Legal Medicine: Daniel Franklin
Legal Medicine: Daniel Franklin
Legal Medicine: Daniel Franklin
Legal Medicine
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Review Article
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Article history:
Received 1 September 2009
Accepted 8 September 2009
Available online 22 October 2009
Forensic anthropology
Age estimation
Skeletal growth
Skeletal degeneration
a b s t r a c t
Skeletal identication has a long tradition in both physical and forensic anthropology. The process generally begins with formulation of a biological prole (osteobiography); specically, estimation of sex, age,
ethnicity and stature. The present paper briey reviews a selection of the principal methods used for one
aspect of the identication process; the estimation of personal age. It is well-documented that variability
in the morphological features used to assess age in the human skeleton progressively increases from birth
to old age. Thus choice of method is inherently related to whether unidentied remains are those of a
juvenile or an adult. This review, therefore, considers methods appropriate for age estimation in both
juvenile and adult remains; the former being primarily based on developmental, and the latter degenerative, morphological features. Such a review is timely as new methods are constantly being developed,
concurrent with renements to those already well established in mainstream anthropology.
2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Forensic anthropology is a discipline that is continually evolving
and expanding. Not only does the role of the forensic anthropologist include the traditional study of human skeletal remains for
the purpose of identication (e.g. building a biological prole, trauma analysis, facial reconstruction), but it now also frequently involves identifying the living (e.g. ascertaining whether a person
has reached the age of criminal responsibility). The expansion of
the discipline, combined with rapidly improving technology, has
seen a real increase in the development of new, and renement
of existing, methods. The historical development, current state,
and future direction of the discipline was recently comprehensively reviewed by Komar and Buikstra [1].
Forensic anthropologists generally apply their expertise to medicolegal investigations, from single homicide cases, through to
mass death scenarios resulting from violent activities (e.g. 9/11
[2]; Bali bombing [3]; war crimes [4]) and natural disasters
(south Asian tsunami [5]). When unknown remains are referred
to the forensic investigator, one of the rst stages of the identication process (after ascertaining that the remains are actually human and of forensic relevance) involves formulating the
biological prole (osteobiography); sex, age, ethnicity and stature.
With each of these factors a range of considerations ultimately
determine choice of method and accuracy. The present paper
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3.1. Dentition
As the dentition, especially in the earlier years, represents a key
developmental characteristic for age assessment, it is not surprising that there are many dental standards available in the literature.
The estimation of age from teeth can be performed using radiographic evaluation of root development and mineralization (preferred) and/or macroscopic observation of tooth emergence
patterns. Attritional wear of teeth is also used, although the technique is less reliable, largely because tooth wear depends upon
tion between skeletal and chronological (or actual) age. The most
common skeletal maturity methods used to estimate subadult
age-at-death are based on metrical analysis and the macroscopic
(including radiographic where required) assessment of the morphology of ossication centers, including their size and timing of
initial appearance, through to subsequent fusion.
Repositories of documented (known age and sex) subadult skeletons are relatively rare; this problem is further compounded by
the fact that the samples actually available are generally small.
Thus medical imaging of the living offers a useful complementary
source of data. There have been numerous such studies, mostly on
European, North American and South African populations, which
provide measurement data on a variety of bones that can be used
to derive age estimates within both the pre- and postnatal age
range (e.g. [19,5459]). With clear denition, precise skeletal measurements can be obtained, and accurate age estimates can then be
derived from the aforementioned sources; such data are inherently
less subjective than those based on visual scoring systems.
New approaches to quantifying size and shape variation offer
alternative methods for subadult age estimation. Procrustes-based
geometric morphometric methods are now widely applied in many
areas of skeletal biology. These offer a package of statistically robust tools for quantifying and analyzing biological forms described
in terms of landmark coordinates. Using such an approach, Braga
and Treil [58] recently demonstrated that the centroid size of the
juvenile (birth 18 years) facial skeleton can be used as an age prediction variable. The technique gave a standard error rate of
62.1 years across all sub-samples. Franklin et al. [59] showed that
three-dimensional multivariate descriptors of mandible size and
shape could predict juvenile age (118 years) with standard error
rates between 1.3 and 3.0 years. Other research using these
methods is already owing into forensic anthropology (see Refs.
[13,6067] for recent applications).
With regard to methods based on the morphology of ossication centers, the degree of preservation of the remains referred
for examination (e.g. intact, decomposing or skeletonized) often
determines whether they can be effectively applied. The relative
experience of the excavator(s) is also an important consideration
in whether all possible elements are recovered [68]. The most commonly applied of these involve the handwrist [1]. The handwrist
was the rst area of the skeleton for which atlases outlining developmental standards became available; this was largely because
there are many bones in a small region [69].
The Gruelich and Pyle [70] atlas of sex-specic radiographs of
the handwrist are particularly important. The reference sample,
including material assembled by Todd [71], was predominately
American born individuals of North European ancestry. In this atlas, radiographs are generally presented at successive 3 month
intervals to 3 years of age, every 6 months to 14 years of age, and
yearly thereafter until adult status is reached. Age is estimated
by selecting the developmental pattern that most closely resembles the individual being assessed. Naturally personal experience
will inuence demarcating between developmental intervals.
The Tanner-Whitehouse (TW) method (the most recent being
TW3 [72]), follows basically the same premise, although individual
bones are scored independently, from which a maturity score is derived, and this is then used to estimate skeletal age. The rst two
versions of the TW method are based on a British reference sample.
