Observational Evidence For Self-Interacting Cold Dark Matter

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24 APRIL 2000

Observational Evidence for Self-Interacting Cold Dark Matter

David N. Spergel and Paul J. Steinhardt
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
(Received 20 September 1999)
Cosmological models with cold dark matter composed of weakly interacting particles predict overly
dense cores in the centers of galaxies and clusters and an overly large number of halos within the Local
Group compared to actual observations. We propose that the conflict can be resolved if the cold dark
matter particles are self-interacting with a large scattering cross section but negligible annihilation or
dissipation. In this scenario, astronomical observations may enable us to study dark matter properties
that are inaccessible in the laboratory.
PACS numbers: 95.35. + d, 98.35.Gi, 98.62.Ai, 98.62.Gq

Flat cosmological models with a mixture of ordinary

baryonic matter, cold matter, and cosmological constant
(or quintessence) and a nearly scale-invariant, adiabatic
spectrum of density fluctuations are consistent with standard inflationary cosmology and provide an excellent fit to
current observations on large scales (1 Mpc) [1]. However, an array of observations on galactic and subgalactic
scales (# few Mpc) appears to conflict with the structure
formation predicted by analytical calculations and numerical simulations. The predictions are based on the standard
view of cold dark matter as consisting of particles with
weak self-interactions, as well as weak interactions with
ordinary matter.
A generic prediction for weakly self-interacting dark
matter, independent of other details of the cosmological
model, is that cold dark matter forms triaxial halos with
dense cores and significant dense substructures within the
halo. Yet, lensing observations of clusters [2] reveal central regions (roughly galactic scale) with nearly spherical low density cores. Dwarf irregular galaxies appear to
have low density cores [36] with much shallower profiles than predicted in numerical simulations [7,8]. The
persistence of bars in high surface brightness galaxies implies that galaxies like our own Milky Way also have low
density cores [9]. Observations of the Local Group reveal less than 100 galaxies [10], while numerical simulations [11,12] and analytical theory [13,14] predict that
there should be roughly 1000 discrete dark matter halos
within the Local Group.
In this paper, we propose that the inconsistencies with
the standard picture may be alleviated if the cold dark matter is self-interacting with a large scattering cross section
but negligible annihilation or dissipation. The key feature
is that the mean free path should be in the range 1 kpc to
1 Mpc at the solar radius, where the dark matter density
is about 0.4 GeVcm3 . The large scattering cross section may be due to strong, short-range interactions, similar
to neutron-neutron scattering at low energies, or weak interactions mediated by the exchange of light particles (although not so light as to produce a long-range force).
Depending on the interaction and the mean free path, the
requisite mass for the dark matter is in the range 1 MeV to

10 GeV. For the purposes of our proposal, only two-body

scattering effects are important so either repulsive or attractive interactions are possible. Exchanged particles should
be massive enough that they are not radiated by the scattering of dark matter particles in the halo.
We are led to consider self-interactions because ordinary
astrophysical processes are unlikely to resolve the problems with standard, weakly interacting dark matter. Consider the dwarf galaxy problem. One might suppose that
supernova explosions [15] could cause the galactic core
density to be made smoother, but, while the explosions
suppress star formation in dwarf galaxies, numerical simulations [16] find that star bursts in dwarfs are very inefficient at removing gas or matter from the core. One might
also consider whether the apparent overabundance of halos
found in simulations can be explained if the low velocity
halos form primarily low surface brightness galaxies [17],
which are difficult to find. However, while low brightness
galaxy surveys suggest a steeper luminosity function outside of groups [18], even these surveys do not find enough
small galaxies to eliminate the discrepancy between theory
and observations. If star formation in dwarfs is sufficiently
suppressed [19], then they should have been detected as
gas clouds in the local group [20] or external systems. HI
surveys do not find large numbers of small isolated gas
clouds [21]. Even if any of the processes were successful
in reducing the number of visible dwarfs, the dense small
halos would still persist. When these halos fall onto galactic disks, they will heat the stellar disks and destroy them
[12,22,23]. These dense halos will also settle to the centers of the central halo and produce a high density core in
galaxies and clusters. Since the baryon fraction in the centers of low surface brightness galaxies is low [17], hydrodynamic processes are not likely to alter their dark matter
profiles [3,4].
The success of the cold dark matter model on large
scales suggests that a modification of the dark matter properties may be the best approach for resolving the problems
on small scales. If the dark matter is not cold, but warm
(moderately relativistic), this alleviates some of these discrepancies [24]. However, the remarkably good agreement
between standard cold dark matter (CDM) models and the


