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Databases from
Visual Basic

n this chapter, Im going to discuss how Visual Basic talks

to a database server. ODBC and OLE DB are the low-level
technologies that actually perform the work, while the DAO,
RDO, and ADO object models encapsulate these technologies
to make them easy for the Visual Basic programmer to use.

Microsoft Database
Programming APIs
Just because your database server is based on SQL doesnt
mean that you can easily access it from your favorite programming language. Many database vendors provide a special precompiler that translates embedded database statements into
database subroutine calls that in turn communicate with the
database server. The problem with this approach is that you
need a different pre-compiler for each programming language
the database vendor supports. Of course, since the pre-compilers are specific for each database server, youll need a pre-compiler for each database server for which you develop programs.
Rather than developing a large number of pre-compilers for
each combination of database server and programming language, Microsoft developed a standard called Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC), which later evolved into OLE DB.

In This Chapter
DAO object model
RDO object model
ADO object model
Visual Basic
database tools

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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

The ODBC standard defines an Application Programming Interface (API) for database
programming. This allows you to write a program using standard subroutine calls
for any database server that supports ODBC, making it possible for the same object
code to access any ODBC-compatible database server.

ODBC architecture
ODBC is based on the idea that the calls to the API routines made by the application program are translated to lower calls that are passed onto a database driver
(see Figure 6-1). The database driver in turn performs the necessary work to talk to
the database server. Thus, the database vendor need only provide an ODBC-compatible driver for each client computer system and not for each compiler on each
client operating system.

Client Computer



ODBC Database

Database Server

Database Engine

ODBC Interface

Figure 6-1: The client side of the ODBC architecture is based on the driver model.

On the database server side, all the database vendor needs to do is provide a single
ODBC interface, which will be shared by all ODBC clients. This means that database
vendors can preserve their native interface, plus any other specialized interfaces
for other applications.

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A utility program called the ODBC Administrator is included as part of the operating system to manage the set of ODBC drivers and database servers that are available to the ODBC API. This program allows you to add and remove ODBC drivers,
specify how to connect to the database server, and include security information
that will be used when the connection between the client computer and the
database server is opened.

Drawbacks to ODBC
While the architecture of ODBC allows a great deal of flexibility on the part of the
database vendor, there are several drawbacks to writing ODBC applications. First,
the ODBC APIs are difficult to use, especially if you arent programming in C. Second,
the ODBC APIs are often slower than the native database interface. Third, the ODBC
API often imposes restrictions on the SQL statements that can be used.
While the first drawback applies to all database servers, the second two drawbacks
apply mainly to non-Microsoft database servers. Microsoft uses ODBC as the native
interface to both the Jet database and SQL Server. They spent a lot of time tuning
the interface for optimal results. While other database vendors support ODBC, their
native interfaces may offer improved performance and functionality, especially for
non-Microsoft compilers.

Database Access Objects (DAO)

Because the ODBC API is difficult to use, Microsoft chose to build an object-oriented
interface to ODBC called Data Access Objects (DAO). DAO was originally developed
for Access and Visual Basic programmers who needed to access the Jet database.
Most of the functionality available in DAO mirrors features found in the Jet database.
While DAO can be used to access other databases, the process is often difficult to
use and clumsy in its implementation. To access an SQL Server database, you need
to create a Jet database and then go through the Jet database to access the remote
database. While DAO allows you to access the ODBC database directly, each time
you open the database, you must download a lot of information about the database
structures that you might access. By using the Jet database, this information is
saved locally and need not be downloaded each time you open the database.

Visual Basic 6 and Access 2000: While Jet 3.51 is shipped with Visual Basic 6, Jet
4.0 is shipped with Access 2000. While its possible to use Visual Basic 6 and DAO
with Jet 4.0, many of the new features found in Jet 4.0 can only be used if youre
using ADO.


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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

Remote Database Objects (RDO)

The Remote Database Objects (RDO) object model was built to address the problems associated with accessing SQL Server from Visual Basic. First available with
the Visual Basic 5 Enterprise Edition of Visual Basic, RDO offered a streamlined
object model which in turn offered much better performance than DAO when used
with a database such as SQL Server or Oracle. However, RDO doesnt work with the
Jet database and other single-user database systems.
One feature lacking in RDO that is found in DAO is the ability to create a database
by defining objects. Given that RDO is really targeted at large installations, this isnt
nearly as limiting as it seems. These installations generally have a group of people
known as database administrators (DBAs), whose sole responsibility is the creation
and maintenance of database structures. DBAs often use specialized tools to help
them design and document their databases.

After years of working with ODBC, Microsoft recognized that the database server to
database client model used by ODBC could be generalized as a data provider to data
consumer model (see Figure 6-2).

Data Request
Data Provider

Data Customer
Data Response

Figure 6-2: A data provider handles data requests from a data


Data providers
A data provider is a program that supplies data to another program. In the ODBC
model, the data provider is the database server. However, in the OLE DB, nearly
anything that can produce data could be considered a data provider. This allows
programmers to treat such things as an Excel workbook, a flat file, or another custom-built program like a database server.

