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The Lovely Sisterhood of Chi Delta Sigma

February 8, 2007

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be:
The Lovely Sisterhood of Chi Delta Sigma Sorority or Chi Delta Sigma Sorority (CDS)

Article II: Mission

Student chapters must uphold the mission of the Lovely Sisterhood of Chi Delta Sigma (CDS):
“The purpose of the lovely sisterhood of Chi Delta Sigma Sorority is to provide a support group
for women in need of sisterhood, shaping their true characters, to give them a foundation for
personal growth, and to bring guidance in academic excellence."

Article III: Objectives

The objectives of this organization shall be:
 Educate and create awareness to the community about the culture of Asian American Pacific
Islanders, Breast Cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
 Sorority members will uphold high standards regarding the five pillars, academic excellence,
leadership, awareness, diversity, and sisterhood.
 To create a stronger presence within the local community.
 To maintain a lifelong sisterhood between active and non-active members.
 Continuous personal growth and development through education and professional progress.

Article IV: Membership

IV.A: General membership. Voting members of this organization shall consist of regularly
enrolled full-time undergraduate and graduate students of Washington State University. Maintain
a minimum GPA requirement of 2.50. Must uphold the standards and pillars of Chi Delta Sigma
IV.B: Non-discrimination clause. Consistent with all applicable federal and state laws and
University policies, this organization and its subordinate bodies and officers shall not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, veteran’s status, sex, national origin, sexual
orientation or disability in its selection of members.
 Consistent with state laws and regulations will not discriminate against applicants
based on quantity of those applied.
IV.C: Dues. Members must pay dues at the beginning of each semester. Dues will be distributed
towards necessary events and/or materials. Dues must be paid in order to participate in any Chi
Delta Sigma Sorority sanctioned events and in order to wear letters.
 Financial Instability: Those with financial instabilities must speak with officers to
discuss payment plans. Dues must be received in full within a timely manner, paid in
full by mid-semester.
 A budget shall be proposed at the end of the year to determine the upcoming year’s
allocation of dues.
 General Dues shall be allotted to the following categories (allotted as needed but not
limited to specified areas):
o Sisterly and Leadership Retreats
o Office Supplies
o Fees
 Workshops
 Leadership Events
 Government
 Miscellaneous
o Fundraising Events
 Food
 Venue
 Materials
o Social and/or Sisterly activities
 Food
 Venue
 Materials
o Donation or Community Organizational Support
 Potential Member Dues:
o Office supplies
o Potential Member items
o Social and/or Sisterly activities
IV.D: Participation. Members must participate in activities sponsored by Chi Delta Sigma.
Members must also participate in community events and participate in community service.
Attendance is mandatory with the exception of academic conflict and family emergencies. Notice
of absence must be given prior to event.
IV.E: Community Service: Members shall participate in community service (10 hours minimum
per semester). Each member is required to attend all service events and document their hours.
Hours will be collected prior to dead week.
IV.F: Probation: When an active member is on provisionary status.
 Not maintaining the minimum 2.5 GPA requirements.
 Confidentiality of process information for active and non members.
 Misrepresentation of Chi Delta Sigma Sorority in a negative portrayal in a sanctioned
 Not upholding the Chi Delta Sigma Sorority standards in regards to consumption of
alcohol or illicit drugs.

Article V: Alumni Membership

V.A: Chi Delta Sigma Alumni will assist the sorority when the sorority is in need.
V.B: The expectations of a Chi Delta Sigma Alumni will be to give continued guidance.
V.C: Dues will be paid by Alumni once financial affairs have determined itself after graduation
and compelled to do so. A one year deferment will be allocated for newly graduates. Those who
continue their education upon receiving their undergraduate degree and are inactive will have
their dues decreased by half until completion of their graduate degree.
 Dues in the amount of $200 will be assigned to alumni per academic year.
 Donations will be accepted from those who wish to do so.
V.D: Alumni will continue to uphold the image, mission and values of Chi Delta Sigma when
wearing their letters or speaking of the sorority.
V.E: Continuous communication with active and non active members.

Article VI: Potential Membership

VI.A: Prospective members shall be given a bid to join prior to the beginning of the potential
member initiation.
VI.B: Women wanting to become potential members must display genuine interest and meet the
requirements to be eligible. Requirements as follows:
 Must be a female student in good academic standing within the university she is to be initiated
 Must not be pledging for another sorority while pledging for Chi Delta Sigma. If pledged
previously she must be approved through the cabinet.
 Must complete initiation process in full.
 Must abide by all rules set forth once approved to become a potential member.
 Will be voted in by two-thirds through the cabinet.

