Tribological Prop
Tribological Prop
Tribological Prop
advantages related to chemical resistance, low weights and because they are
easy to shape, nevertheless, they also have lower thermal conductivity, and
size limitations compared with metals.
Due to their disadvantages, components as gears, bearings and coatings of
machine tools, manufactured from plastic materials are commonly used within
systems which do not conduct high powers and great compulsions.
I the present study four polymeric materials which can be used as bearing
material were tested, in order to examine their friction and wear
En esta parte hablas unas dos o tres lneas de lo que hicieron los autores
anteriores, bsicamente resumes el material, lo que midieron y el resultado,
est dividido en cada prrafo, es un asunto bien repetitivo. Por eso no te lo
Seabra and Baptista.
Unal and Mimaroglu
The experiments were carried out under dry conditions. (aqu das las
especificaciones del eje usado y el montaje, exactamente como lo dicen en el
artculo). The experiments were conducted in two groups.
In the first group of experiments, friction torque was measured at the bearing
at different fixed sliding speeds and bearing loads. This was made in order to
measure coefficients of friction and friction forces.
The second group was carried out at a fixed sliding speed of 1,57 m/s and a
bearing load of 95 N. Under these conditions the bearing were operated for
about 8 hours, friction torque was measured every 15 mins and the wear value
every hour.
Mk, habla de los materiales, principalmente de los tipos de piezas que se
fabrican con cada uno, de sus resistencias y principales propiedades fsicas, no
te extiendas mucho en esta parte. (Lo que yo escriba no va a estar mejor
explicado que en el artculo).
Aqu habla de las grficas, la interpretacin te toca hacerla a ti, sin embargo, te
puedes ayudar de las conclusiones, en vez de decirlas al final las dices aqu
1. When examining friction coefficient changes with sliding speed, it was
observed that since the increased sliding speed caused the increase of surface
heat and the heat resulted in the escalation of friction coefficient, the increased
sliding speed led the friction coefficient of four different plastic materials to be
augmented. The increase in heat leads to the formation of a transfer film layer
on the shaft. This layer is formed with the increasing sliding speed and also
increases the friction coefficient.
2. At low velocities, Ertalyte (PETP) and Devateks had the lowest friction
torques in bearing loads. The same characteristics obtained at the medium
velocities (v = 1.041.57 m/s) were also obtained at to low velocities. But
dependent on the increase of the load, the friction torque value of Devateks
was lower than those of Ertalyte (PETP). The increase of bearing load caused
the increase of friction torque values at high sliding speed. At 2.09 m/s the
highest friction torque was encountered in Ertaylte (PETP). In general, for
constant of each sliding speed areas the friction torque values are increased by
the increasing of bearing load for four different materials, respectively.
3. When examining the drawn graphics we can find out that parallel to the
increase in sliding speed, the change of four polymer materials initial friction
torque values at all bearing loads also increased. At medium and high sliding
speed zones, the change in the friction torques is varied.
Devateks had the lowest friction torque values followed by PETP. ESTO DILO
4. Initially, the sliding distance based quantity of Ertalyte (PETP) and Devateks
increased and after that wear loss at sliding distance became lower. The reason
why the wear values of these four polymer based materials was high initially
was that the steel shaft and polymer material surfaces acclimatized to each
other, the roughness on the surface was damaged due to the contact, and a
transfer film was shaped [1]. Among the materials tested Ertalyte (PETP) had
the lowest wear value, whereas Devateks had the similar values as PETP had.
5. On examination of Fig. 9, we can find out that the working duration and heat
increased for each material. Ertalon 6 PLA (Cast Polyamide) had the least
change in terms of heat values. Ertalyte (PETP) had the highest heat increase
value. The increase at the other materials was nearly the same. As PETP had
high friction torque, the heat increase was great. ESTO TAMBIN DILO CON LAS
6. The test demonstrated that the most important factor that influenced the
friction and wear was the sliding speed. The increase of speed augmented the
friction coefficient. Bearing loads had relatively low effects. Regarding the dry
friction radial journal plastic bearings friction characteristics, Devateks had the
best friction characteristics in terms of sliding speed and load. Ertalyte (PETP)
had the second best friction characteristics in terms of sliding speed and load,
which might be preferred for the medium velocities.
As a result, Devateks had the best friction torque and friction coefficient values
among all of the tested materials. When we examined the wear values of the
material, PETP had the lowest wear rate. Considering the tribological features
of these materials, while designing plastic based journal bearing, the best
material to be preferred can be either Devateks or Ertalyte (PETP) depending
on the working conditions.