadis. Focus Groups: Strategic Articulation of Pedagogy, and Inquiry. In Handbook
of Qualitative Research, ibid, 903.
involved a majority of male participants, and sometimes it infiltrated either group meetings or
strike/protest activitiessuch as with the UA and the EC. Focus groups aimed at interviewing
participants from various backgrounds and/or organizational positions. In some cases in
which meetings or phone calls interrupt the interviews continuation with individual
members revealed a slight change in the opinion questions. To mitigate the possibility of
subtle distortion, those individuals were contacted individually over phone to ensure their
answers are complete and representative.
In-depth interviews ensured a relative validity of data, since participants were
interviewed in sufficient detail for the results to be taken as correct, complete, and
representative. The sampling of interviewees was based on a purposive sampling strategy
with double-sided criteria that combines both the field activists and those who possess soft
power and low media exposure. Interviewees were researched by methods of observation,
desk researching, and recommendation that was sought from primary contacts. Primary
contacts were selected on basis of their expected level of experience and engagement in
'street' activism, on one hand, and on their trustworthiness on the other, in order to ensure a
minimum level of trust while conducting interviews.
The size of the interview sample depended on the expected level of variation within
each unit. An indicator of this criterion was when additional participants started to produce
redundant material. Interviews were loosely structured to allow for adaptation of the
interview questions to different interviewees. All interviews were preceded by participants
informed consent65 to use their data for research purposes. The interviews were recorded on
a Dictaphone device coupled with hand-written documentation; both will be erased on
August 2012. These measures will be taken to ensure that the study area doesnt entail
potential harm for the informants.
A. Fontana and F. James. Interviewing: The Art of Science. In Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Data edited
The research by using integrative tools of qualitative and case study research aims
at developing 'grounded' 66 knowledge of the new political generation. This included
examination of the socio-political experiences that formed the generational units, the
ideological, organizational, and cultural characteristics that reveal the nature of their political
culture and imagination.
1.6. The Analytical Framework
The material culled through interviews and secondary resources was organized and
analyzed by means of conceptual analysis. A number of contributions have developed the use
of conceptual analysis to unpack the dialectic of thought and practice. According to Gregor,
concepts are public signs that refer to groups, categories, or collections of things, events,
impressions, or relations between them67. The study of such concepts, according to Weitz,
should observe the need to keep them open and unbound to definitive sets of properties,
conditions or criteria68 especially when they are re-constructed by a revolutionary political
To achieve this level of understanding, a complementary tool, conceptual
integration networks, guides the analysis of interview results. Conceptual integration tools
has been developed by Fauconnier and Turner69 as a method to sort out spaces of meaning
and highlight the interconnectedness of mental spaces (inputs), the cross-space mapping, the
generic space, and the resulting blended space of meaning, which is carried through the
interviewees information. For this purpose, the inter-linkages between generational units are
Spradley, 10
A. Gregor. An Introduction to Metapolitics: a Brief Inquiry into the conceptual Language of Political Science.
(Free Press, 1971), 122.
M. Weitz. The Opening Mind: a Philosophical Study of Humanistic Concepts. (USA, University of Chicago
Press, 1977). 23-5
G. Fauconnier and M. Turner. Conceptual Integration Network Cognitive Science. 22, no. 2, (1998):133-187.
Internet. Retrieved from:
highlighted as means to understand the blended space of meaning they create during the
In conclusion, the study follows a line of inquiry as follows: I first examine the
reasons behind the MBs failure to co-opt the new generation both before and after the 25th
January. Secondly, I examine the formative socio-political experiences and recent evolution
of each of the six units. Thirdly, I report the interview findings on the organizational,
ideological and cultural characteristic of the new generation and, finally, analyze the reasons
behind current generational conflicts and how they lead into upgrading Mubarak
The MB has been widely perceived as the real popular opposition of Mubarak regime.
However, the revolution was undertaken and led by actors outside the matrix of structured
opposition. This chapter examines the ideological and socio-organizational mis-functioning
inside the MB that widened the chasm between its various age groups and 25th January
generation. Put differently, it seeks to understand the reasons behind the MBs failure to
realize the undergoing socio-political transformation on the street, and why has the new
generation been unable to undertake its activities within the existing oppositional structures.
This part assumes that the new political generation revolted against two forms of political
disciplining: the disciplining of political opposition by Mubaraks regime and the
disciplining of internal opposition by the MB leadership.
This chapter closely examines the MB for a number of reasons. Firstly, the MB
represents one of the oldest opposition forces in the socio-political landscapeestablished in
1928and has been widely perceived as the real competitor to Mubarak tyranny. Secondly,
although the MBs discourse draws popular sympathy towards its ideology, symbols and
slogans as shown in voting behavior of Egyptians in 2005 and 2011 electionsa growing
number of activists escape the movement, eschew its values and norms of practice, and
discontinue the institutional bonds. A number of former MB members founded and/or
participated in various forms of open de-structured activities: the 6th of April, We Are All
Khaled Saed, Kefaya, Ultras Ahlway, the Egyptian Current, and Salafiyo Costa. It is notable
that each movement has among its founders and/or leaders one or more of former MB
activistsresigned or/and dismissed. Also, each of these movements has contentious
relationship with the MBas indicated through the interview results, especially since the
divide centres around the governmental authority. Hence, the study assumes that much of the
new political generations activism has been reactive to the ideological and structural crises
that the MB experiences. I draw upon a consortium of primary and secondary resources
narratives, autobiographies, life experiences of former leaders and the researcher herself, as
well as the movements own literature. The following sections proceed as follows: firstly, I
expand some aspects of the ideological crisis of the MB, secondly, I deal with subsequent
socio-organizational dilemmas, and finally, the recent political strategies of the MB before
January 25th.
2.1.The Ideological Crisis of the MB
The Letters, authored by al Banna during the 1930-1940s, represent the constituent
literature of the MB. It promoted a reform movement described as a flowing spirit in the
Ummahs heart70. It aimed at socio-political and economic reform through building grassroot networks of schools, factories, NGOs, parties, mosques, etc. Al Banna identified the MB
society as a Salafi call, a Sunni sect, a political party, a sports group, a scientific and
cultural collectivity, and economic organization and a social idea71. The rejection to restrict
his idea in institutional structures reflected al Bannas emphasize on the Muslim Ummah
as an ultimate value that transcends particular political, socio-organizational and cultural
manifestations72. Hence, the Brothers society has initially been accessible to members of
various class, religious, ideological, gender and age affiliations; e.g., it incorporated thirty
Christian members into the Sports Section and employed a Christian deputy to its first
General GuideHassan al Banna73.
Hassan AL-Banna. Majmouat Rasael Al-Imam Al-Shahid Hassan AL-Banna (A Collection of Al-Imam Al-Bannas
ibid, 122-3,48-9
A broad elaboration on this conception of Ummah is available at Mona Abul-Fadl. Al-Ummah Al-Qutb: Nahwa Taseel
Menhajy Le Mafhoum Al Ummah Fi Al-Islam (Cairo, Al-Shorouk AlDawliyah publication, 2005) 55-7.
Magdy Salama. Interview with Ahmed Sief EL-Islam al Banna. Seif EL-Islam Hassan al-Banna: Mubarak will not be
With the rise of state suppression under the Nasserite regime (1952-1970), a sharp
ideological texture started to define the MB. During the 1960s, the MB literature, led by
Qutbs Milestones 74 , revived a Motazalite definition of faith as to include belief and
practice, which served the need for absolute and secret organizational commitment under
authoritarian rule75. Hence, the literature emphasized the alignment of religious practices,
daily language, symbols, chants, and individuals political imagination to the directions of the
MB leadership, being the sole organized activity in the Muslim Ummah 76 . The
transformation in the MB conception of faith has coupled other organizational values, such as
absolute trust, obedience, sacrifice and self-denial. During the recent decades, the
consequences crystalized in a set of structural and ideological problems that segregated the
movement into nationwide socio-economic and political enclaves.
The following
Tariq Al-Bishry. Al Malameh Al-Amma Le Al-FIkr Al-Siyasi Al-islamy fi Al-Tareekh Al- Moaser (The General
Charecteristics of the Islamic Political Thought in Modern History) (Cairo, Al-Shorouk Publication, 2005), 33
S. Hawwa. Doros Fi al-Amal Al-Islamy (Lessons in the Isalmic activism) (Cairo, Dar Al Salam for Print, Publication
and Dessimination, 1981); Al-Madkhal Le Dawat Al Ikhwan Al Muslemeen (The Enterance to the Muslim
brotherhood Call) (Cairo, Dar Al Salam for Print, Publication and Dessimination, 1984); M. Mashhour, AL-Dawah Ela
Allah: Al-Dawah Al-Fardiyya (The Call to Allah: the One-on-one Call). (Cairo, Dar al Tawzea_ wa al Nashr al
Islamya, 1981),, Al-Qaed Al-Qudwah Ala Tareeq Al-Dawah (The Role-Model Leader on the Road of Dawah).
(Cairo, Dar al Tawzea wa al Nashr al Islamiya, 1990), . Al-Tayyar Al-Islamy Wa dawruhu Fil Bina (The
Islamic Stream and its Role on Building). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamiya, 1987).
Mostafa Mashhour, Question along the Way (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya 1986).
Ibid, 22-3
ibid, 23
ibid, 49; also see Al-Tayyar Al-Islamy Wa dawruhu Fil Bina, 48; AL-Dawah Ela Allah: Al-Dawah Al-Fardiyya,
21 and Wihdet Al-Amal Al-Islamy Fil Qutr Al-Wahid (The Unity of Islamic Activism in One Region). (Cairo, Dar al
Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya, 1989).
Ali Mahmoud. Rokn Al-taah (The Obedience Pillar). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya, 1997), 359;
also see Gomah Abdul-Aziz, Al-Taa fi Al-Marouf (Obedience in Marouf). (Alexandria, Dar Al-Dawah for
Publication and Distribution, 2003).
occupation of Egypt. Thus, The Taalim Letters conception of soldiership spilled over the
entire MB structure; concepts of absolute obedience,84, the leaderships absolute authority85,
trust86 and sacrifice87 reflected the Qutbians hardcore mission. In such a way, the structure
of the MB was sacralized at the expense of flexibility, creativity and tolerance towards
various opinions88.
As for the education and promotion functions, the education section provides a set of
study curriculums and decides upon the promotion of active members. During the recent
decades, the education section provided unspecialized calibers with opportunities of setting
curricula for various levels of the organization. Moreover, the criteria of inclusion into the
section have been absolute loyalty and obedience. Thus, the functioning and effectiveness of
this section raises a set of concerns, as reviewed in the Justified Resignation of the sections
former educator89. These include:
1. Inculcating the 'listen and abide' culture; the leadership at each section/level silences
critique and restricts it through, first, investigation, second, freezing member promotion,
third, defaming reputation and, finally, dismissing members individually or in groups.
2. Weakening brotherhood bonds by expanding the leaders authority to vocally criticize the
misconduct of other MB leaders and/or memberse.g., failure to abide by a checklist of
worship duties enlisted by the Education Section90.
Gomah Abdul-Aziz. Al-Ikhwan Wa Al-Mojtama Al-Misry wa Al-Dawly fil Fatrah Men 1928-1938 (The Brothers
and the Egyptian and International Society During the Period of 1928-1938). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al
Islamya,_2003), 133.
Ibid, 196
ibid, 162
Ali Abdul-Halim Mahmoud. Rokn Al-Tadhiyah (The Sacrifice Pillar). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al
Ibid, 52-6
90 One narrative explains this point as follow I was a member of the political committee of the Students Section. I
asked my supervisor what the terms constitution and political party refer to. The supervisor answered that the
3. The lack of specialized knowledge of Islamic sciences and professional education skills.
4. The 'educator' lacks sufficient knowledge about members socio-economic and political
context, while deciding on his/her curriculum, promotion and exclusion.
The correlation between absolute obedience, loyalty and promotion along the hierarchy
resulted in that the MB leadership is generally unable to communicate with grass-root bases
and with the broader society. One recent example is the Constitutional Committee formed by
the MB parliamentarian majority that excluded intellectual, professional and technically
experienced figures while including unqualified cadres from the Education Section! Also,
discrepancy appears when unspecialized recruiters manipulate the structure of, and methods
to, Islamic knowledge: legislation, self-discipliningSufism, and theologyAqidah, to generate
religious rulingsFatawaand standards of
decade, the education section has been circulating programs such as How to Read and
Understand the Quran and Time Management and the Prophetic Traditions. The tendency to
control and structure members understanding of the Scripture is further intensified with
coded text books such as The Practical Program to Build the Modern Quranic Muslim by
El-Deeb91, the chief training supervisor in the MB.
See Al-Barnamej Al-Amaly li Bina Al-Muslim Al-Qurany Al-Moaser (The Practical program to Build the
Modern Quranic Muslim) (Qatar, Al-Majmouah Al Arabiyah lil Bohoth wal Derasat wal Tatweer, 2009)
Despite the effort to control and structure individual religiosity, the education
curriculum proved insufficient; follow-up checklists have usually conflicted with members
scheduled duties in the organization. Yakan argues that the spiritual emptiness of members
exposed to public outlets exacerbates with the failure to update study curriculums to balance
the shortage of doable duties92. However, the real dilemma of the curricula lies in the
rationale of control; my experience as a member of the MB organization between the
period of 2004-2008 indicates that activists in political and media sections seek free breath
in international conferences, where they escape the supervisors authority, checklists, and
commandsat least on religious concerns. Ironically, supervisors from the Education Section
were later directed to attend MB joint conferences to monitor Islamically un-lawful
In fact, both Hawwa and Mashhor defended the Islamic traditions, beliefs and
values against claims of backwardness and inapplicability. Nevertheless, their reactive
propositions regarding Islam replaced al Bannas traditional Azharite and Sufi background
with concepts, structures, and institutions of the liberal leviathan statedressed in Islamic
vernaculars. This explains why the internal structure of MB mirrors the nature, structure, and
rationale of its very enemy: the secular Egyptian state93. Hence, they internalized a set of
mutually exclusive dualities that resulted into a deliberative rhetoric focused on the margins
of Islamic concepts rather than providing innovative and dialectical Ijtihad94. Secondly, it
also developed a totalizing view of an enemy: the West, the secular, liberal, socialist, and
F. Yakan, Al-Mutasaqetoun Ala Tareeq Al-Dawah. (The Drop-outs on the Road of Dawah). (Lebanon, Risala
(Remarks on the political Imagination of Islamists: Methodological and Political Dilemmas) in Islamiyon wa
Dimocratiyon, (Cairo, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, 2006), 45.
ibid, 46
Coptic political forces95. The recent decades witnessed a deepening polarization with the
Coptic minority that began to perceive the MB a closed community hostile to its perceived
rights to equality and religious freedoms. Meanwhile, the literature adopted a conception of
democracy96 that deprived women and Copts of the right to presidency97. According to the
literature, women are also deprived from the right to travel and transportation except with
their husbands permission and accompany!98.
The increase of regime suppression forfeited al Bannas arithmetically gradual
sequence of reform; the MBs institutions were outlawed; members imprisoned and tortured,
publications and journals appropriated, schools and mosques closed! By January 25th
Revolution, the MB was suspended between two choices:
1- to pursuit its activity as a secret outlawed organization, based on tightknit
membership, secret administrative charts, and values of absolute obedience and loyalty, and
aiming at revolutionary political change at the right moment. If so, then the movement should
have prepared political cadres, programs, symbols and slogans to revolutionize the majority
of the population and fight with the authoritarian regime.
2-Transforming into an official organization with publicly open membership and
published administrative charts, lose recruitment criteria and democratic values of association
and collective activism, aiming at gradual reform. In this way, the movement might have
taken one of two ways: gradual social reform through NGOs, or political reform through a
ibid, 48
Mahmoud Ghozlan. Al-Ikhwan Wal-Dimoqratiyyah: Risala Ela Al-Shabab (The Brothers and Democracy: A
message to the Youth). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya, 2011d); Tawfiq Al-Way. Al RUyah AlShamila Li Tawaguhat Al-Ikhwa Al-Muslemin Al-Islahiyyah (The Comprehensive Vision of the MB Reform
Orientation) (Kuwait, Al-Manar Al-Islamiyyah Publication, 2007), 26
Ibid, 237
party. In each case it would have aimed at neutralizing the authority or at least avoid the
Nevertheless, the MB was suspended in various aspects of structural dys-functioning
that hampered efforts of self-reformmainly by the MB units of the new political generation.
The movements persistence has been described as its greatest achievement for decades99.
One of the core concepts in the MB education curriculum is endurance and persistence. The
concept was first crafted by EL-Banna in Al-Usul Al-Ishrun (The Twenty Roots100, where
he instructs soldiers of the Secret Apparatus to persist and maintain an enduring
commitment towards their goal. Time is part of the therapy 101 of the society, which
undertakes a number of stages: a) building the Muslim individual, b) building the Muslim
family, c) building the Muslim society, d) building the Muslim government, and e) restoring
the Muslim khilafa102. In his words, it might take long time, but there is no other way103.
After decades, the strategy described by al Banna in his literature was re-constructed as to
become the prophetic strategy of change104. The method of representing the prophetic
history, traditions, and personality resulted into sacralizing the movements sequential and
slowly evolving method of change. Meanwhile, detention, torture, imprisonment and
appropriation of private property was justified by the a) al Bannas sequential strategy of
gradual change and b) the Mecca stage of the Prophetic history.
Against the rising critiques of younger generational units, the recent literature
emphasized the negative impact of urging revolutionary change. For instance, Nassar
Abdullah Alnafeesy, Al Haraka Al Islamiyya: Thagharat Ala Al Tareeq ( The Islamic Movement: Gaos on the Way),
ibid, 223.
Ibid, 127.
considered as active. Moreover, the absence of objective criteria of inclusion and exclusion
disappoints prospect recruits who, by that time, would have provided considerable sacrifices
to maintain un-intermitted commitment.
One criterion of commitment and promotion is that MB members approach their
society as an ultimate source of recruits. In such a way, each active member in the MB is
asked to practice the DF Dawa of individualson his neighbors, colleagues, family
members, school mates, friends, acquaintances, kin members, etc. The society is thought of
as to suffer a) spiritual vacuum and b) intellectual, cultural, and ideational chaos, that the
movement fills and organizes106. Hence, a structured program of successive phases identifies
what an individual in these circles experience, unknowingly, through his relationship to the
MB. As the DF program indicates a purposive and planned selection of possible recruits, it
undergoes a number of phases: 1-) established relationships of trust, affection and close
Jamal Nassar. Al Thabat Fi Tareeq Al-Dawah (Persistence on the Way of Dawah). (Cairo, , Dar al Tawze wa al
Alnafeesy, ibid, 8
knowledge, 2) reviving faith and theological beliefs of the individualespecially the notion of
faith and practice, 3) encouraging the observance of religious duties, 4) instilling a
comprehensive notion of life-long worship, 5) instilling a comprehensive notion of Islam and
his obligation to apply Sharia, 6) emphasizing the individuals duty to serve Islam, and 7)
emphasizing that necessity of organizational commitment and collective activism107.
In this way, the MB literature entitles the movement with the right to raise108 the
society and instruct the values, ideas and beliefs of the organization. Although the
movement considers itself one group of the broader Muslim Ummahin other words, it does
not accuse the society of apostasy it claims the right to re-construct individual and collective
religiosity according to the movements conception of faiththat couples both belief and
practice109. According to Mashhour, until the society fully submits to the organizations
superiority, it is perceived as a collectivity of people who are not sufficiently consciousness
of their interest; the society is asleep, it should be awakened and led to the organization110
In its early decades, the MB targeted resourceful membership that integrated notables
of rural Egypt as well as prestigious intellectual and Azharite figures in Cairo. These included
the notables of Ismailiya, sh.Hamed Askariyya, Sh. Saed El-Arfy, Sh. Moheb EL-Din AlKhatib, sh. Farghaly, sh.Amin Al-Huseiny, etc111. The MBs openness enabled resourceful
Moutafa Habib. Al-Huda Wal-Nour (Guidance and Light). (Cairo, no publisher, 2000); Ibrahim EL-Deeb.
Tarbiyet Al-Mujtama3:Wa Anzer Aasheratak Al-Aqrabeen (Educating the Society: And Worn (Oh Muhammed)
Your Closest Kindered). (Cairo, Dar Al-Wafa Publication, 2005); Abdul-Halim Al-Kenany. Al-Dawah AlFardiyyah: Moshkelat wa Holool (The One-on-one Dawah: Problems and Solutions) (Cairo, Iqra Institution,
2007); Moustafa Mashhour. Muqawemat Rajul Al-Akidah Ala Tareeq Al-Dawah (The principals of the Faith Man
on the Road of Dawah) (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya,1995).
Ibrahim El-Deeb. Usus wa Maharat AL-Amal Al-Jamay (fundamentals and skills of collective action. (Dar Al
See for instance Amer Shamakh. Maza Qaddam Al Ikhwan Al-Muslimoun li Misr wal Islam (What Did the MB
Provide For the Muslims and Islam) (Cairo, Iqra insititution, 2011), 166-71; El-Deeb, ibid.
Mashhour, AL-Dawah Ela Allah: Al-Dawah Al-Fardiyya (The Call to Allah: the One-on-one Call), 11.
Hassan al Banna, Mozakerat Al Dawah wal Daeyah (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya, 1986), 80, 107
In 2009, I participated in modifying a national charity plan received by the Charity head, of the Women Section, in
see Al-Qaradawy, Al-istifaa Al Tanzeemy men al Ikhwan al Muslemeen (Resigning Organizationally from the
governorates where loyal cliques had strong presence were able to secure the majority in the
Shura Council.
2- Through ensuring a majority in the Shura Council, the current leadership was able
to control power rotation through appointments.
According to the chart, higher levels appoint 20 percent of members on lower ones.
For example, although the Shura Council elects the GBG, the later first appoints 20 percent
of the Shura Council members and so on. In such a way, appointees on lower levels usually
re-elect those who brought them into power. Moreover, sometimes select appointees to the
GBG were dislocated from their governorates so that other loyal cadres join the GBG
through electionsthe result of which is pre-determined. Similarly, the GBG circulates an
advice sheet allover local areas that elect the Shura Council, to influence the result of the
Shura Council elections. Hence, the Shura Council and alike intermediary levels owe its
membership composition to the directions circulated top-down. It is therefore unlikely that
the GBG clique would change over decades.
In such a way, the Shura concept inside the MB has irreversibly shakenespecially
with claims of collective infallibility that sustained until the time of writing this work. In the
elections of 2010, a serious conflict within the GBG resulted into the resignation of the
movements first deputy Muhammed Habib. Al-Zaafarany lodged an appeal against the
election results reported thirty flaws in the elections, while was absolutely neglected by the
new GBG leadership. After January 25th Revolution, that GBG became further aggressive
against internal critiques. It started to investigate every sign of autonomous political activity
that does not hold its stamp e.g., supporting the presidential campaign of any candidates,
organizing demonstrations, strikes, forming independent political platforms, etc. And yet the
GBG defends the processes of internal democracy and justifies its secrecy with securityintelligence repression!114.
Leadership and Accountability
In fact, subjective criteria of inclusion to, and promotion along, the hierarchy open
various ways for developing cliques, inter-elite conflicts and forming pacts inside the
structure. Meanwhile, the literature115 emphasizes a set of values that soldiers must hold
towards their leadership. These include: trust in the effectiveness of leadership, affection
towards, appreciation and respect of, leaders. The indicators of respect involves a set of
attitudes: speaking quietly with them, addressing inquiries kindly, avoid repeating questions,
avoid deliberating various evidences, modesty and cherishing their position, preserving
leaders secrets and disapproving any accusations against them in their absence, meeting their
personal and administrative needs without their request, and abiding by their decisions116.
The leadership is introduced as a symbol of unity and centre of information and order117.
Also, the MB leadership practices four types of authority on its members: a) the rights
of fathers on sonsobedience, sacrifice, support and affection, b) the rights of teachers on
studentslearning from leaders and appreciating their experience, c) the right of sheikhs on
Murid/soldierthat enables leaders to guide members spiritually and oblige them with
worship and practical dues, and d) the right of general guidance regarding strategies and
policies of the movement. Mahmouds textbook goes further in detailing the obligations on
soldiers towards the MB leaders as follows:
1. Close knowledge and acquaintance of leaders backgrounds and circumstances
E.g., Ali Abdul-Halim Mahmoud. Rokn Al-Thiqah (The Trust Pillar). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al
Islamya , 1999).
Moustafa Mashhour. Al-Qaed Al-Qudwah Ala Tareeq Al-Dawah (The Role-Model Leader on the Road of
Dawah), 13
Mahmoud Ghozlan. Al-Nizam Al-Alamy Al-Jadeed wa Qadaya Ukhra (The New International System and Other
Issues). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya, 2011c), 65. N.g., this article was published after the 25th
Revolution 2011.
Ibid, 70.
In this article, Ghozlan does not mention the means by which the General Board could hold
the GBG and Shura Council accountable; notably, the organization never set up an internal
judiciary board to investigate, examine and judge upon misconduct inside the movement.
The Leaderships failure to realize tangible achievements despite its growing socioeconomic and political presence since the 1970s, has been justified through a number of
historical and religious concepts.
