Are You Sure You Want To Hire An Attorney
Are You Sure You Want To Hire An Attorney
Are You Sure You Want To Hire An Attorney
by Michael D. Alexander
The complexity of a social order is proportional to the degree of specialization required of its
members to carry out its agreed functionsas complexity increases, members tend to know
more and more about less and less. In times past physicians performed essentially the
same services. They could carry everything they used in the treatment of their patients
between their ears and in a little black bag. Today doctors specialize in one part of the body
and require the support services of large institutions and other specialists. In this context it
is natural for one to seek out the services of those who are learned in matters that they do
not either have the time, interest, or training to handle for themselves. However, would you
go to an unlicensed physician who had a hidden agenda, lacked training in medicine, who
performed treatments for which the results and costs were uncertain? As the uninitiated will
discover, this is standard operating procedure when hiring an attorney.
If there is a system for which there is a bigger gap between perception and the reality of its
inner workings, I know not what it is. This includes attorneys themselves. By design, the
true nature of courts, the law, and the relationship of the individual to the state has been
hidden by the architects of the system lest its secrets be exposed. Popular perceptions are
groomed by the purveyors of media, and education (including law schools) mostly through
entertainment and inculcation of national identity. Independent thinkers within the ranks of
attorneys may eventually realize the significant incongruities in plying their trade, but not
one in a million will figure it out. Only upon being invited into the inner sanctum of
judgEship and higher positions of authority will the secrets begin to be revealed.
So how is this accomplished? Since the U.S. Bankruptcy in 1933 (see UNITED STATES
BANKRUPTCY) Attorneys and judges have a near license to steal the wealth of the
community backed by force of arm. They are amply rewarded for activities that promise
nothing. They function at the heart of a system that has as its ultimate goal, subjugation
and conquest of the population through commerce. Although wars on the surface may
appear to settle the differences between men and countries, it has been the behind the
scenes manipulations by the bankers and merchants that continue to control. This was the
case at the conclusion of Americas war for Independence, as it is nownot surprisingly
mediated by attorneys (see WHAT IS UNITED STATES and JAYS TREATY). Attorneys do this
with their own private language in which they change the popular meanings of words and
imbed the rules of the game inside inscrutable codeyou cant play the game unless you
understand the rules and that takes an attorneythere is no higher form of incestuous
So what is an attorney anyway, and does this mean the same thing as lawyer. Although
modern usage tends to obscure the distinction between the meanings of these words,
historically, they are not the same. To understand this distinction it is necessary to trace the
legal profession in the U.S. back to its roots in Britain. Even the word "bar" is of British
In England, only some lawyers are called Advocates." Others are called "solicitors," still
others "barristers," "counselors," "mediators," and "attorneys." These are not terms
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referring to just any lawyer, they are specific titles used to designate the type of lawyer they
are and how they practice law.
Advocates and solicitors have a very similar roll, but on the opposite side of any given
dispute. While a solicitor is one who presents a case on behalf of an accuser, otherwise
known as the plaintiff, an advocate provides argument for the defendant.
The barrister holds a specific position of trust beyond the area where even other lawyers are
barred from entry. "Crossing the bar" means far more than just walking over to a different
place in the room. It is the act of placing yourself under the jurisdictional authority of the
court whose bar you've crossed. The BAR stands for British Accredited Registry.
A mediator's job is to facilitate an agreement between opposing sides. Counselors, on the
other hand, primarily do just what their title indicates, counseling. To obtain "assistance of
Counsel," therefore is not the same as being represented by an attorney. So, what is an
Notice that the word for each title clearly identifies its unique characteristic:
Barrister = one who goes where others are barred from entry
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quick end to their careers, dont expect to see a signature. Second, since the bankruptcy
and the partitioning of the law, the law was replaced by public policy (private copyrighted
International Law), you were replaced by a legal fiction, and two party contracts were
replaced by construed constructive trusts. If you have not completed your UCC-1 Filing you
are considered a ward of the state.
The ramifications of all of this are as follows: Since the bankruptcy all corporations are
insolvent and there is no way to pay a debt. If there is no way to pay a debt, there is no
way to execute a law (no payment is possible), and laws, including the facts upon which
they are based, become irrelevant. Your duty under these circumstances is to be a good
little trustee by honoring your implied promise to perform under all of your adhesion
contracts. Courts are no longer about law, fact of law, or anything real for that matter. They
cannot be because THERE IS NO WAY TO PAY!
The careful observer of court room drama will notice that the judge will typically
only look at one or two pages of any of the court briefs that pass before them,
regardless of how long they are. Todays courts are about one thing, and that is
honordid you honor your contract to perform as a good trustee?
One more fact is worth noting before concluding. The much ballyhooed and prestigious
License to practice law does not even exist (see The Mythological License to Practice Law).
There is no department of State which issues said license, nor is the State Bar in your state
even a corporation. You can prove this to yourself by going to the Commissioner of
Corporations in your state. The Bar is merely a private club that collects union dues from its
members who posture as licensed professionals.
In summary, when you hire an attorney, you are underwriting the English Crown to assign
one of their unlicensed agents, learned in procedure not law, to animate a legal fiction that
was created on your behalf when you were born, to bring you into the slaughter house to
argue your case thus giving meaning to the legal fiction they have created, hence
jurisdiction, while transferring as much of your wealth as they can get away with, hoping
that you will come back for more on appeal. Is this what you thought you were bargaining
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