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Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Terra Antartica
2008-2009, 15(1), 193-210

Palaeomagnetism of the AND-2A Core,

ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica
G. Acton1, F. Florindo2, L. Jovane1, B. Lum1, C. Ohneiser3, L. Sagnotti2,
E.Strada2,4, K.L. Verosub1, G.S. Wilson3, & THE ANDRILL-SMS Science Team5
Geology Department, University of California Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, California, 95616 USA
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Via di Vigna Murata, 605, I-00143 Rome Italy
Department of Geology, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin - New Zealand
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit di Siena, Via del Laterino 8, I-53100 Siena Italy

*Corresponding author (

Abstract We conducted initial palaeomagnetic studies on cores from site AND-2A (7745.488S,
16516.605E, ~383.57 metres water depth). A total of 813 samples were collected that span from the
top of the section down to the base at 1138.54 metres below sea floor (mbsf). Samples were collected
every one or two metres down the core, with paired (pilot) samples being collected about every ten to
twenty metres to allow us to assess the demagnetisation behaviour of the samples using either alternating
field (AF) or thermal demagnetisation. With the exception of only a few intervals, AF demagnetisation
was observed to resolve a characteristic remanent magnetisation (ChRM) as well or better than thermal
demagnetisation. Thermal demagnetisation was particularly ineffective in many intervals owing to thermal
alteration that was common above 500C and was evident in some samples even at low temperatures.
Above Lithostratigraphic Unit (LSU) 8 (436.18 mbsf), where lithologies are generally more coarse grained
than lower in the section, resolving a ChRM is difficult and recent overprints or a drilling overprint are a
concern. Within LSU 8 and below, most samples have a ChRM that can be resolved. The ChRM is most
likely an original depositional magnetisation throughout most of this lower section, although orthogonal
demagnetisation diagrams contain evidence that normal polarity overprinting affects some intervals. Based on
Ar/39Ar dates and diatom datums, the magnetozones identified from the base of the hole up to ~266mbsf
are consistent with spanning from either Chron C6n (18.748-19.772 Ma) or C6An.1n (20.040-20.213 Ma)
up through Chron C5Br (15.160-15.974 Ma). Above this, intervals of constant polarity are isolated within
longer stratigraphic intervals of uncertain polarity, making their correlation with the geomagnetic polarity
timescale (GPTS) speculative and highly dependent on ages obtained from other dating methods. One
exception is a reversed-to-normal polarity transition that occurs at ~31 mbsf and is interpreted to most
likely be the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. The spacing of polarity reversals below 266 mbsf and their
correlation with the GPTS indicates that this part of the stratigraphic section was deposited between 15
to 20 Ma at a mean sedimentation rate of about 18 centimetres (cm)/ thousand year (k.y.).

The Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Project of the
ANDRILL Programme cored site AND-2A (7745.488S,
16516.605E, ~383.57 m water depth) to a total
depth of 1138.54 mbsf (Fig. 1). The thick sequence
of rocks recovered contains a geologic history of the
region, including records of climate change, tectonics,
and much more.
In this study, we examine the palaeomagnetic
record of the core with a primary focus on determining
a preliminary magnetostratigraphy, which can be
used to assist in dating the stratigraphic section.
We follow a sampling and measurement strategy
similar to that applied in the palaeomagnetic study of
cores from Site AND-1B from the McMurdo Ice Shelf
(MIS) Project of ANDRILL (Wilson et al., 2007), with
a goal of building a long continuous palaeomagnetic
record that spans from the early Miocene to present.
To accomplish this, we collected oriented mini-

core samples (~2.3-cm long and 2.5-cm diameter)

roughly every one to two metres downcore, for a
total of 813 samples. The samples were shipped
to palaeomagnetism laboratories at the University
of California, Davis (UCD), at the Istituto Nazionale
di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome (INGV), and at
Otago University (OU), Dunedin, New Zealand, for
The laboratory analyses consisted of measuring
the natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) prior to
and following progressive alternating field (AF) or
thermal demagnetisation. Demagnetisation is used
to remove secondary overprints, with the goal of
resolving a characteristic remanent magnetisation
(ChRM) direction. Ideally, this ChRM is a primary
component acquired during deposition or very shortly
thereafter, such that it gives the ancient direction
of the ambient magnetic field at or near the time
of deposition, from which the magnetic polarity
is obtained. Ages are determined by mapping the

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009


G. Acton et al.

Fig. 1 A Mercator relief map with contours

showing the location of the AND-2A and
AND-1B drill sites. Contour intervals are
every 250 metres for the bathymetry
(ETOPO2 bathymetry data from the National
Geophysical Data Center at http://www.
and every 1000 m for the topography
(GTOPO30 topography data from the United
States Geological Survey at http://edc.usgs.
html). The small box in the inset shows the
main map location relative to Antarctica.
The maps were made using GMT software
(Wessel & Smith, 1998).

zones of constant magnetic polarity (magnetozones)

along the stratigraphic sequence and then correlating
these with the well-dated pattern of geomagnetic
polarity chrons (chronozones) that are documented
in geomagnetic polarity timescales. For this study, we
use the timescale of Gradstein et al. (2004) but also
consider some of the differences of that timescale
from the timescale of Cande and Kent (1995).
The polarity of a sample can often be determined
even if some overprinting remains and even if the
ChRM is only weakly resolved. Such is the case when
the decay of magnetisation is only relatively linear
in orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams (i.e., noisy
demagnetisation paths), or when the magnetisation
does not decay to the origin of the diagrams but
instead decays to a stable end point that may be
interpreted as the ChRM direction. Interpretation of
the polarity is made somewhat easier for the AND-2A
core because the high latitude of the site (77.75S)
results in expected normal polarity directions that point
steeply upward (-84) and reversed polarity directions
that point steeply downward (+84). Hence, even with
relatively noisy demagnetisation data and without
azimuthal orientation of the core, the palaeomagnetic
inclination can be used to determine polarity. If the
ChRM is very well resolved continuously along part
or all of the cored interval, not only can the polarity
be determined, but the direction may also be used to
investigate geomagnetic field behaviour and plate or
microplate tectonics. Alternatively, if the ChRM can
be resolved but is not primary, it may still be useful
for alteration studies, in which the alteration may be
related to thermal, tectonic, or fluid flow events.
This study is considered an initial report on the
palaeomagnetism because we discuss only results
obtained from samples collected during on-ice

operations (October December 2007) and from

measurements conducted from November 2007 to
May 2008. Additional sampling and measurements will
be conducted as part of the Science Documentation
Phase of the ANDRILL-SMS Project. Below, we focus
on resolving the ChRM where possible in the samples
measured so far and then using the ChRM directions
to provide magnetostratigraphic constraints.
Sample Collection
Samples were collected in the Crary Science and
Engineering Centre (CSEC) at McMurdo Station,
Antarctica, from the working half of the split-core
sections. Sample locations were spaced about every
one to two metres, with paired samples taken about
every 10 to 20 m for use in pilot demagnetisation
experiments. Core descriptions, provided by the
sedimentology and petrology logging teams (Fielding
et al., this volume; Panter et al., this volume), and visual
inspection of the core were used in selecting sampling
locations. We focused sampling in undeformed
intervals with the finest-grained lithologies. Even so,
some intervals are relatively coarse-grained and many
samples contain clasts because much of the lithology
of the section consists of diamictite. The lithology of
all samples collected for palaeomagnetic study is given
in Supplementary SMS 10 Table A1, along with other
observations that could be pertinent in evaluating
the palaeomagnetic results. Supplementary tables
for this volume are available on-line at the Terra
Antartica website
TAP/terranta.html and the ANDRILL data site www. (refer to the list of appendices at the
end of this contribution).

