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Helping English
Learners to Write

Meeting Common Core Standards,

Grades 612
Carol Booth Olson is an associate professor in the


Mar 2015/192 pp./PB, $31.95/5633-1



The Common Core State Standards

in Literacy Series
Copublished with NWP (National Writing
Project)and TESOL International Association

This book is a tour de force. Its

up-to-the-minute in offering what
teachers and administrators need,
and what parents want.

Judith A. Langer,
director, Center on English
Learning and Achievement,
University at Albany

These authors are at the very

forefront of scientifically testing
and validating instructional
practices for improving
the writing and reading of
adolescents who are English
learners. Why is their research
so good? It is informed by years
of experience in the classroom
and working with hundreds of
teachers across California. What
a powerful combination. My
advice: Ingest, consider, and
employ the strategies described
here. Your students will become
better writers if you do.

From the Foreword

by Steve Graham,
Arizona State University

School of Education at the University of California,

Irvine, and director of the UCI site of the National
Writing Project; Robin C. Scarcella is a professor
in the School of Humanities at the University of
California, Irvine, and director of the Program in
Academic English; Tina Matuchniak is the director
of research for the UCI Writing Project and a lecturer
at California State University, Long Beach.
Foreword by Steve Graham

Using a rich array of research-based practices,

this book will help secondary teachers improve
the academic writing of English learners. It
provides specific teaching strategies, activities,
and extended lessons to develop EL students
narrative, informational, and argumentative
writing, emphasized in the Common Core
State Standards. It also explores the challenges
each of these genres pose for ELs and suggests
ways to scaffold instruction to help students
become confident and competent academic
Showcasing the work of exemplary school
teachers who have devoted time and expertise
to creating rich learning environments for the
secondary classroom, Helping English Learners
to Write includes artifacts and written work
produced by students with varying levels
of language proficiency as models of what
students can accomplish. Each chapter begins
with a brief overview and ends with a short
summary of the key points.
Readers can use this book to:

Help ELs meet the writing demands of

the Common Core State Standards.
Plan and set goals for instruction.
Supplement existing English language
arts or English language development
curricula with teacher-tested
strategies, activities, and lessons.
Develop a community of learners.
Create safe classroom spaces in which
students are encouraged to participate,
even with less-than-perfect English.
Design and implement culturally responsive
instruction, building on students strengths.

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Research-Based Practices
for Teaching Common
Core Literacy
Edited by P. David Pearson, a professor and
former dean at the Graduate School of Education
at the University of California, Berkeley.
Elfrieda H. Hiebert is president and CEO of
TextProject, Inc. and a research associate at the
University of California, Santa Cruz.


Foreword by Nell K. Duke

May 2015/288 pp./PB, $33.95/5644-7
HC, $74/5645-4large format

Copublished with ILA

(International Literacy Association)


This book gets way beyond

generalities and polemics about
the Common Core, taking a deep
and measured dive into a wide
range of essential topics within
the Standards. I read a lot, and
I cant think of the last time I
read anything about the CCSS as
engaging and thought-provoking
as this.

Nell K. Duke,
University of Michigan

This one-of-a-kind resource will be invaluable

to every teacher educator, every curriculum
director, and every literacy coach, whether
or not they must meet Common Core State
Bringing together perspectives from
literacy luminaries, each addressing their
specialty, Research-Based Practices for Teaching
Common Core Literacy offers an accessible
fund of rich practices in literacy instruction. The book serves two purposes: First, it
assembles a body of knowledge and wisdom
from leading literacy researchers who each
draw from a long career in the field to address
topics of central importance to good literacy
instruction. Second, these research-to-practice
leaders connect established best practices
and foundational research to the current
challenge of instruction to meet Common
Core State Standards and other rigorous curriculum guidelines. The contributors point
out strengths of the Common Core as well
as issues and oversights of which educators
should be aware. Closing chapters situate the
Common Core within a continuum of educational policy and legislation.
Contributors: Richard L. Allington,
Monica T. Billen, Jay S. Blanchard, Robert
Calfee, Gina N. Cervetti, Michael F. Graves,
John T. Guthrie, Elfrieda H. Hiebert, James
V. Hoffman, Rosalind Horowitz, Michael L.
Kamil, Barbara Kapinus, Richard Long, Leigh
Ann Martin, Kimberly McCuiston, James
Nageldinger, David Paige, P. David Pearson,
Timothy Rasinski, S. Jay Samuels, Barbara M.
Taylor, Joanna P. Williams, Kathleen Wilson



Assessing Students Digital Writing

Protocols for Looking Closely

Troy Hicks is an associate professor of English at Central Michigan

University and director of the Chippewa River Writing Project. Follow him
on Twitter: @hickstro. With Jeremy Hyler, Julie Johnson, Bonnie Kaplan, Erin
Klein, Christina Puntel, Stephanie West-Puckett, and Jack Zangerle
Foreword by Richard Beach
Prologue by Christina Cantrill, National Writing Project


Book Features:
An adaptation of the
Collaborative Assessment
Conference protocol.
Detailed descriptions of
students digital writing,
including the assessment
process and implications
for instruction.
Links to the samples of
student digital writing
available online.

