Love Systems Insider: Getting Started - Seduction
Love Systems Insider: Getting Started - Seduction
Love Systems Insider: Getting Started - Seduction
You enter the seduction phase after you and her have spent (usually) at least a few hours
together, but not more than about 10.
Seduction is a pretty easy element in itself. It goes wrong for a lot of guys, but this is because of
mistakes in comfort that only become apparent when you try to close the deal in seduction. It's
like trying to tell a joke. You may feel that you can't deliver punch lines well, because you don't
get the laughs. But the mistake may not be in the delivery of the punch line. Your punch line
may be just fine. But if the buildup and lead-in aren't any good, no punch line in the world will
save you. Seducing a woman is the same way. If you haven't done your groundwork, there's no
seduction game in the world that will help you.
If you'll permit me a small tangent here, this is a frequent pattern in Love Systems teachings.
Problems in one phase often don't become apparent until a later phase. For example, many guys
who think they have problems in attraction often have decent attraction skills but are bad at
opening and transitioning. If you start off badly or awkwardly, it's much harder to make a
woman receptive to your attraction material. So the cause of the problem is in opening, but the
symptom only appears in attraction. Similarly, guys who have trouble in comfort don't realize
that this is often due to rushing through or skipping qualification.
How do you know if your comfort game was smooth? Well, ideally, you should be entering
seduction with the following elements already in hand:
All good with comfort? Great. Now let's jump into seduction. Seduction, to a successful man, is
mostly about logistics. You have attraction. You have comfort. She is ready to sleep with you.
She may not think she is, but that's because she is conditioned to avoid – at all costs – feeling
like she is 'easy.' That's one of the worst things one woman can say to another. So be
understanding of her psychology, and LEAD her to sex so she doesn't have to take responsibility
or feel easy. Three key rules:
1. Make it feel "natural." Any time a woman thinks "If I do this (go home with him / let
him take my bra off / etc), it's going to lead to sex," there is a risk that she won't do it,
even if she actually wants to sleep with you. Don't argue with this logically; it is part of
many women's psychological makeup and we have to work with it. This can be very
subtle. Saying to a woman "would you like to come back to my house" makes her decide
right then and there if she wants to escalate sexually. In contrast, going for a walk,
passing by your house, leading her inside "for a second" while you get your wallet or use
the bathroom, will not trigger that reflex in women if done properly. Result is the same –
she's in your house – but you haven't triggered any of her reflexes to avoid thinking of
herself as "easy."
2. Distract her when it's necessary to be "unnatural." Say you are leaving a party with
an attractive woman. You each live 20 minutes away, in opposite directions. No matter
how good you are, and how good your excuse is to bring her home, you will not be able
to avoid the fact that she's going in the opposite direction from her home to go to a man's
house. In this case, don't make it a decision for her. Hold her hand and lead her to your
car. Don't ask; assume she's getting in. Keep talking the whole time, telling her
interesting stories so she's not left alone with her thoughts. I've literally gone on 20-
minute monologues to entertain and distract a woman through especially awkward
"unnatural" moments (e.g., waiting in line to check into a hotel).
3. Location, location, location. Attraction and comfort can – theoretically – take place
anywhere. Seduction can usually only take place in private. While it's theoretically
possible to close the deal in a restaurant bathroom, it's not what most of us are going for
here. So realize that you are going to have to get her to your house (or possibly her
house, but yours is better). Plan for this. Don't spend all of your comfort-building time on
the other side of town. Make her comfortable with your living quarters before you get
into seduction. If she's learned that she's safe and can have fun at your house during
comfort without your trying to sleep with her, she's much more likely to follow you there
when it's time for sex.
Also known as managing state breaks. Some state breaks are inevitable. A few techniques are
valuable to getting over them. One is to oversell whatever is on the other side. For example, if
you are moving her from your living room couch to the bedroom, say something like "I have
more pictures in here... you said you like Miro right? Oh my god, come check this out, you will
DIE" while holding her hand and leading her into your bedroom. Much better than "I have a new
lamp in my bedroom, want to see?"
Let's assume you got her to your house. You're on home turf now. Everything is perfectly set up
for seduction, right? It had better be. This is something TOTALLY under your control and there
is NO excuse for not giving yourself every chance to succeed. It's like training for months for the
big race and then wearing running shoes with broken laces. There is so much that is difficult or
not under your control in this game that you can't afford to make mistakes on the stuff that is.
• It should be clean. It doesn't have to be spotless, but it should be clean enough for a
woman to be comfortable. The bathroom, especially, should be hygienic.
