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Analogies Unit 1

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Unit 1
1.1.1: The modern scientist, for
example, has created space satellites,
and by some arrangement or other,
these satellites are thrown into outer
space to fly for some time at the control
of the scientist who is far away. Similarly,
all the universes with innumerable stars
and planets are controlled by the
intelligence of the Personality of
1.1.1: In the desert mirage there is no
actual water. There is only the
appearance of water. Real water is
somewhere else. The manifested cosmic
creation appears as reality. But reality, of
which this is but a shadow, is in the
spiritual world. Absolute Truth is in the
spiritual sky, not the material sky.
1.1.1: The chief engineer of a
complicated construction does not
personally take part in the construction,
but he knows every nook and corner
because everything is done under his
direction. He knows everything about the
construction, both directly and indirectly.
Similarly, the Personality of Godhead,
who is the supreme engineer of this
cosmic creation, knows every nook and
corner, although affairs are being carried
out by demigods.

Godhead like detached branches and

leaves, is not capable of being watered,
and one attempting to do so is simply
wasting his energy and resources.
1.1.17: The material creations are
manifested for some time as perverted
shadows of the spiritual kingdom and can
be likened to cinemas. They attract
people of less intelligent caliber who are
attracted by false things
1.2.8: Without knowing the need of the
dormant soul, one cannot be happy
simply with emolument of the body and
mind. The body and the mind are but
superfluous outer coverings of the spirit
soul. The spirit soul's needs must be
fulfilled. Simply by cleansing the cage of
the bird, one does not satisfy the bird.
One must actually know the needs of the
bird himself.
1.2.23: as maintenance of the prison
house is concerned, it is done by Viu,
as much as the state prison house is
maintained by the state. Anyone,
therefore, who wishes to get out of this
prison house of material existence, which
is full of miseries like repetition of birth,
death, disease and old age, must please
Lord Viu for such liberation.

1.1.1: He is compared to a mine of gold,

and the cosmic creations in so many
different forms are compared to objects
made from the gold, such as gold rings,
necklaces and so on. The gold ring and
the gold necklace are qualitatively one
with the gold in the mine, but
quantitatively the gold in the mine is

1.2.28-29: In the prison house there are

the prisoners and the managers of the
prison house. Both the managers and the
prisoners are bound by the laws of the
king. But even though the king
sometimes comes in the prison, he is not
bound by the laws of the prison house.
The king is therefore always
transcendental to the laws of the prison
house, as the Lord is always
transcendental to the laws of the
material world.

1.1.4: Detached branches and leaves

dry up gradually despite all watering
attempts. Similarly, human society, when
it is detached from the Personality of

1.2.33: The sufferings and enjoyments

of the sons are indirectly the sufferings
and enjoyments of the father. Still the
father is not in any way affected directly

by the suffering and enjoyment of the

1.3.2: We should not expect milk from
the fleshy bags on the neck of a goat,
although they look like breastly nipples.
Similarly, we should not expect any
creative power from the material
1.3.28: When in the room small electric
bulbs are displayed, it does not mean
that the electric powerhouse is limited by
the small bulbs. The same powerhouse
can supply power to operate large-scale
industrial dynamos with greater volts.
Similarly, the incarnations of the Lord
display limited powers because so much
power is needed at that particular time.
1.3.31: When the President goes out in
his particular car, we say, "There is the
President." For the time being we identify
the car with the President. Similarly, less
intelligent men who want to see God
immediately without necessary
qualification are shown first the gigantic
material cosmos as the form of the Lord,
although the Lord is within and without.
1.3.34: The example of electrical energy
is very appropriate in this connection.
The expert electrician can utilize the
electrical energy for both heating and
cooling by adjustment only. Similarly, the
external energy, which now bewilders the
living being into continuation of birth and
death, is turned into internal potency by
the will of the Lord to lead the living
being to eternal life.
Unit 2
1.4.4: While the conditioned soul thus
dreams about spiritual engagements, the
liberated soul is awake. Similarly, the
engagement of a conditioned soul
appears to be a dream for the liberated

1.5.10: Those words which do not

describe the glories of the Lord are
considered by saintly persons to be like
unto a place of pilgrimage for crows. /
decorative language full of mundane
similes and metaphorical arrangements.
Yet with all that, they do not glorify the
Lord. Such poetry and prose.. is
considered decoration of a dead body
1.5.15: The expert physician does not
make any compromise with the patient
by allowing him to take partially what he
should not at all take Vedic literatures
on the basis of regulated performances
of fruitive activities.
1.5.33: Milk preparations sometimes
cause disorder of the bowels, but the
very same milk converted into curd and
mixed with some other remedial
ingredients cures such disorders.
Activities have to be spiritualized, just as
by fire iron is made red-hot..make the
best use of a bad bargain use everything
in relation with the supreme spiritual
being. Similarly, the material conception
of a thing is at once changed as soon as
it is put into the service of the Lord.
1.6.20: we cannot demand the sun to
rise whenever we like. The sun rises out
of his own accord; so also the Lord is
pleased to be present out of His
causeless mercy.
1.6.27: Nrada met with death as
lightning & illumination occur
Even before death, a pure devotee has
no material affection, due to his body's
being spiritualized like a red-hot iron in
contact with fire.
1.6. 33: the Lord, at once He becomes
visible to the transcendental eyes of the
pure devotee by reflecting Himself on the
mirror of the heart by spiritual television.