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Chapter 6 Accessing Databases from Visual Basic

Data consumers
A data consumer is simply a client program that requests data from a data provider.
Two types of information may be requested from the data producer: data and metadata. Data is the information used by an application, while metadata is information
about the structures used to hold the data. Metadata includes such information as
the name of each column returned, its size and data type, and other descriptive

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

The ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) object model was created to replace both DAO and
RDO object models and was shipped for the first time in Visual Basic 6. It uses the
newer OLE DB API rather than the older ODBC API. In addition, ADO has an even
simpler object model than found in the DAO and RDO, which makes it easier to use.
ADO is modeled after RDO and includes many of the familiar objects found in
DAO and RDO, such as the RecordSet object. However, where RDO maintains a
relatively strict object hierarchy, ADOs object structure is much looser. This
means that you generally need fewer objects in your program, and the resulting
code is even simpler.
Like RDO, ADO doesnt include objects that you can use to define your database.
However, with version 2.5 of ADO, Microsoft included a new set of objects known as
ADOX, which can be used to define database structures and security. These objects
would be useful if you want to write a general-purpose tool that allows you to create and manipulate database structures from multiple database vendors. They can
help smooth over differences in how the various vendors implement their own SQL
ADO MD is another set of extensions to the base ADO objects. These objects allow
you to work with a multidimensional database such as the OLAP Services bundled
with SQL Server. You can use these objects to build your own programs for manipulating information from your own data warehouse.

OLE DB providers
Table 6-1 lists the OLE DB providers that are available with Visual Basic 6. Other
OLE DB providers may be available from your specific database vendor.


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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

Table 6-1
Common OLE DB Providers
Provider Name


Microsoft Jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider

Supports Access 97/Jet 3.51 databases

Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider

Supports Access 2000/Jet 4.0 databases

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

Supports SQL Server 6.5 and 7.0

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle

Supports Oracle 7 and 8

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft

Active Directory Service

Supports Microsoft Active Directory Service

found in Windows 2000 Server

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft

Index Service

Supports Microsoft Index Server 2.0 and


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services

Supports Microsoft OLAP Server

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

Supports generic ODBC access

Even if your database server doesnt support OLE DB, that doesnt mean you cant
access the database from ADO. There is a special provider known OLE DB Provider
for ODBC. This allows you to connect your ADO-based application to any ODBC
database. Of course, you should try to use a native OLE DB provider whenever

Custom OLE DB providers

The architecture of OLE DB allows you to write your own OLE DB provider. This is
an advanced technique that most people wont ever need to use. After all, how
many people implement their own database management system? However, if you
have a custom data storage application, you can create your own OLE DB provider
for it. This will allow programmers to access it using tools with which they are
already familiar.

Visual Basic Database Tools

To support database programming, Visual Basic includes a nice assortment of tools
that will assist you in creating your application, including the following:
Data Environment Designer
Data View Window

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Chapter 6 Accessing Databases from Visual Basic

Database Designer
SQL Editor
T-SQL Debugger
Query Designer
Data Report Designer
UserConnection Designer
With the exception of the UserConnection Designer, these tools will work only in an
ADO programming environment. The UserConnection Designer works only with
RDO objects.

Data Environment Designer

The Data Environment Designer (see Figure 6-3) is an interactive design-time tool
that helps you create database objects for use at runtime. It is based on the ADO
object model and will not work with RDO and DAO objects.
Figure 6-3: Using the Data
Environment Designer

You can use the Data Environment Designer to perform the following tasks:
Define Connection objects to your database using either OLE DB data sources
or ODBC data sources.
Define Command objects using tables, queries, and stored procedures from
your database.
Create hierarchies of Command objects that can be used with hierarchical
tools like the HFlexGrid control and the Data Reporter Designer.


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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

Drag and drop fields and tables from a Command object in the designer onto
a Form object or the Data Reporter designer that are automatically bound to
the Command object.
Specify default the type of control to be used as part of drag and drop operations.
Bind data-aware controls to Field objects within a Command object.
Attach code for Connection and Recordset objects in the Data Environment
Trap all ADO events for the Connection and Command objects.

Data View Window

The Data View Window allows you to access your database system through Visual
Basic instead of a particular database vendors utility (see Figure 6-4). Through the
Data View Window, you can access the Microsoft Visual Database Tools.

The Visual Database Tools are present only in the Enterprise Edition of Visual Basic.
This not only includes the Data View Window, but the Database Designer, the
Query Designer, the SQL Editor, and the T-SQL Debugger.

Figure 6-4: Using the Data View Window

to browse and edit the database structures
in your database

You can use the Data View Window to perform the following tasks:
Create a Connection object that can be used to access your database while in
design mode or at runtime.
Design your database graphically using the Database Designer.

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Chapter 6 Accessing Databases from Visual Basic

View the contents of a table or view using a worksheet-like display.

Create and edit stored procedures using the SQL Editor.
Debug stored procedures using the T-SQL Debugger.
Create views using the Query Designer.
Generate reports using the Data Reporter Designer.

Database Designer
The Database Designer is a graphical tool that presents a database using a graphical diagram (see Figure 6-5). The Database Designer works with both Microsoft SQL
Server and Oracle database systems.