First, once critique is addressed, the leadership automatically refers to prophetic
experiences in Mecca, in a way that 1- sanctifies its decisions, and 2- justifies the increasing
suppression by the regime as of suppression to the Islamic faith. Equaling the MB
organizational structure to Islamic faith, its leadership to the prophet (PBUH) and its goals to
that of spreading Islam121 indicates a self-perception of collective infallibility of the GBG and
Shura Council122; it does not mention the conditions and criteria that renders the GBG and
Shura Council decisions legitimate and, hence, defendable; moreover, it does not address the
growing evidence of past and present mistakesthe 1954 decisions for instance, let alone
repeated incidents of financial and administrative corruption.
Second, There are no clear-cut rules that organize suffrage and proposing to
candidacy along the hierarchy. The literature emphasizes a prophetic tradition that
discourages individuals from claiming authority, running for and competing over power
centers in any hierarchical community. Hence, the rotation of power inside the MB has been
largely subject to patronage networks that escalate the promotion of specific cadres towards
the top administering offices, while marginalizing others for decades.
Abdullah Alnafeesy, Al Haraka Al Islamiyya: Roya Mostakbaliyyah (The Islamic Movement: A Future Vision),
(Kuwait, no publisher,1989)
Moustafa Mashhour. Tasaolat Ala Al-Tareeq (Questions on the Road). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al
Third, Justifying the failure in elections and the drainage of financial, human, and
solidary resources by a) the notion of divine support that is only rewarded when members
repent from, and quit every sin, and b) that God rewards on the effort rather than the result.
In consistence with the MBs duty to instruct the society, the education section prepared a
training suit in 2009 to justify the organizations decision to participate in 2010 elections,
despite the evidence of the regimes intention. After failing in elections, the leadership faced
growing critique of its decision-making processes, since it silenced different opinions in the
pre-elections meetings123. The absence of transparency raised the second and third line
members concerns over power personalization and financial as well as administrative
misconduct. With the rise of internal dissent, the leaders inconsistency towards freedom was
notable the call for political freedoms and civil rights of its members in the political sphere
was contrasted to depriving its members from freedom of expression and the right to
transparency, institutionalism and accountability124.
Finally, the leadership usually justify failure through emphasizing a set of vague
indicators of achievement, such as: the increase of religiosity in the society, the spread of the
comprehensive understanding of Islam and its eligibility to reform human life, passion
towards Jihad and martyrdom, etc125. Moreover, it ritualizes narratives of sacrifice and
reprints old testimonies of torture and hardship in a way to sacralize hardcore leadership and
immunize them of accountability and criticism126. Finally, through instructing a notion of
time measured by a whole nations, rather individual, life cycleand tawakkul, it exempts
itself from responsibility of decisions, and deprives the right to accountability until death! On
this issue, Alnafeesy notes that the MB never had revisionary literature that evaluates its
Mashhour, Tasaolat Ala Al-Tareeq,52-3 and Amer Shamakh. Maza Qaddam Al Ikhwan Al-Muslimoun li Misr wal
Islam (What Did the MB Provide For the Muslims and Islam) (Cairo, Iqra insititution, 2011)
See for instance Alnafeesy, Al Haraka Al Islamiyya: Thagharat Ala Al Tareeq, 62-6
progress for eighty-year time; it also never wrote an autobiography that reflect a selfperception of history127.
The lack of financial and administrative accountability
The accountability crisis of the MB leadership centers around non-transparent
financial records; personal and collective ownership of financial assets, companies, and bank
accounts is widely believed to be inseparable. Within the organization, it is subtly believed
that only two GBG members control the financial affairs: Al-Shater and Ezzat128; the GBG is
uninformed about either past or ongoing financial transactions. Moreover, monthly salaries of
GBG members are, sometimes, subject to compliance to collectively taken decision. It is
argued that financial accountability has been sacrificed for maintaining the movements
image and reputation129. Nevertheless, some cases of financial and administrative corruption
gained relatively wide publicity. These include:
1. The complaint reports by Al-Za'farany and Al-Dafrawy, leading figures of the MB, in
which they challenge the results of the 2010 internal elections on bases of legal and
observational evidences. The new leadership, whose legitimacy was contested, refused
to recognize the challenges and, thus, forced both leaders on resignation. In fact, they
sarcastically asked them to follow that dispute with the Administrative Control Agency.
To maintain credibility on grass-root levels, they also spread mis-information that ALZafarany had withdrawn his accusation.
ibid, 16
Haytham Abu Khalil, Resignation from the MB, Metr EL Watan Bekam Blog, Internet. Posted on 31/03/2011.
Mohamed Saed Abdel-Barr, My Justified Resignation from the MB FaceBook, Internet. Posted on 09/03/2012.
2. The incidents of financial corruption in the Cairo University Academic Club that were
published. The MB investigators reserved the report as confidential although it dealt with
a publicly scrutinized corruption.
3. Administrative extortion: the GBG used to punish whistle blowers and refused
investigating reported corruption incidentsunless published on media outlets.
Meanwhile, the ready answer to inquiries is: you should trust the leadership.
Against these incidents, the commercial policy of the GBG began to disseminate
scores of propaganda publications130, in which it identifies the movement with a number of
intellectual, political, and professional figures. These include: Sayid Qutub, El-Shater, ElIryan, Mohammed Habib, Al-Sawaf, Al-Qaradawi, etc. In doing so, the GBG excluded
Abdul-Monem Abul-Fotoh, a former GBG members and the movements most popular and
enlightened figure, included the Turkish PM Erdogan while overlooking the former PM
Erbakan who founded and led the MB offshoot in Turkey for decades131. The illusive
representation is explained by two factors. Firstly, the political conflict between Abul-Fotoh
and El-Shaters enclaves within the MB, on one side, and the need to identify with Erdogans
successful experience, even though Ghozlan, the GBG spokesperson, severs relations with
Erdogan, by accusing the latter, publicly, of interference in the Egyptian national affairs132.
Dismissal and resignation incidents
e.g., Mohammed Abdul-Rahman. Ela Al-Mutakhaweffen men Al-Sharia Al-Islamiyyah (For those Anxious of the
Islamic Sharia. ( Cairo, Markaz Al-Elam Al-Araby, 2011) and Adwa Ala Thawrat Misr (Lights on th Revolution
of Egypt) (Cairo, Dar al Tawzea wa al Nashr 2012); Abdel-Rahman Al-Barr, Preface in The Muslim
Brotherhood Simply by Mosad Khairy (Cairo, Bedaya institution, 2011).
Mosad Khairy, The Muslim Brotherhood Simply,( Cairo, Bedaya institution, 2011), 35-52
Mahmoud Ghozlan, Erdogans Discourse on Secular State Interferes With the Egyptian Domestic Affairs . Al-
Over the last decade, the number of publicly announced resignations and/or dismissal
incidents from the MB began to rise. The most controversial cases are Abul-Fotoh and the
twelve young members who constituted the Egyptian Current party in parallel to the MBs
FJP. The decision to dismiss one caliber at the second-line was based on two questions: Are
you a member at the Egyptian Current? Are you member in Abul-Fotoh's campaign for
presidency? 133. Other punishment measures include marginalization, self-exclusion, and
investigation. Since the dismissal cases in the 1990s, The MB literature provided a number of
explanatory factors: a) the hesitation to undertake determined decisions regarding financial,
administrative or political mis-conduct during the 1990s, especially in professional
syndicates, b) internal conflicts due to the mismanagement of the organization, the role of
external forces that provoke conflicts between leaders, misalignment in spiritual and
professional trainings acquired by members during the formation phase of recruitment,
competition over strategic positions inside the organization, personalization of power and
overlooking internal charts and administrative rules134. Thus, unqualified leadership with
weak, or absent, intellectual, organizational, and spiritual qualifications assumed power
inside the movement. Yakan also draws attention to a number of factors: mis-functioning of
the Education Section, unproductivity and misalignment between demand on, and supply of,
2.3 Political Strategies of the MB
Despite the end of the Cold War, the rise of decentralized governance, transnational
NGOs and Multi-National companies, and the rise of Communication and Information
Technology (ICT), the movement, over eighty years history, did not realize but temporal and
partial achievements on the political landscape. One of major critiques of the MB is the
dependence on political gambling instead of creating favorable environment for its
functioning135. To put it in a broader frame, the MBs crisis under Mubarak rule (1981-2011)
has had various dimensions. The regime has systematically worked on disciplining its activity
through legal and oppressive restrictions that rendered its opposition both exhaustive of
financial resources, effort and time and ineffectivein realizing socio-political change. This
was a by-product of two phenomena. First: the MB was self-confident towards the
ideological foundation(s); it drew overarching claims of the Egyptian reality and assumed
various institutional/elitist means to realize its goal. Secondly, the regime had systematically
blocked channels of formal dissent while corrupt and oppressive security apparatus
increased popular tendency to quit politics, strife to earn livelihood and ignore Ideologue
The electoral processes under Mubarak regime were employed as means to justify and
extend a profoundly illegitimate rule. For more than thirty years, the scenario of running
fraudulent elections included systematic box rigging, attacking voters and journalists with
plainclothes security officers and/or commissioned thugs, purchasing votes, enforcing public
sectors workers on collective vote that favored the regime candidates, attacking campaign
activists and hiring officers that vote according to outdates voter lists that include millions of
names of dead and migrant citizens, excluding the forms that indicated No to the regime
candidates, threatening and cracking down over judges who oversee, and/or undertake, the
electoral process, throwing electoral boxes in the Nile and importing sealed boxes of fake
yes votes, launching brainwashing and defamation campaigns over state-run media, etc136.
Despite the effort to forger the elections, the regime suffered of inability to prove the least
evidence of popular support137. The patronage network of the NDP controlled the entire
Alnafeesy, ibid
see HRW, Elections in Egypt: State of permanent Emergency Incompatible with Free and Fair. Human Rights
Philip Marfleet. State and Society. In EL-Mahdi and Marfleet (ed.s). Egypt: The Moment of Change. (Cairo,
national hierarchy and organizations, supported by the interior Ministry. The huge crowds of
riot police were directed to prevent voter from reaching polling stations while thugs attacked
candidates and observers indifferently.
In addition, political parties represented one of weakest traditions of political
opposition in the Arab world. They originate as part of Sadats artificial opposition
platforms. In addition, internal conflicts, financial and administrative corruption, elitism,
weak popular supportonly three percent of the Egyptian population vote in the elections
vanishing credibility, all has rendered parties opposition pointless; according to Rifat alSaed, from Al-Tagammou party, it represented nothing in Egyptian politics and have no
standing whatsoever with the Egyptian people138.
Similarly, student unions across the nations were coopted through a) the control of
young NDP students and b) the suppression of State Security Agency (SSA) that functionally
ran the universitys: deciding on appointments of new staff and their promotion, falsifying
student elections, authorizing new groups and simulation models, authorizing in-campus
public and private lectures, conferences, seminars, trainings workshops, authorizing
university events, investigating and controlling student activities, prohibiting any religious
and/or political activism and suppressing student demonstrations and strikes, etc139.
Professional syndicates were restricted through legal and oppressive frameworks.
Throughout twenty-four professions, syndical activism functions under law no.100/1993 that
codified judicial receivership of politically active syndicates. By 2009, the regime has banned
the Lawyers Syndicates sub-elections, unseated the Chief of Veterinary Syndicate frequently
and appointed the high board without elections, appointed illegitimate Chief and board of the
Agriculture Syndicate, and restricted the financial resources of the Sport syndicate while
American University Press, 2009), 24
Ahmed Abdallah, Students and Politics in Egypt (Cairo, The National Council for Translation, 2007)
preventing the election in the Nursery Syndicate. Hence, the legal and political deformation
along with state suppression resulted into stagnant syndical activism, especially in syndicates
where elections were prohibited for fifteen years.
Moreover, deep state structures sustained a perception of public activism as both risky
and illegitimate. Throughout the three successive regimes: Nasser (1952-1970), Sadat (19711980) and Mubarak (1980-2011), political compliance have been established on two bases: a)
the presidents charisma and/or military background and b) establishing parallel policing,
security and intelligence agencies that are independent of yet equally or even better
equipped and empowered than the military forces140. The three successive presidents have
followed a number of way to maintain unquestionable authority: a) employing various
strategies to directly control the military corpusincluding purging and even liquidating
competitive leadership of the military, b) previewing themselves as civilian political
leadership and c) employing political organizations141. In such a way, the three presidents
increased their dependence on parallel security intelligence agencies and reinforced their
interior ministers vis a vis the military. The expenditures on security intelligence reached it
peak during Mubarak rule, rising from 3.5 percent of the budget in 1987 to 4.8 percent in
1997 (in addition to) the expansion of police personnel from 9 to 21 percent of total
government employment142. It was estimated in 2009 that the Interior Ministrys security
forces reached a ratio of 1 personnel per every 37 citizens143. Together with SSI and CSF,
Greg Gause. Why Middle East Studies Missed the Arab Spring. Foreign Affairs. Internet. July 2011. Accessible on:
Henry and Springborg. Globalization and the politics of development in the Middle East (UK, Cambridge
University Press, 2010).
ibid, 196
and Wafd Parties. Rather, they returned to public life through supporting student activism
during the 2000 Intifada145. Other groups focused on Human Rights through involving with
the Egyptian Organization of Human Rights, research centres and syndical services, while
others, still, established factional parties that persisted beside the Orthodox onessuch as AlWasat party off the MB in the 1990s146. Also, young calibers of the MB mobilized politically
and socially through ad-hoc popular and student initiatives, training workshops on human
rights, virtual public spaces where anonymity and informality escaped the ideological
political landscape. By reflecting the true impulse of the street, the new generation managed
working on consensual arease.g., supporting the Palestinian Intifadaand forming the
Egyptian Movement for Change Kefaya. In such a way, it gradually moved from restrictive
While the ideological and socio-organizational dys-functioning of the MB explains
the successive waves of silent and public resignations, the political strategies communicated
through media statements, organizational decisions and communicated opinions, both before
and after the revolution, explain the chasm between the MB and the emergent generation. If
summarized in few words, the MB opposition has been factional, calculated and ineffective.
This partially refers to the traditional ambiguity concerning the movements stand
against partisan politics In the 1980s, the literature of the MB reaffirmed an earlier rejection
to political parties and electoral competition, arguing that the movements chief goal is a
grass-root and long-term change that is only attainable by penetrating the socio-economic
spaces. In Mashhors words we do not want a Muslim to give us his vote only, but rather
Ahmed Abdul-Hayy. Al-Ajyal Fi Al-Siyasah Al-Masriyyah: Dirasat Hala Le Jeil Al-Sabiniyyat.(The generation
In Egyptian Politics: A Case Study of the Seventies Generation). (Cairo, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic
Studies, 2009), 53.
ibid, 55
sacrifice himself, his money, everything he owns and resolutely persist against hardship147.
Nevertheless, Mashhor also argued the comprehensive understanding of Islam requires that
the MB pressure the government to undertake necessary reforms in legislation, public
policy and governance148.
With Al-Houdaibys note 149 on political parties and women participation, the
movement realized the need for effective political representation in the government. Hence,
recent literature indicates an important transformation, which explains the rise of conflicts
over strategic position within the MBin its internal elections on 2010. To take but one
example, Al-Gazzar, while explaining the Yusuf chapter in Quran, wrote that the verse no.
55 provides an evidence that eligible cadres must offer themselves(i.e., run for candidacy) to
occupy power centres in case they know that no one else can occupy such position150.
Thus, the 2000-2010 decade witnessed fierce electoral polarization between the MB
and the regimes National Democratic Party (NDP). It was generally believed that the MB is
the serious threat to Mubaraks regime. Although the movement benefited from the NDPs
socio-economic failure, its participation was directed towards instructing citizens on the
Islamic duty of voting (!), forming a public opinion supportive of the Islamic project,
releasing political and opinion prisoners and protecting the Islamic identity, culture and
fundamentals of the Islamic society151.
The transformation towards electoral opposition has marked significant changes in the
MB ideological and organizational make-up. It demarked a move to the Islamic state of EL
ibid, 101-3
Hassan Al-Houdaiby. Duah la Qudah (Preachers not Judges). (Cairo, Dar al Tawze wa al Nashr al Islamya ,
Mohammed Al-Gazzar. Youssuf Alayhi Assalam: Men Al-Ber Ela Al-Mulk. (Joseph (PBUH) from the Well to
Mahmoud Ghozlan. Maalim Min Shakhsiyat Al-Imam Al-Banna (Characteristics of Imam Al-Banna Personality).
Bannas sequential strategy, before acquiring its main conditions: the Islamic society. As
noted earlier, the movement has been subject to various restrictions on its civil and political
activismdetention, torture, military trials, defamation campaigns and appropriation of its
economic assets, etc. Despite these challenges, it pursued secret activism with vertically
growing membership basebiological MB generations were systematically incorporated in
the Zahrawat Flowery, and Ashbal Cubs children sections. In such a way, the electoral
orientation sustained upon, and served, the interests of the distinctive MB society, while new
recruits either drain out or suffer recurrent unproductivity. Meanwhile, the rejection to
politicize the movement by turning its constituencies into mobile electoral blocks was rising
among both young and old cadres. Despite those members will, and sometimes bitter
sacrifice, the FJP was established after the Revolution by circulating orders to sign into the
party membership, while others dismissed for joining or establishing other parties. In such a
way, the 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2011 elections witnessed a gradual transformation of a
mainstream grass root movement into a closed political enclave152the FGPsanctified as
means to realize the Islamic project.
On the other hand, the ideologue discourse reflected deep conviction of collective
infallibility and ultimate Right; for instance, following the most turbulent year in preJanuary 25th Egypt, 2008-2009, that witnessed more than 200 strikes, the GBG internal
campaign for 2010 elections emphasized We should teach people their rights and how to
claim them153. To put it in a broader frame, the recent literature has centered around the
Islamic state, Sharia and the Palestinian cause and situated political difference with
contending liberal/secular forces on philosophical, theological, and tactical grounds154. This
resulted into two phenomenal crises. Firstly, the negligence of growing socio-economic
Nafeeesy, the movement employs the student section for mobilizational purposes that usually
target tactical and specific political interests. Hence, it fails to provide long-term plans to
integrate student activists into the movements structure and marginalizes the innovative and
experienced cadres while exhausting their energy in proxy wars with delusive enemies:
independent and pro-regime students158.
Alnafeesy generally explains the subtle break-down undergoing within the movement.
However, he does not explain why the non-MB youth activists failed to incorporate their
activities within the organization. Besides the selective recruitment strategy, the study
interviewees believe that the political strategies of the MB have extended, rather than
resisting, political authoritarianism. The following section elaborates on this point as follows.
Besides performing a factional opposition, the MB has generally adopted conservative
and calculated resistance. According to an EC founder, a protest in 2010 was organized by
the MB students in front of Al-Fath mosqueCairo against the fraudulent parliamentary
election that discriminated against their candidates. Amidst that protest, he started shouting
Down Down Mubarak Rule. Immediately, the MB supervisors punched his head and,
eventually, silenced him 159 . It became clear, he explains, that the regimes oppression
justified the MBs listen, abide and trust teleology; the movement only persisted upon
victimization narratives that justified failure and helplessness. A second student cadre
explains: when asked why did not the MB, before January 25th, collaborate with political
forces against Gamal Mubarak, Ezzat, a GBG leader, said we would not take risk preventing
something that would happen sooner or later. Moreover, according to another cadre
dismissed in July 2011, Al-Shater told him in 2005 Gamal Mubarak is not a military
ibid, 22-3
figure, it is better to support him than to support a military president 160. The street is a red
line- so said one of the administrative MB leaders161.
This indicates that the ceiling of the MB opposition failed to challenge the regimes
eroding legitimacy. For instance, the MB did not participate in Kefayas protests in 2004-5
against Gamal Mubarak. Even when it supported the Judiciary independence cause during the
period of 11-18/05/2006, it refused to escalate the pressure on the regime, although this
would have changed power balance and brought about the January 25th revolution few years
earlier- as many activists testify. The same attitude appeared on 23ed of January 2011, when
El-Eryan told a MB activist we grabbed you a decision (from the GBG) not to resist your
efforts (in launching the 25th January protests). Even after the Revolution, Ghozlan, the
spokesmen of the GBG, told another MB revolutionary activist This is not a revolution
(Referring to the January 25th revolution), our revolution is yet to come162.
As for the incidents in which the MB chose to protest against the regime, in many
instances, the MB leadership undertake arrangements with security-intelligence agencies
regarding protests, strikes, and demonstration, while directing young members to organize it
unknowing of any prior agreements. In consequence, young MB members have been subject
to detention, torture and harassment by security agents for a set of tactical gains targeted by
the leadership. One of such incident was in January 2008, during Gazza blockage, when two
of the MB rising calibers in Ain-Shams University asked to organize a marsh from the
Annual Book Fair to protest against the regimes policies towards Palestine. Although the
central committee of Cairo-East approved the request, on the day of the marsh, its initial
organizers were surprised that the committee imposed different leadership on the marsh with
clear arrangements about the marshs duration, path, chants, and media coverage. Similarly,
student activities are arranged with the State Security Agency who sought new contacts as
soon as new members join college! Moreover, the 2006 detention cycle is believed to have
resulted from the MBs failure to bring about the terms of a security arrangement during the
2005 elections. The MB candidates for the second and third phase should have cancelled their
bid for parliamentary seats. Since the election file was then assigned to Abdul-Monem AbulFotoh, who refused to withdraw the MB candidates, Al-Shater who undertook the deal
was detained until 2011163.
Even during the protests in which the MB did not arrange with the securityintelligence agencies, the MB cadres refused to raise the ceiling of opposition. On the
January 25th protests, individual MB cadres decided to return home at the afternoon, although
only few steps separated them from the Parliament House. On that day, a sarcastic chant aired
in Tahrir criticizing the MBs hesitation: 'revolution revolution until the afternoon 164 .
Furthermore, many MB activists refused defending themselves or protestors during the 18day strike. Self-defense by stoning and firing Molotov bottles was initiated by the UA
members, who are believed to have rescued the lives of thousands, while MB activists stuck
to absolute peacefulness165.
2.4. Conclusion
To sum up, the recent decade has shed the light on the contradictory dispositions
within the MB: it aims at reforming the society from the grass-root, with a tightknit secret
organization, under authoritarian rule, through peaceful and gradual methods of change.
Moreover, a set of ideological and structural dilemmas has resulted into the concurrent MBstreet division. The MBs conception of faith as to couple both belief and practice has
resulted into a political culture of control, obedience and secrecy that a) ideologised Islamic
Michael Freeden. Ideology: A Very short Introduction. (UKOxford University Press, 2003), 14
infiltrators and dishonor167, d) celebrating the success of the 25th January Revolution in
Tahrir while people grieve dead corpses, and praising the SCAF and Ganzoury government
who hold primary responsibility of killing and injuring hundreds in Mohamed Mahmoud
clashes, November 2011.
This chapter draws upon writings, events, processes, decisions and life experiences
that eventually describe the MBs ideology and structure in terms of a cultural system168. It
reflects a broader view of the nature and role of the pre-January 25th Generation. This could
be summarized in the following remarks:
Firstly, internalizing models of charismatic civil, religious or military leadership into
internal structures. The pre-January 25th Generation is, in part, a product of the Nasserite era
(1952-1970) known with the spread of nationwide socialist organizations: the Socialist
Union, the Vanguard Organization and the Youth Organization. While the prohibition of
political parties extended such platforms, the Nasserite culture of unionism and
nationalism169 intensified a tendency to follow charismatic leadership that reflect political
and/or military backgrounds.
Secondly, focusing on state-centered opposition that sacralizes the state as main
source of political power and legitimation of ideological claims. Although some of its units
had practiced dissent politics outside the Nasserite state institutions, it is centralized around
the Rational of the nation statei.e, embedding the means of political discipline, control,
surveillance, and authority. Such Rational is indicated through the discourse, inter-relations,
the internal structure of its various institutions, and strategies to realize goals.
Mona Madkour, We did not participate in Egypts Freewomen because participants where paid and had a partisan
Abdul-Hayy, ibid, 48
ibid, 49
ibid, p.51
For instance, the banners of EL-Shaters campaign for presidency similitude his political struggle to Hz. Joseph,
Referring to a theological narrative of a prophet who was released from the prison to rule Egypt later.
political generation held a distinctive array of ideas, structures, values, symbols and political
strategies. The following chapter explains the formative socio-political experience of various
new generational units, before involving closely with their ideological and organizational
3.1. Introduction
The break with Mubaraks taboo, the MB, and the cartoony opposition started since
2004 with the formation of the Egyptian Movement for Change and the National Movement
for Change173. Kefaya started with 1800 supporter who signed a petitioning statement against
passing power to Gamal Mubarak174. Soon afterwards, the rebellion thrust disseminated in
new forms; a blogging movement started to provide timely and tuned record of state
suppression and police brutality175. The founding members of the movement were separatist
political forces such as Al-Wasatoff the MB, and Al-Karama off the Arabic Nasserite
Party, the Ghad Party off the Wafd, and the Revolutionary Socialists Organization. The
Popular Committee to Support the Intifada (PCSI)established in 2000 provided an early
incident of such cooperation. Against the discredited party platforms, the PCSI combined
members from various political forces: the MB, Nasserites, Socialists, and activists from
professional syndicates and NGOs176. By overcoming protracted ideological tensions, the
PCSI managed mobilizing 40,000 against the invasion of Iraq and held the Cairo Conference
against Imperialism and Zionism for several years since 2003. Thus, Kefayas protests in
2004 managed mobilizing activists from earlier coalitional initiatives; the movement was a
consortium of activists who later organized into cyber networks and various movements.
