Lab Manual
Lab Manual
Lab Manual
This series of fiber optics laboratory experiments was developed by Professor Elias
Awad for the FOA under a NSF grant. It is intended to prepare students in technical
colleges and some high schools for the technology of fiber optics.
No previous experience in fiber optics is required. Students are expected to read all
sections of each laboratory write-up before starting with the procedure section of
each experiment. In some cases, the teacher may wish to use this laboratory manual
as a text. We included in each experiment enough theory, tutorial material and
examples to fulfill the needs of some programs.
Teachers may wish to hold the students responsible to do the exercises provided with
the laboratory write-ups.
Teachers offering a full semester of fiber optics will find it necessary to have a
regular textbook for the lecture section of the course. The FOA Textbook, The Fiber
Optic Technicians Manual, is one choice, but at a college level, a text with more
theory, such as Fiber Optic Communications by Jim Downing or Jeff Hechts
Understanding Fiber Optics
Several laboratory write-ups suggested that the students do the experiment with more
than one type of fiber. If this requirement is not fulfilled due to the lack of resources,
the educational benefit of the experiment will not be lost.
Elias A. Awad
Lab Exercise 1
Termination of various lengths plastic optical fibers into a
metallic, 1000m, ST fiber optic connector for plastic fiber.
This is an exercise. It is intended to develop your manual dexterity while teaching
you the proper installation of an ST connector on the ends of a plastic optical fiber
Students are expected to pay attention to the proper way to install the connector on
the fiber. This must be done in a way that will ensure longevity and prevent
premature failure of the fiber optic link.
Students will use room temperature epoxy and mechanical crimping to secure the
fiber firmly into the connector. Oven cured epoxy may not be used with plastic fiber.
Each student (or group of students, depending on the available budget) will prepare 9
optical fibers of various lengths. Later in this manual, you will use these same fibers
to perform other experiments.
We introduced this exercise to teach you the importance of installing connectors on
optical fibers. Without connectors, there will be no reliable way to align two fibers.
Alignment is important to permit the transmission of an optical signal between two
fibers or between a fiber and a transmit or receive instrument.
Connectors are the weakest link for a signal in a fiber optic line. It is where
maximum power losses may be found. You will learn that it is worth your while to
understand and practice proper connector installation to avoid unnecessary service
Unnecessary service calls may annoy an engineer and will eat away at the profit
margin of a contractor who is responsible for the performance of an installation.
Typically, optical fiber is made of thin and solid strands of glass. In this case, we are
using plastic optical fiber with 1000m diameter. The hole in the ST connector is
also 1000m in diameter.
Plastic optical fiber is not popular in long distance nor is it popular in high frequency
applications. In long distance applications, it exhibits unacceptable losses, this is
called attenuation. In high frequency applications, it exhibits greater pulse
this is called modal distortion. At this writing, a type of plastic optical fiber called
graded index plastic optical fiber is underdevelopment. It promises to perform
satisfactorily at substantially higher frequencies but over a distance of only 100
meters or less. So as you can see, while it may be useable at higher frequencies, its
application will continue to be limited to a short distance. i.e.: from the street to the
Not only its higher losses, but also its large core diameter contribute to the poor
performance of plastic optical fiber. In a large core fibers, a large number of modes is
transmitted inside the core. Each of these modes will travel a different optical path.
These optical paths are unequal. This is what gives rise to modal distortion.
Again, none of these optical paths is equal in length. This causes different segments
of a single optical signal (one flash of light, one bit) to exit from the output end of the
fiber at different times, thus distorting the optical pulse. This will also cause an
overlapping of adjacent optical pulses.
one bit input; one flash
of light
output with a
modal distortion
two or more bits input
output with a modal distortion
and pulse overlap
The number of modes for each data bit in a multimode fiber is given by the M
number of the fiber. The M number is given by the V number of the fiber:
M = V2 / 2
V = [(2 a)/ ]
n12 - n22
n1 and n2 are the indices of refraction of the core and cladding, respectively. a is the
core radius and is the free space wavelength.
Acceptance Cone
Critical Modes
guided mode
The theory of connector making is a combination of mechanical and optical skills.
Mechanically, the connector must be easy to assemble and use. It must withstand
repeated cycling and various environmental conditions. Today, connectors are being
made from stainless or other metallic materials. Also, ceramic and composite
materials are used often. Connectors for plastic optical fiber are also found as all
plastic or all metallic connectors.
A large variety of connectors are found and/or being developed for glass optical fiber.
Some plastic optical fiber uses a plastic snap in connector. Also, the standard ST
connector with a modified hole diameter is used to accommodate the plastic fiber.
Optical concerns in connector making are related to the surface preparation of the
connector which may cause pulse distortion. These are higher level concerns that do
not come into play in common typical applications. And most certainly, they do not
come into play in plastic optical fiber.
Remember, this exercise is intended to develop your manual dexterity and introduce
you to the installation of connectors (in their simplest form) on an optical fiber.
Cut fibers longer than the desired lengths by about 5 cm. This will allow
approximately 2.5 cm of fiber to come through the front ferrule of each connector on
either side of the cable.
Strip the outer jacket from either end of the fiber a distance of about 5 cm.
Feed the fiber through the connector as a dry run That is to see if the fiber fits and
all of the dimensions are as you want them.
*When all of the dimensions are as you want them, wipe the fiber clean with alcohol
before you apply the epoxy (epoxy will not bond to oily glass or plastic).
Mix the epoxy in accordance with the epoxy manufacturer specs. Scoop epoxy
with the portion of the bare fiber and outside jacket that will be inside the connector.
*Take special care not to let epoxy contaminate the outside of the connector.
*If you get epoxy on the outside of the front ferrule, it will no longer fit into the
receptacles of the instruments.
*If you get epoxy on the spring or spring housing of the connector. you will not be
able to lock the connector into position.