2000 The American Physical Society




observed power spectrum of Lyman a absorbers [25] likely

rules out warm dark matter candidates.
We propose that a better resolution is dark matter that is
cold, nondissipative, but self-interacting. There are stringent constraints on the interactions between dark matter
and ordinary matter [2628] and on long-range forces between dark matter particles [29]. However, as long as
the dark matter annihilation cross section is much smaller
than the scattering cross section, there are relatively few
constraints on short-range dark matter self-interactions.
Carlson, Machacek, and Hall [30,31] suggested a selfinteracting dark matter model in which the dark matter
particle is warm rather than cold. Their model assumed
that the dark matter plus ordinary matter sum to the critical density predicted by inflationary cosmology. Their purpose was to reduce the power on 10 Mpc scales in the dark
matter mass spectrum as required if the normalization of
the spectrum is to agree with fluctuations measured by the
COBE satellite. Subsequently, de Laix et al. [32] pointed
out that the alteration cannot simultaneously fit the IRAS
power spectrum and the observed properties of galaxies.
Our proposal does not suffer from this problem because
we assume a cosmological model with a low matter density
and a cosmological constant (or quintessence) which satisfies the COBE constraint without self-interactions. Our
proposed self-interactions do not change structure on the
10 Mpc scale but only on the 1 kpc scale. Consequently,
our model satisfies the constraints raised by de Laix et al.
To be more specific, we suggest that the dark matter
particles should have a mean free path between 1 kpc to
1 Mpc at the solar radius in a typical galaxy (mean density
0.4 GeVcm3 ), for reasons to be explained below. For a
particle of mass mx , this implies an elastic scattering cross
section of


2 mx
sXX 8.1 3 10
GeV 1 Mpc
intriguingly similar to that of an ordinary hadron. (In this
paper, we consider the case of dark matter particles scattering only from themselves but, in a forthcoming paper, we
consider the possibility that dark matter is a stable, neutral hadron.) If the dark matter particles scatter through
strong interactions similar to low-energy neutron-neutron
scattering, then the cross section is s 4pa2 , where a is
the scattering length. For neutrons, the scattering length is
more than 100 times its Compton wavelength. Using the
estimate a 100fmx21 , we obtain

mx 4
f 23 GeV .
1 Mpc
Alternatively, the self-interaction may be weak but longer
range, as in the case of the exchange of a light intermediate vector boson of mass my , in which case the cross
section is s ay mx2 my4 . The mass of the vector boson must be large enough that there is no dissipation
when dark matter particles scatter; this requires that my .

24 APRIL 2000

450 eV mx 1 GeV y200 kms2 , where y is the typical velocity of dark matter particles in the halo. This mass
scale for my corresponds to a force that is short range compared to the dark matter interparticle spacing (about 1 cm
in the halo). Hence, we need consider only two-body interactions in our analysis. If my gmx and ay O1,
then the maximum dark matter mass is

