Instruction Manual For Registraion of Bidders - UNDP

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United Nations Development Programme

eTendering Bidder Training Guide

Release No. 3
February 2015

1 Common Definitions:....................................................................................................... 2
2 Business Process .............................................................................................................. 3
3 Bidder Registration .......................................................................................................... 4
4 Submitting and managing bids......................................................................................... 9
4.1 Searching for a bid Event in the system.................................................................... 9
4.2 Viewing Bid Events and Submitting Bids .............................................................. 12
4.2.1 Viewing bid event and solicitation documents ................................................ 12
4.2.2 Submitting a bid ............................................................................................... 13
4.2.3 Submitting Alternate Bids................................................................................ 18
4.3 Managing Submitted Bids....................................................................................... 19
4.3.1 View Bid .......................................................................................................... 19
4.3.2 Edit or Cancel Bid ............................................................................................ 21
4.3.3 Amending your bid when bid event is amended .............................................. 22
4.4 Submitting bids via xml files ...................................................................................... 24
5 Managing Your Account................................................................................................ 25
5.1 View Activity .......................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Update Bidder Profile ............................................................................................. 27

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1 Common Definitions:

A submission of an offer on an event.

Bid Factor Bid requirements and evaluation criteria, that may or may not be cost-related, which
factors into the award of an event. Bid factors can be of pass or fail or can be
assigned weightings and used to determine the best qualified bid.
Examples of bid factors include price, product warranties, service level agreements,
and defect ratings.

Anyone registered to place a bid on an event. The term bidder applies whether it is a
sell event (i.e. when UNDP is selling goods) or a buy event (i.e. when UNDP is the


An identification code that represents a high-level organization of business

information usually representing an UNDP Country Office or HQ department.

Buy Event In a buy event, UNDP wants to buy goods or services. In addition to price, the
creator may specify other bid factors and assign weightings, which factors into the
award decision. Bidders must submit their bids, including responses to the bid
factors, by a specified End Date after which time the bids are evaluated and the
event is awarded. In PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing, there are three types of buy
Auction: Also known as a reverse auction. All bids are visible to all bidders. Bidders
can enter multiple bids, to beat the current highest-scoring bid.
Sealed RFx: Similar to a RFx event, yet also restricts the event creator from viewing
the bids until after the event has ended. It is used by UNDP for Invitation to Bid (ITB)
and request for Proposals (RFP) type of processes.

End Date

The date and time the event closes meaning that bids are no longer accepted.


The originator of the event in the system.


The type of information being requested on the bid factor, such as monetary,
numeric, date, text, yes/no, or list.


The time available before an event's start date. During preview, bidders may view the
event, and may enter bid data into the system but will not be able to submit their bid.
Having a preview time for an event is optional.


An event on which any person or organization may bid.


A request for information or request for quote event in which each bidder bids once;
bidders cannot see each others' bids and scores.

Sell Event Most familiarly known as an auction. In a sell event, the event creator offers a good
or service for sale. In addition to price, the creator may specify other bid factors
which helps determine the award decision. Bidders must submit their bids, including

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responses to the bid factors, by a specified end date at which time the bids are
evaluated and the winners are declared. In PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing, there are
two types of sell events:
Auction: All bids and scores are visible to all bidders. Bidders can enter multiple bids,
to beat the current highest-scoring bid.
RFx: Each bidder submits one bid by the specified end date, at which time the event
creators evaluates bids and awards the event. Bidders never see others' bids but the
event creator can see all bids throughout the event.

An identification code that represents a set of control table information or tablesets. A

tableset is a group of tables (records) necessary to define your organization's
structure and processing options.

Start Date The date and time at which the event becomes open for bidding.
User ID

The system identifier for the individual who generates a transaction.

Weighting Both bid factors and line items are weighted to reflect their level of importance.
Weighting is used to analyze and score bids.

