Zond-MT 1D: User Guide
Zond-MT 1D: User Guide
Zond-MT 1D: User Guide
Zond-MT 1D
User guide
Table of Contents:
Introduction_____________________________________________________________ 3
Registration _____________________________________________________________ 3
System requirements _____________________________________________________ 3
Installation of software____________________________________________________ 3
Value definitions _________________________________________________________ 4
Creation and opening of data file ___________________________________________ 4
Data file format __________________________________________________________ 4
Interpretation results saving _______________________________________________ 6
The operating procedure with the program___________________________________ 6
Main Menu _____________________________________________________________ 6
Main Menu toolbar_______________________________________________________ 7
Main Menu functions _____________________________________________________ 8
Hot keys ______________________________________________________________ 8
Program setup dialog _____________________________________________________ 9
Data inversion __________________________________________________________ 13
Objects ________________________________________________________________ 14
Model editor ___________________________________________________________ 14
Parameters table ________________________________________________________ 16
Section ________________________________________________________________ 18
Pseudosection __________________________________________________________ 19
Plot of profiling _________________________________________________________ 19
Calculated and observed curve plot ________________________________________ 20
Objects setup adjusting __________________________________________________ 22
Zond-MT is designed to the one-dimensional interpretation of profile data
of magnetotelluric sounding. Convenient interface and wide opportunities of data
visualization allow deciding with maximal effect geological problems. Zond-MT
presents comfortable tool for forward modeling and inversion of MT data. This
product can be used for IBM PC compatible computer with OS Windows.
System requirements
Zond-MT would be installing on the PC with OS Windows. Minimal
requirements for PC: Celeron-700 MHz, 128 Mb memory, screen 1024x 768, color
mode 64K. (No change screen resolution is recommended when program is loaded)
Installation of software
Zond-MT is delivered as two 3.5 FDD or CD or internet. User Guide is
included too.
Value definitions
Ro_a apparent resistivity. Phi - phase of impedance, in degree (must be
The period - value, inversely proportional to frequency on which measurement
is made, in seconds.
Pseudodepth is rough depth of observation, concerned with thickness of scin layer. All geometric program values are considered at kilometers.
incorrect symbols for record separator ( TAB and SPACE use only ).
The note of stations must have the same order as the profile layout (in order to
coordinate grow up).
on the
toolbar or Save data item in the Menu. If option autosave is ON, the result will be
saved automatically in certain time. Also you can save calculated curves in MDF
and context menu appears. It allow to dialog (option Object name Setup) with every
objects and to set the number of objects (option Set <object name> number) for Model Editor or Calculated and observed curve graph.
Open data
Save data
Program setup
Registration file
Tile vertical
Tile horizontal
Zond Standard
Chooses Standartstyle.
Zond Profile
Zond User
About program.
Displays this manual.
Hot keys
The following table lists the keys found in the keyboard with their functions:
Tab Options
This field allows enabling or disabling the
autosaving mode.
Time interval - Sets the time interval for
autosaving (in minutes). The file will save
with name of opened file plus Temp.
Autosave - check ON, to enable autosave
Sets the parameters of font. Font - This field specifies the name of font (for mark on
the axes, curves, etc).
Label size - Sets the size of font (for mark on the axes, curves, etc).
Legend size - Sets the size of font (for name of parameters).
Sets the data parameters. Correct observed data - Check ON, if you would change the
observed data in case of over limited values. Polynomial interpolation is used to
correct observed values.
Linear axis step - Sets the desired step for axis. This option is used for axes scaling.
Alarm if error > - Displays the dialog panel for confirmation of profile inversion, if
station value of RMS error exceeds the set value.
layers (properties and thickness). The columns correspond to the below definitions.
First column [DefValue] values by default. (it is used for start model).
Second column [DefMinimum] value of parameters lower limit by default (it is used
at fixing parameters).
Third column [DefMaximum] value of parameters upper limit by default (it is used at
fixing parameters).
Fourth column [DefFixed] check ON if you would fix parameter after reading of
observed data. When you load the project-file this option is off.
Fifth column [Invert] checks ON, if you would invert parameter when inversion is
boundaries position.
Value [Curve extremums] positions of
boundaries are determined from field
curves (from extremums analyses).
Value [equal log-dividing] dividing is made with uniform logarithmic step, from the
minimal pseudodepth to maximal. The number of layers is set in a field [Layers
number]. Value [incremental factor] It means the default sets are used for layer
thickness. The thickness of every next layer is equal the before layer thickness
multiplying by [Thickness incremental Factor].
[Layers number] sets maximum value of layers number.
[Constructor options] Contains the options intended for the task of start parameters
of model.