In this book, Troy Hicksa leader in the teaching of digital writing

collaborates with seven National Writing Project teacher consultants
to provide a protocol for assessing students digital writing.
This collection highlights six case studies centered on evidence
the authors have uncovered through teacher inquiry and structured
conversations about students digital writing.
Beginning with a digital writing sample, each teacher offers an
analysis of a students work and a reflection on how collaborative
assessment affected his or her teaching. Because the authors include
teachers from kindergarten to college, this book provides opportunities for vertical discussions of digital writing development, as well as
grade-level conversations about high-quality digital writing.
The text also includes an introduction and conclusion that provides
context for the inquiry groups work and recommendations for assessment of digital writing.
Jul 2015/168 pp./PB, $30.95/5669-0

Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)

Uncommonly Good Ideas

Teaching Writing in the Common Core Era

Sandra Murphy is professor emerita at the University of California, Davis.
Mary Ann Smith directed the Bay Area and California Writing Projects
and served as Director of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the
National Writing Project.


You will love the way this book gives you permission to take time to do
the intellectual work you went into this profession for. I know I did.
Carol Jago, UCLA
In this book I find the intelligence and insights that help me think about
what it looks like to teach writing through the Common Core State
Standards while maintaining my own integrity as a teacher.
Jim Burke, best-selling author and high school teacher

This book is slender,

readable, and well worth
the ride, whether you are a
novice terrified as you stare
into your first classroom or
an old hand looking for an
extra boost with a new class
and a new year.
Arthur Applebee,
University at Albany,

The authors zero in on several big ideas that lead to and support
effective practices in writing instruction, such as integrating reading,
writing, speaking, and listening; teaching writing as a process; extending the range of students writing; spiraling and scaffolding a writing
curriculum; and collaborating. These big ideas are the cornerstones
of best researched-based practices as well as the CCSS for writing.
The first chapter offers a complete lesson designed around teaching
narrative writing and illustrating tried and true practices for teaching
writing as a process. The remaining chapters explore a broad range
of teaching approaches that help students tackle different kinds of
narrative, informational, and argumentative writing and understand
complexities like audience and purpose. Each chapter focuses on at
least one of the uncommonly good ideas and illustrates how to create
curricula around it.
Uncommonly Good Ideas includes model lessons and assignments,
mentor texts, teaching strategies, student writing, and practical guidance for moving the ideas from the page into the classroom.
Apr 2015/168 pp./PB, $27.95/5643-0


Language and Literacy Series

Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)

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Family Dialogue Journals

SchoolHome Partnerships That Support Student Learning

JoBeth Allen, Jennifer Beaty, Angela Dean, Joseph Jones, Stephanie
Smith Mathews, Jen McCreight, Elyse Schwedler, and Amber M.
Simmons, all from the Red Clay Writing Project, the University of Georgia
Foreword by Luis Moll


There is definitely much to

learn in these pages.
From the Foreword
by Luis Moll,
University of Arizona

This is an incredibly readable book that is highly

useful for teachers, teacher
educators, and university
researchers interested in this
powerful practice.
Kathy Schultz, dean and
professor, Mills College

A beautiful, socially conscious book offering so much wisdom for curriculum, classroom norms, and creating learning-focused contexts.
Stephanie Jones, University of Georgia
This honest, clearly written, and accessible book shows how to use
Family Dialogue Journals (FDJs) to increase and deepen learning
across grade levels.
Written by K12 teachers who have been implementing and studying the use of weekly journals for several years, it shares what they
have learned and why they have found FDJs to be an invaluable tool
for forming effective partnerships with families. Learn from firsthand
accounts how students write weekly about one big idea they have
studied, ask a family member a related question, and then solicit
their writing in the journal. Through these journal entries, they share
their family knowledge with classmates while actively engaging with
the curriculum. In turn, teachers extend the academic discussion by
writing to each family and incorporating their funds of knowledge
into classroom lessonswriting about everything from the use of
thermometers to life in Michoacn, Mexico. Family participation in
the FDJs is remarkably high across ages, ethnicities, and economic
Feb 2015/160 pp./PB, $34.95/5628-7/HC, $66/5629-4

Practitioner Inquiry Series

Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)

