Current Practice - Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children

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Current Practice

Diabetic ketoacidosis in children: diagnosis and management

Rasika Gunapala1
Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2010; 39: 53-61
(Key words: Diabetic ketoacidosis, pathophysiology, complications, management)
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) still remains an
important cause of diabetes-related deaths in children
despite frequent updates of internationally agreed
guidelines. The majority of guidelines are consensus
rather than evidence based. However, knowledge of
the pathophysiology and evidence based management
strategies help to understand the rationale behind the
consensus guidelines of DKA1.

The majority of DKA episodes are thought to be due

to insulin omission or treatment error. The other
causes include inadequate insulin therapy during
intercurrent illness, alcohol, and technical errors, e.g.
a malfunctioning pen, leaking cartridge or insulin
pump failure5,6.


DKA results from absolute or relative deficiency of

circulating insulin and the combined effects of
increased levels of counter regulatory hormones viz.
catecholamines, glucagon, cortisol, and growth

The biochemical criteria for diagnosis of DKA are:

Hyperglycaemia ( blood glucose >11mmol/L or

>200mg/dL )
Venous pH <7.3 or bicarbonate < 15mmol/L
Ketonaemia and ketonuria

DKA is most frequent in children less than 5 years

old and becomes less common with increasing age. In
a carefully analyzed cohort of paediatric patients who
had new onset diabetes mellitus (DM) with DKA,
23% of the children presented with DKA. Thirty six
percent of children below 5 years of age presented
with DKA as the initial diagnosis compared to 16%
of children older than 14 years of age. In children
with established DM, the risk of DKA is 1-10%
patients per year3.


Insulin is required for the active movement of

glucose into cells as a source of energy. In the
absence of insulin, the body goes into a catabolic
state with breakdown of glycogen, protein and fat in
muscles, liver, and adipose tissue. Counter regulatory
hormones stimulate glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis,
proteolysis, lipolysis and ketogenesis in an attempt to
provide more fuel to cells. Despite an excess of
extracellular glucose, the cells sense a deficiency of
fuel for metabolic needs9.

Although DKA is commonly associated with Type 1

DM (TIDM), there has been an increased incidence
of DKA reported among patients with type 2 DM
(T2DM), associated with increased rate and severity
of obesity, in some centres now accounting for as
much as one half of newly diagnosed patients in

An impaired peripheral glucose utilization results in

hyperglycaemia and hyperosmolality, increased
lipolysis and ketogenesis causing ketonaemia and
metabolic acidosis. Hyperglycaemia that exceeds the
renal threshold and hyperketonaemia causes osmotic
diuresis, dehydration, and obligatory loss of
electrolytes, often aggravated by vomiting. These
changes stimulate further stress hormone production,
inducing more severe insulin resistance and
worsening hyperglycaemia and hyperketonaemia10.

A family history of DM reduces the risk whereas

vulnerability increases with poor metabolic control,
peripubertal girls and those with difficult family and
social circumstances (social class 3-5 increases risk).

Ketoacidosis may be aggravated by lactic acidosis

secondary to anaerobic glycolysis from poor tissue
perfusion or sepsis. Lactic acidosis shifts acetoacetate
towards beta-hydroxybutyrate, reducing the bodys
ability to eliminate ketoacids by the acetone route9.
The ketone bodies are weak acids that dissociate
completely and give rise to a large hydrogen ion load
that rapidly exceeds normal buffering capacity.

Kussmaul respiration develops and despite this effort

metabolic acidosis ensues1. If this cycle is not
interrupted with exogenous insulin, fluid and
electrolyte therapy, fatal dehydration and metabolic
acidosis will ensue.

precipitating cause, such as infections, should also be

sought. Examination should focus on signs that help
to determine the severity of DKA, and those that
suggest a precipitating cause. The typical child who
has DKA is about 5-10% dehydrated 12,13 .

Clinical presentation and evaluation

The cardinal symptoms of diabetes (thirst, polyuria
and weight loss) are often not complained of by
patients and families. They are much more likely to
complain about vulvo-vaginitis or balanitis,
secondary enuresis, vomiting and abdominal pain. It
is always helpful to ask about thirst, polyuria and
weight loss directly to avoid any delay in diagnosis11.

