Basics of Radio Wave Propagation
Basics of Radio Wave Propagation
Basics of Radio Wave Propagation
Propagation Modes
Ground-wave propagation
o Follows contour of the earth
o Can Propagate considerable distances
Direct wave
Reflected Wave
f ( MHz )
Sky-wave propagation
o Signal reflected from ionized layer of atmosphere back down to earth
o Signal can travel a number of hops, back and forth between ionosphere and
earths surface
o Reflection effect caused by refraction
Line-of-Sight propagation (LOS)
Non-LOS propagation
Wave Polarization
The plane of polarization of a radio wave is the plane in which the E-field propagates
with respect to the Earth.
o If the E-field component of the radiated wave travels in a plane perpendicular
to the Earth's surface (vertical), the radiation is said to be VERTICALLY
o If the E-field propagates in a plane parallel to the Earth's surface (horizontal),
the radiation is said to be HORIZONTALLY POLARIZED.
Line-of-Sight (LOS)
3.57 h1 + h2
Ionospheric Layers
Fresnel Zone
Radio waves diffracted by objects can affect the strength of the received signal.
This happens even though the obstacle does not directly obscure the direct visual path.
This area, known as the "Fresnel Zone", and must be kept clear of all obstructions.
The 1st Fresnel zone is a spheroid space formed within the trajectory of the path
when the path difference when radio wave energy reaches the receiver by the
shortest distance, and when it gets there by another route, is within /2.
Odd-numbered Fresnel zones have relatively intense field strengths, whereas even
numbered Fresnel zones are nulls.
When the radio signal pass from site A to site B, the lack of adequate Fresnel Zone
clearance caused signal diffraction, and degradation of the radio signal.
If the 1st Fresnel zone is not clear, then free-space loss does not apply and an
adjustment term must be included. To avoid this have to:
o Use an antenna with a more narrow lobe pattern, usually a higher gain
antenna will achieve this.
o Raise the antenna mounting point on Site A and/or Site B.
Free Space Loss
Radio waves travel from a source into the surrounding space at the speed of light
(approximately 3.0 x 108 meters per second) when in free space. Literally, free
space should mean a vacuum, but clear air is a good approximation to this.
Free Space Path Loss(dB) = 27.6(dB) 20*LOG[Frequency(MHz)] 20*LOG[Distance(m)]
The equations for free-space loss and link-loss can be used between two antennas
only for distances greater than the near-field distance of each antenna.
Atmospheric absorption
The atmosphere, due to the many different gases, water and particles contained
therein, absorbs and transmits many different wavelengths of electromagnetic
The wavelengths that pass through the atmosphere unabsorbed constitute the
"atmospheric windows."
A significant atmospheric effect is that of attenuation due to rain. Below about
10GHz, rain fading is not very significant, but, at higher microwave frequencies, it
becomes the major factor limiting path length, particularly in areas that experience
high levels of rainfall. In addition to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves, rain
and other precipitation tend to cause depolarization of the wave.
A duct is something that will confine whatever is traveling along it into a narrow
The atmosphere can assume a structure that will produce a similar effect on radio
waves. When a radio wave enters a duct it can travel with low loss over great
distances. The atmosphere will then act in the manner of a giant optical fiber,
trapping the radio wave within the layer of high refractive index.
A wave trapped in a duct can travel beyond the radio horizon with very little loss,
producing signal levels within a few dB of the free-space level.
When an electromagnetic wave is incident on a rough surface, the wave is not so
much reflected as scattered.
Scattering is the process by which small particles suspended in a medium of a
different index of refraction diffuse a portion of the incident radiation in all directions.
Scattering occurs when incoming signal hits an object whose size in the order of the
wavelength of the signal or less.
Reflection occurs when signal encounters a surface that is large relative to the
wavelength of the signal
Radio waves may be reflected from various substances or objects they meet during
travel between the transmitting and receiving sites.
The amount of reflection depends on the reflecting material.
o Smooth metal surfaces of good electrical conductivity are efficient reflectors of
radio waves.
o The surface of the Earth itself is a fairly good reflector.
The radio wave is not reflected from a single point on the reflector but rather from an
area on its surface. The size of the area required for reflection to take place depends
on the wavelength of the radio wave and the angle at which the wave strikes the
reflecting substance.