Reading Upside Down


Identifying and Addressing Opportunity Gaps in Literacy Instruction

Deborah L. Wolter is an elementary teacher consultant in

Ann Arbor Michigan public schools. Visit her website at

Foreword by Richard L. Allington

The book not only

challenges the status
quo but offers a rational
alternative that would
benefit every struggling
reader. I hope Reading Upside
Down initiates a widespread
movement to undo so much
of what we have done in the
name of helping children
who struggle with learning
to read.
Richard L. Allington,
University of Tennesse

Drawing on the authors rich experiences working one-on-one with

challenged readers, this book presents case studies illustrating the
complexities of student learning experiences and the unique circumstances that shaped their acquisition of literacy. Wolter explores eight
key factors that contribute to reading challenges in developing readers, including school readiness, the use of prescribed phonics-based
programs, physical hurdles, unfamiliarity with English, and special
education labeling. With a focus on the differences that educators can
make for individual students, the text suggests ways to identify and
address early opportunity gaps that can impact students throughout
their entire educational career.
Reading Upside Down will help educators to:
Shift from identifying deficit-based achievement gaps among
students to addressing opportunity gaps in literacy instruction.
Move beyond student labels, categories, or placements to provide
true opportunities for children to explore and develop literacy.
Take a strength-based view that students are in multiple
places of exploration of language and literacies and
all children can succeed in becoming readers.
Develop a strong sense of ownership and expertise
in order to foster inclusion and assure authentic and
engaged reading within their classrooms.
Jun 2015/160 pp./PB, $36.95/5665-2/HC, $76/5666-9



Teaching Transnational Youth

Literacy and Education in a Changing World

Allison Skerrett is associate professor in the department of curriculum and

instruction at The University of Texas at Austin.

Foreword by Randy Bomer

Allison Skerrett makes masterful use of research, deep knowledge

of teaching, and transnational voices in this most informative book.
Readers meet intriguing young people living extraordinary lives and see
how literacy affects and shapes those lives. Transnational lives and experiences are then used to inform the curriculum, teaching, and language
Robert Jimenez, Vanderbilt University


This well-researched and

engagingly written book
brilliantly illuminates the
often hidden or sorely
misunderstood life and
schooling experiences of
transnational youth. It is
a primary text for courses
on literacy theories and
practices, and fills a critical
gap in how we conceptualize
and implement literacy
instruction for all youth.
Jabari Mahiri,
UC Berkeley

This is the first book to specifically address the needs of transnational

youth, a growing population of students who live and go to school
across the United States and other nations including Mexico and different Caribbean islands.
The author describes a coherent approach to English language
arts and literacy education that supports the literacy learning and
development of transnational students, while incorporating these
students unique experiences to enrich the learning of all students.
Drawing from exemplary teachers classroom practice and researchbased approaches, the book demonstrates how teachers can engage
with transnationalism to reap the unique and significant benefits this
phenomenon presents for literacy education. These benefits include a
deeper appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity, an increased
awareness of world citizenship, and the development of globally
informed ways of reading, writing, investigating, and thinking.
Jun 2015/144 pp./PB, $43.95/5658-4/HC, $92/5659-1
Language and Literacy Series


Lessons in Teaching from an African American Hair Salon

Yolanda J. Majors is a visiting associate professor and associate director of




Book Features:
Examines how African
Americans use language to
achieve particular goals.
Identifies culturally
relevant literacy practices
and related skills.
Shows teachers how to
leverage the out-of-school
practices of students of
color for literacy learning
and development.

adolescent literacy and learning at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,

associate professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Illinois,
Chicago, and professional developer for culturally responsive instruction.
Foreword by Carol D. Lee

Shoptalk examines the development of literacy, identity, and thinking skills that takes place through cross-generation conversation in
an African American hair salon and how it can inform teaching in
todays diverse classrooms.
By shining a spotlight on verbal discussions between the salons
patrons and workers, the author provides a critical reassessment of
the achievement gap discourse and focuses on the intellectual toolkits
available to African Americans as members of thriving communities.
While this book offers a detailed analysis of the informal teaching and
language practice that occurs within the salon, it also moves beyond
that setting to consider culturally situated problem-solving within an
urban, language arts classroom.
Shoptalk is essential reading for teachers, teacher educators, and
administrators who are interested in widening their view of culturally
responsive pedagogical practices. It will also enrich any course in
culturally responsive instruction.
Jul 2015/192 pp./PB, $34.95/5661-4/HC, $76/5662-1

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Looking Together at Student Work

Third Edition
Tina Blythe develops and facilitates online professional development

courses for Harvard Project Zero and is a consultant for schools, districts,
and organizations; David Allen, assistant professor, College of Staten Island,
City University of New York, and; Barbara Schieffelin Powell, educational
consultant in curriculum development, teacher education, and evaluation.
Forewords by Joseph P. McDonald, David N. Perkins, and Kathleen Cushman



