Love - Hurt - Have. - Teens
Love - Hurt - Have. - Teens
Love - Hurt - Have. - Teens
doesnt have
to hurt teens
The American Psychological Association developed this document with consultation from the Partners in Program
Planning in Adolescent Health (PIPPAH), whose members include: American Bar Associations Center on Children and
the Law, and Commission on Domestic Violence, American Dietetic Association, American Medical Association, and
National Association of Social Workers.
PIPPAH is supported by the Office of Adolescent Health of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources
and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views expressed herein have not
been approved by the governing or policy setting bodies of any of the PIPPAH organizations, and accordingly, should
not be construed as representing the policy of any of these organizations.
The printing and distribution of this publication is supported in part by Cooperative Agreement No. 5 MCU11A302-02 from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Sound familiar?
Kevin is walking in the school hallway with his
friends and sees his girlfriend at her locker with
her friends. When he goes up to her, she gives
him a cold look and says loudly, I dont know why
I even bother with you, loser! I guess I just keep
you around because I feel sorry for you. Kevin
feels frustrated because he doesnt know what he
did and embarrassed because his friends saw his
girlfriend putting him down.
big deal.
Every relationship has problems and upsets. Thats just part of life. But if you see
patterns of uncontrolled anger, jealousy,
or possessiveness, or if there is shoving,
slapping, forced sex, or other physical violenceeven onceits time to find help.
Think about this: Imagine that your best friend
is dating someone who thinks and acts that way.
Would it seem okay? Would you want them to
stop hurting each other? Would you treat your
best friend this way?
You have the right to be treated with respect and
to not be harmed physically or emotionally by
another person. Violence and abuse are not acceptable in any relationship. Love shouldnt hurt
like this.
Violence happens in same-sex relationships, too. When it does, gay and lesbian teenagers often dont know where to
turn for help. If they are not comfortable
telling people theyre gay, that makes
their situation even harder. In some
cases their partner may threaten to
out them even though he/she knows it
could be dangerous!
If you think something is wrong, it probably is. You may feel anxious, have trouble sleeping or experience a change in appetite
or weight. Your body may be telling you that something is not
rightpay attention to these signs.
What it means
How it works
Verbal Abuse
Psychological and
Emotional Abuse
Threats; Intimidation; Put downs; Telling a per- Pouting when you spend time with your
sons secrets; Jealousy; Possessiveness; Isolat- friends, Threatening to leave you in an unsafe
ing a person from friends, family; Destroying
location, Trying to control what you do
gifts, clothing, letters; Damaging a car, home,
or other prized possessions
Physical Abuse
Slapping, Hitting, Shoving, Grabbing, Hair pull- Going into a rage when disappointed or frusing, Biting, Throwing objects at a person
trated; Teasing, tripping, or pushing; Threatening to injure
Sexual Violence: From Sexual advances that make a person feel un- Insisting, physically or verbally, that a person
Coercion to Date Rape comfortable; sexual behavior that is unwanted who said no have sex anyway; Forced sex
Both girls and boys often have the idea that boys
cant control themselves when it comes to sex. They
may believe that if a man forces a woman to have sex
against her will, she was probably leading him on in
some way.
Personal pressures
Some social and personal situations are
hard for anyone to handle, but they are
especially hard when they affect teenagers.
These personal pressures can contribute to
abusive or violent behavior in relationships
and to accepting that kind of behavior
from a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs does not cause violence,
but it can have unpredictable effects: It can lower
inhibitions or change perceptions of what is really going on. Even one drink is enough for some
teens to say or do things they regret. Alcohol and
drugs also cause people to misread situationsto
see a come-on when there isnt one or to see only
friendliness in a situation that could lead to rape
or other violence. Drugs and alcohol often are
used as excuses for abuse: I didnt mean to hurt
you. I was out of control. Being drunk or high is
never an excuse for hurting someone.
Violent behavior wont disappear on its own. One or both of you may have
wrong ideas about relationships, expressing anger, what to expect from each
other, what you deserve from someone you love. Usually, both of you need
support and help to make a change. Being hurt by someone that you care
about can make you feel weak, worthless, helpless, and alone. Turning to
drugs or alcohol is not a good way to handle the situationit will not make
the abuse disappear or feel more bearable.
Start by talking to someone. A counselor, a coach, a teacher, a parent, a doctor, a minister or rabbi, or a close friend can help you get an objective opinion of the situation. They may also have some good ideas to help you stop
the hurting and start talking to each other about what you really want and
need in a relationship.
Then take some action!
Get support.
One of the most common forms of relationship violence is
isolationkeeping you
from spending time
with your friends. If
someone youre going
out with controls your
free time, you start to
feel like you have nowhere else to turn. You
arent as likely to hear
the support of friends
who want you to leave
the relationship. This
is the time you need
that support most. Talk
to a friend, a teacher, a
counselor, anyone who
will support you as you
stand up for yourself.
Knowing that you dont
have to rely on yourself
can give you the courage you need to break
free. If the first person
you talk to doesnt give
you the support you
need, try someone else.
Dont give up!
Demand respect.
Point out the ways
youve been hurt physically, sexually, and emotionally to the person
youre going out with.
Say that its a big deal
to you and that you
want it to stop. Now.
This can be a hard step
for many reasons. The
person may deny the
abuse, get furious and
threaten to hurt you,
your family, or himself
or herself if you try
to leave the relationship or tell anyone else
about the problem. Or
the person may get really sweet and remorseful, crying and promising never to hurt you
again, only to return to
the same old patterns
later. Encourage the
person youre dating to
find help dealing with
anger. Face fact though:
Most people wont
make that change, even
if they really love you.
Find help.
Just because this is your
relationship doesnt
mean you should try
to solve the problem
on your own. A boyfriend or girlfriend who
is hurting you already
doesnt respect you in
the way you deserve.
Talk to an adulta
teacher, counselor,
coach, or friendwho
will stick with you. Asking for help isnt a sign
of weakness. Its about
getting the support you
deserve and making
sure your boyfriend or
girlfriend gets the message: Abuse is serious,
and you deserve better.
Drinking alcohol or
using drugs does
not make you hurt
someone. It can have
unpredictable effects,
though, and can change
the way you view situations. You can never
use drugs and alcohol as an excuse for
abusive behavior. You
should make it a reason
to get help for
substance abuse.
Stopping violence in teen relationships is everyones responsibility. Boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, parents, adultsall have a responsibility to speak out against behavior
that is harmful and to prevent it from occurring.
Here are some people and organizations that can help. You can usually find phone numbers in your local phone book or ask a counselor at school to help you get connected.
Telephone numbers