Assessment of the degree of dehydration can be

difficult with a tendency to overestimate the severity,
probably because weight loss precedes dehydration.
Most of the time degree of dehydration is estimated
based on physical findings which are based on
extracellular fluid volume. However, the extracellular
hyperosmolality till the last moment and it is not a
very accurate measurement9.

The length of history is very important in

determining the severity of DKA, particularly with
respect to the symptom of deep breathing,
drowsiness, and vomiting. Symptoms that suggest a

DKA is characterized by severe depletion of water

and electrolytes from both the intra- and extracellular
fluid compartments; the range of losses is shown in
Table 1.

Table 110
Losses of fluids and electrolytes in DKA and maintenance requirements in normal children
Average (range) losses per kg
24-hour maintenance requirements

70 ml (30100)

*10 kg

100 ml/kg/24 hr

1120 kg 1000 ml + 50 ml/kg/24 hr for each kg

from 1120
>20 kg

1500 m + 20 ml/kg/24 hr for each kg >20


6 mmol (513)

24 mmol


5 mmol (36)

23 mmol


4 mmol (39)

23 mmol

(0.52.5) mmol

12 mmol

*the Holiday-Segar formula

Despite their dehydration, patients continue to

maintain normal blood pressure and have
considerable urine output until extreme volume
depletion and shock supervene. This eventually
causes severe impairment of renal excretory function
such as excretion of glucose, ketones and hydrogen
irons. This leads to rapid rise of glucose and blood
urea nitrogen (BUN) levels resulting in extreme

elevated just above 400 mg/dl, and the BUN is

elevated by about 15mg/dl9.

Osmolality = 2 (Na + K) + (glucose)/18 + (BUN)/ 2.8


Early Kussmaul breathing can be easily missed as it

is the depth rather than the rate of breathing that is
striking. The level of consciousness needs to be
assessed by using the Glasgow Coma Score (Table 2)
and fundi need to be examined.

Sodium and potassium concentrations are expressed

in mEq/L and glucose and BUN are expressed in
mg/dl. In a typical child who has DKA, glucose is

At presentation the magnitude of specific deficits in

an individual patient varies depending on the duration
and severity of illness, the extent to which the patient
was able to maintain intake of fluids and electrolytes
and content of food and fluids consumed before
seeking medical attention14.

Table 2
Glasgow Coma Scale
Best Motor Response

1 = none
2 = extensor response to pain
3 = abnormal flexion to pain
4 = withdraws from pain
5 = localises pain
6 = responds to commands

Eye Opening

1 = none
2 = to pain
3 = to speech
4 = spontaneous

Best Verbal Response

1 = none
2 = incomprehensible sounds
3 = inappropriate words
4 = appropriate words but confused
5 = fully orientated

Maximum score 15, minimum score 3

Modification of verbal response score for younger children
2-5 years
1 = none
2 = grunts
3 = cries or screams
4 = monosyllables
5 = words of any sort

< 2 years
1 = none
2 = grunts
3 = inappropriate crying or unstimulated screaming
4 = cries only
5 = appropriate non-verbal responses (coos, smiles, cries)

The patients have to be screened for possible sepsis

as a precipitating cause, both clinically and with the
help of laboratory investigations. Fever is an
unreliable indicator of infection as it is commonly
absent in DKA. Its presence, however, is indicative
of infection. Overall, it is wise to have a low
threshold to treat very sick patients with antibiotics1.
It is also very important to weigh patients if possible,
even if they are very sick. This allows accurate
calculations for fluid and insulin administration.

It is also important to recognize that overlap between

the characteristic features of hyperglycaemic
hyperosmolar state (HHS) and DKA may occur.
Some patients with HHS, when there is severe
dehydration, have mild to moderate acidosis,
conversely some children with type I DM may have
features of HHS if high carbohydrate containing
beverages have been used prior to diagnosis16.

