Story and Script of Ant and Grasshopper

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Script adapted from the story The Ant and the Grasshopper




Ant 1


Ant 2


Ant 3









(Stage directions: The owl, squirrel and bear are in a large semicircle stage right,
narrator is at stage left and the ants are in the centre of the stage)

: One fine day, there were some ants working hard. They were
collecting food to be stored during the rainy season.

(All the ants are miming digging, pulling and pushing)

Ant 1

: I am so hot.

Ant 2

: Me too!

Ant 3

: This is very hard work.


: They saw a grasshopper lying lazily on a log while singing.

(The ants stop working and look at the grasshopper)

Grasshopper : Ants, you are so silly. You need to enjoy the sunshine.
(The ants start working again)
Ant 1

: We have to work hard.

Ant 2

: We want to store food for the rainy season.

Ant 3

: Come and join us to look for some food, Grasshopper.

(The grasshopper laughs loudly and shakes his head)

Grasshopper : Ha, ha, ha. No, thank you. I feel so sleepy. I want to sleep.

: The grasshopper did not care what the ants had said.

(The ants keep working and move stage right)


: At last the rainy season came. It rained heavily for three days without
stopping and at last the whole area was flooded. The grasshopper
was cold and hungry.

(The grasshopper rubs his stomach and shivers. He looks at the owl who starts to fly
around the stage)
Grasshopper : Oh! I am cold and hungry but I have no food to eat. Perhaps my
friend, owl will feed me. Owl! Owl! Will you please feed me?
(Owl flies around the grasshopper and stops at the centre stage. He stands beside
the grasshopper)

: Twit, hoot! Oh, no. I will not feed you.

(It flies back to its place in the semicircle)

Grasshopper : Oh, dear! I know, I will ask my friend the bear to feed me.
(Grasshopper walks towards the bear)
Grasshopper : Bear! Bear! Please feed me. I am hungry.
(Bear is sleeping, so the grasshopper wakes him up and they walk to the centre
stage. He is very angry with the grasshopper)

: Growl! Growl! Oh, no. I will not feed you.

(It goes back to its place in the semicircle)


: Then the grasshopper saw some squirrels.

(The squirrel mimes eating nuts at stage right)

Grasshopper : Squirrel! Squirrel! Please feed me. I am hungry.
(The squirrel walks towards him)


: Oh, no. I will not feed you.

(It hops back to the stage right)


: The grasshopper was very cold and hungry. He didnt know what to
do. Then he thought of the ants.

(Grasshopper who is shivering and rubbing his stomach, moves to the centre of the
Grasshopper : Ants! Ants! Please feed me. I am hungry. I have no food to eat.
(The ants go into a huddle away from the grasshopper)

: The ants thought about it and decided to give him some food.

(All the ants face the grasshopper)

Ant 1

: Ok, we will give you some food but with one condition.

Grasshopper : What is it?

Ant 2

: After you have finished your food, you will help us to clean our house.

Ant 3

: After the rainy season, you will follow us to look for food and store it
for the next rainy season.

Grasshopper : Oh, thank you, Ants. I regret and I promise to work hard like you.

: The grasshopper kept his promise and worked hard to collect food for
the next rainy season.

(Grasshopper mimes pushing, pulling, carrying and digging with all the ants)

The end

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