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica

Fig. 2 Schematic illustration that shows how palaeomagnetic

samples were oriented.

Palaeomagnetic samples were collected from the

selected intervals after small samples were taken for
diatom studies and prior to other sampling. Generally,
we collected about 30 samples each day within the
90-minute sample period allotted for palaeomagnetic


To collect a sample, we first scribed arrows that

pointed uphole on the split-core face of the core with
a diamond scribe and then traced over the scribed
mark with a coloured pencil to increase the visibility.
The split-core piece was then flipped over and another
arrow pointing uphole was scribed and then traced
with colour pencil on the periphery of the core near
the middle (thickest part) of the core (Figs. 2, 3).
Mini-cores were cored from the middle of the split-core
pieces using a drill press with an assembly for a coring
bit that is lubricated with water during coring (Fig. 3).
Each mini-core collected this way was about 2.3 cm
in diameter and about 4.2cm in length for PQ cores
(8.5 cm diameter) or 3.1 cm in length for HQ cores
(6.35 cm diameter). The curved end of the mini-core
was then inserted into a clear plastic orientation jig
and the arrow aligned with the orientation lines on
the jig (Fig. 3). If the curved end of the mini-core was
damaged during coring, the arrow on the split-core
end of the mini-core could be used instead of the
curved end, which is why arrows pointing uphole are
drawn on both sides of the core pieces. The orientation
jig allows a line to be accurately scribed along the
cylindrical part of the mini-core. This line runs along
the uppermost part of the mini-core with respect to
borehole depth. Barbs are added to make the line an
arrow pointing towards periphery of the split-core.
This new arrow becomes the primary orientation
arrow. Once this arrow was
traced with a coloured pencil
or marker, the mini-cores
were trimmed using a dualblade saw, which resulted in
a primary specimen ~2.3 cm
in length from near the centre
(split-core face) of the core.
The remaining piece, referred
to as the cut-off piece, is

Fig. 3 Images illustrating some

of the methods used to collect
samples. (A) Mini-cores were drilled
using a standard drill press with a
coring jig that allowed the diamondimpregnated bits to be water-cooled
during coring. The drill press and dualblade saw were installed in a small
shack off the main Crary Laboratory.
(B) Image of a piece of the working
half of the core that is oriented with
an arrow that points up-hole on the
periphery. A similar arrow is made
on the opposite split-core face of the
each piece prior to drilling the minicore. (C) Each mini-core is placed in
an orientation jig to ensure that a
precise orientation mark is made on
its cylindrical surface. (D) This final
orientation arrow is horizontal in
geographical coordinates, is on the
uppermost portion of the cylinder
with respect to borehole depth, and
points toward the periphery of the
split-core piece.

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G. Acton et al.

that part of the mini-core that was closest to the drill

pipe and therefore more likely to have a magnetic
overprint related to drilling. For PQ cores, the cut-off
piece was sometimes sufficiently long to be used as
a second specimen for palaeomagnetic analysis. In
such cases, we refer to the primary piece as the A
specimen and this cut-off piece as the B specimen.
For HQ cores, the cut-off pieces were generally only
a few millimeters (mm) thick, but were preserved
because they contained sufficient material for a variety
of rock magnetic analyses.
Following collection of a mini-core specimen, the
sample was allowed to air dry to aid in labelling the
sample, which was typically done with a permanent
marker or coloured pencil. We labelled the samples
with AND-2A and their depth.
Three intervals were too poorly consolidated to
allow mini-cores to be collected. For these, we instead
used an extruder, which is somewhat like a cookie
cutter (Fig. 2). The extruder was pressed into the
sediment of the split-core face keeping one of the
flat sides of the extruder perpendicular to the uphole
direction. The extruder was then extracted full of
sediment. A plunger on the end of the extruder allows
the sediment to be extruded into a plastic sample box
(2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm), which has an arrow embedded
in it. The sample was extruded such that the arrow
points uphole.
For NQ core (4.76 cm diameter), which extends
from 1011.87 mbsf to the base of the hole, sampling
was restricted on-ice owing to time limitations. No
paired samples were taken and the sampling interval
was expanded to every three to six metres. Instead
of mini-cores, we took quarter core pieces (half of
the split-core cut length wise) that were 2 to 2.5cmlong. Prior to cutting these, we put an arrow pointing
uphole on the split-core face of the quarter of the
core to be cut.
After mini-core, plastic-cube, and quarter-core
samples were labelled, they were placed inside
small plastic bags, on which we attached a printed
ANDRILL database label providing additional sample
identification information.
Each day after sampling and after the sample
information was entered into the curatorial database,
we removed the samples that were collected that day
from their plastic bags to allow additional drying, and
to ensure that all labels on the samples were visible.
The drying time was sufficient for the exterior of the
samples to dry fully, but most samples retained some
moisture in their interiors, which affected the mass
measurements slightly.
The height of each mini-core and quarter-core
sample was measured with a Vernier caliper to the
nearest tenth of a millimetre, from which the volume
was then calculated. The mass of each sample was
measured to the nearest hundredth of a gram. The
volume and mass are used in normalising magnetic

properties to allow comparison.