Front Ferrule
Core and Cladding
Plastic optical fiber is made of a plastic core surrounded by a plastic cladding. The
two are housed inside an outer protective jacket. No other protective or strength
member is present. Glass optical fiber have additional strength members built into
the cable. This makes the termination of plastic optical fiber the easiest of all fibers.
The epoxy is used to bond the plastic fiber to the inside walls of the connector and
the mechanical crimping is intended to increase that bonding where the cables outer
jacket meets the back of the connector.
Front Ferrule
Back Ferrule
Strain Relief
Apply the epoxy, insert the fiber into the connector, crimp ASAP and let stand to cure
in accordance with the epoxy specifications. About 15 min. or more.
Slip the strain relief while holding the connector. I said while holding the connector.
Cut the fiber flush at the tip of the front ferrule.
clean with alcohol, Place the dust cover on all connectors and keep all cables in a safe
place for future experiments.
In this exercise, there are no calculations to be performed.
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does not
apply in this exercise.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, if you had to,
how you would re-write this lab. What you would change in it, and how, to make it
easier and clearer for another student to do this lab. What technical and practical
advise would you give to someone intending to do this exercise.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
(as you understood it) to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any
differences between the two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make
the outcome coincide with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be
able to make use of your recommendations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.
Lab Exercise 2
Polish and visually inspect terminated plastic optical fibers
from the previous laboratory exercise.
This is an exercise. It is intended to develop your manual dexterity while teaching
you the proper procedure for polishing terminated plastic optical fiber.
Students are expected to follow the instruction to the proper way to polish and protect
the fiber and the connector in which it is housed. This must be done so as to
maximize the performance of the fiber link at the connection point.
Students will use 12m Aluminum Oxide polishing film. All polishing will be dry
polishing. No lubricating liquids will be used.
Each student will polish one or several fibers of various lengths. This depends on the
number of fibers and the number of students in each group.
We introduced this exercise to teach you the important points when polishing optical
fibers. Student should remember that there are some differences in polishing plastic
and glass optical fibers. In this exercise. you are polishing plastic optical fiber. look
for additional details when polishing glass optical fiber in the future.
Connectors are the weakest link in a fiber optic line. You will learn that it is worth
your while to understand and practice proper connector polishing and protection
techniques to avoid unnecessary service calls and to maximize the systems
Unnecessary service calls will eat away at the profit margin of a contractor who is
responsible for the performance of an installation. Poor system performance will eat
away at the power budget of the system and may requires increased operating power.
Typically, optical fiber is made of thin and solid strands of glass. In this case, we are
using plastic optical fiber with 1000m diameter. The hole in the ST connector is
also 1000m in diameter.
Plastic optical fiber is not popular in long distance nor is it popular in high frequency
applications. In long distance applications, it exhibits unacceptable losses, this is
called attenuation. In high frequency applications, it exhibits greater pulse
this is called modal distortion. At this writing, a type of plastic optical fiber called
graded index plastic optical fiber is underdevelopment by a company just outside
the Boston, Massachusetts area and it promises to perform satisfactorily at
substantially higher frequencies up to a distance of 100 meters. So as you can see,
while it maybe useable at higher frequencies, its applications will continue to be
limited to a short distance.
Not only its higher losses, but also its large core diameter contribute to the poor
performance of plastic optical fiber. In a large core fibers, a large number of modes is
transmitted inside the core. Each of these modes is traveling a different optical path.
None of these optical paths is equal in length. This causes different segments of the
optical signal to exit from the fiber at different times, thus distorting the optical pulse.
This will also cause an overlapping of adjacent optical pulses.
Optical power maybe lost from the core of a fiber due to various reasons.
One of these reasons is the radiation of higher order modes into the cladding. In the
cladding, these modes will attenuate rapidly and be lost for ever.
In multi mode fiber (such as we are using in this exercise) higher order modes are
always present and are vulnerable to radiating out. Poorly polished connector may
give rise to and promote the development of higher order modes and perhaps the
conversion of these modes into a non-guided modes, they will become lost modes.
In the figure below, you can see that the difference between the guided and unguided
modes is the angle at which the light is incident. Again, a poorly polished connector
may very well promote the conversion of guided modes into an unguided ones.
Core - Cladding
Critical Angle
When the
CRITICAL ANGLE is decreased,
The theory behind polishing glass or plastic optical fiber is very simple. Use fine grit
polishing film to take out all of the surface scratches and irregularities. Leave the
surface of the fiber and connector flat, smooth and in the same plan.
Under such circumstances, when two fibers are brought close together, their surfaces
will touch and make a full and smooth contact to allow the optical energy to cross
from one to the next with only minimum loss.
A large variety of connectors are found and/or being developed for glass optical fiber.
Plastic optical fiber has a plastic snap in connector and the standard ST connector
with an enlarged hole to accommodate the plastic fiber.
Remember, this exercise is intended to develop your manual dexterity and introduce
you to the polishing and inspection technique of a plastic optical fiber.
You had cut the fibers longer than the desired lengths by about 5 cm. This allowed
approximately 2.5 cm of fiber to come through the front ferrule of each connector on
either side of the cable. Now, cut that piece (the 2.5 cm) flush with the surface of the
connector using a razor. You may have already done that in the previous lab.
It is recommended at this point to inspect the cut and unpolished fiber with the
microscope. USE ONLY ROOM LIGHT to inspect the fiber. Follow the microscope
manufacturers instruction. This will allow you to see what the fiber looks like prior
to polishing and give you an appreciation to the importance of polishing.
Place the connector through the hole in the polishing fixture, be sure the tip of the
front ferrule sticks out from the other side of the polishing fixture.
The polishing fixture will secure the fiber and connector at 90 to the polishing
surface. You must ensure that the polishing fixture stays flat on the polishing surface.