Rabab EL-Mahdi. The Democracy Movement: Cycles of protest. In EL-Mahdi and Marfleet (ed.s). Egypt: The
ibid, 89
ibid, 91
ibid, 94
With the aftermath of 2005 election, Kefaya began to fade away while new actors
attracted state suppression and media exposure. The land sliding change came from one of
the states deep structuresthe judiciarythat contested the consistency and legality of the
2005 elections after receiving more than a hundred reports of irregularities that took place at
the polls. In response, the regime stripped legal immunity of the two prominent judges who
vocally condemned the fraudulent elections, claiming they defamed the state 177 . The
Judges Club organized a sit-in while the case gained enormous local, domestic and
international exposure. The regime forces harshly suppressed demonstrations by Kefaya
activistsjoined with MB members and many believed that the regime might have been
experiencing its last days178.
The rise of the Judges dissent was coupled with the rise of successive waves of
workers strikes and sit-ins that escalated the pace of change on the ground. It also gave rise
for new political movements to organize on social media outletsthe Facebook and Twitter
accessed by two million Egyptians. In 2006, there has been more than 222 strike, sit-in,
hunger strike, stoppage, and demonstration; and during the first half of 2007, there has been a
new labor action on daily basis179. These acts worked as test balloons180 of the regime
capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, and provided activists with actual and local
experiences of running and stopping public dissent.
According to El-Mahdi, the loosely organized public expression of dissent (..) did
not constitute a mass movement in terms of size and constituency, (but) they did produce
what Koran calls the spark for prairie fires181. Put differently, collaborative initiatives in
2003-2005 provided a priori experience with rebellion, inter-ideological and political
ibid, 99
ibid, 102
dialogue, experiencing lives of the other through joint platforms and understanding various
political languages, ideologies, symbols and values. Moreover, it developed a sense of an
essential destiny182to step down the regime.
During 2005-2007, the researcher provided political awareness programs for female
MB students, who organized a series of international conferences in collaboration with
various political forces. Such experiences facilitated discovering the other and opening
spaces for self-criticism and re-constructing ideological beliefs and political strategies. It also
resulted into a rupture from the prevalent imagination of political reform represented by the
MB. The successive cycles of dissent between 2004 and 2011 gave rise to a new political
generation that represents a common culture and distinctive imagination of authority, state
and society. The units interviewed for this research represent collectively the following
characteristics: a) desacralizing the state as a main source of political legitimation, b)
rejection of the nation-state Rational of political discipline, control, surveillance, and
authority, c) ideological hybridity reconstructing their ideological concepts in the grayzones separating prevalent proto-types, d) horizontal and volatile networking that ensures
members free entry and exit, with few pyramidal levels and loose functions and
accomplishment standards, e) revolutionary political valuesrebellion, dissent and rejection
of political, religious or ideological authoritarianism, f) flexibility in terms of functioning as
agents of social as well as political change, g) targeting socio-political re-form through
genuine and independent structures that eschew over-arching political ideology, h) functional
and rotational leadership, i) preference of anomic and spontaneous protests, strikes, and
confrontation with means of state coercion, and finally, seeking political representation
through volatile coalitionse.g., the Revolutionary Youth Coalitionand independent parties.
To understand how the network society of these units has developed, the following
sections explain the state of affairs before and/or after the 25th January divide. The
information on the six generational unitsthe National Movement for Change, the 6th of April
Movement, We Are All Khaled Saed, Salafiyo Costa, the Egyptian Current party and the
Ultras Ahlawy football community was gathered through interviews, Facebook notes and
statuses, website content, personal communication, publicationspamphlets and leaflets and
Youtube videos.
3.2. The National Movement For Change- Kefaya
Kefaya had an influential and unique experience in breaking the fear barrier and
inspiring the majority of political dissent movements that capitalized on its political
momentum. In 2004, Kefaya was formed of a national coalition of political figures,
intellectuals, artistse.g., Bahaa Taher, writers e.g., Alaa EL-Aswani, employees,
doctors, worker and professional syndical activists, youth, NGOs, and newly established
parties. Among its prominent figures were Hamdein Sabbahy of the Karama partyseparated
from the Nasserite Party Abdul Monem Abul-Fotohof the MBAyman Nour of the Ghad
Partyseparated from the Wafd party. In such a way the movement was not a coalition of
political parties or social entities. Rather, public figures from various professional walks,
ideologies, entities and backgrounds joined the movement in their individual name,
independent of their groups/parties/movements/etc.
The diffusion of Kefaya founders and their prior experiences resulted into the
initiation of a serious of dissent sub-movements e.g., Worker for Change, and Youth for
Change, Artists for Changeand committeesNo for selling Egypt
, NO for
Dependency and Support the Palestinian Intifada and No for exporting Gas to Israel. The
movements founding conference was held in 22/9/2004 in which a statement of five hundred
This committee was formed after the privatization of Omer Afandi companies, which were part of the
Egyptian public sector during Nazif government. It was coordinated by Yehya Husein Abdul Hady.
This date signifies the popular rise against soaring prices of food supplies following the Sadat infitah and
liberalization policies.
Committee for defending the right to health, and above all it fought against the inheritance of
power by Gamal. After the fraudulent election on 2010, the MB, Kefaya, 6th Of April, 9
March and political parties: e.g., the Ghad, Karama and the Egyptian Socialist Partyjoined
the National Front for Change that channeled the popular grievance towards a fundamental
change of the regime. It managed in gathering a million signatures of the Seven Demands and
later headed by its first honorary president El-Baradeiwho then announced his intention to
run for presidency. In such a way, Kefaya became part of a growing and broader movement
of change that reflected various currents while addressing one target: political change. In the
participants words it became a belief, a consciousness, a deed, and words that round the
streets and addressed the masses. Whether supporting Kefaya or otherwise, Kefayas role
cannot be ignored in paving the road to the 25th January revolution.
The experience of Kefaya began to lose much of its credit following the 2007 internal
elections that reflected various conflicts over power among its socialists, liberal and Islamist
components. When asked on the reason of his separations, one of the 6th of April founder
described the situation as follow: the movement leadership monopolized power with claims
of elder age and long experience in political activism. Coordinators should have been able to
internalize the values of teamwork and collective decision making, even if they appeared as
the movements leaders to the outside world.
Overtime, the movement restricted itself to activities around the Journalists Syndicate
and High Board of Jurisdiction where most of its established leaders preferred to protest. It
had weak presence in governorates and became fully dependent on the media hustle and TV
show programs. Nevertheless, the movement survived until the National Front for Change
was formed in 2010. By that time, the sub-movements separated and formed independent
movements, especially the Youth for Change (Kefayas young members) that later became
the 6th of April movement.
3.3. The 6th of April Movement
The 6th of April movement started as an offshoot of the Youth for Change that
originally functioned under the Kefaya. With the rise of workers and public sector employees
strikes in 2008, new cycles of dissent began to shake the regime. The Mahalla and Kafr Soul
strikes were among the most powerful strikes in which the strikers gave a period of six
months to have their demands realized, or otherwise call for a general strike by the Egyptian
population on the 6th of April 2008.
At first, the 6th of April movement was intended to extend its Youth for Change
activities to support the Mahalla workers general call. However, the structural problems of
working under Kefaya resulted into the establishment of 6th of April by a separate movement
of bloggers, human rights and socialists activists. Unlike Kefaya, the 6th of April joined tens
of newly politicized young activists who experienced their first encounter with public
activism through the strike. Also, the 6th of April benefited of, then, newly emerging social
mediumse.g., Facebook and Twitter. The call for strike on 6th of April 2008 was circulated
around FB profiles, messages, blog posts and comments, and Internet fora especially on
Kefaya and the MB websites. Thus, the movements call for strike was successful par
excellenceit asked people to strike by staying at their homes.
Therefore, the movement capitalized on various opportunities that enhanced its
performance. The disclosed administrators of the FB page of 6th of April Ahmed Maher and
Israa Abdul-Fattah directed page participants to print and distribute its statement, drawing
graffiti and spray paintings, while well-experienced activists of toured factories asking
workers to join the strike. The call realized immense publicity, especially when the Interior
Ministry warned people against the strike and advised them to stay home, which was the
exact message of the movement 6 of the April, stay home! In such a way, almost everyone
participated in the strike.
The success of the 6th of April strike was followed by a number of projects: the
Penetrating Minority Conference in 2008, 2009, and 2010, the 6th of April strike in 2009 and
2010, joining the Freedom March campaign to Gazza in 2009, and the participation in the
Baradie campaign for presidency during 2010. The movements evolution could be
organized around three main phases as follows.
During the period from 2008-2009, the movement was founded by twenty activists
nearly half of them belonged to the youth members of the Work Party. Other founders were
independent activists who lacked previous experience with the MB, Wafd, Ghad or other,
then active, political forces. While the movement founders had many innovative ideas, they
lacked sufficient organizational capacities. This encouraged many parties to opt for
incorporating them into youth section the Work and Ghad parties specifically. However, the
movement decided to maintain its organizational autonomy.
At this period the Penetrating Minority Conference started as means to scrutinize the
corrupt rule of the National Democratic Partymainly the Policies Committee led by Gamal
Mubarak. The movement videoed critical assessment by specialist academicians of the
reports presented by the NDP Policies Committee, in which it celebrates an illusive
depiction of a growing economy and stable politics under the NDPs democratic
government. The 6th of April conference aimed at addressing the NDP reports with real
numbers and facts that scrutinize the deteriorating socio-economic conditions: human rights,
political freedoms, poverty and unemployment, etc. In doing so, the movement also resorted
to the Egyptian Centre for Economic ad Social Rights that studied the domestic situation
Despite their success, the movement experienced its first division in 2009, when an
ultra pan-Arab solidarity activists initially members of the Work party, protested the
movements perceived closure to the U.S. The divide has ideological as well as
organizational sides. On the ideological side, there has been a growing contention inside the
movement on the priorities of its activism: the pan-Arab solidarity group over-emphasized
Arab causes especially human rights in PalestineGazza, while other activists believed that
their priority is forcing the regime to step down and undertaking comprehensive changes in
economy, health and education services. Organizationally, the nationally oriented activists
failed to share the decision making process on an invitation from an American NGOthe
Freedom House. Thus, the pan-Arab group campaignedyou would not pass! to prevent
others from travelling to the U.S, unknowing that the invitation has already been declined.
The collective resignation of pan-Arab activists resulted into the loss of huge numbers of
supporters and sympathizers and, therefore, considerable decline in the movement activism.
A defaming campaign was launched by the pan-Arab group, Kefaya, and state-run media
against the movements foreign finance.
Since 2009, the movement began to re-construct itself and expand its organs in
various governorates: Mansoura, Alexandria, Gharbiyya And Asiout. Although the 6th of
April strike in 2009 had failed, in November 2009, the second Penetrating Minority
Conference was held in Journalists Syndicate and is believed to have realized considerable
success. The national journal AL-Masry AL-Youm featured the NDP conference on one side
of its front page, beside the 6th of April conference scrutinizing the NDP corruption. Thus, the
movement is believed to have paired equally with the regime and regain its public credibility.
Finally, during the period from 2010-2011, the 6th of April began to study successful
attempts of change in Serbia, Kirghizstan, Georgia and Chile. The experience of Serbia was
significant for the movement since its catalyzers were student activists. Founders of the
movement arranged training workshops in Serbia and began what the named Youth for
Change version II. The movement began to build an organizational structure and form
groups nationwide. By 25th January 2010 it had, mostly student, groups in: Cairo and Giza,
Alexandria, Beheira, Kafr El-Seihk, Elghrbiya, Sohag, Assiout, Fayoum, Portsaid, Ismailiyya
and Suez. The groups were trained on means of non-violent peaceful change, campaigning
and mobilization, organizing protest, marshes, demonstrations and strikes. The peaceful, yet
confrontational, attitude of the movement appeared through one members experience who
used to write Down Down Mubarak Rule beside the pharos in Alexandria at 12:00 noon.
Also, the movement began to participate strongly in the presidential campaign of ELBaradei. By then the movement has grown in number and managed to organize his reception
in the Egyptian airport, while two of its founders were detained upon his arrival. The
movement collected signatures on EL-Baradies call Together We Will Change through its
FB page and group, where it also announced its events and meetings publicly, including the
organizational meetings at which members of the security-intelligence agencies were present.
The movement also began to undertake sudden and short-termed demonstration in
poor urban regions such as: Ezbet Osman, Dar El-Salam and poor shanty towns in Maadi and
Helwan. The demonstration duration was averagely fifteen minutes through which activists
pass a street chanting and raising banners, then disappear. The repeated disruption of the
daily life of the oppressed poor began to mobilize indirect sympathy with the movement.
The confrontational attitude of the movement was also indicated during their protest
in the 6th of April 2010. After the CSA had beaten and detained 100 activists of the
movement, the NDP parliamentarians asked the government to shoot the protestors with
gunfire. In the following day, 6th of April activists stroke by the parliament and challenged
the government to shoot them.
Overtime, the movement began to improve its tactical arrangements for
demonstrations. The plier tactic aimed at sieging the CSA forces between demonstrators by
changing the direction of demonstrations in the last minute. Also, distracting the CSA forces
by announcing five or six meeting points, three of them fakee.g., Matariyya, and Cairo
University in the 25th January 2011 protests. Finally, launching demonstrations and marshes
at night in various neighborhoods to mobilize support for next-day protests. In the night of
the 25th of January 2011, the 6th of April joined various forces that collectively mobilized
protestors in Maadi, Mohandeseen and Shubra. In Mohandeseen, the 6th of April mobilized
residents from poor areas: Nahia, Boulak Aubl3ela and Meet Uqba. Through these tactics,
popular dissent was expressed in various formse.g., sometimes women threw hot water over
CSA forces from their balconies, while the shop keepers stoned the police. The 25th January
protest is believed to have amounted into a revolution only when 15,000 protestors poured
from urban poor regions heading to Tahrir.
After the Revolution, the 6th of April experienced its second dividedue to its failure
to coordinate effectively with the Coalition. The Democratic Front of the 6th of April is
thought to include a minority of activists who joined the movement in 2010 and survive
through media exposure- says the movement interviewee. According to the movements
political office, conspiracies against its activism were undertaken by various forces to either
destruct or co-opt the movement. Nevertheless, the confrontational attitude of the 6th of April
resulted into continuous cycles of dissent, this time for human dignity and stopping police
torture of civilians under the Emergency Law.
3.4. WE Are All Khaled Saed Page
The brutal murdering of Khaled Said an activist who posted videos that, allegedly,
scrutinize illegal actions of a police officer has trickled widespread anger against the torture
of civilians by the police forceunder the Emergency Law. According to eyewitnesses, Said
was attacked by plainclothes-officers who crushed his head against a ladder string next to the
cybercafwhere they attacked him. The Forensic report accused Said of swallowing an
overdose of Marijuana. However, his ferociously deformed corpse and the witnesses of his
family members catalyzed a widespread wave of dissent that grew until the 25th January
revolution. The snowball evolution of dissent began with the We Are All Khaled Said
(WAKS)Kullena Khaled SaidFacebook page that emerged few days after the incident on
July 10th, 2010. Wael Ghoneim, the founder, aimed at mobilizing mainstream support of the
case of Khaled said by emphasizing the ' normal' attributes identifying his life before the
murder- apolitical, non-Islamists, non-ideological, middle class young man, whose corpse
proves police sadism and the systematic humiliation of human dignity in the Egyptian dailylife. Labeled He could have been your brother, the tragedy of Said provided psychological,
political and personal motives to mobilize the sedentary critical mass against torture.
According to a WAKS administrator, subjects of earlier torture cases were urban poor
citizens who were publicly distrusted and un-defendable.
Since it was not the first Facebook page defending SaidMy Name is Khaled Said
was established by the 6th of April movement on 24 June 2010185 Ghoneim carefully
differentiated the page from its competitors employing an Egyptian colloquial dialect with
non-confrontational and decent tone, avoiding collaboration with any political cause or
entityeven the Seven Demands of El-Baradie Campaign avoiding the use of expressions
unfamiliar to the Egyptian public such as Nizaam (Regime), speaking the voice of Said, and
giving a message that the writer is 'an ordinary Egyptian devastated by the brutality inflicted
on Khaled Said and motivated to seek justice' 186 . Meanwhile, Ghoneims purpose was
fortified through a touching article by Moustafa EL-Naggarthe founder of the Justice party
that addressed the collective responsibility for the brutal murdering of Saed187. Hence, the
page scored 300 subscription at the first two minutes and 30,000 on the first day. By March
2011, the page contents achieved 1,300 billion hits while an average of 500,000 participants
visit the page at least once every day188.
Wael Ghoneim, The Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People is Greater Than People in Power, A Memoir . (NY,
Moustafa El-Naggar, We Are the Murderers of Saed. Ana Maahum., Web. Posted on 10/06/2010.
Kollena Khaled Saed, the We Are All Khaled Saed Page: Billion and 300 Million hit since launching, FaceBook,
Ghoneim, 165
The page administrators provided a variety of content, including notes, polls, text
and multi-media posts, and instructions 190 . Several informative 191 , argumentative, and
motivating 192 notes entangle with protest purposes, positive initiatives 193 , individual
tragedies 194 , witnesses 195 , narratives 196 ,
statistics 199 , legal document, statements, court dates, DIY means 200 and tool-kits 201 that
facilitate participation and circulation of the page, and thorough analysis of particular
situations202, defining the socio-economic and humanitarian conditions that explain police
Kollena Khaled Saed, Places of Mourning Stands for last Friday victims, FaceBook, 2/01/2011.
, The Story of Calling for a Revolution of We Are All Khaled Saed Page, FaceBook,
, Noha Tareq Narrates on the Solidarity Stand with Khaled Saed's Familiy, FaceBook,
, Your Opinion Counts: Participation Codes for the Page, FaceBook, 03/08/2010,
, The We Are All Khaled Saed Page: Billion and 300 Million hit since launching, ibid.
brutality203, etc. Generally, the notes follow logical persuasive discourse that centres around
the rule of law and culturally uncontestable human valuese.g., dignity, freedom and
moderation. The topical themes involved issues of torture, bribery, corruption and
The social, political, professional and online networks of the administrators
facilitated the flow of resources into the page.
professionals for providing and analyzing legal and medical reports. Also, it depended on
peer human rights NGOse.g., AL-Nadeem Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and
Hesham Mubarak Centre for Legal Advice. In addition, professional blogs provided close
field information such as the Egyptian Conscience205 that documented torture during the
period from 2005 to 2008. The page has been exceptionally successful in raising public
awareness of concurrent issues, e.g., publishing legal, political and historical documents,
political statements, analytical articles of notable analysts, videos/images of victims corpses,
informing about the legal and human dimensions of human tragedies and encouraging
members to take part in solidary activities. In such a way, the regimes crimes were gradually
exposed to the public eyes206.
In addition, the page administrators ran opinion polls and online and offline
campaign. The polls investigated two issues: a) participants preference of time and meeting
points of Silent Stands and b) their feedback. The pages participatory approach was
successful in terms of realizing high turnout rates; the 19th January polls returned 5,000
Wael Abbas, The Egyptian Conscience, Blogspirit. Com, Web, Retrieved from:
Ghoneim, 129-130
complete questionnaire. Meanwhile, poll results indicated the real identity of protestors and
developed a sense of ownership, sharing and mutual-recognition207. Also, the page ran
numerous campaigns, e.g., a) publishing contact details of martyrs mothers and encourage
participants to support them, b) launching a Vote for Khaled Said208 campaign to nullify
electoral votes of participants, c) launching the Friday of Black Silence 209 to mourn victims
of police torture on the anniversary of the Egyptian coup dtat, d) calling upon Muslim
participants to guard Christian churches on the 7th of January, 2011to put down the regime
efforts to raise sectarian conflicts, e) encouraging participants to dialogue with infiltrating
police officers after publishing a list of their Facebook profiles, and f) drawing parallels the
famous movie V for Vandetta by calling upon participants to wear black outfit on the fifth
of November and rounding the streets for six hours to show grievance210. Such campaigns
empowered participants, enhanced breaking the fear barrier and expose them to the variety of
opinions inside the police force concerning Khaled Said.
Among its most successful offline campaigns were the Silent Stands. Through
2010, the page has been successful in organizing a number of stands that effectively
mobilized public dissent against the regime. Posted on its timeline via an anonymous
participants, the idea revolved around non-confrontational expression of grieve, through a
number of signs: dressing black, standing by the Nile/sea, reading, standing silently, give
their back to the street, etc. If asked to show their national IDs, participants were advised to
show it calmly, abstain from talking to anyone, accompany friends only and stand at distance
Ghoneim, 118
Kollena khled Saed, Vote for Khaled Saed, Facebook, 28/11/2010. Web,
, The Idea of the Day of Dignity: 5th of November, FaceBook, 29/07/2010, Web,
from each other, avoid dangerous areaswhere police officers or police stations preside,
photographing themselves and posting photos on the page timeline.
The success of the first Stand rendered the page popular and credible. Following the
first stand, the traffic on the page increased dramatically reaching an average of 7,000 likes
per day. On Friday 18th of June 2011, 37,000 like and 120,000 comments were posted. To
celebrate the high turnout, administrators compiled images in a short documentary211 along
with popular court of Said murderers212. The following Silent Stands were on 25th of June and
July 9th 2011 and were organized in ten Egyptian cities beyond Cairo and Alexandria
Qalyobiyya, Kafr El-Sheihk, Aswan, Menia213.
The diffusion policy of the page entitled members who would not join the Silent
Stand to stand anywhere for thirty minutes mourning Said and post their photos. In later
stands, media coverage and political figures participation were encouraged although the
page emphasized that no political advantage should be sought out. Also, all Facebook
initiative were mobilized towards supporting the stand. The demands were clearly set as
immediate judicial investigation of torture cases, an invitation of every citizens who was
subject to humiliation and/or torture to appeal securely to the designated members of the
judiciary, and that Khaled Saids murderers be prosecuted214.
The WAKS page reached the success pinnacle on January 2011. The first call for
protesting on 25th January was posted on the WAKS page to celebrate the achievements of
the police force on the protestors own waysays a co-administrator. The protests were
Shorouk0said, 25 September: the Second Session of Khaled Saed Court, YouTube, Web, 20/09/2010
The Shaheed, The Popular Court of Saed murdurers, YouTube, Web, 20/08/2010
March 2012).
Ghoneim, 87-88
intended as to honor patriot police officers while scrutinize criminal officers involved in
torturing and humiliating the innocents. The aim of scrutinizing the police a chain that the
regime tied around our necks215 was also resonant to the immediate cause of the Tunisian
revolutiona policewomen slapping Bouazizian unlicensed vegetable-cart operator in Sidi
Bouzid. The page argued that torture has recently turned into a systematic practice to extract
information. Meanwhile, financial corruption prevailed within the police enterprise; due to
low wages, officers resort to bribery and illegal activities that they, themselves, should
Nevertheless, the call for protests on the 25th took a different destination after the
success of the Tunisian Revolution. According to Ghoneim, catalyzing events included the
suicide incident of Egyptians who set themselves on fire early January 2011. In response,
Ghoneim posted shocking statistics on the suicide incident in 2010: 12,000 commit suicide
during the period form 2006-2011. 100, 000 attempted suicide in 2009 which is five times the
rate in 2005, every day 14 Egyptians commit suicide for unemployment and poverty and
more than two thirds of the cases are young men under 25 years of age216. Accordingly, the
WAKS call for 25th protests turned into January 25th: Revolution Against Torture, Poverty,
Corruption, and Unemployment. Such a call addressed workers, employees, human rights
activists and other communities that protested in previous dissent cycles. The page also
mobilized the Ultras football communities: Ahlawy, Zamalek, Ismaili. The marketing
campaign focused on a number of pints: revealing regime weakness and fear, drawing
parallel to Tunisia, report on Tunisian victories following Bin Alys escape, invite poets,
writers, actors, and designers to support the 25th January protests, expose the regimes
ibid, 123
ibid, 156
economic, social, political and security failures, and assure that the army will side with
people and act honorably217.
The call for January 25th reached half a million Facebook membersin collaboration
with other pages such as 6th of Aprils My name is Khaled Said. On WAKS page, the
invitation was attended by 27,000. The page called for spreading the invitation in streets,
mosques, churches, and factories and outreaching urban poor regions such as Boulaq, Shubra,
Manshiyet Naser, Ein Shams, and Mahalla. Unlike other stands that barely reached 100,000,
the 25th January invitation reached half a million. Also, members were encouraged to send
cellphone messages to friends and acquaintances, print flyers and asking their friends to
invite five more to the event218.
In few days, several political forces began to undertake unilateral dissent acts. For
instance, although a protest by 6th of April in Tahrir suffered weak turnout, it resulted into a
video post by Asmaa Mahfouz encouraging people of every background to participate on the
25th protests. Also, the Popular Assemblya group of parliamentary candidates against whom
the regime had committed electoral forgery in 2010protested at the High Courts Complex.
Also, professional photographing groups were invited to the event through the page
administrator and scores of photographers joined the protests to document the action under a
campaign The Camera is my Weapon219.