We measured the low-field magnetic susceptibility
at low frequency (Xlf = 0.47 kHz) and high frequency
(Xhf = 4.7 kHz) using a Bartington susceptibility meter
(model MS2) (Supplementary_SMS_10_Table_A1).
The susceptibility provides a measure of the
concentration of magnetic minerals. The frequency
dependence of magnetic susceptibility [Xfd = 100 x
(Xlf Xhf)/Xlf] gives a measure of the occurrence of
magnetite at superparamagnetic grain sizes, which
are smaller than about 30 nanometres (nm) (Worm,
1998). Superparamagnetic grains do not retain a
remanence but do contribute to the susceptibility.
As the grain size increases above about 30 nm, the
magnetic grains attain single domain size and can
retain a remanent magnetisation.
We also measured susceptibility and its frequency
dependence on the clast samples being studied by
petrologists (Supplementary SMS 10 Table A2; refer to
the list of appendices at the end of this contribution).
For those samples that could fit into the Bartington
susceptibility metre, measurements were made either
on a thin-section billet, or on a piece of a clast. Owing
to the irregular shapes of the clasts, volumes are
more difficult to determine and so susceptibilities
are mass normalised only.
After about 30 to 100 palaeomagnetic samples
accumulated, the samples were mailed to one of the
participating palaeomagnetism laboratories (UCD,
INGV, and OU). Supplementary SMS 10 Table A1
gives the location to which each sample was sent.
All three laboratories used similar pass-through
long-core cryogenic magnetometers produced by
2G Enterprises, which reside within magnetically
shielded laboratories.
Each laboratory followed the same measurement
protocol in order to allow comparison and provide a
consistent set of observations. NRM measurements
were first made on the paired (pilot) samples, with
one sample subjected to AF demagnetisation and
the other to thermal demagnetisation in order to
assess the most suitable demagnetisation technique
for routine treatment of the remaining samples. In
some PQ-cored intervals, paired samples were not
collected. Instead, the A and B specimens from
the same sample were used as pilot specimens. In
such cases, we alternated using the A specimen for
AF and then thermal demagnetisation experiments
for every other sample.
For samples subjected to AF demagnetisation,
the remanent magnetisation was measured following
demagnetisation at 0-50 mT using 5 mT increments
and then at 50-100 mT using 10 mT increments.
For samples subjected to thermal demagnetisation,
the remanent magnetisation was measured prior
to heating and after heating at 120C, 200C,
and then in 50C steps up to 650C. After each
thermal demagnetisation step, the susceptibility was
measured to monitor thermal alteration. The NRM
and susceptibility measurements are compiled in
Supplementary SMS 10 Table A1 (refer to the list of
appendices at the end of this contribution).

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica


Fig. 4 AF demagnetisation results from

sample 25.34 mbsf. The top left diagram
shows the normalised intensity variation with
progressive demagnetisation. The diagrams
on the right show vector end points of
palaeomagnetic directions on orthogonal
demagnetisation diagrams or modified
Zijderveld plots (squares are inclinations and
circles are declinations), with the lower of
these being an enlargement of the region
near the origin of the plot. The best-fit
lines from principal component analysis
(PCA) are shown for the FREE option (bold
grey line), ANCHOR option (dashed line),
and stable end points (SEP; dotted line) for
the inclination (see text). The bottom left
diagram shows the magnetisation directions
on an equal-area projection (open circles are
directions with negative inclinations).

The characteristic remanent magnetisation
direction (ChRM) was estimated from the data using
principal component analysis (PCA) (Kirschvink,
1980) and Fisher statistics (Fisher, 1953). For the
PCA direction, we find the best-fit line that passes
through the vector demagnetisation data in two
ways. First, we use the FREE option of PCA in which
the line is fit through the data free of the constraint
that the line passes through the origin of orthogonal
demagnetisation diagrams. Second, we use the
ANCHOR option of PCA in which the line is fit through
the data but is anchored to the origin of orthogonal
demagnetisation diagrams (Fig. 4).
In both cases, we use an iterative search program
to find and delete data from demagnetisation steps
that are outliers, where an outlier is defined as a
datum that degrades the fit of the line relative to all
other demagnetisation data used. We require that
data from at least five steps are used to find the best
estimates of the FREE and ANCHORED PCA direction.
To avoid contamination by drilling overprints, we do
not use NRM data from demagnetisation steps <25mT
or <250C in the PCA. We also never use data from
demagnetization steps >80mT or >650C because
the NRM directions typically become erratic owing
to spurious anhysteretic remanent magnetisations
(ARM) imparted during AF demagnetisation or to

thermal alteration of the samples,

A third estimate of the ChRM is
made from the Fisherian average of
the NRM data from the highest two
to four demagnetisation steps used
in the FREE PCA analysis. This is
referred to as the stable end point
(SEP) direction (Fig. 4). Typically,
only data from the highest three
demagnetisation steps are used
in the average, unless the mean
of these three directions has a
precision parameter <200 (lower
values indicate higher dispersion), in which case the
data from the fourth highest demagnetisation step
is included. When the precision parametre is <200,
we also use an iterative search to find and remove
the direction that is the largest outlier, in which
case the Fisherian average may include as few as
two NRM measurements. Comparison of the stable
end point with the PCA direction can be useful for
indicating where magnetisation components exist
even after demagnetisation or where progressive
demagnetisation has been ineffective in revealing
linear demagnetisation paths. Results from the PCA
and SEP analyses are provided in Supplementary
SMS 10 Table A3 (refer to the list of appendices at
the end of this contribution).

Rock Magnetism
Currently, rock magnetic observations are limited
to susceptibility measurements and NRM. Because
drilling imparts a strong magnetic overprint to the
core, the NRM prior to demagnetisation provides
information somewhat similar to a low-field isothermal
remanent magnetisation (IRM). Hence, both the
susceptibility and the NRM prior to demagnetisation
provide measures of the magnetic concentration in
the core, with their variability being similar along the

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G. Acton et al.

core (Fig. 5). Additional rock magnetic information can

be gleaned from the AF and thermal demagnetisation
of NRM of the palaeomagnetic samples, which
is discussed below in the Palaeomagnetism and
Magnetostratigraphy section.
The susceptibility data collected from the
palaeomagnetic samples show long-wavelength
(~100 to 200 m) variations from the base of the
hole up to about 700 mbsf, with lows near 10
(10-5 SI units) and highs up to about 1 000 (10-5
SI units) (Fig. 5). From about 700 mbsf up to about
the lithostratigraphic unit (LSU) 3/4 boundary at
122.6mbsf, the susceptibility varies mainly between
20 and 200 (10-5 SI units). Exceptions to this are
relatively rare spikes likely caused by dolerite and
other mafic volcanic clasts. In addition, LSU 8.3,
the middle of LSU 8.1, and the base of LSU 7 have
susceptibilities ranging from 200 to nearly 100010-5
SI units. High susceptibilities are associated with dark,
fine-grained sediments. Iron sulfides may contribute
to the higher susceptibility. Above the LSU 3/4
boundary, the susceptibility decreases slightly. From
122.6mbsf up to about 60 mbsf the susceptibility
varies little about a mean value of about 2010-5
SI units. Above this, the susceptibility increases
significantly, reaching a maximum of >50010-5 SI

units in the basaltic breccia. The increase up-hole is

attributed to an increase in the volcanic component,
which is evident in the petrologic logs (see Panter et
al., this volume). The whole-core susceptibility data
agree well with the lower resolution data collected
from the palaeomagnetic samples (Fig. 6).
The frequency dependence of magnetic
susceptibility averages about 4%, indicating
superparamagnetic grains are present (Fig. 6).
Because this value is a difference between two similarsize measurements (see the middle plot in Fig.6),
and because the susceptibilities below 60mbsf have
a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio, the values show
considerable fluctuation (noise) about the mean
value. Even so, highs and lows in Xfd correlate with
lithology and Xfd generally correlates inversely with
susceptibility. The most obvious correlations with
lithology are the higher Xfd values in the volcanic rich
upper interval and in the more clast rich intervals
(colder?) and the lower Xfd values in the finergrained (warmer?) intervals. We hypothesize that
the superparamagnetism is carried mainly in the
clasts, particularly the fine-grained volcanic clasts.
To test this hypothesis, we plot the Xfd values for a
small subset of clasts being studied by the petrology
team (Fig. 6). The Xfd noise level is even higher in the

Fig. 5 Variations in the volume susceptibility, the magnetisation intensity, the inclination of the NRM (prior to demagnetisation), and
the inclination of the characteristic remanent magnetisation (ChRM) for the oriented palaeomagnetic samples. The susceptibility and
intensity data are smoothed with a 5-point moving average. The Lithostratigraphic Units (LSU) are given on the far right with dashed
horizontal lines at LSU boundaries.

