Separation of Powers Isagani Cruz Reviewer
Separation of Powers Isagani Cruz Reviewer
Separation of Powers Isagani Cruz Reviewer
A. Each of the 3 great branches of government has exclusive cognizance of
and is supreme in matters falling within its own constitutionally allocated
B. Legislature = enactment of laws, Executive = enforcement of laws,
Judiciary = application of laws
A. Intended to prevent a concentration of authority in one person or group of
B. Justice Laurel: intended to secure action, to forestall over-action, to
prevent despotism and obtain efficiency
C. Interdependence not independence
Blending of Powers
A. Some powers are not confined by the Constitution exclusively within one
department but are in fact assigned to several departments
B. Example: Power of Appointment which can be exercised by all over own
admin personnel
C. Collaboration for the good of the people
D. General Appropriations Law: President Prepares the budget then it is
passed as a bill by the Congress
E. Amnesty: President grants amnesty then it must be approved by majority
of the Congress
F. COMELEC needs the help from the executive agencies during time of
Checks and Balances
A. Ends of the government are better achieved through the exercise by its
agencies of only the powers assigned to them subject to reversal in proper
cases by those authorized by the Constitution
B. Example: Veto Power of the President, Congress can refuse to give its
concurrence to a Presidential Amnesty, The President may nullify a
conviction by pardoning the offender, the Judiciary can declare invalid an
act done by the Congress or the President
The Role of the Judiciary
A. Sees to it that the constitutional distribution of powers is respected
B. Upholds the Supremacy of the Constitution
Justiciable and Political Questions
A. Justiciable can be subject of Judicial Review while Political Questions,
technically, cannot be subject to Judicial review (except for Betrayal of
Public Trust)
B. Justiciable Question implies a given right legally demandable and
enforceable, an act or omission violative of such right, and a remedy
granted and sanctioned by law, for said breach of right
C. Political Questions discretion of another department or especially the
people themselves / connotes a question of policy / questions to be
decided by the people in their sovereign capacity
Application of the Doctrine study the cases.
Political Questions Under the New Constitution
A. Judicial Power now includes the duty to determine whether or not there
has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Government Article VIII, Sec. 1.
B. Supreme Court may review the sufficiency of the factual basis of a martial
law proclamation by the president