Start polishing by making figure 8 motion on the polishing film. Note: the height of
the figure 8 must equal its width
Apply moderate pressure on the polishing film.
Ensure that the tip of the connector, and thus the fiber, is in continuous contact with
the polishing film at all times.
Ensure that the polishing fixture does not lift off of the polishing film when making
figure 8.
Do five or so laps of figure 8.
Clean the tip of the fiber with alcohol.
Inspect with a microscope. allow ROOM light to enter the fiber on one end while
inspecting the other end with the microscope.
Repeat the process, polish, stop, clean, inspect and polish again. Monitor and observe
the progress of the surface being polished.
Polished plastic optical fiber will look like this. There will
always be some minor scratches. The large cross section area
of plastic fiber allows you to ignore these scratches.
You may not ignore them in glass optical fiber
In this exercise, there are no calculations to be performed.
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does not
apply in this exercise.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, how you
would re-write this lab, if you had to. What you would change in it and why. What
advise would you give to someone intending to do what you had just finished.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any differences between the
two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make the outcome coincide
with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of
your recommendations and observations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.
Lab Exercise 3
Power launching and the testing of optic power loss between two
plastic optical fibers in ST connectors
This is a laboratory experiment. It is intended to develop your understanding of the
testing methodology and the testing and calculation procedure relating to optical
power loss between two terminated plastic optical fibers.
Students are reminded that there are several methods used to test connector loss. In
this lab, we are using the launch cable method without mode stripping, the simplest
one of all. In future labs, we may revisit this subject and use a different testing
Students will test the connector loss of only the shortest plastic fibers individually,
develop understanding of the connector loss, testing procedure and calculate the loss
value in different units.
Optical power loss in optical fibers is the reason we use regenerators or amplifiers in
the line. Most of the power loss usually occurs at the point of connecting two fibers.
It is important that the loss at this connection point be kept to a minimum.. testing
connector loss is essential to the understanding of how to keep it to a minimum.
Students will learn how to set up the testing procedure correctly, how to measure the
loss, how to convert that loss between different units and how the loss maybe affected
by outside variables.
Once the loss and the reasons behind it are understood, the student will have learned
how to prevent it in future terminations.
in watts
10 Log10
in Watts
Here, students are reminded that half the power is lost for every 3dB drop.
Also, you are reminded that in the definition above, its value will be + if P2 > P1
and - if P2 < P1
any system
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since the typical optic power used in fiber optic communication systems is in the mW
range, we need to modify the dB unit above only to inform the reader that we are
using the mW and not any other range. If you fix the value of p1 to 1 mW, the
equation above will now be written as follows and the units will be referred to as
of any value
10 Log10
us at the -3dBm point. And if the power drops by a half again, we say the total drop
is 6dB and that puts us at the -6dBm point or 0.25 milliWatt.
any system
of any value
10 Log10
we write:
2 mW
= 3.01 dBm 3 dBm
10 Log10
2-THE MISALIGNMENT ISSUE: One cause for optical power loss between two
fibers is the misalignment of the two fibers. Misalignment can be caused by
improper polishing which may have caused the surface of the fiber to be at an angle
other than 90 with respect to its axis. This angular misalignment can also be caused
by the improper alignment of the two connectors.
3- THE QUALITY OF THE SURFACE: Another possible cause for optical power
loss is the issue of surface quality and preparation. Dirt, dust, finger prints, any form
of contamination, and scratches on the surface contribute to the poor power transfer
from one fiber to the next.
Assuming you are testing two fibers of the same type, the same core size and
parameters, one or more of the variables referenced above will be a cause for power
loss. Connector loss measurements with mismatched fibers will be studied in a
different lab experiment.
4- MODE stripping is yet another possible cause for apparent connector power loss.
This is a real issue and it may mislead the technician when testing connectors for loss.
Future lab experiments will take into account this variable.
As optical power exits from an optical fiber, it exits at an angle described by Snells
law for ray optics. Provided the fibers are fully aligned and the surfaces are just so
perfect, maximum power will be transferred from one fiber to the next. Under such
conditions, the loss will be limited to the inherent scattering and reflection.
Under such circumstances, when two fibers are brought close together, their surfaces
will touch (most but not all connectors are designed to allow physical contact
between the two fiber surfaces) and make a full and smooth contact to allow the
optical energy to cross from one fiber to the next with only minimum loss.
When the surfaces are flat and clean, excessive loss may be due to axial
misalignment. This is represented in these two overlapping circles.
A = a2
Ac = 2a2 cos-1d/2a - d a2 - (d2/4)
1 set LED power source and a power meter
1 set of ST adapters for the source and meter
1 ST to ST cable adapter
* Each group will select the shortest cable as their launch or test cable
* calibrate the meter against the power at the output of the best launch cable
* Each group will test the connector loss of only the shortest cable they have
* All students in class will work as on group
* Each end of each of the short fibers will be tested against the Standard launch
* NOTE: Losses in plastic fibers are inherently too high. Trying to test for connector
loss requires that you know the fiber loss and you take it into account. The effect of
this factor will be reduced by testing only the connectors on the shortest fibers.
Write your group name or number on the cable.
Mark both ends of the cable as a and b
STEP 0NE: Connect the source and the meter with the shortest fiber, as shown, with
the a end into the source. Be sure the fiber is clean and free from dirt and dust.
Launch cable
Remove and reinstall the cable with its b end into the source as shown below
Launch cable
a end into
the source
b end into
the source
Analyze the readings above and select the fiber and orientation with the least loss.
For example, a reading of -7dBm is better than a reading of -8dBm
Lets say the selected cable and orientation is that of your group. Now, the rest of the
class will make and use your cable as the launch cable as shown below.