The page set clear the demands for the big day: a) raising minimum wages,
improving health and education services and issuing unemployment benefits of L.E 500 to
university graduates for a limited period, b) annulling the emergency law and that the
attorney general take charge of police stations to stop routine torture practices, c) firing the
minister of Interior Habib el-Adly, d) placing two term limit to presidency. To prevent
ibid, 138-40
ibid, 143
ibid, 155
physical confrontation with police officers, the page published several posts celebrating
good officers: saluting the officer who refused a bribe of $15 million and apologizing for and
the officer who was in charge of protecting the Alexandria Coptic Church on December 31,
2010. Finally, mobilizing the critical mass has also been facilitated through the support of
notable analysts, public figures, singers and actors such as Hamza Namera, actress Basma,
actor Amr Waked, TV presenter Ahmed el-Esseily, director Khaled Yousef, Amr Salama and
Mohamed Diab220.
The effort of WAKS page was internationally recognized even before the
Revolution succeeds221. After the resignation of Mubarak the page was subject to domestic
and international emphasize222.
ibid, 173
See for instance Miki Giglio, The Mysterious 'Anonymous' Behind Egypts Revolt, The Newsweek, 30/01/2011. Web.;
David Sharrock, Jack Shenker and Paul Harris, Egypt: how the people span the wheel of their country's history The
Guardian. 12/02/2011. Web.; Sahar Khamis and Katherine Cyberactivism in the Egyptian Revolution: How Civic Engagement and Citizen
Journalism Tilted the Balance, Arab Media and Society, 14 (2011), Web.; Simon, Hattenstone. Protesters' stories: Wael
Ghonim and Egypt, The Guardian, 13/01/2012, Web,; L. Gordon Crovitz, Egypt's Revolution by Social Media
Facebook and Twitter let the people keep ahead of the regime. The Wall Street Journal ,14/02/2011. Web,; Evgeny Morozov, Smart
Dictators Don't Quash the Internet: Mubarak had no idea how to counter the power of social media. China, Russia and
Iran know better 19/02/2011. Web,; David Wolman,
How the January 25 Egyptian Revolution Was Organized The Atlantic, 04/05/2011. Web,; John Sutter, The faces of Egypt's 'Revolution 2.0', The CNN World, 21/02/2011, Web,; Marawan Bishara, The
miracle generation Al-Jazeera, 12/02/2012, Web,;
Mohamed El-Nawawy and Sahar Khamis, Political Activism 2.0: Comparing the Role of Social Media in Egypts
The EC adopts Tariq Al-Bishrys historical analyses of the 1919 Revolution, entitled
Towards a National Mainstream of the Ummah. In his study, Al-Bishry set the conditions
that define a nations political mainstream as to include: inclusiveness of various political
forces that maintain plurality and distinctiveness while manifest the 'common' identifiers of
the Ummah with its various socio-political components227. The idea of a national mainstream
does not negate the possibility of confrontation; rather, it reconstructs itself on bases of
contentious interaction between its components. The result of such process is a National
Project: an inclusive definition of the political situation and broad guidelines of action on
which a political generation deliberatively agrees228. The EC believes that the success of
1919 national project resulted from El-Wafd partys policies: avoidance of ideologue and
partisan discourses and unity around the liberation goal. Similarly, the co-founders believe,
the success of 25th Revolution resulted from deliberation and focus on immediate socioeconomic demands rather than ideologue causes.
The EC provisions its role in post 25th January Revolution politics as to comprise
three main characteristics. Firstly, it represents post ideological politics that escapes
ideological polarization and classifications: Nasserism, Islamism, Liberalism and Socialism.
Rather, the EC is eclectically dependent on ideologies where they serve direct
implementation programs. Secondly, the EC is a youth party. It was not founded by notable
charismatic, ideological, intellectual or political figures. Rather, political activists and
commons that first staged political protests in 25th January established the EC. In a cofounder's words 'in Tahrir Square, we found the Egyptian 'common sense' of politics planning
and deciding upon floor and ceiling of change demands and negotiate with 'enemies'. Instead
of notable ideological 'leadership', the 'ordinary' people staged platforms and expressed their
opinions- for good or bad- to the square population. Following the resignation of Mubarak on
Tariq Al-Bishry, Towards a Main Stream of the Ummah (Qatar, Al-Jazeera Centre for Studies, 2008), 33.
Ibid, 33-4
February 12th, 2011, members of the Tahrir population and the Revolutionary Youth
Coalition gained sufficient self-confidence and comprised the EC founders that discredit
rotten ideologue intelligentsia of traditional political parties. The youthfulness of the EC
calibers addresses a generational divide that characterized the pre-January 25th politics:
ideologue parties provide highly theoretical discourses without the least consideration of
application, elitism, paternalism and superiority over the 'ignorant' masses, and restricting
participation channels of young activists and monopolizing power and representation inside
party/movement centres229. Also, the party youth has freed itself from the shame chains that
Mubarak tied around the Egyptian youth neck: in Lotfys words The discourse of Mubarak
focused on shaming the youth and Egyptian identityhow would I feed all of you, where
would I house you, I can not raise voice against Israel, our alliance with the U.S is strategic,
etc.hence the EC youth has liberated itself from Mubaraks shame and is determined to
utilize available time, effort and capabilities (to reform the country)230
Hence, the EC represents post-ideological forces, in two ways. Firstly, it avoids
ideological profiling by maintaining intellectual openness and encouraging eclectic use of
various ideological toolswhen preparing policy drafts. Also, it avoids involvement in
contentious ideologue discourses that proved little difference in application and does not
mind the 'ordinary' citizen anyhow. The ideological leanings of the EC comprises three
components: a) concerning political rights and freedoms, it adopts liberal values of
democracy, power rotation, separation between powers and strengthening the role of civil
society, b) economically, the EC rejects both excessive capitalism and socialist processes;
rather it seeks a balance between sustainable development and social justice, which places the
Islam Lotfy and AbdelRahman Fares, Interview with Reem Majed, The Founders of the Egyptian Current,
party closer to social liberalism, in which private businesses play an influential and
responsible role in development while the state undertakes welfare services, finally, c)
regarding foreign policy and international relations, the party follows a comprehensive view
that comprise Arab, Muslim and African identities along with moderately conservative views
concerning the influence of globalization on national identity. Secondly, the party emphasizes
the need to participatory democracy, viable and effective communication with the 'street'.
Thus, the party perceives itself as means by which ordinary population direct, plan and
implement public policies231. It argues that the Mubarak regime had exercised authoritarian
monopoly of power and suppression of political opposition due to the popular 'abstention'
from politics and public concerns in general. Although the party co-founders realize that
party platforms has been widely replaced by direct anomic protest and demonstration even in
the most developed countriesFrance and Spain before January 2011 they envision the EC
as a popular party that provides a new definition of partisan activity in the Egyptian politics.
Among the ECs co-founders are former responsible of the Cairo University student
section of the MB, who were dismissed in June 2011 for participating in the initiation of the
Revolutionary Youth Coalition prior to and after the 25th January Revolution. The EC
founder provided socio-organizational, material, human and moral resources to the Coalition
and contributed to the success of the Revolution. Therefore, the party founders comprised
activists of various walks and backgrounds: Islamic, Liberal, Socialist, Nasserite, etc. The
idea crystalized with the resignation statement of the former president Hosni Mubarak, when
founders realized that post ideological, revolutionary, inclusive and collective action may
lead into considerable achievements unrealized for decades.
The founders tendency to undertake nationally inclusive political activism was
challenged when the mother organizationthe MBformed th FJP that, according to the EC
co-founders, ruined the achievements of the Coalition and revived ideological polarization in
the political, cultural and socio-economic landscape. Hence, the party founders decided to
separate and defend their dream through the EC. The party founders aim at mobilizing
national consensus on fundamental issues involved in the writing of the new Egyptian
constitution, and expect to give rise to various political parties that function within mature
institutional framework and enjoy the rule of law. Concerning its relation to the MB, the
party founders emphasize the inclusiveness of the MB school of thought that incorporates
transcendent values and principles of economic, political and social reform. Thus, the mere
dismissal from the organization does not nullify the EC commitment to the ideational
principles of the MB, as manifest in the party platform. Nevertheless, some co-founder
disagree on magnifying the MB origins of the EC, since the party has emerged out of various
coalitions and dialogues between Tahrir activists who comprised, besides the MB calibers,
socialist, Nasserite, and liberal activists232.
The founders of the EC are, again, highly qualified and resourceful activists who had
various experiences in forming and running political coalitions several years before the
Revolution. The two founders participating in the study are active member in a number of
initiatives of NGOs: the Union of Revolutionary Forces, the Youth Coalition, the Ahrar
institution, Baladna institution for civil society leadership and several human rights networks.
Previous experiences also included founding My RightHaiy initiative, organizing the PCIR
conferences, and establishing a parallel student union. Hence their background reflects
complex, multi-dimensional and overlapping spheres of activity that provided the party with
broad socio-political exposure after the Revolution.
During the 2011 elections, the EC formed the Revolution is Continuing list to break
the polarization between the Democratic CoalitionIslamistsand the Libro-secular list
supported by the Coptic population. The list comprised cnadidates from the Free Labor
Union, the Freedom Party, the Popular Socialist Union, Equality, Development, and the
Egyptian union parties. Although the EC succeeded in gathering 36,000 vote for its
candidates, the party has failed in achieving parliamentary seats for a number of reasons:
1. Monetary and financial shortage: the electoral processes were dependent on finance; some
parties exceeded the ceiling of campaigning financespending up to L.E 1 million, while the
EC founders could collect donations of 32,000 L.E only.
2. Distorting the public image of Tahrir protestors by blaming every crisis on the guys shouting
in Tahrir.
3. Suspending the campaign temporarily to support protestors at Mohammed Mahmoud.
4. The constituency where the EC founder ran was geographically dispersed that only nine days
before the elections were insufficient to cover the region. In his words I could not convince
people that a young man 32 years could run for their interests.
5. The shortage of human resources: the limited human resources of the party were distributed
over campaign of five candidates.
6. Falsifying the election results in favor of the Islamists in some constituencies and Wafd
liberal candidates in others233.
The party expresses itself to the outside world through the main headquarter, in
RamsesCairo, and various media outletsAl-Tayyar EL-Masry Facebook page234, Youtube
channel235. During the parliamentary campaign, the party undertook awareness projects, such
The EC founder believes that the election results were falsified in some Gizah constituencies in favor of
Islamists and Wafd, . According to him, the reasons include that the Revolution is Continuing List was targeted by the
SCAF after the Muhammed Mahmoud and the Ministerial House massacres due to the EC support of protestors.
TMParty, The Egyptian Current Party, FaceBook, Launched 12/06/2011, Web,
as workshops 236 and documentaries 237 . Currently the EC contributes to the presidential
campaign of Abdul-Moneim Abul-Fotooha former MB leader. When asked about the
reason, a co-founder explained Abul-Fotooh is not a consensual politician who would serve
the interest of the SCAF and counter-revolutionary forces, enjoys strong determination and
will for change, belongingness to the Egyptian society, and representation of various
components of the Egyptian identity 238 . To sum up, the ECs competitive edge, is
youthfulness, religious moderation, and ideological eclecticism.
3.6. The Salafyo Costa Movement
Similar to the EC, Salafyo Costa was inspired by the 25th January Revolution. It aims
at eliminating ideological/religious profiling and retaining the Tahrir Spirit of tolerance and
unity. On the our vision section239, the groups identifies itself as a development, non
governmental and not-for profit movement, founded by a group with various religious,
ideological, and intellectual affiliations to provide real daily-life environment that enables
'knowing the other' through rational deliberation, cooperation and brotherhood, and thus,
develop both the society and its individuals240. The group states its mission as to realize
social revival through improving scientific, economic and cultural conditions and growing
offspring that effectively lead the country towards a bright future of building and
MESTIKAWY1, An Introductory Session to the Egyptian Current Party, YouTube, 03/09/2011, Web,
Islam Lotfy, videoed by Mata3na, Why Abul-Fotoh: The Egyptian Current Party, Youtube, 02/04/2012, Web
Medaneltahreernews, SalafyoCosta: The Real Face of the Moderate Egyptian, Youtube, 27/07/2011, Web,
production.241 Thus, among the activities are: awareness campaigns in public health, social
and cultural concerns, eliminating illiteracy and educating children through providing small
libraries, generating job opportunities by micro-financing small business projects, charity
activists, e.g., facilitating financially the marriage of poor women, feeding and sheltering
homeless poor, providing blankets on winter seasons, medical caravans, collecting donations
for various purposes. Most of these activities take place in Ezbet Al-Haggana.
The SC group has developed through personal relationships built during the 18-day
strike. It upholds a set of values that resonate with its vision, e.g., the value of human life,
and respect of law242, education, improving socio-economic life conditions, donating with
time and effort beside financial and administrative assistance, cooperation with domestic and
international entities that share common goals NGOs, human right agencies and
government authorities.
The emphasize on purely original sources of knowledge is manifest on their mission
as stated on the FB page243, Salafiyo Costa our goal is to call upon Salafis and non-Salafis
to listen to, and dialogue with, each other, discourse, simply, their causes, be open, avoid
defaming, misrepresentation and mutual- accusations, tolerate differences and respect
specialization. Also, the group founders encourage active engagement with national
concerns by seeking the truth undergoing in the streetEzzat Tolba, co-founder- first posed
the famous sarcasm on sedentary citizens on 22 February 2011 on his FB page244 where he
Mohamed Tolba, Accepting the Others Opinion, Tahrir Lounge, YouTube, 30/12/2011, Web,
Ezzat Amin, The Official FaceBook Page of the Scenarist Ezzat Amin, FaceBook, launched 01/06/2011,
addressed the glorious Sofa Party to take to the streets, while Where is My Ear film states
the armchair sofa will stay home, but Egypt will get lost245.
Against the celebrative spectacles of national unity among religious institutions, the
group approaches coexistence through experiencing the lives of each other in its normal
settings; it started with a Salafi-Christian football match 246 , and quickly incorporated
members into charity projects. In a recent medical caravan, it organized doctors with
contentious, even mutually hostile, affiliations and encouraged team-working and mutual
understanding among them; the group entitles new project managers to involve members of
various affiliations we will not accept a project undertaken by an exclusive group of Salafi,
Christian or liberal volunteers247. In fact, the strong tendency towards team-working and
functional cooperation is admittedly part of the founders occupational backgrounds. Waleed
Mustafa, a co-founder, explains that most of the founders work at multi-national companies,
where coexistence, teamwork, effectiveness and abidance by universal rules define the work
environment. In his words: we wanted to replicate this community into our real life248.
The popular orientation of the group is further manifest in its definition of the
situation in Egypt that comprises a crisis in education, awareness, poverty () people
believe death is cheaper than getting medicine 249. The contrast with high politics is
Eyad2242011, The Christian- Salafi Football Match on the CBC- SAlafyoCosta, YouTube , 28/07/2011, Web,
(accessed April 15, 2012).
Al-Arabiya TV Channel, SalafyoCosta: We Are the Ones Who Pay for Your Drinks, MrModistar, YouTube,
manifest in Tolbas rhetoric Hey you who sit in talk-shows and steer the country left and
right, you do not feel how it sounds in the street (the group shouts) People first, not fights on
the identity of state, Constitutional amendments, Sharia application, Bikini and wine, etc
Following the Constitutional Referendum, in March 2011, a Facebook page was
established with seven hundred members. After gathering over 90,000 members on FB, the
SC group plans for establishing a society-oriented political party, that pressures towards
societal policies, compete for executive positions- mainly Youth and Education ministries,
and undertake development projects. The group was recognized as a rising political force
since the May 27th 2011 protest in Tahrir, in which members took corners and begin to
convince liberal and secular crowds of co-existence.
The group markets itself through purposeful media production: short films, TV shows
and public seminar. It appeared with Bassem Yousef at his comedian show ELBarnameg in
which founders narrated on their lifestyles during Ramadan251. Also, the group has produced
two remarkable short films: Where is my shop, Where is My Ear. In both, it condemned
prevalent codes of cross-religious and ideological debates: claiming ultimate Right,
superiority over others, isolation from communal and social bonds252. The films humorously
emphasized a need for confessional deliberation, self-revision, as well as criticism of
irrational stereotypesliberals spend their time in nightclubs, socialize with women, walk
naked in public, drink wines, and prepare Coffee with Vodka! Salafis accuse the public with
infidelity, cut their ears and bomb churches. Criticizing stereotypical perceptions was
Medaneltahreernews, ibid.
Mohammed Tolba and Ezzat Amin, interviewed by Bassem Yousef, Salafi and Liberal, ELBarnameg, 17/08/2011,
Walid Mosatafa, videoed by Al-Mujaz, Where is My Ear Film and the Story of Salafyo Costa, uploaded by
Walid Mostafa on Al-Arabiya TV Channel, SalafyoCosta: We Are the Ones Who Pay for Your Drinks ibid.
See the program video records on Salafyo Costa YouTUbe Channel:
e.g., Mohammed Kheir, The Costa Crew: Challenging Salafi Stereotypes Al Akhbar English, 18/10/2011, Web,
oppression resulted into severe detachment from communal affiliations; nevertheless, it later
turned into productive efforts to realize coexistence and tolerance. According to him, the first
encounter with liberal, secular, Christian and female Others was a turning point. Although
he was at the belief that protesting against rulers is religiously forbidden, after watching the
CSA brutality against his liberal brother, he decided to quit migration plans and join Tahrir.
There, the spirit of unity, tolerance, appreciation and understanding inspired his activism.
In conclusion, SC represents a successful attempt to free individuals from the
authority of religious figures and confess differences and psychological, political, and social
tensions. In such a way, it leans towards neo-liberal and liberal-socialist ideas that emphasize
the good ofreligiouscommunities as harmonious with individual freedoms and liberty.
3.7. The Ultras Ahlawy (AU-07) Football Community
The Ultras Ahlawy (UA-07) is a tight-knit group of zealot supporters of the Cairo
based Al-Ahly Club. In principal, ultra fan groups are formed of 'particularly passionate,
emotional, committed and above all very active fans who are fascinated by () spurring
on their team and have made it their job to () support their team creatively and to the best
of their ability258. The etymological origin of the term Ultra dates back to the French
Restoration period (1815-1830). It used to generically indicate hardcore Italian football fans
that manifest behaviors that at times exceed that considered the norm in linguistics, bodily
comportment and ultimately violent practices259. The idea of football ultra fan groups
originated in Latin America and Southern Europemainly Italyduring 1960s. Before then,
football matches generally characterized parochial, town-based, relaxed, and informal social
gatherings. Fan club offices provided tickets as well as common spaces for collective
Gunter Pilz and Franciska Wlki-Schumacher, Overview of the Ultra Culture Phenomenon in the Council of Europe
Member States in 2009 (paper presented at the International Conference on Ultras Good practices in dealing with new
developments in supporters behaviour, Council of Europe, Standing Committee (T-RV), 18 January 2010), 5, Web,
Alberto Testa, The UltraS: An Emerging Social Movement?, Review of European Studies, 1, no.9 (2009):54
listening to state radio match commentaries. Episodic violence rarely occurred and was
usually explained by individual predispositions260.
Several accounts contest the beginning of the Ultrahardcore football fansgroupings
during the 1970s. On one hand, English sociologists criticize native-born assumptions and
claim that episodic violence has occurred since 1959. Nevertheless, it is widely recognized
that the Ultra fan groups became a socio-political phenomenon with definite sociological
contours during the 1970. Similar to Europes 1950s, in Egypt, the 1980 and 1990s witnessed
primitive and simple football culture261. Professional supporters were either administrators in
football clubs or linked to prominent football stars. Football events were usually scheduled
on weekends for entertainment and recreational purposes. Thus, football teams had less
resonance with broad emotional, social or organizational attitudes262. The emergence of
football industry following the globalization and commercialization rise on the 1980s had
resulted into various rooting styles and values of Ultra movements. The broader market
demand and new media technologies, writes El-Sheirf, provided opportunities of high
profitability, money laundering, advertising and circulation of financial resources263. The
material manifestations of globalized football cultureslanguage, behavior, artifacts and
symbolsfacilitated the rise of Ultra groups in the country. Following their appearance in
Tunisia, Egypt gave birth to some of the most successful ultra groups in the African
The global widespread of the idea inspired Amr Fahmy, then working for the African
Football Union, to call for the establishment of ultras Ahlawy. Early forms of coordination
with Al-Ahly football fans emerged with Al-Ahly Fan Club (AFC) and Al-Ahly Lovers Club
ibid, 55
Ashraf El-Sherif, The Ultras Politics of Fun Confront Tyranny, Jadaliyya, 05/02/2012, Web,
(ALU) that provided early platforms for the group to launch. In 13 April 2007, the Ultras
Ahlawy was founded by twenty-five members who aimed at introducing the Ultras Culture
to Egypt and improving the atmosphere in the stadium- says a co-founder. The movement
comprised a majority of male members within the 16-25 age-brackets. Its first appearance
was at a match of Al-Ahly against the team of Engineering for the Petroleum and Process
Industries ENPPI in 2007. Although the group supports Al-Ahly teams of Basketball,
Vollyball , and Handball, it is well-known for supporting Al-Ahly football team, given the
widespread popularity of the game. The group usually resides in Curva Nord- Thalta Chimal
and is widely attributed with a masculine cult of hardness, semi-military organization,
rebellion against political and, partially, societal rules, ultimate focus on the pitch spectacle,
solidarity, and absolute commitment to entertainment and festivity. Thus, the Ultras way of
life is generally distinctive from the broader social, psychological, and cultural contexts, in
part by virtue of their rebellious nature and their defiance of norms264.
The group employs various means to provide an amusing and entertaining atmosphere
to Al-Ahly matchs. The Dakhla(Introduction) of the matches represents an innovative
activity that places the movement among the best Ultras groups in Africa and the Arab world.
In many national and international matches, the group has performed remarkable
introductions: e.g., the We Are Egypt, No End 265 , One Nation: No for Religious
Sectarianism266 and Freedom267. Such introductions raise players moral and encourages
them to win, while serving the movements commercial and political purposes. Following the
265 See UltrasAhlawy07Media, "Ultras ahlawy intro. 6/3/2011.No End .. HD YouTube, 07/03/2011, Web,
266 ------------------------------------, Ultras
intro..12/5/2011, YouTube, 12/05/2012, Web,
267 ------------------------------------------------,Ultras Ahlawy...Al-Ahly vs mokawlon..28/1/2012 YouTube,
29/01/2012, Web,
and prohibits the use of club facilities to draw tifos and arrange displays. Also, the police is
used to restrict the use of simple materialsticks, fireworks, flags arguing it might be used in
violent attacks on fans of the opposite club. Moreover, police officers used to appropriate
and/or destroy the movements instrumentse.g., crushing drums272.
The politicization of Ultra movements begins with the belief in changing or resisting
the situation for a common cause273. Hence, around the globe, Ultras groups might have
political and/or ideological affiliation dependent on the socio-economic context, the
practicability of individual freedom and club orientation. A common cause and common
opponents (police, government, media, club administration) serve the Ultras survival that
usually resort to supporters strikes and violence to pressure authorities. In doing so, Ultra
groups manifest the willingness to violence and taking the cause to open public spaceswhere
they benefit from the recognizable organization and strong member dedication. As they
politicize, Ultra movements develop a distinctive collective identity; a sense of we274
centered on a way of life. In doing so, traditional rivalries between Ultra movements may
be forgotten to resist state persecution against such common way of life. In such a way, the
organizational membership develops into absolute fusion within the collectivity, as Pilz
explains, being an Ultra means having a new attitude to life (their Ultra identity), being
extreme, having fun and being part of a separate new football fan and youth culture. Unlike
other fan club activities, a person is an Ultra not only at a weekend game but also during the
entire week (life). Everything is subordinated to football and/or the fan movement275
The chronological examination of the UA movement since January 25th Revolution
exemplifies such development. Initially, the Ultras Ahlawy is organizationally, financially
272 ----------------------,Police
drums, YouTube, 26/09/2011, Web,
273 Cited in Testa, 57
and morally independent of Al-Ahly club. Despite hostile and confrontational attitudes
towards police officers that restrict their freedome.g., outlawing the use of pyro/flare
showsthe Ultras Ahlawy had been an apolitical force until the 25th of January 2011.
Although it is allegedly possible to discredit the UA effort during the Revolution-being
essentially a non-political group- some UA members have joined the Revolution, while
others sided with pro-Mubarak forcesboth on individual bases. The pro-revolution members
were especially effective in leading a series of attack and run street battles defending
protestors against police thuggery.
It was obvious that, unlike the MB, Kefaya and 6th of April UA members were the
only group that possessed combative experience with CSA and Interior Ministry forces.
Having mastered the Attack and defense in stadium battles, the UA members managed
reducing human causalities and scoring substantive gains in Qasr al-Nil Bridge, Ramses
Street and the "Battle of the Camel.". The exceptional revolutionary thrust of UA members
resonated with an obsessive orientation towards absolute freedomreflected on the famous
slogan All Cabs Are BustardACAB. Meanwhile, EL-Sherif argues that the Revolution was
a fast moving, intrepid coup against a rigid, dim rhythm of life. (Such a..) movement needed
a bold adventurous spirit defiant of social norms to translate the feelings and expectations of
the Egyptian people into huge popular protest. The Ultras' politics of fun provided this, and
thus shaped the spirit of the Egyptian revolution.276
The movement started to act collectively in the political sphere after the attack of
CSA on its members in Kima-Aswan match on September 2011. The fights started with
police encroachment on the group before and during the match and ended up with burning
two CSA vans and arresting and torturing members of the group including some of its
founders. After releasing their members, the group participated collectively in Mohammed
EL-Sherif, ibid
Mahmoud fights against the Interior Ministrywhere the security killed one of its members.