1.6. 35: The senses want some

engagement. To check them artificially is
no check at all because as soon as there
is some opportunity for enjoyment, the
serpent like senses will certainly take
advantage of it.
1.7.4: The internal energy is there along
with the Absolute Person as the
moonlight is there with the moon.
1.7.5: An affectionate father does not
like his children to be chastised by
another agent, yet he puts his
disobedient children under the custody of
a severe man just to bring them to
order.The king puts the disobedient
citizens within the walls of the jail, but
sometimes the king, desiring the
prisoners' relief, personally goes there
and pleads for reformation, and on his
doing so the prisoners are set free.
Similarly, the Supreme Lord descends
from His kingdom upon the kingdom of
illusory energy and personally gives relief
in the form of the Bhagavad-gt

obligation. He is just like the sandalwood

that grows in the Malaya hills. Trees can
grow anywhere and everywhere, yet
because the sandalwood trees grow
mostly in the area of the Malaya hills, the
name sandalwood and the Malaya hills
are interrelated.
1.8.44: No amount of chosen words is
sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory,
and yet He is satisfied by such prayers as
the father is satisfied even by the broken
linguistic attempts of the growing child.
1.9.17: The popular saying is that a
housewife teaches the daughter-in-law
by teaching the daughter. Similarly, the
Lord teaches the world by teaching the
1.9.34: r Bhmadeva throwing of
sharp arrows at the transcendental body
of the Lord is as good as the worship of
another devotee who throws soft roses
upon Him.

Unit 3
1.7.23: Darkness is a perverse
representation of the sun, and therefore
the existence of darkness depends on
the existence of the sun, but in the sun
proper there is no trace of darkness.

1.9.34: the wounds created on the body

of the Lord by the sharpened arrows of
Bhmadeva were as pleasing to the
Lord as the biting of a fiancee who bites
the body of the Lord directed by a strong
sense of sex desire. (r Vivantha
Cakravart hkura)

1.8.25: A man may see a tiger

swallowing him in a dream, and he may
cry for this calamity. Actually there is no
tiger and there is no suffering; it is simply
a case of dreams. In the same way, all
calamities of life are said to be dreams

1.9.35: By executing the order of a

devotee, the Lord becomes pleased, as a
father is pleased to carry out the order of
his small child.
Unit 4

1.8.29: He is never partial, as much as

the sun is never partial to anyone. By
utilizing the sun rays, sometimes even
the stones become valuable, whereas a
blind man cannot see the sun, although
there are enough sun rays before him.
1.8.32: He is known as Ydava,
Yaduvra, Yadunandana, etc., although
the Lord is always independent of such

1.10.21: When a man is asleep at night,

he forgets himself, what he is, what his
duty is and everything of his waking
state. But as soon as he awakens from
slumber, he remembers all that he has to
do and thus engages himself again in his
prescribed activities. The living beings
also remain merged in the body of MahViu during the period of annihilation,

but as soon as there is another creation

they arise to take up their unfinished
1.10.25: The material world is created to
satisfy the whims of the nitya-baddha, or
everlasting conditioned souls, just as
naughty boys are provided with playing
1.11.2: The white and fat-boweled
conchshell, being gripped by the hand of
Lord Ka and sounded by Him,
appeared to be reddened by the touch of
His transcendental lips. It seemed that a
white swan was playing in the stems of
red lotus flowers.
1.11.3: The citizens of Dvrak were
thus in a state of melancholy due to the
Lord's absence from the transcendental
city, as much as we are put in a state of
melancholy at night because of the
absence of the sun.
1.11.4: The citizens arrived before the
Lord with their respective presentations,
offering them to the fully satisfied and
self-sufficient one, who, by His own
potency, incessantly supplies others.
These presentations were like the
offering of a lamp to the sun.
1.11.34: The fire in the forest takes
place automatically by the force of the
air, and similarly the hostility between
different groups of politicians takes place
by the unseen design of the Lord
1.13.17: a hungry man cannot be made
happy by all comforts of life minus
foodstuff, so the man hungry for eternal
absolute happiness cannot be satisfied
by any amount of material happiness.
1.13.29: A cloud in the sky undoubtedly
appears to be a reality because it rains,
and due to rains so many temporary
green things appear, but in the ultimate
issue, everything disappears, namely the
cloud, rain and green vegetation, all in