Initial reading, P1 ,from the
best fiber and best orientation
Launch cable
best cable as determined
from STEP 0NE
ST to ST connector
a end into
the source
a in source , b in source
b end into
Connector loss
the source
P 1 - P2
P1 - P 2
In this lab experiment, you are required to calculate the power loss of each connector
by subtracting p1 - p2
STEP THREE Also, convert all of the dBm readings to the corresponding values in
watts and milliwatts. Construct a table, organize and present all calculations.
table for STEP THREE when you complete this table, you will never forget how
to convert between dBm and mW; even under the stress of a surprise quiz.
P2, a in source P2, b in source connector loss, a in
dBm mW
dBm mW
connector loss, b in
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated theoretical outcome quantitatively.
This does not apply in this exercise. Instead, outline the results of this lab by
tabulating the loss of the connectors in the class.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words:
What advise would you give to someone intending to do what you had just finished.
Also, offer helpful hints on the handling and testing of connectors.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise.
Contrast what was intended to what was accomplished.
Explain the reason(s) for high connector loss you or others may have had.
In addition, offer recommendation(s), based on your observations and experience, on
how to minimize high connector loss .
Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of your
recommendations and observations to achieve better results.
Lab Exercise 4
Measuring optical power attenuation in your plastic optical fiber
This is a laboratory experiment. We are planning to develop your understanding of
the testing methodology and the testing and calculation procedure relating to optic
power loss in optical fiber. In this case, we are using plastic optical fiber
Students are reminded that there are several methods used to test attenuation in
optical fiber. we are using the simplest one of all, but this is the best non destructive
approach. Other more reliable method, such as the cut back method, require cutting
pieces of the fiber.
Optical power loss in optical fiber is the reason we use repeaters in the line. Most of
the power loss usually occurs at the point of connecting two fibers. It is important
that the loss at this connection point be kept to a minimum.. In the case of plastic
optical fiber, power loss inside the fiber is substantial and it may exceed the loss at
the connection point of two fibers.
Students will learn how to set up the testing procedure correctly, how to measure the
loss, how to convert that loss between different units and how the loss maybe affected
by outside variables.
Once the loss and the reasons behind it are understood, the student will have learned
how to prevent it or at least account for it in the power budget calculation.
10 Log10
any system
EXAMPLE: A 17 meter plastic optical fiber known to have 2.3 mW of optical power
at one end and .023 mW on the other end. Find the total loss in dBs and the loss per
meter for this fiber.
SOLUTION: using the equation above
10 Log10
10 log10
= -20.6 dBs
Optical power attenuate inside optical fibers as a function of two factors. The rate of
distance traveled, (the length of the fiber) and a constant related to the rate of
absorption of optical energy in that particular fiber.
These rates of attenuation are exponential in nature. That is the optic power, PL,
remaining after traveling distance L, is given in the following expression as a
function of the initial power P0
PL = P0 e-L
Here, is the proportionality constant and L is the distance of travel (the length of the
The expression above uses the power in the Wattage domain not the dB domain. To
convert to dBs, we must take the log of the ratio of Watts over Watts
= e-L
Now we take the log10 of both sides and write:
10 log10 PL/P0
10 log10 e-L
From the left side of the equation above, we can find the total power loss in dBs for
each of the fiber lengths. If we divide that loss by the length, (measure the length in
meters) we get the loss per meter in the form of dBs/m
You are reminded again, in glass optical fiber, we measure the loss in
dB/Km not dBs/m
1 set LED power source and a power meter for each group
1 set of ST adapters for the source and meter for each group
1 ST to ST cable adapter for each group
1 set of 9 terminated fibers of various lengths for each group
9 various lengths stainless ST terminated plastic optical fibers
0.1m, 0.5m, 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m and 7m
* Each group will select the shortest cable as their launch cable
* calibrate the meter against the power at the output of the launch cable
* Each group will data on the output power of various lengths cables they have
* All students in class will work as independent groups. Compare the results from
different groups
To minimize the sources of error, be sure to keep the fiber clean, free from scratches
and as straight as possible when doing the measurements.
Connect the 0.1m fiber to the source. YOU MAY NOT REMOVE OR DISTURB
Connect the 0.5m fiber to the 0.1m fiber using an ST to ST coupler.
Connect the other end of the 0.5m fiber to the power meter. If you have the option,
increase the power at the source to the highest level possible but be sure the power
meter is not in saturation.
Launch cable
source 0.1m
Receive cable
ST to ST adapter
We do not know how much power is generated by the source
We do not know how much power is entering the launch cable
We do not know how much power is transferring from the launch to the receive cable
We do not know how much power is lost along the receive cable
We only know how much power is received by the meter from the receive cable.
Launch cable
Receive cable
source 0.1m
ST to ST adapter
When we replace the 0.5m Receive cable with 1.0m Receive cable, we increased the
fiber length by only 0.5m starting from the ST to ST adapter. Therefore, the optic
power drop we read now is due to 0.5m of fiber length.
Receive cable
source 0.1m
ST to ST adapter
When we replace the 1.0m Receive cable with 2.0m Receive cable, we increased the
fiber length by only 1.5m starting from the ST to ST adapter. Therefore, the optic
power drop we read now is due to 1.5m of fiber length.
power in uW
If your power meter reads in the Wattage domain, record the readings as such and
convert them to the dB domain using the equation. If your power meter reads in the
dB, dBm or dB domains, use the equations below to calculate the missing values. If
your meter reads in all of these domains, do the calculation any way to see if the
meter is correctly calibrated.
Plot the loss vs. distance twice. use distance in meters and loss in the dB domain and
do it again also using distance in meters and loss in the Wattage domain.
If you have the resources, repeat this experiment using different wavelengths
In this lab experiment, you are required to measure the power loss of each cable using
various lengths cables. Show details in all calculations. Fill out the tables above. If
your power meter gives you the option to read levels in mW, W, dBm and dB, do
so but also do the calculation by hand to verify that the meter is calibrated correctly.