The bloodiest scene to follow was in Portsaid where Al-Ahly played against Al-Masry team
traditionally known for deep hostility to the former. The match turned into a massacre in
which 77 members of Ultras Ahlawy were killed. The group responded to the Egyptian
Football Union decisionto deprive Al-Ahly from playing for three years through marshes,
protests and strikes that demand just retribution to the victims families23 March statement,
27th March strike by the Parliament, 2ed, 4th, 8th, 13th of April marshes and proteststo
mention the least. The group leaders met with senior officials, e.g. the Justice Minister on
April 4th, to pressure for just Criminal trials of the responsible authoritiesheaded by the
Interior minister.
The movement expresses itself to the outside world through various media outlets:
website, FB pagecurrently liked by 441,903 Youtube channel, songs, slogans,
demonstrations, protests and strikes. In their CD entitled The Greatest Club in the World
many songs emphasized the notions of freedom, self-denial, self-finance, belongingness,
sacrifice, nationalism, travel with the team, fight for the Right, anti-politics and anti-media,
courage, brotherhood, etc. Also, the group has a number of formative slogans: Liberta
liberty, Alone Against All, and ACAB. The revolutionary manifestation of these values is
identified with a set of attributionsdynamism, flexibility, refusal of patriarchy and
traditionalism, rebellion, group mentality and positive attitude277. The following paragraph
expands on this point as follows.
Dynamism entitles members to support the teams on the pitch, glorify achievements,
defend it against opponents and deepen the emotional bond with peer members. Whether the
team wins or loses, neither the movements faith nor their coherence is affected. Meanwhile,
the UA flexibility is manifest through tolerance of multiple commitments and members
various political affiliations as long as it does not contradict with movements purposes. Also,
the movement usually takes the initiative to cortege the opposing teams activitiesshowing
strength parades in areas of the opponents influence. Such challenging attitudes are also
practiced against patriarchal and traditional authorities of the club administration, police
forces, parents and families. Thus, areas of contention usually revolve around club contracts
with players, coaches and management teams, permissions for early access to the stadium,
use of pyro-shows, avoid slangy chants, etc. Also, the movement upholds strongly an antimedia group mentality, by which members who expose, or accept exposure, to media
outlets are immediately dismissed. While appearance on TV shows and reportages is
restricted to situations of extreme necessity, the movement preserves member anonymity by
communicating public statements over self-owned outletswebsite, Youtube, and Facebook
page. Such a situation, argues El-Sherif is more comparable to libertarian privacy goals that
set limits for itself against sensational media coverage278. Finally, the rebellion nature of the
UA eschews puritanical ethical standards regarding "obscene insults"(ibid). In their words
insults are the salt & pepper of football. Similarly, the group usually exhorts wearing
specific outfits that flout cultural and societal fault lines279; such behavior usually accords
specific ritualization and rules of disorder280.
To sum up, the formative experiences of each of the generational units have resulted
into distinctive position along the structure-agency continuum. The following section reviews
the socio-organizational characteristics of each unit and speaks to the socio-organizational
dilemmas of the MB, to which many of the interviewed unit used to belong.
3.8. Conclusion
Eric Dunning, Sport Matters : Sociological Studies of Sport, Violence, and Civilisation (UK, Routledge, 1999)
Peter Marsh, The rules of disorder (London, Routledge and K. Paul, 1978).
well experienced in political activism and collective action, except for the UA members who
first encountered the public through the Revolution. Seventhly, the units exercise disruptive
as well as confrontational politics of presence with various degrees. Depending on the
fatality of clash incidents, the following graph shows where the units stand vis a vis the
regime. Finally, it should be noted that members and founders of each unit belongs to middle
and upper class of urban Egypt, indicated from their employment status, travel experiences
and residence places. The only exception is the Ultras Ahlawy that involves, among founders,
members from poor urban regions who, according to the interviewees, used to sell their
cloths to meet the Ultras group financial needs.
Despite youth domination, the new political generation comprises various age groups.
It is common culture is identifiable with a set of feelings and strains that demark the
fundamental role of human agency. While the MB emerged in response to rising sociopolitical dilemmas- westernization, colonialism, etc.-, most of the new generational units
have resulted from striking personified tragedies: the brutal murdering of Khaled Said, the
death of UA members in Mohamed Mahmoud incidents, the strife of Mahalla workers to get
monthly salaries, the personal tragedy of Salafi and Copt Egyptians with socio-political
injustice, the Tahrir utopia and frustration with the MB sectarian performance, etc. Kefaya
was the only case in which the movement, parallel to the MB, resulted from an overarching
ideologue definition of the political situation, hence, displaying weak resonance with
humane, personal and societal narratives.
Therefore, the new generations activism embedded a set of common, sometimes
contradictory, feeling that provided sufficient motivation: sympathy, individual unworthiness,
strife for self-realization, pursuing adventurous dreams, non-constrain with historical,
ideological or political narratives, boldness, daring, and determination, etc. These feeling
might be explained, partially, with structural strains that frustrated young middle class and
poor urban population: social injustice, corruption, inflation, emergency law and torture.
However, the direct encounter with injustice shadowed various forms of self-expression. For
instance, the SC and EC were inspired by Tahrir Utopia, while WAKS administrators and
participants sought revenge from Saids murderers. Similarly, the UA pursued joyful and
innovative resistance; although they fear regime suppression, the community encourages
members to dare chanting obscene slangs on top security officers. The SC had suffered
profiling and intimidation for decades and their movement came up, mainly, against
stereotypical discrimination.
The Generation in whole manifests values of openness to universal experiences and
referentiality, adamant rejection of political, religious, and ideological paternalism and
flexibility with offline, online, social and political forms of activism. Daring, autonomy and
innovation describes the common culture that contextualizes various strategies, framing and
mobilizational processes and enables the rise of integrative attitudes and formative
principles281- e.g., rejection of injustice and humiliation.
For instance, the new Generation followed spontaneous, anonymous and instant forms
of resistance that targeted mainstream ordinary citizens without holding pre-assumptions of
popular motivation whether religious or political. Such inclusive and informal strategies
rendered their discourse intelligible to street citizens. Moreover, avoiding identification with
notable intellectual and political figures, weak media presenceat least at their beginning,
the use of daily-life vernaculars and expressions, reference to broad cultural framee.g., the
image of ibn elbalad (the county son), and physical mobility facilitated mobilization
processes and identified the generation with a common cultural traits, despite the spatial
separation of its various units.
In conclusion, with the resignation of former president Mubarak, the new Generation
in direct conflict with both the deep state and ideological structuresnamely the MB. Against
these forces, the new Generation shares a common destinya) empowerment under the
presidency of a pro-Revolution candidate, either Hamdein Sabbahi or Abdul-Monem AbulFotooh, or b) imprisonment, torture and direct liquidation under pro-Mubarak president, or c)
marginalization under a MB presidency. Also, its formative experiences renders its position
contradictory to prevalent values, norms and authority of pyramidal political forces. Its
various units openly de-authorize the hierarchical authority, whether religious, political or
societal, and severe the institutional lineages of traditional oppositionthe MB.
Moreover, given the prominence of human agency, a significant variation in
ideological and organizational standpoints has undermined the unity of the new Generation
against political competitors. The inability to authorize any political, ideological or
organizational frame as legitimate and the competition over defining the situation has further
complicated generational conflicts. The following chapter reviews ideological and
organizational manifestation of the interviewed members; thus paving the way towards
exploring the various possibilities of conflict resolution.
This chapter summarizes interview results with the six generational units. In addition
to organizational features, it examines ideological inclinations of participants as suggestive
examples of leading trends within each movement/group. For the purpose of this research, I
explore the variation within the new political Generation, which may occur due to socioorganizational difference as well as undergoing ideological transformation.
Initially, the interview sections were organized around four groups of questions: a)
organization and structure, b) political values, c) ideological inclinations and d) channels of
political participation. This chapter categorizes results around two successive themes: the
first deals with the new Generations ideological standpoints in relation to the Egyptian
society and state, and the other deals with organizational and structural aspects of each unit.
Given the transformative nature of ideology and structure during times of socio-political
influx, reporting the interview results separately provides future longitudinal and comparative
studies with necessary information for continuing research.
4.1. The Ideological Inclinations of the New Political Generation
While intergenerational conflict materializes by de-authorizing' the old generation:
open rejection, attack and destruction of (its) values, norms and authority282, it opens
avenues for authorizing the new generation; that is, legitimating its goals and acknowledging
indigenous and distinctive values, norms, membership and structures283 through. Although
the new Generation shares a heightened sense of collectiveness and psychological
Richard Braungart, Historical Generation and Generation Units: A Global Pattern of Youth Movements. Journal of
Ibid, 115
consciousness284, internal competition may occur along left and right alignments; hence,
variation occur around the definition and control of the reality and on certain social and
political goals. Such variation is motivated by the absence of institutional frames that
authorize and legitimate any of the new generations values, ideas and utopian goals285. In
such a way, it provides further platform of conversion and diversion and complexifies the
process of conflict resolution.
4.1.1 The New Political Generation and the Egyptian Society
Individual vs. Society
When asked whether individual freedoms should be restricted societal expectations,
the interviewees took two positions. On one hand, Kefaya, 6th of April and SC emphasize that
personal freedom stop where rights of others start. On the other hand, the WAKS, UA, and
the EC hold that societal expectation is considered under certain conditions. On both sides,
considerable variation of opinion existed.
The 6th of April argued that some cultural values of the Egyptian society have changed
with the Revolution-e.g., free deliberation on politics, challenging authority, voicing
injustices while grounding cultural values remain changeable through discursive
deliberation. Thus the movement perceives itself a civil rather than a libertarian movement; it
comprises Islamist, socialist, liberal and secular activists alike. Although the SC co-founder
perceives the Egyptian society as neither conservative nor religious, both SC interviewees
drew evidence from the French society that restricts some Islamic practices- such as Niqabwhere they infringe on societal valuesmainly public visibility.
Regarding the second position, the WAKS administrators adopt a libertarian slogan
the street is ours with two approaches: one administrator emphasizes the absolute right to
--------------------------, The Sociology of Generations and StudentPolitics: A Comparison of the Functionalist and
Generational Unit Models. Journal of Social Issues, 30, no. 2 (1974):50
-----------------------, Historical Generation and Generation Units: A Global Pattern of Youth Movements, 115-6
practice individual rights and freedom, while the other restrict such right on private spaces
where society has no discretion over individuals. However, the latter believe that social
constraints should only be observed, in public spaces, if personal freedoms actually encroach
on others rights. For both administrators, the idea of collective societal values is either
absent or rejected. Close to this this view, an ECs co-founder rejects imposing restrictions on
individual freedom while other interviewees, representing the partys political committee,
assure that individual freedom is constrained by social values and common practices that
interact with, and re-adjust, individual choices.
Finally, the UA participants exempt the Stadium curva from the societys broader
public sphere. The group emphasized respect of societal expectations in the public spheree.g., rejecting membership requests of female supporters, rejecting female supporters
overnight strike with the group, ignoring some worldwide Ultras traditions that humiliate
Egyptian valuessuch as drinking bear before matches and absolute dependence on selffinance. On the contrary, the stadium curva is a place of absolute freedom where societal
constraints, on behavior, language and attitudes, are usually unobserved.
The Conception of Nationalism
When asked to arrange the spheres where Egypt should have an influential foreign
policy- Arabic, African, Islamic and international- the majority of participants replied that
Egypt should have an influential foreign policy on each dimension. Kefaya and the EC
participants expressed pan-Arabic attitudes for ideational and/or pragmatic reasons. On the
contrary, the UA participants believe Egypt should focus on realizing national development
to avoid subjugation to wealthier Arab nations; if Egypt manages resolving its crisis, they
believe, it will extend hand to needy Arab countries.
Also, the interview participants were asked to choose one or more of the components
that better explain their understanding of Egyptian-nessnational identity, legal citizenship,
society, and land. The KS administrators rejected adherence to national identity in terms of
observation. Also, the founder of SC believes the concept is highly charged with superiority
claims that profile and classify opponents of a specific sect, ideology or party. Similarly,
WAKS administrators recognize the widely divergent understanding of the concept that
renders any definition relative and unrepresentative. Hence WAKS and SC agree that the
meaning of religiosity depends on the situation, the subject, the discourse source, etc.
When asked whether they consider religiosity a gradual concept, Kefaya, 6th of April,
a SC participant accorded there are either moderate/correct or extreme/wrong types of
religiosity. EC participants emphasized that some aspects of religiosity is stable, while
others-such as personal accountability, consciousness and sincerityfluctuate.
Finally, when asked whether they consider their groups/movements religious, all the
units, except for the WAKS that derecognizes religion in the public sphere, emphasized they
are non-religious groups; their activities comprise horizontally dispersed members; thus unidentifiable with specific religious, ideological, or socio-economic affiliations. Nevertheless,
WAKS administrators said they respect social and religious values of the Egyptian society.
Also, the EC recognizes that most of the party members are religious by default- being
former MB members. Similarly, the SC founders confess the majority of their page
participants are fundamentally committed to their beliefs: Islam or Christianity. Finally,
although the Ultras participants do not call for, or prevent, religious practices- such as
collective prayers-Jemaah- or joint religious festivals- they recognize the role of close
friendship on enhancing or deteriorating the level of religious observance of various
Inclusion of Women, Copts and Urban poor
Concerning the degree of inclusion of religious, gender and socio economic
difference, each of the six interviewed units held distinctive position.
Although Kefaya was first coordinated by a liberal Catholic figure- George Ishaq-,
and it included female leadership at various committees and governorates, the movement is
generally dependent on middle and upper class participants who mastered public activism
through syndicates, parties, student unions or NGOs. Hence, youth were generally excluded
from holding senior positions in the movement.
Similarly, the 6th of April comprises founders and leaders of varying religious and
gender affiliation. Yet, only at governorate and district levels, there are members of low and
middle socio-economic backgrounds. Unlike Kefaya it does not put a ceiling on the
promotion of members on bases of age or socio-economic affiliation.
Given the nature of social media activism, the three administrators of WAKS page are
middle class Muslim males. However, the page is supported by women participants who post
influential web feeds. Similarly, SC comprises female and Christian administrators among its
founders, and involves women in street-politics e.g., May 27th protests. But the page is
again restricted to middle and upper class participants who have access to Internet and social
Although the UA does not accept membership requests of female supporters- to avoid
defamation and show respect of social values - the group is inclusive of various religious
and socio-economic affiliations. Among its founders are toctoc drivers in Nahiaa poor urban
area behind El-Mohandeseenas well as members who sell their clothes and work double
shifts to afford for the groups financial needs. There are also homeless and orphan members
who commit strictly to the group knowing of the dangers they might encounter.
Finally, the experience of the EC is remarkable given the founders background as
members of the MB. The interviewed participants- president and head of the political office identify the MB 2007 platform as one important reason for quitting their earlier activities.
Excluding women and Copts of presidency to establish an Islamic state and Muslim male
domination were two influential critiques that resulted into establishing the EC. In the EC,
women and Christians are allowed to all hierarchical and cluster positions in the party. The
founders refused to establish women and youth committees that would provide Haramlik
pockets inside the party organization. Rather, they preferred natural classification to
determine the composition of party leadership. However, they recognize that politically
active Christians have joined only two parties: the Free Egyptians Party and the Egyptian
Social Democratic Party. Also, their membership is based on concrete block/pocket in the
parties high-boards. Therefore, they believe it is early to decide whether Christians may
molten in non-Christian institutions.
The Ultras provides members with safety shields that replace family and
neighborhood sub-communities. In the group, members share food, shelter, social eventsfunerals, birthdays, etc- and future dreams. Some members may withdraw their application to
job opportunities should they know a peer has applied or at dear need for work. Also,
members perceive the group success as extension of personal development; in the UA they
learn communication, leadership and socialization skills; their masculine personalities mature
as they become free and able to realize the group goals.
4.1.2. The New Political Generation and the Egyptian State
I- The identity of the state
Understanding of the Islamic State and Sharia Application
The WAKS administrators had two opinions regarding the concept of Islamic State.
The first is disregarding political concepts that involve religion. The second is emphasizing
the relative meanings attributable to the concept, based on the source. Generally, this believe
it is a reactionary concept to either a) a perception of Western threat on identity, or b),
oppression of secular nation states since mid 20th century. On similar lines, SC founders
contest the notion of Islamic State for two reasons. Firstly, Egypt has been Muslim for over
1400 years and the majority of its population is Muslims. Secondly, the concept is used in
contentious discourses to sacralize human opinions as divinely ordained. Otherwise, a Kefaya
participant emphasizes Al-Azhar statement that opted for a civil state of freedom, equality
and justice. Perceiving Islamic state as essentially theological, she believes such state never
existed in Egypt. The 6th of April participant believes Islamic state is a civilian state that
upholds modern religion, respect treaties, and applies Sharia in terms of projects and
policies. Referring to the MB General Guide, he argues it is not the state of the GuideMurshid. As per the EC, Islamic State refers to notions of Justice, mercy and efficiency. It is
a state that applies the five principles of Sharia: preserving the Self, Money, Honor, Religion
and Mind. Like the WAKS administrators, they argue there is no clear application kit of the
Islamic state, as explained in Orthodox writings by AL-Qaradawi or Selim Al-Awwa.
Participants were asked whether they support the application of Sharia, either in
principles of detailed rulings. Except for the SC co-founder, the majority of participants
believe Sharia should be applied in terms of general principlesas mentioned in the
Constitutional Announcement. They offered a range of explanations: avoid applying double
standards, discrimination against Christian citizens, the contention among, and fragmentation
of, Islamist forces, differences between interpretations of the four Schools of Jurisprudence,
the spread of fatawa by unspecialized preachers, corrupt institutions-police, jurisdiction, AlAzhar- that distort rulings for partisan interests, irreversibility of some rulings if proved
illegal such as the five Penal Codes, and, finally, geographic disparity and the variation of
socio-economic and cultural circumstances. Finally the UA participants were undecided on
the application of Sharia. They worried about politicizing Islamic rules and the
discriminatory impact on fellow Christians. They believe Muslims should only abide by
Quran and prophetic traditions; hence, the law should not impose Niqab- face veil-or beard
or discriminate against Christians with any ijtihad. Also, they believe socio-economic lifestandards should be improved before applying Penal Codes; in their words: let them be
humans first, then apply Sharia on Muslims.
State Responsibility of Religion
When asked whether the state should be responsible for the religion of the majority of
its population, participants responded with three sets of opinions.
Firstly, both Kefaya and one WAKS administrator emphasize the need to separate
religious institutions from the state. While Kefaya assigns religious responsibilities to an
independent AL-Azhar institution, the WAKS administrator goes further to demand absolute
retreat of the state from public spheres: culture, religion, human rights, education, etc. in his
words the state should stay home and quit looking after the public interest.
Secondly, the EC, 6th of April, a WAKS administrator and UA agree that the state has
obligations towards the religions of every group of citizens. While the 6th of April argues that
national resources on this regard should be allocated on proportional bases, the EC argues it
should positively discriminate the minority. The UA adds, the state should hold responsibility
of religious discourses and curricula to prevent the abuse of religion and spread of
extremism; it should balance the demands of religious autonomy with state responsibilities to
surveillance and control. The WAKS administrator argues the state should adopt a minimal
and corrective role in providing religious services; that is, state should correct actual
imbalances between various religious groups: discriminating positively groups that lack
sufficient financial resources to establish religious institutions and restrict the enlarging
presence of wealthier groups that might discriminate, indirectly, against other beliefs. Unlike
the UA, he deprives authorities of the right to restrict extremism if religious groups adhere to
it; since every theological faith is extreme to another if we outlaw extremism we will prevent
Thirdly, the SC expressed a complex attitude. On one hand they accord state
responsibilities to the religions of its various groups, while arguing for an independent Waqfreligious charity-and Al-Azhar institutions that resemble the case on the Christian side.
Meanwhile, the group co-founder believes the state should serve societal needs rather than
capitalist interests; hence, it should stop building both churches and mosques. Finally, both
SC members reject claims of absolute authority by the state on religious institutions; they
believe there should be an institutionalized authority, guided by popular needs.
Finally, the UA also contest the concept arguing that the notion is either distorted or
inapplicable to the Egyptian society, while WAKS administrators derecognize the concept.
On the other hand, 6th of April draws a positive conception of the secular state, in
which Citizens are equal, individual rights are open and accessible, politics is democratic,
religion has no authority on either politics or the public sphere, etc. Against such conception,
the EC details two historical models that explain the concept. On one hand the EC condemns
the French model that deprives individuals of practicing religion freely and access power
centres. On the other, they highlight the American model that allows channels influential
religious beliefs through constitutional and legal frameworks. They generally argue that the
Turkish experience provides an acceptable model of secularism that might suit culturally
religious societies like in Egypt. Also, they refer to the intellectual contribution of AbdulWahhab EL-Missiri on secularism that helps reversing negative connotations of the term.
Voting for Women or Christian President
Except for the SC co-founder and 6th of April participant, the majority of interviewees
believe they would vote for a Christian or woman candidate for presidency depending one or
more of these circumstances: sufficient qualifications, realizable program, well-functioning
state institutions, running before a pro-Mubarak figure such as the former head of General
Intelligence Agency Omar Soliman, adequate respect and application of laws, respect of
religious freedoms and the culture of the societys majority. However, many participants
believe Christian and women candidates will probably lose the elections.
II- The leviathan State- the Powerful Society
Political vs. Socio-Economic Rights
Concerning the divide between socio-economic and political rights, participants
expressed three viewpoints, as follows. Firstly, the SC founders believe socio-economic
rights should precede political freedoms, because the majority of population is unwilling
and/or unable to recognize ideologue/political discourses. They quote a famous saying
hungry bellies do not think. Secondly, the 6th of April, UA and EC party emphasize the
need to struggle for both type of rights in parallel, since each conditions the attainment of the
other. They emphasize the revolutionary politics does not await sequential achievements and
gradual reforms. One exception to this tendency is the EC president who retains that some of
the revolutionary goals are attained before others depending on the situation. Kefaya
movement also emphasize such parallelism, by connecting socio-economic demands, e.g.,
cheap gas, to political argumentsstopping the gas exports to Israel. Finally, the WAKS
administrators hold two viewpoints. While one administrator considers political rights a sin
quo non of channeling socio-economic demands, the other believes many people concern
with politics that directly affect income, education, housing, etc.
The Welfare State
Both Kefaya and EC argue that the state should provide welfare services- housing,
education, health care, etc.- to each citizens, able and unable and at best quality. The 6th of
April believes the states should provide basic services only, while both the SC and UA
groups emphasize the state welfare duties in general. The WAKS administrators believe the
state should quit all welfare functions except for health care where the possibility of direct or
indirect hegemony is mitigated.
Increasing taxes
The interviewed units, including the WAKS, generally support an increasing taxing
system. The SC founder reserved that this should not punish the wealthier being more
successful, while the WAKS administrators explained that the state should first provide the
infrastructure of modern livelihood nationwide, then retreat and stay home!
Empowering the Society
In consistence with earlier results, the majority of interviewed units believe the civil
sectorNGOs, charities, cooperatives, etc.should assist the state in providing welfare
services through: interest mobilization, aggregation and articulation, and distribution of
resources. Thus, it is supportive and complementary. Kefaya added the role of civil and
private sectors should function according to a comprehensive national plan. Also, the EC
emphasized the civil sector rights should never be traded off against welfare services, the
civil sector should have the right to provide welfare services and basic needs until the state
services function properly. Only one WAKS administrator believes the civil and private
sectors should be fully responsible for welfare services- cultural, artistic, educational and
religious spheres-, while the other believes wealthier regions should depend on the private
and civil sectors while poor region receive exceptional state support.
Restrictions on the civil sector
Except for the UA and the spokesman of SC, all the units interviewed affirmed that
the financial, political and administrative constraints on the establishment and functioning of
the civil sector should be alleviated. The NGOs and charities should enjoy legal personality
once they inform the Ministry of Social Affairs of their establishment. The state has the right
to investigate and hold these organizations accountable in case fraudulent or illegal activities
are actually reported.
The UA and one SC participant believe that the state has the right to control both the
establishment and the functioning of the civil sector. The UA participants argued that it
should ensure NGOs are productive, effective and un-corrupt. Also, it should prevent the
establishment of charities and civil organization that humiliate the cultural and religious
values of Egyptianssuch as supporting homosexuality. Finally, the EC and the 6th of April
were the only units that desperately tried to register their activities with the Ministry of Social
Affairs. They complain of lengthy and restrictive conditions that render any organization
Employment by the State
The interviewed units believe the state is responsible for creating and facilitating
employment of young graduates through a) policies and programs that provide public and
foreign investment should be permitted unconditionally if the civil society support its
Political rights and public stability
The interviewed units agreed that authorities should not constraint the practice of
political rights with claims of preserving public peace and stability. The WAKS argues that
disturbing public stability is one target of strikes, sit-inns, stoppages and stands, so people
would feel the grievance of the strikers. Similarly, the UA participants highlight that traffic
jam reoccur frequently with every ministerial or presidential commutation. Participants
generally believe police forces should only interfere when actual destruction of public or
private property takes place; thus, preemptive prevention of political rights and detention of
activists under Emergency Law are deemed illegal. The UA participants added that state
officials are usually responsible for turning peaceful strikes into destructive action; the
negligence and trivialization of protestors demands, influence and effectivenessespecially
on state-run mediaresult into protestors determination to show the seriousness of their
State Encroachment on Personal spheres
The majority of participants argued that the state has the right to gather personal
information of nationals to provide statistical base for public policies. The WAKS
administrators had detailed remarks on this regard. Firstly, the state should not reveal
personal information of citizens on their national ID, and secondly, there should be an
independent agency that sets criteria for protecting individuals privacy and security. The two
remarks were addressed in discussing the negative sides of central governance, impartiality
and abuse of information by police officers.