due course. But the sky remains, and the

varieties of sky or luminaries also remain
forever. Similarly, the Absolute Truth,
which is compared to the sky, remains
eternally, and the temporary cloudlike
illusion comes and goes away.
1.13.42: As a cow, bound through the
nose by a long rope, is conditioned, so
also human beings are bound by different
Vedic injunctions and are conditioned to
obey the orders of the Supreme.
Unit 5
1.14.1: Therefore, during the personal
presence of the Lord on the earth, all
paraphernalia for our peace and
prosperity, especially religion and
knowledge, were in full display because
of the Lord's presence, just as there is a
full flood of light in the presence of the
glowing sun.
1.14.33: This dependence of the
liberated soul is constitutional, for the
liberated souls are like sparks of a fire
that are able to exhibit the glow of fire
along with the fire and not independently.
1.14.34: A society devoid of cow
protection and brahminical culture is not
under the direct protection of the Lord,
just as the prisoners in the jails are not
under the protection of the king but
under the protection of a severe agent of
the king.
1.14.38: A forgetful, conditioned soul is
fearful. But a liberated soul is never
fearful, just as a small child completely
dependent on the mercy of his father is
never fearful of anyone.
1.15. 33: The setting of the sun does not
mean the end of the sun. It means that
the sun is out of our sight. Similarly, the
end of the mission of the Lord on a
particular planet or universe only means
that He is out of our sight.

1.15. 21: All electrical energies are

received from the powerhouse, and as
soon as the powerhouse stops supplying
energy, the bulbs are of no use. In a
moment's time such energies can be
generated or withdrawn by the supreme
will of the Lord.
1.15. 21:Material civilization without the
blessing of the Lord is child's play only.
As long as the parents allow the child to
play, it is all right. As soon as the parents
withdraw, the child has to stop.
1.15. 50: When flying an airplane, one
cannot take care of other planes.
Everyone has to take care of his own
plane, and if there is any danger, no
other plane can help another in that
condition. Similarly, at the end of life,
when one has to go back home, back to
Godhead, everyone has to take care of
himself without help rendered by
1.16.2: The kings used to spend lavishly
during such sacrifices, as a cloud
distributes rains. A cloud is nothing but
another form of water, or, in other words,
the waters of the earth transform into
clouds. Similarly, the charity made by the
kings in such sacrifices are but another
form of the taxes collected from the
1.16.10: In the rainy season, rain is
predestined, and yet people take
precautions to protect themselves.
Similarly, in the age of Kali the symptoms
as above mentioned are sure to infiltrate
into social life, but it is the duty of the
state to save the citizens from the
association of the agents of the age of
1.16.20: The demigods are pleased
when such sacrifices are performed, just
as prison officers are satisfied when the
prisoners are turned into obedient

1.17.10: When there is some

disturbance caused by wild animals in a
village or town, the police or others take
action to kill them. Similarly, it is the duty
of the government to kill at once all bad
social elements such as thieves, dacoits
and murderers.
1.17.24: Moths are captivated by the
glaring brightness of light, and thus they
become prey to the fire. Similarly, the
deluding energy is always captivating the
conditioned souls to become prey to the
fire of delusion.
1.17.28: In the rainy season certainly
there will be profuse rainfalls, but that
does not mean that men should not take
means to protect themselves from the
rains. It is the duty of the executive
heads of state and others to take all
necessary actions against the activities
of Kali or the persons influenced by the
age of Kali;
1.18.12: They were factually perceiving
the result of hearing these
transcendental activities. One can feel
this practically, as one can feel the result
of eating food.
1.18.22: Hasas, or swans, accept only
milk out of a mixture of milk and water.
Similarly, those who accept the service of
the Lord instead of my's service are
called the paramahasas.
1.18.23: As the birds fly in the sky as far
as their capacity allows, so do the
learned devotees describe the Lord as far
as their realization allows.
1.19.16: As a good son of the father
behaves in a friendly way with all his
other brothers, so also the devotee of the
Lord, being a good son of the supreme
father, Lord Ka, sees all other living
beings in relation with the supreme

1.19.23: In the material world these

attributes (up to seventy-eight percent of
the Lord's attributes) are covered by the
material energy, as the sun is covered by
a cloud. The covered strength of the sun
is very dim, compared to the original
glare, and similarly the original color of
the living beings with such attributes
becomes almost extinct.
1.19.25: As doctors differ, so also sages
differ in their different prescriptions.
1.19.30: ukadeva Gosvm was then
surrounded by saintly sages and
demigods just as the moon is surrounded
by stars, planets and other heavenly
Unit 6
2.1.1: The topics of Lord Ka are so
auspicious that they purify the speaker,
the hearer and the inquirer. They are
compared to the Ganges waters, which
flow from the toe of Lord Ka.
Wherever the Ganges waters go, they
purify the land and the person who
bathes in them.
2.1.4: The great ocean of material
nature is tossing with the waves of time,
and the so-called living conditions are
something like foaming bubbles, which
appear before us as bodily self, wife,
children, society, countrymen, etc.
2.1.8: One has to be admitted to the
medical college and study the books
under the guidance of learned
professors. Similarly, rmadBhgavatam, the postgraduate study of
the science of Godhead, can only be
learned by studying it at the feet of a
realized soul like rla Vysadeva.
2.1.15: After death one forgets
everything about the present bodily
relations; we have a little experience of