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica


Fig. 6 (A) Variation of volume susceptibility from the palaeomagnetic samples compared with that from whole-core measurements.
(B) Comparison of the low-frequency susceptibility with the high-frequency susceptibility for the palaeomagnetic samples. The lowfrequency values are generally slightly higher than the high-frequency. This difference is used in computing the frequency dependence
(Xfd) of magnetic susceptibility (see text). (C) The Xfd of the palaeomagnetic samples compared with clasts taken from the core. (D)
Lithostratigraphic Units (LSU) with the LSU boundaries given by the dashed lines.

clasts because many of them have low susceptibilities.

Nevertheless, the clast Xfd values do follow the same
trend of the mini-core Xfd values, indicating that the
clasts do dominate the Xfd signal.
NRM measurements have so far been made on 695
of the 846 specimens taken from the 813 samples.
NRM intensities vary from 110-4 to 10 A/m with a
median value of 5.410-3 A/m. Only the two basalt
samples from 10.89 and 11.92 mbsf exceed 1 A/m. As
noted above, the variation in intensity mimics that of
susceptibility, with 100 to 200 m wavelength variations
below 700 mbsf, shorter wavelength variations and
on average lower intensities from 700 mbsf up to
60m, and then a steep increase in intensity above
this associated with the increasing volcanic component
in the upper part of LSU 2 and upward to the top of

LSU1. Besides these high intensities, other intensity

highs occur in LSUs 11 and 14 and at the base of LSU
12. Intermediate to high intensities are also associated
with LSUs 8.1, 8.3, and the middle of 10. The lowest
intensities are associated with the fine-grained welllaminated sediments of LSU 13 and with the planar
sandstones of LSU 3.
NRM demagnetisation results varied with
depth. A ChRM that could be resolved with linear
demagnetisation paths and that gave steep directions,
which are expected for the high latitude site,
were obtained from about 50% of the specimens.
Anomalously shallow directions were obtained for
~10% of the samples. A few of these had well resolved
ChRM directions and occurred at the boundaries of
magnetozones, indicating that they probably recorded
transitional field directions. About 25% of the samples
provided either interpretable stable end points or
linear demagnetisation paths that overshot the
origin of the orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams,
with the end points or stable end points commonly

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G. Acton et al.

being antipodal to the direction obtained from the

linear demagnetisation paths. Such ambiguous
results were difficult to use in the determination of
magnetic polarity. A ChRM direction could not be
resolved for ~15% of the specimens (108 of the
695 specimens).
Generally, AF demagnetisation proved better at
resolving the ChRM than thermal demagnetisation
because many samples sustained thermal alteration
when heated above 400C to 500C. Nearly
every sample had at least two components of
magnetisation. Typically the ChRM was resolved after
a steep upward-pointing overprint was removed by
either AF demagnetisation up to 25mT or thermal
demagnetization up to 250C. The overprint may have
more than one origin, such as a recent (Brunhes)
normal polarity overprint and/or a drilling overprint,
both of which happen to have similar steep directions.
Other generalisations that can be made are basically
applicable to sedimentary rocks anywhere: finergrained intervals with higher concentrations of
magnetic minerals generally provide higher quality
palaeomagnetic results.
Below we summarise the specific palaeomagnetic
characteristics of each lithostratigraphic unit (LSU).
LSU 1 (0-37.07 mbsf)
Both AF and thermal demagnetisation of basalt
samples taken from the basaltic breccia in LSU
1.2 at 10.89 and 11.92 mbsf provide very linear
demagnetisation paths in orthogonal demagnetisation
diagrams following the removal of a very small, low
coercivity (<10mT) and low unblocking temperature
(<200C) overprint. The well-resolved ChRM gives
shallow directions that differ between the two samples,
as might be expected for clasts that have rotated
before being incorporated into a breccia deposit. The
clasts do provide evidence that any drilling overprint
is relatively small, at least for this particular lithology
and in this interval.
Samples from LSU 1.3 (volcanic sedimentary
rocks) also give fairly well resolved ChRM directions
(Fig. 4) and provide evidence of a polarity reversal
between 25.34 mbsf (normal polarity) and 36.66mbsf
(reversed polarity). Given the age constraints provided
by diatoms and 40Ar/39Ar dates, this could be any
reversed-to-normal polarity reversal younger than
~2.5 Ma and older than 0.69 Ma. Based on the time
span of chrons in this interval, the reversal most
likely corresponds to the Brunhes/Matuyama (Chron
C1n(o), where we use (o) to refer to the old end of
a chron and (y) to refer to the young end) or to the
beginning of the Olduvai (Chron C2n(o)). Given the
quality of the results from LSU 1.3, further sampling
may constrain the depth of the reversal and provide
additional polarity zones for LSU 1.3.

LSU 2 (37.07-98.47 mbsf)

Interpretation in this interval is complicated
because nearly all samples display a significant
overprint. The overprint has a coercivity that ranges

Fig. 7 AF demagnetisation results from sample 48.24 mbsf.

The top left diagram shows the normalised intensity variation
with progressive demagnetisation; the diagram on the right
shows vector end points of palaeomagnetic directions on an
orthogonal demagnetisation diagram or modified Zijderveld plot
(open squares are inclinations and solid squares are declinations);
and the bottom left diagram shows the magnetisation directions
on an equal-area projection (open squares are directions with
negative inclinations).

from low (<5 mT) to very high (>100 mT) (Figs. 7-9).
It also appears to have a relatively low unblocking
temperature, but this is difficult to fully assess because
the thermal results give mostly erratic directions,
which may result from thermal alteration as nearly
all samples in this interval have a notably increase

Fig. 8 AF demagnetisation results from sample 71.80 mbsf. See

Figure 7 caption for additional plot description.

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica


primary component and the lower-coercivity (normal

polarity) component to be a more recent overprint.
If this interpretation is correct, nearly all of LSU 2 is
reversed polarity, which is consistent with it being
deposited during the Matuyama (Chrons C1r-C2r).
This age is also consistent with a diatom assemblage
that gives an age of 2.06-2.55 Ma at 47.00-48.24
mbsf. A couple of samples near the base of the unit
may have normal polarity, or may be too strongly
overprinted to resolve the reversed polarity direction
evident in other samples in this unit.

