Porn and Sex
Porn and Sex
Porn and Sex
By Michael Castleman
Marie Silva and her husband, Jack, both act in pornographic videos. Marie
has made a modest name for herself, appearing in two dozen productions,
among them: Sex Across America 5, Anal Addicts 2, and Nasty Nymphos 31.
She looks the part, with a shaved vulva and a pierced clitoral hood. But in
real life, shes nothing like the women she portrays on screen: I play strong
characters, biker chicks, dominants, and wild women [who demand sex]. But
in my personal life, Im actually very shy, never a sexual aggressor.
The stark contrast between the lives Marie and Jack live on and off camera
extends to their lovemaking. They had to learn pornography-style sex, as
they relate in Marie and Jack: A Love Story, a documentary about their
relationship (see Resources). Sex on camera is very raw, Marie explains,
Its wild and crazy. It can be exciting. But its not satisfying. Its not the
same as our personal sex. Jack and I have a deep emotional connection. [For
sex to feel satisfying], I need more than sucking and fucking. I need
emotional fulfillment.
Pornographic sex is so different from the way Marie and Jack like to make
love that at the start of their video careers, they had to schedule rehearsal
sessions. We needed to practice having sex [the way the directors wanted],
Jack explains, so we could perform correctly on camera.
Directors wanted Marie to talk dirty. Id never done that before. I didnt
know how. Jack coached me. Hed tell me, Say Fuck me! Say it louder.
Directors wanted Marie to use butt plugs and do anal intercourse scenes.
Shed never done anything anal, but learned how for work. She was doing
anal on camera, Jack recalls, before we ever tried it at home. Directors
insisted that Marie and Jack dispense with tenderness, sensuality, and mutual
massage, and play up raw, pounding, hardcore action. That felt bizarre,
Marie explains, because their lovemaking with one another had always been
tender, playful, and intimate. And directors wanted them to have
intercourse in positions that would challenge a contortionist.
As they became more involved with making porn, Marie and Jack found
themselves slipping into porn-style sex at home. Wed do a movie Jack
recalls, then the next day, have personal sex. Id find myself holding her leg
up or doing some of the weird things you see in porn. Or she would say,
Harder! or Oh, yeah! Then wed stop and say, Wait. Were not
machines. Lets just make love.
Marie and Jack quickly learned to separate work sex from personal sex.
At home, they rarely do anything anal, dont talk dirty, and dont use sex
toys. They enjoy mutual, sensual, whole-body massage, tender caresses,
with lots of eye contact. If we were making love, Jack says, and all of a
sudden, I pulled out and said, Baby, I want to come all over your face,
Marie would say, Are you kidding? You cant be serious.
Imitating Porn Ruins Sex And Causes Sex Problems
Marie and Jack understand the difference between pornographic sex
performed by actors who do what theyre told to fulfill mens fantasies, and
great sex enjoyed by real lovers who do what creates mutual pleasure for the
two of them. Unfortunately, millions of people who view pornography
particularly men, the target group for porndont appreciate this crucial
The cultural debate over pornographys place in society is usually couched
in terms of free speech vs. censorship. Porn producers and their defenders
wrap themselves in the First Amendment, and excoriate those who criticize
X-rated media as Nazi prudes. Personally, Im all for free speech and against
censorship. I believe X-rated media that depicts adult sex should be freely
available to adults. When I was a teen, I peeked at Playboy and thought it
incredibly racy. Playboy seems so tame now, so innocent. When my two
kids were teenagers, we never had an filters on our computers. They had
instant free access to millions of sexually explicit images on the Internet
and I didnt lose any sleep over their viewing them.
While I defend any adults right to buy and view porn, I firmly believe that
the debate about pornography needs to be expanded beyond its relationship
to the First Amendment. Porn has some legitimate uses in sex education and
therapy (see sidebar), but ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Those who
use it as a guide to lovemaking are on a one-way trip to sex problems,
relationship problems, and as Marie and Jack attest, unfulfilling lovemaking.
Heres why:
* Everyone in pornography is eager for sex all the time.
This can help some people overcome guilt feelings about their sexual desire
(see sidebar, The Sexual Benefits of Porn), but it makes many people,
particularly men, feel distressed that everyone seems to be getting more than
they are. Its amazing, says Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, sex therapist
Dennis Sugrue, Ph.D., how some people dont understand that pornography
presents a fantasy world, a Neverland thats very different from the world
real people live in.
* Every man in pornography is hung like a horse.
Male porn actors are selected for extra-large penises. They really are bigger
than the rest of us. Now, professional basketball players are much taller than
the average man, but the typical guy doesnt feel inadequate in comparison
to them because he knows that most men are more or less his size. He has
some perspective. Thats not the case with penises. Heterosexual men may
see other mens flaccid equipment from a distance in locker rooms. But
other than their own, the only flaccid penises and erections the typical
heterosexual man ever views up close hang between the legs of the guys in
porn. Porn penises have become the standard by which men judge
themselves, and that standard is seriously skewed toward King Kongs, or, as
one porn actor was dubbed, King Dong. As a result, all the normal-sized
men of the world are justified in believing that they have one of the smallest
penises theyve ever seen. No wonder men almost universally believe their
penises are too small. Blame it on porn.
