Liceo de Cagayan University College of Nursing
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Nursing
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Nursing
College of Nursing
A Care Study
Kenno Balahay
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In the case of the patient of this study, 1 year old Kenno Balahay
is admitted due to repeated episodes of loose, watery stools,
diagnosed as Acute Infectious Diarrhea. In his case, the digestive tract
is infected by a pathogen that alters the activities of his intestine. The
presence of the bacteria caused inflammation in his bowel altering its
His nutritional status is also at risk because the nutrients are not
properly absorbed by the bowels.
Sex: Male
Income: N/A
Nationality: Filipino
Temperature: 37.3OC
c. Chief Complaint
III. Developmental Data
IV. Medical Management
a. Medical Orders with Rationale
b. Drug Study
V. Pathophysiology with Anatomy and Physiology
a. Anatomy and Physiology
b. Pathophysiology
VI. Nursing Management
a. Ideal Nursing Management
b. Actual Nursing Management
VII. Referrals and Follow up
VIII. Evaluation and Implication
IX. Documentation
a. Documentation of Evidence of Care Study for 1 Week Rotation
b. Bibliography