Example calculation:
Reading was -8.9dBm when
the receive cable was .5m
Launch cable
Receive cable
source 0.1m
ST to ST adapter
Solution: Total loss = -8.9dBm - - 11.5dBm = 2.6 dB
This 2.6 dB is due to the fact that the 2 m cable is 1.5 m longer than the .5 m cable
In this case, the loss is 2.6 / 1.5 = 1.73 dB per meter.
The - 8.9 dBm represents .128 mW, here is that calculation:
10 log10
= -8.9 dBm
1 mW
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does
apply in this exercise.
Outline the results of this lab by tabulating the rate of loss, in dB per meter, of the
fiber of the various groups in the class. Also, seek information from the manufacturer
about the known loss of the particular fiber you are using.
If your school have the resources and your class has the time, and if you have done
this experiment using different wavelengths, you must repeat all of the calculations
for each different wavelength. All aspects of this lab have to be addressed for the
various wavelengths.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, how you
would re-write this lab, if you had to. What you would change in it and why. What
advise would you give to someone intending to repeat what you had just finished.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any differences between the
two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make the outcome coincide
with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of
your recommendations and observations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.
Lab Exercise 5
Measuring the Numerical Aperture, NA of your
plastic optical fiber
This is a laboratory experiment. We are planning to develop your understanding of
the testing methodology and the testing and calculation procedures relating to the
measurement of the Numerical Aperture of optical fiber. In this case, we are using
STEP INDEX plastic optical fiber.
Students are reminded that the general idea for measuring the NA of an optical fiber
is to rotate the fiber angularly with respect to the source. You will do just that. The
more accurate an answer you need, the more precise an apparatus you must have.
Optical power intended to be launched into a fiber may and may not enter the fiber.
To enter the fiber, light must strike the surface of the fiber at an angle suitable for that
particular fiber. When making sources, or focusing light and aligning it up with the
fiber, one must take that into account. When inspecting the fiber visually, you must
orient it properly (rotate it) to the light fixture in the ceiling or else you will not be
able to inspect that fiber using room light. That is room light will not enter the fiber.
When splicing or connecting fibers, it is important to splice or connect fibers of the
same Numerical Aperture to minimize optical power loss.
So the primary reason for this lab experiment is to learn about the Numerical
Aperture and how to measure it in a laboratory setting.
Optical fiber is made up of two different layers of plastic or glass. In this lab, we are
using plastic. The two layers have different indices of refraction. The inner layer, the
core, always has a higher index of refraction than the outer layer, the cladding. The
indices of refraction are different but very close.
This difference in the index of refraction gives rise to the phenomena of TOTAL
INTERNAL REFLECTION. This is the phenomena that contains, confines and
guides light in the core of the fiber. In addition, that difference also defines the
Numerical Aperture of the fiber. The numerical aperture also depends on the medium
the fiber is in. In this case the fiber is in air.
Again, the NA of the fiber will change depending on the medium surrounding the
fiber. In this case, we will assume the fiber is surrounded by air which has an index
of refraction of 1.0003 but most often is considered to be 1
We have been talking about the index of refraction. What is the index of refraction
The medium index of refraction, n, is a measure of the speed of light in that medium
compared to that in vacuum. In other words,
n = C/V
Since C, the speed of light in vacuum, has the units of meters per second and V, the
velocity of light in a medium, also has the units on meters per second, therefore, the
index of refraction is unit-less.
Also, since C is always greater than V, the index of refraction n is always greater
than 1
In summary, the index of refraction is a unit-less quantity, always has a value greater
than 1 (vacuum is 1) and is affects (slows down) the speed of light in that medium.
EXAMPLE: The speed of light in a medium is measured and found to be 2x108 ms-1.
What is the index of refraction of that medium?
n = C/V
= 3x108 2x108
= 1.5
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2
The diagram below shows how light may or may not be guided
Critical Mode
Guided modes
Critical Angle
Look at ray # 1, this ray has failed to satisfy the conditions for the total internal
reflection and it radiated into the cladding. This ray will soon be lost.
Look at ray # 3, this ray has satisfied the conditions for total internal reflection and it
became guided in the core.
Look at ray # 2, this ray is in between. It is neither guided nor radiated. It is on the
boundary, it is called the Critical Mode. Please observe the location of the
critical angle
Look at the left hand side of the diagram, you can see where ray # 2 was originated.
It would be of interest to us to measure, or calculate, the angle that ray makes with
the normal. In this lab, we will measure this angle. The sin function of this angle is
called the Numerical Aperture.
n12 - n22
n0 note n0 = 1 because we
have the fiber in air
Each group of 2 or 3 needs the following:
several Terminated glass or plastic fiber optics cables
1 Optical power source and 1 optical power meter
1 Alignment and Rotary stage
* The class will work in groups of 2s and 3s
* Two best 1000um core short cable (1m long) will be selected by each group
* Two best 100um core cable will be selected by each group (if using that type of glass fiber)
* Two best 62.5um core cable will be selected by each group (if using that type of glass fiber)
Rotary stage
Launch fiber
5- Now, rotate the rotary stage to the opposite direction in one (or two) degrees
increments. Record the reading on the power meter for every angle
Under this condition, the launch and receive fibers are aligned and maximum power
will transfer from the launch to the receive fiber.
As you may see, to maximize the accuracy of this measurement, it would be best to
have the receive fiber work with a collimated beam of light instead of a diverging
beam as shown.
If your power meter reads in dBm, you have to convert these readings to the mW
7- Complete the tables below:
1000um launch fiber, 100um receive fiber
1000um launch fiber, 62.5um receive fiber
8- Plot the data from the tables above placing the angle on the X axis and the power
on the Y axis. Do that for the power in mW and in dBm. Read the NA for each fiber
from the mW graphs
Your graphs should look something like this. In some cases, they could be off center.
