Breath and desire mariestation - Google Dees
Breath and desire manifestation - |
Now we come to the very important topic of desire manifestation, Now, you may ask,
why have desires at all? Why not be desireless and live a peaceful life. Well, two things come to
my mind, meditation cannot be done on an empty and hungry stomach worrying about EMI's
and if all you decide to renounce, what will you renounce? Desire or rather unfulfilled desire is
‘one of the primary causes of rebirth. Of Course you need sense and action organs to chase
these desires and in the process, you create karmas, because of your sense of doership. Now,
We have to use the mind to fulfil all worldly desires and transcend it to realize the true self. Its
very important to keep in mind the following criteria before we proceed to manifestation:
Jagrat (conscious)
Swapna (sub-conscious}
Sushupti (unconscious)
Turiya (super-conscious)
Wordly desires will manifest only because of the joy you will feel after fuilment.
Do not seek for the ego i.e comparing your lack of it with another.
Do not seek against the will of another nor should it cause harm to others.
Believe that you can have it or be it.
Do not ever condemn what you are trying to seek.
Since we have to use the mind for manifestation, let
us recall the mind and the levels of consciousness. It is
important to understand this very well as the secret lies
in the gap! The conscious mind , when we are awake,
externalizes our senses and we move to the periphery of
the circle, being constantly subject to the inputs from
them. This represents what you want and what you
The sub-conscious mind is infinite and represents
what you are! So, no amount of using the conscious
mind and thinking will fulfil your desires. You may say
| am a millionaire” for several lives but you will continue
to be what you are. During the Swapna state, the senses
are intemalized. As already mentioned, there is an
interstitial gap between these two states which is God or
superconsciousness. Now, with these basics, let me proceed to steps in desire manifestation. |
am greatly influenced by Neville Goddard ( 1905-1972 ) in this method and am using yoga to
reach the state which western authors refer to as the center of consciousness.
First let us start with you:
1. Know definitely what you want : you may be surprised that majority of the people do not
know what they want and what it is that they are seeking! And by chance , even if they
knew what they wanted, their object of desire changes every day or week! What you
want is your vision or desire. This is known as “thinking of”. e.g. | want wealth. | want
happiness. Now, the unconditioned pure consciousness , | AM (AHAM) is conditioned
with the desire for wealth. So, now we say, “I AM aware of wealth”
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Breath and desire mariestation - Google Dees
2. Now that you know what you desire, step two is to determine what action indicates the
futfllment of your desire. e.g. playing with snow in Switzerland, driving the car | love,
‘opening my new house door, receiving the award , hugging my beloved, signing the
agreement, receiving the cheque and so on.
Having finalized the action you will perform when your desire is fulfiled, enact the same
in your imagination i.e use all your senses, in imagination, as you are performing the
action “here and now’. e.g. You hear your colleague say , ‘well done” or you see the
‘ocean view from the verandah, or you touch the snow and feel the cold sensation. It is,
important to imagine and feel it happening “now” in time and “here” in space and see it as
you would, in action. Do not travel to the place of action but shrink the space in between
and feel it happening now and not in the future. This is important because the universe
can only exist in the eternal now and your mind can be only in the past or the future!
In this final stage, just before going to bed, remove the pillow for spine alignment and get
into the feeling of the wish fuffiled in your imagination. Use a sankalpa or affirmation like ,
"Thank you mother for.....", "1am happy for ......", * The infinite intelligence of the
Universe has......."," Thank you lord for......". Keep on affirming the sentence in your
mind as you visualize and feel your seff in action performing the act which implies wish
fuffllment. Do this til it is very vivid and real in your imagination. So, vivid that you can
almost touch it! We will later discuss the method or sadhana to achieve this state of
awareness in dream state. Now,
| AM aware of wealth,
1AM wealthy.
|am using wealth frequently as it is the number one desire today. The blank third line
above is the most important. You cannot move from step | AM or from step AM aware of wealth
to | AM wealthy, without completing line three. And, the most important line three is | AM aware
of being wealthy. Un less you can feel different from what you already are, you will continue to
remain as you are, No amount of thinking or wish-full thinking or positive thinking will help you
unless you can change the way you feel You will be not be able to feel differently unless you
put your conscious mind to sleep and remain aware. The detailed method follows.
Please follow my blog: www breathsecrets wordpress.com for more posts.
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