TL Long-Period Transition Period INDONESIA
TL Long-Period Transition Period INDONESIA
TL Long-Period Transition Period INDONESIA
Usama Juniansyah Fauzi, 2Achmad Fauzi, 3Masyhur Irsyam, 1F.X. Toha and
Abstract. The new method for determining ground-motion parameters in the next edition of the Indonesian
Earthquake Resistant Building Code SNI 03-1726-X, which will be issued in this year, has significant changes than
the old code. The major changes in SNI 03-1726-X are using Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration maps. These maps developed by Team for Revision of Seismic Hazard
Maps of Indonesia were based on probabilistic approach for 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years and
deterministic approach by using three-dimensional seismic source models and by considering latest geological and
seismological data and fragility curve of buildings. For building design, it has been decided that ASCE 7-10 will be
adopted for coming code SNI 03-1725-X. The design philosophy adopted from ASCE 07-10 standard contains a
significant addition consisting of a constant-displacement segment of the design response spectrum. This paper
presents the proposed parameter TL developed by the author and Disaster Mitigation Research Center ITB (Pusat
Penelitian Mitigasi Bencana ITB) to provide more realistic estimates of the ground motions at periods T > 4 sec by
consisting a constant-displacement segment.
Key words: long period transition map, seismic hazard, deaggregation, 3D seismic sources, indonesia building
The Team for Revision of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia has produced several new
seismic hazard maps for Indonesia. The final model and maps were issued in 2010 as
Summary of Study Team for Revision of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia. The method
and results given in this summary are the basis for BSN (National Standardization Agency)
recommended seismic design provisions for the next edition of the Indonesian Earthquake
Resistant Building Code SNI 03-1726-X which will be issued in this year. This summary
presented seismic hazard maps computed for sites on bed rock (Vs = 760 m/s2) at the
10% PE in 50 year and 2% PE in 50 year.
The seismic source models used in this study are subduction sources, fault sources,
and background sources. Seismic hazard parameters for subduction considered recurrence
relationship that includes truncated exponential model and pure characteristic model. For
fault sources, truncated exponential model and characteristic model with aleatory
uncertainty in the magnitude using a normal distribution sigma of 0.12 were used. For
background source, only truncated exponential model were used in the development of
hazard maps. Several attenuation functions including NGA and logic-tree were used. The
detail information on seismic source models and seismic parameters for development
seismic hazard maps appear in Asrurifak, 2010 and Fauzi, 2011.
The new method for determining ground-motion parameters in SNI 03-1726-X has
significant changes than the old code. The code has been revised to incorporate maps of a
new parameter, TL, the period on the design response spectrum separating the constantvelocity and constant-displacement segments. This paper, in conjunction with Team for
Revision of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia, intends to proposed parameter TL to provide
more realistic estimates of the ground motions at periods T > 4 sec by consisting a
constant-displacement segment.
Tc (sec)
To determine the TL values for Indonesia, the author and Disaster Mitigation
Research Center ITB (Pusat Penelitian Mitigasi Bencana ITB), follow method proposed by
Crouse CB.,, constructed maps of the modal magnitudes (Md) in half-unit increments.
The maps were prepared from a deaggregation of the 2% in 50-years hazard for Sa (T = 2
sec), the 5% damped response spectral acceleration at an oscillator period of 2 sec. The Md
that was computed represented the magnitude interval that had the largest contribution to
the 2 percent in 50-yr hazard for Sa.
The Md maps were judged to be an acceptable approximation to values of Md that
would be obtained if the deaggregation could have been computed at the longer periods of
interest. These Md maps were color-coded to more easily permit the eventual construction
of the TL maps. Generally, the TL maps corresponded to the Md maps, but some smoothing
of the boundaries separating TL regions was necessary to make them more legible.
PSHA and Deaggreagation PSHA
PSHA was developed by McGuire (1976) is based on the probability concept developed by
Cornell (1968). It is assumed that the earthquake magnitude M and distance R as a
continuous independent random variables. In general, form of total probability theorem can
be expressed in the following formula
H (a) = vi P[A > am, r] Mi (m) RiMi(r,m)drdm
where vi is annual rate of earthquakes (with magnitude higher than some threshold value of
RiMi(r,m) are probability density functions on
Moi) in source I, and Mi (m) and
magnitude and distance, respectively. P[A > am, r is the probability that an earthquake of
magnitude m at distance r produces a peak acceleration A at the site that is greater than a.
