An eclipse is an event when a celestial object is covered by the shadow of another object or one
object covers another fully or partially. Basically, this term is used for an astronomical event.
According to astronomy, when Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned; and either Moon or Earth
comes between the rest of the two, eclipse (Grahan) occurs. There are two types of eclipses
(Grahan): Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan) & Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan).
There are two lunar eclipses occurring in the year 2014. One is on April 15, 2014 and the other
one is on October 8, 2014. Lets know in detail about the Chandra Grahan 2014.
Chandra Grahan On April 15, 2014
The lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan) occurring on April 15 will not be visible in India. It is falling
on the full Moon night and will be visible in North & South America, Antarctica, West Africa &
West Europe, Asia and Australia. Ending lunar eclipse will be visible in Russia and the east of
Australia. According to Indian time, the eclipse (Grahan) will be seen from 11:27 pm to 03:03
Chandra Grahan On October 8, 2014
The lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan) occurring on October 8 will not be visible in West and South
part of India. It is falling on the full Moon night and will be visible in northeast & the mid areas
of India, North America, Pacific Area, Eastern Asia and Australia. Ending lunar eclipse will be
visible in all over India except West. According to the Indian time, the eclipse (Grahan) will start
from 2:45 pm, will be in mid at 4:25 pm and end at 6:05 pm
Now, when you know about solar eclipse 2014 and lunar eclipse 2014, lets know the Hindu
mythological legend of Grahan.