Article VII: Method of Amending Constitution

VII.A: All amendments to this constitution require notice of seven days prior to being discussed
and voted upon.
VII.B: The constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of active membership at any
regular or special meeting.
VII.C: All amendments must pass through the founding mothers before changes can be made to
the constitution.

Chi Delta Sigma Constitution Bylaws

Article I: Officers
I.A: Chi Delta Sigma shall have the following officers
 President
 Vice President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Historian
 Public Relations
 Cultural Educator
 Sorority Educator
 Fundraising/Events
I.B: All Officer Expectations
 All officers will serve as liaisons for the community of Chi Delta Sigma. All sisters
shall document all events, activities, and meetings to help create a yearly scrapbook.
Cabinet is responsible for educating the community about multicultural awareness
through workshops and forums. Each officer is responsible for communicating with
members of the community, such as other fraternities and sororities, multicultural
organizations, and sisters. Each member must know the contact information of each
officer in order to have effective communication. Each sister is to be responsible for
their actions and duties as a sister.
 At anytime officers, if willingly, are able to hold more than one office position if and
when there are not enough people to fill the slots.
 The removal of an officer requires a two-thirds vote of active organization members
following notification of the officer in question. A formal statement shall be
provided in writing no less than seven days prior to the vote.

Article II: The President

 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Chapter.
 Must be available to all sisters.
 The President (when present) shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter.
 Holds monthly meetings with each officer to ensure duties are fulfilled and self-
 The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
 The President shall review the objectives of the student Chapter at the first meeting
of each new school year.
Article III: The Vice-president
 The Vice-president shall preside at Chapter meetings in the absence of the President
and shall take over the responsibilities of the President should she be unable to
complete her term of office.
 The Vice-president shall sign as President-Elect on Registered Student Organization
 Must be available to all sisters

Article IV: The Secretary

 The secretary shall determine the number of members in attendance and record the
minutes of the chapter meetings. If no secretary is present, these duties will be
undertaken by the Vice-president, Treasurer, or other designated officer.
 The secretary shall post the minutes of each chapter meeting within one week
following the meeting on the group’s list serve.
 The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a permanent file of the Chapter’s
 The secretary shall maintain a list of member e-mail addresses and shall send out e-
mails that regard club activities to all members.

Article V: The Treasurer

 The Treasurer shall be the sole custodian of the financial resources of the Chapter
and shall, together with the other officers, ensure compliance with WSU RSO
guidelines, particularly those concerning finances and accounting for finances. She
shall keep a detailed account of these funds and make such disbursements as the
Chapter may direct, so long as in accordance with WSU RSO requirements. A
separate checking account shall be in effect for Student Chapter Business through
WSU RSO/Student Affairs.
 The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping track of purchasing agents of the
Chapter and shall comply with WSU RSO guidelines/policies. The Treasurer shall
be responsible for collecting dues and other funds, issuing receipts, and keeping an
active roster in compliance with WSU RSO policies.
 The Treasurer shall file a written report at the end of the term detailing the past
year’s transactions. A copy of this annual finance report shall be forwarded to the
founding mothers. Further, the Treasurer shall comply with any other accounting
provisions required by WSU RSO guidelines or policies.

Article VI: Historian

 The Historian will make documentation of all events and activities in which the
Sisterhood participates in. And take documentation during meetings.
 The Historian shall be responsible for making a yearly scrapbook, video, or
slideshow showcasing a review of the year’s events.

Article VII: Cultural Educator

 The Cultural Educator will educate sisters and general community of all cultures and
to provide awareness of women of all ethnicities. Must provide a minimum of two
workshops to the community per academic semester.
 The Cultural Educator is responsible for researching educational and leadership
opportunities for the sisterhood to attend and participate in.
Article VIII: Sorority Educator
 The Sorority Educator shall be responsible for coordinating plans for Potential
Member’s process and records progress of each potential member.
 The Sorority Educator will also coordinate a committee to help plan and facilitate
educating the Potential Members.
 Will create power points, posters, and/or other informational tools to visually
enhance presentations.

Article VIII: Public Relations

 The Public Relations Officer will inform the community of all events and activities.
Update and maintain the Chi Delta Sigma website.
 During community organization meetings the Public Relations Officer will make
announcements about upcoming Chi Delta Sigma Sorority events.
 Be a liaison with community organizations.
 The Public Relations Officer shall produce flyers, posters, calendar, and website.
Must have two-thirds vote before production.