The Facilitators
Book of Questions

Tools for Looking Together at

Student and Teacher Work
David Allen and Tina Blythe
Foreword by Gene ThompsonGrove
160 pp./PB, $25.95/4468-0

Dilemmas in
Educational Leadership

The Facilitators Book of Cases

Donna J. Reid
120 pp./PB, $29.95/5549-5

School leaders looking for systemic strategies to improve student achievement would be well-served by Looking Together at Student Work.
The School Administrator
Brief, elegant, and useful.... These authors know as well as anyone on
earth that the practice of collectively accountable teaching is messy, but
they also appreciate the fact that people in the midst of it nonetheless
need some kind of map.
From the Foreword to the third edition by
Joseph P. McDonald, New York University
New for the Third Edition:
The addition of The Microlab Protocol, a relatively quick and
easy way to introduce groups to protocol-guided conversation.
Facilitation strategies and more detailed notes for presenters
about how to select work and prepare for their roles.
Updated examples and a new case focused on a schools
use of protocols to develop teachers understanding and
application of the Common Core State Standards.
Current research on the effectiveness of practices that
involve the collaborative examination of student work.
Apr 2015/96 pp./PB, $24.95/5646-1the series on school reform

Teaching the Tough Issues

Problem Solving from Multiple Perspectives

in Middle and High School Humanities Classes
Jacqueline Darvin is associate professor of secondary literacy, program

director for adolescent literacy education, and deputy chair of the Secondary
Education and Youth Services (SEYS) Department at Queens CollegeCity
University of New York.


Darvin has provided us all

with a powerful tool for guiding students as they explore
their identity, unafraid to
explore what it means to be

From the Foreword by

Douglas Fisher,
San Diego State University

Foreword by Douglas Fisher

Darvin takes on the big important issues in adolescents lives that

often go unaddressed in most classrooms.
William Brozo, George Mason University
Teaching the Tough Issues introduces a groundbreaking teaching
method intended to help English, social studies, and humanities
teachers address difficult or controversial topics in their secondary
Because these issues are rarely addressed in teacher preparation
programs, few teachers feel confident facilitating conversations
around culturally and politically sensitive issues in ways that honor
their diverse students voices and lead to critical, transformative
thinking. The author describes a four-step method to help teachers
structure discussions and written assignments while concurrently
assisting them in addressing Common Core State Standards.
Designed to aid students in both developing their own viewpoints on
contentious issues and in actively critiquing those of their teachers
and peers, these practices will enhance any humanities curriculum.
Apr 2015/160 pp./PB, $34.95/5653-9/HC, $76/5654-6



Critical Encounters in Secondary English

Teaching Literary Theory to Adolescents, Third Edition

Deborah Appleman

This Third Edition proves that Appleman still has her hand on the pulse of the rapidly
changing landscape of education.

Ernest Morrell, Teachers College, Columbia University
All the undergraduate students cited [Applemans book] as their favorite piece of work
for the semester.
English Journal
Provides powerful ways to get young people thinking about literature and about how it
relates to their lives.
Rethinking Schools
The Third Edition provides an integrated approach to incorporating nonfiction
and informational texts into the literature classroom. Grounded in solid theory with field-tested classroom
activities, this edition shows teachers how to adapt practices that have always defined good pedagogy to
the new generation of standards for literature instruction. This classic book now includes lists of nonfiction
texts, a new chapter on new historicism, and new classroom activities.
2015/272 pp./PB, $29.95/5623-2illustrationsLanguage and Literacy Series ccss

Teaching the Taboo

Courage and Imagination in the Classroom, Second Edition

Rick Ayers and William Ayers / Foreword by Carol D. Lee

For those frustrated by the thrust of educational reform. ..this book provides what can
be described as both a challenge and a set of alternatives.
Education Review
What makes this book important is that it represents an invitation to wrestle with
deep-seated assumptions.
From the Foreword by Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University
Teaching the Taboo is provocative, challenging, funny in places, wild but sensible
enough to be useful, inspiring, and practical for educators who are working to negate the
educational madness that is infecting the schools.
Herb Kohl, bestselling author
The second edition of this bestseller has been thoroughly updated to include a deeper exploration of racism,
the problems with math and science education, the importance of creative writing, the work of Freire, and
the school struggles in Atlanta, Chicago, and Seattle.
2014/160 pp./PB, $24.95/5528-0 (T)

Reading, Thinking, and Writing About History

Teaching Argument Writing to Diverse Learners in

the Common Core Classroom, Grades 612
Chauncey Monte-Sano, Susan De La Paz, and Mark Felton
Foreword by Sam Wineburg

The tools this book provides demystify the writing process and offer a sequenced path
toward attaining proficiency.
From the Foreword by Sam Wineburg, Margaret Jacks Professor of
Education, Stanford University
This extraordinary book provides tried-and-true practical tools and step-by-step
Michelle M. Herczog, president, National Council for the Social Studies
The Common Core and C3 Framework emphasize literacy and inquiry in social
studies, but do not offer resources to achieve these goals. This practical guide presents six research-tested
investigations, along with corresponding teaching materials and tools that have improved the historical
thinking and argumentative writing of academically diverse students. Sample student essays and formative
feedback illustrate the progress of two different learners and explain how to support students development.
2014/240 pp./PB, $31.95/5530-3large format ccss

The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series

Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)

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50 Myths and Lies That
Threaten Americas Public Schools
The Real Crisis in Education
David C. Berliner, Gene V Glass, and Associates

A valuable new book.