Fig. 9 AF demagnetisation results from sample 83.20 mbsf. See

Figure 7 caption for additional plot description.

in susceptibility as they are heated, particularly for

temperatures above 500C (Fig. 10). The AF results
sometimes provide very linear demagnetisation paths
in orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams but the paths,
which start with steep upward directions, miss the
origin of the diagrams. Instead the final directions
consistently point downward, generally at a fairly
steep angle (Fig. 9). The final demagnetisation step
or end point of the demagnetisation path trends
toward and may be close to the direction of the
high-coercivity component. At the very least, the
end point gives an indication of the polarity of the
high-coercivity component, which may be the primary
component. Similarly, when the directions from the
last few steps cluster away from the origin of the
orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams, we refer to
them as stable end points (Fig. 7).
Similar demagnetisation behaviour was noted for
samples from Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, where
the higher coercivity component was interpreted
to have a diagenetic origin (Turner, 2001). For
the AND-2A samples from LSU 2 and from several
deeper intervals (e.g., 460.6-471.5 mbsf), this
high coercivity component may be (1) the primary
component, (2) a secondary diagenetic component,
or (3) a measurement artifact, such as a spurious
ARM imparted during AF demagnetization or a small
induced magnetic field within the magnetometer
sensor regions.
For samples from LSU 2, the end points and
stable end points are nearly always steep downward
directions, which indicates that the highest coercivity
component is reversed polarity. The existence of
the reversed polarity component is confirmed by
a couple of samples that are less affected by the
overprint (e.g., Fig. 8). We therefore interpret the
higher-coercivity (reversed polarity) direction as the

LSU 3 (98.47-122.86 mbsf)

Samples from LSU 3 behave somewhat like those of
LSU 2 with the exception that a much larger percentage
of samples displayed erratic demagnetisation paths.
Again, the thermal demagnetisation results give
mostly erratic directions, with thermal alteration
occurring for temperatures 500C (Fig. 10). The
ChRM is mainly poorly resolved with the exception
of a fine-grained interval (siltstone) at ~114 mbsf,
where both thermal and AF demagnetised samples
(at 114.00, 114.31, 114.34, and 114.37 mbsf) give
fairly linear demagnetisation paths, indicating the
siltstone is reversely magnetised. Three of these
samples (114.31, 114.34, and 114.37 mbsf) were
used to compare results from the three different
palaeomagnetism laboratories, with one sample going
to each lab for AF demagnetisation. The resulting
directions and intensities give confidence of internal
consistency between labs. With the exception of
one sample (117.05 mbsf), which appears to have
a normal magnetisation, the end points of the
demagnetisation paths indicate that this unit is mostly
reversely magnetised.
LSU 4 (122.86-224.83 mbsf)
Many of the samples from LSU 4 have linear
demagnetisation paths but the directions vary from
one sample to the next, with many having shallow
directions, which is unexpected for the high latitude
of site AND-2A. Possible interpretations are that the
directions are controlled by clasts or are affected
by deformation following acquisition of the primary
magnetisation. Because of the high variably and
sometimes shallow directions, magnetozones cannot
be determined with confidence in this unit.
LSU 5 (224.82-296.34 mbsf)
Most of the samples from LSU 5 behave similar
to those in LSU 2. A normal polarity overprint with
relatively high coercivity appears to dominate the
signal. The linear demagnetisation paths start with
steep upward directions, but decay toward steep
downward directions, possibly of reversed polarity. The
polarity for most of this interval cannot be confidently
determined given the rather noisy demagnetisation
paths, with the exception of one short interval from
265.55-278.48 mbsf that is interpreted to be reversed

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G. Acton et al.

Fig. 10 Magnetic susceptibility variation with temperature for palaeomagnetic samples collected in different lithostratigraphic units
of AND-2A drillcore. The increase in susceptibility with temperature is indicative of alteration of preexisting magnetic minerals and/or
the formation of new magnetic minerals.

LSU 6 (296.34-339.92 mbsf)

The demagnetisation results are similar to those
of LSUs 2 and 5 with the exception that the thermally
demagnetised samples are either altering more at
higher temperatures or a normal polarity overprint
is actually being removed (Fig. 11). Alteration is a
big concern because the magnetisation continues
to grow with heating for all samples except AND2A-297.68mbsf, which clearly shows a steep
upward pointing (normal polarity) overprint with
low unblocking temperature and a steep downward
pointing (reversed polarity) ChRM with moderate
to high unblocking temperature (Fig. 12). Because
most other thermally demagnetised samples trend
to a similar steep downward direction, albeit without
ever decaying toward the origin of the orthogonal
demagnetisation diagrams, it may be that many of
these samples have a very high temperature reversed
polarity component. If so, fully demagnetising this
component is nearly impossible because of the
thermal alteration that occurs at high temperatures
(Fig. 10).

Toward the base of the unit, those samples that

give relatively linear demagnetisation paths have steep
negative inclinations indicative of normal polarity.
Unlike most other samples from the units above,
these samples also do not have a discernable highcoercivity or high-unblocking temperature component
with the steep downward-pointing directions. We
therefore interpret this interval to be a normal
polarity magnetozone that extends from 328 mbsf
down into LSU 7.
LSU 7 (339.92-436.18 mbsf)
The normal polarity interval in LSU 6 continues
down to 352 mbsf. The sample at 352.32 mbsf
(AND2A-352.32) is clearly reversed polarity. From
this sample down to about 388 mbsf, the ChRM
directions are variable, with no clear definition of
polarity. The AF demagnetised samples dominantly
have steep upward direction whereas the paired
thermally demagnetised samples have either shallow
or downward pointing directions. Currently, it is unclear
why this difference occurs. At high temperature

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica


demagnetisation paths that indicate that this interval

is of reversed polarity. This is underlain by another
zone of uncertain polarity that extends into the top
of LSU 8.

Fig. 11 Thermal demagnetisation results from sample 320.72 mbsf

showing an increase in magnetic intensity at high temperature,
which is very likely indicative of thermal alteration. See figure 7
caption for additional plot description.

(>500C), the thermally demagnetised samples

behave nearly identical to those from LSU 6, with the
NRM increasing significantly with temperature up to
the last thermal demagnetisation step at 650C.
The ChRM directions from 388 to 413 mbsf define
a normal polarity magnetozone. From 413.26 to
429.56 mbsf, both AF and thermal demagnetisation
give consistent end points along with a few linear

Fig. 12 Thermal demagnetisation results from sample 297.68

mbsf showing a well resolved reversed polarity ChRM direction after
removal of a low unblocking temperature overprint. The increase
in magnetic intensity at 650C is indicative of thermal alteration.
See figure 7 caption for additional plot description.