9- Read the angle between the two vertical lines, divide it by 2, take the sin of that
angle. This is the Numerical Aperture of that fiber.
Do that for each of the fibers you have tested.
In this lab experiment, you are required to measure the power at the output of the
receive fiber for every 2 of rotation. If you plot the values, you will have a bell X5
shape distribution with respect to the angle.
It is important to plot the data accurately to increase the accuracy of your readings
from the graph. Read the angle at the 90% point from-the-top by projecting the
points of intercept on the X axis. This angle represents rotation to either side from
the zero. As you know by now, NA is measured to one side of the zero (on one side
of the normal). This means you have to divide that angle by 2 and calculate the sine
of that half. This is the NA of your fiber.
Example calculation:
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does not
apply in this exercise unless you have access to the manufacturers data sheet for this
fiber. If you do, compare and comment on the measured value of NA to that specified
by the manufacturer.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, how you
would re-write this lab, if you had to. What you would change in it and why. What
advise would you give to someone intending to do what you had just finished.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any differences between the
two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make the outcome coincide
with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of
your recommendations and observations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.
Lab Exercise 6
Measuring the end separation loss of your
plastic optical fiber
This is a laboratory experiment. We are planning to develop your understanding of
the testing methodology and the testing and calculation procedure relating to the end
separation of two fibers. Fiber separation may occur in several ways. In this
experiment, we will study the case where the two fibers ends are not touching. And
we will study the case where that separation is increasing.
The significance of this study is to develop a graphical representation of the loss as a
function of separation. Such information can be used to develop a calibrated
sensor such as a proximity or level sensor.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that two joining fibers are flat and
smooth. This will ensure that the touching surfaces are in full contact and with
virtually no air gap in between, not even a thin air gap. Sometimes, the operator
places a liquid gel between the two fibers to fill out (and thus remove) any air gap.
Technically, this works. However, practically, we have to be concerned with the dust
gathering ability of the matching gel and the drying of it over time.
When connecting two fibers, it is most likely you want them to be in full contact and
maximize power transfer between the two. Only when you are doing sensor
application, you may want to introduce an air gap to make the setup sensitive to
So air gap may be good in sensor application and optical attenuators but it must be
eliminated, or reduced significantly, in communication applications.
When two fibers are aligned, optic power transfer will be maximized between these
two fibers. To ensure maximum power transfer, the surface of the two fibers must be
flat, smooth, clean and in full contact.
Early fiber optic connectors were designed to maintain an air gap between the two
fibers. Although the air gap introduced additional loss, it had to be tolerated. The air
gap was intended to prevent the two fibers from touching. Early connectors had no
mechanisms to prevent them from rolling about their axis, rubbing and scratching
the surfaces of the fiber.
Today, all fiber optic connectors are keyed. The keying prevent the connectors from
rolling about their axis. This ensures that the surfaces of the fibers have no
opportunity to scratch each other even when they are touching.
Some manufacturers have designed and are selling devices that introduces deliberate
air gap between two fibers. Infact, the up scale models of such devices make that air
gap adjustable. The purpose of the air gap is to introduce loss into an optical link to
simulate losses that may develop in long runs.
So as you can see, on one hand, air gaps can be detrimental to the performance of an
optical link. They cause additional loss of the optical power and increase the need for
amplifiers. And on the other hand, air gaps can be utilized to simulate system
performance and test system characteristics. Also, air gaps can be used to sense
motion, or the separation, of objects.
The reason for optical power loss induced by the separation of two fibers is
intuitively obvious. As you can see in the illustration below, the two fibers are
separated a distance X , the light leaving the transmit fiber, travels at an angle
forming a cone between the two fibers.
Transmit Fiber
Receive fiber
Each group of 2 or 3 needs the following:
several Terminated glass or plastic fiber optic cables preferably with
different core diameter and different NA
1 Optical power source and 1 optical power meter
1 Alignment and Rotary stage
* The class will work in groups of 2s and 3s
* Two best 1000um core short cable (1m long) will be selected by each group
* Two best 100um core cable will be selected by each group (if available)
* Two best 62.5um core cable will be selected by each group (if available)
* We will measure the separation loss of the fibers using different core
and NA combination (if available)
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
Start with the 1000um fiber on the launch and receive ends.
Bring the two fibers as close together as possible but without touching. Bring them
as close as the thickness of a thin sheet of paper.
Align the two fibers along all axis so as to maximize the reading on the power meter
Separate the two fibers along their longitudinal axis by about 30 to 50 micrometer
increments. Record the total separation and power reading in dBm and mW.
If your power meter reads in dBm, you have to convert these readings to the mW
Complete the tables below:
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
Plot the data above using the separation on the X axis and the power loss on the Y
axis. Do that for the power in mW and in dBm. Observe the data, the rate at which
the power drops as a function of the combination of fibers and direction of power
Your graphs should look something like this.
Power reading
Students: Please note the difference in the shape of the curve when using dBm and
using mW
Do that for each of the fibers you have tested. Make a final comment on the most and
least penalizing combination of fibers and direction of power flow.
In this lab experiment, you are required to measure the power at the output of the
receive fiber for every 30 to 50 micrometer increment. If you plot the values, you
will have a graphical representation of the loss as a function of separation. You can
select points on your graph to predict the power loss for various separations
It is important to plot the data accurately to increase the accuracy of your readings
from the graph.
Example calculation:
Loss in dBs
Distance in microns
Using a calibrated scale on the graph paper, you can read the X and Y intercept of any
point on the graph. Here, you have the ability to project the loss of optical power at
any point on the graph. If your school have the resources, and if you have collected
data for more than one fiber, you are required to generate a graph for each of the sets
of data you have.