The Washington Post
A timely and hard-hitting book. The teachers of our children will be grateful.
Jonathan Kozol, educator and author
A flat-out masterpiece.
W. James Popham, professor emeritus, UCLA
If you care about the future of public education, you mustnt ignore this book.
Andy Hargreaves, Lynch School of Education, Boston College
In this comprehensive look at modern education reform, two of the most respected voices in education and
a team of young education scholars use hard-hitting information and a touch of comic relief to separate fact
from fiction. This provocative book features short essays on important topics to provide essential reading for
every elected representative, school administrator, school board member, and teacher.
2014/272 pp./PB, $27.95/5524-2

Summer Reading

Closing the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap

Edited by Richard L. Allington and Anne McGill-Franzen
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy

Summer Reading shows us how to make voluntary reading programs work, especially
for low achievers.
P. David Pearson, University of California, Berkeley
This timely volume offers not only a comprehensive review of what is known about
summer reading loss, but also provides reliable interventions and guidance for
planning a successful summer reading program. The authors clearly show how
schools and communities can see greater academic gains for students from lowincome families using the methods described in this book than from much more
costly interventions.
Contributors: Richard L. Allington, Lynn Bigelman, James J. Lindsay, Anne McGill-Franzen, Geraldine
Melosh, Lunetta Williams
2013/144 pp./PB, $28.95/5374-3photosLanguage and Literacy Series
Copublished with IRA (International Reading Association)

2009 NCTE David H. Russell Research Award

Teaching Vocabulary to
English Language Learners

Michael F. Graves, Diane August, and Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez

Foreword by Catherine E. Snow

Practical, research-based strategies to build a solid foundation for the education of

English learners.
Rosa Aronson, executive director, TESOL
Building on Michael Gravess bestseller, The Vocabulary Book, this new resource
offers a comprehensive plan for vocabulary instruction that K12 teachers can use
with English language learners. The authors describe a four-pronged program that follows these key components: providing rich and varied language experiences; teaching individual words; teaching word learning
strategies; and fostering word consciousness. Includes vignettes, classroom activities, sample lessons, a list
of childrens literature, and more.
2013/176 pp./PB, $24.95/5375-0large format, illustrationsLanguage and Literacy Series

Copublished with IRA (International Reading Association), TESOL International Association, and Center for Applied Linguistics




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All About Words

Increasing Vocabulary in the Common Core Classroom, PreK2

Susan B. Neuman and Tanya S. Wright
Foreword by Timothy Shanahan

Clearly illustrates how teachers can narrow the achievement gap and, at the same time,
address the Common Core State Standards in developmentally appropriate ways.
Sue Bredekamp, Early Childhood Education Specialist
Vocabulary forms a relentless divide between children who succeed and those
who do not. All About Words is designed to help early childhood teachers take
advantage of the unique opportunity provided by the Common Core State
Standards. It offers strategies for planning and presenting vocabulary instruction
and for monitoring childrens word learning progress, along with specific guidance
on which words to teach.
2013/176 pp./PB, $25.95/5444-3/HC, $62/5445-0photos ccss

The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series

Educating Emergent Bilinguals

Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Language Learners

Ofelia Garca and Jo Anne Kleifgen
Foreword by Jim Cummins

An excellent resource for policymakers, researchers, and educators who are interested in
taking specific action to improve the education of English learners.
Linguistics and Education
This accessible guide presents the most up-to-date research findings to
demonstrate how ignoring childrens bilingualism perpetuates inequities in their
2010/192 pp./PB, $27.95/5113-8/HC, $60/5114-5
Language and Literacy Series

Reading the Visual

An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy

Frank Serafini
Foreword by James Paul Gee

An important text, perhaps essential, for all educators who are interested in an
expanded understanding of literacy.
Teachers College Record
Reading the Visual is a timely and cogent text. It challenges us to place visual images
and multimodal ensembles alongside printed texts instead of subordinating them in the
classroom as complementary texts.
Illinois Reading Council Journal
This engaging book provides frameworks for teaching a wide-range of visual and
multimodal texts, including historical fiction, picture books, advertisements, websites, comics, graphic novels, news reports, and film. Each unit of study contains
suggestions for selecting cornerstone texts and visual images and launching
the unit, as well as lesson plans, text sets, and analysis guides. These units are
designed to be readily adapted to fit the needs of a variety of settings and grade
2013/208 pp./PB, $34.95/5471-9/HC, $78/5472-6photos
Language and Literacy Series


