Reaading Test1
Reaading Test1
Reaading Test1
Large-scale air-conditioning
the result of this circulation is a flow of heat energy towards the poles and a levelling
out of the climate so that both equatorial and polar regions are habitable . the
atmosphere generally retains its state of equilibrium as every north-going air current
is counter balanced by a south going one .
In the same way depression at lower level in the troposphere are counterbalanced by
areas of high pressure in the upper levels, and vice versa. The atmospheric
transference of hear is closely associated with the movement of moisture between sea
and continent and between different latitudes. Moist air can transport much greater
quantities of energy than dry air.
Because the belts of convection cells run east to west . Both climate and weather vary
according to latitude. Climatic zones are particularly distinguishable at sea where
there are no land masses to disturb the pattern.
Weather fronts
the circulation within the different convection cells is greater than the exchange of air
between them and therefore the temperature in two cells that are close to each other
can differ greatly. Consequently the borders between the different convection cells are
areas in which warm and cold air masses oppose each other .advancing and within.
In the Northern Hemisphere .the dividing line between the Artic and determines the
weather in northern Europe and northern America .
this front is unstable ,weaving sometimes southward of an average latitude of 60N.
Depressions become trapped within the deep concavities of this front and these
subsequently move eastward alone with areas of rain and snowfall. In this way the
global circulation determines not only the long-term climate but also the immediate
Questions 1-13
Complete the diagram using information from the text. Write on more than
three words or one number in box 1-3 on your answer sheet.
Questions 4-7
Complete the following paragraph below using words and phrases from
the box . Write your answer in box 4-7 on your answer sheet.
on land
in the air
polar regions
at sea
Question 8-11
Several different wind patterns are mentioned in the passage .
for each of patterns below , write a latter in box 8-11 on your answer
sheet .
U if the passage states that the patterns are useful
P if the passage states that the patterns present problems
N If the passage dose not state whether the patterns are useful or
Question 12-13
Choose the appropriate letter A-C and write in boxes 12 and 13 on your
answer sheet .
to accept . In former times these lengths were defined in terms of fine lines of
fine lines etched onto brass rods maintained in standards laboratories at
constant temperatures. Money is much more difficult to define, however,
because the value of anything is ultimately in the mind of observe, and such
values will change with time and circumvents .
Sir Isaac Newton, as Master of the royal mint , define the pound sterling () in
1717 as 113 grains of pure gold . this took Britain off silver and onto gold as
defining the unit of account . the pound was 113 grains of pure gold , the
shilling was 1/20 of that and the penny 1/240 of it .
By the end of the 19th century the gold standard had spread around most of the
trading world , with the result that there was a single world money. It was
called by different names in different countries , but all these supposedly
currencies were rigidly interconnected through their particular definition in
terms of a quaintly of gold .
Section 2
In economic life the prises of different commodities and services are always
changing with respect to each other. If the potato , for example, ruined by frost
or flood , then the price of the potatoes will go up. The consequences of that
particular price increase will be complex and unpredictable . because of the
high price of the potatoes , price of other things will decline, as demand for
them decline.
Similarly, the argument that the Middle East crisis following the Iraqi
annexation of Kuwait would, because of increased oil prices, have led to
sustained general inflation is, although widely accepted, entirely without
foundation. With sound money (money whose purchasing power does not
decline over time) a general price increase, but to changes in relative prices
throughout the economy. As oil increases, other goods and services will drop in
price, and oil substitutes will rise in price, as the consequences of the oil price
increase work their unpredictable and complex way through the economy. The
use of gold as the unit of account during the days of the gold standard meant
that the price of all other commodities and services would swing up and down
with reference to the price of gold, which was fixed. If gold supplies
diminished, as they did when the 1850s gold rushes in California and Australia
petered out, then deflation (a general price level decrease) would set in. when
new gold rushes followed in South Africa and again in Australia, in the1880s
and 1890s, the general price level increased gently, around the world.
