The Vilani Handbook
The Vilani Handbook
The Vilani Handbook
Robert Eaglestone
Table of Contents
Assumptions 1
Equivalence and Existence 2
The Simple Sentence 3
Future Tense 4
Passive Sentences. 4
Getting Words for Free 4
Adverbs 4
Adjectives 5
Possessive Pronouns 5
Prepositional Phrases 6
Expressing Yourself 7
Uncertainty 7
Negation 7
Interrogatives 7
Commands 7
Expletives 7
Chaining Sentences Together 8
This document explains how to read and write in “Low” (Upward register) Vilani only, which is
a humble beginning appropriate to newcomers to Vilani. Once the Upward register speech is
understood, the student may then refer to the official Vilani Grammar for the Downward and
Equal register variations.
Each chapter ideally should take about one page, but examples and lists make some sections
longer than others. Rather than blast the reader with all possible information in one Marathon
session, the chapters are organized so that the material will be presented in relatively
digestible chunks, and then only with an emphasis on critical concepts with the most
commonly used language elements. Additional detail which would only add confusion to the
main idea are left out; the reader may refer to the Grammar for more detail.
Please remember that this document only uses the Upward speech register of Vilani.
However, this provides a good working knowledge of Vilani, and the rules learned are directly
applicable to the Downward and Equal speech registers, which mainly differ in the order or
types of prefixes and suffixes used.
Equivalence and Existence.
Vilani uses a special “copular verb” to make statements of existence, equivalence, class
membership, location, and the like. These verbs fall into two groups, shown below.
These four all have the same structure: X C Y, where C is the verb, and the nouns X and Y
are the things being related. Example:
These four have three main varieties: existence, indication, and location. To state that
something exists or doesn't exist, simply use the noun with the proper verb.
To indicate or point out the existence of some particular thing, place the noun first:
To give the location of an object, you must attach a prepositional suffix to the verb, and
indicate the location noun with the prefix /ka/.
The simple Vilani sentence usually puts the verb first, the subject second, and the object third.
For example:
In the sentence above, the suffix gim is used to tag the subject of the sentence. The verb,
lenkhugash, literally means “him-it-hit”. When you build a verb, you prefix the object pronoun
and the subject pronoun – in that order – to the verb stem. The default tense is “nonfuture”,
meaning past or present.
Se- Me, us
Zi- You
Le- Him, Her, Them
Ki- It, Them
The subject pronouns are quite strange to English speakers, in that they represent only the
general type of subject, and its relationship to the object. Common subject pronouns include:
If that's not enough, the -B- is an -M- when it comes before another consonant, or a -P- when
it comes before another 'p'.
More examples:
Notice in the last example that Eneri doesn't require the /gim/ subject case marker, because
the /Ki-k/ prefix on the verb says a human acted on a lower-ranked thing.
At times, it is necessary to specifically state that you did something, or I did something. Vilani
has adverbs that can act like pronouns and fulfill this function. Two common ones are:
Shenerii to/for me
Binerii to/for you
With simple verbs, the future tense conveys absolute meaning that goes beyond projection in
time. Rather it's used for definitions, absolute prediction, statements about habit, universal
truths, and inductive generalizations.
Passive Sentences.
English uses an auxiliary verb to express passives. In Vilani, word order is used. The
standard Vilani sentence is 'active'; for example:
What is actually happening is that Eneri is getting the emphasis, and the air/raft is getting
placed in the background, so to speak. This is called topicalization.
Now, if it were not known what had hit Eneri, then putting the subject first would serve to
introduce the agent of Eneri's woe; it moves the subject to the forefront, while backgrounding
the victim.
If you know some verbs and nouns, then you also have adverbs and adjectives too, because
it is simple to derive them. It's also easy to make possessives. Here's how:
Adverbs usually come right after the verb. They are constructed by adding the suffix -(l)ii to a
noun, or -ad to a verb.
Adjectives are built from intransitive verbs representing a state (rather than an action) or from
nouns. The words that we usually consider to be adjectives are formed in Vilani from verbs.
This form of adjective always comes after the noun.
The noun-form of adjectives are much more specialized. These first two come after the
modified noun:
NOUN + /in/ (to show something is owned by some person or organization, etc)
NOUN + /ak/ (to show something is owned)
This next adjective form comes in front of the noun it modifies, and marks the 'whole' for
which the noun is a 'part':
1. /Gish/, tree; /pa/, branch: /Gishgi pa/, tree branch, branch of the tree.
2. /lili/, air; /daarine/, molecule: /liligi daarine/, air molecule.
Example Sentence:
Se- my
Me- your
A-, AGI his/her/their
E-, EGI its/their
The separate words AGI and EGI are used when a vowel can't easily be prefixed to the noun.
1. seliraam my air/raft
2. mekaanukir your freighter
3. apuli his money
4. agi argu her argu
5. egi umbin its claw
Prepositional Phrases.
These are similar to the prepositional rules used for copular verbs. They require adding a
suffix to the verb, after the tense suffix (if any), and adding the prefix /ka/ to the object.
To -na
For -zish
By, Via, Because -(l)uu
In, On -ma
She- I, we
Shii+ You
Gaa+ He/She/They
Ni- It/They
In addition, there are a lot of prefixes and suffxes that come available to express all sorts of
things2, including
Negation (du):
Nikdukhugash liraam Eneri. Eneri did not hit the air/raft.
Interrogatives (Aab):
Aab nikkhugash liraam Eneri. Did Eneri hit the air/raft?
Commands (-ki):
Nikkhugashki liraam binerii. Hit the air/raft!
Subordinate verbs, including participles and relative phrases, are also built up using these
alternate object pronouns on the verb. Please refer to the Vilani grammar for a complete
treatment of these options.
2 Please refer to the Vilani grammar for a complete list of prefixes and suffixes of this sort.
Chaining Sentences Together.
In some cases, it's convenient and more readable to combine two simple sentences together.
For instance, it makes sense to take this:
Vilani uses what is called the antipassive construction to do that. This is not intuitive, and it
involves a couple of strange steps, but here's how it works anyway. The Vilani sentences look
like this:
There are three steps to take. First, we join the sentences together. The result is not yet
Second, the antipassive is a tiny suffix /-i/ added to the verb /khugash/, which turns the verb
from a transitive verb (which requires a subject and an object) to an intransitive one (which
only requires a subject). According to Vilani grammar rules, since the first verb already has a
subject, the second verb automatically takes that as its subject, too. So we drop “Enerigim”.
Finally, we have to deal with the original object of the second sentence. It is turned into a
prepositional phrase “at Sharik's air/raft” by adding the suffix /-na/ “To, At” to the verb, and
adding the prefix /ka/ to the object. We now have
The literal meaning is “Eneri came and was hitting away at Sharik's air/raft” or some such
thing. This is one of the most foreign concepts in Vilani. If you can understand this one bit, the
rest of Vilani is a cinch in comparison.