LSU 8 (436.18-607.35 mbsf)

LSU 9 (607.35-648.74 mbsf)
LSU 10 (648.74-778.34 mbsf)
Although still not ideal, the palaeomagnetic
quality increases notably within LSU 8 and below.
From 439 to 449 mbsf, six samples give rather low
quality demagnetisation paths that are indicative of
normal polarity. Several high-quality results (439.96,
442.60, 444.56, 445.64, and 446.95 mbsf) illustrate
that just below this a normal polarity overprint is
removed with 5 to 25 mT AF demagnetisation, with
the remaining magnetisation residing in a single
component. This component gives a steep downward
direction (reversed polarity) that decays linearly
toward the origin of the orthogonal demagnetisation
diagrams with continued AF demagnetisation up to
80 mT (Fig. 13).
A normal polarity magnetozone is defined from
449.16 to 460.62 mbsf. This may be underlain by
a reversed polarity magnetozone but the quality of
the demagnetisation data is very low. All thermal
demagnetised samples within this interval start with
steep upward directions. As they are demagnetised,
their demagnetisation paths overshoot the origin
of the orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams. The
magnetisation continues to grow in a steep downward
direction as the samples are demagnetised from
500C up to 650C, similar to the samples from

Fig. 13 AF demagnetisation results from sample 444.56 mbsf

showing a well resolved reversed polarity ChRM direction after
removal of a low coercivity overprint. The best-fit lines from
principal component analysis (PCA) are shown for the FREE option
(bold grey line), ANCHOR option (dashed line), and stable end
points (SEP; dotted line) for the inclination (see text). See figure7
caption for additional plot description.

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G. Acton et al.

LSU6 (Fig. 11).

The interval from 471.53 to 488.21 mbsf is
interpreted to be normal polarity, although again
several samples in this interval give ambiguous or
low quality results, with the exception of samples
at 475.63 and 486.68 mbsf. The next sample below
this interval (489.74 mbsf) has a very well resolved
demagnetisation path that gives a steep downward
(reversely magnetised) direction. The reversely
magnetised interval extends down to 504.07 mbsf.
The result from 504 to 515 mbsf give directions
that are variable. Nine samples between 515 and
535mbsf give stable end points that are consistently
reversed polarity. The polarity cannot be confidently
determined for the results from 535 to 550 mbsf.

Fig. 14 Thermal demagnetisation results from sample 569.03

mbsf (top) and AF demagnetisation results for sample 569.06 mbsf
(bottom). The paired samples were collected just 3 cm apart. Both
give similar well-resolved reversed polarity ChRM directions after
removal of a low-unblocking temperature/low-coercivity overprint.
See Figure 7 caption for additional plot description.

Several of the linear parts of the demagnetisation

paths are indicative of normal polarity but the end
points are indicative of reversed polarity.
The interval from 550-581 mbsf (within LSU8.3)
is clearly of reversed polarity, as indicated by
both the thermal and AF demagnetisation results
(Fig. 14). Samples from 567.22 and 569.03 mbsf,
besides providing well resolved ChRMs with thermal
demagnetisation, are some of only a few samples
that displayed no thermal alteration upon heating
up to 650C (Fig. 10).
Two samples with well resolved shallow directions
occur at 580.56 and 583.60 mbsf. These are likely
transitional directions between the normal polarity
samples below and the reversed polarity samples
above. The underlying normal polarity zone extends
from the sample at 583.60 mbsf down to 724 mbsf,
with only a few samples in this ~140 m-thick interval
giving somewhat ambiguous results or indicating short
intervals of reversed polarity. Possibly the one short
reversed polarity interval (643-646 mbsf) and the
single reversed polarity sample (708.16 mbsf) that
defines a short interval of uncertain polarity (707709mbsf) are geomagnetic excursions. Mostly, within
this long normal polarity interval, AF demagnetisation
resolves linear demagnetisation paths that have a
steep upward direction and that decay toward the
origin of the demagnetisation diagrams.
From 724 mbsf down to 749 mbsf, several samples
have linear demagnetisation paths or stable end points
that have positive inclination, indicating the interval
is probably all reversed polarity. Some of the samples
give relatively shallow (<40) directions. Whether
this is an artifact of an unremoved normal polarity
component, some deformation of the sediment, or
perhaps an interval during which the geomagnetic
field direction was shallow, cannot be resolved given
the quality of the data obtained so far for samples
in this interval.
The quality of the results continues to improve
downhole below this. Within LSU 10, a normal polarity
magnetozone extends from 749 to 759 mbsf and
is underlain by a reversed polarity magnetozone
(759-783 mbsf) that extends down into the top of
LSU 11.
LSUs 11-14 (778.34-1138.54 mbsf)
The ChRM is very well resolved within these
lowest four LSUs, much more so than all but the
finest grained intervals from above. Even prior to
demagnetisation, the magnetic polarity can be
partially resolved (compare the NRM inclinations
before demagnetisation to the PCA inclinations in
Fig. 5). Generally, the demagnetisation paths are
linear and decay toward the origin following the
removal of a normal overprint that is reduced in size
relative to the sediments from the upper part of the
stratigraphic section (Fig. 15). AF demagnetisation
was more effective at resolving the ChRM than
thermal demagnetisation. Thermal alteration was
quite significant above 400 to 500C in about 40%

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Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica


Fig. 15 Representative orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams for samples from LSUs 11-14. Dark squares give the vertical component

of the samples subjected to thermal demagnetisation

(Fig10). The rest of the samples subjected to thermal
demagnetisation behaved well and showed little sign
of alteration, such as the five samples from 781.24
to 827.68 mbsf and samples from 877.50, 887.53,
and 952.99 mbsf (Fig. 15).
As with some of the samples from LSUs 110,
some of the samples from LSUs 11-14 have
demagnetisation paths that miss the origin of the
orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams. However,

for LSUs 11-14, the directions from the last few

demagnetisation steps are generally dispersed
as a result of the magnetisation becoming very
weak and the direction unstable, particularly for AF
demagnetisation above 70 to 80 mT (Fig. 16). We do
not, therefore, interpret the end points to be indicative
of higher coercivity components. The only exception to
this is from 784-800 mbsf, where the demagnetisation
paths are for a steep upward direction, but the
paths slightly overshoot the origin of the orthogonal

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G. Acton et al.


