The Lost Word of Power - MARA
The Lost Word of Power - MARA
The Lost Word of Power - MARA
We have, first of all, the letter M. It is significant because of its maturing influence. It is pronounced with a drawn out sound like MMMmmm.
The second letter, is A. It represents the astral or heavenly influences. It is pronounced like the `a' father, AAAaaahh.
The third letter, is the regal letter R. This letter, has always conveyed the masculine and royal sound in all mantras. It is pronounced on the tip of the tongue
with a rolling sound, RRRrrr.
Lastly, we have the astral letter once more, which is A.
The mantra thus formed, composes the Lost Word. Each letter, is chosen for its
particular vibrational value. Each one, is representative of a primordial interger.
Collectively, they articulate that fine essence, otherwise known as the logos, or,
The Lost Word then, is MARA. It is a mantra, intoned or chanted, on the note of
A natural, above middle C.
The invocation of cosmic energy, and the attunement with the divine mind, is
obtained by correctly using this Lost Word.
The logos, or primordial power, consist not in the image of a person, but in the
unity and totality of potential existences. Each primordial integer, or, archetypal
number, contains within itself, the ingredients of material and spiritual manifestation.
The roots of all reality then, reside in these arrested qualities, which are only
meaningful to us essentially in terms of transcendent causes.
In truth, there is only the ONE. But this primacy of existence, has no relevance
again, except as it is the sum of the additional energies expressed here. The
chanting of the Lost Word MARA, brings the ALL to our being.
Let all who use this word be warned. To pronounce it, means to attune the inner
self to the vibrations of the cosmic.
The cosmic will require of you the fruits of such attunement. Your inner nature,
will be driven to express the divine will.
You will realize, to your amazement, that there is a cosmic mind, and that it is
fundamentally superior and different from your own objective mind.
If you fail to execute any directives given you as a result of successfully attuning
with the cosmic, this will prove most disappointing. You are reminded at this
point, that the word is for your use only. You are not permitted to divulge it to
Psychic development, is relatively a straightforward matter. Since the word attunes your inner self to the cosmic, it remains for you as a sincere seeker to
comply with the requirements of psychic unfoldment. Life is full of possibilities.
Be aware of those possibilities.
The disciple, does not allow himself to contradict the dictates of his conscience.
The use of the Lost Word in connection with inner development, should be according to a plan or routine.
It is advisable to choose either a morning or late night hour to meditate on and
chant the word as directed.
You have no need to spend hours in meditation, as the action of the vowel
sounds themselves, continually orient you towards reflective and contemplative
Firstly, be sure to clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts. Sit or lay, in a comfortable position. Then, take deep breaths into your lungs, until you feel relaxed.
Whilst your mind is centered on the God of your heart, repeat the mantra thus:
MAaaRAaa, (three times).
There is no real limit on the number of times you say this, but five minutes of
such contemplation and meditation, will be sufficient for each period.
The important thing about psychic development is that each level of attainment,
or illumination, affords the possibilities of even greater revelation and personal
It is a known fact, that the flow of energy in a dynamic system, such as is the
case with the twelve psychic centers in man, is strictly in accordance with the
capacity of the centers themselves to accommodate a certain level of energy.
The sensitivity, of each psychic center, to the physiological requirement of translocating additional energy elsewhere, is an absolute determinate, in the rate at
which psychic illumination is attained.
This concludes the instructions for the use of the mantra that gives us access to
the power of the cosmic. The 'LOST WORD' of power.
For more 140 Ancient Secret Mantras,