Scrisoare de Intentie Lb. Engleza
Scrisoare de Intentie Lb. Engleza
Scrisoare de Intentie Lb. Engleza
Avram Mihai
Al doilea model de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza
The Human Resources department,
Dear Ms./Dear Mr,
For: (jobs title)
Im writing you because of the job ad posted by your company on the MyJob webpage. I take deep interest in it as
this job is a suitable one for me, matching both my academic and professional background and my career goals.
As you can see in the resume I have attached to this letter, at present time I am an employee of the
company as and I have just graduated from thetraining.
My professional experience, although not very extended, gave me the opportunity to both apply theoretical
knowledge and achieve new skills: crisis management, short time decision making, improvement of negotiation skills.
I am communicative, I adapt easily, still, I am a loyal employee.
I want to pursue a career in the..field, therefore, I am convinced of having the right skills for this job.
Your company is well-known as a model and your recent achievements have caught the eye of the
media. I strongly believe that I can support your future success as a member in your team.
Hoping I have awaken your interest in finding out more, I am looking forward for an interview. Please, contact me at
(phone number) or by email..
Thank you, Date
Ion Ion