Digital Mod

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Principles of Digital Modulation

Dr Mike Fitton,
Telecommunications Research Lab
Toshiba Research Europe Limited

Principles of Digital Modulation: Outline of Lectures

l Introduction to digital modulation

l Relevant Modulation Schemes (QPSK, GMSK, M-Ary Schemes)
l Coherent and Differential Reception
l The impact of the mobile channel on digital modulation
– noise and interference
– random FM (narrowband fading)
– intersymbol interference (wideband fading)

Digital Modulation Basics

Digital Modulation Basics

l The bit rate defines the rate at which information is passed.

l The baud (or signalling) rate defines the number of symbols per second.
Each symbol represents n bits, and has M signal states, where M = 2n.
This is called M-ary signalling.
l The maximum rate of information transfer through a baseband channel is
given by:
• Capacity fb = 2 W log2M bits per second
• where W = bandwidth of modulating baseband signal

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)


ASK modulated

A cos ω ct 0 0 A cos ω ct

l Pulse shaping can be employed to remove spectral spreading.

l ASK demonstrates poor performance, as it is heavily affected by
noise and interference.

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)


FSK modulated
f1 f0 f0 f1
where f0 = A cos(ω c-∆ω)t and f1 = A cos(ω c+∆ω)t

l Bandwidth occupancy of FSK is dependant on the spacing of the two symbols. A

frequency spacing of 0.5 times the symbol period is typically used.
l FSK can be expanded to a M-ary scheme, employing multiple frequencies as
different states.

Phase Shift Keying (PSK)


Binary PSK modulated

s1 s0 s0 s1

where s0 = -A cos ω ct and s1 = A cos ω ct

l Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) demonstrates better performance than

ASK and FSK.
l PSK can be expanded to a M-ary scheme, employing multiple phases and
amplitudes as different states.
l Filtering can be employed to avoid spectral spreading.
Nyquist & Root-Raised Cosine Filters

Nyquist Minimum
l The Nyquist bandwidth is the
+10 minimum bandwidth than can
0 be used to represent a signal.
-10 l It is important to limit the
Magnitude (dB)

-20 spectral occupancy of a signal,

to improve bandwidth
efficiency and remove
adjacent channel interference.
l Root raised cosine filters allow
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 an approximation to this
Frequency Offset from Carrier minimum bandwidth.
(f-fc)Ts (Hz)

Nyquist bandwidth on the QPSK spectrum

Modulation - QPSK
(-1,1) Q (1,1)
Odd Data Q-Channel

Cos Wc t

Even Data
(NRZ) I-Channel
(-1,-1) (1,-1)
Wc = Carrier Frequency, I = In phase channel, Q = Quadrature channel

lQuadrature Phase Shift Keying is effectively two independent BPSK

systems (I and Q), and therefore exhibits the same performance but twice the
bandwidth efficiency.
lQuadrature Phase Shift Keying can be filtered using raised cosine filters to
achieve excellent out of band suppression.
lLarge envelope variations occur during phase transitions, thus requiring
linear amplification.
Types of QPSK

lConventional QPSK has transitions through zero (ie. 180o phase

transition). Highly linear amplifier required.
lIn Offset QPSK, the transitions on the I and Q channels are staggered.
Phase transitions are therefore limited to 90o.
lIn π/4-QPSK the set of constellation points are toggled each symbol, so
transitions through zero cannot occur. This scheme produces the lowest
envelope variations.
lAll QPSK schemes require linear power amplifiers.

GMSK - Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying

l GMSK is a form of continuous-phase FSK, in which the phase is

changed between symbols to provide a constant envelope.
Consequently, it is a popular alternative to QPSK.
l The RF bandwidth is controlled by the Gaussian low-pass filter
l The degree of filtering is expressed by multiplying the filter 3dB
bandwidth by the bit period of the transmission, ie. by BT.
l As BT is lowered the amount of intersymbol-interference introduced
increases and this results in either a fixed power penalty or an
irreducible error floor.
l GMSK allows efficient class C non-linear amplifiers to be used,
however even with a low BT value its bandwidth efficiency is less than
filtered QPSK.