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does not
apply in this exercise unless you have access to the manufacturers data sheet for this
Alternatively, if you have access to the equation to predict power loss as a function of
separation, you should compare the calculated value to the values from the graph. On
the other hand, if you do not have that equation, research it in the library and your
reference texts. This would be your homework for this lab.
Once you found the equation, to calculate the theoretical power loss, you need to
know the Numerical Aperture of the fiber. Alternatively, you can use the measured
NA you obtained from a previous laboratory experiment.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, how you
would re-write this lab, if you had to. What you would change in it and why. What
advise would you give to someone intending to do what you had just finished.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any differences between the
two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make the outcome coincide
with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of
your recommendations and observations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.
Lab Exercise 7
Measuring the Axial separation loss of your
plastic optical fiber
This is a laboratory experiment. We are planning to develop your understanding of
the testing methodology and the testing and calculation procedure relating to the
separation of two fibers. Fiber separation may occur in several ways. In this
experiment, we will study the case where the two fibers ends are separated axially.
The significance of this study is to develop a graphical representation of the loss as a
function of axial separation. Such information can be used to develop a calibrated
sensor such as a pressure or displacement sensor.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that two joining fibers are flat, smooth
and in perfect alignment, or at least as close to perfect alignment as possible. This
will ensure that the touching surfaces are in full contact and with virtually no, or
insignificant, power loss. If the fibers are axially displaced, the placement of index
matching gel will not fix the problem. As you recall from the previous experiment,
liquid gel can be added to fill out the air gap and fix the problem of end separation.
In the case being analyzed here, only perfecting the mechanical alignment will reduce
the penalty of power loss associated with axial misalignment.
When connecting two fibers, most likely you want them to be in full contact and
best alignment to maximize power transfer between the two. Only when you are
doing sensor application, you may want to introduce any type of displacement to
make the setup sensitive to that displacement.
So axial displacement is undesired in fiber optic links intended for communication.
on the other hand, we may want to introduce, or allow, axial displacement to measure
physical variables such as pressure or temperature variations, which may cause some
kind of displacement.
When two fibers are aligned, optic power transfer will be maximized between these
two fibers. To ensure maximum power transfer, the surface of the two fibers must be
flat, smooth, clean and in full contact.
Let me add this. Lately, technology allows us to make pre-domed connectors. These
connectors allow the end surface of the fiber to be rounded in the same curvature as
the tip of the pre-domed connector. In this case, when you bring the two fibers
together, the core of the fibers touch first. See the illustrations below:
Note: in both cases above, surface irregularity in the cladding and the connector (the
connector is not shown in this illustration) will reduce the certainty of core contact.
All fiber
optic connectors
mechanical alignment
between the two fibers. There are three different ways in which we connect two
The reason for optical power loss by the axial separation of two fibers is intuitively
obvious. As you can see in the illustration below, the two fibers are separated a
distance d which leaves them a common surface area outlined in the cross hatched
over lapping areas of the cores. Much of the light leaving the transmit fiber will not
find its way to the core of the receive fiber because the two cores do not line up, they
are axially mis-aligned.
A = a2
Ac = 2a2 cos-1d/2a - d a2-(d2/4)
In this laboratory experiment, we will develop data related to the actual power loss,
analyze it and plot it with respect to distance of separation.
* The class will work in groups of 2s and 3s
* Two best 1000um core short cable (1m long) will be selected by each group
* Two best 100um core cable will be selected by each group
* Two best 62.5um core cable will be selected by each group
* We will measure the separation loss of the fibers using similar core and NA
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
Start with the 1000um fiber on the launch and receive ends.
Bring the two fibers as close together as possible but without touching. Bring them
as close as a thin sheet of paper.
Align the two fibers along all axis so as to maximize the reading on the power meter
Separate the two fibers axially as shown in the sequence above 20 micrometer
increments. Record the total separation and power reading in dBm and mW.
If your power meter reads in dBm, you have to convert these readings to the mW
Complete the tables below:
NOTE: 20 um increments in a 1000um fiber will produce 50 points of data. If time
does not allow you that, do 50 um increments instead.
1000um launch fiber, 1000um receive fiber
Separation Power in dBm Power in mW
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
Plot the data above using the separation on the X axis and the power on the Y axis.
Do that for the power in mW and in dBm. Observe the data, the rate at which the
power drops as a function of the fiber core diameter.
One of your graphs should look something like this. Note the units of the loss in this
graph (is it dBs or mW??) and in the other graph which is not provided.
Do that for each of the fibers you have tested. Make a final comment on the most and
least critical fiber when it comes to axial misalignment.
In this lab experiment, you are required to measure the power at the output of the
receive fiber for every 6 to 50 micrometer increment depending on the size of the
fiber you are using (that is if you are using more than one fiber). If you plot the
values, you will have a graphical representation of the loss as a function of axial
separation. You can select points on your graph to predict the power loss for various
It is important to plot the data accurately to increase the accuracy of your readings
from the graph.
Example calculation:
Loss in dBs
Distance in microns
Using a calibrated scale on the graph paper, you can read the X and Y intercept of any
point on the graph. Here, you have the ability to project the loss of optical power at
any point on the graph. If your school have the resources, and if you have collected
data for more than one fiber, you are required to generate a graph for each of the sets
of data you have.
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does
apply in this exercise unless you have access to the manufacturers data sheet for this
Alternatively, if you have access to the equation to predict power loss as a function of
separation, ( in this case you have it) you should compare the calculated value to the
values from the graph.
To calculate the theoretical power loss, you need to know the Numerical Aperture of
the fiber. Alternatively, you can use the measured NA you obtained from a previous
laboratory experiment.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, how you
would re-write this lab, if you had to. What you would change in it and why. What
advise would you give to someone intending to do what you had just finished.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any differences between the
two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make the outcome coincide
with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of
your recommendations and observations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.
