Evan Tries o Level QR
Evan Tries o Level QR
Evan Tries o Level QR
Colin Dexter
The story is an escape mystery, a thriller that takes the readers to a crescendo
to unearth the escapist's route out of a well-guarded prison where all efforts
have been made to thwart attempts of Evans, the jail bird, from breaking
away from the high security person. What comes as a great surprise in the
plot of the story is Evans' escape no doubt but also the element of mystery
that becomes intense as the escape is right under the nose of prison officials.
The comic element in the mystery gets highlighted when the officials
themselves escort the prisoner out of the jail. At times overdoing things and
also overlooking minor details, yet important ones, can backfire and this is
what exactly happened in the plot.
On one hand the well-equipped and efficient jail authorities laid out a foolproof network to keep Evans from breaking away but on the other hand was
the prisoner himself who too had meticulously laid out for himself a foolproof plan that worked out well because of its threadbare handling and
above all with the help and involvement of an intelligent team good at
befooling others and seeing to the fact that their plan should not go awry.
Escape plan/ Evans escape strategy.
Get a tutor for German (actually a friend and accomplice)
Get connected to other accomplices through tutor.
Plan made during the night with tutor's help.
Sit for 0-Level German examination.
Mcleery, an accomplice, comes with escape plan after gagging the
real Mcleery (Parson).
The fake Mcleery brings an extra set of Parson's clothes by
wearing one over the other.
Mcleery leaves Evans dressed as him but with blood splattered all
Injured Mcleery (Evans) says that he knows the escape plan.
Detective Carter takes Evans in a chase of Evans himself
Evans feigns having seen Evans on Elsfield way, knows number of
car, but says that he lost track at roundabout.
Evans tells Carter to move on while he alights near the exam
offices. From there he escapes to Hotel Golden Lion.
Governor lands at Golden Lion before Evans and nabs him there
but only to lose him once again.
Prison van in which Evans makes the finals escape has as its
occupants Mcleery and the other accomplices of Evans. Together
they make good their final escape.
Characters: (In Points)
Evans, the jail-break was a habitual, congenital Kleptomaniac, a
master planner, has intimate and reliable contacts, non-violent with a
pleasing personality, practical minded, outsmarts all with his
intelligence, analytic character judge, crafty schemer, has an excellent
psychological insight, far sighted and jolly natured.
Lacks intelligence, credulous, gullible, compassionate, careless: in not
recognizing a stranger's voice posing as the Governor's, moron, Evans
and Jackson are 'warm enemies'.
Gullible fool, a greater moron than Jackson, hasty in his approach and
actions, fails to verify credentials of tutor, has great regard for Evans'
intelligence and presence of mind.
Newly recruited into the jail security, devoted to duty, deeply
conscientious but not mentally alert, negligent, hasty in actions.
Mcleery, the impersonator:
Good impersonator, reliable friend, keeps his calm and has a strong
presence of mind, unruffled, gives intelligent answers.
Precautions taken by the Governor
Removal of all incriminating material from Evans, cell (razor, nailclippers, nail file)
Strict vigil, cell bugged
Invigilator frisked.
Facts overlooked
German tutor-antecedents left unverified.
Private tuition, bobble hat, assistant secretary (examination) and
not the secretary gave the call for correction slip but no eyebrows
were raised.
Stephens taken out of the cell.
Stephens notices a thinner Mcleery but does nothing about it.
Blanket allowed to Evans.
Governor drops Evans outside hotel and he moves away in another
vehicle thus giving a second chance on the same day for him to