this at night when we go to sleep. While

sleeping, we forget everything about this
body and bodily relations, although this
forgetfulness is a temporary situation for
only a few hours.
2.2.7: In the Vedas it is said that persons
who are attached to demigods to the
exclusion of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead are like the animals who follow
the herdsman even though they are
taken to the slaughterhouse.
2.2.12: As a person feels his hunger
satisfied after eating each morsel of
foodstuff, he must similarly be able to
see the degree to which he has been
freed from sex desire.
2.2.27: It is said that one should become
a brhmaa before one can understand
the Vedic statements, and this stricture is
as important as the stricture that no one
shall become a lawyer who has not
qualified himself as a graduate.
2.2.31: The impersonalists may be
compared to certain species of fish, who,
being born in the rivers and rivulets,
migrate to the great ocean. They cannot
stay in the ocean indefinitely, for their
urge for sense gratification brings them
back to the rivers and streams to spawn.
2.3.17: As a highly potent drug injected
intravenously acts at once on the whole
body, the transcendental topics of the
Lord injected through the ear of the pure
devotee of the Lord can act very
2.3.19: Men who are like dogs, hogs,
camels and asses p. the so-called
educated persons move like dogs from
door to door with applications for some
service Persons who have no
discrimination in the matter of foodstuff
and who eat all sorts of rubbish are
compared to hogs The thorns, mixed
with fresh blood, create a taste for the
foolish camel. Similarly, the great

business magnates eat the thorny

results of their actions mixed with their
own blood... In this age the human being
is actually engaged in the work of an ass.
2.3.20: considered to possess earholes
like the holes of snakes and a tongue like
the tongue of a frog. The human tongue
is especially given for chanting the Vedic
hymns and not for croaking like frogs..
Similarly, the tongue will be
considered a prostitute when engaged in
chanting some mundane nonsense.
2.3.21: The upper portion of the body,
though crowned with a silk turban, is only
a heavy burden if not bowed down before
the Personality of Godhead And the
hands... are like those of a dead man if
not engaged in the service of the
Personality of Godhead Hari.
2.3.22: The eyes which do not look at
the symbolic representations of the
Personality of Godhead Viu are like
those printed on the plumes of the
peacock, and the legs which do not move
to the holy places are considered to be
like tree trunks.
2.4.5: When a hungry man is given food
to eat, he feels satiation of hunger and
the pleasure of dining simultaneously.
Thus he does not have to ask whether he
has actually been fed or not. The crucial
test of hearing rmad-Bhgavatam is
that one should get positive
enlightenment by such an act.
2.4.6: The common man also knows that
the creation is made by some creator and
is not created automatically. We have no
experience in the practical world that a
thing is created automatically. Foolish
people say that the creative energy is
independent and acts automatically, as
electrical energy works. But the
intelligent man knows that even the
electrical energy is generated by an

expert engineer in the localized

2.4.10: The expansions of different
forms of the Lord, as from Ka to
Baladeva to Sakaraa, and
innumerable other forms, which are
compared to the constant flowing of the
uncountable waves of a river, are all one
and the same. They are like lamps of
equal power which kindle from one lamp
to another
2.5.5: The best example of selfsufficiency is the sun. The sun does not
require to be illuminated by any other
body Nrada compared the position of
Brahm to the self-sufficiency of the
spider, who creates its own field of
activities without any other's help by
employment of its own energetic creation
of saliva.
2.5.10: The frog in the well logic
illustrates that a frog residing in the
atmosphere and boundary of a well
cannot imagine the length and breadth of
the gigantic ocean Similarly, the
material scientists also want to challenge
the inconceivable potency of the Lord by
measuring Him with their froglike brains
and their scientific achievements
2.5.11: Just as the small seed of a
banyan fruit has the potency to create a
big banyan tree, the Lord disseminates
all varieties of seeds by His potential
brahmajyoti (sva-roci), and the seeds
are made to develop by the watering
process of persons like Brahm just as
a gardener helps plants and orchards to
grow by the watering process.
2.5.18: In other words, the material
modes of nature, being products of the
energy of the Lord, are certainly
connected with the Lord, but the
connection is just like that between the
master and the servants.

2.5.21: As the rainy season appears and

disappears regularly, the creation takes
place and is again annihilated under the
control of the Lord.
Unit 7
2.6.6: The obedient son of the father
never goes against the will of the father
and therefore passes life very peacefully
in concurrence with the head of the
family, the father. Similarly, the Lord
being the father, all living beings should
fully and satisfactorily discharge the duty
and will of the father, as faithful sons.
2.6.17: The sun illuminates both
internally and externally by expanding its
radiation; similarly, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, by expanding His
universal form, maintains everything in
the creation both internally and
2.6.22: The ekapd-vibhti
manifestation of the material energy of
the Lord is just like one of the many
mistresses of the Lord, by whom the Lord
is not so much attracted
2.6.37: As the mother is the only
authority to identify the father of a child,
so the mother Vedas, presented by the
recognized authority such as Brahm,
Nrada or iva, is the only authority to
inform us about the Absolute Truth.
2.7.48: In such a transcendental state
there is no need of artificial control of the
mind, mental speculation or meditation,
as performed by the jns and yogs.
One gives up such processes, as the
heavenly King, Indra, forgoes the trouble
to dig a well.
2.8.3: Lord Ka is like the sun, and
material contamination is like darkness.
As the presence of the sun dissipates
darkness, constant engagement in the
association of the Lord r Ka frees