* Every man in pornography raises instant erections.
By the time the men in porn drop their pants, they have full, firm erections.
This is total fiction. In fact, the dirty little secret of pornography is that porn
sex is so alienating, unarousing, and stress-provoking that before Viagra,
most of the male actors had trouble getting it up. Even with Viagra, now de
rigeur on porn sets, many of the male actors continue to suffer balky
erections. Somebut by no means allmen in their teens and twenties can
raise instant erections from fantasy or from a glance at an alluring woman or
erotic image. But past age 40 or so, most men notice that this ability fades.
At every ageespecially for older menerection requires relaxation,
playful, sensual touch, and for partner sex, a decent relationship with a
loving partner whom you find arousing. Unfortunately, inspired by
pornography, many perfectly normal men think something is wrong with
them because theyre not rock hard at the drop of a zipper. Porn encourages
men to have unrealistic expectations of their penises, says Palo Alto,
California, sex therapist Marty Klein, Ph.D. Most men cant raise instant
erections or become erect from simply looking. They need touch. Porn
underemphasizes mens real need for direct stimulation.
* The erections in pornography never subside.
Porn actors are rock-hard from the moment you see their penises until they
ejaculate. For men under 40, this may be possible. But after 40, erections
change. They no longer rise from fantasy alone. Penis-strokingperhaps
extended, vigorous fondlingbecomes necessary. Erections after 40 are not
as firm as they once were. And if an older man becomes distracted, his
erection may subside right in the middle of sex, and require more direct
caresses to firm up againif it does. None of these problems ever happen in
* Every man in pornography lasts forever.
They pump, and pump, and pump even moreoften thanks to deft editing.
No one in porn every suffers premature ejaculation. But back in the real
world, this problem, coming too soon, frustrates one-third of men in all adult
age groups. Good ejaculatory control requires leisurely, playful, whole-body
sensuality. Thats the opposite of the rushed, mechanical, genitallypreoccupied sex in porn. Imitate pornography, Sugrue explains, and men,
especially young men, are likely to ejaculate before they want to.
* Every man in pornography ejaculates on cue.
No one in porn ever suffers ejaculatory difficulties. But in real life, this
problem is fairly common. One reason why men have problems ejaculating
is that they dont get the stimulation they need to express orgasm. For many
men, that stimulation is not all genital. It involves whole-body sensuality.
But the men in porn come every time with little or no sensuality. Because of
pornography, many men infer that whole-body sensuality doesnt matter,
that all they need to let lose a major load is sucking and fucking. Wrong.
* The womens bodies are way too perfect.
Until recently, porn actresses have always been women aged 18 to 29. Porn
actresses in this age group are free of facial wrinkles, and have flat bellies,
firm breasts, thighs, upper arms, and buttocks. However, since the arrival of
Internet porn, women in other age groups also make porn. Women in their
30s are called MILFs (Mothers Id Like to Fuck.) Women in their 40s are
mature. And women over 50 are known as grannies.
Nontheless, the vast majority of women in porn are still in their late teens or
20s. In addition, many have had plastic surgery: breast enlargement, tummy
tucks, liposuctionyou name it. Many men dont understand how most
women compare themselves to porn actresses, Louanne Weston, Ph.D., a
sex therapist in Fair Oaks, California, explains. The typical woman feels
very distressed that her body is nowhere near as flawless as what she sees on
screen. Her man is sitting there thinking, Id love a blowjob like that.
Meanwhile shes thinking, Im a tub of lard. Women are no longer judged
only by their looks. But to a great extent, women are still judged and valued
based on how their physical attributes, much more than men are. Very few
women look like the women in porn. When women see the men in their lives
enjoying those women they often feel hopelessly outclassed. They fear
rejection, and its a deep and chilling fear, one few men appreciate.
* The women in pornography are all exhibitionists.
Have perfect body, will flaunt it, especially when its in the script. The
women in pornography routinely flash their breasts and genitals in scenes
that look as though theyre in public, and strut around naked just about
anywhere. Few real women are exhibitionistsaccording to one study, only
1 to 2 percent. Because of their insecurities about their bodies, many women
feel reluctant to reveal themselves even to the men they love. Meanwhile,
men who view porn often expect their lovers to prance around in the buff
and cant understand why they insist on wearing robes until a moment
before they slip into bed and pull the covers over themselves.
* Pornography-style sex is about 95 percent genital.
