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Structure and Function of the Skin

The skin is the human body

s its largest organ, covering 1.6 m2 of surface area and accounting for approximately 16% of an adults body weight. In direct contact with the outside environment, the skin helps to maintain four
essential bodily functions: retention of moisture and prevention of permeation or loss of other molecules,
regulation of body temperature, protection of the body from microbes and harmful external influences, and
sensation. To understand cutaneous biology and skin diseases, it is very important to learn the structure and
functions of normal human skin.

A. Skin surface
The skin surface is not smooth, but is laced with multiple networks of fine grooves called sulci cutis. These can be deep or
shallow. The slightly elevated areas that are surrounded by shallower areas of sulci cutis are called cristae cutis. Sweat pores fed
by the sweat glands open to the cristae cutis (Fig. 1.1).
The orientation of the sulci cutis, which differs depending on
body location, is called the dermal ridge pattern. Fingerprints and
patterns on the palms and soles, which are unique to each person,
are formed by the sulci cutis. Elastic fibers also run in specific
directions in deeper parts of the skin, with the direction depending on the site. Some skin diseases, such as epidermal nevus, are
known to occur along specific lines distributed over the body, the
Blaschko lines (Fig. 1.2). These lines are thought to be associated

sulcus cutis

Fig. 1.2 The Blaschko lines.

Many dermatological disorders appear along these lines, such as epidermal nevus and linear scleroderma (Bolognia JL, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1994; 31:175-90).

crista cutis

Fig. 1.1 Appearance of the skin surface.

a: Cristae cutis (triangle) and sulci cutis (arrows).
b: Nevus-cell nevus along the cristae cutis. c:
Sweat pores fed by sweat glands open to the
cristae cutis (arrows).

Structure and Function of the Skin


arrector pili muscle

sweat pore
apocrine sweat gland
horny cell layer

epidermal rete ridge

papillary dermis
subpapillary dermis
epidermal basement membrane
eccrine sweat gland


dermal papilla


reticular dermis


sebaceous gland
hair bulge

hair follicle
dermal hair papilla
hair bulb
hair matrix

subcutaneous tissue




Fig. 1.3 Structure of the skin.

(Nakagawa H, editor. Dermatological disorders. In: Symphonia Medica Nursing (Vol.19). Nakayama-Shoten; 2001. p.3).

with the direction in which the differentiated cell clones extend

during fetal skin development.
Skin generally consists of a three-layer structure: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues (Fig. 1.3). At the boundary
between the epidermis and dermis are finger-like projecting
structures (the dermal papillae) that project into the overlying tissue (the epidermis) (Fig. 1.30). The portion of the epidermis that
projects into the dermis is called the epidermal rete ridge, and the
portion of the dermis that projects into the epidermis is called the
dermal papilla.

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