one from the contamination of the

material qualities.
2.8.5: The sound incarnation of Lord
Ka, the Supreme Soul [i.e. rmadBhgavatam], enters into the heart of a
self-realized devotee, sits on the lotus
flower of his loving relationship, and thus
cleanses the dust of material association,
such as lust, anger and hankering. Thus
it acts like autumnal rains upon pools of
muddy water.
2.8.6: A pure devotee of the Lord whose
heart has once been cleansed by the
process of devotional service never
relinquishes the lotus feet of Lord Ka,
for they fully satisfy him, as a traveler is
satisfied at home after a troubled
2.8.21: Living the conditional life is just
like plying a boat in the middle of the
ocean. One is completely at the mercy of
the ocean, and at every moment there is
every chance of being drowned in the
ocean by slight agitation. If the
atmosphere is all right, the boat can ply
very easily, undoubtedly, but if there is
some storm, fog, wind or cloud, there is
every possibility of being drowned in the
2.9.1: The child cries to have the moon
from the mother, and the mother gives
the child a mirror to satisfy the crying
and disturbing child with the reflection of
the moon. Similarly, the crying child of
the Lord is given over to the reflection,
the material world.
2.9.2: The living entity's desiring is like
dreaming of a golden mountain. A person
knows what a mountain is, and he knows
also what gold is. Out of his desire only,
he dreams of a golden mountain, and
when the dream is over he sees
something else in his presence. He finds
in his awakened state that there is

neither gold nor a mountain, and what to

speak of a golden mountain.
2.9.28: But all such agents and creative
energies are emanations from the Lord,
and as such there is nothing except the
Lord, or the one supreme source of
different diversities. The exact example is
the spider and spider's web. The web is
created by the spider, and it is
maintained by the spider, and as soon as
the spider likes, the whole thing is wound
up within the spider.
2.10.43: This creation is very
appropriately compared to clouds. Clouds
are created or situated in the sky, and
when they are displaced they remain in
the same sky without manifestation.
2.10.51: The best lawyer gives evidence
from the past judgment of the court
without taking much trouble to establish
his case. This is called the parampar
system, and learned authorities follow it
without manufacturing rubbish
Unit 8
3.1.9: The message of Godhead is
always like nectar to the devotees, but it
is just the opposite to the nondevotees.
Sugar candy is always sweet to a healthy
man, but it tastes very bitter to persons
suffering from jaundice.
3.1.14: It is said that giving good
counsel to a foolish person causes the
fool to become angry, just as feeding
milk to a snake only increases its
venomous poison.
3.1.18:If one puts letters in postboxes
authorized by the general post office, the
function of carrying letters is performed
without a doubt. Similarly, the arc-mrti
can also deliver the same unlimited
potency of the Lord as when He is
personally present.

3.1. 21: At the place of pilgrimage at

Prabhsa, it came to his knowledge that
all his relatives had died due to violent
passion, just as an entire forest burns
due to fire produced by the friction of
bamboos. See SB 3.4.2 ; SB 3.24.27
3.2.8.The urine of a cow is salty, and
according to yur-vedic medicine the
cow's urine is very effective in treating
patients suffering from liver trouble. Such
patients may not have any experience of
the cow's milk because milk is never
given to liver patients. But the liver
patient may know that the cow has milk
also, although he has never tasted it.
Similarly, men who have experience only
of this tiny planet where the saltwater
ocean exists may take information from
the revealed scriptures that there is also
an ocean of milk, although we have
never seen it.
3.2.8. From this ocean of milk the moon
was born, but the fish in the milk ocean
could not recognize that the moon was
not another fish and was different from
them. The fish took the moon to be one
of them or maybe something
illuminating, but nothing more. The
unfortunate persons who do not
recognize Lord Ka are like such fish
3.2.15. As electricity is generated by
friction of matter anywhere and
everywhere, the Lord, being allpervading, appears because of the
friction of devotees and nondevotees.
3.2.30. Children play with toy lions,
elephants, boars and many similar dolls,
which are broken by the children in the
course of their playing with them. Before
the Almighty Lord, any powerful living
being is just like a toy lion in the hands of
a playing child.
3.3.21: Lord Ka is just like the moon
and the internal potential damsels are
like the stars around the moon.