g243 MeV .
mx , 80
1 Mpc
Beyond what is expressed in the relations above, there is no
significant constraint on how light the dark matter particles
can be.
The strong self-interaction might occur if the dark matter
consists of particles with a conserved global charge (such
as a hidden baryon number) interacting through a hidden
gauge group (e.g., hidden color). If the gauge group is
unbroken, then the particles experience strong interactions
which can be nondissipative but the particle number is conserved. M-theory and superstrings, for example, suggest
the possibility that dark matter fields reside on domain
walls with gauge fields separated from ordinary matter
by an extra (small) dimension [33,34]. Similar scenarios
can be constructed in purely four-dimensional supergravity models. Note that, if the sum of the hidden baryon
number and the ordinary sector baryon number is zero,
then Vx mx mproton Vb 0.19 mx 41 GeV (using
Vb h2 0.02 and h 0.65). The particles we suggest
include light versions of Q-balls [35].
How does the mean free path of the dark matter particles affect astrophysics? Since interactions alter only
the evolution of cold dark matter when the density inhomogeneities are large, the cosmic microwave background
and large-scale power spectrum measurements are not sensitive to the self-interactions. So long as the dark matter
is cold (Tx mx , F, where F is the depth of the gravitational potential), the dark matter will collapse to form a
bound halo regardless of its collisional properties. If the
dark matter mean path were much longer than 1 Mpc,
the typical dark matter particle would not experience any
interactions as it moves through a halo. In this regime,
the usual, triaxial cold dark matter halo with dense core
forms through gravitational collapse. On the other hand,
if the dark matter mean free path is much smaller than
1 kpc, then the dark matter behaves as a collisional gas and
this alters the halo evolution significantly. The dark matter
will shock: this will heat up the low entropy material that
would usually collapse to form a core and produce a shallower density profile. Since collisions tend to make the
dark matter velocity distribution isotropic, the halo cannot
be triaxial and will be elliptical only if flattened by significant rotation. Since dark halos form with little angular
momentum, if the dark matter is not dissipative, then all
halos will be nearly spherical. X-ray observations of clusters [36] reveal that most halos are moderately ellipsoidal.
This implies that the collision time scale for dark matter



near the half-mass radius of clusters must be longer than

the Hubble time: one of the strongest constraints on this
model. Studies suggest that polar ring galaxies [37] are
only mildly triaxial and oblate with the equatorial plane
of the dark halo nearly coinciding with that of the stellar
body. If the dark matter has an isotropic distribution function and the baryons form a disk, then the dark matter will
form a slightly flattened halo.
In our scenario, we consider a mean free path in the
intermediate regime, larger than 1 kpc, but smaller than
1 Mpc. Particles in this range have 1 103 interactions
per Hubble time in the local neighborhood, which is overdense by 106 relative to the mean density of the universe.
At the virial radius of a typical galactic halo, which is
overdense by 200 relative to the mean density of the
universe, the typical particle has less than 1 collision per
Hubble time. Thus, near the virial radius, halos can have
anisotropic velocity ellipsoids and will be triaxial. However, in the inner halo of galaxies, dark matter is collisional.
In-falling dark matter is scattered before reaching the center of the galaxy so that the orbit distribution is isotropic
rather than radial. These collisions increase the entropy of
the dark matter phase space distribution and lead to a dark
matter halo profile with a shallower density profile. The
characteristic scale for the core would correspond to an
optical depth of 1, the photosphere of the dark matter.
When a dwarf halo with a low velocity dispersion falls
into a larger, high velocity dispersion halo, the high velocity particles will scatter off the low velocity particles.
After the collision, neither particle is likely to be bound to
the dwarf. As dark matter is slowly removed, the dwarf
halo expands, this also makes the halo more vulnerable to
tidal stripping and shock heating. This process will slowly
evaporate all substructure in the larger halo, particularly, in
the centers of galaxies, groups, and clusters. However, near
the half-mass radius, the collision time is longer than the
Hubble time, so substructure will be destroyed only in the
inner portions of halos. This dark matter evaporation will
protect galaxy disks from dynamical heating by collisions
with dwarfs in the halo. Dwarfs with high central densities
evaporate more slowly as particles at optical depth greater
than 1 are shielded by other particles from collisions.
Intriguingly, all of our galaxys dwarf companions have
very high phase space densities [10]. As the central density and particle velocities increase, not all collisions will
lead to particles being deflected out of the dwarf halo. A
small fraction of the particles will be rescattered within the
spheroidal core of the dwarf and a fraction of the momentum absorbed. [The phase space for capture is suppressed
by sy3 , where s is the velocity dispersion in the dwarf
core and y is the typical particle velocity in the halo.] This
could produce a ram pressure drag that can slow the dwarf
halo and cause it to spiral into the cores of larger halos.
Numerical studies of this process are required to determine
whether the observed fraction of denser dwarfs are likely
to survive after a Hubble time.