The severity of DKA is categorized by the degree of


Mild : venous pH< 7.3 or bicarbonate

Moderate: pH <7.2,bicarbonate <10 mmol/ L
Severe : pH <7.1, bicarbonate <5 mmol/L

The criteria for HHS16 are:

Plasma glucose concentration >33.3 mmol/L

(600mg/ dl )
Arterial pH >7.3
Serum bicarbonate >15 mmol /L
Small ketonuria, absent to mild ketonaemia.
Serum osmolality >320 mOsm/kg
Stupor or coma.

Management of DKA (Figure 1)17

Figure 1: Algorithm for the management of DKA17

Perform clinical evaluation to confirm diagnosis.

Always consult with a more senior doctor on call as
soon as you suspect DKA even if you feel confident
of your management. Remember that children can die
from DKA.
Goals of therapy
1. General resuscitation: A,B.C
2. Correct dehydration.
3. Correct acidosis and reverse ketosis.
4. Restore blood glucose to near normal.
5. Avoid complications of therapy.
6. Identify and treat any precipitating event.
Airway: Secure airway. If the child is comatose
insert an airway. If consciousness is reduced or child
has recurrent vomiting, insert nasogastric (NG) tube,
aspirate and leave on open drainage.
Breathing: Give 100% oxygen via face mask. This
should be given to all and should be continued during
the first hour of management, even if oxygen
saturation is 100% in air. This is important because
patients with DKA suffer intracellular phosphate
depletion and changes in serum phosphate. This may
result in reduced levels of 2, 3-DPG in red cells. This
results in a shift of the oxygenhaemoglobin
dissociation curve to the left, causing reduced oxygen
availability to the tissues 1,18.
Circulation: Monitor BP, pulse volume and rate,
skin turgor, capillary refill. Insert at least two IV
cannulae and take blood samples for blood glucose,
serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus, blood gas, lactate, white
cell count (leukocytosis is a feature of DKA and not
always suggestive of an infection), haematocrit,
Hb%, HbA1C, blood ketones (if available more
superior)19 and urinary ketones, serum osmolality.
These should be repeated two hourly for the first 12
In addition, the following should be done.

Assess degree of dehydration22

Mild (3%)
: only just clinically detectable
Moderate (5%): dry mucous membranes, reduced
skin turgor.
Severe (8%) : those above + sunken eyes, poor
capillary return
: poor perfusion, thready rapid pulse
(reduced BP is a late sign)
Only if in shock give 10ml/kg 0.9% saline as a bolus
over 30 minutes and repeat as necessary to a
maximum of 30ml/kg. Shock with haemodynamic
compromise is rare in paediatric DKA. Very sick
patients should be catheterized for accurate
monitoring of urine output but it should not be done
as a routine procedure.
Over-estimation of the degree of dehydration is
dangerous. The clinical estimates of volume deficit
are subjective and inaccurate. Therefore in moderate
DKA use 5-7% and in severe DKA 7-10%
dehydration10. (Do not use more than 8% dehydration
in calculations. BSPED-2009)17.
Conscious level
An hourly neurological observation including
Glasgow Coma Score (Table 2) should be monitored
for early recognition of cerebral oedema as this can
cause death.
Fluid calculation (Table 1)
No treatment strategy can be definitively
recommended as being superior to others based on
evidence. The principles described below were
developed after a comprehensive review of the
literature and were accepted by Lawson Wilkins
Paediatric Endocrine Society, (LWPES) the
European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology
(ESPE) and ISPAD2,22. There are no data to support
the use of colloid in preference to crystalloid in the
treatment of DKA.