3.4.8 The material energies represented

by the banyan tree are all products of His
external potency and are therefore kept
to His back. And because this particular
universe is the smallest of all, the banyan
tree is therefore designated as small, or
as a child.
3.5.5: Thinking material nature to be
independent is like seeking milk from the
nipplelike bags on the neck of a goat.
3.5.10: As fire is never satisfied in its
consumption of firewood, so a pure
devotee of the Lord never hears enough
about Ka.
3.5.24: Although the creation of the
internal potency was manifested, the
other potency appeared to be sleeping,
and the Lord wanted to awaken her to
activity, just as a husband wants to
awaken his wife from the sleeping state
for enjoyment.
3.5.47: The devotees derive more
transcendental pleasure while engaged
continuously in the service of the Lord
than when they have no such
engagement. In the family combination
of a man and a woman there is much
labor and responsibility for both of them,
yet when they are single they feel more
trouble for want of their united activities.
3.5.51: As some of the old prisoners in
government jails are entrusted with some
responsible work of prison management,
so the demigods are improved
conditioned souls acting as
representatives of the Lord in the
material creation.
3.6.39: A small banyan fruit contains
thousands of small seeds, and each seed
holds the potency of another tree, which
again holds the potency of many millions
of such fruits as causes and effects. But
the speculators can never appreciate the

simple potential activities of the banyan

Unit 9
3.7.2: Prison rules apply to prisoners but
not the king, who visits the prison out of
good will.
3.7.9: The sun is all light and though
clouds, darkness and snowfall come from
it, it is aloof. Clouds, darkness, and
snowfall can cover some of the sun rays,
but never the whole sun.
3.7.11: Material taints cause soul to
seem to quiver like the moons reflection
on water.
3.7.13: Artificially stopping a
mischievous child is not the real remedy.
The child must be given some better
engagement so that he will automatically
stop causing mischief. In the same way,
the mischievous activities of the senses
can be stopped only by better
engagement in relation with the Supreme
Personality of Godhead.
3.9.6: If a snake has its poison removed
and bites a man, there is no fatal effect.
Similarly, wealth accumulated in the
cause of the Lord has no poisonous
teeth,..effect is not fatal.
3.9.12: .. the nondevotees commit
offense after offense, to both the Lord
and His pure devotees engaged in
missionary work. As a result of such acts,
they become as barren as an alkaline
field, where there is no strength to
3.10.12 (Material world) is something
like the tape-recorded voice of a person
who is now separated from the voice. As
the tape recording is situated on the
tape, so the whole cosmic manifestation
is situated on the material energy and
appears separate by means of kla.

3.12.31: The sun evaporates water from

filthy places and yet is not infected with
the quality of the filth. Similarly, Brahm
remains unimpeachable in all conditions.
Unit 10
3.13.40: As a lotus flower with leaves is
very beautifully situated, so the world,
with its many beautiful mountains,
appeared on the tusks of the Lord Boar.
3.14.20: The bodily senses are
considered plunderers of the fort of the
body. The wife is supposed to be the
commander of the fort, and therefore
whenever there is an attack on the body
by the senses, it is the wife who protects
the body from being smashed.
3.14.25: Although seen by the police, a
criminal is sometimes not immediately
punished; the police wait for the proper
time to apprehend him. The forbidden
time for sexual intercourse would be
noted by Lord iva, and Diti would meet
with proper punishment by giving birth to
a child of ghostly character or a godless
3.14.10: Diti, frankly said that her whole
body was distressed by sex desire
because of her husband's presence, just
as a banana tree is troubled by a mad
3.15.8: Sense gratification is just like
salt. One cannot take too much or too
little, but one must take some salt in
order to make ones foodstuff palatable.
3.15.33: just as in a machine there are
hundreds and thousands of parts yet
they run in harmony to fulfill the function
of the machine, in the Vaikuha planets
the Lord is perfect, and the inhabitants
also perfectly engage in the service of
the Lord.

3.15.39:To commit an offense against a

devotee is very dangerous in devotional
service. Lord Caitanya therefore said that
an offense to a devotee is just like a mad
elephant run loose; when a mad elephant
enters a garden, it tramples all the
plants. Similarly, an offense unto the feet
of a pure devotee murders one's position
in devotional service.
3.15.49: the holes of the ears are like
the sky. As the sky can never be filled up,
the quality of the ear is such that one
may go on pouring in vibrations of
various kinds, yet it is capable of
receiving more and more vibrations.
3.16.5: A wrong act committed by a
servant leads people in general to blame
his master, just as a spot of white leprosy
on any part of the body pollutes all of the
3.16.23: When there is a fight between
two persons, each of them protects the
upper part of his bodythe head, the
arms and the belly. Similarly, for the
actual advancement of human
civilization, the best part of the social
body, namely the brhmaas, the
katriyas and vaiyas (the intelligent
class of men, the military class and the
mercantile men) should be given special
3.16.26: It was the Lord's desire to send
them (Jaya and Vijaya) to the material
world, not perpetually, but for some time.
Therefore, just as on a theatrical stage
someone takes the part of enemy to the
proprietor of the stage, although the play
is for a short time and there is no
permanent enmity between the servant
and the proprietor, so the sura janas
(devotees) were cursed by the sages to
go to the asura jana, or atheistic families.
3.18.6: But seeing that the earth on the
ends of His tusks was frightened, He rose
out of the water just as an elephant

