Ecological Impact of Industrialization and Urbanization
Ecological Impact of Industrialization and Urbanization
Ecological Impact of Industrialization and Urbanization
7. Natural
arised and they have been considered as the reasons for environmental
problems. The immigrants became a big mass and started to consume
natural resources.
9. Migration causes concentration of population in a limited space which further
the physical properties of a reservoir are often not suitable to the aquatic
plants and animals that evolved with a given river system.
5. The alteration of a river's flow and sediment transport downstream of a dam
8. Riverbed deepening (or "incising") will also lower groundwater tables along a
river, lowering the water table accessible to plant roots (and to human
communities drawing water from wells) .
9. Altering the riverbed also reduces habitat for fish that spawn in river bottoms,
and for invertebrates.
10. Large dams have led to the extinction of many fish and other aquatic species,
the disappearance of birds in floodplains, huge losses of forest, wetland and
farmland, erosion of coastal deltas, and many other immitigable impacts.
farmers clear land by slashing vegetation and burning forests and woodlands to
create clear land for agricultural purposes.
2. The current practice of shifting cultivation in eastern and north eastern regions of
India is an extravagant and unscientific form of land use.
3. The evil effects of shifting cultivation are devastating and far-reaching in degrading
the environment and ecology of these regions.
4. The earlier 1520 year cycle of shifting cultivation on a particular land has reduced to
23 years now
5. This has resulted in large-scale deforestation, soil and nutrient loss, and invasion by
weeds and other species.
6. The indigenous biodiversity has been affected to a large extent.
7. Frequent shifting from one land to the other has affected the ecology of these
8. The area under natural forest has declined; the fragmentation of habitat, local
disappearance of native species and invasion by exotic weeds and other plants are
some of the other ecological consequences of shifting agriculture.
9. The slash and burn methods involves burning down of trees, which releases harmful
gases affect the health of people living in surrounding area.
10. This also kills many Flora and fauna in the process so it is a major cause of loss of