III- Channels of Political expression
Participation in Elections
When asked whether participants used the right to vote either before or after 2011,
had earlier experience in running for, or observing elections, and determinants of their
electoral vote, the reply varied to a great extent. Firstly, despite the long history in student
and syndical activism, the Kefaya participant only used her vote in 2011. As for the EC, the
two participants used their votes frequently before 2011. Both EC and Kefaya participants
voted on basis of personal background, party and ideological affiliation. Both participants ran
for the 2011 election and observed the process in earlier elections. The EC president was
affiliated to the Egyptian Organization of Human Rights that oversaw the 2005 elections; he
provided training workshops for over 1200 observer and toured many governorates to collect
notes and personal remarks. The other participant had observed elections indirectly by
posting media feeds featuring corruption and forgery in various constituencies. The WAKS
administrators used their votes in 2005 and 2011 only; in 2011 one admin voted correctly
while the other nullified his vote by writing Down Down SCAF Rule. Although the later
admin had good experience with school elections and enjoyed wide popularity among
colleagues, he lost hope in the national electoral processes since 2005.
On the belief it is religiously forbidden, the SC co-founder never voted for election.
On 2011, he abstained from voting, to support martyrs families who had not receive proper
retribution. The spokesman of the group used to vote for the NDPfollowing the church
policies towards Mubarak regime. In 2011, he voted for the Egyptian Block- a liberal
Christian coalition. His vote was determined by ideology and party affiliation.
As per the 6th of April participants, he used to vote for the MB in 2005, and abstained
from voting in 2011. His vote was determined by the electoral program and candidate
affiliation. Both SC and 6th of April never ran for or observed elections. Finally, the UA
participants never voted before 2011, since most of the group members are underage. The
personal background and whether candidates may serve their needs usually determine their
electoral vote.
administrator added he would first investigate the work environment, mangers backgrounds,
and evaluation criteria before submitting his application. Participants of the UA argued they
would need a recommendation and/or Wasta since university education does not qualify
graduates while the majority of employers demand three years experience as priori condition
for employment.
Taking part in government, parliament or localities
When asked whether the might run for parliamentary election or undertake executive
position in central/local government, Kefaya, 6th of April, SC and EC participants replied
they either consider or have already ran, as candidates, for parliamentary elections. Since
participants are mostly young activists, they believe parliamentarian functions of control,
surveillance, checks, and balances would provide close knowledge on how government
functions undergo. Later, some participants might consider undertaking governmental
positions. Kefaya participants added she would only run for official positions after the
revolution succeeds. Also, participants from the UA and WAKS page argued they would
never undertake legislative or executive positions. Finally, the SC participants had two
opinions: the founders opinion is refusal of any parliamentary positionthough offered-,
while the other considers undertaking parliamentary or local governmental authority.
Means of political expression
Participants were asked to organize expressive means that channel their demands to
executive authorities: petitioning, lobbying and meeting with parliamentary representative,
pursuing legal processes, and, finally, direct protest, striking, stoppage, sit-ins, etc. Opinions
about which tool to comes first has varied widely. The UA clearly explained they would
protest and strike and follow direct confrontational means; e.g., in Kima Aswan match, they
confronted police violence physically, stroke, and protested until detained members were
release. Similarly, during Mohammed Mahmoud fights, they stoned the Interior Ministry
building and fired Molotov bottles as means to take revenge of a UA memberwhom the
CSA had shot on November 2011. When a senior officer asked them to quit politics and
focus on football, a co-founder replied do you think we are that trivial.
Although the WAKS page encourages claiming rights through legal means,
administrators believe people should raise their voice through demonstration, protest, strikes,
sit-inns, and various means of street mobilization to enforce the government compliance.
Similarly, Kefaya argues that deeds should precede words; thus, street mobilization and
media propagandizing should precede conferences, statements, petitions and legal means,
while discouraging international scrutiny. Unlike Kefaya, the 6th of April encourages citizens
to scrutinize the government internationally to ensure just assessment of legal cases. Also, the
movement is used to enforce consideration of its petitions and policy drafts through strikes
and protests. In addition, the movement is successfully involved in parliamentary lobbying,
by channeling law drafts through like-minded parliamentarians. For instance, they suggested
establishing Consultative Council to the SCAF although they disagree with the outcome,
and drafted a law for political isolation of Mubaraks senior officials.
Contrary to the 6th of April, the SC co-founder failed in lobbying for a law draft of the
police agency. Hence, the movement believes strikes and protests are the only means of
political expression. Finally, although the EC participants have experienced legal and
political means, they believe popular rights are claimed through direct confrontation with the
regime. Hence, political pressure is usually mobilized for general causes, such as police
brutality, while factional or syndical demands are drafted in memoirs and policies, and
defended through legal suits and political negotiations.
4.2. The Organizational Characteristics of the New Political Generation
This section concerns with organizational factors that reflect the degree of power
structuration and/or diffusion and institutionalization of each generational unit. The following
sub-sections underline aspects of, mainly, the resource mobilization literature on social
movements, where it intersects with human agency and movement inter-relationships. To
begin with, this section embeds two main concepts: firstly, the notion of network which
refers to informal, multi-layered and intersecting groups that enhance communication and
resource mobility, and, secondly, the notion of participants, referring to volunteers who
contribute with time, skill, money, material support, and knowledge, on multiple levels and at
intersecting dimensions of the movement activism.
Although the new Generation has generally identified with common enemyMubarak
regimethe success of protest attempts by the 6th of April, EC and WAKS movements
reflects what Oberschall conceives as precondition of successful protest movements:
developing a network of pre-existing associational ties and a segmented society286. The 6th of
April founders experienced political activism through Kefaya, blogging and political parties
the Work, the Front, the Ghad and the MB, while the EC co-founders are in large part the
product of previous activism in the MB. Similarly, the WAKS administrators were active in
El-Baradei presidential campaign that mobilized various activists from the National
Movement of Change. The three cases capitalized on friendships and personal contacts287
developed through conferences, joint activism in student unions and development initiativesand encouraged members to extend mobilization efforts to various socio-political networks to
widen movement/party constituencies. Hence, the possibility of joint initiative increased as
various movements hold compatible, though different definitions, of the situation288. In
theory, cooperation is usually possible when activists tolerate variation of different
perspectives, being irreducible, and admit plurality of levels and instruments of social
transformation289. In such case, networking qualities improve and job specialization provide
D. Porta and M. Diani. Social Movements: An Introduction. (UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 2005), 121
ibid, 125
A. Melucci, Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age, (UK, Cambridge University Press,
199),127, 210
ibid, 120
Curva Nord. The WAKS administrators answered concretely: political parties represent a
failure, lack of strategy, vision, and credibility. Moreover, they polarize around hypothetic
arguments and overlook the mounting socio-economic grievance on the ground. As per
Kefaya, ideological affiliation represented a stumbling block to unify forces against the
regime. The SC case was little different since its founders were creating and marketing for a
new discourse in the midst of fierce intellectual and political fights. The other two units the
EC and 6th of Aprilrepresent separatists units of the MB and Kefaya respectively. In general,
a growing distrust of institutional forces and determination of to realize a dream of the new
Egypt encouraged founders to take the risk and maneuver with the regime alone.
The Egyptian Movement for Change- Kefaya
The Kefaya movement maintains an organized form of confrontational opposition, but
the lack of transparent organizational rules resulted into severe competition over power, that
later weakened the movements presence. The movement was organized around target-based
and flexible structure. The coordination committee was formed of thirty to forty members
and was entitled with decision making and taking processes, planning, setting goals, slogans,
etc. the steering committee was concerned with daily activities that realize the goals set by
the coordination. Topical committees also worked on coordinating between governorates,
recruitment, mobilization, administration and financing. Finally, reporting and coordination
was entitled to the coordination committee that also decided on forming ad hoc project
committees for specific tasks. The network structure of Kefaya failed in restricting the
authoritarian tendencies of some leaders. It also enabled paralleling the same work through
different committees where un-wanted figures might raise objections on the functioning of
the movement. Finally, it also enabled marginalizing new and less-resourceful members of
the movement. Hence, the movement fragmented quickly into various groups that undertook
their activities independently. The 6th of April was among the most active separatist groups
that was later defamed and accused of treason by Kefaya.
reforms in the country. According to the interviewee, members usually join the movement to
undertake collective action towards shared goals. Internal criticism is allowed although, on
the long run, it may result into dismissal from the movement. The reporting and
communication system are horizontal, but leaders usually lead and steer the work rather than
participating collectively in the execution processes.
We Are All Khaled Said
As per WAKS page, the page has benefited of the anonymity and spontaneous
qualities of activism on social media outlets. Liked by over two millions, the page represents
an early sign of the regimes failure and is widely believed to have triggered the 25th January
The anonymity of administrators identities was admittedly inspired by Vandettas
character in the movie V for Vandettathe image of an anonymous sentinel who tries to
wake up people around him and spur them to revolt against the government injustice291. Also,
it was necessary for mobilization as well as security purposes. Repeatedly, Ghoneim
emphasized that disclosing the identity of WAKS administrators would hinder effective
mobilization, since it distorts conversations into ideological and political battles that are
highly charged with conspiracy assumptions. In addition, administrators were threatened with
torture, prosecution and/or direct liquidation. Thus, a number of measurements were followed
to prevent identities from slipping out: using proxy servers and specialized computer
programs such as Tor, changing P addresses constantlymasking the location by deriving the
address from foreign countries, opening only image or text file attachments and displaying
them on Google mail first, etc. Nevertheless, anonymity was sometimes dangerous- the page
was suspended by the Facebook administration who realized it was coordinated by fake
Ghoneim, 102
ibid, 118
Due to the instant extension of the page membership, two more administrators,
interviewed in this research, joined Ghoneim in steering the page. Administrators sealed their
identities even against each other. Although Ghoneim had personally known an
administrator through conferences, workshops, and the campaign of EL-Baradei the third
administrator joined the group anonymously and the page was fully administrated through
Google Talks. Nevertheless, the latters role was by no mean inferior. He prepared a strategy
paper for the page and a video that trended the Saids case on Twitter and Facebook. While
steering the page, administrators depended on common understanding of goals and policies;
the understanding of the page image, goals, language and recipients directed posting
decisions of each admin both individually and cohesively.
The page administrators did not stipulate certain road maps for the development of
their activities; they lacked clear job distribution and systematic of reporting, communicating,
and evaluation. Generally, administrators subscribed to broad consumer preferences of the
page participants. For instance, during the Tunisian revolution, administrators differed around
whether or not to cover the events undergoing in Tunisia. After posting a tentative new, the
majority of participants criticized paralleling Egypt to Tunisia; thus, the post was deleted293.
Wael Ghoneims professional background had clearly stamped marketing strategies
of the page. The Sales Tunnel strategy aimed, first, at convincing FB members to join the
page and read the posts, then interact through likes and comments, and finally integrating
them in online campaigns through which they independently generate content. The final stage
was indicated when people break the fear barrier and decidedly take into the streets294.
Although participants were expected to join institutional political forces, administrators
believed they would towards independent dissent afterwards. In such a way, they believed the
page assists the unmarketable discourse of 6th of April movement by engaging people into
ibid, 128
ibid, 67-8
immediate daily politics. However, when the silent stands began to attract political figures
and confrontational movements, the page administrators moved their focus towards virtual
activism; the page has adamantly resistant to the rebellious language of My Name is Khaled
Said Page. Ghoneim branded295; marketing rules for the WAKS page included publishing
opinions and facts objectively, apologize when publishing wrong new, use of the plural
pronoun We, etc.
The WAKSs peaceful and inclusive approach was admittedly inspired by the Indian
peaceful resistanceled by Ghandi296. Ghoneim refers to a famous quote of Ghandi they
may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me, then they will have my dead body not my
obedience (108). Thus, Ghoneim discouraged people from chanting Down Down Mubarak
Rule for various mobilizational and ideational purposes: avoidance of contestable claims,
protect the popular thrust of the page activities, avoidance of identification with conspiracy
activities, slangy language, and partisan political forces.
The popularity of the WAKS page, now over 2 million participants, could be
attributed to the know how by which administrators steered their activism. First, they
employed strategies of member -based content, spontaneity and participatory democracy. The
mounting contributions of participants reflected variety of wide range individual
innovations. Thanks to anonymity, the page also comprised pro-Mubarak, revolutionary
activists as well as supporters of Amr Moussa and members of various backgrounds and
affiliations. The variety and novelty of content personified the movement through solidary
images and videos e.g, a pregnant womens ultrasonographic image of her fetus coupled
with these words My name is Khaled, and Im coming to the world in three months. I will
never forget Khaled Said and I will demand justice for his case.
ibid, 112
ibid, 107
Similarly, the idea of the First Silent Stand was posted by an anonymous member
(Ghoneim, 2012:70). The silent stand was both proactive and provocative. Scores of emails
followed developing the idea, emphasizing the stand should not turn into a bad theatre
typical political demonstration. Suggestion were that protestors read from Quran or bible to
prove their anger and, nonetheless, nonviolence. Wearing black was agreed upon, since the
stand in singel file by the corniche would have made protestors inconspicuous from regular
crowd. Particpants were advised to maintain silence and refrainment from side talks.
Also, the English page was launched through a British supporter who suggested
helping to voice the page in the outside world. After critiques on scrutinizing domestic
concerns internationally, a poll undertaken by the original page revealed that 78% of
participants were supportive of the page. The English version later played a crucial role in
gauging support from the international arena. Again, the collaboration with the English page
was anonymous; the identity of the admin was unrevealed. A positive spirit was prevailing
through individual posts that featured national unity: Christians protesting for Sayyid Bilal
and Muslims protesting against the Church bombings. Home taped videos were also effective
in mobilizing mainstreamers, such as Asmaa Mahfouzs video before January 25th,
especially when coupled with simple and clear instruction that facilitate the incorporation of
apolitical citizens into protesting activities. The general daring attitude extended to
subverting meaning of old speeches by Mubarak to strengthen the call for protesting.
The page has generally encouraged member participation through various means:
publishing scraps of reasonable and resourceful comments, publishing individual
images/videos and applauding the small achievements, highlighting important postssuch as
sarcastic resignation letters written in Mubarak voice297 and saluting individual initiatives
such as inviting Saids mother to Silent Stands and establishing parallel WAKS pages in
ibid, 141
Arab countriesYemen and Tunisia298. Also, the page provided participants with enormous
supply of safe and less safe activities. These included launching charity events in the name
of Said and asking people to photograph themselves and post on the group. Responses
returned comments such as: funding a university student and doing Umrah for Khaled Saed.
Also, calling upon participants to change their profile pictures to an anonymously designed
banner featuring Said on the Egyptian flag and writing The Martyr of Egypt and interfering
in talk shows asking the hosts to discuss the case of Said.
Besides maintaining tight feedback loops with page population, administrators
emphasized publicizing instances of personal and individual acts: standing within the sea for
half an hour holding Saids photo, handicapped people bearing a stand and parents mourning
Said with their newly born baby, etc. The innovation and novelty of such ideas derived much
support especially as emails flowed inquiring on meeting points at various governorates and
locations. Against flooding demand, the administrators asked members to wear in black in
Fridays and take photos holding Khaled Saids banner. Over 100,000 joined the page in few
days following the press release on the Silent Stand event. The mounting support of Saids
case resulted, finally, into government recognition: the Prime Minister Nazif announced that
if the security officers convicted, Justice would be served299.
In conclusions, administrators believe that the WAKS page success proved that
change is the only demand that units Egyptiansrather than not political forces or
charismatic figures. In Ghoneims words the merits of any individual could always be
scrutinized and questioned. But no one in his right mind could question the need for
change300. According to the interviewed administrators, the disclosure of their identities
following the 25th January Revolution has negatively affected the pages success. After
Ibid, 85
ibid, 85
ibid, 73
disclosing the identity, vision, opinions, background and referential ideas of its founders
Wael Ghoneim, the resolution of the pages vision and mission began to weaken. They
became unsure on how people perceive them, what should they write and using which
language. Nevertheless, they believe, this gave way to new cycles of dissent after January
25th Revolution.
The Egyptian Current
The EC represent the most structural units of the new political generation. The
internal hierarchy is organized with an internal chart that specifies levels, responsibilities,
authorities and processes such as decision-making, ordering, regular reporting and evaluation.
Although the partys top positions are subject to elections, the horizontal networks
developing around Cairo are yet to consolidate into structured party constituencies.
Therefore, the party did not finalize neither the internal structure nor its platform, although it
aims at balancing both centralization and decentralization needs. For instance, the political
office and decision-making processes are centralized in the Cairo-based headquarter, but is
subject to change once local constituencies are established. Hence, the party does not entitle
its leaders or spread IDs, though it heads steadily towards full-range institutionalization.
When asked whether they might quit their membership in the party, the interviewees
said that they only consider leaving the party if it ceases representing their ideas, such as if a
post-construction election inside the party brings a new leadership with contradictory
orientations, or if the party decides to merge with other parties. Otherwise, the interviewees
explained that founding the party was motivated by the aspiration to realize shared goals
collectively, rather than realizing socio-economic or partisan gains. According to them, it was
obvious that the MB was coming soon to power. But the party platform announced since
2007and the subsequent establishment of the FJP without due revision resulted into their
separation from the MB.
The Salafyo Costa
The SC founders are all professionals at late twenties and thirties and members of
either institutional religious authoritythe Egyptian Catholic Church, Al-Azhar, religions
academies or strong ideological affiliation-socialism, liberalism, revolutionary socialism,
secularism, etc. The Salafi founder belonged to the MB during the period of 2000-2002.
According to his account, he denounced the infringement on members right to grow beards
being un-presentable of the MBs public image; especially since his responsible attributed
such quest to the need to promotion along the organizational hierarchy. After leaving the
MB he orientated himself towards pure Islamic knowledge. He studied in Sheihk AlMuqaddems academy and was, together with other Salafi co-founders, a disciple of Sheikh
Mohammad Abdul Maqsud from 6th of October City. The majority of co-founders lack
previous or concurrent political and/or ideological affiliation.
The SC is run through a steering group of the page administrators who post their
statuses for deliberation and refinement before publishing on the group page. If approved by
five administrators, the post is published says the Salafi founder. Although the group is
closedi.e., subject to administrators acceptance of membership requestsit invites members
from different ideological, religion, and socio-economic backgrounds to join its discussions.
Based on their competence in maintaining tolerant and open environment, the current
administrators were chosen by the Salafi founder who recently started to focus on building
local constituencies for the party.
The group functions according to a set of universal auto-run rules that organize the
range of topics, frequency of post and comments, language, recognized Scriptural references,
etc. For instance, the group prohibits disgracing members or public figures and accusations of
treason, madness, level of awareness. Also, slanging language and reference to contentious
figures are unacceptable. The breach of rules twice results into automatic de-subscription by
the administrators. Member complaints are directly reported to administrators. In addition,
the Arabic is the only language of the group, commercial and campaigning activities are
forbidden, comments should be concise and members should not post more than twice a day.
Spams are automatically deleted and reference to Scriptural text should be derived from
certain, trusted, websites and inserted carefully or, otherwise, deleted. Communicating with
the group undertakes the form of sharing photos and videos of various events on the group
page. The group is supported by an average of 5,000 memberships per month, which reached
the peak30,000 membershipsafter its founders participation in the fights at Mohammed
Mahmoud and Ministerial House on November 2011. Currently, the page administrators
function independently of the founder, who was once de-subscribed for breaching the rules.
When asked whether they might quit their activity, participants emphasized that they
commit to values of understanding, co-existence, mutual-recognition, and eliminating sociopolitical injustices. Such values are servable through various structures and/or activities:
engaging with talk shows, projects, NGOs, parties, etc. Nevertheless, the group undergoes
preparations for establishing a society-oriented political party, that facilitates a number of
issues: accessing poor urban and rural regions where Facebook and Twitter are inaccessible,
provide a legal coverage that ensures public trust and credibility, establishing a system of
reporting, communication and evaluation, developing a cluster structure of activism,
decentralization to achieve utmost effectiveness, and preserving the idea of the SC through a
Constitutive Committee that comprise the co-founders and maintain balance between
tendencies to democratize and decentralize and the need to maintain the identifying values
and principles of the group.
The Ultras Ahlawy (UA-07)
As per the Ultras Ahlawy (UA), it also organizes itself around three-leveled
hierarchy. On the top, fifteen founders of the group undertake decision making, negotiations
with authorities, set long and short term plans and inculcate the UA values into new
members: belongingness, volunteerism, freedom, etc. At this level decision is taken through
voting of the majority. The second level is formed of three hundred sections that function in
urban and sub-urban areas of Cairo. The section heads direct, organize, and coordinate
between members to realize the group projects. The group usually communicates directly
regarding its project coordination, while publicize and announce its activities on the FB page.
The movement expects its supporters to reach 60 millions who follow Al-Ahly team in
Egypt. Nevertheless, it only accepts internal donation of members. The leadership inside the
UA is based on field experience, efficiency and mobilizational qualifications. The
interviewees emphasized that leadership is important for external communication,
coordination and negotiation processes that involve certain degrees of authority. Yet,
members at different levels execute projects collectively and encourage new comers to learn
socio-organizational skills through participatory planning, decision making, execution. As
one founder describes I teach others how to become leaders so they would replace me at any
In fact, the use of tacit rules inside the UA and the dependence on functional and
rotational leadership, real experiences and field knowledgein advancing a members
qualificationsignifies the experience of the UA as a culture, a whole life, rather than a
functional group says a section head. The UA members share daily life activities, social
events, festivals and invite their friends into each other houses so that parent recognize their
relationship to the group. Therefore, members usually exit the group due to occupational
needs or migration, but they never cut their bond to the group. Rather, some members return
from abroad to support the group after the Portsaid massacre. Finally, the group does not
provide members with IDs or titles, nevertheless, some titles refer to specific functions
rotatable to various members, like chanting in the Stadium microphonesKabuand assigning
copyrights of songs and videos to specific members to protect the groups intellectual rights.
Finally, concerning their finance, the interviewed units emphasized they fund their
activities through member, national businessmen and charity donations, and revenues of
selling their products- booklets, T-shirts, etc. The Ultras Ahlawy strictly forbids national or
international donations and insists on self-financing is activities. On the other hand, SC and
WAKS are almost dependent on social media outlets that run on a zero-budget system.
4.3. Conclusion
The ideological and organizational manifestation of the new political Generation
explain in large the various forms of inter-generational conflicts, given its 'distinctive
membership, experiences, values and structure' ( see Rintala, ibid, p.510). Compared to
earlier findings on the MB, considerable diversion appears in the structure, processes, values,
and ideas of both generations.
The pre-January 25th Generationthe MB
- Exclusive national identity outlined with - Inclusive national identity centered around
the here and now
- The referentiality of prophetic history and - Instant time and constantly variable
- Salafi religiosity: practice defines the - Sufist and popular religiosity: social
interactions and subjective belief indicates
degree of observance
the FJP program entitles the - Entitling the state with welfare and strategic
Ministry of Awqaf to finance education and services and rejection of foreign ownership
of natural resources and involvement in
health services.
Organization cult: life-long and ultimate Mutual commitments with free entry and
commitment, tight knit hierarchy, secret rules exit, loose hierarchical/horizontal structures,
(various administrative charts since 1939), openly-accessible rules (the info section on
inclusion based on selection, collective Facebook),
infallibility, sanctifying the organization as collective trial and error, alterable methods to
part of ends (the prophetic method of change, leadership based on networking
change), leadership based on conformity and capabilities
abidance by rules.
negotiation skills).
Structure-centered activism, secrecy, politics Agency-centered activism, publicity, politics
of soldiership, traditional protest-centered of fun, disruptive and joyful opposition, no
opposition, claims of superiority over society claims of superiority over society, power
and possession of the ultimate right, power rotation
In sum, this chapter concludes that the new political generation orientates politics
towards the concept of presence and spontaneity rather than representation. This has often
been practiced through focusing on basic needs of the poor urban daily-life. Although many
conditions determine the effectiveness of cyberactivism, the new generations political
culture can still often be seen divorced from their real social world: anonymity, mythology
and timeless-ness. Hence, the internal context of the rising generations culture is much
closer to online than offline spaces. Although they managed beating the Mubarak regime
structures, the essential qualities of this culture- risk-taking, spontaneity, relative liquidity,
focus on the here and now and a general glocal orientation- resulted into a mounting
rejection to obedience, authority and hierarchical structures. Since the later traditionally
underlie the cultural bases of the Egyptian society, the rising generation failed in realizing
political representation in the 2011 elections; in an EC participants words people could not
trust a young mans capability of serving their interests. In conclusion, the study argues that
the new generations strive to organize and institutionalize its activism will put its politicallyoriented units in an unequal competition with traditionally organized forces, e.g., the NDP
remnants and the MB; the new generations partial success during the 25th January protests
was in large part due to the spontaneous and flexible forms of activism. Hence, while the MB
mirrored the NDP in its internal structure, strategies, political imagination and authoritative
rationale, politically oriented generational units equally approach the example of the MB.
Nevertheless, generational conflict of such units is resolvable through negotiation and mutual
recognition. On the contrary, apolitical unitsorganized such as UA or un-organized such as
the WAKSlack shared grounds with older generational units and, thus, represent cases of
protracted conflict.