The field [Layers parameters from] sets the algorithm which definite the layer
Value [field curve values] parameters of layers are determined by means of
interpolation field curves values.
Value [default values] for parameters of layers values by default are used.
Value [median of field curve] parameters of layers are determined, how average
value of field curves.
The field [Parameter factor] sets the factor which multiply by maximum of model
parameters and divide by minimum of model parameters (usually 1 4). This factor
increases the start model contrast. It is especially important, if the curves have not the
The field [Thickness factor] sets the factor which multiply by layers thickness (in
mode Curve extremums or equal log-dividing) (usually 0.2 - 1) or this field sets
the factor increases the ever next layers thickness (in mode Thicknesses>default
value) (usually 1 - 5).
Tab Inversion
The field [Profile style] sets the inversion
style of profile interpretation.
Value [Current station model] It means
depends of numerous parameters: the condition number of jacobian matrix, the signal
to noise ratio of data and the number of model parameter definitions. It is an
empiric factor.
factor must have the big value: 0.05 - 0.5; for precision measurements - 0.005 - 0.01.
Stop conditions. Data inversion is a nonlinear iterative process. This group of
parameters sets the rules that stop the iteration.
The field [Iteration number] sets a maximum number of iterations for an iterative
nonlinear inversion stop. If the inversion diverges, it will stop after the prescribed
maximum number of iterations.
The field [RMS value] sets the minimal RMS error. The process of automatic
interpretation stops when the set is achieved. The primary objective of inversion is to
reduce data misfit between field measurements and calculated data of a reconstructed
model. Measurement errors usually range from 0.01% to 0.05%. But do not forget
about numerical errors and rounding errors. This number should be equal to or larger
than percentage of noise estimate.
The field [Reduction error] sets the value of reduction error (in percent
%). The
inversion stops when the value of reduction error is achieved for three sequential
iterations. It is generally expected that data misfit, e.g. RMS error, be reduced from
iteration to iteration. The first several iterations have a larger RMS error reduction
than later iterations. When RMS error reduction is very small or RMS error increases,
the inversion should be terminated.
The field [Depth smoothing] check ON for depth smoothing. It sets the degree of
model-depth smoothing. The more set values (1 to 10) then more averaging of layers
parameters with depth are on. Since the resolution of this method decreases with
depth, the damping factor used in the inversion least-squares method is normally also
increased with each deeper layer. Use a larger value (>1) if the model shows
unnatural oscillations in the parameter values in the lower sections.
The field [Robust] check ON if the big errors in data are contained. Its may consist
of the measure system faults.
The field [Style] sets the type of data inversion.
Value [Smooth] is the inversion by least-square method with using the
smoothing filter and with using the additional minimization of contrast. As result we
have the most smooth parameters distribution. This type of inversion is recommended
for the beginning interpretation.
real-model layers.
User can fix the parameters and set the limits of changing for these
Data inversion
This option is used to quick data inversion of one or all profile stations.
Method of Newton is used for minimization of least-square deviation between the
calculated and observed curves.
Interactive interpretation is made in the following objects: Model editor,
Section, Parameters table, visualization in objects: Pseudosection, Profiling plot,
Calculated and observed curve plot. These objects appear automatically after data is
Model editor
When you right click in the observed curve points, the following context menu
appears and you can set the weight of observed data:
Good point
Bad point
Sets weight 1 for active point and all points to right of it.
Sets weight 0.5 for active point and all points to right of it.
Sets weight 0 for active point and all points to right of it.
Sets weight 1 for active point and all points to left of it.
Sets weight 0.5 for active point and all points to left of it.
Sets weight 0 for active point and all points to left of it.
The data weights are very important for the model parameters inversion. The
point weight is calculate by the next way: Point weight = 1 dispersion / (observed
value). The data weight can be set in the data file and it is saving in the project file.
Parameters table
This window allows you to edit the model parameters by keyboard. The table
contains n+3 columns (n the number of medium properties). Every table row
contains the only one layer parameters.
First column contains the layer index. Next n columns contains physical properties of
layers. Penultimate column contains the thicknesses of layers.
The last column contains the depths of layers (with the taking account of station
The cell is silver when the limits of
parameter alteration are set. The cell is dark
gray when the parameter value is fixed.
When you right click in the table
cell, the following context menu appears.
The item of context menu serves the current
parameter of all layers, if you right click in
the cell of first row. The item of context menu serves all parameters of active layer if
you right click in the cell of first column.
Fixes parameter.
Frees parameter.
User limits
Default limits
Default values
Lock >>>
Free >>>
Frees the parameter of current model and free the all next
Sets users diapasons for the parameter of current model and all
next models.
Sets the default limits in current model and all next models.
