Terrorism: A Threat To Foreign Direct Investment
Terrorism: A Threat To Foreign Direct Investment
Terrorism: A Threat To Foreign Direct Investment
b u s i n e s s
a b r o a d
Terrorism: A Threat
to Foreign Direct Investment
By Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Javed Younas
respectively. Clearly, this means that terrorism had a major negative effect on capital
formation in these nations and, in turn, on
their potential for economic growth.
Impact on FDI from the U.S.
Diversion of FDI
Terrorism incidents (hundreds)
FDI as % of GDP
FDI, Terrorism
NOTE: Data are averaged over six-year nonoverlapping periods from 1988 to 2011, which gives us four time periods. Terrorism incidents include domestic,
transnational and other acts of terrorism that cannot be unambiguously assigned to either of these two categories.
SOURCES: FDI-World Development Indicators (2013); Terrorism-Global Terrorism Database, University of Maryland, College Park.
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