• The living room (or wherever you plan to bring her) should be laid out so there is no
obvious way for you both to sit down but side by side together on a couch. If you have
chairs, pile stuff on them or get rid of them before she comes over so she can't sit there.
• Have fun things to do if you still need to build comfort. Interactive fun is better than cool
DVDs. Fun truth-or-dare games, an easy 3D jigsaw puzzle, whatever.
• Some romance and implied sexuality never hurt. Have champagne, have strawberries,
and have whipped cream around. Don't be cheesy with them, but realize you have them
and can break them out when needed.
• Alcohol can build comfort and also let a woman feel less responsible ("I can justify this
to myself because I'm drunk even if I just had two drinks"). Have drinks that women like.
Many women – not all, of course - prefer wine to beer, shooters to shots, vodka to rum,
and sweet mixers to bitter ones. Learn how to make drinks women order when they are
having fun. Cosmopolitans and margaritas are good places to start.
• Condoms are the ultimate state break. Keep them near the bed, where you can get to
them easily and unobtrusively. You will inevitably lose out at least once with a woman
who was quite happy to sleep with you until you introduced a state break and reached for
the condoms. Live with this. Literally. Unsafe sex is never an option. Lose the girl, not
your health.
Seduction is kind of a touchy subject for a lot of people. Especially when we talk about
minimizing state breaks and not giving women a lot of time to sit and think about whether they
really want to begin a sexual encounter. So I want to be very clear that we are talking about
seduction, not manipulation. There's no need to manipulate a woman into sex. All we're trying to
do is lessen her feelings of guilt and responsibility for the first time. Yes, we tell it like it is, not
how society wants it to be. And yes, some women are very comfortable with their sexuality and
choices and don't require men to lessen their feelings of guilt and responsibility. They are often
great catches, but are not the majority.
One final thing to remember – to you, No will always mean No. Even when it doesn't mean No
to the woman who said it (it can mean no, but it can also mean not yet, not like that, not here, not
until you've convinced me, or yes but don't make me feel easy), it will mean No to you. You can
try again later or you can try something else, but you cannot ignore a "no." You have no way of
knowing for sure what no means, and it's simply wrong to assume that you do. Successful men
never have to ignore a "no" and successful men also know that there are many willing women
ready to replace the one who might not be.
Get ready for some hard core artillery: Last Minute Resistance (LMR)
LMR is the second part of the seduction phase (the first is arousal, the last is the sexual act
itself). LMR occurs whenever a woman resists physical escalation in the seduction phase.
It would be impossible to give a full treatment of LMR here, so I'll just give you a couple of
quick tips.
• When she says "we shouldn't be doing this" agree with her. Respond with "Yes, we
shouldn't be doing this... and we definitely shouldn't be doing THIS... you are so bad."
This changes the frame from 1) her resisting you to 2) you two sharing a conspiracy over
doing something you shouldn't be doing to 3) her seducing you by being bad. Again,
remember though that no means no.
• You don't have to let a woman choose the level of physical intimacy you two will have.
You can't insist on sex if she isn't willing, but you don't have to accept her choosing a
substitute. She may want to lie in bed with you and make out all night. You may want
sex. Neither of you is obligated to give the other what they want. Explain to her, without
ANY resentment, that lying in bed with her all night kissing will make you aroused, and
that's painful for a man. Instead, turn on the lights, get out of bed, and do something
boring with her like play checkers. Don't make it too fun, but appear COMPLETELY
unphased by what happened and not at all put out. Make it entirely non-sexual. When she
reinitiates touching and kissing, escalate it. If she says no, say "I understand" and turn all
the lights back on, put the candles out, turn the music off, and play checkers again. Do
this all without any trace of frustration.
• Every guy knows this, but when you remove a woman's skirt or pants, take her
underwear off at the same time in the same motion (i.e., grab both). If you leave her
underwear on, taking it off later is a major state break.
• Play the resister sometimes. Be the first one to say "we shouldn't be doing this" even
while you escalate.
• Take your time. Act like you've been here before. Don't rush to put it in her. Don't get
nervous you're going to lose the girl. You're a Love Systems man now. Even if you lose
this girl, there will be plenty more. Have fun. Don't be too serious.
Like I said, LMR is hard to cover in such a short time. We could talk for hours about it. But this
should get you started.
• Magic Bullets
• Savoy's Relationship Management DVD Course
• Interview Series Volume 11 - Physical Escalation & Kissing
• Interview Series Volume 12 - On Seduction
• Interview Series Volume 33 - Logistics: Taking Her Home
• Interview Series Volume 34 - Female Psychology
• Interview Series Volume 40 - Turning Things Sexual
• Interview Series Volume 46 - Last Minute Resistance