Figure 6-5: Designing a database graphically using the Database Designer

You can use the Database Designer to perform the following tasks:
Create and modify tables.
Add and delete indexes.
Define relationships between tables.
Save SQL scripts to create or update your database structures.


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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

SQL Editor
The SQL Editor provides a simple editor to help you write stored procedures (see
Figure 6-6).

Figure 6-6: Editing a simple stored procedure using the SQL Editor

You can use the SQL Editor to perform the following tasks:
Create and edit SQL stored procedures.
Execute stored procedures.
Use the T-SQL Debugger to debug your stored procedures.

T-SQL Debugger
The T-SQL Debugger helps you test and debug your stored procedures (see
Figure 6-7).
You can use the T-SQL Debugger to perform the following tasks:
Display the contents of local variables and parameters.
Modify local variables and parameters while executing the stored procedure.
Control execution by using breakpoints.
Step through the stored procedure.
View global variables.
View the call stack.

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Chapter 6 Accessing Databases from Visual Basic

Figure 6-7: Testing a simple stored procedure using the T-SQL Debugger

Query Designer
The Query Designer is a tool that works with the Data View Window to drag and
drop tables and columns to create a view or query (see Figure 6-8).

Figure 6-8: Creating a view using the Query Designer

You can use the Query Designer to perform the following tasks:
Drag and drop tables from the Data View Window onto your query.
Use a criteria grid to specify search criteria and sort order.


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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

Select the columns to be output as a result of the query.

Browse and edit live views of your data in your view.

Data Reporter Designer

The Data Reporter Designer helps you build reports interactively (see Figure 6-9).

Figure 6-9: Building a report using the Data Reporter Designer

You can use the Data Reporter Designer to perform the following tasks:
Create reports by dragging and dropping fields from the Data View Window.
Add controls to your report, just like you add controls to a Form in a Visual
Basic program.
Implement a Print Preview function in your program to allow users to preview
the report before sending it to the printer.
Allow the user to resume working while the report is running (i.e., asynchronous execution of the report).

UserConnection Designer
The UserConnection Designer is a tool that assists the RDO programmer in building
connection (rdoConnection) and query (rdoQuery) objects. These objects are made
available at the project level and can be used anywhere in your program. A key part
of these objects is that they have a simplified method for responding to database
events. These objects also make it easier to call stored procedures at runtime.

RDO not ADO: The UserConnection Designer supports only the RDO object
model. Do not try to use it with DAO or ADO object models. The Data Environment
Designer is a much improved version of the UserConnection Designer and is available for use with ADO programs.

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Chapter 6 Accessing Databases from Visual Basic

Thoughts on Visual Basic

Visual Basic programmers can choose from three different object models to access their
databases: DAO, RDO, and ADO. Deciding which model is best for you may seem difficult,
but it really shouldnt be. ADO is the model that Microsoft would prefer you to use. It is
where they are placing the majority of their efforts and it is where you will see the most
enhancements in the future.
Microsoft isnt going to abandon the DAO object model anytime soon. There are too many
Visual Basic programs that still use it. Dropping support for DAO in a future release of Visual
Basic would simply mean that many Visual Basic programmers wouldnt upgrade. (Consider
the number of people still using Visual Basic 3 and 4 because Microsoft stopped supporting 16bit versions with Visual Basic 5.) So if youre currently using DAO, you can continue to use it in
the foreseeable future. However, if youre not currently using DAO, you probably shouldnt start.
Directly accessing SQL Server databases using DAO isnt really practical for large applications. As more and more people tried to do this, Microsoft developed RDO as a solution. Its
low overhead offered much better performance in large-scale applications. However, RDOs
time is also past, and if youre not using it now, dont start.
ADO is the wave of the future. You should be using it for new applications wherever practical. While you dont have to drop everything youre currently doing to convert your existing
applications to ADO now, you should have a plan in place that ensures that they will all be
converted over time. This is especially true in applications with high transaction rates or
applications that are offering services over the Internet.
In the former case, many of the things that Microsoft will do to improve performance will be
tied to ADO. This includes facilities such as the COM+ Transaction Server and future versions of SQL Server. In the latter case, Microsoft is already adding features, such as XML support to ADO, which will not be added to DAO and RDO. Also, all of the tools designed to
make you more productive, such as the Data View Window and the Data Environment
Designer, also require an ADO-based program.

In this chapter you learned that:
ODBC was originally developed as an alternative to developing pre-compilers
for each programming language to translate SQL statements into executable
DAO was created to provide an object-oriented API to access Microsoft Jet as
well as any ODBC database.
RDO is a low-overhead, general-purpose ODBC interface.
OLE DB is a general-purpose interface that allows data consumers to talk to
data producers.


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Part I Database Programming Fundamentals

ADO is the recommended way for Visual Basic programmers to access OLE DB.
Visual Basic includes a number of specialized tools for the database programmer, which include the Data Environment Designer, Data View Window, Database Designer, SQL Editor, T-SQL Debugger, Query Designer, Data Reporter
Designer, and the UserConnection Designer.

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