Minimum Shift Keying (MSK)
2π +1 Time


π 2π

Time π

0 2Tb 4Tb 6Tb 8Tb Time

0 2Tb 4Tb 6Tb 8Tb

-2π -2π

MSK possible phase transitions MSK phase transitions for data:


l In MSK phase ramps up through 90 degrees for a binary one, and down
90 degrees for a binary zero.
l For GMSK transmission, a Gaussian pre-modulation baseband filter is
used to suppress the high frequency components in the data. The degree
of out-of-band suppression is controlled by the BT product.
GMSK Signals
GMSK conceptual tranmitter
l In MSK , the BT is infinity
GLPF and this allows the square bit
transients to directly
modulate the VCO.
l In GMSK, low values of BT
GMSK, MSK create significant intersymbol
interference (ISI). In the
GMSK diagram, the portion of the
BT=0.3 symbol energy α acts as ISI
for adjacent symbols.
α α l If BT is less than 0.3, some
form of combating the ISI is
2T T 0 T 2T

GMSK Pulse Shapes and ISI

GMSK Spectra
Data Rate: 8192 bps

Power (dB)





0 16384 32768 49152 65536
F requency (Hz)

lGMSK has a main lobe 1.5 times that of QPSK.

lGMSK generally achieves a bandwidth efficiency less than
0.7 bits per second per Hz (QPSK can be as high as 1.6 bits
per second per Hz).
Multi-level (M-ary) Phase and Amplitude Modulation
lAmplitude and phase shift keying can be combined to transmit several bits
per symbol (in this case M=4). These modulation schemes are often refered
to as linear, as they require linear amplification.
l16QAM has the largest distance between points, but requires very linear
amplification. 16PSK has less stringent linearity requirements, but has less
spacing between constellation points, and is therefore more affected by noise.
lM-ary schemes are more bandwidth efficient, but more susceptible to noise.

16 QAM 16 PSK 16 APSK

Shannon-Hartley Capacity Theorem
For error free communication, it is possible to define the capacity
which can be supported in an additive white gaussian noise (AWGN)
fb/W = log2(1 + Eb fb /ηW)

where fb = Capacity (bits per second)

W = bandwidth of the modulating baseband signal (Hz)
Eb = energy per bit
η = noise power density (watts/Hz)

thus Ebfb = total signal power

• ηW = total noise power
fb/W = bandwidth efficiency (bits per second per Hz)

Comparison of Modulation Schemes

•This graph shows that bandwidth

efficiency is traded off against power
l MFSK is power efficient, but not
bandwidth efficient.
l MPSK and QAM are bandwidth
efficient but not power efficient.

l Mobile radio systems are

bandwidth limited, therefore PSK is
more suited.

bits/s/Hz vs. Eb/η for Probability of Error = 10-5

taken from “Principle of Communication Systems”
Taub & Schilling, page 482
Comparison of Modulation types

Modulation Format Bandwidth efficiency (C/B) log2 (C/B) Error free Eb/No

16 PSK 4 2 18dB
16 QAM 4 2 15dB
8PSK 3 1.585 14.5dB
4PSK 2 1 10.1dB
4QAM 2 1 10.1dB
BFSK 1 0 13dB
BPSK 1 0 10.5dB

Spectral Efficiencies in practical radios

• GSM- Digital Cellular

– Data Rate = 270kb/s, bandwidth = 200kHz
– Bandwidth Efficiency = 270/200 =1.35bits/sec/Hz
– Modulation: Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (FSK with
orthogonal frequencies).
– “Gaussian”refers to filter response.