Section 3
The and of the gold standard began with the introduction of the bretton-woods
agreement in 1946. this fixed the value of all world currencies relative to the
US dollar, which in turn was fixed to a specific value of gold (US$0.35/oz).
However, in 1971 the US government finally refused to exchange US dollars
for gold, and other countries soon followed. Governments printed as much
paper money or coinage as they wanted, and the more that was printed, the less
each unit of currency was worth.
The key problem with these government fiat currency is that their values is
not defined ; such value is subject to how much money a government cares to
print. Their future value is unpredictable. Depending
as it does on political chance. In our economic calculation concerning the past
we automatically convert income and expenditures to dollars of a particular
year, using CPI deflators which are stored in our computers. When we perform
economic calculation into the future we guess at inflation rates and include.
this guesses in our figures. Our guesses are entirely based on past experience.
In Australia most current calculations assume a three to fore per cent inflation
Section 4
the great advantage of the 19th currency gold standard was not just that it
defined the unit of account, but that it operated throughout almost the entire
world. A price in England was the same as a price in Australia and north
America. Anthony Trollop tells us in his diaries about his Australian travels in
1872that a of meat, selling in Australia towpence, would have cost tenpence or
even a shilling in the UK. It was this price difference which drove investment
and effort into the development of shipboard refrigeration, and opening up of
major new markets Australian meat, at great benefite to the British public.
Today we can determine price differences between countries by considering the
exchange rata of the day. In twelve months time. even a month s time,
however, a totally different situation may prevail and investments of time and
money made on the basis of an opportunity at an exchange rate of the bay,
become completely wasted because of subsequent exchange rate movements.
The great advantage of having a single stable world money is that such money
has very high information content. It tells people where to invest their time,
energy and capital, all around the world, with much greater accuracy and
predictability than would otherwise be possible.
Glossary: CPI deflator:
a mathematical calculation based on the Consumer Price Index[CPI] that
allows us to compare past prices to current prices.
Questions 14-17
THE reading passage has four sections. Choose the suitable heading for
each section from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate number
in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.
Note: there are more headings sections so you will not use of them.
14 section 1: _________________
15 section 2:__________________
16 section 3:__________________
17 section 4:__________________
Questions 18-21
Using information from the text, match the following causes with a result.
Write the appropriate letters in boxes 18-21 on your answer sheet.
Oil prices rising.
18. The prices of potatoes goes up.
19. The amount of gold available went up.
20. The amount of gold available went down
21. Meat in Australia was cheaper than elsewhere
A . Oil substitutes become expensive
B. Oil substitutes drop in price.
C People developed techniques of Transporting it to other places.
D. More people went to live in Australia
E The price of other things goes down, because fewer people could afford
buy them.
F. People used gold instead of silver as money
Questions 22-26
In the reading passage, the writer compares money based on a gold standard,
and fiat money. Using the information in the passage match a phrase A, B or C
in the box with the writers opinions in each question to show which kind of
money is meant. Write the appropriate letter in boxes 22-26 on your answer
Refining Petroleum
Chemically, petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons (compounds of
hydrogen and carbon), with varying amount of sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, and
traces of some metallic elements appearing in the molecules. Since different
groups of hydrocarbons can be used for different purposes (e.g. gasoline,
kerosene, lubricating oil), the crude petroleum is refined to separate them out.
Most petroleum products contains a range of hydrocarbon, and are defined by
their boiling range and specific gravity.