Lab Exercise 8
Measuring the Angular misalignment loss of your
plastic optical fiber
This is a laboratory experiment. We are planning to develop your understanding of
the testing methodology and the testing and calculation procedure relating to the
separation of two fibers. Fiber separation may occur in several ways. In this
experiment, we will study the case where one or both fibers ends are at an angle to
their axis.
The significance of this study is to develop a graphical representation of the loss as a
function of angular misalignment. Such information can be used to develop a
calibrated sensor such as a rotational sensor.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that two joining fibers are flat, smooth
and in perfect alignment, or at least as close to a perfect alignment as possible. This
will ensure that the touching surfaces are in full contact and with virtually no, or
insignificant power loss. If the fibers end faces are not at 90 to their axis, or if one
of the fibers is rotated a few degrees with respect to the axis of the other fiber, optical
power will suffer loss in the process of moving from one fiber to the next.
When cutting or polishing or aligning two fibers, you want them square with their
own axis and each with the axis of the other fiber. All others being constant, this will
maximize power transfer between the two. Only when you are doing sensor
application, you may want to introduce any type of rotational displacement to make
the setup sensitive to measure that particular physical parameter.
When two fibers are aligned, optic power transfer will be maximized between them .
To ensure maximum power transfer, the surface of the two fibers must be flat,
smooth, clean and in full contact.
All fiber optic connectors are designed to maintain accurate mechanical alignment
between the two fibers. There are three different ways in which we connect two
1- by mechanical connectors which may involves mechanical screw arrangement.
2- by mechanical alignment inside a narrow cavity
3-by fusion of the two fibers. This involves the melting of the two fibers together.
In each one of these mechanisms, the possibility of the two fibers being out of
alignment is a serious matter. In the case of fusion splicing, the fibers have to be
broken and re-spliced. In the case of mechanical splicing, the splice will have to be
exchanged for a higher quality brand. Finally, in the case of a mechanical connector,
the technician will have to select better connectors or better alignment sleeves or a
better polishing tools or a combination of all.
Rotational misalignment may be in one form or another or worst yet, a combination
of both forms.
90 degrees
In this case, the fiber is not cut at an angle but one connector is
installed at an angle with respect to the other connector.
90 degrees
have an acceptance angle of the same value as the transmit fiber. having either one of
the two fibers at such a rotational angle with respect to its own axis or to the axis of
the other fiber, we expect optic power will be lost.
This optic power loss between two angularly mis-aligned fibers is very costly in
terms of the optic power.
Index matching gel may help some but it is not a suitable nor is it a final solution.
In step index fiber, which this is, the optic power loss is a function of the fiber
Numerical Aperture, the cores diameters (we are assuming same size core) and the
rotational angle between the two fibers.
In this laboratory experiment, we will develop data related to the actual power loss,
analyze it and plot it with respect to the angle of rotation.
* The class will work in groups of 2s and 3s
* Two best 1000um core short cable (1m long) will be selected by each group
* Two best 100um core cable will be selected by each group
* Two best 62.5um core cable will be selected by each group
* We will measure the angular misalignment loss of the fibers using similar core and
NA combination
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
Start with the fibers aligned. Adjust the XYZR variables on the testing
apparatus so as to maximize the reading on the power meter
Rotate one core angularly as shown below.
Separate the two fibers longitudinally to allow room for the rotating fiber to rotate
the full range without interfering with the stationary fiber.
If your power meter reads in dBm, you have to convert these readings to the mW
Complete the tables below:
NOTE: 2 increments of rotation is easily achieved. A skilled operator can read
1 degree increments on the dial.
1000um launch fiber, 1000um receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
translation stage
Launch fiber
Receive fiber
Plot the data above using the angular rotation on the X axis and the power on the Y
axis. Do that for the power in mW and in dBm. Observe the data, the rate at which
the power drops as a function of the fiber core diameter.
Your graphs should look something like this.
Do that for each of the fibers you have tested. Make a final comment on the most and
least critical fiber when it comes to angular misalignment.
Plot the date twice, once using mW on the Y axis and another time using dBs on the
Y axis. Compare the two plots and comment .
In this lab experiment, you are required to measure the power at the output of the
receive fiber for every 2 increment depending on the size of the fiber you are using
(that is if you are using more than one fiber). If you plot the values, you will have a
graphical representation of the loss as a function of rotational separation. You can
select points on your graph to predict the power loss for various rotational angles.
It is important to plot the data accurately to increase the accuracy of your readings
from the graph.
Example calculation:
Using a calibrated scale on the graph paper, ( or from your computer) you can read
the X and Y intercept of any point on the graph. Here, you have the ability to project
the loss of optical power at any point on the graph. If your school have the resources,
and if you have collected data for more than one fiber, you are required to generate a
graph for each of the sets of data you have.
Typically, the results of a laboratory exercise gives the student the opportunity to
contrast the actual outcome to the anticipated outcome quantitatively. This does
apply in this exercise unless you have access to the manufacturers data sheet for this
Alternatively, if you have access to the equation to predict power loss as a function of
separation, you should compare the calculated value to the values from the graph.
To calculate the theoretical power loss, you need to know the Numerical Aperture of
the fiber. Alternatively, you can use the measured NA you obtained from a previous
laboratory experiment.
Student: Please write a short discussion. Describe, in your own words, how you
would re-write this lab, if you had to. What you would change in it and why. What
advise would you give to someone intending to do what you had just finished.
Students: Please write a conclusion about this exercise. Contrast what was intended
to what was accomplished. Explain the reason(s) for any differences between the
two. In addition, offer recommendation(s) on how to make the outcome coincide
with the objective. Do that so others doing this exercise will be able to make use of
your recommendations and observations to achieve better match between the
objective and conclusion.