• IS-54 North American Digital Cellular

– Data Rate = 48kb/s, bandwidth = 30kHz
– Bandwidth Efficiency = 48/30 =1.6bits/sec/Hz
– Modulation: π/4 DPSK

Coherent Reception

An estimate of the channel phase and attenuation is recovered. It is then

possible to reproduce the transmitted signal, and demodulate. It is necessary
to have an accurate version of the carrier, otherwise errors are introduced.
Carrier recovery methods include:

l Pilot Tone (such as Transparent Tone in Band)

• Less power in information bearing signal
• High peak-to-mean power ratio
l Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation
• Less power in information bearing signal
l Carrier Recovery (such as Costas loop)
• The carrier is recovered from the information signal

Differential Reception
l In the transmitter, each symbol is modulated relative to the previous symbol,
for example in differential BPSK:
• 0 = no change 1 = +180o
l In the receiver, the current symbol is demodulated using the previous
symbol as a reference. The previous symbol acts as an estimate of the
l Differential reception is theoretical 3dB poorer than coherent. This is
because the differential system has two sources of error: a corrupted
symbol, and a corrupted reference (the previous symbol).
l Non-coherent reception is often easier to implement.

Modulation Summary

l Phase Shift Keying is often used, as it provides a highly bandwidth

efficient modulation scheme.
l QPSK, modulation is very robust, but requires some form of linear
amplification. OQPSK and π/4-QPSK can be implemented, and
reduce the envelope variations of the signal.
l High level M-ary schemes (such as 64-QAM) are very bandwidth-
efficient, but more susceptible to noise and require linear
l Constant envelope schemes (such as GMSK) can be employed
since an efficient, non-linear amplifier can be used.
l Coherent reception provides better performance than differential,
but requires a more complex receiver.

Problems in the wireless environment:
noise, interference and the mobile

Noise in the mobile radio channel
l Noise arises from a variety of sources, including automobile ignitions
and lightning, or thermal noise in the receiver itself. Thermal noise
can be modelled as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
l The ratio of the signal strength to the noise level is called the signal-
to-noise ratio (SNR). If the SNR is high (ie. the signal power is
much greater than the noise power) few errors will occur. However,
as the SNR reduces, the noise may cause symbols to be
demodulated incorrectly, and errors will occur.
l The bit error rate (BER) of a system indicates the quality of the link.
Usually, a BER of 10-3 is considered acceptable for a voice link, and
10-9 for a data link. A coherent QPSK system requires a SNR of
greater than approximately 12dB for a BER of better than 10-3.

Interference in the mobile radio channel
l Interference is the result of other man-made radio
- for example in the ISM band at 2.4GHz a large number of
systems co-exist, such as Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Microwave
ovens, etc
l Adjacent channel interference occurs when energy from a
carrier spills over into adjacent channels. Co-channel
interference occurs when another transmission on the same
carrier frequency affects the receiver. This will often arise from
transmissions in another cell in ther network.
l The ratio of the carrier to the interference (from both sources) is
called the carrier-to-interference ratio (C/I). A certain C/I ratio is
required to provide adequate quality transmission.
l Increasing the carrier power at the receiver will increase the
interference for other mobiles in the network.
The Multipath Environment


Received Power
c b

Excess Delay

• The received signal is made up of a sum of attenuated, phase-

shifted and time delayed versions of the transmitted signal.
• Propagation modes include diffraction, transmission and

Narrowband fast fading

• If time dispersion is small, vector sum of rays occurs

• The arrival phase of each path alters as the receiver moves, resulting in
a different vector sum.
• Rapid phase and amplitude shifts are observed (up to 40dB).
Magnitude is modelled as Rayleigh (no line-of-sight) or Rician (more

Shadowing (Slow Fading)


Received Power (dBm)


Tx B
Tx A



n -95
egio 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
ner Distance (metres)
Stre Reciprocal uplink/downlink