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Reading Across Multiple Texts in

the Common Core Classroom, K5

Janice A. Dole, Brady E. Donaldson, and Rebecca S. Donaldson

Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

This is the book for which elementary school literacy educators have been waiting for
ever since the Common Core State Standards were released.
From the Foreword by Robert J. Marzano, CEO, Marzano Research Laboratory
A must read for teachers.Sharon Walpole, University of Delaware
This teacher-friendly resource addresses one of the most important critical
reading skills in the Common Core State Standardsreading across multiple texts.
The authors provide strategies for helping students answer text-dependent questions, find evidence
in a text, and scan for information. Model lessons developed and taught by the authors and fellow
educators will be especially useful to teachers, whether they are beginning or expanding their teaching
of multiple texts.
2014/144 pp./PB, $29.95/5590-7large formatThe Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series ccss

The One-on-One
Reading and Writing
Working with Students on
Complex Texts
Jennifer Berne and
Sophie C. Degener
Foreword by Douglas Fisher

Will transform teachers

conferencing, and more
importantly, their students writing and reading.
Laurie Elish-Piper, IRA Board of Directors,
Responding specifically to new Common Core
State Standards in reading and writing, this book
introduces a method of one-on-one interaction
that encourages teachers to focus on more ambitious goals that will deepen students skills in
comprehension and writing. This resource suggests
where conferences fit in with other important
pieces of literacy instruction; introduces a variety
of high-quality cues to use during conferences; and
shows how conferences can function as formative
2015/160 pp./PB, $32.95/5622-5


Language and Literacy Series

Teaching for Creativity

in the Common Core

Ronald A. Beghetto, James C.

Kaufman, and John Baer

Foreword by Robert J. Sternberg

This wonderful book is filled

with practical advice for
Keith Sawyer, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Based on cutting-edge psychological research on
creativity, this book debunks common misconceptions about creativity and describes how learning
environments can support both creativity and the
Common Core. It offers classroom examples, ideas,
and lesson plans for teaching English language arts
and mathematics, and includes assessments for
creativity and Common Core learning.
2015/144 pp./PB, $34.95/5615-7/HC, $86/5616-4


Talk into Text

Argument Writing, Inquiry,

and Discussion, Grades 612
Thomas M. McCann

Foreword by George Hillocks, Jr.

Writing arguments for

Common Core performance
assessments is a HUGE need
right now that this book helps

Carol Jago, associate director, California

Reading and Literature Project, UCLA

Thomas McCann invites readers to rethink their

approach to teaching writing by capitalizing on
students instinctive desire to talk. Drawing on
extensive classroom research, he shows teachers
how to craft class discussions that build students
skills of analysis, problem solving, and argumentation as a means of improving student writing. The
text includes connections to the CCSS, examples
of students at work, portraits of skilled teachers,
interview questions for students and teachers, and
2014/176 pp./PB, $31.95/5588-4


Language and Literacy Series

Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)

Why We Teach Now

Edited by Sonia Nieto

Sonia Nieto has done it again,

this time providing us with a
hopeful book featuring a collection of writings grounded in the
lived experiences of outstanding
Luis Moll,
University of Arizona
Why We Teach Now dares
to challenge current notions of what it means to
be a highly qualified teacher la No Child Left
Behind, and demonstrates the depth of commitment and care teachers bring to their work with
students, families, and communities. This sequel
to Nietos popular book, Why We Teach, features
powerful stories of classroom teachers from across
the country as they give witness to their hopes and
struggles to teach our nations children.
2015/288 pp./PB, $29.95/5587-7/HC, $68/5624-9



The Activist Learner: Inquiry, Literacy, and Service to Make Learning Matter
Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, and Sara W. Fry

Foreword by Mary Beth Tinker / Afterword by Bruce Novak

This dynamic book explores a variety of ways teachers can integrate service learning to enliven their classroom, meet the unique developmental needs of their students, and satisfy the next generation of standards and assessments. A powerful
blend of practice, theory, and inspiration, The Activist Learner includes templates
for conducting inquiry units, charts with connections to the Core and next generation standards, and a free online supplement.
2014/160 pp./PB, $32.95/5595-2Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project) ccss

You Gotta BE the Book

Teaching Engaged and Reflective Reading

with Adolescents, Second Edition
264 pp./PB, $25.95/4846-6
Copublished with the National Council of
Teachers of English (NCTE)