24 APRIL 2000

The halos of large (e.g., L ) galaxies moving through

groups and clusters are less prone to destruction. When a
cluster dark matter particle strikes a galaxy dark matter particle, the probability that the recoiling particles will escape
from the galaxy is significantly less than unity. For cross
sections near the smaller end of our suggested range, most
collisions take place within the half-mass radius, where the
escape velocity from a galaxy halo is comparable to the
characteristic recoil velocity. Thus, many collisions will
not lead to recoil energies large enough to escape. At the
smaller end of our cross-section range, the probability of
a typical particle experiencing a collision during a Hubble
time approaches unity only for galaxies that fall deep into
the cluster core. Towards the larger end of our suggested
range, the galaxies are opaque to dark matter and the collision products are also likely to experience multiple collisions within a massive galaxy halo. Because of these
multiple collisions, the collision products are unlikely to
escape from the galaxy. This effect is more important in
massive halos as the optical depth through a galaxy scales
as the one-third power of its mass. Thus, for large galaxies, the background cluster or group will primarily heat the
entire dark halo rather than evaporate dark matter from it.
The presence of collisions will lead to energy transport
within the dark matter halo, which eventually leads to core
collapse [38]. We can obtain an estimate of the core collapse time from Quinlans [39] Fokker-Planck simulations
of the evolution of an isolated cluster of interacting particles with a central density profile of r 21 and an outer
profile of r 23 . These models have a temperature inversion in the core and undergo two stages of core collapse.
During the first stage, the inner region expands as heat is
transported inwards. After 0.1 half-mass relaxation times,
the inner 1% of the mass has moved out in radius by a
factor of 2. After roughly 3 half-mass relaxation times,
the whole system collapses as heat is transported from the
virial radius outwards. We suspect that this second stage is
delayed in our cosmological context as the in-fall of new
material is constantly adding heat near the dark halo photosphere. If we model our galaxy as starting with a density profile corresponding to the Navarro-Frenk-White fit
to CDM models [7] with V200 225 km s21 , V0 0.3,
H0 65 km s21 Mpc21 and dimensionless concentration
parameter c 8, then its half-mass radius is 220 kpc.
Since the density at the half-mass radius is 300 times
smaller than the local dark matter density, the particle mean
free path at that radius is between 0.3300 Mpc, and, at
that radius, the particle is in the weakly interacting regime.
Thus, for our galaxy, the core collapse time (roughly 3
half-mass relaxation times) is between 4.56000 Gyr, or
perhaps significantly longer if the collapse stage is delayed
by the in-fall of new material. Hence, for most of our range
of parameters, the collapse time for our galaxy exceeds
the lifetime of the universe, yet there is sufficient number
of interactions to lower the dark matter density in the inner 5 kpc of our galaxy. As the particle mean free path



approaches the lower bound (0.3 Mpc) or the upper bound

(300 Mpc) at the half-mass radius, our estimates suggest
that one or the other condition is not satisfied, but more accurate methods are needed to determine the precise range.
To summarize, our estimated range of sm for the
dark matter is between 0.45 450 cm2 g or, equivalently,
8 3 10225 22 cm2 GeV. Numerical calculations are essential for checking our approximations and refining our
estimates. Even without numerical simulations, we can
already make a number of predictions for the properties
of galaxies in a self-interacting dark matter cosmology:
(1) The centers of halos are spherical; (2) dark matter halos will have cores; (3) there are few dwarf galaxies in
groups but dwarfs persist in lower density environments;
and (4) the halos of dwarf galaxies and galaxy halos in
clusters will have radii smaller than the gravitational tidal
radius (due to collisional stripping). Intriguingly, current observations appear to be consistent with all of these
We thank R. Dave, J. Dalcanton, G. Dvali, J. Goodman, E. Kolb, J. March-Russell, J. Miralda-Escude, J. Ostriker, J. Peebles, J. Silk, S. Tremaine, M. Turner, and
N. Turok for discussions. We are grateful to the West
Anglia Great Northern Railway whose train delay provided the opportunity for initial discussions. This work
was initiated at the Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. D. N. S. acknowledges the NASA Theory program
and the NASA MAP Satellite program for support, and
P. J. S. was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
Grant No. DE-FG02-91ER40671.
Note added.Burkert [40] has constructed an N-body
code that simulates self-interactions and obtains results
consistent with these estimates based on the Fokker-Planck

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