As per the current situation, the electoral strategies of the MB targeted the frustration
of electoral campaigns of ex- MB members such as Al-Adl (Justice) party, the EC candidates
in the revolution is Continuing list and the former GBG leader Abdul-monem Abul-Fotooh
campaign for presidential elections. The former General Guide Akif accused Al-Fotooh of
breaking his pledge to God, while El-Shater described those who vote to Abul-Fotooh as
sinful. Also, the movement has generally waived support of young protestors who were
unjustly persecuted through military trials, and turned a blind eye on the urgent demands of
martyrs families, to avoid clashing with the SCAF. Moreover, it incorporated a former NDP
candidate in its parliamentary electoral list and extended discussions of the Governmental
Statement, during the first two parliament rounds, at the expense of issuing a Political
Seclusion Law that prohibits political activities of chief figures of the Mubarak regime;
currently, the movements candidate runs a strong competition against Mubaraks former
Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq. Regarding the youth movements, the former Chief Editor of
Ikhwan Online the MB official website Abdul Gelil Al-Sharnouby announced that the MB
website distorted realities about Fridays demonstrations and defamed various political
forces, particularly 6th of April and Change Academy, being means to imperialism, chaos,
and instability.
The previous chapters aim at examining the political cultures of the contending
generations in Egypt. It briefly explores the reasons behind severing the feedback loops
with the MB, the socio-political experiences of the new political Generation and their
ideological and organizational characteristics.
Based on interview material, online content, and participation as observerin
meetings, strikes and protests, this chapter attempts to analyze ideological, socioorganizational and cultural manifestations of the new political generation. It argues that the
significant variation within the political culture and imagination of the new generation
deepens intra-generational conflicts on various ideological issues and political strategies, and
enables counter-revolutionary forces, headed by the SCAF, to upgrade political oppression
and authoritarianism. The analysis is aided by Fauconnier and Turners model 301 of
conceptual integration networks, while applying epistemological analysis of the cultural
manifestations of the six generational units. It concludes that two forms of dissent divide the
new generationdisruptive and confrontational activism that direct the forthcoming
development of each unit. The following sections proceed as follows: a) assembling concepts
into ideological standpoints, b) cultural activism and political imagination and c) generational
5.1. Assembling Concepts into Standpoints
Generational conflicts usually involve ideological transformations. Embedded within
the term Ideology is that in certain situations, a collective unconscious of some groups
obscure the real conditions of the society both to itself and to others and thereby stabilize
See Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner, Conceptual Integration Network, Cognitive Science. 22 no. 2 (1998),
133-187. Retrieved from:
it302. The MBs conception of success as mere persistence stabilized a growing dissent for
decades. The leadership interest was bound to specific settings, which prevented
recognizing the influence of spontaneous and anonymous dissent on their domination on the
political opposition landscape. On the opposite, Utopianscertain oppressed groups (who)
are intellectually interested in the destruction and transformation of a given condition of the
society (and) see only those elements in the situation that negate it303, could not analyze the
existing situation; their thought has been directive for action. Thus, the UA, WAKS and 6th of
April represent variants of utopian activism, compared to the MB and Kefayas ideologue
and calculated opposition; they emphasized radical change and rapid socio-political
mobilization. Nevertheless, the discrepancy within the new generations political imagination
espoused speedy and fatal ideological divergences after February 12th.
Before dealing with the ideological currents of generational units, I should first
identify the term Ideology. Based on Manheims proposition304, Freeden identifies ideology
as an intellectual structure that exhibit(s) a recurring pattern, held by significant groups,
compete over providing and controlling plans for public policy, and do so with the aim of
justifying, contesting, or changing the social and political arrangements and processes of a
political community. Thus, he argues that ideological transformations indicate the rise and
fall of generations along the change of circumstances and criteria of significance305.
The conceptual integration analyses () provide means of understanding the
undergoing ideological transformation by specifying input spaces: Islamism, structuralism,
nationalism, and ideological affiliations such as liberalism and socialism. Such input spaces
are cross mapped through participants previous affiliations and experiencescampaigning,
K. Mannheim, Ideology and Utopia, (London: Routledge, first published 1936), 40.
Ibid, 40
ibid, 55-70
Michael Freeden, Ideology: A Very short Introduction. (UKOxford University Press, 2003) 32-4.
protesting, running electoral processes, joining NGOs, political parties, syndicates, etc.
Blended meaning spaces are manifest through concurrent affiliations and intra-generational
relationships. In such a way, conceptual analysis traces the meaning through various
experiences, information, biographies, decisions, strategies, and materials, rather than
exclusively analyzing informative text as the case with content analysis.
The National Movement for ChangeKefaya
To begin with, the National movement for Change-Kefaya reflects a strong Nasserite
and secular impulse; participant repeatedly identified the movements as an extension of the
Socialist Party; by answering to many interview questions with 'we in the Socialist party
program believe., call for., promote.. Also the movement defines the situation in the
Arab world with three main issues: the American occupation of Iraq, the Palestinian cause,
and the New middle East project that threatens Arab identity and encourages mobilizing
efforts on political, cultural and civilizational fronts306; finally, the participant emphasized a
conception of religion as restricted to personal and private spheres while expressing respect
for conservative values of the popular culture. Posing political and constitutional reform
as main targets of its activism, the movement emphasizes an elitist impulse of socialist
secularism. Indicated through answers on Islamic state and Sharia application,
constitutional reforms are employed as primary means to eliminate perceived Islamic
Throughout the interview sections, the Kefaya participant faithfully reflected core
concepts that grounded political discourses in the Nasserite era (1952-1970). First, she
emphasized a concept of welfare that spans physical, moral, mental and spiritual needs of
Arabs citizens; in addition, the constitutive definition attributes democracy, welfare and
April, 2012)
progress to the Arab nation in Egypt307. The participant also highlighted an ideologue
conception of national identity that emphasizes abstract concepts and attach temporal socioeconomic needs tactically to the movement's fundamental ends- Arab unity.
Kefaya emphasizes state responsibility of central planning for public, private and civil
sectors. Progress, as described in the movements mission, is a function of increasing control
over the society; it involves democratic commitment as an ultimate form of Arab selfdetermination; this explains the movement emphasize on the link between lacking democracy
and occupation of Iraq. Also, the route to rationality and progress passes through control
e.g., holding adequate statistical records of population, instructing individual pursuit for self
development through state responsibility of employing graduates and setting SBO
development policies. Also, rationality associates with actions/policies that sustain human
relationships; it holds a strong appeal to productive integration with collectivity and the
'unimpeded pursuit of communal welfare goods', indicated through the focus on central
planning and integration of civil and private sectors as parts of a broader development plan.
Hence, Kefayas Socialist Clause in Freeden terms 308 , states that public or common
ownership of, or control over, the means of production and distribution may integrate nonstate actors: co-operatives, syndicates, or mixture of public and private agent.
Finally, Kefaya also emphasizes the need to suppress class governments, by
supporting increasing taxation system, central planning, and equality of freedoms and rights
among citizens. Finally, the movement promotes advanced conception of participation in
which citizens strive for socio-economic mobilization, human emancipation, aided by the
state institutions and policies. Thus, the state functions as rational and accountable agent of,
supposedly, a democratic community.
The Salafiyo Costa (SC)
The case of SC reflects an orientation towards social liberalism. First, the movement
is highly foundationalguaranteeing recognition to, and respect of, contemporary sets of
infallible and self-evident beliefsof which opinions, attitudes, and decision of the other are
derived. For instance, the Christian spokesman justifies the Salafis inability to deliver feast
greetings because he recognizes that Islam admits only two feasts: Al-Adha and Al-Fitr.
Thus, it indifferently employs ground-rules of liberal dialogue: equal participation, nonexclusion, accountability and representationespecially the inclusiveness of the admin groupfreedom of speech and rules of evidence309. Similarly, although founders are fundamentally
committed to various faiths and/or ideologies, principles of liberal sociability coexistence,
mutual recognition and understandingare encouraged through FB dialogue, TV shows, and
actual engagement in joint developmental projects. Hence, The movements interest in
education resonates to Parekhs note that dialogue necessitates liberal education that
promotes intellectual curiosity, self-criticism, and knowledge of other ways of life310.
Also, the movement expresses strong global market orientations. The founders
background, sales and marketing, beside the group composition results into strong orientation
towards media marketing: in his own words the media profits from misrepresenting liberal,
Salafi, and Christian components of the Egyptian society; on the contrary, we point at the
common ground between the three that is much larger than contention areassays the group
founder311. Also, the contrast principle extends to the groups raison detre: down-top
reform, street politics, rejection of electoral and/or political coalition, focus on the common
rather than the specific312. However, the pure contrast principle threatens undermining the
very pluralistic approach, in case it over-emphasizes differences rather than similarities
Will Kymlicka, " LIberalism, Dialogue and Multiculturalism" Ethnicities, 1, no. 1 (2001),128-137
following the principle of specialization, the group prohibits that, for instance, a Christian
member represents believes of a Muslim liberal and vice versa.
The rationale of liberal economy also extends to the movements strategic decisions.
Unlike the 6th of April founders, the SC transferred the page administration to new
administrators, who work according to a set of auto-run rules organizing the page, without
ascribing a veto right for themselves, despite the risk any administrator can quite possibly
delete the whole group at one click. When asked about the reason, the founder said we trust
the wisdom of the crowd. In fact, this reflects universal principles of liberal markets:
avoiding authoritative interference and trusting the automatic self-correction of the systems
anonymous hand.
On the political sphere, the movement responses resonate in much part to Freedens
conception of new liberal politics: support of diffused, responsible and limited use of
political power, allowing a non-constrain space of individual expression, avoidance of
sectional privileges 313 and accountable and educated exercise of political choices 314 .
Accordingly, the group employs self-help rhetoric by encouraging volunteerism and
individual freedom to develop capabilities through rational attributes- e.g., the refusal to
punish citizens with high incomes through increasing taxes and preference of independent
enterprises. Meanwhile, they entitle the state with socio-economic and welfare
responsibilities especially concerning education, health, and poverty.
Through reference to the French model, the group principally adhere to rational
freedom, that acknowledges societal limits on individual liberty, despite its founders belief
that Egyptians are neither conservative nor religious. Yet, the formation of the group
represents a successful individual initiative. In other words, it reflects a case of weak
When appointed to the 2011 parliament, the group founder said he refused to overtake the position before families of
Tolba, ibid.
Walid Mostafa, on Al-Arabiya TV Channel, SalafyoCosta: We Are the Ones Who Pay for Your Drinks ibid.
Mohamad Abdul-maqsoud, interviewed by Khaled Abdullah on Al-Nas Channel, Sheihk Abdul-Maqsouds opinion
on Salafyo Costa and its Founder, video uploaded by Xeedo0, YouTube, 01/12/2011, Web,
situation: liberals, socialists, Christians and Salafis all live in one place and have to bear
each other willingly or otherwise- says the Salafi founder.
We Are All Khaled Said
Firstly, given the absolute dependence on anonymity and cyberactivism, there should
be a clear distinction between the ideas promoted by the WAKS page and the ideas held by
its administrators, which are varied and, to an extent, self-contradictory. While the page
promotes a social democratic orientation to politics, administrators, Ghoneim, represents a
tendency towards liberal pacifism, while the other two administrators, interviewed for this
research, represents two variants of libertarianismminarchism and non-pacifist left
The popular apolitical and human-centered approach of the WAKS page reflects a
tendency to maximize the utility of the porous boundaries and overlapping spaces (Freeden,
pp. 63-4) that identify various socio-economic communities in Egypt. While ideological
structurescharity organizations, political parties, NGOs and organized movement
emphasize the distinguishing or exclusive variables of ideological prototypes, Ghoneim
recognizes ideological dependencies that identical political concepts (mainly freedom and
human dignity) may serve as building blocks for an entire series of ideologies320.
To that end, the WAKS page encouraged anonymous discourses on torture between
political rivals, benefiting of autonomous and spontaneous dissemination. The administrators
believe dissent cycles in the country have been through many ups and downs since 2004,
especially during EL-Baradei campaign and the elections on 2010. At that time, serious
defaming campaigns as well as a confrontational political discourse marginalized the
majority of population regarding the 6th of April. By lowering the confrontation curve,
WAKS page targeted three goals: a) horizontal incorporation of the silent critical mass, b)
avoid internal discoursei.e., with other political forces, and c) encourage parents, elders and
children to express grievance through safe and peaceful means321. Finally, the page discourse
has been channeled through cool and trendy propagandizing materials that fashioned the
cause especially among the university students. In such a way, the liberal and pacifist322
principles directing the WAKSs vision, mission and steering processes prohibited the least
violation of Emergency Law or offense of police officersdespite their violence against
protestors. As Ghoneim explains, the Indian pacifist traditions of non-violence against all
living things has been of inspirational influence on his activism as a WAKS founder.
Nevertheless, it is unclear whether this was based on a broader metaphysical/theological
view, and whether self-defense is conditionally permitted when impersonal and political
violence is rejected. Following Ghandhism, the page encouraged self-restrain and
compassion towards officers and thugs, by apologetically expanding on their socio-economic
life conditions. Rather, WAKS encouraged peaceful and non-violent resistance323, solidarity,
compassion, public responsibility and socio-economic harmony
As per the page administrators, both reflect libertarian orientation by subscribing to an
authentic Millite conception of libertynon-constrain by coercive action of another, namely
the governmental authority and social/religious traditions; political agents are self-owners
who enjoy unconstrained individual liberty and voluntary association. Freeden believes
libertarianism is an optimizing ideology; while the liberal ideology upholds that free
In many instances, the page administrators refused to redirect the silent stand protestors into political
demonstration led by the 6th of April. This was to ensure that the discourse on torture sincerely addresses the popular
grievance rather than profiling protestors as supporting a specific political force
On Pacifism please refer to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, entry keyword :pacifism, retrieved from
Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth,(Boston, Beacon Press,
individuals will be able to develop rational and social attributes.324, it places liberty within a
conceptual system that includes individuality, progress, rationality, general interest,
sociability and constraints on political power. On the contrary, Freeden states, libertarian
ideologies overemphasize the concept of individual liberty, relativity of religious, cultural
and social foundations, and a concept of power as either a) dispersed in, and accountable to,
various communal groupings, or b) replaced by the absence of centralized power. Thus, the
nation turns into a set of self-governing communities325.
In this regard, the WAKS administrators represent two self-styled versions of
libertarianism: minarchism and left-libertarianism326. In principle, libertarianism is hostile to
many of the powers entitled to modern nation states. WAKS administrators deprive the state
of the right to provide welfare services that shape individual consciencesespecially
concerning education, culture and religion; the state powers on such areas are deemed
illegitimate, since it implant mythical and non-consensual obligations of individuals and
communities. Rather, both administrators perceive national belongingness as contingent on
societal and geographical limitation. Therefore, they entitle non-governmental private and
civil sectors to undertake welfare services and reject legal restriction on the establishment and
functioning of such entities.
In such a way, both administrators promote participism in both economic and
political spheresIndependent local markets replace capitalist and centrally planned
economies; political engagement is based on values of freedom, self-management, justice,
On this point I refer to Peter Vallentyne, "Libertarianism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2012
solidarity and tolerance. The anti-capitalist thrust is manifest in the adamant rejection of neoliberal foreign investment that transfers ownership of natural resources to un-accountable
agents. Rather, both defend the right of indigenous communities to own resources
independent of central national authority. To prevent the concentration of power,
administrators seek to replace unjustified authority with voluntary institutions/organizations
that empower small communities of self-government and management. If the society is
organized into voluntary associationsmunicipalities, cooperatives or organizations,
consensual, thus legitimate, politics could be realized.
In this case, the state becomes a night watchman that provides security, jurisprudence
and law-enforcement functions, and practices limited and responsible political powers to
correct imbalances and prevent sectional privileges or socio-economic injustices. In doing so,
non-governmental checks and balances must be applied on its functioning. Despite the
reasonableness of such ideas, administrators opinions diverge on this point. A tendency
towards non-pacifist left libertarianism occurs as one administrator entitles the state with,
only, the right to set universally applicable rules of social, political, and economic processes.
Once settled, it must quit the public sphere and oversea the functioning of pre-settled
systems. Allegedly, the exercise of power in any institutionalized formwhether political,
economic or religiousbreaches the non-constraint condition of individual liberty. This view
also couples a faith that individuals have the right to enforcing their rights autonomously and
independent of state authorities. Meanwhile, such force should not be used against acts that
violate no libertarian rightsincluding the no ones right justified with notions of public
interest. In conclusion, libertarian views of administrators hold that state effects are
generally negative, positive effects could be sought through independent and voluntary
mechanisms and that if some positive effects are unobtainable thereby, the national authority
should be balanced.
The Ultras Ahlawy (UA-07)
Steven, Buechler, The Strange Career of Strain and Breakdown Theories of Collective in Action. In The
Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, edited by D. A. Snow, S. A. Soule, & H. Kriesi, 91-116, (USA,
Wiley-Blackwell, 2004), 49
decided to take part in both peaceful and violent scenes of the Revolution. The only enemy it
perceives is the oppressive security-intelligence agenciesespecially the barracked CSA and
riot forces. Although their world is only experienced inside the stadium curva, the conception
of nationalism and freedom extend their passion, sacrifice and solidarity to the broader
Egyptian society. The support of the weak, poor and oppressed majority of population was
reflected on their refusal to undertake an introduction in the name of Gamal Mubarak, before
the 25th Revolution and insistence on fighting the Interior Ministry forces during Mohammed
Mahmoud incidentsdo they think we are that trivial, then, said a section leader. The
hostility towards Mubaraks authoritarianism has extended to subsequent institutions that aim
at coopting, controlling and overseeing their activity, namely Al-Ahly Club and formal
opposition forces. Thus, they represent an apolitical, post-ideological and post-Islamist unit
of the new political generation.
The UA interviewees believe the society, political forces, and media are prisoners of
the regimes authoritarianism and stupidity. The conviction that their expectations, of
freedom inside the curva- would never be satisfied develops feelings of prejudice and
discrimination 329 which leads into radical forms of resistance. This comprises violence,
staging demonstrations and strikes, and political lobbying. Besides being a closed cult of
Al-Ahly team, the bloody suppression of the UA in Posrtsaid Massacre, January 2011,
intensified the radical tendencies of the movement. Moreover, the systematic defiance of
societal and cultural norms inside the stadium intensified a self-perception of being unworthy
outcast . Although members tend to comply with societal expectations beyond the curva, in
their recent clash with regime intensified the movements estrangement from various political
forces and solidarity with peer ultras movements- e.g., White knights.
Having always
considered their cause legitimate, and that the curva is their territories-where they have the
D. Morrison, Some Notes Toward Theory on Relative Deprivation, Social Movements, and Social Change.
H. Tajfel and J. Turner, The social identity theory of inter-group behavior. In Psychology of Intergroup Relations,
Although the state is entitled with various responsibilities, the UA members do not
intend to undertake any official positions; they hardly voted for the 2011 elections, they
refuse mobilizing for or collaborating, collectively, with any political forces. While securityintelligence institutions usually manage incorporating opposition forces into sustainable
economic and political networks, the UA is politically non-negotiable. The winwin
situation is politically impossible since the UA mentality eschews various forms of
structured authority. The bloody confrontation in January 2012 was inevitable since- as ELSherif states- it reflects conflict of two life paradigms the paradigm of oppression, control,
normalization of apathy, versus a paradigm of joyful liberation from shackles of social and
institutional norms to create gratifying chaos. However, such confrontation, writes ELSherif, is useful; (it is) between two rhythms of lifeone so dim it fails to realize its own
fragility, stagnation and gradual extinction and the other so young and full of life that it fails
to realize the revolutionary consequences of its actions 331 . In fact, this view is also
supported by the UA expectation of their movements future: we believe another revolution
is upcoming; we might be its early lights.
The Egyptian Current and 6th of April
The ideological leanings of both the EC party and 6th of April gravitate towards new
liberalism (social liberalism). Both actors challenge the neoliberal policies of Mubarak era
(1981-2011) that resulted into enormous records of financial, political, and administrative
corruption. Thus, it drained natural resourcese.g., arable lands and natural gas, and resulted
into economic instability. By 2010, 28 percent of the poor income went to taxes while
ministers and crony capitalists paid less that 8 percent. The minimum wage, agreed by the
government, is believed to suffice buying only one meal per day. Moreover, the government
EL-Sherif, Ibid.
is indebted with L.E 376 billion as insurance to public employees332; as a result, by December
2010, there has been 32 stands, 20 sit-ins, 22 strikes, 59 protest in the public sector and 41 in
the private sector333.
Accordingly, both the EC and 6th of April envisions a responsible and strong role of
the state in enabling the practice of socio-economic liberties. They set as their priorities the
need to provide universal and basic welfare serviceseducation, housing, unemployment
assistance, health care and the need to maintain a strong presence of the state in the market;
the state should provide basic and strategic services such as energy, infrastructure and water.
Also, both actors defend free and effective non-governmental civil and private sectors.
Nevertheless, the EC and 6th of Aprils rapprochement to liberalism differs in the
degree and the various input spaces of which these views are derived. The EC is admittedly a
post-ideological and post-Islamist entity. Besides arguing for a principled effect of Sharia on
legislation and public policiesby which the government should only observe a set of broad
values: mercy, freedom, and justicethe perception of Islamic state eschews traditional
writings of Islamic intellectualsnamely Salim El-Awwa and Yusuf AL-Qaradawiwho,
according to the EC co-founders instilled a mythology of Islamic state, as mutually
exclusive of secularism, centered around political power, control, and sanctification human
opinions being representative of pure Islamic tradition. For them, the Islamic state existed,
historically, for forty years onlyduring the prophetic history. Meanwhile, the ECs post
Islamism, as Bayat writes, is not anti-Islamic or secular; (it) dearly upholds religion but also
highlights citizens rights. It aspires to a pious society within a democratic state334. While
See Saber Barakat and Khaled Ali, Our Insurance Rights: a Legal Insight into the New Social Insurance Law, The
The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights, The Dissent Movement Publication, January 2011.
Asef Bayat, The Post-Islamist Revolutions: What the Revolts in the Arab World Mean, Foreign Affairs,
Islamist parties- namely the MB and EL-Nour- envision powerful and effectual state
institutions that spread the good, eradicate the evil and discipline, religiously, the defiant
population, the EC emphasizes the role of state institutions in providing the necessity of
dignified socio-economic life. Instead of focusing on citizens obligations to the righteous
state (ibid), the EC emphasize the obligations of state towards citizens. Hence, envisioning a
state that is representatives of (rather than superior to) the community.
Compared to the faithful EC democrats, the 6th of April movement shares many
post-Islamism stands; it identifies Egypt as a civilian state with Islamic background; it
argues for a loose application of Sharia principles, respect of international treatiesincluding
the Peace Treaty with Israel 1979 and respect of religious values and traditions as held by
the majority of the population. However, they differ on the degree of inclusiveness and
emphasize on social injustice. While the EC eclectically incorporates Islamist, liberal,
Nasserite and socialist views within its platform, the 6th of April focuses solely on stepping
down the regime and undertaking political and social reform. Meanwhile, The movement
strongly adopts confrontational orientations indicated through refusal of half-solutions
especially during negotiations before Mubarak resigns and of gradual reform. Nevertheless,
unlike the UA, both the ECs and 6th of Aprils political orientation rendered them movement
In conclusion, the new political Generation shares a new liberal conception of the role
of the state. Except the Greenian leanings of the WAKS administrators, the interviewed units
reflect Hobhouses view on the states function as an instrument of collaborative
responsibility of the society for the joint welfare of its members335; it enjoys overlordship on
property and supervisory power over industry; hence, the liberal and moderate socialist
currents comprising the new Generation endorse the idea of the minimum income and state
An exhaustive elaboration by L.T Hobhouse is found in Liberalism, (Canada, Batoche Books, 1999) 81-108.
Bell, Daniel, The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, with "The Resumption of
History in the New Century", (USA Harvard University Press, 1960).
It is traditionally argued that the use of arts in contentious politics did not transcend
mere expression of dissent337. Nevertheless, at specific moments of madness, the expressive
and the instrumental divide collapses 338 and two images of revolutionary change arise:
disruption and confrontation. In fact, the new Generation has employed arts for both reasons:
a) tactical disruption of the publicby intervening in the normal flow of their visual life and
occupying public spaces with dissent expressionse.g., graffiti and b) to win a confrontation
with the enemythe oppressive Interior Ministry and/or SCAF.
To begin with, the various units of the new political generation is used to attack the
system in Myriad and genuine forms. These included music, wall drawings, graffiti,
expressional materialpamphlets, banners, logos, photos and caricature slangy poetry, ironic
chants, hip hop and monolog songs, slogans, video feeds and spoof anthems. Some earlier
blogs aimed at mimicking the outlook and speech of government officials, circulating
satirizing and slangy poetry on Mubarak in a way to informally authorize the expression of
obscene dissent. The movements interviewed in this research comprised among their
members designers, fine artists, musicians, bloggers, media activists: photographers,
montagists, amateur actors and singers e.g., Yosra Hawarys performance of On the Wall
poetry all functioning beside sarcastic writers, poets and intellectuals such Baha Taher,
Bilal Fadl and Ahmed Fouad Negm. The new generations confrontation with the regime
integrated arts, music, ideology, politics, and activism. The Street Is Ours shout gave rise to
street politics where the dogmatic conception of the state falls down at the face of
enthusiastic and celebratory assertion of the power of irony that ridicules oppressive
Christian Scholl, Bakunins Poor Cousins: Engaging Art for Tactical Interventions in Cultural Activism: Practices,
Dilemmas and Possibilities, edited by Begum Firat and Kuryel Aylin (NY, Rodopi, 2011), 157-79.