emerges with its female companion when

assailed by an alligator.
3.18.24: the Lord could have killed the
demon at once, but He played with him
in the same way as a child plays with a
snake before killing it.
3.19.16: Hit in this manner by the
demon, O Vidura, the Lord, who had
appeared as the first boar, did not feel
the least quaking in any part of His body,
any more than an elephant would when
struck with a wreath of flowers.
3.18.13: The demon, being thus
challenged by the Personality of
Godhead, became angry and agitated,
and he trembled in anger like a
challenged cobra.
3.18.19: In their eagerness to win, they
performed maneuvers of various kinds,
and their contest looked like an
encounter between two forceful bulls for
the sake of a cow.
3.19.13: He now took a trident which
was as rapacious as a flaming fire and
hurled it against the Lord, the enjoyer of
all sacrifices, even as one would use
penance for a malevolent purpose
against a holy brhmaa.
3.19.26: His arms and legs broken and
the hair on his head scattered, he fell
down dead, like a gigantic tree uprooted
by the wind.
Unit 11
3.20.17: Just as a highly posted
manager is almost as independent as the
owner of a firm, Brahm is described
here as independent because, as the
Lord's representative to control the
universe, he is almost as powerful and
independent as the Lord

3.20.35: A patient is advised by the

experienced physician to refrain from
ordinary enjoyment while in the diseased
condition. A diseased person cannot
enjoy anything; he has to restrain his
enjoyment in order to get rid of the
disease. Similarly, our material condition
is a diseased condition. If one wants to
enjoy real sense enjoyment, then one
must get free of the entanglement of
material existence.
3.20.36: As moths at night surround a
fire and are killed, so the demons
become victims of the movements of the
ball-like breasts of a beautiful woman.
The scattered hair of a beautiful woman
also afflicts the heart of a lusty demon.
3.21.32: Every candle has the full
potential candlepower, but there is still
the distinction that one candle is the
first, another the second, another the
third and another the fourth. Similarly,
there is no difference between the
immediate expansion of the Lord and His
secondary expansion.
3.21.32: Even if a gem just taken from a
mine looks unpolished, the luster of the
gem cannot be stopped. Similarly,
although Kardama was not properly
dressed and his body was not properly
cleansed, his overall appearance was
3.21.54: They are like the sun (The
divisions of varas and ramas), a
creation of God, and therefore will
remain. Either covered by clouds or in a
clear sky, the sun will continue to exist.
Similarly, when the varrama system
becomes degraded, it appears as a
hereditary caste system
3.22.4. One man thinks that the sun is
on his head only, whereas five thousand
miles away another man is thinking that
the sun is only on his head. Similarly, the
Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, is one, but He appears to

individually oversee each individual soul.
3.22.35. As freshly prepared food is very
tasteful but if kept for three or four hours
becomes stale and tasteless, so the
existence of material enjoyment can
endure as long as life is fresh, but at the
fag end of life everything becomes
tasteless, and everything appears to be
vain and painful.
3.24.6: Fire is already present in wood,
but by a certain process, fire is kindled.
Similarly, God is all-pervading. He is
everywhere, and since He may come out
from everything, He appeared in His
devotee's semen.
3.24.13: As a man cannot separate his
life from his body, a disciple cannot
separate the order of the spiritual master
from his life.
3.24.39: Since the sunshine is the luster
of the sun planet, by seeing the sun one
automatically sees the sunshine;
similarly, by seeing the Supreme
Personality of Godhead one
simultaneously sees and experiences the
Paramtm feature as well as the
impersonal Brahman feature of the
3.24.41: Alone in a field, if one falls into
a blind well and no one is there to save
him, he may cry for years, and no one
will see or hear where the crying is
coming from. Death is sure. Similarly,
those who are forgetful of their eternal
relationship with the Supreme Lord are in
the blind well of family life; their position
is very ominous.
Unit 12
3.25.18: As the contamination of the
germs of a particular disease can
influence a weaker person, similarly the
influence of material nature, or illusory

energy, can act on the weaker, or

conditioned, soul but not on the liberated
3.26.9: Prakti is connected with both
the Supreme Lord and the living entities,
just as a woman is connected with her
husband as a wife and with her children
as a mother.
3.26.9: An analogy may be made with
the father and mother: the mother and
the father exist, but sometimes the
mother begets children. Similarly, this
cosmic manifestation, which comes from
the unmanifest material nature of the
Supreme Lord, sometimes appears and
again disappears.
3.26.17: As a woman cannot produce
children unless impregnated by a man,
material nature cannot produce or
manifest anything unless it is
impregnated by the Supreme Personality
of Godhead in the form of the time factor.
3.26.17: As in the womb of a mother a
child gradually grows different bodily
parts, so in the universal womb the
universal form of the Lord gives rise to
the creation of various paraphernalia.
3.27.1: As the reflection of the sun
appears to be on the water but is many
millions of miles away from the water, so
one engaged in the bhakti-yoga process
is nirgua, or unaffected by the qualities
of material nature.
3.27.12: The room is dark, and the sun
is far away in the sky, but the sun's
reflection on the water illuminates the
darkness of the room. A pure devotee
can realize the presence of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead in everything by
the reflection of His energy.
3.27.14: The example given by Jva
Gosvm is that a green bird that enters
a green tree appears to merge in the