After a kiss or two, and a few swipes at the womans breasts and perhaps a
bit of cunnilingus, its all fellatio and intercourse. Of course, the genitals are
important in lovemaking, and oral sex can feel wonderful. But the genitals
often dont work right without leisurely, playful, whole-body sensuality
gentle touch all over. Pornographic sex is totally preoccupied with the
women scream and moan in the throes of supposed passion, but virtually
never do they actually have orgasms. One reason is that the vast majority of
porn is produced by men for men. The culture of porn has little interest in
womens sexual satisfaction. In addition, given the rushed, mechanical,
nonsensual nature of porn sex, under those circumstances, its a rare woman
who could come, even if she wanted to. No wonder so many men are in the
dark about womens orgasms. They never see them in porn, and have no
idea that porn-style sex leaves many women so turned off and unfulfilled
that they cant possibly express orgasm. Lots of women look at porn,
Weston says, and think: When I do it, I never get as excited as those
women. Therefore, there must be something wrong with me. Of course,
nothing is wrong with them. Whats wrongcompletely wrongis the
portrayal of womens sexuality in porn.
* Pornography ignores the unique individuality of sexual expression.
Porn sex is cookbook sex. Take two people. Get them naked. She sucks. He
licks. Then they fuck in any number of acrobatic positions. Some people
may enjoy making love this way, but most people prefer more variety, more
creativity. Porn never shows lovers massaging each others shoulders, or
running fingers through each others hair, or tracing fingers on the backs of
knees, or sucking each others fingers or ear lobes. All of these little moves
can add zing to lovemaking. Pornography rarely shows eye contact, never
zooms in to catch one lover whispering, I love you. Nor does pornography
ever show lovers asking each other, Is this okay? Hows this? Too light?
Just right? Too intense? Or What can I do for you? Porn never presents
lovemaking as a sensual quest, a journey to explore what lovers find
sensually arousing and fulfilling. In porn, one script fits all. Porn sex is
very narrow, Klein says. Thats why, after a while, it gets boring. Great
sex doesnt become boring.
* Pornographic sex rarely involves sexual lubricants, at least on-camera.
The actors and actresses in porn use lubricant by the gallon. But viewers
never see it on screen. Just as the men in porn produce instant erections, the
women appear to be perpetually wet between the thighs. In fact, even with
loving, playful, extended whole-body sensuality, many perfectly normal
women dont produce much vaginal lubrication. To enjoy intercourse
comfortably, many women need a commercial sex lubricant. Youd never
know this from watching pornography. As a result, many men push too
quickly into poorly lubricated vaginas, and then blame it on the woman:
Shes too tight. Meanwhile, many women suffer pain on intercourse,
which ruins sex for them.
* In pornography, oral sex is universal.
Every woman sucks, and every man licks. This significantly overstates the
popularity of oral sex in Americas bedrooms. According to the best current
sex researchstudies at the University of Chicago and the University of
California in the 1990sonly about 25 to 50 percent of lovers routinely
engage in oral sex. For porn viewers who receive less oral than theyd like,
the ubiquity of oral sex in porn creates the impression that everyone in the
world is getting head every timeexcept them.
* Oral sex in pornography is too intense.
The men in porn plunge into cunnilingus like parched dogs presented with
bowls of water. Pornographic fellatio is not much different. The women are
often quite rough on the penises they suck. Many people prefer gentler oral
caresses. In fact, for many women, the clitoris is so sensitive that direct
tonguing, no matter how gentle, feels uncomfortable. Some women prefer
men to lick the clitoris very gently, or to lick around it, but not directly on it.
Others enjoy a tongue directly on the clitorisbut only after considerable
licking around it. Youd never know this from watching porn. Oral sex in
pornography is like slapstick in theater, Weston says. overdone for effect.
Enjoyable sex is gentler.
* Anal sex in pornography is totally unrealistic.
Not all porn includes anal play, but any video with anal in the title
typically focuses on just one type of anal sex, penis-in-anus intercourse
with a vengeance. In fact, among real lovers, this is the least popular form of
anal play. Most anal sex involves sphincter massage or gentle fingering. In
addition, porn actors rarely take the time to use lubricant. The inserter never
asks the recipient, Is this okay? And the inserter pushes in too deeply too
quickly, and then pumps in and out much too vigorously. No wonder so
many people complain that anal sex hurts. Imitate porn and its bound to.
The presentation of anal sex in porn is ridiculous, Klein says. Its totally
unrealistic how much everyone enjoys it. And on camera, its totally
unlubricated. The actors lube up off-camera, but viewers never see it. All the
Internet connection. You dont even have to look for them. Junk email for
everything from Horny Housewives to Teenage Anal Gangbangs fill inboxes. Access requires a credit card, but what you can see for free could
make Hugh Hefners hair curl. Meanwhile, the sheer volume of Internet porn
persuades many viewers that porn sex is the way sex should be. While there
are some legitimate uses for pornography in sex education and therapy, on
balance, pornography is badvery badfor sex. Pornography is like the
chase scenes in action moviesexciting and fun to watch, but definitely not
the way to drive.