2 Business Process
The eTendering module is designed to facilitate collaboration between buyers and
suppliers of goods and services. Through the functionalities offered in the module, users
(buyers) can manage bidding events, monitor participations, and evaluating offers, thus
stream line the bidding process.
When creating an event, users have the option of inviting individual suppliers/ vendors or
making the event public. An invitation is automatically sent to all invitees once the event
is posted. In order to participate in an event, suppliers must first register as a Bidder
via the supplier portal and then enter bids for the events that they are invited to.
Features such as bid factors, allows users to assign weightings and ideal answers for
evaluation purposes.

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3 Bidder Registration
This section describes the steps that bidders must follow in order to register in the
eTendering system. It is a self-registration and one time process where bidders must
provide pertinent information about them such as name, email, address, and organization
information if they represent one. Once registration is completed, bidder can sign in the
system using its own username and password.
For the first time registrants, use the following details to login and create access:

Username: event.guest
Password: why2change
Please note:
It is strongly recommended to create your username with two parts, your
first name and last name separated by., similar to the one shown
The registration page enables Bidders to create a user ID. System will
generate a temporary password that will be sent to the bidder to the
email address provided by Bidder during registration process. Bidders
will be prompted to create their own password.

Navigation: Manage Events and Place Bids > Register Bidder

1.) Enter bidder information: As soon as bidder logs in for the first time with the
username and password above, bidders must register themselves following the steps

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Name of the company must correspond to the name recognized and registered in relevant
registration office. First and last name should be the name of the person authorized by
your company to use the system and represent the company.
You can add several users under the same Bidder profile. Each added user will have its
own User ID and password.
Once you have created all users that you intend to create, click on next to continue to
the following step.

Select the country and complete the address for your company. Note that USA is selected
by default so make sure to correct accordingly.

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Step 4 is optional. If you do not have alternative addresses for your company, skip this
step by clicking on next to go to the next step.

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In this step you have to assign an address to each of the users you created. Make sure that
each user has been assigned on address.

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Once you have complete all of the steps above, clear history and close the browser. This
is a very important step. If you do not clear browser history, the temporary password may
not work (internet browser will try to use the why2change password which is saved in
its browsing memory. You will receive an email from the system sentto the registered
address containing a temporary password. Wait for about 30 minutes to allow the system
to update your profile to ensure proper access is granted and use that password to log into
the system to view and bid on open events.
When you sign in for the first time with the temporary password, you will be prompted to
change the password to a password of your choice. Once you have changed, you will be
logged into the system and will be able to view bidding processes and submit bids.

4 Submitting and managing bids

This section contains instructions on how to search for bid events and view solicitation
documents, bid on events, and manage submitting bids.

4.1 Searching for a bid Event in the system

The system does not send automatic notifications when an event is posted. Nevertheless,
UNDP will publish procurement notices in UNDP website, UNGM, and other media as
relevant making reference to the eTendering system. However, bidders who are invited
directly through the system to participate in a Bid Event will receive an email notification
informing about the bid event and containing all Bid event attachments and direct link to
the bid event in the system. .
To search for bid events, go to Manage Events and Place bids >> View Events and Place

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Menu will expand. Click again on Manage Events and Place Bids

Search for the bid event you are interested. Several search fields are available. You have
to select a filter, otherwise there will no search results shown:

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You can filter by type of event Results should include: on the right or by specific bid
event information on the left. You can also save search criteria for repeated use in the
To search for a particular Bid Event, use the Event ID search filter. Use the first box to
filter all bid events for a particular country using the system country code. For example,
for system code for Afghanistan is AFG10. You can contact UNDP Country Office focal
point if in doubt of the specific country code.

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4.2 Viewing Bid Events and Submitting Bids

This section contains instructions on how to view the solicitation documents, express
interest to participate and subscribe to the event, and submit a bid for a particular bid
4.2.1 Viewing bid event and solicitation documents
When you have found and selected the bid event you are looking for, the following
screen will appear, showing basic information from the bid Event:

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In order to view the documents attached to this bid, you must click on View Bidding
Documents on the top right. It will prompt a screen with links to documents that can be
If interested to participate in the event, click on Accept Invitation. Important note: If
you have not accepted the invitation, you will not be notified via email on changes or
clarifications that may be made to the bid event during the bidding period. Accepting an
invitation does not bind bidders to eventually submit a bid.
Bidders who are invited directly in the system will see also a button Decline Invitation.
If you are not interested in participating in this bid event, click on Decline Invitation.
You are kindly requested to provide a reason for not accepting to participate in the bid
Click on bid on Event when you are ready to submit your bid.
4.2.2 Submitting a bid
To start the bid submission process, you have to click on Bid on Event button on the
top left corner. This will open the bid submission page will generally has 3 main
1. Answers to Bid Factors (questions) included in the bid event;
2. Line items quantity and unit prices;
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3. Suporting documents and other attachments as requested in the solicitation

To upload your documents that are part of your bid, click on View/Add General
Comments and Attachments. You can also download from here documents attached to
the Bid Event by UNDP.
Note: The file names cannot be more than 60 characters.

To upload your documents that are part of your bid, click on Add new Attachments and
browse to your file and click on Upload.

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The first step in submitting a bid is to respond to the general requirements of the bid
Event. Responses can be entered in different ways, depending on the type of the bid
Factor. Bidders must respond to all questions marked as Bid Required. In addition,
some of the questions may be marked as Ideal Response Required. Bidders must
provide the response required, otherwise bid will be disqualified by the system.
Bidder can upload documents that are specific to a certain question, e.g. the QA
Certificates under the bid question related to QA certificates.

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The responses for some of the questions can be entered by selected from the drop down
tool, some can be free text or numbers, and some require the bidder to select from
different options, e.g.

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The second step is to submit the prices for all lines required and specific information
related to each line. Bidders here can input the quantity that they are required to quote on
and the unit price. The sytem will calculate the total per each line and the total of all
lines. To make specific comments per each line or to upload documents that are specific
to that line, e.g. the technical specification, you must click on the buble icon on the right
of each line and a uploading screen will appear.

Once you have submitted all the information required, you can either save your bid for
later submission or submit it right away.
Important note: If you Save for Later your bid is not submitted. A Bid is
submitted only one you click on Submit bid in which case a confirmation email is
received with a copy of the bid submitted.
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You can click on Validate entries to check if the responses provided meet the minimum
responses required in the bid event and confirm if the bid is ready to be submitted.
4.2.3 Submitting Alternate Bids
In the cases when UNDP accepts alternate bids, Bidders will be allowed to submit more
then one bid in the system, with one of them being the primary bid and the other/s being
alternate bids. There are different methods of how to submit an alternate bid as described

Method 1: Submit an alternate bid directly.

In this method you will submit a bid directly entering all the required information scuh
as: responses to bid questions; prices, attachments, etc from scratch. To do so, simply
click on Bid on Event.

Method 2: Copy from previous bid.

You can use this method if you want to use the information submitted in your
previous/original submitted bid and then make only necessary changes. To do so, click on
View, Edit, or Copy from Saved bids and then click on the link copy". System will

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prompt the bid already completed with same information as the original bid and Bidder
can then make necessary changes.

Important note: Make sure that the bid you are trying to copy from corresponds to the
latest version of the Bid event, otherwise you will receive a system error and will not be
able to use that bid.

In cases when alternate bids are allowed, bidders must clearly identify which is the
alternate bid and also cancel any bid that is not valid. How to cancel a bid is explained
further below.

4.3 Managing Submitted Bids

This section contains instructions on how to view, edit, or cancel a bid that has been
already submitted.
4.3.1 View Bid
It is highly recommended that you view your submitted bid to ensure that you have
provided all the required information. To do so, open your submitted bid by going to
View Events and Place bids and selecting the corresponding Bid Event. Click on
View, Edit or Copy from Saved Bids

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Generally UNDP does not accept alternative bids, unless otherwise specified in the Bid
Data Sheet (BDS). However, Bidders can edit their bid at any time before the deadline.
To edit your bid, click on View/Edit.

Check all the responsed provided and attachments uploaded to ensure all required
information has been provided with your bid. Once you have viewed and made sure
everything is in order, click on Submit Bid again, even if you have not made any
changes to your bid.

