Tax in Malaysia
Tax in Malaysia
Tax in Malaysia
Client Alert
November 2013
a) Multi-Stage Tax
In contrast to the current sales and service tax regime, GST will be a broadbased consumption tax, based on a value-added concept. GST will be levied
and charged on all taxable supplies of goods and services made in the course
of a trade or business in Malaysia by a taxable person. The imposition of GST
on a multiple-stage basis is a key difference from the current sales tax and
service tax which is levied at only one stage of the supply chain.
c) Broad-based Tax
GST has a substantially broader reach compared to sales and service tax
which is only levied on particular taxable goods and services. All supplies of
goods and services will be subject to GST unless they are zero-rated supplies
or exempt supplies, or fall within particular special schemes.
Taxable or Exempted?
a) Standard-rated supplies
Standard-rated supplies are taxable supplies of goods and services which will
be subject to the proposed rate of 6%. A taxable person who is registered to
collect GST on such supply is also entitled to claim input tax credit on his
business inputs in making taxable supplies.
b) Zero-rated supplies
Zero-rated supplies are taxable supplies of goods and services which are
subject to a GST rate of 0%. As such, businesses will not collect any GST on
such supplies but are still entitled to claim a tax credit on inputs used in the
course or furtherance of the business.
Most basic food items (including poultry, meats, fish, cooking oil, rice, sugar,
salt and vegetables), supply of the first 200 units of electricity per month for
domestic consumers will not be subject to GST (zero-rated supplies).
c) Exempt supplies
Exempt supplies are supplies of goods and services which are not subject to
GST. Businesses will not collect any GST on the such supplies and no input
tax credits can be claimed in respect of exempt supplies.
Based on the draft proposed list of exempt supplies in the Budget 2014
announcement, it appears that certain financial services, domestic passenger
transportation, private healthcare services, education services, supply of
agriculture land and residential properties will be GST-exempt.
d) Training of Employees
It is important that employees and staff are prepared and well-equipped to
implement GST in the business operations through trainings and awareness
Experience in many countries which have already implemented GST show
that early preparation is crucial to ensure a smooth transition to GST. GST
preparations should be undertaken as soon as possible so that companies are
able to properly manage the implementation of GST.
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