When radio waves are reflected from flat surfaces, a phase shift in the alternations of
the wave occurs
The shifting in the phase relationships of reflected radio waves is one of the major
reasons for fading.
Refraction it is the bending of the waves as they move from one medium into
another in which the velocity of propagation is different.
This bending, or change of direction, is always toward the medium that has the lower
velocity of propagation.
Diffraction is the name given to the mechanism by which waves enter into the
shadow of an obstacle.
Diffraction occurs at the edge of an impenetrable body that is large compared to
wavelength of radio wave.
A radio wave that meets an obstacle has a natural tendency to bend around the
obstacle. The bending, called diffraction, results in a change of direction of part of
the wave energy from the normal line-of-sight path. This change makes it possible to
receive energy around the edges of an obstacle.
The ratio of the signal strengths without and with the obstacle is referred to as the
diffraction loss. The diffraction loss is affected by the path geometry and the
frequency of operation. The signal strength will fall by 6 dB as the receiver
approaches the shadow boundary, but before it enters into the shadow region.
Deep in the shadow of an obstacle, the diffraction loss increases with
10*log(frequency). So, if double the frequency, deep in the shadow of an obstacle
the loss will increase by 3 dB. This establishes a general truth, namely that radio
waves of longer wavelength will penetrate more deeply into the shadow of an
Multipath is a term used to describe the multiple paths a radio wave may follow
between transmitter and receiver. Such propagation paths include the ground wave,
ionospheric refraction, reradiation by the ionospheric layers, reflection from the
Earth's surface or from more than one ionospheric layer, etc.
Where the two waves are in phase, a maximum disturbance will occur, whereas,
where they are in anti-phase, a minimum or null will occur.
If the reflecting surfaces that cause the multipath situation do not move, the locations
of the maxima and minima will not move, hence the name standing wave.
The depth of the null in a standing wave pattern is dependent upon the magnitude of
the reflection coefficient of any reflecting surface.
The Effects of Multipath Propagation
o Multiple copies of a signal may arrive at different phases
o If phases add destructively, the signal level relative to noise declines, making
detection more difficult.
Diversity Techniques
Fade margin on the transmitter path is not an efficient solution at all, and one alternate
solution is to take the advantage of the statistical behavior of the fading channel.
This is the basic concept of Diversity, where two or more inputs at the receiver are used
to get uncorrelated signals.
Frequency Diversity
o Different frequencies means different wavelengths. The hope when using
frequency diversity is that the same physical multipath routes will not produce
simultaneous deep fades at two separate wavelengths.
Space Diversity
o Deep multipath fade have unlucky occurrence when the receiving antenna is in
exactly in the wrong place. One method of reducing the likelihood of multipath
fading is by using two receive antennas and using a switch to select the better
signal. If these are physically separated then the probability of a deep fade
occurring simultaneously at both of these antennas is significantly reduced.
Angle Diversity
o In this case the receiving antennas are co-located but have different principal
Polarization Diversity
o This involves simultaneously transmitting and receiving on two orthogonal
polarizations (e.g. horizontal and vertical). The hope is that one polarization
will be less severely affected when the other experiences a deep fade.
Time Diversity
o This will transmit the desired signal in different periods of time.
o The intervals between transmissions of the same symbol should be at least the
coherence time so that different copies of the same symbol undergo
independent fading.
Propagation within a building
The energy present in an incident radiowave that does not reflect from a surface
must penetrate that surface.
o The reflection coefficient of the material affects the amount that penetrates into
the material.
o Once inside the material, the wave will travel through the material. In most
materials, the strength will decay as it travels.
o Good insulators tend to allow the wave to propagate through them with only
low loss.
o Good conductors tend to reflect the radio wave at its surface and very little
signal passes through
Signal propagation within a building is strongly dependent upon the topology,
construction and content of the building and is influenced by the following:
o Reflection from flat conducting surfaces such as metal cladding, galvanized
roofing, foil backed plasterboard, metal coated anti-reflection glazing or any
surfaces greater than a wavelength in size.
o Re-radiation from thin conductors such as pipe work, electrical wiring, steel
frame works and any conductor of greater than a half wave in length.
1. Essentials of Radio Wave Propagation C. Haslett
2. Introduction to RF Propagation J. Seybold
3. Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Links N. Blaunstein, C.
4. ARRL Handbook 1995 2008
5. Radio Propagation course prof. R. Katz University of Berkeley