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4.3.2 Edit or Cancel Bid

Bidder can edit a bid directly in the system until the bidding deadline is over. To edit an
already submitted bid, you must open it by clicking on View/Edit in the same way as
you do to view the bid (section above). This will open the bid submitted and you can
overwrite to make the necessary changes and submit again.
Important note: To submit the amended bid, biddder must click on Submit bid.
Otherwise, bid will not be posted in the system and will be considered as not
To cancel a bid go to View, Edit or Copy from saved bids and click on Cancel on the
bid that you wish to cancel. Pay attention to the Bid Status columns. If only one bid is
required, then there must be only one bid with status as Posted.

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View before bid is cancelled. Look at column BidID on the left and status shown as
Posted for both bids. This means that you have submitted 2 bids in the system.

If you want to cancel one of them, click on cancel beside the bid you want to cancel.
Status will change to Cancelled as shown below:

4.3.3 Amending your bid when bid event is amended

If UNDP amends the bid event and its requirements, an automatic email notification will
be sent by the system to all bidders who have either accepted bid invitation, have been
invited directly by UNDP, or who have already submited a bid on the original version of
the Bid Event. The amendments may consist of various aspects and how the bidder can

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modify his bid accordingly depends on what changes have been made in the bid event. In
any case, there are two main categories of changes:
a) Changes include also changes in line items or bid factors.
b) No changes made to line items or bid factors.
If no changes have been made to the bid factors or line items, bidder can follow the same
steps for editing his bid by clicking on View/Edit link and overwriting the information.
Bidder can also submit a new bid, in the same way as if when submitting an alternate bid
and cancelling the previous bid, as explained above.
If the ammendment of the bid event include changes in bid factors or line item, bidder
cannot edit previous bid or copy it and create a new bid. If bidder click on the
View/Edit or Copy links corresponding to the previous bid for the original version of
the bid event, a system error will appear.
To submit a revised bid for the new version with changes in bid factors or line items,
bidders must submit a new bid by clicking on Submit bid link in the main page and
cancel their previous bid.

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4.4 Submitting bids via xml files

You can prepare your response off-line outside the system and then upload it in the
system when ready, using xml files. To do this first you need to download the XML
version of the bid event by going to View Event Package and then downloading Event
bid Package in XML format. Once the page is downloaded, you must save it in your

Then open Excel and open the save XML file from there. You must open the XML file
by Open File menu in Excel and not by clicking on the XML file itself in the folder.
Note: you can upload your bid using XML feature only once. Once a bid has been posted,
the XML file cannot override the bid information in the system. Only exception is when
Alternate Bids is allowed. In this case, uploading your bid using XML file will create a
new bid in the system.

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You can provide your responses in the excel table. Once responses have been provided
you can save the files as an XML excel file and upload your responses in the system.
Worksheet General Details is used to respond to the general bid factors and the
worksheet Line details is used for completing the responses for each line item.
To upload the XML file into the system go to the start page of the Bid event and click on
Upload XML Bid Response.
NOTE: Documents cannot be attached through XML files. They must be uploaded in the
system directly.
5 Managing Your Account
This section describes some additional features that enable the bidder to view his bidding
activity, change his account information, etc.
5.1 View Activity
System records the bidder activity. To view it, click on My Event Activity. You can
use several filters to search for specific activity or simply click on the numbered link on
the top to view all events that you have bid on.

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To view the complete information of a specific bid, click in the bid event Id link.
In the subsequent screen, click on View, Edit, or copy from saved Bids or My bids
links, and then click on the View/Edit link, as shown in the screenshots below:

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5.2 Update Bidder Profile

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Bidder can update his profile by clicking on My Bidder Profile in the menu and
changing the information as relevant. Switch between the tabs on top: Main, Addresses,
and Contacts to navigate through the different profile information, as grouped below:

Main tab: Company website. Company name cannot be changed.

Addresses tab: Add new address, change existing address.
Contacts tab: change existing contact information (first and last name, title,
telephone and fax, email address, etc.). Username cannot be changed.

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Once profile information has been updated, click on save.

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