color of greenness, but actually the bird

does not lose its individuality.
3.27.20: there is no benefit in husking
the skin of an empty paddy; the rice is
already gone. Similarly, simply by the
speculative process one cannot be freed
from material bondage, for the cause still
3.27.21: As long as one does not
commit criminal acts, even though there
is a police department, he is not
punished. Similarly, the liberated soul is
not affected, although he is in the
material nature
3.28.10: One can purify the mind either
by the breathing process or by the
chanting process, just as one can purify
gold by putting it in a fire and fanning it
with a bellows.
3.28.25: Just as a child is connected to
his mother by the umbilical cord, so the
first-born living creature, Brahm, by the
supreme will of the Lord, is connected to
the Lord by a lotus stem.
3.28.28:The Supreme Lord keeps on His
neck those living entities who are pure,
as one protects the jewels and pearls on
the bosom and neck of one's body.
3.29.20: As a breeze carrying a pleasant
fragrance from a garden of flowers at
once captures the organ of smell, so
one's consciousness, saturated with
devotion, can at once capture the
transcendental existence of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, who, in His
Paramatma feature, is present
everywhere, even in the heart of every
living being.
3.29.24: Many valuable foodstuffs may
be presented to a person, but if the
person is not hungry, all such offerings
are useless for him. Similarly, we may
offer many valuable items to the Deity,
but if we have no real sense of devotion
and no real sense of the Lord's presence

everywhere.. in such a state of

ignorance, we cannot offer anything
acceptable to the Lord.
3.29.35: When the poor man dovetails
his desires with those of the rich man
then the enjoyment is shared equally
when the living entity enters into the
kingdom of God and cooperates with the
Supreme Lord by giving Him enjoyment,
he enjoys the same facility or the same
amount of pleasure as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead.
Unit 12.2
3.30.1: As a mass of clouds does not
know the powerful influence of the wind,
a person engaged in material
consciousness does not know the
powerful strength of the time factor, by
which he is being carried.
3.30.8: Family life within the kingdom of
illusory energy, maya, is just like a prison
for the eternal living entity. In prison a
prisoner is shackled by iron chains and
iron bars. Similarly, a conditioned soul is
shackled by the charming beauty of a
woman, by her solitary embraces and
talks of so-called love, and by the sweet
words of his small children.
3.30.13: Seeing him unable to support
them, his wife and others do not treat
him with the same respect as before,
even as miserly farmers do not accord
the same treatment to their old and
worn-out oxen.
3.30.32: When a man steals some
money, if he is caught and agrees to
return it, he is not freed from the criminal
punishment. By the law of the state,
even though he returns the money, he
has to undergo the punishment.
Similarly, the money earned by a criminal
process may be left by the man when
dying, but by superior arrangement he
carries with him the effect, and therefore
he has to suffer hellish life.

3.31.19: The evolutionary process of

different types of bodies is something like
that of a fructifying flower. Just as there
are different stages in the growth of a
flower -- the bud stage, the blooming
stage and the full -- fledged, grown-up
stage of aroma and beauty -- similarly,
there are 8,400,000 species of bodies in
gradual evolution, and there is
systematic progress from the lower
species of life to the higher.
3.31.40: .one who associates with such
my(form of woman) by accepting
services must certainly know that this is
the way of death, just like a blind well
covered with grassSometimes it
happens that a rejected well is covered
by grass, and an unwary traveler who
does not know of the existence of the
well falls down, and his death is assured.
3.31.42: A woman, therefore, should
consider her husband, her house and her
children to be the arrangement of the
external energy of the Lord for her death,
just as the sweet singing of the hunter is
death for the deer.
3.31.44: Materialistic life involves a
series of actions and reactions. It is a
long film spool of actions and reactions,
and one life-span is just a flash in such a
reactionary show.
3.32.34-36: A hungry man feels
strength and satisfaction from eating,

and at the same time he gradually

becomes detached from eating any
more. Similarly, with the execution of
devotional service, real knowledge
develops, and one becomes detached
from all material activities.
3.33.6: Sri Sanatana Gosvami: "As a
base metal like bell metal can be
changed into gold by a chemical process,
any person can similarly be changed into
a brahmana by diksa-vidhana, the
initiation process".
3.33.7: If one is seated on the bench of
a high-court and is giving judgment on
cases, it means that he has already
passed all legal exams and is better than
those who are engaged in the study of
law ... In a similar way, persons who are
chanting the holy name are
transcendental to those who are factually
performing the Vedic rituals and those
who expect to be qualified.
3.33.28: It is customary in the
renounced order of life that one should
not take any service from a servant or
maid, but Devahuti was being served by
the celestial maidservants. This may
appear to be against the spiritual
concept of life, but just as fire is still
beautiful even when surrounded by
smoke, she looked completely pure
although it seemed that she was living in
a luxurious way.

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