Septic screen: (blood and urine culture, chest x-ray)9

Calculation of anion gap: Anion gap = Na - (Cl +
HCO3). Normal is 122 mmol/L. In DKA the anion
gap is typically 20-30 mmol/L. Anion gap >35
mmol/L suggests concomitant lactic acidosis.
Continuous cardiac monitoring to assess T waves for
evidence of hyper or hypokalaemia is also very

Requirement = Maintenance + deficit resuscitation

fluids already given.
Maintenance requirement- uses the Holliday Segar
100 ml/kg for first 10kg
50 ml/kg for second 10kg
20ml/kg for subsequent kilograms

Deficit (litres) = % of dehydration x body weight in

Add calculated maintenance (for 48 hours) and
estimated deficit, subtract the amount already given
as resuscitation fluid, and give the total volume
evenly over 48 hours1, 17, 26 .
Hourly rate = 48 h maintenance + deficit resuscitation fluid

therapy. There is no need for an initial bolus. Make

up a solution of 1 unit per ml, of human soluble by
adding 50 unit (0.5ml) insulin to 50ml of 0.9% saline
in a syringe pump. Do not add insulin directly to the
fluid bag. The solution should then run at
0.1unit/kg/hour. There are some who believe that
0.05unit/kg/hour is an adequate dose. There is no
firm evidence to support this .The aim of treatment is
to achieve a gradual fall in blood glucose, which does
not exceed 5mmol/l/h. If blood glucose falls too
rapidly insulin dose can be reduced to 0.05U/kg/h17.

Type of fluid
Initially use 0.9% saline with 20 mmol KCL in
500ml, and continue this for at least 12 hours until
blood glucose falls to 12mmol/l, then if plasma
sodium level is stable change to 500ml bags of 0.45%
saline /5%glucose/20mmol KCL. If the plasma
corrected sodium level falls during treatment, then
continue with normal saline with or without added
dextrose depending on blood sugar level17.
Corrected sodium = measured Na + (2 x (blood
glucose- 5.5) /5.5)
Serum sodium usually rises as the blood glucose falls
and this may be associated with increased risk of
cerebral oedema. Theoretically serum sodium should
rise by 2mmol for every 5.5 mmol fall in blood
During initial fluid resuscitation if plasma glucose
concentration falls steeply >5mmol/L/h, consider
adding glucose even before plasma glucose has
decreased to 12mmol/L27. In addition to clinical
assessment of dehydration calculation of osmolality
may be valuable to guide fluid and electrolyte
Insulin therapy
Once dehydration fluids and potassium are running,
blood glucose levels will start to fall. Therefore do
not start insulin until intravenous fluids have been
running for at least an hour. There is now evidence
that too early insulin treatment has been found to be a
risk factor for the development of cerebral oedema28.
However, insulin therapy is essential thereafter to
correct hyperglycaemia, inhibit lypolysis, ketogenesis,
and glycogenolysis and to counteract the excessive
levels of stress hormones29.
Continuous low dose intravenous infusion is the
preferred method. Because insulin is adsorbed to the
plastic IV tubing, a volume (about 50ml) of infusion
should be run through the tubing before initiating

Once blood glucose reaches 12mmol/l, the

intravenous fluids should be changed to 0.45% saline
and 5% dextrose. It is very important that insulin is
not stopped and the dose is not reduced below
0.05U/kg/h because only insulin can switch off
ketone production. Some suggest also adding glucose
if the initial rate of fall of blood glucose is greater
than 5-8 mmol/l per hour, to protect against cerebral
oedema. There is no good evidence for this practice,
and blood glucose levels will often fall quickly
purely because of rehydration17. If blood glucose falls
below 4mmol, give a bolus of 2 ml/kg of 10%
dextrose and increase the glucose concentration of
the infusion. If needed, solution of 10% glucose wit
0.45% saline can be made up by adding 50ml of 50%
glucose to a 500ml bag of 0.45% saline /5% glucose
with 20mmol KCL.
If biochemical parameters of DKA (pH, anion gap)
do not improve, reassess the patient, review insulin
therapy, and consider other possible causes of
impaired response to insulin; e.g.

Insufficient insulin to switch off ketones.

Inadequate resuscitation.
Hyperchloraemic acidosis due to excess 0.9%
Salicylate or other drugs.

In circumstances where continuous IV administration

is not possible, hourly or two hourly SC or IM
administration of short or rapid acting insulin analog
(insulin lispro or insulin aspart) is safe and may be as
effective as IV regular insulin infusion30-35 but should
not be used in subject whose peripheral circulation is
impaired. Initial dose SC: 0.3unit/kg, followed one
hour later by SC insulin lispro or aspart at 0.1
unit/kg/h or 0.15-0.2 units/kg every two hours.