Software for PSHA used in this study obtained from the USGS. A site spacing of 0.1
degrees in latitude and longitude and area between 94E to 142E longitudes and 12S to
8N latitude were used in the analysis. The ground motion parameters obtained from this
study computed for sites on bed rock (Vs = 760 m/s2). The verification seismic models and
parameters in this research with Team for Revision of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia
are shown in Fauzi, 2011.
The method of deaggregation of hazard is separates the contributions into a limited
number of bins of (annular) distance, magnitude, and ground-motion uncertainty (McGuire,
1995). For this research the distance annular width, R, is 5 km and the magnitude bins is
0.5. For subduction sources, the maximum considered source to site distance is 1000 km.
For fault and background sources, the maximum considered source to site distance is 200
km. Using PSHA result, the relative contribution of sources to the overall hazard results at
the given site are deaggregated in different types of bins to determine and understand. The
integration of the PSHA is carried out and the final results are presented often in terms of
3D M-R- bins or even geographical deaggregation (4D) (Harmsen and Frankel, 2001).
The maps develop using the grid increment of 0.1 degrees in both latitude and
longitude and in area between 94E to 142E longitudes and 12S to 8N latitude so that
deaggregations seismic hazard are performed for more than 96,600 sites. Software for
Deaggregation PSHA used in this study obtained from the USGS.
Earthquake catalog, Seismosectonic Model, Recurrence relations, and Ground
motion Prediction Equation
Seismic parameters used in this study were derived from published journals, proceedings,
previous researches conducted by team members, and latest information obtained during
this study. This study has then compiled and integrated previous and current studies.
Earthquake source parameters were determined based on earthquake catalog, geological,
and seismological information of active faults. The earthquake catalog covered earthquake
period between 1900 to 2009, relocated catalog by the year 2005, and area between 90oE
to 145oE longitudes and 15oS to 15oN latitudes.
Seismic sources were divided into subduction, fault, and background zones by
considering recurrence relationship that includes truncated exponential model, pure
characteristic model, and both models. Geometry of fault and subduction were represented
by three-dimensional (3D) models based on the result of tomography and slip-rates of
faults were determined by considering the results of GPS measurement. Background source
zones were modeled using gridded seismicity based on spatially smoothed earthquake
rates. The earthquake catalog was used for developing gridded seismicity starting from
1900 to 2009 and the updated Engdahl catalog up to 2009 was used for control geometry
of subduction. Several well-known attenuation functions were selected in accordance with
the mechanism of seismic source including the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA). Logic
tree was also applied to account for epistemic uncertainty including recurrence model,
maximum magnitude, and several attenuation functions.
Results and Discussion
The analysis result showed that the maps of long period transition are associated the
highest contribution, for the areas near the fault, magnitude of fault control (lower corner
period). In areas far from the fault, the magnitude from the subduction control (higher
corner period) and for areas far from faults and subduction, gridded seismicity model
control (middle value corner period).
The maps shown represent an incremental improvement to the groundmotion criteria for
SNI 03-1726-X. Because a new parameter, TL, has been introduced, it will likely undergo
refinements in subsequent editions and eventually may be replaced by a long period
ground-motion parameter derived in the same manner as the SS and S1. For most locations,
the long period transitions value is dominated by high value that means the spectral
acceleration at long period dominated by subduction sources. The information of long
period analysis can and perhaps should be considered in a complex seismic-resistant design
decision-making environment.
The writers wish to his sincerest gratitude to Team for Revision of Seismic Hazard Maps of
Indonesia, for allowing writers to incorporate the valuable data when the Team developed
new Indonesia Seismic Hazard Maps. The writers are also deeply indebted to USGS (S. D.
Harmsen and M. D. Petersen) for providing the writers with technical discussions and the
software for PSHA and PSHA Deaggregation. Financial support for the research was
provided by Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
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