China Telecom Corporation, LTD.: Case Study
China Telecom Corporation, LTD.: Case Study
China Telecom Corporation, LTD.: Case Study
In May 2006, Shenzhen Telecom won the bid to develop
the communications network for Shenzhen citys Nanshan
District of China, a project that would connect government
offices, neighborhoods, schools and community healthcare
service centers. Shenzhen Telecom was tasked to extend
optical fibers throughout the area with the goal of improving
the governments ability to serve its people and promote
seamless and effective communication.
The China Telecom Shenzhen project team began work on
the Nanshan District on July 6, 2006, over a year after they
won the bid, and aimed to complete the project by November
of 2006. The total contract amount for the project was
The Nanshan District project presented various challenges
for the Shenzhen project team. Staying on schedule was a
primary concern as the signing of the contract, which would
officially launch the project, was completed late in the
schedule. Due to the delay of the contract, the team initiated
the project according to the information in the letter of
intent, which posed some problems as the letter of intent and
the actual contract differed slightly. This caused the team to
To ensure that the Nanshan District project was completed
on time and within the boundaries set by the District, the
Shenzhen project team utilized standards defined by PMI to
ensure successful collaboration and project management.
Due to the immense scope of the Nanshan District Network,
the leaders of Shenzhen Telecom attached great importance
to the project, terming it the No. 1 Project, and formed a
Project Management Committee, which would give the China
Telecom team structure and standardized processes. Under
the committee, there was a Client Coordination Team, Project
The Nanshan District Network project was successfully
completed on November 28, 2006ahead of the teams
target completion date. Through the use of proven project
management ideologies, the China Telecom team was not
only able to keep the project on schedule, but it was also able
to execute activities effectively and efficiently.
Given that they were so pleased with the execution and
outcome of the project, the Nanshan District government
awarded Shenzhen Telecom with a pennant for its
In addition to the great results and benefits that the Nanshan
District achieved, the project also produced significant
economic and social benefits for Shenzhen Telecom. In fact,
the success of the project has enhanced Shenzhen Telecoms
credibility as the top communications provider, truly making
the Nanshan District Network project the undisputable No. 1
Project for Shenzhen Telecom in 2006-2007.
Key achievements
The China Telecom Shenzhen project team was able to
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