Distillation was the first method of refining petroleum to be used. Crude oil
was placed in horizontal cylindrical stills holding from 100 to 1000 barrels,
heat was applied to the bottom of the stills, and, at a still-head vapour
temperature of about 38 C, light hydrocarbons were distilled and condensed in
a pipe coil immersed in a tank of water. As the vapour temperature in creased,
gasoline was distilled and the condensed vapours were allowed to flow into a
receiving tank. When a temperature of about 177C was reached a showed
that the specific gravity of the condensate has reached a chosen point, the
stream of condensate was directed to a different tank and distillation
progressed to a vapour temperature of about 230C to 260C to product a
kerosene fraction. When tests showed that the kerosene had all been
recovered, the condensate again was diverted to another tank and distillation
was continued to produce light fuel-oil distillate, boiling up to about 340C to
370C. from this point on, distillation was usually helped by the introduction
of steam under the surface so that the partial pressure of the oil vapour was
lessened and the temperature of distillation was reduced. This technique was
used because the heavier portion of crude oil boiling above light fuel-oil
distillates begin to decompose into lighter fractions, or cracks, at about
405C with a negative effect on the succeeding distillates and the residual
oil in the still.
Thermal cracking
The tendency of the heavier portions of crude petroleum to decompose when
they are heated above a contain temperature has been put to most important
commercial use in the cracking process. When the higher-boiling fractions of
petroleum decompose, carbon to carbon bonds are broken and hydrogen is spilt
off from hydrocarbon molecules so that a greater spread of products is obtained
than was present in the original crude oil. Cracking makes it possible to
increase the yield of gasoline from crude oil by cracking the heavier distillates
and residuum left after primary distillation.
Controlled thermal cracking was first applied commercially in 1913. A gas oil
distillate was distilled under a pressure of about 400 C. A yield of about 35
percent of cracked gasoline was obtained. Cracking was continued until the
gasoline production wanted.
The commercialization of the cracking process was made necessary by the
rapid growth in popularity of the automobile and the ever-growing need for
gasoline to fuel it. The problem to refiners was one of increasing the ratio of
gasoline to crude oil refined, or else accumulating enormous stocks of other
petroleum products that could not be soled.
Catalytic Cracking
As the use of the automobile in the United States expended, thermal refining
processes were unable to yield both the quantity and quality of gasoline needed
from a barrel of crude oil. Refiners turned to another technique for increasing
yield of gasoline and other light fuels. Process is catalytic cracking.
The first commercially successful catalytic cracking process was developed in
the 1930s. In it, granular or pelleted clay particles were used as a catalytic in
the cracking chamber. Intermediate-boilingrange petroleum distillates were
heated and vapourised and passed through a bad of catalyst to increase the rate
of cracking and modify the character of the cracking reactions. Moderate
temperatures of from 430 to 480C were employed, at atmospheric pressure, as
opposed to the high presser of thermal cracking processes.
A further development was the fluid catalytic cracking process. In which finely
powdered catalyst was fed into the preheated oil vapours in heavy construction,
so there would be closed contact between catalyst and oil vapours in the
cracking chambers. The catalyst was carried out of the cracking chamber by
the cracked vapours and separated in cyclone separators. It was then purified
and returned for further use. The finely powdered catalyst exposed enormously
greater surface area than did the pelleted catalyst, hence the improvement in
cracking efficiency compered to the original process. The movement of the
powdered catalyst inside the reactor and regenerators is accomplished without
any interior moving parts and hence on problems of mechanical wear and
lubrication of pumps, compressors, values or other components are
In the recent past, development in catalytic cracking have occurred on several
fronts. The most significant was the introduction in 1962 of catalysts
containing zerolites. The greater activity and selectivity of these sieve catalysts
make it possible to obtain much higher yield of gasoline fractions-as much as
20 to 30 per cent in some units-than was possible with conventional silicaalumina types.
Questions 27-30
LABEL the shaded areas on the graph to show what is produced or what event
takes place at the different temperatures. Write on more than three words for
each answer. Write your answer in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.
shading A: _________________________________.
Questions 31-34
Label the following diagrams using words and phrases from the box below.
Writer the answers in boxes 31-34 on your answer sheet.
Note: there are more words and phases in the box than you will need. Any
words and phrases may be used more than once.
Thermal cracking
Catalyst in pellets
Catalyst in powder
heavy distillate
Catalyst purified
kerosene recovered