Default values >>> Sets the default values in current model and all next models.
The default values are set in the program setup dialog.
When you right click in upper left corner of window, the following optional
context menu appears:
Data precision
Display limits
Correlation matrix
Correlation plot
Layers summarization
Section serves to display the models parameters along a profile, as the profile section.
Construction is made in axes: coordinate on a profile, the depth. The color
bar sets a relation between displayed parameter value and color.
If the cursor is situated on the geoelectrical section the layer is allocated by
rectangle. The form of cursor is changed when it locates on the boundary between
layers and you can edit the boundarys position. For that you must drag active
boundary in to desired position. If you do it with pressed right button the underlying
boundaries move together with selected boundary. If you want to alter the maximal
value of vertical axis you must right click in the top to decrease or in bottom to
increase. The size and position of color bar can be altered by dragging the mark on
color bar with pressed right or left button.
When you double click on the object, the following context menu appears
Log vertical scale
Display labels
Refresh section
Parameter1-n name
Redraws section.
Displays the section for current parameter.
Pseudosection serves to display the observed values along a profile, as the contours
Construction is made in axes: coordinate on a profile, the logarithm of
pseudo-depth. The color bar sets a relation between displayed parameter value and
The size and position of color bar can be altered by dragging the mark on color bar
with pressed right or left button.
When you double click on the object, the following context menu appears:
Log data scale
Display labels
Display ColorBar
Data1-m name display
Plot of profiling
This object serves for displaying the graphs of profiling (calculated and
observed) for different pseudodepth (spacing/ period/ time of decay). The color of
curve suits the certain pseudodepth.
The calculated curves are represented by solid lines. The observed curves
are represented by solid with circles in the measurement points. Certain color suits the
every curve; it is set in the setup dialog panel. Labels in the observed curves mean the
values of pseudodepth for which the curves are constructed.
Graphic parameters of observed and calculated curves can be set in the setup
dialog panel.
If you left click on the curve the other curves disappear and appear again after
upping the mouse button. You can shift all graphs vertically by mouse dragging.
When you double click on the object, the following context menu appears:
Display observed
Display calculated
Display legend
Linear scale
Log scale
LogLinear scale
The red and blue curves with empty circles and squares are the calculated curves for
first and second type of observed data in depending of the Spacing/period/time of
The left axis corresponds to red curve; the right axe corresponds to the blue
curve. If the program operates one type of observed values the right axe is absent.
Graphic parameters of observed and calculated graphs can be set in the setup
When you double click on object, the following context menu appears.
Print preview
When you right click on the points of observed curves, the following context
menu appears and you can set the weight for observed data.
Good point
Bad point
Sets weight 1 for active point and all points to right of it.
Sets weight 0.5 for active point and all points to right of it.
Sets weight 0 for active point and all points to right of it.
Sets weight 1 for active point and all points to left of it.
Sets weight 0.5 for active point and all points to left of it.
Sets weight 0 for active point and all points to left of it.
The data weights are very important for the model parameters inversion. The
point weight is calculate by the next way: Point weight = 1 dispersion / (observed
value). The data weight can be set in the data file and it is saving in the project file.
Next options [Min colour], [1/3 colour], [2/3 colour] and [Max colour] set the
interpolation array of colors from [Min colour] to [Max colour] via [1/3 colour] and
[2/3 colour]. This color palette is used to paint the graphs.
User data limits
The option [User limits] - specifies to the program, to use the minimal and maximal
values of the data or to use values of fields [Minimum] and [Maximum] at scaling an
The field [Minimum] sets the minimal value of axis.
The field [Maximum] sets the maximal value of axis.
The field [Style] defines how to display the labels on the graph.
Value Left points - the labels are situated on the left of graphs.
Value All points - the labels are situated from point to point.
Value Right points - the labels are situated on the right of graphs.
When you press the buttons [Observed] and [Calculated], the setup dialog of graphic
parameters for observed and calculated curves appears.
Tab MultiCurves & ModelCurves plot
Curves colors
This field is enabled if you set Gradient
colors in Colors palette/ Style mode.
Next options [Min colour], [1/3 colour], [2/3
The field [Style] defines how to paint the labels on the graph.
Value Left points - the labels are situated on the left of graphs.
Value All points - the labels are situated from point to point.
Value Right points - the labels are situated on the right of graphs.
Multi-curves case
The field [Horizontal shift] sets the shift between neighbor curves. (in percent of
logarithmic decade)
The above options are used in that Zond1D programs which use mixed sounding
(spacing frequency, etc.) where it displays some graphs in one time.
Left/Right Series
When you press the buttons [Observed] and [Calculated], the setup dialog of graphic
parameters for observed and calculated curves appears.