Article IX: Fundraising/Events:

 The Fundraiser shall coordinate fundraisers to raise money for the sorority and
 The Fundraiser and Events will coordinate planning committees and update sorority
on progress. She will also work closely with the Treasurer to stay on budget.
 Responsible for coordinating community events and community service, either for
sisters to participate in or facilitate.

Article X: Chi Delta Sigma Sorority Advisor(s)

 Advisors for Chi Delta Sigma shall be selected by the founding mothers of the
sorority who is a part of the WSU faculty/staff, and a member or willing to become a
member of Chi Delta Sigma.
 The advisor(s) shall serve as an advisor to the Chapter and as a liaison between the
Chapter and the United Greek Council, faculty, and Campus Involvement.
 An advisor’s term of office shall be one year and may be renewed by the Chapter.
 The advisor shall approve any speaker or event offered by Chi Delta Sigma.
 The advisor must take an active role in assisting Chi Delta Sigma achieve their
mission and purpose.

Article XI: Committees

 In accordance with Officers and Executive Board Article VIII: Sorority Educator, the
committee will consist of a total of three members, which includes committee head.
Committee members must apply for the position as if it were elections and other
official positions.
 The Chi Delta Sigma Sorority, United Greek Council Representatives shall be 2
designated volunteers
 All other committee members shall be volunteers.

Article XII: Election of officers

 Must be a registered member of Chi Delta Sigma on good standing.
 Officers shall not be on academic or University probation at the time of their
elections and/or 2 consecutive semesters throughout their term of office. Must meet a
GPA requirement of 2.5.
 Officers shall be voted into cabinet yearly in March of the spring semester in order
for new officers to attend Registered Student Organization Training. Nominations
will occur seven days prior to elections. Prior to the first nomination there needs to
be a second to confirm the nomination.
 All officers shall be elected in accordance with customary parliamentary procedures.
 A majority vote of the quorum shall be required for the election to be valid.
 Fifty percent of membership shall be considered a quorum for the election of officers
or the recommendation to the Chi Delta Sigma of amendments to the constitution. If
a quorum is not present at an election meeting, written ballots shall be distributed to
the membership for collection and tabulation by the officers.
 Twenty-five percent of the membership of the Chapter shall be considered a quorum
for the transaction of business or the election of class representatives or advisors.
 All officers shall be elected by written or oral ballot and shall assume the
responsibilities of their position at the end of that academic year. New officers shall
assist the current officers for the remainder of the academic year.
 If elected officer fails to meet the duties of their position, they have the option of
removing themselves from their position or to be placed on probation for two
months, while under supervision of fellow cabinet members and advisor until
improvements are made. If position continues to be neglected, officer must resign
their position through a formal written resignation to the mothers and cabinet. Chi
Delta Sigma Sisters will re-elect a new officer on majority vote.

Article XIII: General Meetings

XIII.A: Meetings shall occur as determined by the President and Vice-president.
XIII.B: A regularly scheduled general meeting shall be held weekly. The officers may call
additional meetings when the need arises. Officers shall meet weekly prior to general meeting.
XIII.C: Special meetings may be called at any time by the President and shall be announced at
least 48 hours in advance.
XIII.D: Parliamentary Authority.
XIII.E: A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of voting members present at any regular or special
meeting to conduct official business.
XIII.F: A quorum shall be present in order for any official business to be conducted. Official
business shall include election of officers, setting of dues, and any other major decisions.

Article XIV: Order of Business

XIV.A: Suggested order of business:
 Call to order.
 Announcements.
 Record number in attendance.
 Reading of the minutes by Chapter Secretary.
 Treasurer’s report.
 Committee reports.
 Unfinished business.
 New business.
 Nominations or elections of officers or sub-committees.
 Appointments.
 Program.
 Adjournment.
XIV.B: The President, with approval of the members present, may modify the order of business.
XIV.C: In any matter where the Constitution and By-Laws do not provide instruction, the
Chapter shall employ “Robert’s Rules of Order” as a guide. The President, faculty advisor or
another appointed member will serve as parliamentarian in cases of dispute.

Article XV: WSU Registered Student Organization Guidelines

XV.A: The required number of officers shall attend annual WSU RSO training sessions.
XV.B: The club shall comply with all guidelines and policies of a WSU RSO.

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