The latest revision now includes reference data from European,
Asian and American populations. There are reports in the literature
that the Tanner-Whitehouse method may be slightly more accurate than the GruelichPyle atlas, although there appears to be a
general consensus that the differences are small and that the GruelichPyle method requires less time to apply [7376].
Other common handwrist classication systems include the
Fels [69] and Thiemann-Nitz methods [77]; Gilsanz and Ratib
[78] recently published a digital atlas communication of independent testing by the wider anthropological community is sure
to follow. For bones other than those of the hand or wrist, there
is data available in the literature covering the timing of epiphyseal
appearance and fusion; e.g. clavicle [79,80]; elbow [81]; knee [82];
foot [83]. Amongst the most comprehensive of the single sources
covering practically the entire human skeleton are Fazekas and
Ksa [54] and Scheuer and Black [57].
3.3. Summary
Dental and skeletal methods are generally the primary means
used to estimate age in the juvenile skeleton. In the present paper
space constraints permit review of all but a small proportion of the
total available methods. Obviously there are others, and as such, it
is recommended that those readers seeking a review of alternative
subadult aging methods consult Saunders [68].
4. Age estimation adults
Age estimation in adults, in the absence of key developmental
markers, depends on the more highly variable degeneration of
bones. This is further complicated by the fact that individualistic
factors (e.g. lifestyle, health and nutrition) can inuence skeletal
remodeling throughout life, introducing an extra source of bias
into the nal assessment. Different parts of the skeleton can thus
age at different rates, both between and within individuals. In
their analysis of the Branch Davidian victims, Houck et al. [84]
found that a multifactorial approach (see above) was the best for
minimizing such errors.
The primary methods for estimating age in the adult skeleton
are either based on the non-invasive assessment of morphological
changes or the application of more destructive techniques, such as
histomorphometry. The latter method, however, is generally reserved for cases of extreme skeletal fragmentation [1]. The following section examines a selection of those methods.
4.1. Non-invasive morphological methods
4.1.1. Age estimation from the Os coxae Pubic symphysis. Age estimation based on changes in the
pubic symphyseal face has long been a favored approach. Meindl
and Lovejoy [85] suggest its widespread use is related to its greater
reliability than other morphological attributes (e.g. cranial sutures)
and the distinctiveness of the characters used. Amongst the earliest
of the published systems for scoring degenerative changes in the
morphology of the pubic symphysis was the 10 phase system of
Todd [86]. Todds method was subsequently expanded during the
1920s to include both males and females of different ethnic backgrounds and to incorporate additional patterns of symphyseal
Todds standards remained largely unchanged until research by
Brooks [87] demonstrated that it tended to over-estimate age, particularly in the later phases of life; in collaboration with a statistician, improvements were made to the age phases corresponding to
the symphyseal surface of the pubis. The next development in
pubic symphysis aging methods was McKern and Stewart [88]
who formulated a three component (dorsal plateau; ventral rampart; and symphyseal rim) system using a large male sample. Their
reference sample was subsequently updated to include female
individuals [89], although subsequent testing by a large cohort of
experienced anthropologists yielded unfavorable results [90].
In response to the apparent limitations of these pubic symphysis age standards, Brooks and Suchey [91] spent two years assembling a large modern sample (male = 739; female = 273), for which
than 35 years of age the error in age estimation fell to 6.2 years. In
addition to costs of specialized equipment and expertise, there are
other limitations to the applicability of this technique. It is not
effective where the post-mortem interval is greater than 20 years;
advanced degradation and/or burning may alter the racemization
process; and burial conditions (particularly temperature) must be
known [116,117].
4.3. Summary
Of the various bones appropriate for making estimates of adult
age, the hip appears to be a popular choice. This is largely because
it provides two independent sites (pubic symphysis and auricular
surface) that are amongst the most accurate markers available
[85]. The error involved in estimating age using any morphological
method is not consistent across the adult lifespan, typically
increasing throughout life and especially beyond the fth decade.
For specimens of advanced age, quantitative bone histology may
offer a viable alternative, especially if the skeleton is fragmented
or otherwise morphologically non-diagnostic. More detailed treatments of adult skeletal aging are given in Cox [118] and Baccino
and Schmitt [119].
5. So what does the future hold?
Anthropologists interested in the skeleton have traditionally relied on the direct examination of physical remains as a primary
source of research data. As repositories of documented skeletons
(both juvenile and adult) are becoming increasingly rare, and considering that many of the extant collections comprise individuals
dating from historic periods, alternative data for modern populations must be found. Clinical images, such as radiographs, computed
tomography scans and magnetic resonance images are already proving to be a promising complementary source of data (e.g. [120
124]), especially as many forensic institutes now routinely use
medical scanning devices for post-mortem examinations.
Recent geometric morphometric studies (e.g. [58,59]) also suggest that the more comprehensive measures of size, such as centroid size, surfaces and volumes, all of which are becoming
increasingly common and easy to obtain using CT scans, offer a
promising alternative to traditional morphological approaches for
the accurate estimation of age in forensic studies. Importantly,
the samples available will be larger, with less age and sex biases,
and more representative of modern populations from around the
world. New developments are not simply limited to the physical
anthropological discipline; cognate areas of complimentary research (e.g. molecular osteology; histomorphology) are also likely
to provide both novel approaches and renements to existing
methods for age estimation.
Ofcial disclaimer
The author discloses no nancial relationship with commercial
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