Cited in ibid,158
The diversity of tactics purported aimed first at hiding the source identity through
various photo-shop and sound-diverting computer programs. The authors unknown, art
products used to hit millions of Facebook, You Tube and Twitter profiles, benefitting of the
anonymous and spontaneous spread of the message. After the Revolution, producers began to
reveal the source graduallye.g., the ACAB became a signifier of the UA, while the coverface Graffiti identifies the 6th of April. Also, the graffiti of Khaled Saed is replicated all
around walls surrounding the Interior Ministryalthough the WAKS administrators deny
stamping it.
The new generation has generally emphasized visual subversion of the system. For
instance, the 6th of April protestor on 25th January tended to become colorfuldressing in red
and joyfulspreading flowers on the police. The new character of the protestor was evidently
contrasted to the Islamist bad theatresextensive daylong marshes that threaten CSA
officers with divine punishment as challengers of the Shria! The new image of the protestor
confused the police, attracted media attention and stopped onlookers eyes on them. The
sooner a dissent tool gets old, new combat icons emergee.g., the Vandetta mask was quickly
replaced by black and while neck and head ties, yellow stickers and hang rope, photostamped T-shirts, etc.
Following the work of Scholl, the next paragraphs show a schematic examination of
the disruptive and confrontational artistic presence of above movements, based on the
information gathered through interviews and social media sources.
The silent stands mobilized through the WAKS and 6th of Aprils targeted suddena
street-length marshes/stands in poor Cairo neighborhoods and main streets. It aimed at
exceeding the normal flow of everyday life and creating a situation of outburst dissent. In
order to challenge the routine exercises of popular compliance
they orientated
See Seif EL-Din Abdul-Fattah. Al Zahf Ghayrul Muqaddas: Tamim Al-Dawlah Le Al-Din (The De-sacralized Creep:
merely disrupted momentarily. Although the 5-10 minutes protest are certainly coordinated
by insurgents via the internet and cellphones, they looked spontaneous to the public; they
confused bystanders, authorities and pro-Mubarak thugs who used to act wither on pre-paid
baseswhen the security agencies hire them against pre-set calls for protesting or in case the
protestors themselves arranged their activity with the regimesuch in the MB case.
A similar conception of temporal underground resistance is provided by Deleuze
and Guattari343 where possibilities of social change reside in the idea of temporal breaks, this
time on basis of rhizomatic structure of resistance. The rhizomatic conception of resistance
focuses on its ever-lasting underground and indivisible presence that potentially appear up
there, at sudden moments, with various confrontational lines, and thus becomes uncontrollable, even by its initial inspirers. On this regard, the experience of the Youth
Coalition is instructive; although the youth movements were successful is trickling down
enormous dissent, sooner after the revolution they lost control over the process!
Following the Ismialiya groupthat began its first song after rejecting Egypts bid for
the International Football Cup under VIVA in 2010the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) hip hop songs
became a wider practice of self-dependence, autonomy, and self-appreciation. The Ultras
Ahlawy for instance often translated their principles into collective and participatory clips.
For example, Freedom is a copyright-protected song by the Ultras-Ahlawy that spilled over
the entire landscape of cultural opposition. So is the Street is Ours chants at the time of
Kefaya, that resisted the normal flow of public compliance. The target of DIY graffti during
post January 25th period was also directed towards breaking the divide between the producer
and spectator by personalizing the grievance and engaging the passer-by and on-lookers.
Hence, strategic public spacesthe ring road outlets and highway barsbecame stages of
participatory theatre344 that encourages horizontal participation, since everyoneat least for a
moment turns into an active agent of change345
The DIY culture of immediacy is assisted by the new generations mobile
characteristics. Possessing local knowledge of urban spacese.g., backstreet ways, underhighways, informal cafs and shanty townsis usually a characteristic of young adults who
spend the majority of their life in street football matches, fights and hangouts. While Kefaya
was stuck to the Journalist Syndicates front, the UA began their marshes on the 25th January
2011 from Nahya and Meet Ukba backstreetssee the memoirs of UA martyrs on their
homes balconies in such areas. Hence, the encounter of the pre-January 25th generation with
the street was functional, whereas the new generation adults engraved every street contour
with keys, sprays, and talks; in such ways, they managed inflicting little scratches in the daily
routine of compliance.
In fact, the 25th January Revolution revealed disruptive as well as confrontational
perceptions of power.
signifiers and reload them with defiant messagese.g., Kefayas subversion of national
anthem confrontation reflected a collective will to realize a complete rupture with
authoritarianism, rather than subverting it. Scholl explains the difference as embedded in two
worldviews346. The first is a Hegelian dialectical materialism, in which history becomes a
circuitous serious of revolutions and counter-revolutions between adversary social forces.
Accordingly, the confrontational imagination of political change addresses abstract dilemma
rather than technical issuese.g., the UA abstract fight for Liberta (freedom) versus the 6th of
April four demands for the 25th January protests: changing the Interior Minister, raising the
minimum of wages, etc. The other view is a libertarian conception of history, in which
Scholl, 162
Scholl, 169-71.
competing forces compromise through interest aggregation and deliberation, and, thus,
eliminate the bases of politics which is conflict-represented in the MBs ideology of gradual
political change. Hence, the confrontational dissent recalls the friend-enemy duality that
Schmitt, strongly emphasized as to be the foundation of politics347.
During the Revolution, signs of both disruptive and confrontational dissent were
evident. On one hand the protestors did not deny the friend-enemy representation on statemedia, rather, thy subverted the enemy meaning to become Mubarak rather than masses. On
the other, many interviewees emphasized it was only through violent self-defense, that
marshes from Nasr City could reach its destinationTahrir. Thus, the Tahrir square was
simultaneously transformed into a fight yard as well as a desirable world!
In sum, the artistic expression of the new political Generation sharpens the debate on
tactical use of art for revolutionary street politics. Art was used in both tactical and strategic
methods. Sometimes the confrontational dissent, in the Ultras Ahlawy and 6th of April cases,
espoused foundational view of politics and society, while other cases reflected antifoundational viewse.g., the WAKS administrators. Hence, while the idea of collapsing the
state is a nightmare of the disruptive interventionists, it represents a desired goal to
confrontational actors. However, the confrontational conception of the Ultras Ahlawy, 6th of
April and WAKS administrators received different response from the regime, dependent on
the degree of non-negotiability: While the 6th of April was defamed and one WAKS
administrator was detained during the revolution, the UA activists were collectively
massacred in Port Said.
5.3 Generational Relationships: Collaboration and Conflict
Most of the interviewed participants expressed contentious relationship with the MB
and the Islamist parliamentarian majority. Meanwhile, the intra-generational relationshipsas
Ibid, 171
expressed by the interviews participants- held variety of cooperative and contentious terms.
As per the WAKS administrators, both administrators were former members of the MB and
consider the MBs hardcore basement of the Islamic state as the first contender to the pages
message. Also, despite the page administrators believe their contribution would channels new
support to confrontational movements such as the 6th of April; they disagree on free-riding
their activismnamely silent stands to realize partisan interests. Since the silent stands began
to attract 6th of April, Ghad, Karama, and EL-Baradies supporters, they quitted the stands
and asked members to show dissent individually and share their photos on the page. As per
Kefaya, the collaborative beginning of the movement rendered tis activities comprehensive
and inclusive. However, power monopoly by the Nasserite elite and the un-even competition
with young activists over resulted into fragmentation and further decline. The EC had also
emerged out of Tahrir coalition during the 18-day strike. It communicated smoothly with
newly emergent parties such as Justice, Dignity, and the Democratic Left parties. Before
dismissal from the MB, they also used to coordinate with leading GBG members on various
tactical and strategic issuesthrough the Youth Coalition. However, since June 2011, the
party began to form independent coalitional fronts and electoral listse.g., The Revolution is
Continuing. The SC is ideally against coalition and/or politicizing the page for any forces
favor. They tactically support individual initiative such as Masrena and Salasel. They find
the discourse of Wael Ghoneim and the model of the EC closer to their ideas. On contrary,
they believe the MB had traded popular support for parliamentary seats and, therefore,
replicating the 1954 scenario. They believe the MB is excessively reformist and uncommitted
to the application of Shariasays the Salafi co-founder.
Before the Revolution, the new Generation managed forming a broad coalition of
various youth movements that coordinated and publicized meeting points, protest routes,
demonstrating materials, chants, time program, information and instructions, etc. The 6th of
April participants were beneficial in planning protest programs, handling security forces and
charting protest routes. For instance, the choice the Arab League Street was based on the
breadth and the number of conjectural poor neighborhoods surrounding its area.
Nevertheless, the confrontational attitudes of the 6th of April were counterbalanced by the
WAKS orientation: the choice of publicly accessible meeting-points outweighed the 6th of
Aprils suggestion to meet by the Ministry of Interior. On the other hand, Rasda network of
MB news reporters nationwide provided web coverage of rallies and mobilizing processes,
the WAKS page posted numerous instructions concerning the meeting points, timing, and
safety and security regulations: accompanying friends, a DIY tool kit: banners, clothing,
strategies of action, etc. The cyber networking facilities enabled effective distribution of
work between revolutionary forces. For instance, Mohandessen and Boulaq protests were
assigned to 6th of April while Rasd cofounder was asked to update WAKS page in emergency
cases e.g., warning against eminent dangers or posting strongly motivating news. However,
anonymity of cyberactivism had also affected the outreach to structured movement such as
the MB that refused coordinating with anonymous organizers348.
Finally, the 6th of April had contentious relationship with almost each of the
interviewed movements. Before the revolution, the 6th of April used to coordinate with the
MB and other forces against the regime. During their strikebefore the parliamentin 2010,
the movement was joined by Mohamemd Al-Beltagy and Hamdy Hasantwo senior leaders
of the MB- although they preferred non-confrontational opposition to the regime. Otherwise,
the MB co-founder of the movement emphasized we begged the MB to join our protests
several times and they refused. After the Revolution, the MB began to distrust and defame
the movement through various statements on foreign finance, treason, and anarchismsays
the 6th of April participant. As per Kefaya, the 6th of April quit the movement due to the
rising Nasserite domination on its activism; the 6th of April believes the movement has died
since 2007 elections. Finally, they believe if youth movements managed to coordinate and
organize their efforts, the following elections would result into 10% MB, 4% non-Islamist
forces and 2% EL-Nour representatives. The parliamentarian majority will be of young
However, a number of obstacles impede current attempts of collaboration within the
new Generation: the strong sense of ownership the SC Constitutive committee, the strife
for controlthe 6th of Aprils record of every participant, the loss of anonymity privileges and,
thus, self confidence the WAKS administrators, the elitist claim of powerKefayas
leadership, the strife for structured authoritythe EC, and, finally, the mutually-exclusive
claims of ownership of the Revolution and popular support. In addition, ritualization of
confrontational means in the Tahrir Republic turned revolutionary dissent into a defeatist
logic. Finally, the ideological variation, divergence of political imagination, and competition
of political gains hinders collaborative activism and opens the platform for new dissent
movements to emerge.
5.4. Conclusion: Upgrading Authoritarianism
The SCAFs refusal to shoot gunfire during the eighteen dayfrom January 25th to February
11th was part of a passive wait and see policy that, later, turned into active offense against
protestors. According to official records, the army fired its first shot on Coptic protestors in the
Maspero massacre (October 9th); it killed 25 and injured 321 civilians349. Such attitude could be
explained by the armys relative position vis a vis other security agencies. The struggle over
resources explains the militarys willingness to remove its main competitors: Mubarak and Gamal,
Al-Adlythe Interior Minister, the head of the Central Security Force, General Hassan Abd alRahman and the crony capitalists who backed them: Ahmed Ezz and Rasheed Ahmed Rasheed for
Health Ministry report, in National Council for Human Rights NCHR, Fact-finding Commission. Report
instance350. Having cleansed the political landscape, the SCAF transformed from a shadow state
with undercover economy and governance into a deliberately coercive state351 that is superior to
political forces, presiding above the law while defendingat least nominallythe nation from its own
weaknesses: chaos. Moreover, to ensure exceptional independence of elected political institution
the parliament and presidency that lack traditional military background the SCAF worked on
creating a divided political environment by infiltrating the sociopolitical forces.
The SCAF's strife to maintain and expand its political and economic assets restricts its
political willingness to handover the power to a civilian government that stands neutral, if not
supportive, to the Revolution. Its tendency to iconize the Revolution, monopolize its discourse,
occupy the Tahrir Square with armies and plainclothes-conscripts, and aggressively crack down on
various attempts towards democratization, all recall the Turkish 1980s model of the military that
monopolized discourses on nationalism and secularity and its authoritarian deep state structures352.
Throughout post 25th January period (11.02.2011- July 2012), there has been four intertwined
lines through which generational conflicts evolved: a) problems either withered away or got replaced
by new problems, b) a change and/or loss of leadership, mobilizable resources and sympathy, c) the
rise of unexpected generational cooperation, and d) one generation topple or liquidate the other. The
following sections detail on each of these possibilities.
and Springborg. The Army Guys. The American Interest. May-June (2011), Web,
L. Cantori, Americanized Political Science and the State as a Coercive Institution in the Middle East, Paper at
the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association. (USA, September 3-5,1999), Web, Retrieved
Q. Skinner, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: The Renaissance. (UK, Cambridge University Press,
1978), 21-3; Henry and Springborg, Globalization and the politics of development in the Middle East. (UK,
Cambridge University Press, 2010), 199.
Firstly, problems either withered away or got replaced by new problems. The driving forces
along this line are deep state structures that distort efforts of political forces away from long-term
strategies by which the SCAF maintains a safe presence: the CCA, the dissolution of the
Parliament, the revival of NDP and pro-Mubarak forces in the political landscape. Generational
problems, whether ideological or socio-organizational, were replaced by new issues that threaten the
very existence and functioning of each side: rigging election, acquittal of Interior Ministers chief
executives, issuing rebuttable ruling on Mubarak and his Interior minister Al-Adly, resolving the
Parliament and sentencing the law of Political Dismissal as unconstitutional, issuing and activating
the Judicial Arrest decree and the arrest of seven of the 6th of April activists during the second-round
presidential elections, etc.
Through the CCA, the SCAF maintains a stronger position against electoral institutions that
contest many articles of the Constitutional Announcement that the SCAF has changed, especially the
most controversial 28th articlewithout reference to the electoral constituency. Furthermore, the CCA
enables the SCAFs tight grasp on power, by controlling legislation, the national budget,
appointment of Constitutional Committee, seizing immunities against democratic scrutiny,
the power to veto war declarations by the president, monopoly of foreign policy and
relationships with the U.S.A. The tools employed on this line include devising situations of severe
socio-political tension such as dumping gasoline supplies in sanitation pipelines to obstruct traffic,
inciting sectarian conflicts, enabling thuggery activities over the ring road and intra-province roads,
enabling the spread of illicit commoditiesdrugs and arms through black markets, and directing
seditious media outlets against revolutionary forces. During the presidential campaign, TV show
programs worked intensively on eroding the differences between the MB and non-MB prorevolution candidates. As a result, generational problems between Abul-Fotoh and the MBMorsy
presidential campaigns withered away as adversary campaign emphasize civil state, security, and
economic stability as antonyms to both present and former MB competitors, as well as revolutionary
candidatesKhaled Ali and Hamdein Sabbahy.
The second line is a change or loss of leadership, resources and sympathy. Since the
Parliamentary elections on November 2011, the MB popularity suffered from continuous
deterioration. Instead of issuing laws that influence the democratic progress in Egypte.g., laws
concerned with reforming the police agency, the Judicial authority, the NGOs, the Labor Unions and
the Political Dismissal Law against pro-Mubarak politicians including Amr Mousa and Ahmed
Shafiq, the parliament spent two consecutive rounds discussing the Annual Balance of AlGanzouri government. In addition, the Constitutional Committee represented a majority of the MB
and affiliate figures and excluded the majority of revolutionary forces. Political greed, partisanship,
and opportunism resulted into the MBs loss of five million votes between Parliamentary and
Presidential elections.
On the new Generations side, the SCAF followed many tactics to discredit activists attempt
to mobilize support: defamation campaign, torture, imprisonment, military trials, and misrepresenting the public image of protestors. In such a way, it restricted solidary and moral resources
of the new generation while the MB has, allegedly, free-rode the Revolution. In parallel, pro-SCAF
media outlets overemphasized political ineffectiveness and greed of the MB and contributed to the
rise of popular frustration against both the organization and revolutionary forces. An exception to
this situation is the UA that enjoyed rising sympathy after the Portsaid massacre and the MB failure
to negotiate for just trials of murderers. It also expanded its resource constituencies through
involvement into presidential campaigns and initiative.
Meanwhile, the SC leadership has changed while many members quit the movement and
challenge its leadership. The 6th of April has also suffered a loss of sympathy and leadership; it
began to knit its organizational structure tightly against separatist groups. The ECs close
involvement in the Strong Egypt project of Abdul-Monem Abul-Fotouh suggests either merging the
party into the project or facing scarcity of mobilizable resources since both employ comparable
discourses and draw upon identical socio-organizational resources. Also, Kefayas Nasserite thrust
has revived through Hamdeen Sabbahys campaign for presidency; he won the third position with a
margin of 700,000 votes less than Ahmed Shafiq.
On the overall scene, the majority of sedentary population, the Sofa Party, suffer economic
and financial crises and is deeply frustrated of the Tahrir Republic and its political representatives in
both the parliament and the street. The five million votes to a pro-Mubarak candidate, Ahmed
Shafiq, indicate the strength of such a tendency.
Thirdly, an unexpected cooperation between the contentious generations has occurred before
the second-round of the presidential elections. The driving force was the threat that a pro-Mubarak
regime would return with its various socio-economic and political structures. The fear of a common
destiny in the SSA prisons stimulated the launch of National Unity Conference between contentious
forces that represent both generations in the political landscape. The flashlights of such line began
since the MBs call for a millionarity protest to push for changing Al-Ganzouri government after its
failure in running the country. Cooperation opportunities also included lobbying for collective
concerns and campaigning against counter-revolution candidatesAmr Mousa and Ahmed Shafiq.
Finally, cleansing the political landscape is expected on various grounds. The Orthodox
Salafi movements might liquidate the rising neo liberal SC movement that invests its socio-political
capital while provides alternatives to rigid power structures inside the Salafi trend. Also, the MB is
subject to fragmentation along the power center-periphery divide. Indicators such as the divide
between EL-Shater and Abul-Fotooh at the grass root, the rise of A MB Scream movement, the
rising popular opposition against the MB polices and decisionsespecially regarding the SCAF, AlGanzoury government, the Constitutional Committee, the CCA, the decision to run for presidential
elections, and accepting the CCA, the rising contention between the MB organization and the FJP on
one hand and the Presidential institutionall pressure for changing the leadership and/or
organizational split.
Upgrading political authoritarianism after the January 25th revolution has been devised upon
the existent cleavages both between and within the rising political forces. The failure to cleanse the
Interior ministry and the Judicial system, along with upgrading state thuggery into systematic
commissioning of prisoner thugs, all indicate a reversion of Mubarak policies in bloodier outfit; n.g.
the scenes of pro-regime thugs massacring protestors in sit-ins during the Abbasiya clash on May
4th, were normalized as part of Egyptian daily-life; Shafiq was confident while declaring that the
Abbasiya massacre indicates how the SCAFs military forces would deal with contenders of his
alleged electoral success. The state-run media misleadingly reported Abbasiyya sit-in as protests
against the dismissing Hazem Abu-Ismails application for presidential candidacy, hence
discouraging popular support of legitimate demands.
By the time of writing these words, it is evident that the interim period has been characterized
by revenge-taking by counter-revolutionary forces, headed by the SCAF. Since 25th January 2011,
the counter-revolution tactics included: dragging, confusion, rumors, co-optation, delaying,
terrorism, deformation and misleading, fragmentation, and threatening. The deepening of
generational conflicts was in many respects a responsibility of the MBs conservative approach to
politics. Firstly, since the Constitutional ReferendumMarch 2011, the MB bailed out revolutionary
forces, overlooked the persecution of civilians before military tribunals and criminalized dissent and
strikes. Secondly, the movement spurned protestors during Mohamed Mahmoud, Maspero,
Ministerial House incidents while harnessing electoral votes for parliamentary elections later the
parliament was turned into a talk court. Thirdly, it demonstrated seditious media performance
through both the Freedom and Justice Journal and the 25th January Satellite channel. Finally, it
extended the non-decision situation, which displays the movement as a utilitarian and opportunistic
force that follows partisan agenda.. Although the MB leadership expected rigging electoral votes in
the presidential elections, it neither decided to boycott the election, not coordinated with political
forces on to ensure fair elections; also, it was neither independent of political forces nor fully
engaged in revolutionary politics; similarly, it neither separated from the Tahrir Republic, nor
supported such a strife despite facing one common enemy. According to Al-Bishry, the MB was
historically punished for decision it failed to take rather than one it already took; hesitance and non
decision rendered the movement decisions reactionary and freeze its strategic mind. Hence, decision
making and taking processes during post January 25th period were undergoing within courts of the
General Intelligence Agency, SSA, Interior, Economy, and Foreign Affairs ministry as well as proSCAF media and judicial institutionit is believed that some 25 percent of judges are former military
officers. The Constitutional coup was facilitated through the MB decision to run for presidential
elections, the lack of objective criteria in the selection of the Constitutional Committee, which
enabled the SCAF to form the Constitutional Committee independently, presenting Morsy as the
'Only Islamic candidate', challenging political forces in parliamentary elections and defamation of
Abul Fotoh campaign and Revolutionary forces.
However, the SCAF's plan to bring a pro-Mubarak candidate, Ahmed Shafiq, to the
presidency was forfeited by a number of factors: a) the announcement of evidenced results by
Morsy's campaign leaders indicating his success, b) the success of the National Unity Conference on
June 22ed, c) the support of the Judges for Egypt initiative to the announced results by Morsy's
Once power, partially, surrendered to Morsy, the crony capitalist networks around Shafiq are
expected to raise chaos and instabilities to obstruct Morsy's progress in the first 100-day program.
Intelligence agencies are expected to exhaust Morsy's effort, mislead him, bar his access to
confidential state security issues and challenge his leadership of the state. Meanwhile, pro-SCAF
media outlets will increase the fear of the unknown and the foreign enemy discredit Morsy's
legitimacy and show his arrival to power as a politically arranged matter rather than a democratic
success through electoral votes. In parallel, SSA, CSA and police agencies are expected to withdraw
and enable the rise of crime incidents, arrange cutting gasoline supplies and enable traffic blockages
in a way to reenforce the view of 'new president' as oath breaker. Also, the Intelligence agencies are
expected to incite a rift between Morsy and the MB and revolutionary forces, negotiate with him
individually and over emphasize the breakdowns within the political landscape.
To reverse the such tendency, political tactics include: a) maintaining the revolutionary thrust
of the Egyptian street within a comprehensive political discourse that emphasizes the common
dangers rather than differences, b) reinforcing National Unity through institutional forms, e.g., a
presidential institution and coalition government, c) emphasizing the role of Judges for Egypt and
other independent judges to forfeit challenges of constitutional coup d'etat upon Morsy's legitimacy,
d) tracking the corrupt networks around Shafiq through trials, e) forming independent intelligence
agencies that provide correct information to the president, forming independent security agencies
that maintain peace and stability and fight against crimes and forming a parallel bureaucratic
structure that execute presidential decrees and policies. Towards these steps, generational conflicts
have to mutate to enable broader collaboration against counter-revolutionary forces; divided, they
will never win.
This dissertation provides future studies with necessary background on the nature and
situation of, and approach to, the new political Generation of Egypt. Future studies may employ
approaches of post-Islamism and post modernism to both the orthodox and separatist youth groups
within the MB. It is remarkable that the different 'layers' and interpretations of 'meaning' within the
mother organization has crystallized into the EC youth drive to autonomous political activism,
instead of approaching relatively stable and systematic meaning of religious Scripturesprovided
through Al-Azhar traditional institutions. Hence, the EC mirrors the MB post-modernist tendencies,
especially concerning the subjugation of Scriptures meaning to tactical and political, rather than
epistemological, contestations with orthodox MB authority.
Also, the 6th of April movement could be approached through political opportunity and
discourse analysis; the movement manifests a post-Nasserite thrust in terms of ideological set-up,
while developing hierarchical structures that parallel the MB and earlier socialist organizations. As
per the UA, it is better approached through development studies that open avenues for researching
the correlation between poverty and police torture on one hand and authoritarianism as well as
reciprocal political violence of the deprived youth, on the other. Finally, the Salafiyo Costa lie at the
heart of the neo-liberal phenomena of Islamism. The movement's focus on media renders its
discourse one-dimensional and challenges its bid for participatory development.
The study also opens avenues to the examination of post-revolutionary urban politics. The
Arab spring in Egypt enabled poor indigenous communities to appropriate the urban public spaces;
the settlement of street vendors in the midst of Tahrir square, the widespread of lower class daily
vernaculars, food carts, homeless tents and tea service at traffic lights.
In the following months, this research will develop into a broader examination of new cases
such as Hazemoun and the Masrena initiatives and will include new comparisons within and between
the Socialist and Liberal trends of the political landscape in Egypt.
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