Teaching Literacy for Love and Wisdom

Being the Book and Being the Change

Jeffrey D. Wilhelm and Bruce Novak / Foreword by Sheridan Blau
272 pp./PB, $29.95/5236-4/HC, $60/5237-1
Copublished with the National Council of Teachers of English
(NCTE) and the National Writing Project (NWP)

Reading, Writing, and

Literacy 2.0

Teaching with Online Texts,

Tools, and Resources, K8
Denise Johnson
Foreword by Donald J. Leu

Reading, Writing, and

Literacy 2.0 provides tools
and teaching strategies for
incorporating online reading
and writing into classroom learning, as well as a
host of web resources that teachers can draw on
to make this happen. The book connects to the
Common Core State Standards and is organized
around the Technological Literacy Assessment of
the National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP). A companion blog offers ongoing support
at literacytwopointzero.blogspot.com
2014/192 pp./PB, $29.95/5529-7 ccss
large format, illustrations/photos

Copublished with IRA (International Reading Association)

Engaging Students in
Disciplinary Literacy,

Reading, Writing, and

Teaching Tools for the
Cynthia H. Brock, Virginia
J. Goatley, Taffy E. Raphael,
Elisabeth Trost-Shahata, and
Catherine M. Weber
Foreword by Annemarie
Sullivan Palincsar

This resource introduces teachers to key concepts

from current trends in literacy educationfrom
high-level standards to the use of 21st-century
literacies. Readers follow teachers as they successfully implement the curriculum they developed to
promote high-level thinking and engagement with
disciplinary content. The text focuses on three disciplinary literacy units of instruction: a 2nd-grade
science unit, a 4th-grade social studies unit, and a
6th-grade mathematics unit.
2014/160 pp./PB, $27.95/5527-3


The Bilingual

Promoting Academic
Development, Biliteracy,
and Native Language in the
Diane Rodrguez,
Angela Carrasquillo, and
Kyung Soon Lee

Foreword by
Margarita Caldern
Afterword by Chun Zhang

This comprehensive handbook describes effective

strategies for using native languages, even when
the teacher lacks proficiency in that language. The
text includes examples of programs that serve
learners from diverse language backgrounds,
including Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Haitian Creole,
Hindi, Bengali, and Russian.
2014/176 pp./PB, $30.95/5510-5large format

Reading and
Representing Across
the Content Areas

A Classroom Guide
Amy Alexandra Wilson and
Kathryn J. Chavez
Foreword by Marjorie Siegel

This groundbreaking work

redefines traditional ideas
of what a text should be,
incorporating new kinds of multimodal texts to
revitalize instruction within and across disciplines.
The authors provide examples of innovative
representations to aid learning in earth science,
language arts, mathematics, and social studies
classrooms. Each chapter focuses on a specific
content area, outlining learning goals, relevant
national standards, types of representation
that enrich learning, and teaching strategies
for developing critical literacy specific to that
2014/160 pp./PB, $37.95/5567-9/HC, $88/5571-6

Language and Literacy Series

The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series

PROFESSORSRequest Exam Copies at www.tcpress.com/form1.html

Writing Instruction
That Works

Proven Methods for Middle and

High School Classrooms
Arthur N. Applebee and Judith
A. Langer with Kristen Campbell

Wilcox, Marc Nachowitz, Michael P.

Mastroianni, and Christine Dawson

Secondary teachers should consider this a must.

California Bookwatch
Read it today. Buy a copy for every educator you know.
Carol Jago, past president, NCTE
2013/216 pp./PB, $34.95/5436-8/HC, $78/5437-5

Language and Literacy Series

Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)


2013 AESA Critics Choice Award

Multicultural Teaching
in the Early Childhood

Approaches, Strategies, and

Tools, Preschool2nd Grade
Mariana Souto-Manning

Provides teachers of young children with strategies

to lift the moment[s] when inequity or unfairness
arises in our classrooms rather than shutting
students down with our adult logic.
Language Arts
2013/168 pp./PB, $28.95/5405-4/HC,
$60/5406-1photosEarly Childhood Education Series
Copublished with Association for Childhood Education
International (ACEI)

The New Inclusion

Differentiated Strategies to Engage

ALL Students
Kathy Perez
Foreword by Lim Chye Tin

Embracing all the different needs

that teachers facefrom special education, to ELL, to a wide
spectrum of student ability and readinessthis
innovative resource combines the latest research in
brain-based teaching and student engagement with
useful interventions and differentiated strategies
2013/176 pp./PB, $29.95/5482-5
large format, illustrations


2014 NCTE David H. Russell Research

Award 2014 AESA Critics Choice

A Search Past Silence

The Literacy of Young Black Men

David E. Kirkland
Foreword by Pedro Noguera

Key chapters on language, literacy,

race, and masculinity examine how the literacies,
languages, and identities of six African American
friends are shaped by the silences of societal denial.
2013/208 pp./PB, $39.95/5407-8/HC, $78/5420-7
Language and Literacy Series