Fig. 16 AF demagnetisation results from sample 831.10

mbsf, which demagnetises toward the origin of the orthogonal
demagnetisation diagram until about 50 mT, at which point
subsequent demagnetisation results in fairly random directions.
The top left diagram shows the normalised intensity variation with
progressive demagnetisation; the bottom left diagram shows the
magnetisation directions on an equal-area projection (open circles
are directions with negative inclinations); and the two diagrams
on the right show vector end points of palaeomagnetic directions
on orthogonal demagnetisation diagrams.

demagnetisation diagrams, with the resulting end

points being indicative of a steep downward direction
(Fig. 17). Because the samples in this interval occur
between a lower normal polarity magnetozone and
an upper reversed polarity magnetozone, it is possible
that a very small reversed polarity overprint was
acquired shortly after deposition, possibly by oxidation
of primary (normal polarity) magnetite to a secondary
(reversed polarity) higher coercivity magnetic mineral
such as hematite.
For LSUs 11-14, four magnetozones can be readily
defined from the ChRM directions. These include the
reversed polarity magnetozone (759-784 mbsf) that
extends down from LSU 10 into the top of LSU 11, a
thick normal polarity magnetozone (784-959 mbsf)
that extends about midway into LSU 12, a relatively
thin reversed polarity magnetozone (959-986 mbsf)
that spans most of the lower portion of LSU 12, and
a thick normal polarity magnetozone that spans from
986 mbsf down to the base of the hole.
The magnetozones discussed above are
numbered sequentially downhole (Fig. 18; Tab. 1). A

Fig. 17 AF demagnetisation results from sample 787.38 mbsf, which

maintains a steep upward direction as the sample is demagnetised
from 0 to 45 mT but then trends to a steep downward as the
sample is further demagnetised. The top left diagram shows the
normalised intensity variation with progressive demagnetisation;
the bottom left diagram shows the magnetisation directions
on an equal-area projection (open circles are directions with
negative inclinations); and the two diagrams on the right show
vector end points of palaeomagnetic directions on an orthogonal
demagnetisation diagram.

magnetozone is defined by an interval with two or more

unambiguous ChRM directions that are sufficiently
steep (inclinations >45) to be representative of a
geocentric axial dipole field at site AND-2A when
the field is in either a normal or reversed polarity
configuration. The thickness of a magnetozone is
determined by either the occurrence of a polarity
reversal or an interval within which the polarity cannot
be determined. Reversal boundaries were identified
based on a change in the ChRM inclination, with steep
upward directions being indicative of normal polarity
and steep downward direction being indicative of
reversed polarity. The reversal boundary positions
are given as mid-points between two samples of
opposite polarity.
Several magnetozones are bounded by intervals
of uncertain polarity rather than polarity reversals.
In some cases, multiple unidentified magnetozones
may exist within these uncertain polarity intervals
and in other cases perhaps adjacent magnetozones
may need to be merged across the uncertain polarity
intervals. Because of this uncertainty, the numbering
sequence is subject to future change as more samples
are measured and analyzed.
Given the lack on continuity in sedimentation in
the upper part of the section, and the uncertainty in
polarity determination in many intervals, correlation

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009

Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica


Fig. 18 Characteristic remanent magnetisation (ChRM) inclinations, magnetozones, and magnetostratigraphic interpretation for Core
AND-2A. The different quality of ChRM inclinations are plotted with different symbols, where the highest quality (quality 1) are circles,
quality 2 are grey squares, quality 3 are triangles, and quality 4 are Xs (see Supplementary SMS 10 Table A3 for explanation of quality
factors). The magnetozones are black=normal polarity, white=reversed polarity, and grey=uncertain polarity. The magnetostratigraphic
interpretation uses the chron nomenclature of Cande and Kent (1995), where for example a geomagnetic excursion within Chron C5Dn
would be named C5Dn-1r.

of the magnetozones with the geomagnetic polarity

timescale (GPTS) is highly dependent on the available
ages. For the lower part of the section, the ages, which
mainly come from diatom datums and radioisotopic
dates, guide the interpretation, with the spacing
between reversals then providing independent age
control. These ages and how the magnetozones fit into
the overall age model for site AND-2A are discussed
further in Acton et al. (this volume).
Possible correlations of the magnetozones to the
GPTS are given in Table 1. We consider the boundary
between magnetozone N1 and R1 (= N1/R1.1) most
likely to be the Brunhes/Matuyama (C1n/C1r.1r)
reversal (0.781 Ma), but it could also be one of several
other reverse-to-normal transitions less than about 2
Ma, including any of those down to about the C2n/
C2r.1r reversal (1.945 Ma). Given the discontinuous
nature of sedimentation, magnetozone R1.1 may
actually span several reversed polarity chrons, with
some normal polarity magneto-zones either missing

within stratigraphic hiatuses or not resolved in the

samples studied. At least part and perhaps all of R1.1
is within the reversed polarity chronozones of the
Matuyama (C1r-C2r). Independent age constraints
are very poor down to the base of LSU 4. Thus,
magnetozone R1.2 could be correlated to any reversed
polarity chronozone from about Chron C2r to C5r.
Independent age constraints indicate that
sedimentation is rapid and more continuous below
the LSU 4/5 contact, and that LSUs 5-14 fall between
about 15 and 21 Ma. Given those constraints,
magnetozone R1.3 probably correlates to Chron C5Br
(15.160 - 15.974 Ma). The sequence of magnetozones
from N2.1 through R3.3 (328.52 - 581.34 mbsf)
correlates with Chrons C5Cn.1n through C5Cr (15.97417.235 Ma). Below this, magnetozones N4 through
N8 (643.02 mbsf to the base of the hole) can be
correlated with either Chrons C5Dn through C6n
(our preferred interpretation) or with Chrons C5Dn
through C6An.1n (an alternate interpretation). If our

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G. Acton et al.


Tab. 1 - Magnetozones and magnetostratigraphy interpretation.






Age (Ma)

Description of Magnetozone Boundaries







Top of magnetozone N1. Probably within the Brunhes

(Chron C1n), Jaramillo (Subchron C1r.1n), or Gauss
(Chron C2n).







Magnetozone N1/R1.1 boundary. Brunhes/Matuyama =

C1n(o) [or alternatively C1r.1n(o) or C2n(o)].







Base of magnetozone R1.1. Boundary between the bottom of a reversed polarity magnetozone (part or all of
which is probably within the Matuyama) and the top of an
uncertain polarity zone.






Top of magnetozone R1.2. Boundary between the base

of an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a reversed
polarity magnetozone.






Base of magnetozone R1.2. Boundary between the base

of a reversed polarity magnetozone and the top of an
uncertain polarity zone.







Top of magnetozone R1.3. Boundary between the base

of an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a reversed
polarity magnetozone, which is most likely Chron 5Br
(15.160-15.974 Ma).







Base of magnetozone R1.3. Boundary between the base

of a reversed polarity magnetozone, which is most likely
Chron 5Br (15.160-15.974 Ma), and the top of an uncertain polarity zone.







Top of magnetozone N2.1. Boundary between the base

of an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a normal
polarity magnetozone, which is most likely near the top of
Chron C5C.1n (15.974-16.268 Ma).







Base of magnetozone N2.1. Boundary between the base

of a normal polarity magnetozone, which is most likely
the upper part of Chron C5C.1n (15.974-16.268 Ma), and
the top of an uncertain polarity zone.







Top of magnetozone N2.2. Boundary between the base of

an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a normal polarity magnetozone, which is most likely the lower part of
C5Cn.1n (15.974-16.268 Ma).