• Amplitude variation occurs as the receiver moves behind

buildings and the propagation paths are obscured
• Variations of up to 20dB will cause handovers and
change quality-of-service
Noise and interference in the multipath channel
•The received signal in a multipath channel exhibits large variations in
•Although the mean SNR (or C/I) might be acceptable, the variations
experienced in the multipath channel mean that occasionally the noise will
be far more significant. At these times the system will experience a large
number of errors.
Received Signal Power,
relative to mean (dB)


mean SNR = 10dB

Time (seconds)
Rayleigh Distribution of the Multipath channel

lA multipath channel without a

Cumulative Density Function
significant deterministic component
1 can be approximated to a Rayleigh
Probability Envelope < Abscissa

lThe received signal experiences

large variations in magnitude. For
example, there is a 0.1% chance of
the signal being 30dB below the
mean level
lConsequently, even a system with
0.001 a high SNR can experience errors as
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

Received Signal Level Relative to Mean (dB)

the signal fades.

System Performance in AWGN

AWGN only

Bit Error Probability

Rayleigh Fading



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Eb/No (dB)

The effects of the multipath channel (Rayleigh fading)

severely degrade the system performance in the presence of
Additive White Gaussian Noise.

Eye Diagrams

l Eye diagrams show the signal superimposed on itself many

l If the “eye” is not “open” at the sample point, errors will occur.
l Eye diagram will be corrupted by noise and interference.
The Effect of Fading - Doppler

Motion of the mobile causes periodic phase shifts which change with time.
A typical spectrum for a Rayleigh channel is shown above. The rate of
change of phase gives rise to a Doppler frequency (Fd), which varies with
mobile speed (v) and the arrival angle of the rays (αn).
•Fd = v/λcos αn (λ= wavelength)
The Effect of Fading - Random FM

lThe phase changes due to Doppler are superimposed on the received

signal, and can cause errors if large. This phase change is often called
Random FM.
lThe phase error per symbol depends on both mobile Doppler frequency and
symbol period. Consequently, Doppler frequency is often normalised to
symbol period (Fd Ts).

Irreducible Errors due to Random FM

Random FM introduces an irreducible error floor which cannot be

removed by increasing transmit power. In a differential system, this
error floor depends on the phase change over a symbol period (Fd
Time Dispersion in the Multipath Channel

l The time dispersion associated

with the multipath channel can
cause problems if high data rate
digital modulation is employed.
l The Power Delay Profile shown
here shows the power and
delay of each ray arriving at the

l The dispersion of the channel is normally characterised using the

RMS delay spread, which is defined as the standard deviation of
the power delay profile, as shown here:
 2
k =1[τ k − τ a ] α k 
N N 2
∑ τ kα

k =1
τa = τ rms = 
N N 
∑ α k2  ∑αk 2

k =1  k =1 
Intersymbol Interference (ISI)

l ISI arises when energy from one symbol slot is spread out over
neighbouring symbol slots.
l ISI is introduced by the channel when the RMS delay spread
becomes an appreciable fraction of the bit period (say greater
than 10%).

Irreducible Errors due to time dispersion in the
multipath channel

lIntersymbol interference introduces an irreducible error floor which cannot

be removed by increasing transmit power. This error floor degrades as
symbol rate (or delay spread) increases.
lDelay spread is often normalised to symbol rate or bit rate.

Summary of Error Mechanisms
l Noise arises from a variety of sources, including ignition noise and
thermal noise in the receiver. Man-made radio transmissions cause
adjacent channel interference and co-channel interference.
l In the presence of noise and interference, it is necessary to
increase signal power to reduce the possibility of errors.
l The multipath channel gives rise to irreducible errors form random
FM and intersymbol interference. These errors are irreducible as
they cannot be removed by increasing signal power.

Summary of Error Mechanisms: Irreducible Errors

lLow symbol rate (narrowband): large phase change over long symbol period,
therefore errors arise due to Doppler.
lHigh symbol rate (wideband), small phase change over short symbol period.
Dispersion is large compared to the symbol period, therefore errors due to
intersymbol interference.
lWhether narrowband or wideband depends on the symbol rate and the


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