Social Studies, Literacy,

and Social Justice in the
Common Core Classroom

A Guide for Teachers

Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath

Foreword by Christine Sleeter

This book presents a unique

framework for using primary and other sources
that will offer students (grades 38) new ways of
thinking about history while meeting Language
Arts Common Core Standards, ones that take into
account teaching factors including pressures for
content coverage and preparation of students for
high-stakes tests.
2013/168 pp./PB, $31.95/5408-5
large format


The Administration and

Supervision of Reading
Fifth Edition
Shelley B. Wepner,
Dorothy S. Strickland, and
Diana J. Quatroche, Editors
Foreword by Jack Cassidy

If I were to do a column Whats Hot in Literacy/

Reading Texts, this volume would undoubtedly be at
the top of the list.
From the Foreword by Jack Cassidy,
past president, IRA
2014/256 pp./PB, $34.95/5480-1 ccss
large format, photosLanguage and Literacy Series

The Complete Guide to

Tutoring Struggling
Interventions to Purpose
and CCSS
Peter J. Fisher, Ann Bates,
and Debra J. Gurvitz
Foreword by Darrell Morris

The authors offer hands-on guidance for designing

interventions across grades K8, provide sample
tutoring plans and lessons, and describe procedures
for teaching print skills, comprehension, vocabulary,
fluency, and study skills.
2013/216 pp./PB, $29.95/5494-8 ccss

Other Peoples English

Code-Meshing, Code-Switching,
and African American Literacy
Vershawn Ashanti Young, Rusty
Barrett, YShanda Young-Rivera,
and Kim Brian Lovejoy
Foreword by Victor Villanueva

This practical resource shows

educators how to extend students abilities as
writers and thinkers and to foster inclusiveness and
creativity. The text includes activities and examples
from middle and high school as well as college.
2014/192 pp./PB, $32.95/5555-6/HC, $78/5503-7
Language and Literacy Series




Wham! Teaching with
Graphic Novels Across the

2014 Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Critical Media Pedagogy

Teaching for Achievement in City

Ernest Morrell, Rudy Dueas,
Veronica Garcia, and Jorge Lpez

William G. Brozo, Gary Moorman,

and Carla K. Meyer
Foreword by Stergios Botzakis
2013/168 pp./PB, $29.95/5495-5
Language and Literacy Series

2013/192 pp./PB, $30.95/5438-2

HC, $72/5439-9photos
Language and Literacy Series

Children, Language,
and Literacy


Inspiring Dialogue

Talking to Learn in the

English Classroom
Mary M. Juzwik, Carlin BorsheimBlack, Samantha Caughlan, and
Anne Heintz

Diverse Learners in Diverse Times

Celia Genishi and Anne Haas Dyson
2009/176 pp./PB, $25.95/4974-6
Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with NAEYC

Foreword by Martin Nystrand

2013/176 pp./PB, $30.95/5467-2/HC, ccss

$72/5468-9Language and Literacy Series



Accelerating Literacy for Diverse Learners

Strategies for the Common Core Classroom, K8

Socorro G. Herrera, Della R. Perez, Shabina K. Kavimandan, and Stephanie Wessels

In her new book, nationally known professional development consultant and

literacy expert Socorro Herrera and her colleagues provide a theoretical foundation
for culturally responsive teaching that will accelerate literacy development for all
students, and particularly for English language learners. Aligned with Common
Core State Standards, this resource provides proven-effective strategies, tools, and ideas that can
be modified for any grade level and content area. The book includes a demonstration DVD showing
the strategies in action in real classrooms.
2013/208 page book + 1-hour DVD, $33.95/5450-4


Biography-Driven Culturally Responsive Teaching

Socorro Herrera

Socorro Herrera provides a practical guide to help teachers plan and implement
more successful culturally responsive instruction using students personal/
academic/sociocultural biographies as the point of departure. Her researchbased strategies incorporate easily into any program being used by a school or
district for improved results.
2010/192 pp./PB, $31.95/5086-5large format, photos

Crossing the Vocabulary Bridge

Differentiated Strategies for Diverse Secondary Classrooms

Socorro G. Herrera, Shabina K. Kavimandan, and Melissa A. Holmes

Provides a framework for academic vocabulary and language instruction in todays

diverse classrooms, using strategies that have evolved over a decade of research
and classroom implementation to provide teachers with multiple avenues for making content and academic vocabulary both accessible and relevant for all students.
2011/208 pp./PB, $29.95/5217-3large format, photos

The Common Core State Standards

in Literacy Series

The NCRLL Collection

Approaches to Language and Literacy Research


Visit www.tcpress.com
for full series information

Visit www.tcpress.com
for full series information

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