Magnetozone N2.2/R2.1 boundary. Possibly C5Cn.1n(o)/








Base of magnetozone R2.1. Boundary between the base

of a reversed polarity magnetozone, which is most likely
C5Cn.1r (16.268-16.303 Ma) or C5Cn.2r (16.472-16.543
Ma), and the top of an uncertain polarity zone.







Top of magnetozone R2.2. Boundary between the base

an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a reversed polarity magnetozone, which is most likely C5Cn.1r (16.26816.303 Ma) or C5Cn.2r (16.472-16.543 Ma).







Magnetozone R2.2/N3.1 boundary. Possibly C5Cn.2r(o)/








Base of magnetozone N3.1. Boundary between a normal

polarity magnetozone, which is probably within Chron
C5Cn.3n, and the top of an uncertain polarity interval







Top of magnetozone N3.1. Boundary between the base of

an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a normal polarity magnetozone, which is probably Chron C5Cn.3n (o)
(16.721-17.235 Ma).







Magnetozone N3.1/R3.1 boundary, interpreted to be








Base of magnetozone R3.1. Boundary between the base

of a reversed polarity magnetozone, which is probably the
upper part of Chron C5Cr (16.721-17.235), and the top of
uncertain polarity zone

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Palaeomagnetism for the ANDRILL SMS Project, Antarctica








Top of magnetozone R3.2. Boundary between the base

of an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a reversed
polarity magnetozone that is probably within Chron C5Cr







Base of magnetozone R3.2. Boundary between the base a

reversed polarity magnetozone, which is probably within
Chron C5Cr (16.721-17.235), and the top of an uncertain
polarity zone.







Top of magnetozone R3.3. Boundary between the base

of an uncertain polarity zone and the top of a reversed
polarity magnetozone that is probably the lower part of
Chron C5Cr (16.721-17.235).







Magnetozone R3.3/N4 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone N4/R4 boundary, interpreted to be C5Dn1r(y) = an Excursion in C5Dn







Magnetozone R4/N5.1 boundary, interpreted to be C5Dn1r(o) = an Excursion in C5Dn







Base of magnetozone N5.1 that overlies a possible excursion in Chron C5Dn, referred to as C5Dn-2r(o).







Top of magnetozone N5.2 that underlies a possible excursion in Chron C5Dn, referred to as C5Dn-2r(o).







Magnetozone N5.2/R5 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone R5/N6 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone N6/R6 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone R6/N7 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone N7/R7 boundary, interpreted to be C5En(o)/








Magnetozone R7/N8 boundary, interpreted to be C5Er(o)/



Base of the hole assuming lowest magnetozone is C6n

Alternate interpretation for section below 643 mbsf.







Magnetozone N4/R4 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone R4/N5.1 boundary, interpreted to be








Base of magnetozone N5.1 that overlies a possible excursion in Chron C5En, referred to as C5En-1r(y)







Top of magnetozone N5.2 that underlies a possible excursion in Chron C5En, referred to as C5En-1r(o







Magnetozone N5.2/R5 boundary, interpreted to be








Magnetozone R5/N6 boundary, intepreted to be C5Er/

C5Er-1n(y), where C5Er-1n(y) is the young end of an
excursion within Chron C5Er







Magnetozone N6/R6 boundary, iintepreted to be C5Er/

C5Er-1n(o), where C5Er-1n(o) is the young end of an
excursion within Chron C5Er







Magnetozone R6/N7 boundary, interpreted to be C5Er(o)/








Magnetozone N7/R7 boundary, interpreted to be C6n(o)/








Magnetozone R7/N8 boundary, interpreted to be C6r(o)/



Base of the hole assuming lowest magnetozone is


Reversal types are N=Normal Polarity; R=Reversed Polarity; U=Uncertain Polarity. N/R = normal polarity interval on top of a reversed
polarity interval; R/N = reversed polarity interval on top of a normal polarity interval; the magnetozones are labelled and plotted
versus depth in figure 18 of this paper.

Terra Antartica Publication 2008-2009


G. Acton et al.

preferred interpretation is correct, the ages for the

magnetozone boundaries are slightly younger than
indicated by the radioisotopic dates. Alternatively, if the
magnetozones are Chrons C5Dn-C6An.1n, the ages for
the magnetozone boundaries are slightly older than
indicated by the radioisotopic dates. This assumes
the ages given for the chrons in the Gradstein et al.
(2004) GPTS are correct. The Cande and Kent (1995)
GPTS gives slightly older ages for Chrons C5D through
C6A, which would make our preferred correlation more
compatible with the radioisotopic dates.
In both cases, the thicknesses of the reversed
polarity zones relative to the normal polarity zones
are somewhat less than expected from the GPTS if
sedimentation rates had been relatively constant at site
AND-2A. This is particularly the case for the alternative
interpretation as the very thin magnetozone R4 would
correlate to C5Dr. In our preferred interpretation,
magnetozone R4 is instead an excursion within Chron
C5Dn. Sedimentation rates are unlikely to be constant,
so neither interpretation can be eliminated based only
on the relative thickness of the magnetozones.

Acknowledgements - We thank Robin Frisch-Gleason,

Graziano Scotto di Clemente, and Bob Williams for their
on-ice assistance with sample collection, the SMS curatorial
staff for their professional handling of the core and for
administering the many sample requests, the SMS drillers
for their expertise in recovering the core, and to the funding
agencies in the USA, New Zealand, Italy, and Germany
that provided the financing for the ANDRILL SMS Project.
Funding and samples for this project was provided through
the ANDRILL Science Management Office.
The ANDRILL Programme is a multinational collaboration
between the Antarctic programmes of United States,
New Zealand, Italy, and Germany. The ANDRILL Science
Management Office at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
provided science planning and operational support.
Antarctica New Zealand is the project operator and
developed the drilling system in collaboration with Alex Pyne
at Victoria University of Wellington and Webster Drilling
and Enterprises Ltd. Antarctica New Zealand. Raytheon
Polar Services Corporation supported the science team at
McMurdo Station and the Crary Science and Engineering
Centre Laboratory. Scientific studies are jointly supported
by the US National Science Foundation, NZ Foundation
for Research, Science and Technology and the Royal

Society of NZ Marsden Fund, the Italian Antarctic Research

Programme (PNRA), the German Research Foundation
(DFG) and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) for Polar
and Marine Research.
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Supplementary Information
The following supplementary information in tables for this contribution is available on-line at the Terra Antartica
website and at the ANDRILL data site

Appendix 1
Supplementary SMS 10 Table A1 - Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic results for samples collected from the
AND-2A core.
Supplementary SMS 10 Table A2 - Rock magnetic measurements made on selected volcanic, basement, and
sedimentary clasts from AND-2A core.
Supplementary SMS 10 Table A3 - Principal component analysis and preferred inclination for palaeomagnetic
samples from AND-2A core.

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