Potassium replacement
Total body potassium is always substantially depleted
in DKA, and the major loss is from the intracellular
pool as a result of hypertonicity, insulin deficiency
and exchange for hydrogen ions with in the cell.
Intravenous fluids and insulin administration will
drive potassium back into the cells resulting in a
rapid fall in serum potassium. Therefore potassium
replacement should be started as soon as resuscitation
is completed provided anuria is not reported by the
family and the ECG does not show elevated T waves.
Ensure that every 500ml bag of fluid contains
20mmol KCL and check BUN and electrolytes 2
hourly after initial resuscitation1.
There is no evidence that bicarbonate treatment is
either necessary or safe in DKA and it should not be
used in the initial resuscitation. Bicarbonate should
only be considered in children who are profoundly
acidotic (pH 6.9) and shocked with circulatory failure
due to decrease cardiac contractility and peripheral
vasodilatation resulting in further impairment of
tissue perfusion. Dose if decided to treat is 12mmol/kg over 60 minutes17,36.

Thrice daily administration

Before breakfast: two third of TDD (1/3 as rapidly
acting insulin; 2/3 as intermediate acting insulin)
Before lunch: One third to one half of the remainder
of the TDD as rapid acting insulin.
Before dinner: One half to two thirds of the
remainder of the TDD as intermediate-acting insulin.
Blood sugar should be monitored two hourly to
Supplemental rapid acting insulin is given at four
hourly intervals to correct blood glucose levels that
exceed 200mg/dl9.
Subcutaneous insulin should be started according to
local protocols for newly diagnosed diabetes or child
should be started back on to their usual insulin
regimen at an appropriate time17.
Cerebral oedema, hypoglycaemia, hypokalaemia,
infections and aspiration pneumonia are the main
Cerebral oedema

The signs and symptoms are:
There is no evidence in adults or children that
phosphate replacement has any benefit. Phosphate
administration may lead to hypocalcaemia17,37.

Introduction of oral fluids and regular SC insulin

Oral fluids should only be introduced when

substantial clinical improvement has occurred and
change over to subcutaneous insulin once blood
ketone levels are below 1.0 mmol/l, although urinary
ketones may not have disappeared completely.
The most convenient time to change to subcutaneous
insulin is just before a mealtime. To prevent
hyperglycaemia the first SC injection should be given
60 minutes before discontinuing the insulin infusion
if using soluble or long acting insulin or 10-15
minutes before with rapid acting insulin.(Novorapid
or Humalog )20,38.
Insulin dosage: Total daily dose (TDD) for
prepubertal children is 0.75-1.0 unit/kg and for
pubertal patients 1.0-1.2 unit/kg38.

Headache and slowing of heart rate and rising

blood pressure - late sign
Change of neurological status. (restlessness,
irritability, drowsiness, incontinence)
Specific neurological signs (cranial nerve
Rising BP, decrease SaO2
Abnormal posturing.

Convulsions, papilloedema, respiratory arrest are late

signs and are associated with a very poor prognosis.
Management17, 39,40
Inform senior staff immediately and arrange transfer
to PICU.

Exclude hypoglycaemia.
Give hypertonic (3%)5-10 ml over 30 minutes or
mannitol 0.5-1.0 g/kg over 20 minutes.
Restrict intravenous fluids to 2/3 maintenance
and replace over 72 hours rather than 48 hours.


Intubation and ventilation may be required whilst

awaiting transfer to PICU.
Repeat dose of mannitol may be required after 2
hours if no response.
Documentation of all events in medical records
is important.

Continuing abdominal pain is common and may be

due to liver swelling, gastritis, bladder retention,
ileus. A raised serum amylase is common in DKA41.
Increasing public awareness of the symptoms and
signs of diabetes is the most important way to
achieve early diagnosis. Patients with established
diabetes and their families need clear guidelines for
management of illness and high blood glucose.


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